#hell I can even say the same with jackie and kelso (kinda lol)
nikkiruncks · 1 month
Even though I don’t see Nikki and Nate lasting a couple in the long run nor do I even want them to be endgame, I think they were a really good high school relationship for the most part.
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jacquelineshyde · 7 years
Why do you think fans and Jackie forgive Hyde's shitty actions towards Jackie so easily? I love him with all my heart but I find some of his worst actions towards Jackie too wrong to look away from it.
I spent long minutes looking at thisquestion because I’m not sure what you’re talking about. Is it the cheating arcat the end of season 5? His initial assholery and silence during the firstweeks of their relationship in season 5? The oocness of season 7? Season 8? Oris it the pre-relationship assholery? Because I have an answer for each, and itmay not be what you’re expecting.
Be aware of the long ass meta, kids. Herewe go.
Pre-relationship Hyde and Jackie (season2-3)
SHE WAS STALKING HIM. It may hadn’t beenthe best to tell her to get off, but she was pestering him and shoving herselfto him with little respect for his privacy, alone time and space in all kinds.She’s constantly getting him in trouble with his fosters parents, friends andeven the law.
I do believe Jackie’s intentions of tryingsomething with him, her feelings for him, were honests. But he has know her,until now, only as Kelso’s girlfriend and he has seen the kind of not-so-goodperson she can be to her couple. Not to mention he probably feels like she’sonly using him to get back at Kelso or get over him, both options being honestto God ugly.
And he doesn’t know she really wants themto try because she never approaches him like any other normal person would:TALKING. And not yelling or demanding, but talking. Instead, she tries to makehim go with her to places he doesn’t like, she puts him into stuff withoutasking him first and wants him to simply obey her. THAT’S NOT GOOD AT ALL.
I love Jackie with all my heart, but inthis moment of the show, she has little respect for Hyde’s bondaries and itpisses him off. It would freak you out, too, I’m sure. It would piss ME off!And while yes, he was hard to her some times (especially with that ugly asshaiku), you have to take in mind this has been happening for MONTHS and his hashis limits, kind of a temper too, and she doesn’t take no for an answer. WHICHIS WRONG.
So yeah, he was in his right to be an ass.
Newly in a relationship (season 5)
Hyde has never had a relationship beforeand his only good example of one is Red and Kitty, who have already gonethrough the struggles he and Jackie were about to find as they adjusted to theother, which is something normal to every couple.
Examples of him being ‘not so good’ at itaren’t actually that big of a deal, especially because what we saw are thingsthat later in the episode get corrected and that also make Jackie correct herown shitty behavior.
We are at it again with her NOT asking andjust demanding, and him answering pretty hard to her with very harsh words andstaments most times. It did made me angry that he would be so rude, but again,if you take in account this has been happening for far too long and she doesn’tget the damn clue, one can only support so much.
Another one I remember, one that actuallydid pissed me off, was him being such a prick when she assures him she willloyal to him and wants to know if he would do the same for her. I think whatwas wrong in here was the way she approached him, she should had just asked whatshe wanted. Had she done this and he had answered as zen, then I would be evenmore pissed.
Ultimately, we don’t know if she forgiveshim for this? I don’t think it’s a bigger deal since she shows him with his ownwords how he made her feel. Both are being pricks here, and I hate that theshow didn’t talk abot this a little bit more, but well.
Jackie going around saying what he hasconfided her? Shitty of her, man. I’m sorry. I love her as much as Hyde does,but that’s shitty still. Not wanting to call her his girlfriend at first?Understandable, but both deal with that and I don’t think there’s anything toforgive there.
What I can’t fucking stand and I will NEVERbe able to is him shutting her up every time she wants to talk about theirrelationship or compliment him. I know a lot of people find this somehowadorable or cute, or normal, but GIRLS AND BOYS: IF YOUR BOYFRIEND SHUTS YOU UP, IN ANY KIND OF WAY, HE IS WRONG. I REPEAT, HE IS WRONG. Dump the idiot andget some better dick.
I hate that Hyde does that and I hate morethat the show normalized it and saw it as something funny, that Jackie Burkhartaccepted that. “It’s a fling” MY ASS, DON’T HAVE A FLING WITH AN IDIOT THATSHUTS YOU UP. “It’s a joke between them” IT DOESN’T LOOK LIKE THAT. AT ALL. It’sobvious they hadn’t talked about their relationship and feelings by that point,I hate that the writers gave this bit of characterization to Hyde and that theylet him get away with it.
The show let it go because most the writerswere sexist and knew shit about relationships.
The Nurse Arc (season 5)
But okay, let me say what awesome peoplelike thestupidhelmet has been saying since the beginning of t70s time: Hyde’scheating comes from hurt, not lust. He doesn’t seek a relationship outside hiswith Jackie, he is seeking getting her out of his system. Hispassive-aggressive way of breaking things up with her it’s ugly and messy, andwrong, but it is what it is.
He didn’t stepped in and asked what thehell was going on in Donna’s couch, his insecurity about Jackie not havingfeelings for Kelso has been teased before with shit like ‘get off myboyfriend’, Kelso’s constant assholery towards him and constant want to gettingback into Jackie’s pants, even when she has shoved him aside time after time,finally until he tells Jackie he doesn’t want her to be with Kelso at all.
Which is pretty un-Hyde thing to do, butagain, this won’t become a rant about how much the writers liked to mess withHyde’s characterization in order to create unecessary conflict for him andJackie instead of giving them real plots.
After he sleeps with this person, hedoesn’t look happy or satisfized with his actions, which is a big kudo to DannyMasterson who always cared enough about Hyde’s love for Jackie (probably morethan the writers themselves lol *cries*). When he learns he has been wrong, thatJackie didn’t do anything bad and was actually searching for him to explainherself and was scared shitless for him thinking she has betrayed his trust, hefeels like crap and understands the magnitude of what he has done.
His better option right now is to say he’ssorry and he does. The show gives it selfish undertones, he makes this allabout him and doesn’t give Jackie space or the respect she deserves, the timeto grief. Because, once more, the person she loved the most has betrayed her,and she thinks it has been the same way her ex-lover did before.
I believe Jackie forgivess him because shesees him giving her the time and space she needs, she sees him being as misarableas she feels without her, he is honest and immediately tells her what he did,he also tells her he does loves her and If the show had treated it better,something better could had come with it. But for that we have those70scomics,am I right?
The end of this shit does pisses me off.Ultimately, Jackie forgives him because she loves him and she knows he lovesher. When he does that ASSHOLE move with Raquel (that kinda counts as cheatingagain, since he accepts Jackie’s kisses and was going to probably make love toher in that damn couch before Raquel appeared. What the fuck was he thinking?Was he going to let Jackie be seen by the girl he was going out with while hefucked her? I will never be tired of saying that I hate the writers’ way of dismissingcertain important parts of Hyde’s characterization), and even before whenhe was acting like if he had been the injured part in the situation (*), I justcouldn’t believe it.
Again, there the only explanation I find isthat she loves him enough and too much, and she really believes they can betogether and have a future together. That’s in canon. In reallity? Because thewriters were sexist pigs.
The I don’t know Arc (season 7)
This one was ridiculous. Both characterswere put in situations they were long over. Hyde refered to him and Jackie astogether in his mind until they were old (and lazy and fat) since season 5. He likedher in a wedding dress, which gave Jackie the sing she was hoppig for thatthey would eventually get married. They’ve been through this mess already andthe writers regressed them to the beginning to create another unnecessarydrama.
Hyde’s way of talking to Jackie when sherealizes he didn’t want to go to her graduation party AND that he had lied toher is totally out of character. He later breaks a promise to her and again,lies to her and he doesn’t care. He acts like if he is the offended part here, too and she is tired, man, she is so tired.
She has right to be in this situation, evenwhen Hyde is so obviously and painfuly out of character. She doesn’t forgivehim this time, because they never talk about it ever again. When they get backtogether it’s also out of character and it makes it look like if it was allabout the sex all this time. Which is not truth and it’s ridiculous.
We never see them talk what drove themapart. Later we discover they did and, because these writers are sexists and itseemed like if they hated Jackie, it turned out that Hyde got her to promise tonever talk about their future again (RED FLAGS, KIDS: WHEN YOUR BOYFRIEND SHUTSYOU UP AND MAKES YOU PROMISE YOU WON’T TALK ABOUT YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM,THE BASTARD IS NOT WORTH YOUR TIME, LET ALONE YOUR HEART). Which means theynever got a resolution, she just agreed because she doesn’t want to lose him.
The real Hyde would had never allowed that.Imagine if Real!Hyde and Winter!Hyde were two different people, and Jackie isdating Winter!Hyde at the moment while still around of Real!Hyde. He sees thishappening and when she agrees to Winter!Hyde she won’t talk about her feelings,their relationship and future, Real!Hyde first reaction would had been to shakeher into reason and make her see that asshole is not worth her time, let laoneher heart.
He would go then punch that asshole. Becausethat’s the asshole that brought season 8 to himself. And the writers did this,they destroyed Hyde’s character and devolpment of seventh entire fucking years justbecause they wanted some unnecessary and cheap drama.
At the end, she never forgives him, onlyagrees to not talk about it because she loves him and she really doesn’t wantto lose him. But then, her future starts moving without him and she wants tokeep him with her, but he reacts like a douchbag and she keeps reacting liketwelve years old, putting ultimatums and hiding from him for the sake of drama.
ONLY THEN, he is right to be pissed. 
Season 8
But youknow were he doesn’t? When he believes he has seen her “cheating” on him. It notonly didn’t happen, but he didn’t had a word on it either. He let her go, Erichimself says it and he agrees, “she let you off the hook” which translate to “youtwo are over”. That he didn’t wanted it that way, that’s different. But onceagain he did nothing to talk to her FIRST but to get drunk and then see what hewanted to see.
His passive-agressiveness comes back in theway of going to angry fuck random stripper #4 in Las Vegas for an entire month,while Jackie waited for him at home. She left her job oportunity and put apause to her life for him, and what did he do? He married a stranger that wasonly there to make Jackie’s life miserable and insult her every time she could.And he did nothing.
Jackie doesn’t forgive him for that oneeither, and she shouldn’t, to be honest. But once again, that guy is not Hyde. It’sjust not.
Hyde, most times, had a reason to be likehe was to Jackie. Her own acts of stupidity and assholery made him react bad,while his made her react as such too. Both are to blame for most of thesethings. And the three bigger offences he did to her (the nurse, winter and thestripper), just one was forgiven for an actual reason and the others were not. Becausethe writers didn’t do their job as well as we could have wished.
Steven Hyde is not a douchbag, the guy thewriters replaced him with, is.
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