hellboyslady · 8 months
Hellboy x Hillzanora by a dear friend of mine! His work is amazing! Well worth the wait and $$$!
More work of Hellboy & Hillzanora from this artist coming soon, so stay tuned in.
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hellboyslady · 1 year
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It finally arrived! I preorders this a few months ago well early last year and I love it I do not want to remove it out of the plastic for the moment because I do not want to brake the seals on them for the moment. Anywho I hope you all like this as much as I do. Let me know what you all think. I bought it from the @bombusbee_store, as far as I know it is official, now I got the exclusive edition for preordering it, I think you can still get it here: https://www.bombusbee.net/cd-05-hellboy-p5093.html , sadly you still have to pay for the shipping and it doesn’t come with the exclusive items, because it’s not pre-ordered anymore but they do also sell it on eBay but it’s 100$ more. #bombusbee #bprd #hellboy #robothellboy #lordpurgatory #lordpurgatoryhellboy #darkhorsecomics #darkhorsedirect #hellboyslady #hellboysgirl #anungunrama #anungunramaslady #anungunramasgirl #robot #robotversion #mikemignola #mikemignolashellboy #hellboyfan #hellboyfangirl #geek #nerd #geekgirl #nerdgirl #collector #figurecollection #figurecollector #hellboycomics #hellboyandthebprd #robotanungunrama #bureauforparanormalresearchanddefense https://www.instagram.com/p/CoKNZNGrFaFKuiP92xOJOOtyZ9RcwaJsBxYuno0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hellboyslady · 2 years
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Hellboy and Hillzanora done in Mike Mignola’s style, Drawn By: Leon Adelbert aka bruceymako on Instagram.
Hellboy is Copyrighted to: @artofmm
Hillzanora is (c) Copyrighted to: (me) @hellboyslady aka @hellboyfangirl .
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hellboyslady · 4 years
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••• I edited this image to fit my phone and a phone case I am going to have made later, I also wanted to change it up a little for fun! Hope you all like it...•••
The original image of Hellboy (Anung Un Rama) with my Character Hillzanora Knight (Nora for short as Hellboy calls her Hillita!) this was done for me by a good friend of mine: ( amarcus88lg ).
More on the way so stay tone.
Yes Even Anti-Hero’s Need love too! I sure hope Mike Mignola likes this as much as I do! 🥰.
#hellboy #hellboyandhillzanora #hillzanora #hellboy2019 #hellboycomics #hellboylove #hellboyswife #hellboysgirlfriend #hellboyslove #demon #demonsneedlovetoo #hellboyday #hellboyart #hellboyfanart #hellboyfangirl #hellboyfan #hellboysgirl #hellboyslady #anungunrama #hellboyanungunrama #mikemignola #mikemignolashellboy #hellboyinlove #x #hellboyxnora #anungunramaxnora #anungunramaxhillzanora
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