#hell maybe that last person is Petra and she's there against her will
butwhatifidothis · 3 years
I don't think Edelgard is comparable to a slasher villain. If she were, there'd not be anyone going about how she's morally right. Honestly? I think it's just that the writers couldn't decide on "do we make her a darker shade of morally grey/an antivillain or do we just go full villain?", and those waters got MORE mudied when they decided to make Crimson Flower at the last minute. Like, her actions and words are all over the place depending on the route. CF She's all "let us build a better future and make the world better etc etc equal society", meanwhile her fallen alt from blue lions is all "The strong shall rule! The weak shall no longer remain weak if they lose any help!"
Like, clearly all the shit that can be considered good isn't her lying or being hypocritical, since the devs LIKED Edelgard enough to make her a protag/hero of a route. If it were JUST her being a lying hypocritical scumbag, they wouldn't have potrayed her positively in CF and shit. Hell, you can include the random and stupid assassination bandit plan that lead to people making theories to make sense of it.
Her writing is just plain inconsistent, so she just seems like a complete idiot who has no idea what she's talking about. She talks about the "crest/nobility system" yet the devs never show us what this "crest system" shit she's talking about is like. They try to make her look more heroic in crimson flower, but never make the church of seiros look morally grey enough to WARRANT anything Edelgard does. Hell, they even have seteth go "edelgard seized the throne from her father" when in CF he basically gives up willingly. This isn't even something only Edelgard suffers from: ALL the black eagles join the empire, so either they're all morally bankrupt and stupid or Edelgard was meant to not be a complete and utter villain.
I said it before and I'll say it again: Three houses was fucking half baked and needed more time in the oven.
Ehhh that depends. Especially the “clearly all the shit that can be considered good isn't her lying or being hypocritical, since the devs LIKED Edelgard enough to make her a protag/hero of a route” bit, it’s entirely possible for a writer/group of writers to have a lying hypocrite be the protagonist of a story, especially since that story in and of itself goes against the base world-building of 3H’s story (aka it goes against SS). It’s a neat path to try and go down, honestly!
But otherwise yeah, I do agree that they weren’t committed to the bit enough to have Edelgard be bad imo. If she were allowed to be seen as morally bad by the cast without attempts at trying to lift her character, then CF would work way better. Like, if the other routes didn’t pull stuff like ”She can’t be this heartless tyrant, her men are fighting so hard for her on Myrddin” except yes she can and yes she is, “Really, me (Claude) and Edelgard’s ideologies aren’t that different in the end” except Claude wants to foster more openness with everyone and tries to achieve things in as peaceful and nonviolent ways as possible and Edelgard full on rejects the notion of people coming together for strength and forces her ideas on the people with violent force, that kind of stuff. 
If more thought was put into the other character’s reactions to Edelgard’s decisions, I doubt they would have been so eager to fight for her cause even with her charisma and lies. Ferdinand’s the only one of the BE students to show real hesitance with the idea of joining Edelgard, in the explore dialogue right before the war phase hits, but then he’s just as down with Edelgard as everyone else is. Everyone just never mentions Edelgard being the Flame Emperor, or ordering their now allies to kill them, or using Demonic Beasts a minimum of twice - one of those times against them - or how she’s connected to Remire, or any of the myriad of other things Edelgard - and Hubert - are connected to and/or involved in. Which yeah, makes them seems like either idiots or some of the worst people in the cast - which means that nearly everyone is like this, since nearly everyone can join CF.
CF could have been a really interesting route if it was allowed to be more... I dunno, freeform? Like if it didn’t have the chosen class be the guaranteed students you have with you and instead used the bosses you fight on the other routes - ya know, Ladislava, Randolph, Metodey (forbidden Metodey lore perhaps lmao), Jeritza, maybe some otherwise unseen NPC’s like Count Bergliez joinin’ in too. Hell, if you can find one more person you’d have a full class’ worth of playable units lol, but as is yeah, it’s just... not ideal, for sure
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artbyrivaille · 4 years
Hair ☕
Okay, so at the outset, I would like to emphasize that English is not my mother tongue and I am still learning. But writing is my hobby and I decided that I will try my skills here too, in English, I invite you to write requests, I hope you will like it!
3,5k words!
She was strong. She was a good soldier, commander, companion.
But she was also a beautiful woman with an amazing figure who was envied by many. Despite being quite short, because she was only five feet three, she had long slender legs. Overall, she was considered a beautiful woman. However, she had short hair.
Her hairstyle was practically identical to Levi's, but no one accused her of trying to look like him, as she was cutting her hair that way long before Ackerman joined the survey corps.
Oh, she and Levi. It was quite a sneaky topic, let alone the rumors around the body. They were often seen in each other's company, people interpreted it differently.
Some said it was just a friendship and a bond they established when Ackermann was part of her branch at the beginning of his career. And the others insinuated the supposed romance of the two. Well the versions were really different, but the truth was that y/n and good captain Levi were just two great friends. The woman was one of the few people who knew the man's past, and shared with him some facts about her. Because they both came from the Underground, however, and managed to get out of there on their own, and not with the help of scouts, as was the case with Levi.
At first they were not very sympathetic, quite the opposite. They had very similar characters, which theoretically should indicate that they will get along well, but that was only theoretically. In practice, they got on their nerves terribly.
But despite this aversion to a man, it was precisely this that helped him the most after the death of Farlan and Izabel. She provided him with comfort, help and warmth.  Something no one else could give him. It was thanks to her that he recovered so quickly, and he was in the place where he was at the moment.
At some point their relationship began to take a less formal path. More and more often they stayed at each other's offices, helped each other with Erwin's sentences, that is, documentation. They drank tea together, despite the fact that the brunette was a coffee advocate, she made an exception for Levi and almost completely gave it up. They had similar problems, especially those with sleep, may both of them suffer from insomnia, so when the entire corps was asleep, they sat in the two of them over documents, or simply spent their free time together.
Y/n did not even know the exact moment when she began to care in this other, more intimate way on the short captain. It came overnight. Of course, she was behaving the same as before, after all, she was not some horny teen, but a mature woman, but at the moment when she was going to the black-haired's office, or she just knew that he would see him, her body was flooded with heat. And maybe she wouldn't care so much if it wasn't for the fact that she had short hair.
She loved the short haircut, the long hair simply irritated her and disturbed the soldier's everyday life, but she was afraid that they might be an obstacle to any closer relationship with Ackerman.
She sat quietly in her office filling out paperwork for Erwin. She nervously tweaked her hair, which was longer than usual, because every time she tried to cut it, something was getting in the way and that was how it was already quite long.
The silence in the office was broken by the sudden opening of the door through which entered a black-haired man with pliers and a towel in his hand. He closed the door with a bang and set the items on the coffee table, then looked at the woman poring over reports and other documents.
"You have long hair." He said suddenly and walked closer to her chair, and when he was next to him, he entangled his hand in her dark strands. She breathed a breath and leaned against the back of the armchair, massaging her temples at the same time giving herself to the caress.
"I didn't have time to cut them off because of the last expedition, and with all the crap Erwin did, I have more work to do than ever. And Hanji keeps following me all the time and asks if I managed to convince Bushbread to do experiments on titans." She explained in frustration then exhaled her mouth with a whistle.
"Tch, fucking shitty glasses. Come on, rest a little, cut off your hair, and you will give me a haircut." He replied then pulled the woman's chair back and, grabbing her hand, led her to the bathroom. She was so tired of it all that she didn't care, and the presence of a cobalt-eyed woman was calming, so she didn't resist. "Get your hair wet." He gave the order, which she followed by putting her head in the shower and then she wet her hair with a stream of water. Ackermann handed her a towel, which she grabbed and dried her hair.
Let the two go back to the brunette's office, meanwhile she took off her jacket and threw it on the couch, which Ackermann only huffed, but said nothing. She sat down without a word on the low stool that the man had prepared at that time. He ran a hand through her hair a few times and began carefully trimming it.
"Can I ask you a question?" She finally gave up y/n, unable to withstand the silence in the room
"You ask them anyway, so why do you ask me for permission." The bored man replied by which l/n raised the corner of her mouth in a small smile.
"What do you think about women with short hair?" She asked, and black hair stopped breathing for a moment. What the hell was that about? Is this some kind of provocation?
"What am I supposed to think. They are no less feminine because they do not have long hair, their appearance does not define a person." He replied quite neutral, not realizing that he had just kindled a little ray of hope in his friend's heart. "And why do you ask?"
"Because I care about someone, and all in all, I wanted to know your opinion." Ah yes. His heart leapt into his throat, and his stomach seemed to have a 3D maneuvering device.  Someone did she like? But who the hell. After all, the only men with whom she spent time was himself, Erwin, sometimes he encountered Moblit in the company of Hanji and Mike. Who could steal her heart enough to make her care about her hairstyle? Probably Erwin. That fucking perfect general.
Maybe Levi didn't have complexes as such, but he was always a little jealous of Smith. He had a perfect body, he was tall, intelligent, had a high position in the military, and he came from a non-poor family. He was nothing compared to the blonde, he had nothing to offer. And he would like so much to have her with him.
"I'm done." He muttered softly brushing single hairs from the woman's clothes. She got up from the stool and unintentionally combed her dark hair. She looked beautiful, but he wouldn't tell her that.
"Your turn." She said and took the pliers from his hand. This time it was he who sat on the stool. He involuntarily smiled under his breath and closed his eyes at the woman's gentle touch. He was literally like a docile kitten. Why couldn't she be his?
He had been avoiding her like plague for about two weeks. He was irritated by the lack of a black-haired woman around him, but he knew that if it was like before, he would take the blow even worse.
A blow that would never come.
Y/n really didn't know what she could do wrong. After all, everything was fine, and then overnight Ackerman began to avoid her. Maybe he just got bored?
At first she explained his ignorance with overwork, in the end everyone in the command had their heads off. But when one day in a row she saw him sitting quietly with Petra, she knew it was not it. By the way, seeing a redhead in his company, something broke in her. What did this teenager have that she did not have? Did their relationship really mean nothing to him? So many questions, so few answers.
And this way almost every evening she landed in Erwin's office with Hanji with a bottle of whiskey or vodka, depending on what Smith had in the bar. Erwin and Hange really couldn't comprehend the change in brunet's behavior, and the sight of a really hurt l/n was so pathetic as to be nasty.
And so the next evening the three gathered in Smith's office where they once again debated about the captain's behavior.
"I do not feel it completely, so change the attitude towards people overnight. 
I know that our curly pedantic has its own rules, but without exaggeration." Hanji announced, finishing the rest of the whiskey from her glass.
"Maybe something made him do it?" Smith replied, then grabbed his chin.
"Tch, and this thing is called Petra Ral, really fascinating." Black-haired girl summed up pouring herself and Zoe whiskey.
Their conversations were so loud that they interested Ackerman who was just about to make himself a cup of tea. But when he heard three familiar voices, he stood at the door of Smith's office, listening to what was being said.
"Don't take it for granted." Erwin said and frowned by the high concentration of alcohol in his glass.
"So what could be the reason Levi is ignoring me then? Just like logic Erwin, there are two options, or he has something to me and he distorts what is unfortunately but impossible because he always treated me only as a friend. Or he just shoots with Petra, and that's what I believe more. "Did they talk about him? What romance with Petra? And y/n cared for him the way he wanted it, but he's just an idiot and he broke it? He held his breath for a moment and tried to enter the room, but stopped himself and continued to stand still.
"Like it or not, I have to agree with the above.  Although I keep my fingers crossed for the first version." Squeaked at the end of the woman, which caused a loud sigh of disapproval from y/n.
"Shut up Hanji, I don't want to hope again for something that will never happen." She growled angry and hurt. She really cared about him. Not on any Erwin, Moblit or Mike, but on him. On a goddamn Underground thief with a hard character and misophobic aspirations. Damn it, don't let this be a dream.
He walked away from the door and headed for his office. He has even forgotten why he left it at all. He sat down at the desk and stared blankly at the sky until the very morning, trying to put everything in his head. He must try to fix what he broke.
Like a day like every other day. There was no expedition, no surprises, just an ordinary day in the recon. Well, maybe almost. Because Ackerman had been nervous and a little stressed since the morning. And it wasn't just because he wanted to talk to y/n seriously, but largely because he couldn't find her anywhere. As to spite that day, she sank underground, his only salvation could be Erwin. Which office was on his way to. The evening and dinner time was approaching, so he wanted to come to him before her, to look for the presence of a woman at the last meal, if necessary.
He entered the office without knocking, Smith merely looked up from the mountain of documents he had probably been studying since this morning, then turned him back to the sheets of paper.
"What you want Levi?" He asked breaking the silence prevailing in the room. He was pretty sure why this one had come to him, but preferred not to reveal all the cards at once.
"Where is y/n"?  Erwin sighed and then put down his quill and straightened up in his chair. He was afraid of Levi's reaction, but what could he do if the milk had already spilled?
"She went on a mission. She should be back in two or three days at the most." He replied with a straight face in the middle being a bit irritated by the reaction of the black-haired man.
"What mission? And why the hell didn't I know anything about this." Ackerman asked, very angry with the news once again.
"Maybe because you've been avoiding her for a long time? Maybe because it's a secret mission, I'm not obligated to tell you everything, Levi. I respect you and treat you as a friend, so I will give you some friendly advice. Think about what you really want and don't screw it up. I don't think I need to tell you what I'll do to you if you hurt her, not to mention Hanji." A faint smile affected his lips at the end of his speech.
"It's none of your business anymore. Thank you for the information." He replied coolly and, not worried about the threat of his friend, left his office.
So he was supposed to wait? He hated waiting. Uncertainty burst him from the inside, these few days will probably be a real nightmare for him.
It was well past nine o'clock, so most of the Corps' soldiers were resting in their quarters. Only a few officers were still in the courtyard. And Levi was watching them from his office.
Week. She has been gone since fucking week.
And he was consumed not only by uncertainty, but also by fear. Because they didn't know anything, not even Erwin, who entrusted the woman with this mission. Through it all, the captain was irritated and angry from day to night. Everyone wanted to be as far away from him as possible. Even Petra must have found out about his bad mood when some two days after y/n's departure, she felt bad for the fact that she smiled at him instead of focusing on cleaning. The last time he was afraid was when he first left for exeption.
Suddenly, a horse ran into the courtyard, on the back of which was a scout, but he was clearly unconscious, barely clinging to his mount. At first, Ackerman did not move from his place, but when he heard the screams about the return of squad leader l/n and summoning the medics, he sprinted out of the office.
When he was already leaving, he saw only a brunette, which two cadets were carrying on a stretcher to the infirmary. There was blood everywhere, and the worst case scenario flashed through his mind. She might have died.
He knew that they would not let him into the infirmary anyway, and the cadets didn't know anything, the only option was once again Erwin. What a mission it was to make her come back like this.
He hurried to Smith's office and threw open the door. He did not care about the surprised face of Hanji, who was sitting on the blonde's couch, but he walked over to the man and grabbed him tightly by the collar of a white shirt.
"What was that mission? And why did you send her over there alone, don't you care that she's just fighting for her life?" He was screaming at the top of his throat, he didn't care what everyone thought of him right now, he didn't care about the consequences, he only cared that he could lose her before he actually possessed her.
"In Stohess there is a man who leads the gang. It interfered with various shipments and the like. They are also active in the Underground. The task was to diversify into their ranks, apparently she did not quite succeed." He replied with stoic calm which made the black-haired man even more angry.
"Have you been really fucked up? Such a mission is not a job for one person, it is for the rest. Such matters should be handled by the MP's, not us!" He shouted and pushed the blonde back so that he almost fell from his chair.
"Only that they interfered mainly with transports to our corps. Mostly those not entirely legal. You know very well that a large amount of drugs and medical equipment we have is not entirely legal, but it is needed. I wanted to send the two of you on this mission, because both of you know the Underground, but she did not agree to you taking part in this mission. Probably because you were not getting along at that point." The man explained succinctly, and Ackerman said nothing. It was his fault, his goddamn fault. If only he wasn't such an asshole, nothing bad would have happened.
Until now, a silent Hanji came up to the shorter man and put her hand on his shoulder, the latter turned towards her, close to crying. Holy shit what she did with him.
"You'll finish later, for now, go to her." She ordered, and he nodded and without a word headed for the infirmary.
"When will she wake up?" He asked one of the medics, who was just finishing treating single wounds on the body of an unconscious woman.
"She should wake up in the morning. But probably not for long, he has to rest a lot now. She lost a lot of blood, it is surprising that she was even going here alive." She replied and got up from the small stool, putting the remnants of bandages and other medicaments on a silver tray. "But take it easy, she will get out of this, squad leader l/n is a damn tough woman, not just character.  She will lick it." She added after a moment with a slight smile on her face trying to cheer the man up.
"I know she's strong." He replied quietly, his head bowed and his hands folded.
"So just be patient. I think she survived because she had someone to return to." She laughed softly and just left the room, leaving the slightly confused captain with the unconscious woman.
He slowly walked over to her bed and sat down next to it on the wooden chair. He grabbed her chilled hand and pressed it to his lips, giving it a tender kiss. He had to wait.
And so the hours went by, and Levi spent them thinking about his feelings for the woman and simply gazing at her adoringly.
She was so beautiful, he loved everything about her. From a smile that could not be seen too often, ending with short hair. He was lazily combing them almost all the time, not being surprised how pleasant they are.  He did not even notice that it was starting to dawn, and the soldiers of the corps were slowly waking up to start another day of service. He also did not notice that Erwin accompanied by Hanji arrived in the room in the meantime, but when they saw the man sitting next to the y/n, they only smiled at each other and left, leaving them alone, of course they gave each other high five for fruitful cooperation.
"Wake up now, because these feelings will blow me up soon." The words were coming out of his mouth involuntarily. His eyes were closed, he tried to focus, to be patient. "I overheard your, Hanji and Erwin conversation about me. I really was an idiot. I shouldn't be away from you, that's why you're here at all. If I hadn't, you wouldn't be lying here, I wouldn't have allowed it. I have plans to blame Erwin for letting you go on this mission alone. But you don't know how much I was bursting from the inside by the thought that you care about someone, and that someone is not me. I was so fucking jealous. Ugh, feelings are a pain in the ass. You don't even know what you're doing with me. I just love you, and I love everything about you." There was a silence in the room, and the man breathed a sigh of relief, finally blurted out into the crowd of thoughts.
"Even my short hair?" Silence, a hoarse voice broke the silence in the room. The man immediately opened his eyes and straightened in his chair, a smile spread across his face at the sight of the woman's open eyes.
"Even short hair." He replied and once again ran his hand through it, and placed the other on her cheek.
"I heard everything, you idiot. Love you too." She said and smiled broadly as he reciprocated.
"I love you too." He replied and pressed their lips together in a kiss.
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heybeybey · 3 years
Ready, Set, Don't Go
Words: 1,833
Genre: Angst/Family
Rating: G Summary: Levi may have resigned from the military, but he'd underestimated how much his daughter is as much of a fighter as him and Petra. (Set almost 2 decades after canon events)
Happy Father's Day, folks!
I'm sorry for contributing slight angst today but don't worry, nobody dies. 👍 Also here, have some wheelchair Levi and a teenage Ackerbaby.
And thank you to @levis-petras for being my beta for this fic 💖
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Levi wasn't much for celebrations ever since he was young. In fact, he only recognizes five dates that are worth commemorating:
His wife's birthday.
His daughter's birthday.
His twins' birthday.
His and Petra's wedding anniversary.
And Mother's Day, but that one wasn't just for Petra. Truthfully, it was also the only way he gets to celebrate his late mother. He barely remembers her birthday, and he wasn't even sure he knew in the first place.
So, you see, he only celebrates when it's all about the people he holds dear. He doesn't really see the point in All Hearts Day or even his birthday. A more cost-efficient option too.
However, it still hurts that he's spending Father's Day this way.
The day started off normally. He woke up to Petra peppering kisses down his neck, greeting him a Happy Father's Day. The twins—Luke and Philip—then came bouncing in, both boys eager to show him the cards they drew for him.
He came down to Izzy brewing tea—a blend his daughter bought for him as a gift—and greeting him with a hug. He'd have to admit that it's been nice to be coddled by his family.
Then came dinner time.
He noticed that Izzy had been uneasy the past few days, and all those nerves seemed to have culminated during dinner. The brat had been on edge the whole day that he had to snap at her to just spill it.
It first started with an off-hand comment about how there will be a ceremony the next day for new military recruits. He sees his wife give Izzy an encouraging look from the corner of his eyes as she stumbles through her words.
Izzy, who's not much of a great liar to begin with, quickly muttered 'I signed up for the military.' and refused to meet his eyes.
"I know that you might not agree now and that you and mom had been through a lot," Izzy starts to explain in a rush. "But I know this is what I'm meant for dad! I think there's not going to be a lot of battles to fight and it's more just—"
"No," he cuts off.
Her squeaking words quickly turned into a hiss, and it only got worse when he demanded that he drop her spot.
Soon, Petra was ushering their twins up to the second floor, knowing how arguments between father and daughter can get nasty.
"This is not fair!"
"The answer is no, Izzy," he said, matching his teenage daughter's tone. He rolls his wheelchair to follow her all the way to their house's front door, hearing her rage around the house. "Oi brat, what did I say about banging on the fucking furniture?"
He distinctly hears Petra scold, "Language, Levi!" from upstairs, but both father and daughter ignores her.
"I'm 16 now, dad," she snaps back, ignoring his last comment. "You can't tell me what to do."
Izzy finally turns around to face him, never one to back down. She's looking at him now with fury in her eyes and a retort ready on her lips.
Definitely her father's daughter.
"Do you even know what you're doing, Izzy?" He said, voice finally softening as he takes in the loaded backpack on her back. He feels the weight of her decision then.
"I wouldn't have signed if I didn't."
He'd always had a hunch that Izzy was fond of the military. Too fond for his taste, if he's going to be honest about it.
Guilt pinches him a bit whenever he thinks back to his promise that he would stand by his children no matter the choices they make. Even at the age of 56, he remains steadfast to his belief to live a life with no regrets.
But he'd be damned before he even allows any of his children to enlist.
So the first time she daydreamed of becoming a soldier at the tender age of eight, he had quickly shut down the idea.
"Here, girls like dolls right?" he had said as he pushed the plushie to her arms. He doesn't really give a damn whether she likes toys that are meant more for girls or boys. He'd buy her anything she asks for, budget permitting. But for some reason, that moment had settled uneasily in his gut. "I bought this for you today."
"But I want that one!" she'd screech, pointing at the display of two toy dual broadswords.
Petra had reprimanded him, telling him that he shouldn't discourage their child just because of their experiences. He could only give his wife a worried look in return.
Izzy was 11 the next time she approached the topic, asking him about his time as Captain Levi Ackerman. While he and Petra had moved out of Paradis since the Battle of Heaven and Earth, never even thinking of looking back, Petra was able to keep a few portraits of their team and the other Scout veterans.
Izzy, the curious young teen that she was, found them.
"See, it says here that you were a captain!" Izzy exclaims, eyes sparkling with excitement and reverence. She'd been bouncing to and from the box with the portraits and other memorabilia during his and Petra's time in the Scouts. She then settled down, looking from the portrait of a younger version of Levi with Erwin to her father's scarred face now. Levi feels his hands clenching on the armrests of his wheelchair, his vision starting to blur the more he looks at his former commander's face.
"It's so cool that you were in the military. And that you even had a high position! Do you think I'll also become a captain in the future? Maybe you can train me so I can reach that level! Please dad, can you tell me more? Is that why you have that badass scar? Mom won't tell me anything—"
Brat didn't know that he was there until the end. He doesn't know what they teach in history classes to children nowadays, but he and Petra had agreed that there's no sense in mentioning their time as soldiers and the literal hell they've been through to any of their children.
Not really a good bedtime story for kids.
The thought of his own child witnessing the same shit he and Petra went through was enough to give him a new set of nightmares every night.
"She's young, Levi," Petra consoles him after he sat up sweating from a nightmare. Tears were also streaming down her cheeks as she clings on to his bare shoulder. "She might still change her mind."
The last time Izzy mentioned it, she was 14. Everything was starting to pick up again during that time. Paradis' military, unsurprisingly, was the strongest.
Armin came over to tell them that a new order will be established—a neutral party from different nations that they all hope would promote and retain the fragile facade of peace they all had before one side goes batshit crazy. Arlert had been the same level-headed young man that he was since Levi had to revive his charred ass back in Shiganshina as he explained everything to the former captain.
With this change came a new branch of military for implementation.
Izzy had been starry eyed since then.
"This might be the world's chance to truly fix things," she babbled on that whole day—a mixture of rants about the current state and how everything is being handled, and reverence at the possible future this change might bring.
"Imagine... Imagine being a part of that..." Izzy had trailed off then, eyes faraway but lit up with optimism.
All Levi can hear and see is another Isabel from years past.
Back then, he'd chalked it all up to the fanciful thinking of a child who doesn't know any better. Now, Levi desperately wants to believe that maybe this is just a rebellious teenage phase. He'd been around a lot of teenagers during his time and he'd witnessed how crazy they can get.
Like Eren and—
He tears himself away from the memory before his mind fucks him up further. He and Petra already deals with it on an almost nightly basis, and it's a thought he'd rather not dwell on during his waking hours.
The living room was quiet for a moment as both father and daughter stare each other down. Levi looks at his first-born now—committed and kind like Petra, blunt and fearless like him. The best of his and his wife's qualities mixed together.
But who knows when shit will go down again? Things were shaky enough in this damned world as it is. While he and Petra were able to find their own safe spot to raise their children in, one can never be too complacent.
He'd already lost too much, and most days he wakes up thinking that even his family is temporary. There one day, gone the next.
"I can do my part this way, dad," Izzy finally replies, drawing her father back to the present. She sighs, dropping down her bag and kneels on one side of his wheelchair so they'd be at the same level. "Like what you did. Like what you and mom did."
He remains quiet as he takes in the determination in her eyes. It's the same look Petra would have more than two decades ago when she saves another soldier from being titan shit. The same look his daughter would have whenever she refuses to let go of a toy before bath time back when she was a toddler.
He knows then that there's no swaying her from her decision.
"You're too much like your mother," Levi says, resigned. They even have the same strawberry-blonde bob, he notes. Izzy gives him a sad smile then.
"You're just too old to 'deal with my teenage bullshit', dad," Izzy retorts to lighten the mood, doing her best to imitate her father's previous rants.
He doesn't tell her that maybe what he's too old for is the possibility of losing another person he holds dear.
- - - -
When he sees her off the next morning, already in the uniform issued by the military, he decides that he'd rest easier at night knowing that Izzy believes he's there to support her. He fought for Paradis' freedom for half his life. Why would he rob his daughter from her freedom to choose the path she wants?
"I'm proud of you, Izzy," Levi whispers against her ear as she hugs him tightly, fighting against his desire to beg her to not to go. It may be uncharacteristic of him to want to sob out and cling further to her but damn it, this is his daughter.
But Izzy's breath hitches at his words, and tears soon started to fall. His own arm encircles tightly around her while he supports himself with a crutch. She looks at him gratefully, true joy in her eyes, and that was enough to stop him from forbidding her further.
"You're not allowed to die," he mutters instead—so similar to the 'encouraging words' he gave the young recruits he guided before.
Izzy laughs through her sobs and teases him, "Is that an order, 'captain'?"
"Damn right it is, brat," he replies, fondly ruffling her hair.
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levi-lover · 4 years
New Light Part: 2
College Levi x Reader(Modern AU)
W/C: 5.2k 
T/W: None
A/N: Levi is a moody English major who spends his free time reading at the local cafe. I’m having a lot of fun writing this ! (pic from pinterest)
I’ve put all the parts in one list here:  New Light Masterlist
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Levi’s POV
Levi and Erwin sat in silence on their drive home. The blinker would occasionally fill the car with a strong click. Levi counted the lit up rooms in the passing apartments. Five, Six, Seven… He wanted to keep his mind off of you, the way your hair framed your face, your hand caressing the mug, the way you pressed your lips together when you listened someone speak. 
“So, how long have you known (Y/N)?” Erwin asked as if he knew Levi was thinking about you.
“A couple of months,” he responded. 
“Do you like her?” Erwin prodded. 
“She’s nice,” Levi said. 
Erwin nodded, he knew better than to ask further. 
This was how their conversions normally went, Erwin would begin with a blunt statement and Levi would respond in a short manner. From an outsider’s perspective, it might have seemed like the two men weren’t friends but this dynamic worked for them. Erwin was straightforward with what he wanted and Levi didn’t like talking about personal subjects, even with one of his closest friends. 
When they arrived to their shared apartment, they said their goodnights and went into their rooms. Erwin had to be up early tomorrow for a debate meeting and Levi wanted to be alone. After they moved out of the dorms they decided to keep living together because it was the most cost effective option and plus Levi liked that Erwin was as neat as him, almost as neat. They lived in an old, walk-up apartment ten minutes away from Wall Rose University in a quiet neighborhood. They’ve been living there for three years now and had no plans to move out anytime soon. 
Levi opened the window slightly to let the cool air in, raindrops fell from the gutter and filled the dark bedroom with gentle taps.. He laid down on the bed and breathed in the smell of the city and old books in his room. He closed his eyes and let his body melt into the bedsheets, he used the same lavender fabric softener his mom loved. Mmm, I should give her a call tomorrow, he thought. He felt his thoughts bounce around in his head but he was too tired to unravel them. Levi focused on his breathing and eventually his thoughts subdued into lenient bystanders. 
There was silence around him when suddenly, you popped up in his thoughts. Levi let out a small sigh. Fuck, what are the odds of her knowing Hange. Hange of all people,the one person who doesn’t know how to shut up, Levi thought. Frustration began to fill his chest. He wanted you to meet his friends and he wanted to know more about you but he didn’t want it to happen like this. Levi wanted to do it right with you. He knew wasn’t the most charismatic or hospitable person and romance wasn’t his forte. Romance, Levi thought and chuckled. He remembered Erwin’s earlier question. Do I like her? 
He sat up and pinched the bridge of his nose with his index and forefinger. He didn’t have a ton of experience with romance. His only relationship with Petra ended in a disaster, she broke up with him after feeling neglected for months. That was never Levi’s intent, he loved her but he didn’t know how to express it. Whenever he saw her on campus she would always give him a smile and wave which Levi would reciprocate. He regretted the way everything ended but he was thankful she didn’t hold a vengeance against him. He was 18 and foolish but he was older now and slightly less foolish. 
Levi looked out the window and started to form a plan in his head. It was evident he had some sort of feelings for you, you were funny, pretty, easy to talk to and you cared about what he had to say. He smiled as he remembered how earnestly you looked at him while he explained the latest book he was reading, he started reading books he thought you might like. Shitballs, maybe I do like her. There was nothing he could do now, he didn’t want to do anything until he had a better understanding about what you were thinking. He nodded his head, proud of his plan. 
The hardwood floor creaked as Erwin walked over to the bathroom. Outside of the window, the sky was beginning to glow with a soft orange hue. Levi closed the curtain, pulled off his clothes and tucked himself into bed. He curled his body around a pillow and slowly began to drift off, eager to wake up to begin his plan. 
The crisp autumn hit your face as you opened the doors to the lecture hall. You felt light and airy after finishing your genetics midterm. It was one of the hardest tests you’ve taken but you felt okay about it. Hange had helped you study for the past week and their enthusiasm and studying techniques helped you out immensely. I owe them big time, you thought. Your phone buzzed in your pocket, it was Hange.
You: thank uuu, i feel good about it! 
Hange: YAY! We’re out in the park blocks! Join us!
You: ok !
You stared at the screen and re-read the conversation. Join us...they must mean Levi and Erwin. You scoffed the tip of your boot into the pavement, the familiar feeling of nerves began to dance in your stomach. Slowly, you made your way to the park blocks, the on-campus park where students would have picnics and study sessions. Students began to pour out of lecture halls and other buildings, eager to celebrate the end of midterms week. There was an undeniable feeling of excitement as they cheered and laughed. 
You stood at the edge of the park looking for the trio. Levi waved his hand from a picnic bench and smiled at you. Your heart momentarily stopped and you realized you’ve never seen him outside of the cafe. He was wearing a hunter green sweater and his black overcoat. The wind feebly moved through his hair but even from farway you could see the deep circles around his eyes. You made your way to the trio and gave out a half-hearted hello.
“(Y/N)! How do you feel?!” Hange shouted.
“Fucking relieved,” You said. Levi smiled. 
“I’m proud of you, (Y/N). Hange told us about all the hours you studied for the exam.” Erwin gave you a thumbs up. 
“Thanks, dude. How were your midterms?” You asked as you sat down next to Erwin. 
“They went well! I think I got an A on my Political Theory exam but we’ll find out soon enough.” 
“Erwin, you clown, you know you aced that test.” Hange rolled their eyes. “But thanks to the lovely Levi, I know I got an A on my essay.”
Levi frowned. “Tsk, I was surprised you even knew how to spell.”
Hange hit Levi’s shoulders and he swiped back. 
“Hey, stop it you two,” Erwin scolded. “I swear, they’re like children.” 
You laughed and nodded. The Levi you knew was always stoic and calm but Hange brought out a different side of him. He looked happier even when he was annoyed. You grabbed a dead leaf from the table and started to pull it apart, rubbing the dead plant bits between your fingers. 
“Are you good?” Levi’s voice broke your concentration. You looked up and met his gray-blue eyes.
“Yep, all good here.” You smiled at him and he returned one back. 
“That’s fantastic! So tonight. Ymir’s Bar at eight. Got it?” Hange ordered. 
Erwin and Levi nodded in response and looked at you. Your eyes darted between the three of them.
“Uh, I would love but I’m hanging out with a few people tonight.”
“Please, join us! Your friends are more than welcome to come, the more the merrier,” Hange begged.
“I beg to differ…” Levi mumbled.
“Shut up, grumps.” Hange elbowed Levi and returned their gaze back to you. “It’ll be fun, I’ll buy you a shot.”
You rolled your eyes, “fine, but I’m buying you a shot. I owe you, Hange.”
Hange squealed and clapped their hands. “Yay! My friend, Moblit will tag along too. You haven’t met him yet but he’s great and such a talented artist. You’ll love him.”
“Sweet, I’m excited, can you send me the address?” You responded. Hange nodded. 
“Who are you hanging out with?” Erwin asked.
“Oh, uh. My boyfriend and some of our friends,” You muttered. 
“I didn’t know you had a boyfriend. (Y/N) why didn’t you tell me?” Hange asked, heartbroken. 
Erwin glanced at Levi. He was looking at the grains in the table, his heart sank but he knew better than to let his friends know. 
“I don’t know. It didn’t seem like the most important thing to talk about during our study sessions.” You were unsure why but you felt defensive over Hange’s comment. 
Hange looked hurt at your response, you felt a pang of regret. You didn’t mean to keep your relationship a secret but your life didn’t revolve around your relationship so it felt pointless to bring him up. The air around the table was tense and cold. The sun was setting and the four of you were on the brink of being enveloped by the shadow of a large lecture hall. 
“Regardless, I’m eager to meet your boyfriend and friends,” Erwin said in a strained voice. 
“Yeah, I’m excited for all of you to meet. I think I’m going to go home and get ready.” 
“Of course, we’ll see you soon,” Erwin said in a quiet tone. 
You waved goodbye to all of them, the trio waved back and you made your way to the bus station. As you waited for the bus, you sent your boyfriend a message to meet your new friends at Ymir’s. He sent back a simple thumbs up emoji as a response. You pulled out a pair of headphones and blasted music to drown out your thoughts. Yet Levi’s face kept on appearing in your head, the way the sunlight caressed the hard lines of his face, his honest smile when he was with his friends, the way his eyes lost their glow when you announced you had a boyfriend. We never did anything. Hell, I didn’t even know his name until last week so why should I care what he thinks. We’re just coffee shop friends, that’s it. The bus pulled to the stop, you waited for everyone to exit before entering and made your way to the back window seat. The glass was cold on your forehead but it felt nice. You sighed, preparing yourself for a night out with your new friends and your boyfriend.
Levi’s POV
After you left, Hange and Erwin looked at Levi with concern in their eyes. Levi noticed their stares and glanced up at them.
“The fuck you looking at,” he growled.
“Levi, I’m sorry,” Hange whispered.
“About what?” He scoffed.
Erwin was about to speak but Levi abruptly got up and buttoned his coat. “I’m going home. I’ll see you both at Ymir’s.”
Erwin and Hange exchanged a look and nodded. When Levi made up his mind there was no stopping him. They watched him walk away, his head was slightly lower than usual. Levi walked over to the bike rack and unhooked his black low handle bicycle. In one smooth motion, he drapped his leg over the seat and began to peddle home. The wind hurt his face and burned his lungs but he pushed harder and harder on the pedals. Crouching down on the seat as he biked up the hills, hoping to ride away from the bench to run away from his disillusion that you could love him.
A few hours later, Erwin, Hange and Moblit entered the apartment. Hange called out to Levi.
“Hey, Mr. Grumps! We have something for yoooou!!” They called out.
Levi moaned and rolled out of bed, his bare feet hit the cold ground as he dragged himself to the living.
“What is it, Four Eyes? Hey, take off your disgusting shoes,” he scolded. “Oh, hey, Moblit.”
Moblit raised his head slightly as a hello. He wasn’t a man of many words. Hange held up a bottle of whiskey and grinned. “So we could pre-game. Take this as a thank you present for helping me write my essay.”
Levi rolled his eyes and smiled. He was touched by Hange’s generosity but he would never dare show it to them.
“I’ll grab us some mugs,” Erwin said and began to walk towards the kitchen.
“No, Erwin! Tonight’s a shot type of night,” Hange said deviously.
The three men looked at them and hesitantly nodded. They wanted to relax and unwind but a  night out led by Hange always ended up with someone’s head in the toilet. Still, they each filled a shot glass, cheered and downed the alcohol. They drank for a while, everyone’s faces were glowing. Hange was blasting music and dancing. Moblit watched them with admiration. Erwin and Levi were giggling over something stupid Erwin said.
Erwin looked at the clock, it was closing in on 8. “Shit, we should get going.”
“Hey, man watch your mouth. And maybe we should stay in. It’s cheaper,” Levi said.
“Levi, noooo. We can’t do that. We told (Y/N)  that we would meet her at Ymir’s!” The alcohol was already getting to Hange.
“Who’s (Y/N)?” Mobit asked.
“My friend from genetics! And Levi’s too,” Hange proclaimed.
Levi rolled his eyes. “Tsk, she’s not my friend. I hardly know her.”
“Mmm, if you say so.”
“Whatever, let’s go,” Levi said curtly.
The four of them grabbed their coats and headed to Ymir’s. It was only a ten minute walk from their place. Hange let everyone know that you had already arrived and saved a table on the back patio. As they walked, they talked about their finals and plans for the upcoming break.  When they arrived at Ymir’s, they pushed open the door and entered the humid room. The bar was full of people celebrating the weekend, a couple was making out in one of the booths and people were lined around the bar. They ordered their drinks and walked through the back doors.
Levi’s hands began to sweat and he felt a lump in his throat when he saw you. You looked beautiful under the glow of the patio lights, you were smiling and had a beer glass on your lips and you were laughing. Erwin stood in place and Hange stopped their chatter.
“Oh, so that’s what they’re doing now,” Hange spouted.
They were referring to Zeke who had their arm around you and to Porco and Pieck who were sitting across from you and your boyfriend.
You saw the group at the back entrance and waved. Your nerves from earlier were completely forgotten after your second beer. Zeke rubbed his thumb against your shoulder and you smiled out of habit. You made eye contact with Levi and gave him a toothy grin, his eyes darted away. Your friends looked at the party headed towards them and stopped talking but you didn’t notice.
“Hey, I was wondering if y’all forgot where the bar is,” you joked but no one laughed.
“Erwin. Levi. It’s been a while,” Zeke stated.
You looked at him confused. “What? You know them?”
Zeke chuckled, “yeah, I guess I do.”
“Zeke, it’s nice to see you again. Same to you Porco and Pieck,” Erwin stated.
Porco and Pieck looked at each other and smiled. “It’s nice to see you too, Erwin,” Pieck said in a sweet voice.
Levi glared at the way Zeke’s arm was draped across your shoulder. He gritted his teeth. Hange noticed how tense he was getting and placed a hand on his shoulder.
“What a small world! I’m glad everyone knows each other. Guys, sit down!” You motioned at the empty seats at the table, completely misreading the space.
Hange was the first to sit and the rest followed. The table was quiet for a few minutes, everyone sipped on their drinks.
“Levi, I like your scarf,” You pointed to the black scarf draped across his body.
“Yeah, it’s such a nice scarf,” Zeke repeated.
Levi gave Zeke a dirty look. Hange looked at him nervously and Moblit put a hand on their knee to calm them. You took another sip of your beer.
“Yeah, Zeke, it is a nice scarf. That’s why I complimented it. Anyways, how do you all know each other?” Confidence surged through your veins thanks to the alcohol.
“We were floormates freshman year,” Levi’s dry voice said.
“Wait-oh, I see,” You said.
Erwin began to make casual conversation with everyone while Levi stared at the bottom of his glass. Hange and Moblit joined Erwin and conversed with the other two at the table. Wait, is Zeke the one that called Erwin’s kickback lame? That’s the only possibility, right? Your head was dizzy from the alcohol but the puzzle pieces were starting to fall into place.
“Hey, (Y/N),” Porco called out.
“You good? It looks like we lost you there for a second.”
“Yeah, Porco. I’m fine,” You said sarcastically.
“Zeke, you and (Y/N) make a good couple,” Erwin said.
Zeke chuckled and squeezed you closer to his toned body, “I know but thank you.”
You kept your head down unsure about what to do. It was evident that Zeke had an issue with Erwin and Levi but you didn’t fully understand why. From what you heard, Zeke was the one who was mean to the other two but Zeke was your boyfriend so you should be on his side, right? You took another swig of your beer.
“Levi, are you still with Petra?” Pieck asked.
Petra? Who the fuck is that, you thought, anger coursed through your veins.
“No,” Levi said.
“Oh, that’s too bad. She was such a lovely girl,” Pieck sighed.
“Who’s Petra?” You asked.
No one answered your question. You looked at Pieck but she kept her eyes down. What the fuck is up?
“She’s a girl I dated freshman year,” Levi explained.
Hange broke the tension by shouting, “(Y/N), I promised you a shot! Who else wants one?”
Pieck, Moblit and Erwin raised their hands. Hange called over a server and asked for a round of shots for everyone. A few minutes later, they brought tequila shots for the table. Everyone grabbed their lime and raised their glass.
“To finishing finals!” Hange exclaimed.
The table repeated what Hange said and took their shot. You and Porco laughed at Pieck’s face and she stuck her tongue out at you. Zeke kissed your cheek and you leaned into his warm body. For a second, it felt like it did at the beginning of your relationship. You felt safe and hopeful but those feelings disappeared when you caught Levi looking at you and Zeke. Immediately, you pulled away and Zeke frowned. You weren’t one for PDA but after a few drinks you didn’t mind showing your man some love but under Levi’s eye it felt wrong.
“Let’s do another shot!” Hange shouted.
“Hange!! Let me buy you a shot!!” You shouted back.
“(Y/N), you’re the best!!” Hange exclaimed, their cheeks glowing under the lights.
Everyone took another shot and the mood around the table began to lighten as everyone got drunker. Porco made a few jokes that made Erwin laugh. Zeke talked to Hange about their senior thesis. Everything seemed to be falling into place except for Levi. He didn’t make an effort to hold a conversation with anyone. He stared at the empty shot glasses and occasionally smiled at whatever Erwin said.
The patio lights shadows made Levi look heavenly, the soft glow bounced off his pale skin and you tried not to stare but you couldn’t, he looked so pretty.
Zeke could sense that your thoughts were taking you elsewhere so he gave you a kiss on the check. You gave him a smile in return.
The bar was packed and everyone at the table was talking after a new round of drinks. It should be a perfect night, all of your friends seemed to be getting alone but something didn’t feel right. In that moment, you wished it could have been Levi holding your body. Stop, Levi is just a friend, that’s it. I love Zeke. You repeated in your head over and over.
As the night dragged on, you slowly began to lose touch with reality, everything became a happy, surreal blur. Throughout the night, Zeke kept his hands on your body. Before that would have kept you grounded but now it felt off, you weren’t sure if it was the alcohol but you didn’t want him to touch you. You kept on smiling and talking to everyone until the bartender called for final orders.
“This was nice but I think we should get going now,” Erwin declared.
“Yeah, I think you’re right,” Pieck said.
Everyone gathered their belongings and started to walk towards the front door. Zeke walked ahead with Porco and Pieck but you stayed behind with the others. Erwin, Hange and Moblit left you and Levi together alone. Hange’s arm was wrapped around Moblit’s shoulder. They leaned against their body and continued talking.  
“Hey, I had a good time tonight,” You said to Levi who barely acknowledged your existence.
“It was okay,” He stated.
The two of you followed the others.
“But what are the odds of us forming a friendship in this way, right?” You said.
“Tsk, a friendship? We hardly know each other, I wouldn't push it,” Levi responded.
“I guess you’re right,” You muttered.
Levi felt bad about his harsh tone but he didn’t know what to do. He still had the same warm feeling in his chest from before but watching Zeke touch you hurt him. All of you had exited the bar and you walked over to Zeke and he placed his jacket over your shoulders.
“Well, it was, uh, nice to catch up with all of you. Hange thank you for helping my girl study. Get home safe,” Zeke said. You smiled and everyone and waved.
“Zeke, the same to you too. Glad to know you’re doing well. (Y/N) congrats on finishing midterms. See you later,” Erwin said.
“I love yoouuu! I love all of you!” Hange shouted. Moblit still had his arm around Hange to stabilize them.
“Love you too, Hange!” You blew them a kiss.
They all turned and began to walk home. Porco and Pieck had already left in their Uber. You looked at Zeke and he gave you a smile and you smiled back out of habit.
Zeke made conversation on your way back to his place. You wrapped your arms around your body and counted the steps in between each street light. The air around you was dry and your breath fell to the ground in a transparent cloud. Eventually, you made it to Zeke’s apartment, it was highrise close to downtown. When you entered the apartment your attention immediately went to the large windows. They faced the city skyline and the lights poured into the living room and gently outlined the minimal furniture in the room. Zeke led you to the bedroom and began to kiss the back of your neck. His beard tickled your neck and left goosebumps on your skin. You rolled your shoulders and stepped away.
“Come on,” Zeke groaned.
“No, not tonight. I’m really tired,” You said.
You made your way to the bathroom and turned on the harsh lights. The lights bounced off the white tiles and highlighted the bags under your eyes. You stared at yourself for a while, the longer you stared, the faster your thoughts swirled in your head. Is Levi made at me? You splashed cold water on your face and tried to wash off the awkwardness from tonight but no matter how hard you scrubbed, you couldn’t get the image of Levi staring at the empty glasses out of your head.
When you walked back into the bedroom you saw Zeke passed on the bed. You smiled at him and placed a blanket over his body and brushed his hair away from his forehead. You curled up on the opposite side of the bed and wrapped a blanket around yourself. Zeke’s soft snores filled the room, normally that was enough to lull you to sleep but lately it was becoming more of a nuisance. Why am I feeling like this? I love Zeke and he loves me back, that should be enough. So why do I feel so unsure? Zeke wasn’t your first partner but he was your first proper love. Everything beforehand had felt like practice for this.
The two of you had met in the spring term of sophomore year. The sun was shining and you we’re sitting on a blanket with Rico bouncing off ideas for research projects. You kept an eye on the baseball team who were practicing near the two of you. Rico was in the middle of explaining her ideas when a baseball flew in your direction.
“Heads up!” shouted a deep voice.
Both of you covered your heads as the ball flew over your blanket. The footsteps of one of the players was nearing your spot.
“Hey, I’m sorry about that.”
You tried to look up but the sun was blinding your eyes. You were able to make out the outline of a tall, man with broad shoulders and wavy blonde hair. He flashed a charismatic smile and said,“the name’s Jaeger. Zeke Jaeger.”
You introduced yourself and Zeke knelt down so his head was at your level.
“Nice to meet you. I feel about almost hitting you. Not sure what happened, normally I have perfect aim.” He winked at you. “Let me make it up by taking you out for a drink, your friend is more than welcomed to come.”
You blushed and thanked him and began to decline your offer when Rico interrupted you.
“She, I mean, we would love that. Here’s her number and mine, too.”
“Thanks, I’ll shoot y’all a text.”
Zeke stood up, grabbed the ball and gave you a wave before running back to his team. From that point on, the two of you had been inseparable.
You drifted off thinking about those first memories, the sweetness of his touch, the excitement of loving Zeke, the hopefulness you had. If you kept on thinking about those moments then maybe they would manifest back into your life. You wanted back that stability in your love so much it hurt your chest.
The next day you rolled over to an empty bed. Your hand traced the cold sheets and you kept your hands in the sunlight, the warmth felt good compared to the draft in Zeke’s bedroom. He preferred a colder bedroom, he said it was better for the body. The front door opened and you pretended to be asleep. Zeke’s footsteps got closer to the bed and you felt him press a kiss to your cheek, he smelled of sweat and musk. Who goes on a run after a night out? You thought. The showerhead turned on and you heard Zeke sing.
You got up and rummaged through Zeke’s drawer and pulled out a navy cardigan. You wrapped the fabric over your body and padded your way to the kitchen. The kitchen was colder than the bedroom.
“Fuck, who lives like this?”
You poured yourself water and stared at the tiles on the walls. Re-playing Levi’s comment in your head. Tsk, a friendship? We hardly know each other, I wouldn't push it. You didn’t blame Levi for his harshness but his comment hurt. There was no denying that you two shared a kinship that was a bit deeper than friendship. Romance wasn’t the word for it either. The relationship you had formed with him felt safe, you felt understood and respected in a way you haven’t really before. Your concentration was broken when you heard Zeke enter the kitchen.
“Hey, babe. Good morning.” He pressed a kiss to your temple. “I bought you a smoothie.”
“Thanks, Zeke,” you responded.
He grabbed the smoothie from the fridge and smiled at you. You sat on the counter and began to sip on the drink. Zeke hummed to himself and began to pull out a pan from the cupboard.
“Whatcha thinking about?” you asked.
“Like, the gameboard?” You joked.
He rolled his eyes. “Honestly, I’m thinking about last night. I never thought I was going to see those guys ever again.”
“Mmm, why did something happen?” You said nonchalantly.
Zeke chuckled, “stupid freshman things. We were all young and dumb.”
He stayed silent afterwards as he went on to fry some eggs. The eggs sizzled in the pan and he whistled quietly. You knew him well enough to know he wanted to say something else.
“I mean, I did dumb stuff when I was freshman so how bad can it actually be?” You prodded.
Zeke stared at you with a series expression. “Look (Y/N), I don’t really want to hash out what happened but-” he hesitated as he looked for the right words to say, “-be careful around Levi. There’s something off about that guy.”
“Oh,” you muttered.
You continued drinking the smoothie, the smell of the egg was making you nauseous and you started to feel the hanging over. You went back into the bedroom and laid down. Your phone buzzed and saw a text from Hange.
Hange: OMG i’m so hungover, i don’t remember getting home
You: Hange, WTF that’s not good lol but I know you were in good hands ;)
Hange: wut does that mean??
You: Moblit lol he was so nice and caring
Hange: … no comment but what are you doing
You: nothing really, why?
Hange: do you want to get brunch?
Hange: it’ll just be the two of us :)
You: yeah, i would love that, send me the address !
The smell of egg had entered the bedroom and you gagged. You hated the smell but Zeke insisted that it was the best way to get protein in the morning. You grabbed your belongings and walked to the kitchen again. Zeke was sitting at the counter eating the eggs and drinking his smoothie while reading the paper.
“Hey, I think I’m gonna head out!”
“Really? I thought we could spend the day together before I leave,” Zeke responded.
“You’re leaving?” You paused while putting on your shoes.
“I thought I told you. My internship is taking me on a trip for the next three days and then I’m heading home for the break,” Zeke said in between bites of food.
“Shit. You didn’t tell me. How about we hang out later today?”
“Yeah, I guess that sounds good to me. I’ll see you later,” he said.
“See ya.”
You went back to your apartment to freshen up and hurried to the diner Hange was it. You stepped through the doors and immediately saw Hange’s smiling face. They were waving you to their table. You greeted them with equal excitement and walked to them. For the past few weeks, some of your favorite moments have been hanging out with them. They always brightened your mood with their cheerful banter and love for life. You were excited to eat brunch with them and question them more about the history between the trio and your boyfriend.
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djmarinizelablog · 4 years
Hey!! Would you mind write a Miss Congeniality!AU with levihan?
You know, with my beloved hange being Sandra Bullock, and Levi loving her in anyway, after or before the changes, but being surprised with them hehehe
Whew, this was a long one, Anon! Read under the cut to see the rest of it, and let me know what you think! I might expand it one of these days...
Beauty pageants are a nightmare for FBI Agent Hange Zoe.
She can do a sliding tackle, a crosspunch, a backflip-ninja-combo-roll before landing a roundabout kick on the bad guys. All of that while she's wearing a handsome suit. Those shitheads were just damn overwhelmed by her the last time the rascals went on the run from the police; Hange managed to find their hiding place after deducing that these crime lords did their operations in small underground bars where they could bribe the management.
But beauty pageants will haunt Hange in her sleep, especially now that her supervisor Erwin Smith has just assigned her to a new mission involving a serial bomber who targets the public. Said criminal had sent them a threat two days ago saying that he intends to bomb the upcoming Miss Paradis beauty pageant within a weeks' time. To add to that, Erwin has asked FBI's top agent Levi Ackerman to call the shots while they're out in the field, which unfortunately in this case... is the runway.
"I just don't fucking understand." Agent Levi grits his teeth as he pulls his suit tighter around him. "Why does this idiot of a bomber want to make a statement in a pageant, of all places?
"Maybe he's a feminist?" Hange suggests. "You know, maybe he doesn't believe that women should be ranked in terms of looks... or maybe he's got a grudge on one of the contestants? They have their own personal advocacies and all that, too."
"Why the hell do you know so much about this?" Levi eyes his colleague suspiciously, her tomboyish nature unconvincing enough to make Hange Zoe the type of person who would be interested in these events.
"Nanaba makes me watch them," Hange says. She's referring to her buddy in the Cybercrime Unit. "Not that I enjoy it, but I think it's enough for me to get an idea of how these shows actually operate---"
And apparently enough for her to infiltrate the pageant.
Hange obviously did not take it lightly when Erwin announced the plan to use her as an insider in order to track any suspicious activity and monitor the candidates' safety as well.
"Oh no, please no," Hange shakes her head. So much for her intelligence and her critical thinking skills. "I'm not gonna strut across the stage in high heels and pushup bras---"
"You don't have a choice." Levi frowns.
"You men seriously don't understand anything about pageants, do you?" She puts both hands on her hips in exasperation. "It takes weeks, months, maybe even years, to train the contestants... and have you seen me?" She gestures to her masculine appearance and her blatant lack of curves.
The two men look at each other before Erwin breaks the silence. "Keith Shadis can take care of that."
Apparently, they had already asked the pageant committee to put her on the roster of candidates, in addition to hiring a beauty consultant to assist her in the preparations.
"Great heavens," Shadis mutters the moment Hange introduces herself to him in plain casual clothes, eyeglasses dirty and her ponytailed hair in complete disarray. His face cannot hide the disappointment. The older man straightens himself up and continues, "Am I staring at a clown? Not that I've seen worse."
He circles Hange slowly, scrutinizing her poor posture and her vital statistics, wondering how a disheveled person like her would even have the audacity to show up at his place for a makeover.
"I heard you're an expert at transformations," Levi comes to Hange's defense, his tone professional. "We just need her to look good enough so she can get into the final selection. Surely some makeup and beauty sleep will do the trick?"
Shadis raises an eyebrow. "At this rate, Mister Ackerman, your partner here needs to hibernate."
Hange winces at the insult. "Look, I'm not as excited in this as you are---"
"But we're already here, aren't we?" Shadis crosses his arms. "Well, let's get to work then."
He snaps his fingers, and out of nowhere, his assistants grab Hange from behind, forcing her down into a styling chair as they inspect every nook and cranny of her face and body, starting from her untidy hair down to her overgrown toenails.
"This is going to be embarrassing," Hange says, an understatement.
No one has ever told Hange Zoe that prepping up for a pageant is worse than torture. Over the past twelve hours, she has been subjected to a manicure, a pedicure, a hot oil treatment, dental prophylaxis, eyebrow threading, earwax cleaning, body sculpting, and of course, a full-body Brazilian waxing.
To add to that, Shadis has discarded her formal suit and has her done several outfit changes to give her a new sense of style.
"My entire face is sore," she complains to Levi who has been on standby while she underwent all the necessary procedures. "I can't even feel my legs.”
They're separated by a huge dark curtain, Shadis wanting it to be a surprise when he finally reveals the new and improved Hange-motherfucking-Zoe.
"It'll be over soon, trust me," Levi consoles her, both of them already exhausted. He doesn't really care about this entire shebang; he just wants to continue with the operation and gather as much intel as they can on the contestants. Unfortunately, this is part of the mission.
Hange whines again. “And they won't even let me eat any of the pizza!"
“I’ll sneak you in a slice while they’re not looking.”
“I heard that.” Shadis says, his head poking through the curtain. 
There's a sigh that escapes Hange on the other side.
"Say, Levi... would you prefer a bombshell model over a badass fighter?" she asks him.
"What kind of question is that?" Levi raises an eyebrow. “You already know my answer.”
He whips his head around just in time to see Shadis smirking, holding the curtains together behind him.
"Behold..." he says, "the one and only... Hange Zoe!"
Levi manages to keep his mouth from falling open when he sees Hange in a nice halter dress, her hair now loose in soft curls, lips pink from the gloss and tint. Instead of her usual glasses, she's now wearing plain contacts.
"What do you think?" She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, her brown eyes curious while she looks at him in all earnest.
Levi swallows. The words have already left him.
Bonus scene!
The girls are already in their bikinis, hands on hips and sashes hanging on their shoulder as they prance around onstage for the swimsuit segment. Earlier that evening, Levi and Erwin had deduced that pageant contestant Petra Rall may be involved in their case, having joined several protests against animal cruelty in the past. Hange Zoe immediately shut their opinions' down, claiming that Petra wouldn't even hurt a fly, even if she knew how to. The men were still skeptical, nevertheless.
"Like a Dalai Lama, like a Dalai Lama," Hange grits her teeth as she forces a smile on her face. She can feel the silicon cups moving around her chest as well as her bikini bottom sliding up her butt.
When she was up for the Q&A portion, the host had asked her what she would wish for in order to make society a better place. Hange Zoe made the mistake of saying "harsher punishments for parole violators," but she immediately rectified it by adding "world peace" to her final statement.
They're now watching Petra Rall from the sidelines, Levi and Erwin still convinced that the girl could be an accomplice to the bomber's plans.
"What's your idea of a perfect date?" The host starts with his question.
"Oh, that's a tough one." Petra giggles, her ginger hair bouncing as she speaks, "I'd have to say April 25th. Because it's not too hot, not too cold... all you need is a light jacket."
Hange lets out a snort as the two men's face wrinkle in confusion.
"So much for your alleged criminal," she says.
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smallblip · 4 years
Deep sea baby
Levihan | Rated for mild swearing and mild deed-doing | This is a secret santa gift for @hanji-zoe103  💕
It’s on Ao3! https://archiveofourown.org/works/28429827
Hanji is born of white foam, where the heavens collide with the sea, and Levi loves her with a fierceness that would make the tides jealous. Levi knows little of poetics, but Hanji promises to find him in the next life and the ones after.
And sure as the waves crashing into shore, she does.
 Hanji is the sea. Uncompromising, untamable, painfully beautiful. Levi thinks she’s poetry in motion, the way she dances, barefoot across sandy beaches, the way she walks down towards the place where the sea meets land, unafraid amidst white waters. 
  He sits, like the shores, and watches her. Watches her bend towards the ground, hands dipping beneath foam, searching for shells. She holds them up against the sun to inspect them when she finds them. Treasure, she calls them. 
  When she’s waist deep in salt water she turns back to look at him. 
  “Come on Levi! The water is warm!” 
  Hanji is born of white foam, where the heavens collide with the sea.
  And Levi is the most beautiful boy to have walked the earth, so beautiful he puts the gods to shame. And Hanji fears whatever love they have will be short-lived, because he loves her with a fierceness that would make the tides jealous. 
  It’s a long way from heaven, but Hanji comes to see him every day. She sits with him in a clearing in the forest while he works and he’s sceptical at first. Nothing good comes from associating with the old gods. But the hem of her dress is caked in mud, there’s earth under her nails, and she swears exactly like a sailor would. He teaches her to climb trees and she names all the sheep in his flock. 
  “Maybe it would be nice to stay here forever...” she says to him one day, and Levi understands the gravity of what she’s suggesting. The heavens would not allow for it. They would cut her up piece by piece and she would be returned to the sea. 
  But there’s a conviction in Hanji’s eyes, a severity that justifies the cult of mortals at her feet. The same determination that Hanji has when she’s pulling splinters from her fingers, when she picks wildflowers for Levi, when she holds him against her chest and challenges the gods. She balls her fists and curses the greys of the skies, yet she dances in the rain, giggling, pulling Levi to join her. He surprises himself when he relents.
  So Levi tells her she has his heart. 
  Each night he holds her close, and each night she falls into a deep slumber and she dreams of running barefoot through a field of white roses to reach him. She pierces her foot on a thorn and the field is stained red. A field of red roses. Each one blooming and dying at Levi’s feet. 
  In a kinder life, they are childhood friends in a sleepy seaside town. Levi has a popsicle in his mouth, the last of it melting on his tongue. Hanji has long finished hers, and her fingers are sticky from the syrup. But it doesn’t matter because Levi is burying her in the sand so she can keep her filth to herself. He contemplates covering her mouth with sand too, but they’re going to turn thirteen soon and he’s tired of pretending that her talking annoys him. 
  “When I’m older I’m going to sail all over the world!” Hanji grins. Levi thinks it’s funny that now she’s just a talking head in the sand.
  But his heart sinks a little. He doesn’t know if his future is on a vessel bound to nowhere. But they’re still young and their plans have little structure and bearing, so for now Levi pretends he’s going to be there with her, sailing across the ocean.
  “Did you know it’s a myth that lobsters mate for life?” Hanji says, absentminded, part of her trying to distract from the heat, and another part of her already thinking about that ice cream they have waiting for them in her freezer. “Sad huh... Who knew you can’t trust everything on TV...” she laughs. 
  “Seahorses mate for life...” Levi says. He tries to stay nonchalant, but he’s a little embarrassed he spends his free time googling facts he thinks Hanji would enjoy.
  And Hanji knows. Of course she does. She has known him her whole life. In this life and the next he is her Levi. Her Levi with an endless capacity for kindness. She smiles. 
  “Seahorses huh...”
  They meet on a ship sailing through uncharted waters. Levi joins the Royal Navy when it feels like he’s exhausted all other options. There's a hunger for power that guides their ship to foreign lands.
  It’s the middle of the night when hears shouting. He jolts awake and already the rest of the crew are reaching for their weapons. There’s no time to change out of their night clothes. The ship spirals into a frenzy. He spots the warning of black sails and white crossbones from afar. The ship is gaining on them. It’s clear they have to stand their ground and fight. 
  The pirates board their ship, and there’s a wild clash of knives and swords and the smell of blood in the air mixing with the metallic taste of gold and bronze and silvers. Levi lunges but his sword is halted midair by a cutlass. 
  “Not so fast Officer...” the pirate says. Past the eyepatch and greasy hair he sees her- he feels her. There’s a white rush by his ears calling for him to come home. 
  I found you, she whispers in his ear as she brings him aboard her ship. 
  The sea promises gold and riches beyond imagination, and Levi promises to follow her to the ends of the earth. 
  Levi works in his uncle's bakery a small town in the middle of godforsaken nowhere. It's a family business, and they've been getting good reviews from travel blogs online looking for spots off the beaten path. 
  Levi is on a date to the aquarium and Kenny yells a “don't come back tonight if you know what's good for you!” after him. There are still customers in the bakery and everyone is staring at him. The teenagers in the corner snigger. 
  His date doesn't show, but he's not surprised really. The first date had gone by in a way that could be considered painless. But beyond nice pleasantries, there’s nothing much to look forward to. So Levi completely understands. Then again she could’ve at least had the courtesy to drop him a text. In any case, Kenny will be disappointed. He enters the aquarium anyway. Might as well. He had already purchased the tickets, and he hasn’t been since he was a child in elementary school. He watches the sharks swim laps behind the thick glass. He wonders if they feel unfulfilled, living in a tank, watching as people from all around take family trips to visit the aquarium. 
  “That one’s Bean!” Levi switches his attention from a particularly small shark to the person beside him. 
  “What?” He replies.
  “That one!” She points to the shark making its way past them, “she’s Bean. We rescued her from a fishing net.” 
  Levi watches her grin with suspicion. Maybe he should introduce himself. He's not usually one to introduce himself to strangers with wild hair and gleaming eyes behind thick glasses, but there's a first for everything, and before he knows it, he's telling her his name.
  "Date stood you up?" she says, and Levi glares at her. "Oh... Wait... That really happened?" she apologises, and the stranger with the wild hair and gleaming eyes becomes Hanji. There’s something about the lights in the aquarium, the blues and violets that reflect off the auburn in her eyes in a way that’s almost ethereal. 
  The things that conspire after are tricks of the light then, surely. Hanji invites him back to her apartment, and they talk and they polish off a six pack of beers and a few bottles of cheap wine between the two of them. "This is fun! I haven't gotten shipfaced in a while!" Hanji chuckles. 
  “No.” Levi says, he has little tolerance for bad nautical puns. But it only encourages Hanji to tell him more. There's a mix of "where ya fin all my life" and "you're whaley cute", and finally, when she's absolutely smashed, a "nice boat, wanna fuck?" 
  At that, the dams break and Levi laughs. 
  Hanji wakes up the next morning, killer headache, she shoots up and the headache splits her skull open. Too quick. 
  “Ouch...” she says, eyes blinking through sleep and haze. She grabs at the bottle of water by her bedside and shuffles through her drawer for ibuprofen. 
  “You idiot...” 
  Hanji snaps her head up, looking for the owner of the voice and there Levi is, leaning against her door, hands folded across his chest. Hanji’s jaw slackens. 
  “In case you were wondering, no, nothing happened...” 
  “But... but you’re here... in... in my room...” 
  “Tch...” Levi rolls his eyes, “you passed out and I stayed just in case you choked on your own vomit and died in the middle of the night...” 
  “Wait did I?” 
  Levi raises a brow, she’s still not all there. “Still alive aren’t you?” 
  Hanji shrugs. This could be hell for all she knows. “Fast acting pain relief” proving to be the biggest scam of the century. 
  "What a fucking shipwreck of a person..." Levi says and it takes Hanji a minute before she's doubled over in laughter, tears pooling in the corners of her eyes. 
  Levi half expects to never see her ever again, but there she is the day after, as promised, finger pressed to the glass, ordering herself a Pain au Chocolat, an Americano, and his number on a piece of napkin. He sighs, but he's writing it down for her anyway.
  "You really followed me home that night huh... Didn't it cross your mind that I could be a serial killer?" She says, examining his handiwork. 
  Levi scoffs, "you invited a complete stranger you picked up at the aquarium into your house, and then proceeded to get very wasted... Didn't it cross your mind that I could have been the serial killer?"
  Hanji laughs, and it startles her when it echoes throughout the bakery, "touché..." she says, "guess I am a shipwreck of a person..." she winks.
  The corners of Levi's lips betray a smile as he watches her take a seat by the window to read. 
  "That's not Petra..." Kenny comments. 
  "Who said I went home with Petra?" Levi answers.
  Kenny's face pulls into a smirk and he lets loose a deep rumble of laughter, “Levi you absolute dog!”
  The sea is a passage. To a new life that Hanji can only pray will be fulfilling. She is the princess of a port kingdom- a people favoured by the sun and raised by the sea. 
  Her ships carry her to a distant land of frigid waters and snowfall, where her betrothed is king. When she sets foot on land, she's greeted by faces paler than hers and a mannerism befitting the heartiness of Northern kingdoms. There are skins being made into pelt, fish hanging out to dry, wines made from preserved fruit. Already, Hanji misses the white sandy beaches and the heat of the midday sun, but she's to be queen now, and she remembers this when she walks past the heavy doors into the throne room. She comes bearing gifts of glass beads, fine porcelain, and dried fruit and nuts- a reminder of Summer. 
  She takes her place beside her husband, and she smiles at the people who have come to see her- the princess from the other side of the sea. They are her people now. 
  And that's when she sees him.
  His expression doesn't change even when he kneels in front of her and kisses the back of her hand. He vows to protect her. 
  She calls for him later, and he tells her to call him Levi- he has never been too keen on formalities. Besides, Sir Levi doesn’t suit him quite as much. And she's Hanji, just Hanji. 
  It's Winter when they take a ride through the forest. She's not used to the heavy furs and wools and Levi has to remind her that the sun doesn't shine the same here. But Hanji knows. Her golden skin now mellowing. She hikes her dress above her knees and toes through the snow. The ground caves beneath her feet like powdered sugar, and Hanji thinks maybe there's beauty in her new home. She thinks maybe there's warmth to be found, as Levi catches her before she slips. 
  He shows her the lake, now frozen over, and they slide over thick ice like children. She pulls him down with her when she falls and they laugh. There's something in his eyes that Hanji recognises as fear. She feels it in the beat of her own heart, warning her against falling. But they’ve been treading on thin ice around one another, and falling seems inevitable.
  So Levi presses back against her and kisses her. Hanji feels a warmth coursing through her- the same fire she's promised in the lullabies her mother used to sing her. 
  "We should come in Spring. The lake is beautiful then..." Levi says as they make their way back to the castle. And Hanji promises to show him her home. The crystal waters; gentle waters. She knows it's a promise that may never be fulfilled, but nevertheless, this is a moment in time, and promises offer a glimpse into possibility. 
  Come Spring, they make love by the lake, under the cover of the sea of trees. Everything is beautiful in the Spring. 
  In another life, the sea promises protection. 
  There’s only one rule out at sea near the white rocks-
  Beware the Siren’s song.
  Levi lives in a little house by the sea. Everyday he sails out near the white rocks to catch fish. 
  Hanji circles his boat. Her iridescent tail catching the light and reflecting deep purples and green. She sings her best song for him- the beautiful fisherman with the grey eyes. 
  "Don’t swim into the nets," he scolds and Hanji is taken aback. She thinks about her beautiful fisherman when he sails for home. And there's a familiar tugging that she feels in her gut. But the weather has taken a turn for the worse and she doesn’t see him near the white rocks. Not the next day nor the days after. She seeks the council of the waters and the waves carry her to shore. 
  There’s a storm raging. The windows are rattling against their frames. Lightning illuminates the skeletons of his house and there’s a persistent knocking that weaves in and out of the thunder. Levi takes the screaming kettle off the hobs. 
  He opens the door to her. She’s standing in the rain, hands wrapping around herself to shield from the cold. Levi’s gaze skims from the tip of her nose down to her bare chest, down to her long legs. He swallows thickly. She’s leaning against the frame of the door, shifting her weight from one unstable leg to another. Like a fawn learning to walk. He frowns but nevertheless, he leaves the door ajar for her to enter.
  “You’re gonna get the floors all wet...” he mutters. Rainwater he can manage. But seawater makes the floorboards a little sticky, and that annoys him deeply.
  “I told you I’ll come for you.” She says. 
  Levi shoves a towel in her face, “Dry yourself.” He pauses for a moment, taking in the shock on her face. “Please.” 
  Surprisingly, she does as she’s told, and when she’s done, she hands the towel back to him. 
  Levi finds her dry clothes, and she pinches and pulls at them, inspecting after she puts them on. 
  “I’m here to eat your heart lover boy.” 
  He considers her. It’s colder this time of year and the sea is relentless. But her skin is gold like honey, sun-kissed in a way that reminds Levi of summers and homemade jam and the grass beneath his feet. 
  “Levi.” He replies.
  Levi. she says, smile spreading across her face like butter on warm toast. 
  He shares his stew with her and she tells him her name is Hanji when her hands are warming by the fire. She looks at Levi, gaze washing over him like a wave. And there’s familiarity in the way his eyes soften when he looks at her. He looks at her like he's trying to call forth a string of memories tying her to him; him to her. But all he has is an affection for her that ripples through his consciousness. It's accompanied by the sounds of laughter- her laughter- and the pale shimmer of moonlight.  
  So she returns to him the next day, and the day after, and the days after that. 
  Hanji brings him little pieces of treasure. A conch shell, a dead sand dollar, bits of sea glass. Her legs grow stronger each time. She dances around his house. She pulls him flush against her chest and rests her chin atop his head and sways to a tune she’s humming. 
  Beware the Siren’s song, they say. 
  But they’re far from the white rocks and she’s laughing exactly like a lover would. The floorboards are creaking under their toes.
  He looks for her when he’s out at sea, and listens as she tells him stories of the depths, about the men who hurt her, about dying at sea, and about the promise of protection and rebirth.  
  When she wakes again, there's water in her lungs and she learns to breathe. To call the sea her home. 
  But maybe it's not by accident that she falls asleep in his arms one night, cocooned in white sheets that remind her of sea foam. 
  She kisses his nose in the morning and he blinks an eye open to look at her. “I’m gonna eat your heart lover boy...” Hanji teases, hair tickling his skin, the sight of him crossing the boundary between sleep and daybreak takes her breath away. 
  Levi smiles, pulling her closer, "stop moving so much..." he groans. It’s still early, they can still afford a little shut eye. He cradles her in his arms- a promise of protection. “You already have my heart,” comes his reply, in a moment of tenderness, and Hanji doesn't return to the waters. 
  In others, the sea forces distance between them. 
  They don't meet in this life.
  But sure as waves reaching towards the shore, they meet in the one after.
  They're in their second year of college but nothing really changes. 
  Except when it does, it happens so fast that Levi doesn't have time to breathe. The next time he takes a breath he's lying beside Hanji. They’re both sated and sleepy and Levi stills his breathing, coming down from his high. And Hanji thinks this life is nice. It's effortless in a way that reminds her that they are meant to be.
  The Marine Biologists have gathered for a nights out- a pub crawl to be specific. The entire course is decked in ridiculous outfits. There’s a merman somewhere, and a manatee, there’s even a sea snake (moray eel, Hanji clarifies). And Hanji is dressed as a shark. 
  Levi is there because he gets dragged along to everything that Hanji is a part of and he gets asked one too many times what his outfit is supposed to be. Because he’s in his jeans and a black top and he just looks- normal? 
  “He’s my next meal!” Hanji says and Levi pulls a face, he chokes out a, “shitty four eyes...” and he’s blushing a little more than he should because does she even hear herself?
  Halfway through the night Levi wonders why he’s so tipsy. This is really unlike him. He remembers meeting Hanji’s friend Moblit, whose Aquaman sends Hanji over the edge with laughter. He remembers hearing a round of “oh hey Levi!” (They all know who he is, after all, he’s often hanging around Hanji). Then the beer bong challenge. Oh right. The beer bong challenge... that’s why. Hanji won, at least he remembers that. 
  And he also remembers dancing with Hanji at the back of one of the pubs. “This is a good song...” he murmurs in her ear and she visibly shivers. But everything is spinning and the music is delicious, touching is also delicious, and they do just that. And at some point Levi must have just gone for it, because Hanji’s mouth is hot and inviting and Levi thinks he’s delirious so he surrenders to the feeling. 
  They’re back in Hanji’s room, only because it’s only a flight of stairs up and Levi is unzipping her ridiculous costume that surprising does little to ease his raging hard on. And Hanji, god forbid, isn’t wearing anything underneath. 
  His top comes off once they make it past the main door to her flat. Levi doesn’t even notice the mess in Hanji’s room as they navigate the narrow space and soon they're on the bed, hands moving in what is best described as a frenzy. 
  It feels so good and Levi finally admits to himself that he has been thinking about this for a while. And he’s almost relieved when Hanji kisses him and lets her want slide down his throat. 
  Levi wonders if they can still be considered friends. Last he’s checked friends don’t scream each other’s names the way Hanji is saying his name right now as she bites down on his shoulder. Plus, the whole best friends to lovers trope is just one big cliché. And yet, Levi doesn’t hate it. He has to admit it’s actually really nice. 
  The next morning Hanji finds Levi rummaging through her sink cupboard. 
  “My extra toothbrushes are the drawer.” She gestures towards the bottom drawer with her toe. They brush their teeth and they're sitting on the bed again, it's the only place for two to sit, really. 
  “So... Was it good for you?” Hanji says, a little amused with how the entire situation unfolded.  
 Levi clears his throat, face going red. “Would’ve been better if you weren’t wearing that stupid outfit...” He wants to say he's never felt this way with anyone before, but he doesn't. 
  “But hammerheads are cool!” Hanji protests and she’s pouting. Levi wonders if now’s a good time to kiss that stupid look off her face or if that’s too much.
  “Fucking one isn’t...” Levi mutters. Hanji throws her head back and laughs. 
  “So... What do we do now?” Levi asks. And Hanji shrugs saying a "admit we love each other and carry on with our lives?" like it had been obvious. 
  "Sounds good..." he says, smiling, and he thinks they deserve this effortlessness. 
  Hanji comes back to him like ship returning to port. She thinks about meeting him when he's six and building sandcastles on the beach. He had ignored her attempt at conversation and Hanji had been a little annoyed.
  "You don't remember me do you?" She huffed, pout on her face, arms crossed. 
  Levi was confused, that definitely caught his attention, "do we know each other?" he asked. 
  "No," Hanji confessed, "no but... I know I'm supposed to meet you." She said with all the confidence a five year old can muster. Levi bickered with her. How can a five year old be so smug? He was a whole year older and he was by no means as confident. He didn't even know whether to pick sushi or pizza for lunch. 
  And she thinks about the night before she left. 
  "I like you Levi..." she had said. She willed herself not to cry, so there's a moment in which she's just chuckling humourlessly to herself. And Levi's scowls at her. "Inconvenient huh..." she added. She had to cross the ocean the next day on a voyage bound somewhere far away and this makes it that much harder.  
  Fucking inconvenient indeed...
  They don't make promises, but Hanji wishes they had. She wishes they would have at least addressed her little confession, because it's been eight years. Eight years of it gnawing at her brain and now it's just a little awkward. 
  Hanji takes a deep breath as she disembarks at port, her feet a little unsteady on dry land- like a fawn learning to walk again. But she sees him. And the knot in her chest unravels. Eight years. It's been too long. She takes tentative steps towards him, but soon she's running and enveloping him in a sweaty embrace. 
  He's whispering something, muffled because he's pressed into Hanji's clavicle-
  “Did you know seahorses mate for life?” 
  She smiles. Sure as the sun, he’s in her arms again. 
  Seahorses huh...
  Hanji knows whatever life they've led, this is her favourite. 
  The one in which her and Levi see the sea for the first time together. 
  The one in which she’s the Commander, and him, her Captain. And between them, a river of words left unsaid threatening to break the banks. 
  One day they must cross the ocean, but today they visit the shores again, without the kids this time. And Levi learns why when he watches her peel at her clothes. Her harness comes off first, then her blouse, then everything else, like a little dance for an audience of one. Levi tries not to stare, but he’s already seen her by candlelight in the dead of the night. And yet she never fails to take his breath away. 
  She makes her way to where the white foams dredge the past up the shores of the present. 
  "Come on Levi! The water is warm!" she says, and he hears it like a call to come home- where the heavens collide with the sea. 
  He takes off his clothes and folds them in a neat pile beside Hanji's mess. He swims out to join her.
  The moonlight caresses her skin and this scene- this moment- is opulent. Levi unties the patch over her eye and lets the waters carry it away. She chuckles. "I'm never going to get that back am I?" she says, holding his hand and guiding him to shallower waters. 
  And Levi knows there's some poetry to the way she's kissing him. She tastes like saltwater and Summer all at once, and Levi thinks that he has never felt this way with anyone else. Will never feel this way about anyone else. Instead he glowers at her-
  “Hanji don’t you dare fucking die... I’ll never forgive you if you do... I swear I’ll-“ 
  Before Levi can continue, Hanji is laughing, sputtering as her head bobs below the surface of the water. 
  “Even if I do, you don’t have to say goodbye. I promise I’ll look for you in the next life... And the ones after...” She says, brushing the pad of her finger against his nose. The heavens and the sea bear witness. And Levi promises to follow her to the ends of the earth. 
  Treasure, he calls her, when the sound of white water crashing provide refuge for words that have little place in this life. Levi knows little of the words lovers say to each other, and even less of poetics, yet here he is with Hanji, sitting on the shores now, and watching salt crystal in her hair. He falls asleep that night to the sound of her breathing. And amidst dreams of roses and white foam,
  Levi is home. 
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ariadneamare · 4 years
a playlist for you | levihan
word count: 1.9k
warnings: 18+ audience only, angst
a/n: so i'm not really good at writing nsfw so this is all i can do for now (?) let me know what u think! < about the story i mean and not the nsfw HAHAHA ok anyway here it is
Day 1 // Honne
"You'll always be my day one," she whispered at his sleeping form. The two met nine months ago at a party Hanji's friend held for the fourth of July. It took her hours to decide if she wanted to go. Between the thesis that had to be done and the tempting bottles of vodka on the picture Petra sent, she came to a conclusion. 
In that very moment, that very temptation lead her to a good outcome. A grumpy midget. 
They both decided to just be friends with benefits. For Hanji's part she did not know as to how it worked. Do they just fuck and fist bump after? 
The sex was insanely good, but the thing that came after? Feelings. Feelings were what came after. 
Everything hit different with Levi. Something about the way he dragged the tip of his cock along her opening as he whispered, "I love the way you scream my name," made her carve the features of his face on her mind. Something about that very gesture the first night they met stuck with her. 
"Day zero when I was no one," she continued. Taking her index finger, she traced his brows and moved to his lips. "I'm nothing by myself, you and no one else." 
Falling for someone was the last thing she intended to do on her last year of university. She had dreams and goals to achieve, Hanji could not afford to fuck up. But, maybe this mistake might not be so bad. Maybe, it would even be the one thing that'll make her happy. Make her whole. Make her warm. 
"What are you mumbling?" 
"Oh, Levi!" As soon as she heard the voice, Hanji withdrew her hand to her chest. She looked at him with wide eyes, her voice small as she added, "I was just talking to myself." 
"C'mere," Levi's voice is husky as he pulls her in. His hands tighten around her waist and he hardens, her boobs pressed up against his chest. "Go to sleep." 
Hanji closes her eyes and tries to focus on falling asleep instead of the voice in her head. Last time she checked, fuck buddies don't cuddle in bed. 
Everytime // Ariana Grande 
"For the last time, Hanji!" Nifa shouts frustratedly, picking up her clothes on the floor and stuffing them in a duffel bag. "He's not good for you. He fucked a quarter of the med students! Goes partying almost every night, and ends up sucking someone's face by the time the party disperses." 
One drunken night, Hanji spilled everything to Petra and Nifa. From how she's falling for him, to the idea that she's willing to do anything for Levi. Absurd really, but it was love. At least that's what she thinks. 
"What about it? And he doesn't fuck strangers anymore. He told me so, it's all me now." Hanji tries to argue, taking the bag from her friend and zipping it up. "People are capable of changing, if you're not aware." 
"No! Listen to me, for once! Please, listen to me." 
"You listen to me!" She pulls at her hair, dragging her palm down her face and settling them by her hips. "Just this, allow me to have this." 
"I want to, but I can't, okay?" Nifa approaches her, placing both hands on each shoulder. "I can't let you when I know what he is like." 
"I know what he's like, and it's nothing compared to how you picture him." 
Nifa looks down for a second before dragging her eyes to meet Hanji's, "I can't do anything to tell you otherwise?" 
"No, I'm sorry." Hanji breathes, cupping her left cheek. "I can handle myself, okay?" 
Thirty minutes later, Hanji sat on her bed alone. Staring up at the ceiling before saying, "they keep telling me to let go but I don't really let go." She closes her eyes, looking back at their moments together. 
Until now, everything remained blurry. No label, no assurance, no confession. Just a bunch of afternoons spent fucking in her dorm or his car. 
Hanji knew she deserved so much better than casually fucking and making out. But something about him made her stay. It sounded like something every person says before getting cheated on, yet she still did not budge. 
"Why, oh why does god keep bringing me back to you?" She whispers, slapping her cheeks repeatedly. 
Last Night // Lucy Spraggan 
"Last night I told you I lo—" Hanji tries to explain and apologize but he cuts her off. Raising a hand and standing up from his position on the bed. 
They booked a hotel room last night after going out. The two drank more than what they could handle. It took Levi 24 shots and 16 for Hanji before they got wasted. And wasted they were. 
Their arms were intertwined to keep balance, noise erupted from each other's mouths. Giggles from Hanji's part and grunts from the man. One thing lead to the next, the two had crazy drunk sex. Even though she was drunk, a part of her was still aware. 
Aware of how everything he did became even more attractive. The way he unbuttoned his dress shirt made her insides twist and turn. 
Last night, she even got to see a side of him he rarely showed. Most times when they had sex, Levi took control. But everything was different last night. He squirmed under her and moaned loudly, his eyes rolling back as his legs started to shake. 
After three rounds, the two sat in bed side by side. They stared at the city from the window. Enjoying the peace and cold the night brought. Hanji enjoyed counting the cars that passed, while Levi stared at her. 
It was impulsive, but she did not regret it as much as she expected. The three words came out of her mouth smoothly, and if he did not listen closely then he would not notice how it seemed so rehearsed. 
"Hanji, I am not the person for you." 
It hurt, but it was true. He only spoke of the truth, yet Hanji hated him. Levi could have lied, he could have told her he loved her too. But he didn't. And she should be grateful, she should be. Anger bubbled up inside her, anger for both of the people in the room. 
At him for being so… so him. For being everything yet nothing at the same. 
At her for allowing this, for not keeping her walls up. For being a fool. 
Thinking of You // Katy Perry
Levi tried. At best, he tried. 
For months, he noticed the way Hanji looked at him. He did not mean to assume, it was just too noticeable because it was how his mom looked at him.
Like he was too precious for the world. Like he was special. Like he was loved. 
He knew any time she would say those words, but he did not think it would be so soon. Levi has not prepared himself for anything. He did not know what to say or do. He's never experienced anything so pure ever since his mom. Most people regarded him in ways he knew how to handle. 
Either in respect or simply lust. With respect, he just had to reciprocate it. And lust, give them a dick and it was all good. 
But love, it was like calculus for an elementary student. Too complex and, in some cases, too much. 
And because he did not want to think about Hanji or the way she said I love you with her wide eyes, he went out to party. 
There he met Erwin. A buff man in a crisp suit. Not too many words were uttered, but moans were echoing in the bathroom of the bar. The guy was handsome and built as hell, who was Levi to reject a blessing? 
As he was being rammed, his hands on the sink for balance and mouth agape in pleasure, a certain person kept popping up on his mind. Even though Erwin kept pushing in so hard from the back that Levi's hands kept slipping off the sink, he could not help but think if Hanji slept with another person too. With that thought, it riled him up. He pushed his ass backwards to meet with Erwin's aggressive thrusts and in five more the two came in sync, muttering curses underneath their breaths. 
As they fixed themselves up, Erwin passed him a business card before leaving. He did not even check the words written before throwing it in the bin. The condom he threw seconds ago sat beside it and he cringed at that. 
"When I'm with him, I am thinking of you." He stared at his own reflection and scowled. What did he get himself into. 
Do I Wanna Know // Arctic Monkeys 
"Hey," he breathed, voice deep and slurred. Two empty bottles of gin stood on his coffee table. 
"What are you doing?" Hanji tried her best not to let her walls break. She knows when too much heartache is enough. 
"Crawling back to you," Levi chuckled before continuing. "Ever thought of calling when you've had a few? 'Cause I always do." 
"Levi, I can't do this right now." It has been about a month, and Hanji has learned. Nifa and Petra did not let her off easily despite crying for days. They lectured her for a week straight, but did not leave her side. They brought food, reminded her about assignments and even took her out on dinner dates. "I have to go." 
Build Me Up Buttercup // The Foundations 
"Levi, you cannot just build me up just to let me down." She pushed him away as he tried to hold on either side of her arm. Hanji was on her way to the cafeteria when Levi pulled her and dragged her to a secluded corner, asking if they could talk. 
"I'm sorry," he blurts out and it makes her pause, his forehead creases as he looks at her with pleading eyes. "Help me, I do not know how to do this." 
Hanji's eyes widen in horror, "what do you mean? Are you okay?" 
"This whole thing, this lo-love." 
It took every nerve inside of Hanji's body for her not to laugh at him. She found it weirdly cute. Sure, he broke her heart, but the man was clearly trying. 
"Is Levi 'I am not the person for you' Ackerman asking for my help?" She brought one hand under her chin, feigning brainstorming. 
"Oh, so you want to think hard? How about I give you something else that's hard?" He pulls her, his bulge meeting with her crotch. "But honestly though, what a simp you are." 
"So you want me to give you a hard time and reject you now? Make you wait for a year?" She smacks his chest. 
"No, I'm fine with waiting but I want you now." He kisses her cheek a couple of times before pressing his lips on hers. 
"Look at you, suddenly a softie," she teases as their noses meet. 
"Have I not always been one?" 
"Yeah, I kept wondering if fuck buddies usually cuddle after sex. Or give the other lunches that they made on their own. Or cleaning the dor—" 
"Okay, you made your point already, four eyes." Levi raises one hand to cup her cheeks, making her look at him in the eye. "I can't promise you something perfect from the books, but I am willing to give you everything that I am." 
"Such a sweet talker!" 
"Oh, whatever." 
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lovelyirony · 4 years
could you write something for trans pepper coming out to tony please?
authors note: i am not an expert, nor am i trans. please let me know if i have written anything wrong/harmful, and i’ll take it down
When Pepper started at Stark Industries, she told herself that she would not get too involved. She was here to do her job, and nothing else. She had caused “problems” at her last job, and in return they had caused problems for her as well. 
(Sitting by herself at the cafeteria, fielding uncomfortable messages, and correcting intentionally wrong emails had been...exhausting. Mentally and physically.) 
But this? No, this can’t go on. 
The math is all wrong. It’s going to cost the company about a million dollars if she lets it pass, and while she’s sure that it could be replaced easily in a day, that’s the kind of thing that gets you fired. And when employers look at your resume and see that you were terminated from the highest-ranking job to have for an accountant, a prestigious company that takes pride in accurate numbers and satisfied employees? 
Well...it doesn’t look too hot. 
So she brings it up. Her boss isn’t exactly happy with her. She thinks the numbers were probably intentional. 
“I’ve been doing this for years, I think I know a little bit more than you, young lady,” he scowls. 
Pepper’s not exactly fazed at the dismissive remark. 
“Then I’m sure that you’ll know that your math is wrong. It’d be better to double-check it and be right and have me be in the wrong than not check it and be fired.” 
He doesn’t check it. 
But when he’s called into Mr. Stark’s office, he must have mentioned her name. 
He put the blame on her. 
Pepper cannot believe it as she’s called in. 
“So, Mark tells me that you did math wrong.” 
“I didn’t. I triple-checked it, and kept the receipt tape as proof.” 
“Oh, I know. Mark can’t do math for shit, but he hates when people tell him. But I’m glad you did, because it made me realize I can’t have someone who’s so insecure that when someone tells them to double-check it and they don’t because they want to be right, that...I don’t know what I was doing. Anyways, he’s fired.” 
Pepper blinks. 
“Yeah, really. Also, I’m reading your file. Virginia? Did your parents hate you?” 
“Not the worst name I’ve been given,” Pepper says smoothly. 
“Hm. Says here that you go by Pepper. I like that.” 
“Thank you, chose it myself and everything.” 
“And everything?” Tony asks, smiling. “I like that.” 
Four months later, she’s in the break room when Tony’s personal assistant quits on the spot after he’s late for the third time in a week. 
“I can’t fucking do this!” He screeches. “I’m done.” 
Pepper’s not sure why she goes into Jason’s office and just looks at the schedule. 
She calls his cell. 
“Jason, seriously, I told you to quit bothering me.” 
“It’s Pepper. Get your ass over here for your meeting, the board directors are about an inch away from reinstating Obadiah.” 
“And that would be a bad thing...why?” 
“You want your stock points to drop because you’re proving that you can’t be trusted to run a company?” 
“I’ll be there.” 
It’s the fastest time that Tony makes it into the office, by the way. Pepper’s only slightly proud. 
She’s terrified when he offers her a position as a personal assistant. She’ll be in the limelight, people paying attention to her. 
She modifies her contracts: no one is allowed to access any sort of personal information. At all. It has to be locked in a vault, only key is one that she and Tony know about. 
“Anything I should know about?” 
“Um. No.” 
“Oh. Okay. As long as you aren’t secretly running any illegal thing out of one of the floors, then be my guest. But if you are, let me know. Petra in accounting--new hire, you wouldn’t know them--is secretly reselling wedding cakes. I think. Maybe the wedding cakes was a bad lie. Hell. But welcome aboard!” 
Wrangling Tony is a lot like dealing with a goldfish. He’s a genius; she sees that when she walks into his house and sees about seven different projects lying around, and at least two papers that have notes about redoing a filtration system for drinking water. 
He is also incredibly stupid. 
“You have fifteen coffee cups out.” 
“Impossible, I don’t own that many!” 
“Aw, did you not take counting classes in preschool?” 
Tony likes her. A lot. She’s got a bite of wit, no-bullshit when it comes to business, and never misses a beat. She also has a killer sense of style, and is the one who makes sure he’s not wearing a weird mixture of jeans and a sport coat. 
“Come on, it’s not like fashion actually matters that much. Well, not to me.” 
“It should. You should be the most creatively dressed male out there, and you’re not. A black suit? God, that’s...that’s sad. No, I ordered you a blue silk suit. Embroidered with flowers all over, matching shoes with inverted colors. Come on. In you go.” 
(His outfit is a smashing success, by the way. They ask who his stylist is, and he just says “Oh, my personal assistant said she would bury me in my garden if I wore a black suit. I would’ve dug it myself, looking on this now.”) 
She does not tell him for a long time. At all. Because people are...weird about it. Weird questions, weird statements, and compliments so backhanded she doesn’t like to call them compliments. 
But at some point, she needs to tell him. Or she wants to. She wants to, she doesn’t have to. Yeah. 
Okay. So she’s in love with him. A tiny bit. 
He makes her coffee. Every morning. Creamer goes into the mug first, then coffee. That’s the only way she takes it. 
He compliments her a lot, and she knows that this shouldn’t be a reason that love qualifies but it’s nice to hear. He also bought her a very expensive pair of shoes. 
Pepper honestly does want to tell him. She also does not want to lose her job, however. So she needs to gauge the situation. Maybe talk to some of her girlfriends, see what’s up. 
Well then her boss goes missing for months and comes back and obviously you can’t tell someone you’re in love with them after they come back with an electromagnetic device in their chest. That’s just crazy. 
He came back...different. New circumstances, new outlook on life. She relates a tiny little bit. 
She buys herself a beautiful blue dress. He gives her his credit card, tells her to buy herself something nice, and goddammit she’s never been one to really disobey her boss. (Just bend some rules. Or create new ones that negate the old ones.) 
She curls her hair and only curses eight times, which is actually pretty good. Her usual amount of cursing per-curling-session is about eighty-two. 
He looks at her like she’s an angel, and she thinks...yeah. Okay. She’ll tell him that she’s in love with him. 
Well then his uncle decides to attempt to kill him. God, what a mood killer. She hates this. 
They’re laying down in his house on the patio, and he’s sipping on a smoothie that she’s honestly sure is 100% gross, and he turns to her. 
“Would you ever want to go on a date with me?” 
Pepper blinks. 
“Yes,” she says without skipping a beat. “But we need to have a discussion before I dedicate myself to this cause.” 
“What am I, a Salvation Army donation bin?” 
“Then dinner-and-discussion tonight. Not a date. Just...talking.” 
She’s nervous. She’s put her hair up so that she won’t run her fingers through it, but now she’s just fidgeting with her necklace and bracelet. 
Tony looks nice. He’s in a casual graphic tee and old jeans that are older than she actually knew they could hold together. She is in old shorts and a tank top and yeah it’s casual but it’s also nice and wow she’s really over-thought this. 
“So, what are your concerns?” Tony says. Getting to the point straight-away, that’s always his move. Pepper gulps. 
“You mind if I get water?” 
“Not at all.” 
She sips on water. 
“My concern is that I’m transgender and you need to know that before we pursue anything.” 
Tony blinks. 
“Um. Okay. Was not expecting that right out. I was more thinking you would have a problem with my new armor and Rhodey and I being immature when he visits and also how much time I spend on inventing.” 
“Well yeah, those too. But I deal with those all the time. But I’m also concerned about you pissing off the government and them sending secret agents to kill us.” 
Jarvis cuts in smoothly. 
“I am afraid, Miss Potts, that they wouldn’t make it two hundred feet of this current residence. Would you like me to update security protocols at other residences around the globe?” 
“You can do that?” Pepper asks. 
“Yes, Miss Potts.” 
“Please do update, thank you.” 
Tony grins, looking at her. The same way. Which is kind of exhilarating, all things considered. 
“You amaze me. J, remind me that if Pep and I break up, I need to build a bunker that could withstand a nuclear war.” 
“I will not remind you of that, as I’m sure it will be on you,” Jarvis remarks. 
Pepper snorts. 
“I wasn’t aware that I was going to turn my AI against myself,” Tony sighs. “Such is life.” 
Pepper grins. He squeezes her hand. 
“You want to celebrate this with wine? I’m sure tomorrow you’ll have me signing so many forms for workplace relationships that I’ll cry by two p.m.” 
“Make that one p.m., and you’ll be fine you big baby,” Pepper teases. 
Tony blows her a kiss as he gets up from the couch. 
“Thank you. For telling me. I know that that’s hard to tell people. Discuss more of it later, or now?” 
“Mm, later. It’s late at night, I’m tired.” 
“Gotcha. You want red or white tonight?” 
Tony grins, getting out the wine glasses. He pours carefully and expertly, and raises his. They clink their glasses together. 
“Cheers to more success. For the both of us.” 
Pepper grins softly. 
“For success.” 
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iamnightduchess · 4 years
WIP: Until Dawn Pt. 2 (18+)
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The small, wrapped up figure lying on the makeshift pull cart began to stir in his sleep. The vigil brown-haired woman who was resting against a nearby tree and keeping watch, scooted over to the pull cart.
“Hey Levi,” asked Hange, concern vivid in her visible eye. “Are you parched? Need something to eat?”
The raven-haired man’s one good, visible eye opened and he responded slowly, “Hange...what was the commotion about earlier?” He awoke in his sleep, when he’d heard the sound of a scuffle from the group. Shaking his drowsiness away, he began to reach out to the bowl in Hange’s hands, but the other woman pulled it away, insisting that she’d helped him instead.
“That? Just a bunch of kids duking it out over centuries old history and dead best friends,” offered Hange, as she continued her recap of the earlier incident. “Jean kicked the shit out of Braun for killing one of the cadets in Trost. Remember that day when the whole unit’s gone outside the walls for an excursion?”
Hange scooped a small sum of the meaty, starchy stew, having been slightly cool off in the cauldron, and pushed it into Levi’s slightly opened jaw. “Take it slowly.” In normal circumstances, Levi would not be caught dead having to be fed by someone else yet it’s now already a regular occurrence between them since the past few days. Hange found it rather therapeutic and in a sense, calming when she saw Levi slowly regaining his strength from an almost vegetative state several days earlier. “How are you feeling?”
Humanity’s Strongest nodded slowly as he took in another spoonful of stew. “Better. All thanks to you, Hange.”
Hange beamed when she saw the only visible end of Levi’s lips curved upwards. A tiny bit. “Is that a smile I see, Levi?”
“Hmm…” Levi grunted, feigning an annoyance towards his longtime comrade’s words. “Anyone died while I was asleep?”
“Levi….” Hange shook her head, yet she couldn’t force back the grin on her face. As she continued to feed him, occasionally alternating with small sips of water from the steel canister, Hange eventually let out a long drawl of sigh, oblivious with the way Levi’s watchful gaze lingered over her face. 
“Something on your mind?”
“Nothing...just, I hope that we can work all of this out. I should’ve seen what Eren was planning, should’ve tried harder to foresee this happening.”
“Stop blaming yourself for that brat’s selfishness.”
“What do you think Erwin would have done?”
There was a flash of reminiscence in Levi's eye when their previous Commander’s name was mentioned. He took a long time to respond to her question. To be honest, it’s a question that has crossed his mind once in a while when he’s faced with a decision-making that requires the priority of one over another, or others.
“He would have prioritized humanity above else. Just like you do.”
Hange nodded, although she was very well aware she wouldn’t be able to fill in Erwin’s position that he left behind, but she would never cease to uphold all the values their former Commander had inspired inside all of those who bear the insignia of the Wings of Freedom. It was rather unfortunate that Erwin’s values had somewhat been violated by the Jeagerists - who twisted their definition of freedom by enabling Eren’s orchestration of the world’s destruction.
Erwin would have fought for the world’s humanity to the death.
Levi’s grunt could be heard as he eventually caught sight of the Female Titan holder, sitting on the other side of the clearing with Armin next to her. Both of the former 104th cadets could be seen conversing, more strained than a cordial manner. His jaw clenched tightly, as memories of his old squad resurfaced at the back of his mind. Eld, Gunther, Auruo and Petra. He could still taste the overwhelming rage that coursed through his blades in the Forest of Giant Trees on that day.
It hasn’t been easy for him to accept working with their enemies was even an option at all, but to face a mutual threat, you’d have to push aside your personal anger and vendetta for the greater good. He made a promise in martial court years ago that he’d be the one who personally keeps Eren in check if he so much stepped out of line. That brat was beyond redemption. If talking to Eren isn’t working, then there’s only one thing left to do.
It would be hard on his only kin, but if it needs to be done, then so be it. Even if it means it would be hurting her the most.
Snippet#2 *contains (some) sexual innuendos somewhere-ish
“Mikasa, you’re burning up. Are you sure you’re not running a fever?,” asked their Commander, as all eyes were now drawn towards her and she truly felt like her silent indecency was forcefully placed on display.
Reiner stopped mid-chew, offering his suggestion, “It could be the start of a heatstroke. Have you drank anything since we got onboard?” Unbeknownst to him that HE was actually the true reasoning behind the sudden spike of her body temperature.
Mikasa shook her head, clearing her parched throat. Yet she unhurriedly reached out to a pitcher of water, to which Armin had already poured into a cup for her. “Thank you,” she said coolly, somewhat relieved that things have been in a way, amicable between them. She downed the whole cup quickly.
Hange-san voiced out her concern. “Mikasa, I want you to take a rest inside one of the bunk rooms available in the upper deck. You’ve done really well today.”
She nodded slowly in return, adhering to her Commander’s order. “Yes, Hange-san.”
There was no concealing the older woman’s maternal concern over the younger recruit who had been the closest thing to a daughter in her life. She observed as Mikasa stood up from her seat and walked towards the main door of the room.
“Wait,” Jean called out to her, “Mikasa, I’ll walk you to the room.”
Reiner, Hange and Armin exchanged odd glances between them. Jean certainly had no idea how wrongful of an implication his suggestion sounded like to most of them. Pieck could be seen shaking her head at the taller man’s naivete.
“I’m fine on my own,” came the monotonous reply from the other woman as she turned her head back towards Jean’s direction. Mikasa’s yearning eyes that were brimming with a telltale sign of a dawning urge, Pieck noticed, were not even gazing at Jean but at another person inside that room.
It was aimed for her direction-- no, she turned to her right hand side and realized that Mikasa’s words were meant for Jean but the longing in her eyes; it was for Reiner. Or, could the words be meant for Mikasa, herself?
Maybe the Hizurian girl is burning with a fever after all. The fever from an old unkindled flame. Zeke’s briefing wasn’t the first time she had heard of Mikasa’s name in Marley. It was from Reiner. He had spoken it out of fear but Pieck knew very well, one does not scream a hated enemy’s name in their sleep and found themselves waking up to an unconscious secretion of some rather privy bodily fluids. Porco, Reiner’s bunkmate in their past years’ missions, had blabbed about it to her once to get a good laugh out of her but she felt only sympathy for their Vice Commander’s predicament and Pieck had made sure Porco swore to take that secret with him to his death.
Porco…. She felt an immediate pang of guilt from within.
“She shouldn’t be alone,” persisted Jean as he pushed his chair back and Pieck decided that someone should remind him that the other woman’s wishes should be respected. “I’m very sure Mikasa said she wanted to be by herself.” Pieck reiterated the female Ackerman’s earlier words. Also, Jean had been grating on her nerves since last night.
“You don’t know her like I do.”
She rebutted, “Knowing someone and actually respecting them are two different things, Jean.”
The other man raised his eyebrow, irritated. The sarcasm within the Marleyan woman's words were not missed by everyone inside that room. “What the hell is wrong with you? Since last night, you’ve been nothing but a bitch to me!”
“JEAN! You’re stepping out of line.” Hange sternly reprimanded her subordinate of his indiscretion, while Armin and Connie were already exchanging nervous glances between them at the unexpected fracas taking place out of nowhere.
Pieck sent him a chilling glare from across the table and goaded, “Commander Hange, I don’t mind if he wants to TRY punching my face like he did with Reiner. He obviously has some anger slash ego issues he needs to sort out.”
Reiner sighed and stepped his foot down. “Pieck, at ease. You and I would need to talk. Now.”
“Sorry, Sir.” Pieck looked down in shame at her own temporary lapse of judgment and offered another apology to the Survey Corps Commander. “I apologize, Commander. My words and action are uncouth and unnecessary. I’m sorry.”
Jean stormed off the room, needing to vent out his frustration somewhere more private (yet again) and Connie shook his head in disbelief, chugging his fifth glass of red wine for the day, much to Armin’s chagrin. Hange gazed down calmly at the papers in her slightly shaking hand, it seemed that the heat and existing tension were getting to everyone when flaring tempers and disgruntled frustrations should be the least of their concerns.
Until Dawn by NightDuchess
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liddolwhynot2000 · 4 years
Decisions Of a Capricorn
Summary: Levi Ackerman woke up one fine morning. In the past. Shit.
Genre: Angst, lets-change-shit, drama, liddol romance (Levixhappiness)
Pairings: Levi/Original Female Character, Levi/Petra
Warning: Manga spoilers
Chapter 2: White Poppy
Summary: Capricorns are responsible and disciplined. You always make the most practical decisions. You think about things thoroughly before acting, and you make choices based on what provides the most benefits for everyone.
Alternatively, Levi decides what to do.
Usually, when he was left alone in his office, Levi was either buried in an absurd amount of paperwork, courtesy of Erwin, or trying to sleep a little.
Today, however, he was simply sitting at his desk and staring mindlessly at the table. He didn't even feel the urge to get himself some tea, too lost in his internal monologue.
He was back in the past. The Godamn shitty past.
Eren hadn't turned into a douche bag yet. Erwin was still alive. 95% of the people that had been dead to him a day ago, were alive and well. And if he played his cards right, he could ensure that at least some of them would stay alive.
He could and would change shit.
But.. How?
Levi was a practical man. He knew his own limits when it came to plotting and planning. There was no way for him to change things in a way that wouldn't result in the rumbling. Not on his own. Only the likes of Hange or Armin or-
'Yes Levi?'
Erwin continued to work, not even bothering to look at Levi as he filled out forms for the upcoming expedition. It was late at night and the blonde commander was sitting at his desk, working away as everyone else slept. Others would think he was simply sleep deprived and that's why he was hardly paying attention to his trusted captain.
Levi knew better. Erwin was always sharp, he just preferred luring people into a false sense of security that he wasn't.
He leaned back against the couch, crossing his legs casually and took a sip of his tea.
'I've been thinking about your plan.'
'I think we made a mistake.'
At this, Erwin calmly settled his pen down and finally deigned to look at him.
Okay, time to put his plan into motion.
'We're sure that The Armoured and Colossal are like Eren right? Humans that's can transform into titans?'
'The Colossal Titan and Armoured Titan appeared five years ago. Which means whoever is inside those shitty titans, they have at least five years of experience over Eren. Taking him and my squad into a battle field where they aren't prepared for enemies like that-'
Levi could only feel relief as Erwin's expression lit up with understanding.
'It means that I judged wrong. Of course, not all titan shifters would be like Eren. They've had more time and access to their power. More time to harness it in battle. Eren has hardly had 2 months and still can't transform at will. This makes it difficult to use him as bait to lure out the traitor, because simply put, Eren won't be able to protect himself. In which case, we would risk losing our greatest weapon and... '
Watching him open the drawer and pull out the mission plan, Levi realised that he had forgotten how smart Erwin was. He could practically see the gears turning in his mind. The brilliant bastard was changing the plan as they spoke.
'Exactly. And if the Armoured Titan comes after us, we're fucked. We don't have anyone except Eren who even stands a chance against it. And that's not saying much.'
Levi liked to believe it was sheer dumb luck that Annie had come after them, rather then Reiner. They could at least still fight and capture Annie with their limited resources--Reiner would have gotten away with Eren easily.
'Do you think your squad can take on a titan shifter?'
Levi blinked and snapped out of his thoughts.
'Frankly, no. If the shifter is Eren, he'll get his ass kicked. If it's the Armoured fucker, they're dead.'
His old squad just wasn't able to take on an opponent like that. They were all prepared to take on the worst, however, Levi acknowledged their lack of creativity and improvisation. They would simply think between to kill or to not kill, which was likely what would had gotten them killed in the first place. If they had let Eren transform first and tire out the female titan before they fought her, they would have likely lived. His next squad had proven better then them because of this--for they often found ways to fight and get out of it alive against the shittiest of odds.
'Even if we tell them about the traitor?'
'If we tell them, they'll judge accordingly and try to keep Eren safe no matter what.'
If he instructed his squad of the situation beforehand, he was confident they'd get out of it alive. They weren't the best at spur of the moment thinking, but they were still extremely talented. As long as they stuck to his orders and were informed enough, they'd manage well.
'Do you think we should tell Eren?'
Inwardly, Levi winced at the mention of Eren, remembering that he still hadn't figured out what to do about him.
'Yes. The brat needs to be prepared too. And.. I think we need to give him reasons to trust us.'
Erwin raised an eyebrow at him, silently probing for more. Levi obliged.
'The brat's a Survey Corps fanboy. The hero worship will wear off soon enough. I'd rather our greatest weapon actually trust us because we give him reasons to. Don't want to risk him acting out.'
'Fair. This is rather odd coming from you, I-'
'Don't take this the wrong way. I don't trust him. But he should trust us. We're gambling lives for his shitty ass.'
'Ah. I see.'
'How much are you going to change the plan?'
'I haven't decided yet. I'll tell you by tommorow. I need to think on it a little more.'
'I just want you to let me tell my squad about the traitor. The rest is your shit to figure out.'
'... Well, you do have valid reasons so-'
Levi smirked,
'So act in whatever manner you see fit.'
Levi nodded before making to leave. His job here was done. Just as he was about to shut the door and leave Erwin to strategise, he paused.
'You might regret letting me do what I want.'
Erwin smiled at him.
'No regrets.'
Levi almost smiled back, but instead opted to shut the door.
Early in the morning, Levi walked outside in the courtyard. The sun had risen a while ago and the air had been crisp. It wouldn't be long till his comrades would be awake, so he figured a stroll to clear his mind wouldn't hurt.
Had he made the right decision? Levi honestly didn't know.
Initially, he had planned to just tell Erwin everything. About Marley, Eren letting his inner lunatic out full blast, the truth about the King. But, he had stopped himself.
Maybe it was because he had grown used to not having Erwin around, that he was making decisions on his own? Or maybe it was just that he was tired of following orders that only got people killed?
He hadn't wanted to not tell his squad about the traitor, yet he had obeyed orders and stayed quiet. Resulting in their deaths.
He hadn't wanted to go along with the battle in Stohess District, but he had obeyed orders and watched countless civillians die.
He hadn't wanted to take part in any plan that involved keeping Zeke alive but he had fucking obeyed orders and done it. The end result had been a mass genocide that none of them had been able to stop.
He knew Erwin would lead them well if he knew everything, but for now, he would prefer changing things using his own authority. It was selfish of him, but he had learned his lesson.
Ever since that dark day in that field, when he had made his decision to serve in the Survey Corps, he had always relied on Erwin. Or rather, his orders. It had been easier to let him make all the decisions and just go with it. The objective was always completed, so the cost had always been brushed aside.
Except following orders like that had only worked for singular, short term goals. When it came to the end goal, it had only led to their destruction.
Levi was scared that if he followed Erwin half blind like before, history would only repeat itself. But what if he made it worse? Erwin had always been more visionary. The brains of the operation. Levi was used to being the brawns that just did as told.
He kicked a pebble, sighing. Taking a deep breathe he closed his eyes--only for someone to bump into his chest and fall to the ground.
Levi didn't so much as step back, hardly phased. He frowned at the person rubbing their head as they half lay on the floor.
It was a woman, with startling, long red hair. A basket lay next to her, full of flowers. Some had fallen out of the basket.
'Tch. Watch where you're going.'
The woman looked up at him, vivid pretty green eyes blinked up at him in confusion. Levi raised an eyebrow, and then realisation dawned upon her. She immediately scampered upto her feet
'I'm so, so sorry--I was - I mean- I didn't mean to bump into you Captain. It was an honest mistake.'
He rolled is eyes and gestured to the flowers on the ground.
'Well? Clean up this mess'
'Oh yes, of course.'
She began hurriedly picking up the flowers, before nervously apologising to him once more and running off. Just as he was about to walk back to his office, he noticed a flower she hadn't picked up.
Holding it in his hand, he couldn't help feeling a sense of peace. It was a white poppy. Clutching it tightly, he began to climb the stairs to his office, suddenly feeling more sure of himself then ever.
Hange had told him, in one of her I- learned-something-new-so-your-eardrums-have-to-suffer sessions, about what a poppy symbolised. Peace. The end and remembrance of a war. It had been one of the last happy conversations he had with her, right before Eren had unleashed hell on them.
Peace was all Levi had ever wanted--not just for himself, but for everyone living in the walls. And he would try his damned hardest to achieve that.
Yet again, he would believe in his own decisions. This time, he would trust himself even more. Feeding Erwin little information that made sense would be easy enough, the man was intelligent enough to draw conclusions that would benefit them.
And, there were somethings he would prefer that still happened. To keep things predictable for him. Like the 57th Expedition. He would capture Annie this time around and not let the Stohess Battle occur. The wall titans and humanity existing outside the walls could be proven when Historia was made queen and they reached the basement-
Wait, shit.
Historia was still part of the Survey Corps.
Levi stared blankly at the flower on his desk, debating whether if breaking the queen's legs before she was even queen would be considered treason. Because there was no way in hell he was letting her near any danger.
Historia was a game changer. A hope for the war. Levi knew some people would still die, but Historia was one who couldn't. Eren could be replaced, Erwin could be replaced, Levi himself could be replaced, but not Historia. He would have to get her out of the fold safely-
*knock knock*
'Come in' Levi answered without a second thought. Petra entered holding a tray full of biscuits and a steaming cup of tea.
'Captain, here's your morning tea. The staff had some biscuits today too.'
'Ah. Thank you. Just put it here.'
Petra settled the tea cup and plate on his desk, catching sight of the poppy.
'That's a pretty flower captain. Where did you pick it from?'
'I didn't. I got it from some girl.'
If Levi hadn't been busy checking the temperature of his tea, he would have noticed the slightly crushed expression on his comrades face. By the time he looked at her again, the girl was saluting him.
'Petra--go tell the others we'll be doing transformation experiments with Eren today. Everyone has an hour to get ready. If anyone's late, they'll have a special sparring session with me.'
'Yes Sir!'
Watching her leave, he resolved himself. He was doing what he could for them. He would try to get them closer to peace. He found himself looking at the white poppy again, the barest hints of a smile on his face.
He might just have to thank that girl for bumping into him.
.. And look into the law books regarding what injuries to historia wouldn't count as treason. There had to be at least one right?
A/N: hope y'all liked this! Sorry I've been MIA. My dad got pnemoneia and ended up admit in the hospital. Thankfully we caught it in time, so he's recovered well now. But it's been a crazy couple of days.
Soo, I debated Levi being absolutely honest with Erwin and telling him the entire truth but I realized it wouldn't work. The story is going to be set in more changing the timeline from chapter 4 I think, when the expedition starts. I'm actually writing this as I go sooo, *laughs nervously. Also poor historia. Will Levi actually break her legs? Till next time!
(also I'm working on those asks now, so they'll come soon)
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justanotherlifeff · 4 years
Tumblr media
Levi Ackerman × reader
Genre: Angst, Hurt/comfort, Fluff, matured themes, slowburn
Warning: There's mentions and descriptions of underage rape and suicidal themes and self harm.
They caught the female titan. As I thought, Levi heichou had a plan. It was a shame that the others didn't know about it and hence, many lives were lost but I suppose that was meant to happen. After all, sacrifices like that were normal in the survey corps. We were moving far from the captured titan with Eren and the others when we suddenly heard a huge unearthly roar. "What the hell was that?" I wondered. Everyone else was equally surprised. A while passed and Oluo was talking to Eren about how the team should be trusted when we got a signal from Levi heichou to go back to his position. 
The expedition had ended. As we were flying back, Eld was talking to Eren about how Oluo and Petra pissed their pants on their first expedition as he didn't hear about it the last time Eld mentioned it. Petra and I didn't make any eye contact or talked even once the whole day. Not that I wanted to talk to her anyway. I felt.. Jealous? Maybe not jealous but totally annoyed because she came at me out of nowhere the last day. But yeah, I totally felt something against her.
 Who am I kidding? I feel jealous and I wish she would just die. Suddenly Gunther spotted Levi heichou flying towards us. We took a look at the figure and I could immediately tell it wasn't him. The figure was a lot more feminine. Then it killed him. Eren shouted out "GUNTHER!". I was speechless. Who was that? Oluo shouted "EREN DON'T STOP! KEEP GOING!". Then he shouted to Eld, " SHIT! WHAT DO WE DO?! WHERE DO WE GO?!". 
Eld commanded us to head to command at full speed or to any friendly forces as there was no time to get on horses.
 Petra was panicking and asking if that is the female titan or not and whoosh. It transformed into the female titan. SHE JUST HAD TO MENTION IT. "THIS TIME I WILL KILL IT!" Eren shouted. That boy needs to think straight. He can't even control his titan powers properly. "YOU CAN'T. HEAD TO COMMAND AT FULL SPEED EREN. WE WILL TAKE CARE OF THIS TITAN " Eld shouted. Eren wasted some more time nagging when I shouted at him, "EREN, DO WHAT YOU'RE SAID FOR ONCE GODDAMNIT! OR ELSE I'LL MAKE MIKASA KILL YOU!" and he finally succumbed. 
"Damn you are intimidating when you shout" Eld told me with a smile. Petra scoffed even if I could tell she was intimidated by me as well. The four of us charged towards the titan. Oluo and Eld blinded her. Petra and I sliced both of her hands and Eld went for the nape when it bit Eld. She grew one of her eyes back in less than 30 seconds... I was genuinely scared by that sudden comeback. I calmed myself down in a moment and came back at her from behind with Oluo. Petra was in front of it and she was not high enough. If I hurry, I can move her from the spot. I have enough time to save her. Atleast I think I do... 
But... Do I want to save her? I could blame it all on circumstances and not have blood on my hands at the same time... I might even have a chance with Levi heichou if she is out of the picture... There's still time to save her... Should I? Or should I not? Oluo, who was completely out of range shouted at her to go higher but then the titan stomped at her. Oluo didn't stop to think and went for it's nape but Oluo's sword broke. Then it kicked Oluo. They were all dead. I made a decision. I should own it. Then why do I not feel okay about this?  
Nevertheless, I knew I had to do something because I wouldn't just wait for Eren to be taken. I went as fast as I could towards her and snapped her arms off as fast as possible. I was using a lot of gas but I didn't care. The whole squad was dead. I couldn't do anything about it. No, I could've saved Petra but I didn't. I... I'm not a good person anymore... I don't deserve Levi after this... I'll have to tell him about it if I survive and I wouldn't mind if he hates me. My mind clouded with regret, I was going to cut off it's legs when it jumped and tried to kick me like Oluo. 
It was a stupid mistake that I made. I made some wrong movements because my head wasn't into the fight. As its hands weren't working, it couldn't kick me but its leg got stuck to the rope from my 3DMG. I was jerked out of my movements and flew backwards towards the trees. I tried to use my 3DMG but I realized I had no gas. Then I felt my back hitting against something and everything went dark.
Levi POV
I was moving back into formation when I heard a titan's roar. It wasn't the female titan. "Don't tell me that voice is Eren's" I sighed. I went to the place where the roar came from and found everyone dead. There was blood everywhere. No signs of breathing. There was Gunther, Eld, Petra, Oluo and (Y/N)? Wait, is she dead? Her head was bleeding. She laid by a tree. One of her legs was twisted. But I could see the slightest movement in her body. She was unconscious and probably broke her leg and hitted her head. She wasn't dead because the leaves cushioned her fall. I went down and checked her pulse. 
Yes she was alive. I took my blade and curved "She's alive. Give a signal if you find her" on the dirt beside her and fired an emergency signal. Someone should find her. If not, I will go back for her. I flew away towards the roars again. A girl with black hair was fighting the female titan. She had remarkable capabilities but not good enough for fighting this. She would get killed this way. I pulled her away from the fight and asked her to back off for now. She was convinced that Eren is alive. Apparently, according to her, the female titan tore Eren off the nape of his titan and ran off with Eren in her mouth. 
This girl thinks the objective of the titan is to kidnap Eren. "The objective might be to kill Eren too. In that case, he is dead'' I said to her. She shouldn't keep so much hope. "HE'S ALIVE!" she shouted at me. "I hope you're right." I told her in return. She was complaining about how I failed to protect Eren as I remembered that this girl was in the court and looked murderous when I hitted Eren.
 "I remember you from court. Eren's friend right?" I asked her only to receive a glare. I knew how she felt. I felt the same when Farlan and Isabel... "I see." I said staring at her.I heard an acoustic shell while flying. Someone must have found (Y/N). "First, we'll focus on one objective. Give up on killing the female titan." I added. The fact that (Y/N) is okay made me think straight. 
This girl was having weird effects on me and there's no denying it. But this was not the time to think about that. "How many of our comrades has she murdered?" Eren's friend asked. "Trust me, as long as that titan has the ability to harden it's skin, killing it is impossible. We'll bet everything on the chance that Eren is still alive and we'll rescue him before that thing can clear the forests." I replied.
After rescuing Eren, that girl and I went straight for the clearing. The supply wagons and all our horses would be there. (Y/N) would be there too. It didn't take too long to reach and the first thing I did after giving Eren to the medics was checking on (Y/N). I didn't know for sure to what extent she was hurt. "How's she doing?" I asked the medic in charge of her. "Surprisingly, she didn't have many injuries at all. She has a mild concussion, a shallow cut on her head and she sprained her ankle. She would be okay after a few hours if she keeps resting." the medic answered me. I felt a wave of tranquillity rush over me. I almost lost her. 
However, that feeling didn't last long as I saw my entire squad's bodies being carried over to the line of corpses. How did this happen? (Y/N)... She had the strength to fight the female titan. I know I trained her good enough for that... Was I wrong? No... (Y/N) is the only person who didn't break after my training. How is this possible? Did they underestimate the enemy? Even if they did, that could cause the death of... Two people at maximum if they were ambushed first. How is everyone dead? I saw a soldier wrap the corpses.
 What answer could I give to their family? That they died valiantly on duty? Because, that would be lying because (Y/N) was there with them. She had the power to save them. What exactly went wrong? I knew that I would be having a conversation with (Y/N) about when we go back to the walls. There would be much more things to handle though, like Eren's custody. This mission was a failure and I am sure that we would have to strategize more to get Eren's custody. Everything went wrong in this expedition. I walked towards my squad's corpses. 
They all are dead. I cared about all of them. I taught them everything they knew. However, what's done is done. I felt calm. Isn't this expected? Of Course they are dead. If I try to approach (Y/N) with my feelings, she will die too. I can't approach her. She came back alive and that's all that matters. I won't let her life go to waste. I can't because maybe, just maybe Petra was right.
I woke up on a cart. I got up to see that we were stationed. I felt slightly dizzy due to the head injury but I managed to get up. I got out of the cart and looked around. A line of corpses were set on the ground. Levi Heichou was sitting beside the corpses, doing something. "So you're up" he spoke in a stoic voice without looking at me as I walked towards him. At that moment I remembered the squad being killed. I started feeling sick. I will never see Oluo bite his tongue again. Eld won't ever brag about Oluo and Petra pissing their pants. Gunther will never try to prove that he didn't piss his pants. And worst of all, I felt relieved that there won't be any Petra to try to take Levi heichou's attention away from me. 
I don't know why his attention meant so much to me but it was enough to be glad about Petra's death. It was an odd feeling really. I regretted having to make the decision that led to her death but her absence made me happy. I felt disgusted with myself because of that. "I'm sorry" was all I could croak out to Levi heicou. I looked down to see him ripping the batch on the jacket off Petra's corpse. That scene made me feel uneasy. Did he love her that much? So much that he would take a memory? It deeply hurted me and I knew that I deserved it. He was looking at that corpse because of my decision. How could I look at him in the eyes after that? Why did I do this?
I didn't talk to him any further after that. I couldn't bring myself to do so. He would be disgusted with me if he knew... I travelled on the cart after that. We were chased by titans after that due to the stupidity of some cadets but we lost the titans after throwing away all the corpses. I couldn't save one of our comrades from getting eaten because I was dizzy from my head injury and Levi heichou couldn't do it because he apparently had a leg injury. After that, Levi heichou gave that same batch he took from Petra to the young soldier, telling him that it was his friend's. The friend he risked his own and all his comrade's lives for. And here, I made the decision to let a comrade die because she was with someone that I liked. I really should get eaten by a titan.
Entering the walls was a nightmare to behold. The citizens were all staring and mocking at us. I felt ashamed to be alive. It only worsened when Petra's father gave Levi heichou the marriage proposal. He didn't talk. He must've asked her to marry him. A wave of relief went over my body "There's no Petra to get married to" I thought smugly and I instantly regretted it. It all hit me suddenly. I had been selfish. 
Because of my selfishness, Levi heichou would have to go to their parents and give excuses from my side to justify their deaths. If I saved Petra, Oluo wouldn't have charged towards the female titan. My mind wouldn't be clouded and I could've taken it down. We underestimated on our first attack and we could've made up for it. 
Only if I saved Petra, Levi Heichou wouldn't have had to go through this pain. I took two children away from their parents just because I couldn't make the right decision. I don't deserve to live. I deserve to have my corpse thrown off for the titans to eat. Because of my decision, Eren's custody will be changed to military police. His life would be at stake again. How could I face Mikasa after this? Uncle Erwin would have to come up with a new plan. How could I live with this decision? Why did I make this decision? 
Only if I saved Petra, I wouldn't have had to endure this odd feeling. This feeling of remorse and a twisted joy. I didn't know what to do with these nasty and unnatural emotions so I locked myself up in the room Petra and I shared as soon as we reached the castle and took a sleeping pill only to get engulfed by sleep. I wasn’t ready to face the repercussions of the decision I made.  
Levi POV
"I'm sorry" she said to me. Her voice had remorse but also relief. What was she relieved about? Her eyes showed pain when she saw me take Petra's batch. What was going on in her head? I only took the batch because I felt guilty of the way I treated her. I indeed was too cold with my rejection. I intended to give that batch to her family. At Least they would have something to remember her by... (Y/N) walked away after she noticed that I was taking Petra's batch. Could it be that she holds similar feelings towards me? 
The silence between Petra and (Y/N) this morning was very noticeable. Did they fight because of me? (Y/N) was there when Petra died. Knowing (Y/N), having all my comrades dead under her care seemed far fetched. (Y/N) was talented enough to save at least one of them, even if they were ambushed. Did (Y/N) have anything to do with Petra's death? That seemed like the only valid reason for their deaths. If it was something like that, could I ever forgive her?
As we entered the wall and Petra's father started giving me a marriage proposal for his dead daughter, I remembered the last thing I said to her. "I'm not interested in you Petra. Please don't do this again because you already made things awkward. You're a talented soldier and it would be bad for the squad if I have to transfer you". This is what I said. I should've transferred her. She wouldn't be dead then. She would've had a chance at life.
 I remembered her saying "You love her don't you? Ofcourse. I'm sorry." with tears in her eyes. I thought about this the whole time (Y/N) was unconscious. I remembered (Y/N)'s past. She was a beautiful strong young woman. I admired how she went on after everything that happened to her. If I were to be honest, I liked how she read books and how serious she was about things that matter. I was amazed by her resilience as she was the only person that I've ever met who didn't give up after the intense training I had put her through.
 I deeply approved of the fact that she took cleaning so seriously. She was just... Perfect. Atleast, to me, she was. She might come up as rude, socially awkward, ruthless, and intimidating to others but to me, she was the perfect woman. Women like her were very rare as getting beautiful usually meant not getting strong vice versa but (Y/N) had both strength and beauty. She was the only person I had ever found myself getting interested in. I knew the answer to Petra's question. 
Love isn't something that comes out of nowhere but I cared about (Y/N). Not to mention that I lusted on her. I lusted on her ever since she sat on my face. But I had to keep her safe from further heartbreak. As a member of the Survey Corps, living isn't granted even if you're the strongest soldier of humanity. I didn't want her to be hurt even more by getting involved with me. After all, people I care about always seemed to die.
To be continued...  
Taglist: @kingtamakimurder @realityisoftendisapointing
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sleeperswakewriting · 4 years
fire alarm
Thank you to @nicolanoodles for the prompt: “the fire alarm went off at 3 am and now the cute guy from the flat next door is standing next to me in his underwear AU”
Rating: G
Pairing: Levi x Petra
Petra groaned and rubbed her eyes as she slid into her slippers. Not again…She thought, throwing on her robe and grabbing her phone. She padded to her front door with not nearly as much haste as she probably should have, but she was tired. For the third time this week, her building’s fire alarm had gone off, and each time had been a false alarm. Something related to a new system, is what management told everyone, but it still didn’t make up for the fact that this was now the third night this week that she had woken up at 3 AM. By the time the firetrucks were called and the all clear was given, she barely fell back asleep before waking up at a prompt 5:30 AM to get ready for work. 
Her coworkers and students commented on her ragged appearance, which made her all the more frustrated since she was usually known for her sunny disposition, but even she had her limits, and she was someone who valued her sleep. It didn’t help that she recently moved into the building so she had nearly another year before her lease was up, and she was so sure that this apartment would be the perfect fit for her modest salary and being a single woman. 
Skirting down the stairs, Petra noticed her neighbors also lazily making their way back down, each of them with the same annoyed and dazed look. Petra knew most of the people on her floor, an elderly couple three doors down, a single mom and son across from her, and a young couple with an adorable Pomeranian that she often saw in the afternoons when she returned from work. There were a couple neighbors unaccounted for, and Petra assumed that their schedules never aligned, but she never had any noise complaints, which was the plus side to her floor. 
The summer breeze hit her as she made her way onto the grass, the moistness catching her fluffy slippers and she grumbled, wondering if the apartment complex would reimburse her for physical and emotional damage. If anything, her students will be suffering tomorrow since Ms. Ral had been at the end of her rope all week, and one more student on the red zone would take away Friday’s movie afternoon. Clearly, lack of sleep made her heartless, but at this point she didn’t care, she wanted to get back into her bed. 
Petra pulled up her Snapchat to show her friends that yet again, she would be in a bad mood all day. As she raised her phone to the apartment complex to snap a picture of the screeching disaster, she immediately noticed a man standing a few feet in front of her in his underwear. Well, his black boxer’s to be exact. He had flip flops on, and he wore a scowl equal to the people around him. His eyes focused in on her, and his grimace darkened. 
They made eye contact and Petra yelped, immediately turning around and slapping her phone to the side of her leg and out of sight. Oh my god, he must think I’m such a perv. Don’t turn around, Petra. Even if he is hot and has a six pack, you were not taking a picture of him in his underwear!
“Oi,” a man said, tapping her shoulder, and she went hot. 
Slowly turning around to meet her judgement, Petra went crimson as the man in the boxers stood in front of her. He was glaring (as he should, Petra thought) and pointed to her phone in her hand. He was only a few inches taller than her, maybe a just bit older too, with grey eyes and an undercut.  
“What the hell?” He asked, and Petra found it very hard to breathe. The last time she was this close to a near naked man was her ex-boyfriend, and that was someone she knew very well. This was a stranger! A very sexy, are-his-muscles-photoshopped stranger. 
Petra took a step back, squishing further into wet grass and she stuttered, “I-I wasn’t taking a picture of you. I was just taking a Snapchat to show my friends to complain. I would show you, but you know, Snapchat.” 
The main raised an eyebrow, not buying her story, and she groaned. “I promise I’m not a pervert. You’re really attractive, but I’m not the type to snap pictures of random guys.”
He raised his eyebrows even further, the annoyance disappearing and his expression softened to something closer to amusement. 
Realizing what she just said, hung over from lack of sleep, Petra clamped her mouth shut and took a deep sigh. 
“Let me start over. Hi, my name is Petra. I live in 34C.” She extended her hand, hoping to get into the stranger’s good graces before he reported her for harassment. 
The man shook her hand. “Levi. 34B.” 
God, could this day get any worse? He was her freaking neighbor too?! One of the nameless ones that apparently worked opposite hours. Feeling lightheaded, Petra released his hand and stared at the ground in embarrassment.
Seemingly uncomfortable with their silence, Levi coughed. “This shit sucks,” he said, pointing his thumb at the firetrucks that started to pour in. They were a good 100 feet away from the building, but the noise was enough to give her a headache. 
“Yeah,” Petra agreed lamely, her silk robe suddenly feeling too tight. 
“How long have you been living here?” He asked. 
“Just two months, I got a job in the area over the summer. You?”
“A year.”
“Oh, so are these things common? I’ve been meaning to ask around but I’m always so tired when they go off, but I’m not sure how much longer I can take it.” 
“Not really, but it’s still fucking annoying. Not like we have work or anything,” he mumbled sarcastically, running his fingers through his hair. 
Since the conversation had mellowed out and he didn’t seem as agitated at her, she allowed herself to peek at him, admiring his muscular features. Maybe he was a personal trainer? Or in the military? 
“I know, right? I have to deal with so many brats in the morning, this week has been killing me,” she commiserated. 
Levi seemed to smirk as she spoke, and she amended, “Not that I don’t like my students or anything! They can be a handful, but I usually really do like them when I’m not sleep deprived.” 
“You’re a teacher?” 
She nodded enthusiastically, “Third grade.”
“Wow,” he replied sincerely. “I couldn’t do that, too much noise.” 
“What do you do?” She asked, feeling braver. 
He crossed his arms, and Petra swallowed as the action highlighted his chest and biceps. “I’m a lawyer.” 
“Oh! Like defense attorney stuff?”
“Child welfare,” he replied, looking to the side, and Petra’s heart melted. Hot and chivalrous? She had to tell Nanaba about him later. 
“That’s amazing!” She said enthusiastically, nearly forgetting about his unclothed state, and she stepped closer to him. His eyes widened as the side of her robe brushed against his stomach, and she caught herself, giggling. 
“Aha, sorry!” She pulled the straps tighter against her. “Can I ask why you’re in your underwear?” Don’t look near his groin, Petra. Don’t try to guess how big—
“I was asleep,” Levi deadpanned, as if it were obvious. Petra looked around them, wondering if anyone else was in a similar state of disarray, but most people were in their robes or threw on a jacket to cover themselves up. Seemingly, as if Levi could read her mind, “I never know if one of these things are real or not, so I just gun for it. I guess I should know by now, but it’s a pretty knee jerk reaction.” 
“Do you want my robe?” She asked suddenly, feeling bad for him and maybe he was feeling self-conscious. 
“Hell no. I’d rather be like this than be caught dead in your pink lingerie.” 
Petra blushed furiously. “It is not lingerie! It’s a robe!” 
He nodded, and with a teasing lilt to his tone, “Sure. With a v-neck cut out to show off your cleavage. Just a robe.”
She looked down at herself for the first time since putting on the ensemble, and she grew hotter noticing the lacy and thin tank top she was wearing. It was obvious to anyone looking at her up close that she wasn’t wearing a bra, and her sleep shorts cut off before her robe, making her look pants-less. 
“Do you want to sit in my car and make out until the trucks leave?” 
“W-What?!” Petra gaped, and she looked up to see Levi’s face lined in amusement, holding up his car keys. 
“I’m kidding. I was actually going to sit in there before I saw you taking a picture of me. We’ve already seen each other half naked, so it isn’t too weird to sit in a car together.” 
Not seeing how her night could get any more embarrassing, Petra nodded and found herself following Levi to his car in the adjacent lot. Maybe I should call out of work tomorrow…
“For the record, I definitely was not taking a photo of you.” 
“I wouldn’t mind if you did, though.” He said, opening the door to his black sports car, and Petra’s heart thrummed in her chest, inhaling the leather. 
Maybe the fire alarm going off wasn’t so bad. 
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jaybear1701 · 4 years
Chapter Summary: Scylla begins her new role as an “instructor” at Fort Salem. It goes about as well as you might expect.
“This is some shit.”
Raelle hadn’t voiced the massive understatement. Beth Treefine did. And, for once, Raelle agreed with the haughty High Atlantic. Beth’s Unit stood shoulder-to-shoulder to the left of Abigail, Tally, and Raelle in the small gym that would serve as their training ground for whatever forbidden Work they’d be learning. The walls felt like they were closing in. And Raelle couldn’t even begin to parse out the jumbling emotions that made her head spin as she watched Scylla, back in uniform, trading hushed, tense words with Anacostia and Izadora. 
“Isn’t Scylla, like, your ex?” Glory Moffett whispered out of the corner of her mouth to the Bellweather Unit’s right, brown eyes wide and round.
Heat prickled up Raelle’s neck.
Both Abigail and Tally shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other.
Beth’s head snapped toward Raelle. “Seriously, you dated a terrorist?” Her lips curled in disgust. “Why am I not surprised? You Cessions do love trash after all.”
Abigail grabbed Raelle’s wrist before she could launch herself at Beth and earn a month’s worth of demerits. “Shut your dirty, fetid mouth, Treefine, before I shut it for you,” Abigail threatened with a dangerous glare.
“Come on, Bellweather,” Beth scoffed. “Even you have to admit this is bullshit!”
“And what exactly is bullshit, Treefine?” Anacostia’s question boomed out into the confined  space. “Is following orders bullshit?” She stalked toward Beth, who stood at attention. “Or maybe it’s doing whatever it takes to crush our enemies once and for all.” Standing toe-to-toe with Beth, Anacostia stared her down. “Is that bullshit to you, Private?”
“No, ma'am.” Beth kept her eyes trained forward, fear of the Goddess in them.
“Good.” Anacostia walked down the line, glowering at each War College freshman. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” She paused briefly in front of Raelle before she continued on. “You’d do well to remember it.”
When she got to the last member of Glory’s unit, Anacostia returned to a position in front of the soldiers.
“For those of you who don’t already know, this is Scylla Ramshorn.” She beckoned Scylla forward. “Outside, she’s just another soldier. But here, she’ll be your instructor for the next few weeks. Treat her with anything but respect, and you’ll answer to me.” She moved to the side to stand next to Izadora.
The air thickened in Raelle’s lungs as Scylla stepped forward, fingers casually tucked in her pockets, a small smirk on her stupidly beautiful face. Except the smug smile seemed almost too stiff, a brittle mask tenuously held in place. 
Scylla cleared her throat. “I know this isn’t ideal for you,” she began, making eye contact with everyone but Raelle. “It’s not exactly a picnic for me, either. But the sooner we get through this, the sooner we can defeat the Camarilla.”
“How?” Abigail asked.
Raelle bit the inside of her cheek, while Tally stifled a groan. 
“Bellweather,” Anacostia growled.
“Ma’am, I mean no disrespect,” Abigail explained, even as she eyed Scylla with caution. “A ceasefire is one thing. I genuinely want to know how the Spree can possibly help us.”
“The same old military tactics won’t work against the Camarilla for the same reason you’ve never eradicated the Spree in two decades,” Scylla explained. Off several blank looks, she added, “You can’t kill what you can’t catch.”
“And you’ll catch them with what?” Abigail crossed her arms. “Your winning personality?”
Scylla grinned. “There’s always that.” She slid a hand into her right pocket and fished out a zippo.  “And this.” She flicked it open and lit it. Raelle’s lips parted as Scylla brought the flame to the edge of her jaw until it caught fire.
“Holy shit,” Glory gasped. 
The blaze consumed Scylla’s entire face for several seconds before it petered out, leaving a second version of Abigail, embers slowly fading from her hair. “Boo.”
Frowning, the real Bellweather stiffened. “What the hell?!”  
Dark memories of “Helen Graves” clawed at Raelle’s stomach, sharp and deep. “So, the key to defeating the Camarilla is, what, deception?” She couldn’t stop herself. It was infinitely easier to drop her filter when Scylla didn’t look like Scylla. “You’re definitely a pro at that,” she muttered, earning a jab in the ribs from Tally.
Scylla-as-Abigail blinked once, slowly. Still, she didn’t look at Raelle. Clicking the lighter once again, she burned off Abigail’s visage and returned to her own, blue eyes glowing as flames licked around her face. “If you can’t tell friend from foe, then you’re vulnerable.”
“You mean infiltrate them,” Tally said. “And expose them.”
Scylla smiled, genuinely this time. “Craven, I knew you were the brightest in your Unit.”
Abigail’s scowl intensified. “How are we supposed to infiltrate them if we can’t find them?”
“Who says we haven’t?” Scylla said in a way that unsettled Raelle, who thought back to the latest Camarilla massacre. Scylla had said she was sent to investigate, but had it been more than that? 
“So, does no one care that this Work is clearly outside Canon?” Beth unhelpfully pointed out.
Scylla regarded Beth with a look that could only be described as pity. “Canon is nothing more than a cage. Meant to keep you in check so you never realize the full extent of your power.”
Anacostia coughed into her fist and raised one brow at Scylla. 
“But I digress,” Scylla conceded. “Who wants to go first?”
No one volunteered. 
“Wow.” Scylla held up her hands, lips quirking sarcastically. “Don’t everyone answer the call at once, now.” 
“Collar, you’re up.” Anacostia’s bark was unusually loud in the awkward silence of the room.
Raelle schooled her features, even though she wanted nothing more than to glower at her former drill sergeant. Tally and Abigail watched her with thinly veiled apprehension. She followed Anacostia’s command and approached Scylla, who still refused to meet her eyes. 
“What Seeds do I use?” Raelle asked, affecting a bored drawl.
Scylla finally looked at her, and all the air squeezed out of Raelle’s lungs. “No Seeds.” She took in a breath that seemed to shake imperceptibly. “Mother Tongue.” 
Raelle’s eyebrows arched. “You’re joking.”
“Do I look like I’m doing standup?”
Scylla recited a short phrase, then repeated its serpentine staccato beats. Despite its brevity, it was difficult for Raelle to follow even as she subconsciously stared at the precise movements of Scylla’s lips. 
“Eventually you won’t have to say the words,” Scylla finished. 
“What do they mean?” Glory asked, her question startling Raelle. 
“In light shall I be cloaked ,” Scylla answered. “In darkness shall I be revealed.” Wetting her lips, she tore her gaze from Raelle to address Glory. “Our ancestors created this Work during the Burning Times. Fought fire with fire to escape from their oppressors.” Her attention returned to Raelle. “Like the Spree do now.”
“And how many die from it?” Raelle’s jaw tightened as she clenched her fists. 
Scylla’s stoic expression wavered, a crack in the facade, but she didn’t look away. “How many die from inaction?”
They started at each other for several beats, a game of chicken to see who would blink first.
“Um, hello?” An impatient Abigail interrupted, snapping them both out of their near-trance. “The Work?”
Scylla glanced at Anacostia before offering her lighter to Raelle, who made it a point to take it without brushing against Scylla’s hand. For self-preservation.
Raelle stared at golden zippo, recalling how she had seen it on the small locker Scylla had used as a makeshift nightstand; how Scylla never seemed to be without it. Now she knew why. She pushed open its cap. It took several sparks before it came to life. 
“Now, think about someone,” Scylla ordered.
“Anyone. Picture them in your mind.”
Raelle closed her eyes, but the only person she saw was Scylla. As if it could be anyone else. “Okay,” she said, hating herself for her weakness. 
“Good, now repeat after me,” Scylla said, once again slipping back into Mother Tongue. In light shall I be cloaked. In darkness shall I be revealed.
Raelle attempted to repeat the Work. Horribly. She tried again. And again. Tried to give shape to the words with her tongue and lips, to get used to how they felt in her mouth. 
“Now raise the flame,” Scylla said.
Opening her eyes, Raelle brought the lighter near her face. Its heat stung her jaw. 
“Don’t be afraid,” Scylla whispered.
Heart pounding, Raelle lifted her chin. “I’m not afraid.”
The challenge was clear in Scylla’s blue eyes.
Raelle drew her hand closer to her chin, but the flame was too much. It seared her skin, and she dropped the lighter with a yelp. It clattered against the floor as she cupped the burn. She wasn’t sure what mortified her more: the failure or the disappointment that flashed across Scylla’s face. 
In the breath between life and death, memories flooded Raelle’s vision, hazy and random like hundreds of fireflies on a summer night. Of her mom and dad. Warm smiles, tight hugs, joyous laughter. Of Tally and Abigail. Infectious optimism and steady leadership. Tough love from Anacostia. They blended and bled into her link with Abigail, whose own recollections centered on Petra, her five fathers, her Unit, Adil, and Charvel.
But in the center of the maelstrom was Scylla.
Raelle no longer felt pain from where the Camarilla’s arrow pierced her body. Instead, her chest filled with love and anguish, longing and regret. 
“Scyl.” She stretched out her arm, trying to grasp Scylla’s hand and coming up empty, a millimeter out of reach. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
Scylla only smiled, a melancholy twist of her lips, sapphire eyes luminescent.
A burst of white engulfed Raelle, blinding and brilliant. Shutting her eyes tight, she felt fingers tightening around her left hand. She squeezed back. She’d never let go. 
Raelle absentmindedly pushed peas around on her tray, the tines of her fork scraping metal as she separated them from the sliced mushrooms. She wasn’t hungry, despite eating only half a bagel hours ago, her stomach still wound tight after that less than stellar training session with Scylla. Of all the Spree. It had to be her. The absurd coincidence reminded her of that old black-and-white movie her dad loved. How did that one line go? Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine. That was it. 
Someone nudged Raelle’s shoulder and waved a hand in front of her face, dispelling her line of thought.
“Hey.” Tally said, sympathy apparent in her warm brown eyes. “You still with us?”
“Yeah, of course.” Raelle nodded, putting her fork down. 
The crowd in the War College mess hall had grown since they arrived for lunch, as had the volume of chatter from the hungry soldiers, most if not all of them absolutely clueless about the extracurricular activities happening on campus.
“You’re thinking about her,” Abigail observed next to Tally on the other side of the table. 
“I’m not thinking about anyone,” Raelle lied even as her traitorous heart wondered where Scylla had gone with Anacostia and Izadora.
“You’re such a liar.” Abigail shook her head as she raised a glass of water to her lips. 
“Well, I’m thinking about her,” Tally chimed in. “She’s actually a decent instructor.” She shrunk underneath Raelle’s stare. “You know, all things considered.”
Abigail rolled her eyes. “You’re only saying that because you’re the only one who was actually working that Work.”   
“One of the perks of linking with a 327-year-old?” Tally leaned forward as if she was sharing a deep secret. “Instant Mother Tongue.”
“Of all the people to impersonate, though.” Abigail speared a piece of pineapple and popped it into her mouth. “Hilary? Really? I thought you were over her and Gerit.”
Tally shrugged up a shoulder and deflected, “Who did you pick?”
“My mom,” Abigail answered. “Could you imagine her face?” She shared a chuckle with Tally while Raelle continued to sulk. “How about you, Rae?”
“What does it matter?” Raelle asked, knowing full well they knew she only had one person in mind. 
“It doesn’t.” Tally reached out and gently covered Raelle’s right hand where it rested on the table. “But, you know we’re here for you. You can talk about her, if you want.” 
“Why would I?” Raelle resisted the urge to pull away, not wanting to hurt Tally’s feelings.
“Because you still need to get your shit together,” Abigail said, tone creeping into overbearing Bellweather territory that still managed to set Raelle’s teeth on edge.
“My shit’s just fine.” Raelle clung to her obstinance. Had a knack for it. It was the one thing she could still control.
“Your shit’s a mess.” Abigail’s gaze flicked over Raelle’s shoulder and she did a double take. “And it’s about to get worse.” 
Raelle swiveled in her seat, stomach dropping. As if the day couldn’t get any worse. Her mother was now approaching their table. In uniform, no less, a hesitant smile on her face. 
“Raelle,” Willa greeted softly. 
Raelle gritted her teeth so hard her jaw ached. 
“This must be your Unit,” Will said when Raelle didn’t respond, offering her hand to Abigail. “You’re Petra’s daughter. Abigail, right?”
Hesitating only briefly, Abigail stood and firmly took Willa’s hand and gave it a firm shake, once up and down. “Yes, ma’am.”
“She’s told me so much about you. I feel like I already know you.” Willa stretched a hand to Tally, who also rose to her feet to clasp it. “And you must be Tally. I knew one of your aunts. Mae? One of the finest soldiers I’ve known. She told me once that the Cravens received a dispensation from conscription.”
“Oh!” Tally’s brows shot up. “Yes, ma’am. But I… I volunteered.”
Willa blinked once. “You decided to serve even though you didn’t need to. Admirable. If only we all could have that same choice.” 
An awkward hush wrapped around them, a tense bubble amid the white noise of the mess hall.
“Well, it was nice to meet you officially, ma’am,” Abigail picked up her tray, awkwardly canting her head to encourage Tally to join her. “But we best be going.”
They reluctantly left the table, both eyeing Raelle with concern.
“I should go with them,” Raelle said, standing to collect her own things.
”Actually, I was hoping we could talk,” Willa said.
“Have you talked to dad yet?”
A hint of pain glinted in near identical blue. “No.”
“Then we have nothing to talk about.” Raelle got up and quickly deposited her tray in a receptacle. She made a beeline for the exit, hoping to catch up with Tally and Abigail. 
“Raelle, please.” Willa followed her outside into the afternoon heat. “I know you’re angry. And you have every right to be. But if you would just let me explain, you’d understand.”
“Understand what?” Raelle whirled around. “Why you abandoned us? Made us think you were dead? Sent Scylla to…” She stopped short. The last thing she wanted was to talk about Scylla. Didn’t want to even think of the possibility that Willa had deliberately assigned Scylla to train her Unit.
“Yes,” Willa said simply. “You owe me at least that much, girl.”
Temper flaring, Raelle stepped into her mom’s space. “I don’t owe you anything,” she snarled.
Raelle stalked away, emotions ablaze, a ball of pent up fury as she trekked across the grounds. She let the anger consume her, ignoring the sliver of disappointment that wrapped around her heart when her mom didn’t follow. Contrary to popular belief, she wasn’t dense. She had thought about Willa’s reasons nearly everyday. And logically, she understood.
Alder’s military system was slavery. There was no doubt about that. So many women had been forced to early deaths they didn’t choose, and the same fate awaited their daughters, and their daughters’ daughters. Her mom didn’t want Raelle to become war meat. Hell, Raelle didn’t want to become war meat. Perhaps in some twisted way, Willa thought she was also protecting Edwin, breaking his heart to keep him safe from the war. The Spree sought freedom to live their lives without fear of being hunted down and killed, like Scylla’s parents. But they were also murderers, just like the Army–both entities so mired in darkness that Raelle wasn’t sure they’d ever see the light.
She knew all this. But her heart still couldn’t get past the betrayal of it all, and the fear of everything she still didn’t know about the terrible lengths Willa had gone to in furtherance of her cause. It was easier to cling to pain and resentment, than to wade into brackish water and attempt to separate brine from the fresh. 
Her eyes began to sting and she stopped to suck in several deep breaths. She had wandered the grounds, unseeing, and somehow found herself at the base of her favorite grand oak tree. It stood massive and towering, limbs curving and snaking toward the sun, the silent keeper of memories and secret moments. Raelle braced a hand against its rough bark, pushing until it dug into her skin. She had to collect herself, or at least fake it as best she could, before her next set of classes, which included even more testing with Izadora. Or else she’d never hear the end of it from Abigail and Tally.
When her anger had cooled from a boil to a simmer, Raelle rounded the tree, intending to settle between it’s exposed roots, only to receive an unexpected jolt when she found her spot already occupied.
By Scylla.
Because, of course, it had to be Scylla. Sitting under Raelle’s favorite tree. Their tree. Where they had stolen kisses from each other and made plans for the future. Where Scylla had once lifted Raelle and spun her in her arms, carefree and in love.
Raelle’s chest constricted at the realization.
“S-sorry,” Raelle stuttered out. “I didn’t realize anyone was here.”
Startled, Scylla dropped the pen she had been holding. It rolled into the gutter of the journal she had been writing in. “Raelle…” 
Crystal blue eyes widening behind a pair of black, wire-framed reading glasses. They reminded Raele of the ones Scylla used to wear late at night in her dorm room, studying thick tomes on mycology and necromancy while Raelle dozed on her bed after a long day in the rough room. 
“I didn’t mean to interrupt,” Raelle started to back away. 
“You don’t have to leave,” Scylla regained her composure and picked up her pen. “I can go.”
“No, you were here first.” Raelle turned to leave. “I’ll just….” Her heel caught one of the tree’s gnarled roots. She stumbled slightly, but managed to maintain her balance, if not her dignity, face red with embarrassment.
Scylla chewed at her bottom lip. “You know, it’s a big tree. And we’re big girls. We can both stay without bothering each other.”
Raelle almost laughed. They both knew that would be impossible. And yet, the way Scylla regarded her with no expectations, an open invitation with no pressure, it made Raelle want to believe they could do it. Co-exist. If not exactly peacefully, then at least politely. 
For the mission.
At least, that’s what Raelle told herself as she ignored all her survival instincts and sat on the ground, back against the crags of the trunk a few meters away from Scylla.
Silence blanketed them, not quite comfortable but not unbearable either, as a gentle breeze ruffled the branches overhead. Scylla’s pen scratched softly against paper, and Raelle stole a glimpse of Scylla out of the corner of her eye. The sun’s rays rippled down through the leaves, light and shadow flickering over Scylla’s gorgeous profile, head bent and dark hair swaying in the wind as she resumed writing.
Unlike Willa, Scylla made no efforts to address the unspoken tension between them–more massive than any proverbial elephant. Didn’t try to explain, or apologize, beyond what had already transpired between them in that prison cell so many moons ago. Raelle wasn’t sure if that was good or bad, or if it would even change anything, regardless. 
Her stomach sank anyway. 
Because unlike with Willa, Raelle felt remorse regarding Scylla, who had been captured and tortured because she had chosen Raelle over the Spree. Regret had burrowed inside Raelle’s heart the moment Scylla had pleaded with her in that horrible dungeon. Had transformed into a gnawing guilt that continued to fester long after Raelle callously dismissed Scylla anyway, wanting to break Scylla heart the way Scylla had broken hers. Raelle had no idea how to fix it, or if she even could.
“How’s your chin?” Scylla broke the stillness.
Raelle gingerly touched the healed skin. She’d almost forgotten it had been burned in the first place. “All fixed up. Which is more than I can say about Treefine’s hair.” She had no idea the High Atlantic could screech that loudly.
Scylla let out a soft chuckle. “It’ll grow back.”
“Not at the rate we’re going.” Raelle ran her fingers through the grass, tips tickling her palm.
“It’s only the first day,” Scylla said. “It gets easier.”
“Oh yeah? How long did it take you?” Raelle asked and then instantly wished she could take it back. Scylla’s parents had probably taught her, and here she was bringing up those painful memories. “Sorry, I…”
“It’s okay.” Scylla shook her head. “A while. I didn’t want to get burned. But, eventually, you get used to it. Learn not to fear it. Until you feel nothing at all.”
I’ve been burned before, Scylla had told Raelle that one time, deep in the cemetery in the woods. Both literally and figuratively. And Raelle had contributed to it. They’d both hurt each other, intentionally and unintentionally. Raelle’s heart throbbed against her ribs. She wanted to reach out, but knew she couldn’t. Not any more.
Before she could respond, someone called out Scylla’s name. A young woman with long, brown hair beckoned from a distance. Raelle frowned.
“I have to go,” Scylla removed her glasses, voice soft. Closing her journal, she pushed herself onto her feet and dusted off her pants. “See you around, Raelle.”
“Scyl, wait,” Raelle blurted out, scrambling to her feet. She didn’t know what possessed her, but she had to get this out. 
Scylla paused, head tilting slightly. 
“What I said back then.” Raelle licked her suddenly dry lips. “About being sorry we ever met.” Hot shame spread across Raelle’s cheeks. “I didn’t mean it.” 
Scylla’s expression shifted through a myriad of emotions–surprise, pain, and sadness conveyed in each subtle twitch of her mouth and crease of her brow–until the sea of her eyes calmed. Softened. 
“Thank you,” Scylla whispered before she quickly turned around and walked away. 
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djmarinizelablog · 4 years
hi! read your last ask and you said that you took up creative writing classes so you might have a wider knowledge about this but i was wondering when u mentioned different writing styles (like minimalistic, hightened imagery, linear vilennete and all of that) could you maybe explain the difference and what they really mean and maybe examples in our own levihan nation and writers? this might be asking for too much but i was pretty lost and i'd like to know more about all that. however you are def free to ignore this too!
Did you just ask me to write a comprehensive poetics essay, Anon? (I love writing about writing lmao)
Super long post ahead, and I’ll be citing certain fanfics that I’ve read so far and those that I think somehow exemplifies all the different writing styles I mentioned in the previous post. 
First off, the ones I listed beforehand (minimalistic prose, heightened imagery, poetic language, linear narrative, non-linear vignettes) aren’t the only types of writing styles. There are more if you consider the variations of tone (humor/comedy, sentimental, macabre, noir etc), narration/perspective (first person, second person, third person omniscient/limited), and language (dialogue-heavy or action/scene-driven). And the nice thing is that you can actually use of one or two of them in your work---or all of them, if you’re feeling bold. 
As Hange always loves to do: “Let’s experiment!”
I’ll start with minimalistic prose. It is what it is: short, clear, and concise. Think less is more. You have an economy with words where you disregard most adverbs and focus more on the context to make way for meaning, thus allowing the readers to create their own interpretations of your writing. I think the method here is to write your intended draft first, and then cut the unnecessary words to flesh out the scene even more.
Notice how @stereobone wrote this paragraph of Black Dog (an Eruri fic):
Isabel's voice wakes him, brother, brother, has him sitting upright in bed and grabbing for the knife under his mattress. He braces himself for the attack before he realizes there isn't one. There is nothing in the darkness but him and his heavy, panicked breathing. Levi's heart feels like it's trying to beat its way out of his chest. He drops the knife on the mattress and shuts his eyes and tries not to think about Farlan's bloody resigned face before he was eaten. He tries not to think about how he left them. How it's his fault.
It’s very simplistic in language; the paragraph lets you focus on Levi’s innermost thoughts while he deals with an external action (ie, having nightmares). The author hasn’t unraveled the rest of the plot yet, but you already know where the tension is coming from.
Next is heightened imagery. If you’re familiar with the different figures of speech (metaphor, simile, personification, hyperbole, etc), then this is where they all come into play. I think the challenge here is being able to balance it well with the text itself and make sure that the imagery actually clarifies the context of the paragraph instead of convoluting the intended meaning. 
Here’s an excerpt from A Dangerous Game by just_quintessentially_me:
Hanji watched Levi, standing there, head bent and bloodied handkerchief pressed against his arm, and was reminded, irrationally, of a night years ago. When her parents had taken her to the circus. [. . . .] Holding her parent’s hands, she’d gaped, head craned back as she watched the spectacle, a cacophonous mixture of sound and color. At the center of it all, she’d spied a boy. Among the twisting colors and tricks, he alone, was still. [. . . .] The boy was high above, balancing on a platform atop a long pole. In front of him, stretched an audaciously thin rope. Below, no net waited to catch him.
[. . . .]
When Levi looked up, his expression was set - like the boy before the tightrope. And she knew, with sinking certainty, he was going to take the step. Into thin air.
Gray eyes met her gaze and held it.
“Yeah. I’ll go.”
At the door, Kenny smiled.
See how the powerful imagery of the boy on the tightrope was able to fuel the tension in that moment among Levi, Hange, and Kenny? 
I think poetic language is akin to heightened imagery, except that the former is more focused on the actual language. It’s very lyrical, wherein you can actually hear the lulling song of the sentences in a rhythm. One of my favorite works that does this is Deep sea baby by @smallblip. Here she makes use of various setting and scenery to create this entire atmosphere of Levi and Hange’s relationship:
Hanji knows whatever life they've led, this is her favourite.
The one in which her and Levi see the sea for the first time together.
The one in which she’s the Commander, and him, her Captain. And between them, a river of words left unsaid threatening to break the banks.
One day they must cross the ocean, but today they visit the shores again, without the kids this time. And Levi learns why when he watches her peel at her clothes. Her harness comes off first, then her blouse, then everything else, like a little dance for an audience of one. Levi tries not to stare, but he’s already seen her by candlelight in the dead of the night. And yet she never fails to take his breath away.
She makes her way to where the white foams dredge the past up the shores of the present.
"Come on Levi! The water is warm!" she says, and he hears it like a call to come home- where the heavens collide with the sea.
He takes off his clothes and folds them in a neat pile beside Hanji's mess. He swims out to join her.
It’s hauntingly poetic, the way the author is able to connect the metaphor in “a river of words” to the actual body of water right in front of Levi and Hange. Good poetic language is able to tighten up the texts together while keeping the sentence structure flowing with apt figures of speech.
When it comes to narratives, it only comes down to linear or non-linear. See how @lostcauses-noregrets does her opening statement in Trains (also an Eruri fic):
Levi hates trains. To be fair, Levi hates all forms of public transport, but he reserves a particular loathing for trains. They’re dirty, noisy, smelly and worse, filled with people. People who, heaven forbid, might attempt to speak to Levi, engage him in conversation. Levi’s worst nightmare is being stuck on a train with some friendly fuck who wants to pass the time making small talk. Admittedly it’s not a problem he has to deal with too often, his general fuck off demeanour deters all but the most aggressively friendly and hopelessly inebriated. But that doesn’t stop Levi from hating trains.
It’s a short fic and it’s very dependent on the linearity of events happening. But with that banger of a first sentence, the beginning already gives you enough of an idea of Levi’s pet peeve in the story, which in this case, is trains.
Here’s another hot and steamy fic called keep him waiting by keobuns that shows a linear narrative: 
He’s sitting with them in the back of the lab, nursing a cup of tea — it’s still pretty full, and even cold now, for he was far too distracted listening to Hanji talk to properly drink — when he sees it. Hanji’s too preoccupied with overexplaining the same Titan experiment they’ve gone over a hundred times to notice his stare. They just continue on and on and on, gesturing with their hands, pointing with their fingers, flexing their wrists…
Ah. Levi has to bring his teacup to his lips to hide the way his lips tremble. Hanji has incredibly nice hands.
The entire story just revolves around Levi simping for Hange’s hands and how it all goes down from there. But you as a reader are kept wanting more with every paragraph and every sentence that the author constructs (and trust me, it’s not just the sexual tension between Levi and Hange that keeps us going).
Now, as much as I love the straightforwardness of linear prose, non-linear writing brings a different round of ideas onto the table. It can create recollections from flashbacks, heighten the perspective or interior turmoil of a character due to trauma or grief, or even just re-invent what-if scenes that the characters have imagined themselves. 
Gnossiene by @thatalmondgirl​ is one of my all-time favorite Rivetra fics. In this excerpt, you will see how she switches between the past and the present, and how it affects Petra’s POV as a conflicted character:
Contrary to popular belief (fuck Auruo) Petra actually didn’t cry easily.
Alright, she could admit that at some times, she was...emotional. It was far from a weakness, but even she could admit that they sometimes got in the way and walled off all rational thought. Anger, frustration, sadness, hell, even happiness. The only one she could easily compartmentalise away was fear, which probably stemmed from her military career. Even so. It was never easy to separate all the others from her actions, think from a clean slate like the Commander could do, like the captain. [. . . ] Petra groaned, splayed out across her bed. She drew her arm across her eyes, willing the tears to go away. She’d already blown through her tissue box.
“Petra, a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.” Mama sat on the end of her bed, with Petra on the floor between her legs. Even though Petra argued firmly that she was old enough to brush her own hair, Mama had insisted. Unfortunately, Petra wasn’t old enough - and probably never would be - to disagree with her mother.
“I know, Mama.” Petra grumbled.
“I don’t think you do. Else you wouldn’t be crying, would you?”
[. . . .]
“But a man shouldn’t complete you when you complete yourself. Maybe he’s an extension to your house. So you’ll be sad if the extension is compromised or burns down. But you still have the main house. And if it’s strong, the main house can still be standing even after the worst storm.”
Aside from Mama’s crazy metaphors that sometimes didn’t make sense, her message hit home. Even if it hit home years later.
See how it switched in between the before and after? 
An off-shoot of non-linear writing are vignettes (a layering of scenes separated by section breaks) wherein this writing style allows writers to curate scenes in terms of fragments, creating some kind of mosaic for the readers once they finally see the big picture. Nakimochiku’s I’m leaving, are you coming with me? stacks up scenes of interactions between Levi and Hange, enough to depict the kind of relationship that they have as young lovers in a school setting. You can string these fragments together, rearrange them in a different order, but in the end, you will still get the author's clear goal of highlighting how Levi and Hange’s relationship develops over time.
Those are the styles that I mentioned in my previous posts, but as I’ve told you, there’s more to writing than those, so I’ll give a short run-through of other methods in writing. 
Whether it’s dialogue-heavy works such as from my window to yours, or action-driven scenes like Carnivores (a Levi x Reader fic by CaptainDegenerate) that propel the story forward, we as readers should be able to follow through the actual storyline that the authors intend to take us. 
A third-person limited (we listen to Hange’s thoughts in Clockwork by @tundrainafrica) vis-à-vis an all-knowing/omniscient narration (the moon is dark by @sayonarasanity alternates the perspective of Levi and Hange) should be able to make us understand why the author chose this particular kind of point-of-view in order to tell the story. 
And lastly, having a solid and consistent tone throughout the work (the macabre of Even Humanity’s Strongest could make mistakes by Rimeko versus the sweet sentimentality of Flowers for You by @fanmoose12) should be able to set the atmosphere that the authors want us to imbibe as we read through their works. 
So there’s your crash course on writing and reading. Enjoy? :) 
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duker42 · 5 years
💜The Promise of Love💜 Chapter 9
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Erwin x Reader x Levi: Part 9 of 20
Hanji dropped her fork in surprise. Levi grumbles under his breath as he wipes the splatters of food from his hand, glaring at the shocked woman the entire time.
“Y/N! Don’t worry about that right now! Take your time!” Hanji throws her hands around as she talks.
“No, Hanji. Those are your quarters now. It’s best if it’s done quickly. I just wanted to know if I could move to a different room as well.” She looks down as she talks.
Levi was quick to ask “Why do you need a new room?”
“Too many old ghosts in that room too. I don’t need to see him every time I look around.” Y/N whispers.
Turning to Hanji, Levi states simply. “Rooms next to mine are empty. I’ll help her move today.”
“NO!” She exclaims. When they both turn to look at her, she blush’s at her loud outburst. Even Armin and Jean are staring at her in shock. She lowers her head before she continues. “Today is for informing the families.”
She looks up to see Levi giving her an appraising look. Hanji on the other hand, smiles. “Of course. Why don’t you go through the room while Levi and I handle the visits.”
“I’m going to help.” Y/N’s face set with determination. “I couldn’t go on the expedition because of a broken foot, but I am one of the three remaining officers of the Survey Corps. It is my duty to help inform the families of their losses.”
Levi opens his mouth to say something, but Hanji beats him to it. “Of course, you’re right, Y/N. I appreciate you doing this.” Levi turns a harsh glare to the brunette, but she ignores it as she calmly finishes her breakfast.
After breakfast Y/N slips back into the Commander’s office. Walking over to the desk where Erwin spent many hours, she quickly locates the file she needed. She now understood why Erwin had been so insistent on putting it together.
~~~~~1 Month Prior
“Erwin! Tell me again why I’m having to do this?” Y/N complained as she opened the 100th file of the evening.
Rolling his bright blue eyes at her, he smirks. “Because your Commander ordered you to.”
“Yes, but I thought my lover cared about my mental health.” She shot back, groaning at the thought of the remaining files she had to go through.
Rather than spending the rare day off relaxing like everyone else, except maybe Levi, she was stuck in Erwin’s office putting together a master list of all the Scouts. Erwin had instructed her to compile a list of every scout’s room assignment, if they had family in the area and if so, their address. It was tedious work and she slightly resented having to do it.
“As soon as we finish, I promise you will have my undivided attention. Unless of course you would rather go clean with Levi?” He smiles broadly as he ducks a pen she throws at him.
“Hell no! That’s just cruel! I’ve done nothing to warrant having to clean with him!” She cried, eagerly turning back to file with renewed vigor.
“Erwin, you bastard. You knew even then you weren’t coming back.” She said to the empty room.
Taking the file, she met Hanji and Levi in the hall and explained it’s contents. Levi’s eyes hardened and he grabbed the file from her hand. Quickly looking through it, he divided up the pages among them and stalked off muttering about dumbass giant trees.
By noon, she had boxed up the possessions of the few scouts that had family in the area. Marking each crate carefully, she set them outside the doors to be loaded up when they left that afternoon. Struggling with a particularly awkward one, she had paused to get a better grip on it when it was snatched from her.
“Idiot! Are you trying to hurt yourself?” Levi angrily bit out, easily moving the box into position by the door.
“It wasn’t the weight...” She argued, stopping when he turned around and crowded her against the wall.
“You will NOT take any chances, Y/N. Am I clear?” Nodding slowly, she sighed in relief as he moved back. Narrowing his eyes, he reconsiders. “You did all of this by yourself?” He hissed.
“For God sake’s Levi! I’m pregnant, not an invalid! I’m also a soldier, and in pretty good shape if I do say so myself. It’s fine!”
Turning away, he walks off without another word. Staring at his retreating figure, Y/N wonders what that was about.
**Time Skip**
It was extremely late when Connie and Y/N returned to the base. She had brought him with her under Levi’s orders. Well, Connie was ordered to not to let her lift one crate or Levi would use him for a practice dummy. The boy quickly agreed to anything Levi had said after that.
The families had all had tears, questions and in some cases anger that was spewed towards the officer that came to their door. Expressing her deepest sympathies, Y/N tried to keep the events surrounding their relatives death simply defined. She instead chose to reminisce with the family about a personal story she had with them. Something as simple as how polite the Cadet was every time she interacted with them went a long way with the families. Plus the honor of their deaths paving the way forward for humanity in its fight against the Titans.
Emotionally drained from meeting with the families, Y/N hopped down from the wagon, ready to soak in a hot bath and try to sleep. Sending Connie off to find food and visit Sasha, she unhitched the horses and brought them over to the stable to rub them down. Filling their feed bags, she starts brushing the mare, finding a calming rhythm in the strokes of brush against fur. Staying for longer than she had meant to, she turned to tend to the other horse and found Levi leaning against the far wall, watching her with a measured look.
“Where’s Connie?” His dry tone grated on her nerves.
“Do I look like his keeper? I dismissed him.” Rolling her eyes, she pushed past him.
“Leaving you to do the work by yourself? Tch.” Grabbing the brush from her hand, he walks over to the other horse and begins his rub down. “What would Erwin say?”
“Why do you care? You hated me when Erwin was alive. Stop acting this way because he’s dead. Or are you trying to ease your conscious? Because I’ve already told you I don’t blame you.” She stalks out of the stable before Levi could come up with anything else to say.
Reaching Erwin’s room, she went into the bathroom and starts filling the tub. Pulling out the rare soap he had brought her on the last trip to Mitras, she poured a generous amount into the water, smiling as the bubbles started to overwhelm the water. Removing her clothes, she slipped into the bath. Letting the warm water calm frayed nerves and sore muscles, she thought about her short conversation with Levi.
She knew she was wrong for what she had said. Not about him hating her, but about trying to ease his conscious. She knew that Levi was far more emotional than he let on, refusing to let his guard down most of the time. Erwin told her about how he had broken down when his friends Isabel and Farlan were snatched from him by titans. How he had withdrawn into the man he had been. Then the 57th expedition had occurred.
It was the only time that she had ever willingly sought him out. His eyes when Petra’s father had come up to him on the streets had torn her apart. The mask of stoicism was in place until you took a good look at his eyes. His eyes told of unspeakable pain and horror at having his entire squad wiped out. So she had gone to him. A cup of tea was the excuse used to gain entrance to his office. But her real mission was to check on him, let him grieve if he could. In the end, she had cried for him. Hot, bitter tears that turned her eyes red poured as she wept for Eld, Gunther, Oulo and Petra while Levi awkwardly sat beside her.
Pulling the plug, she stood. She needed to apologize. Not tonight, though. She would make her peace with him tomorrow. Tonight was the night before a mission. It would be spent with Erwin. The mission tomorrow was the the beginning of the rest of her life without him.
MasterList for The Promise of Love
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gangrenados · 4 years
✔️ & ❌ : for X-Men ; Deadly Class ; MCU --- elaborate why woman! we wanna know the tea lol 👀)
Uhhhh I was gonna do it anyway lol 💓
Deadly Class:
•Saya Kuroki: Saya is one of my favorite characters for so many reasons: she's cool and strong, also doesn't fear to fight when the situation needs it.
But Saya can be pretty cold and distant, manipulative even. I guess it's a side effect of the harmful environment she grew up with.
•Willie: He was just an innocent kid in the wrong place. Willie tried really hard to appear tough, without fearing to pull the trigger but we all know that was lie.
He was much more than that, but King's Dominion consumed him before he could do anything to get free...
•Maria: Another victim (but all of them are, right?) I find her way of trying to have fun and forget about her horrible past intriguing, she's just trying to survive the day and not breakdown.
Maria is a sweet girl with a burning desire of running away from her hellish life and have some peace. I just adore her.
•Marcus: He has been through so much, the death of his parents, the abuse in the boys home and his time in the streets had made him what he is today a manipulative, pessimistic boy and with a lot of unsolved traumas that consumes his head in such a painful way.
But even with his twisted mind he tries to connect with others and have friends so he won't feel alone again, the sad thing is that he always end up pushing others away.
•Zenzele: My favorite of new bunch. She a literal angel, but hellish when pushed too far.
She just wants to have a good future for her parents and have a decent life without breaking the rules of God (which is ironic considering the place she's living) I think she's the most pure of them all.
•Master Lin: That old man is just creating weapons without caring about his kids health (physically and mentally), he tortures them and puts them against each other.
Fuck! The test to pass to the other year is killing each other like if it was the hunger games, that man is a monster.
•Shabnam: That pig can choke. He's a little bitch with such low self-esteem that he makes people to stick to his side by blackmailing them or threats, it's pitiful.
Also, he claims that nobody cares about his sorry ass,but he will not hesitate to betray a friend when he can benefits from it.
I hope he dies.
•Petra: I don't hate her, I rather feel sorry for her, however I'm still bitter about Billy's death.
Petra was a lonely girl who was just trying to fill that void with friends, but her need of survive surpassed her in such a horrible way.
The days after the juniors finals she was a complete different person, trying to pass as one of the lagacies and completely losing herself, also I think she was off meds (if I'm not wrong, I think she was schizophrenic)
I am happy shad found some peace of mind with Helmut, I think it benefited her and made her more happy. It's sad that didn't last long :(
•Peter: Peter is a carefree guy who just runs around wrecking havoc and avoiding responsibility, which is pretty harmful cuz he still have a teenage mindset when he's in his thirties.
But he's the first character I fell in love with, his personality and scenes were to good to not fall for him, but I'm sad he didn't grew as a person and that he didn't told Erik he was his son.
•Warren: He was so intriguing in the movies I couldn't help myself. The short screen time hooked into adopting this character.
It's heartbreaking all the horrible things he had to face just to suffer a gruesome death.
•Jean: She's a powerful girl ready to protect her loved ones, but at the same time is pretty broken because of it. It's interesting.
I like her personality and the way she's all smiley when her friends are near or when she's with Scott.
•Ororo: The old Ororo was my role model when I was a kid. I mean, this strong woman controlling the weather with glowing eyes while looking fabulous? Fuck I wanted to be like her even I didn't knew what the hell was going on!
She's strong, protective, witty, compassionate and so much more...yeah, I still want to be like her 🤷🏽‍♀️
•Raven: She's a horrible person, she threw Kurt into a river when he just a baby, is a horrible mother, I mean, she really doesn't care about her kids.
Her movie version isn't like this, but I found her annoying, especially in Dark Phoenix; the only exception I have towards her is in First Class because her presence was important to the plot.
•Charles: I think he has his low and highs as the average person, but I find it extremely hard to accept that he has put the X-Men towards risky missions just to prove the humans that they were friendly and capable to bring in hand anytime they needed it.
Also hiding Jean's past was a horrible mistake, telling her about how she get to the mansion and what happened with her parents could have prevented a lost of unfortunate events.
•Wanda: I found her story interesting, it's really sad when you finally know all the things this girl had to face, so much loss and so much pain had caused her mind to break.
But she let herself love and be loved, her relationship with Vision and Clint it's a prove of this. To not mention she's so powerful, that is slightly scary.
•Gotg: Yeah, I know this was supposed to be just one character, but I really love this family because that's what they are.
The story behind the guardians of the galaxy is heartwarming in my opinion, a bunch of outsiders finding safety and comfort in each other. They have trough so much, loss, pain, anger, but those things just had made them stronger and closer.
I love this family more than any other found family.
•Peter Parker/Miles Morales: They're both innocent kids who wanted to make a difference and that's pretty cool.
I love them both, they're personality is so bright that you're happy when they're happy on screen...it's crazy.
•Thor: Thor is strong, humble and positive. I don't hate him by any means, I find him rather cute, but there's something about him that just doesn't sit right with me.
Maybe it's because he can be so happy go lucky with everything and everyone, a trait that it's really nice to have ,but let's be real a person whose like that all the time will explode in the worst way possible when everything crumbles...
•Carol Danvers: She's just meh for me, not great, not bad just meh.
Her personality was too cocky for me, in a way that it seemed that she was trying to appear better than anyone and I dislike people like that.
However, an scene I really liked was when she was with her bestfriend because to me it feel more natural, just two "friends" (cuz to me it seemed more than that ngl) finding each other again. I must say, it was really cute.
•Bruce Banner: For me he always was a crybaby, and I get it, being the Hulk must be hard, but there was so many times he was just being plain rude to others.
I'm happy he grew as a person, but I still don't like him that much
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