#hellcheer music
hellfiretropical · 8 months
"Eu nunca tive muito a ver com ela
O livro que ela ama eu não li
Eu nunca tive muito a ver com ela
O filme que ela adora eu não vi
Como chegar nela eu nem sei
Ela é tão interessante e eu aqui pichando muro
Como chegar nela eu nem sei
Ela é tão diferente
E eu igual a todo mundo"
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daydreamslikewaves · 2 years
Are we going to talk about how this is one of the most Hellcheer-coded songs in existence?? Are we??
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hellcheerocracy · 2 years
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cunninghamchrissie · 3 months
HELLCHEER: fade to black.
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rose-n-gunses · 11 days
Okay so there's all the headcanons and AUs about Chrissy lives and helps the party clear Eddie's name but what if they failed. She's alive but he gets arrested anyway.
There's zero proof that he did anything (because he didn't) but in a small town in the middle of nowhere, confirmation bias has gotten the best of them. Eddie's lawyers are doing their best but there's only so much they can do against Jason's family and Fred's family and Patrick's family and all of their lawyers, not to mention the fact that the entire town has turned against him except for Hellfire, the Party, his uncle, and Chrissy.
The trial's a shit show, the judge is an asshole, the prosecution are assholes, the population of Hawkins are fucking assholes. And he loses. Of course he does, because there was never any other way this could have gone. Not when the real suspect is an interdimensional mind demon thing. Not when the entire town has been itching for an excuse to see him locked up. It's like blinders on a racehorse; they had him in their sights, finally, and he has no way out.
Chrissy had spent enough time in Hawkins' "high society" to know that these people fear and abhor that which they do not understand. They couldn't understand him, she could see that now. She watched them tear through his room, his car, his family, his history, his entire life, only to come up empty but still point at him and say "he did it" anyway.
It makes her furious. She wants to tear the limbs off of everyone in that courtroom, but she can't. So she does the next best thing.
She goes to law school.
She'd never really had the best grades, but now she has something to work for. It takes some time, but she never stops advocating, never stops fighting. Nancy's a big help, too. She's a journalist, she's got contacts in the industry that are helping to get the word out.
She writes him letters the whole time, too. By the time she graduates, damn near at the top of her class, she's realized that while she started this thing because of that deep-rooted sense of injustice that came out of watching the boy who saved her life get torn to shreds on the stand, it's turned into something else. Now she's fighting for him because she loves him (and maybe she had all along).
Eventually they get enough support from enough people, from enough big names (fucking Metallica, for one -- she couldn't tell them exactly how Eddie used their music to save her life, only that he did) that he's granted a new trial. This time, he doesn't get a shitty state-appointed attorney. He gets Chrissy fucking Cunningham, and she's not going down without a fight. (She feels it's the least she can do. She loves him, she owes him, she still feels like it's her fault, in a way.)
It's a long and gruelling process, appeals and analysis and arguments. She calls a probably record-setting number of character witnesses, brings the Party in to provide an alibi. (They all remember that week down to the last detail, even after all these years. Scars might fade but those memories don't.)
She's determined to beat this thing. She can tell that it's almost beaten Eddie, she knows that if they lose again he's going to give up, and she's not going to let that happen.
Finally they make it to trial and it's nowhere near as cinematic or dramatic as she had been imagining it for the last few years. It's the same agonizing slowness as the first time around, only this time there's hope. A glimmer of hope, a flash of hope, a blinding fucking beam of hope.
The place is packed this time, too, but it's mostly people there in support. Eddie nearly falls out of his chair when he sees James Hetfield sitting there. For him.
Chrissy finally gets to tear apart everyone that had been in that courtroom, only she gets to do it the way she's always done it best: with her words. She's got the odds stacked against Hawkins. They had no investigation, no evidence, just a hunch. They couldn't figure it out, couldn't explain it, so they called it a cult killing and found somebody weird!
The jury is appalled, thankfully. How could anyone possibly get convicted on such little evidence? The verdict is a unanimous not guilty, and then...it's all over.
Well, it's not over.
Eddie's released, he's reunited with his Hellfire, the Party, his uncle. Chrissy.
He loves her, too. Always has. How could he not, after all she'd done for him? He tells her he wants to marry her as soon as she'll let him and she says that he could've asked any time in the last however many years and she would have said yes in a heartbeat.
But first, she leads him away from the chaos for a moment of quiet. He thanks her and she shakes her head. She'd done it all for him the same way he'd stood on top of his trailer with his guitar.
And she tells him that. She'd been telling him for years, even if he couldn't hear it. She'd said it when she graduated high school, graduated college, passed her LSATS. She'd said it when she passed the bar and walked at her law school graduation and right before she walked into the courtroom. She says it again now, just so he knows she means it, because he'd meant it and he means everything to her.
Eddie, this is for you.
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agir1ukn0w · 3 months
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grace van dien (aka @quirly, aka chrissy cunningham✨) liked my aurora comment👀
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jessfandrawer · 1 year
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Uptown Girl
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a-strange-inkling · 1 year
Maggie: Dad, we love you, but we don’t want to go to Bard Camp with you this year.
Eddie: ……..
Maggie: Dad?
Livvy: Are you upset?
Eddie: …No. *sniffles*
Maggie: Then what was that sniff?
Eddie: Sniff? What sniff? I’m actually relieved. The day that I’ve been dreading, the day that you two finally out grow me has finally arrived and I’m handling it really well.
Maggie: Dad are you crying?
Eddie: *crying* No.
Livvy: Are you sure you’re okay?
Eddie: *still crying* Yep.
Maggie: Oh my God, he is crying.
Livvy: I’ve never seen Dad cry before.
Maggie: *starts crying* But Dad, if you start crying, I’ll cry!
Eddie: I’m not crying.
Livvy: *crying* We made our daddy cry!
Eddie: You call me daddy? *sobbing*
Maggie: Because you are our daddy! *sobbing*
Eddie: I’ll always be your daddy.
*all of them sobbing and ugly crying*
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Hellcheer Shenanigans: Pheromones (or Don’t be like Jason and demand a kiss. Be like Eddie instead).
Also yes I’m aware that the second panel doesn’t match up perfectly to the first, too lazy to go back and fix it.
I forgot his bat tattoos 😑
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darcylightninglewis · 15 days
is kinda basic? yes. is it still Hellcheer af? yes. do most of their songs give hellcheer vibes? you bet your denim covered ass it is they do.
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80ssunflower · 3 months
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Hey you beautiful people!! I was wondering if anyone had a Hell Cheer discord I could join? I’m really intrigued and would love to talk to more of you guys! 18+ only though please 😄
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danicalithegirl · 2 months
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The 3rd single from Echoes, Eternal Embrace, by Eddie Munson.
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frecklesandpoverty · 3 months
I totally missed Hellcheer week but here's my playlist once again this year lol
there's almost 400 songs on here now lollll I just added some more the other day
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spacecasehobbit · 11 months
I've posted about Neil Hargrove being the one to get flayed in S3 instead of Billy, but my other favorite character to imagine in Billy's place is Chrissy. There's just so much potential there!
S4 establishes what the other seasons were already making clear (one of the things that ST actually manages to be pretty consistent in showing!): that the Mind Flayer/Vecna/One chooses victims who are alone, victims who are struggling with feelings of trauma and isolation. In that way, any of Vecna's victims from S4 could have worked in Billy's place.
Imagine a Chrissy who got flayed and then lived through it (maybe the Party et. al. are more motivated to save someone who looks teeny and sweet and harmless; maybe Chrissy isn't as much a fighter as Billy so she grabs El and runs for it when El finally breaks through the MF's control). A Chrissy whose first victims included her abusive mom and the oblivious boyfriend who never really saw her as her own person, and who has to deal with the conflicting mess of feelings left behind in the aftermath of being forced to feed them - along with a whole slew of other townspeople - to a mass-murdering eldritch monster from another dimension.
On the one hand, of course it's immensely traumatizing! She feels so much guilt it seems like she'll be crushed under the weight of it some days; other days she doesn't know how to do anything but cry.
On the other hand, a part of her feels relieved that her mom and Jason are gone... which means she must be a monster, too, right? Only a monster would be glad that their mom and boyfriend weren't around, when the reason they were gone was because she fed them to the monster that killed them.
This now sets her up perfectly to find herself lost, adrift; isolated from her usual peer group, distanced from her dad who is also grieving the loss of his wife, feeling stained with innocent blood no matter how many showers she takes or how many times she scrubs her skin raw, until she winds up seeking out the local drug dealing supersenior just for a few precious hours of escape from her own head.
And maybe the local drug dealer is kinda cute, and surprisingly sweet, and he makes her laugh and smile for the first time in months. And she goes to him at first for chemical escape, but the longer she interacts with him the more she starts visiting for a friend.
(And maybe that makes her feel guilty, too, because she likes Eddie. Likes Eddie, the weirdo school freak who Jason always sneered about and looked down on for his satanist aesthetic and his poverty and his Unfortunate family history.
She likes Eddie the way she was supposed to like Jason but kind of didn't anymore even before she fed him to a monster. She likes Eddie in a way she's not sure she ever liked Jason, because Eddie makes her feel good about herself without ever making her feel like she's drowning in other people's expectations for her life. Eddie makes her smile, and he makes her laugh, and he makes her feel safe.
And she's not sure she deserves any of that, but she's getting pretty damn sure that she wants it.)
So when the Upside Down comes back this time, this version of Chrissy isn't unaware of it. She's still dealing with plenty of trauma and isolation in many parts of her life, but she isn't completely alone except for the one nice boy she's barely met before she dies. Instead, she figures out that it's back so quickly, and she goes to the person she's come to trust the most these days for help and to warn him, too.
And instead of dying in horrible pain, thinking she might be going mad and with no idea what's happening to her, traumatizing a boy she barely knows in the process and setting in motion the events that will lead to his death not long later, she and Eddie are able to face the Upside Down together and get each other through this interdimensional monster's latest attempt at destroying Hawkins together.
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lumax-mayclair · 11 months
I just love the idea of all of Hellfire being particularly weirded out when Chrissy starts hanging around them all the time, thinking ofc she’d be as mean and scary as all the other jocks, and only getting over it during one instance where they’re all trying to talk shit about her and realize none of them have anything bad to say. She’s never done anything to any of them and actually there were a couple of times, where if she hadn’t been there to distract Jason and his team, things could’ve been a lot worse for the little sheepies 😬
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rose-n-gunses · 30 days
HEY. hellcheer baby driver au. Okay carry on
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