#hel has a serious hatred of the living
katfreaks-hidyhole · 6 years
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“Eir, you’re Mum really hates the living, doesn’t she?”
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blackypanther9 · 3 years
Part 55 - Tempered and a Plan
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To say that Loki was utterly confused was an understatement. You led Loki to the vault, the guards let you both through. He didn't stop to follow you, but still he was totally confused as to why you and him were in there.
"In the Nine Realms existed a dark time. A very dark time. As Odin had Hela as his weapon and personal executioner, no one was ever safe from her. Odin gave Hela her own little army of guards as they stormed all the Nine Realms. These dead warriors got honored and buried deep bellow this very Palace. Did you know, Loki ?", you told him.
He stared at you in shock.
"I did not.", he answered.
"I was there as they got honored here. Not every memory I had was correct. Some were...tempered with. As I got my oldest memories back, the spell broke off and I remember clearly. Still not everything is clear and back, but most. Do you remember the memory of Bor and little Odin ? And most importantly the Golden Palace ?"
"I do. It is not that long ago, that I saw them with Mother and you.", he answered.
"The Golden Palace didn't exist.", you told him.
Loki's head snapped to you in utter shock.
"What ?"
"The Golden Palace. As Bor lived...it didn't exist. It was a normal Palace, made of stone and wood. Bor called that Palace 'The Cold Heart'. He called it like that, because the wood and stones were dark. It was almost black. It gave a dark cold welcome to everything and everyone. Still...I loved that Palace. It is now abandoned. Odin built the Golden Freak show."
"What are you trying to tell me here ?"
"History, Loki. History. Odin hated Cold Heart. Not because it was uncomfortable for him and Frigga, but because he had bad memories in there. Odin...he...he is not what he seems to be. Bor never gave Odin the throne. Odin took it from the rightful King of Asgard and then told lies about him."
"Odin never showed you emotion, because you carry his dead brother's name. Loki. L - O - K - I. There was a Loki before you. That Loki was known as the God of Fire. He was part Frost Giant, part Asir and part Fire Giant. He made truce between these 3 Realms as he was 516 years old. He made peace and there was never war. Loki Borson was the first born of Bor and half blood brother of Odin."
Loki just stared at you in utter shock.
"What happened to Loki Borson ?"
"Odin killed him off.", you answered him simply.
He looked at you in horror.
"Loki had a brother, called Baldr. Baldr was very handsome and an undefeated warrior. He could get stabbed in the heart with a sword and he didn't die. I saw it. One day they tried to hurt him with flowers and the Mistletoe was hurting him badly. Bor instantly broke up the fights and brought Baldr to the healing wing. Loki was worried and Odin looked at Baldr emotionless."
Then you both stopped at one empty spot in the vault and you leaned on the walls with your left shoulder. Loki stood there and listened.
"Odin never showed emotion, if one of his brothers got hurt. Soon Loki and Baldr were of age for the throne, but none wanted it. Bor already chose tho. He chose Loki. Loki was wise, intelligent, sly, clever, protective, caring and strong in his mind. He was something special and far more worthy than just the throne of Asgard. Loki accepted, for his Father, to take the throne and try to be a good King. He said he makes no promises tho and if he fucks up, he will give it back to Bor. They agreed to that."
You tapped your fingers on your right arm.
"Loki did well. The Nine Realms were happy with the new King. Everything went great. Exchanges of foods and drinks, like valuables and all that stuff from all the Nine Realms. The exportations and the help was perfect too. If Jotunheim needed help, Loki instantly helped. If Midgard needed help, he also did instantly. No Realm was abandoned to all their own devices. Loki was a great King and he would still be...if the sudden tragedies wouldn't have happened..."
Loki looked at you in confusion and worry.
"What tragedies ?"
"....I saw telling Odin that Bor died and he wanted to have a funeral...That is wrong. That memory was tempered. I told Loki that he got killed. Loki set the funeral up the next few days and was in mourning. Baldr did the same, but Odin ? Odin wasn't even present. No one knew where he was. Loki and Baldr were thinking that Odin mourned in a different way and couldn't handle the pain. But he didn't mourn at all."
"What did he do then ?"
"He smiled. He was the one who killed Bor."
"Wait ! You had the memory that you did it tho !"
"Tempered, Loki. My memories were tempered."
He stared at you in utter shock and horror.
"Loki wanted to give up the throne, to Baldr. Baldr agreed that he will take over for him, until Loki recovered from the total shock and pain he received. As Loki told Baldr they even argued the first time on whose fault it was that Bor was dead now. They almost broke their passionate love for one another as brothers, but Loki stopped the silly argument and showed Baldr his vulnerability. Argument forgotten and grief and healing was the next step for both of them. Loki was also interested in Frigga and she almost chose him too, Odin hated that and drew her away from Loki. Before Baldr could take the throne...he got murdered. That blew Loki away and he couldn't deal with all the grief and pain. He needed time and foolishly gave Odin the throne."
Loki's eyes widened as he put the pieces together.
"No...", he mumbled.
"Odin was now King. Loki tried spells, Odin created one book with fake spells, tricked Loki into practicing them and he was suddenly Mother of 3 beasts. A huge snake, an 8 - legged horse and a huge wolf. Odin flirted with Frigga all that time, while Loki suffered in shame and disgust. Just what Odin wanted. I knew all of it. Loki searched help from me and Laufey. He was on the bottom of the ground. Then Odin had found a child, Hela. Odin told Loki that he raped a woman slave he enslaved as he conquered Vannaheim. Loki was in great horror. Then he put all the pieces together and knew...Odin did all of these horrors. He told us."
Loki looked at you mortified.
"Hela was always scared of Odin. He made her kill as she was a little kid. She always ran to Loki and told him and he tried to get Odin to back down, but it wasn't worth it. Odin threatened Loki with his beasty children, Odin practically forced upon Loki. What would the people think, if Odin told them about his schemes ? They would want his death. So Loki shut up and was powerless. Still, Loki was a huge danger to Odin, so he had a wicked idea. He made Loki marry Sigyn and they had 3 more children. Hel, Vali and Nari. Vali and Nari were normal and owned Loki's and Sigyn's magic. Hel...was not normal. She was half dead and half alive. That is how Helheim got created. Odin banished her on an empty planet and she made herself a home. Then he took Sleipnir, the 8 - legged horse, from Loki, then Fenris, the big wolf, and last but not least...Jormungandr, the huge snake."
Loki looked at her in horror.
"Jormungandr got banished to Midgard. Fenris gifted to Hela as pet. Sleipnir is Odin's own horse."
Loki's eyes were as wide as dinner plates of Asgard.
"THAT IS SLEIPNIR ?!", Loki yelled in utter horror.
"Hush, Loki."
He shut up and continued to listen.
"Loki was soon on the run from Odin and his very own people. Odin told them that Loki was Mother of 4 beasts. Odin told them, that he saved Asgard and that Loki murdered Baldr and Bor. They believed Odin and hunted Loki down. In the end they catched him and he received the Serpent Punishment. He was bound on rocks and before he got the snake above himself, with painful venom, Odin showed up with Sigyn, Vali and Nari. Loki knew what he will do. He begged him to leave them alone. Odin stabbed Sigyn dead, making Loki yell in agony. Then a big wolf in chains entered the cave and bit Vali and Nari in half, making Loki screech in utter agony, pain, anger and hatred. He cursed Odin and swore to make him pay for that."
Loki was staring at you utterly mortified, shocked and disgusted. He felt sick and wanted to vomit.
"Then the snake was put above him, torturing Loki until his death. The venom was so painful that when Loki writhed, the whole Nine Realms knew that he suffered. All the Nine Realms knew that Odin lied and Loki would have never done that, but he didn't care. He killed them mercilessly. The problem was...as Loki got his unfair punishment...Odin deleted all our memories and tempered with them. No one remembers Loki and Baldr. They all think that Odin was an only - child."
"But now you could kill Odin. For treason."
You shook your head.
"I can't. As soon as I kill Odin...Hela will come and cause Ragnarok upon us. We need Loki Borson back. He knows how to fix this mess."
"How do you want to resurrect someone from the dead ? That is impossible.", Loki told you.
"The 3 books are making it possible, Loki."
"The 3 books ?"
"Do you remember ? I gave you one. The book called: 'Magical book of illusions and summoning'. I thrusted it into your hands and told you to hide it good, until I or Agnus need it back. I need it back, and its brothers.", you told him serious.
"Names of those ?"
"The second one is called 'Magical book of Death' and the other is called 'Magical book of Life'. With all three of them, they combine themselves and become another book. The real book. The book called...'The magical book of the Undead.' Can you follow me, what I want from you ?"
Loki's eyes widened in great shock.
"You can resurrect with the book."
"No Loki. There are rules in that book. Rules the God of the Undead has to keep. We can summon him with those books !"
Loki just stared at her in utter shock.
"That is why they were so important ! That is why I needed you to hide one and protect it ! Odin knows about that ! He would destroy them, so Loki Borson will never return from the dead !", you told him.
Loki was gob smacked, shocked and flabbergasted at the same time, at that.
"You gave me a very powerful and dangerous artifact, to make me protect something even more dangerous and powerful...I can't believe it..."
"I trusted you enough for that, Lo. You were my last hope."
Loki looked at you in adoration, then he pulled you close to himself and kissed you. You were surprised at first, but soon kissed him back with the same carefulness and passion, Loki gave you. Soon you both parted and panted softly.
"I love you.", he said.
"I love you too.", you told him softly.
Then you summoned a pickaxe and hit the floor, until it gave out and a big hole was to see. Loki gulped.
"What is that ?"
"That is the grave of the honored soldiers of Hela. Even her fucking wolf is down there. Dead but still."
You took Loki's hand and looked at him.
"Do you trust me ?"
Loki looked at you and nodded softly. Then you pulled him to the edge and jumped, pulling Loki down with yourself. He cried out in shock, until you put a spell on yourselves, to fly down softly. Soon you touched ground, softly. Another spell and the whole grave was filled with light. Loki gasped in terror. Many dead soldiers and a huge dead wolf. Loki was terrified to say the least.
"Hela will return one day and revive them. If that happens...we will lose. She is the Goddess of Death. She can't die and as soon as she steps one foot into Asgard...her powers are limitless and she will kill everything in her path. She draws her powers right from here. And with the Eternal Flame, she will be able to revive them. Not even all the Einherjar could defeat her. She would kill them all without a second thought."
"Like the Valkyries..."
"Exactly like them. We need Loki Borson back as fast as possible. I know where he is hung. I know his grave, but we need the books."
"Where are they ?"
You looked at Loki.
"One with my long lost helmet and the other...just a pure golden soul can find."
"Well that last one will be tricky then.", Loki mumbled.
"No it will not be, Loki. You will see. Trust me."
"Fine. Then let us go and search them."
You nodded, teleported out, regenerated the floor and then took Loki's hand, storming out of the vault.
"We need our horses. I will take Blackmeane and you will take Mischief. We have to go now, before Odin will know."
"Blackmeane never liked anyone."
"Well, she is my horse. Of course she hates others trying to claim her."
Loki looked at you again in shock.
"You really need to stop to be shocked, Lo. Now hurry up and follow me."
With that you both stormed off, to the stalls.
Part 56
Masterlist with all Chapters of this Story click here !  
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astouract · 7 years
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Empathy Series, part III. Part II can be found here.
A/N: Here it is! Part III, which is also the final part of the Empathy Series. I decided it was time to wrap it up so I could make time to start on the holiday imagines (which reminds me, I still have requests open until the Monday after Thanksgiving!). Thank you for all of the love and support, and I’m very excited to start my new fic “When Fire Meets Fire!”
Words: 1,660 
Warnings: implied smut. . . I think that’s all, actually.
“I’ll come too!” You quickly stumbled into your battle boots, trying to keep up with the other Avengers as you zipped up the brown leather. 
Steve paused, moving his shield to his back. “From what I’ve heard about last time you came on a mission, I don’t think his one would be safe for you.” His eyes locked with yours in concern and slight sympathy. 
From behind Steve, Tony was nodding fervently. “You were trying to kill us all, Reindeer Games Jr.” You narrowed your eyes at the new nickname.
“I have to agree with Steve and Tony on this one,” Thor added, swinging Mjölnir carelessly. “A lot is at stake this time, and if something were to happen to you, it would be devastating.”
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms. “You guys, Loki’s been helping me control it! I’m a lot stronger now. Besides, I could use some fresh air and good kick or two to the face.”
Nobody looked convinced.
Tony shifted uncomfortably. “Right, because Loki has such a long history of being trustworthy. Look, (Y/N), I don’t know what’s going on between the two of you, if you’re hooking up or something, but you should stay away from him.”
“I second that,” Steve said. “He’s dangerous, and none of us want to see you get hurt.”
You scoffed, your eyebrows shooting up incredulously. “Are we seriously having this conversation right now?”
“She’s right,” Thor stated, pulling Tony backwards by his elbow. “We have to go.”
You started after them, but Steve gave you a look and held onto your shoulders, keeping you in place. You focused on a wall in your mind, blocking the foreign emotions that weren’t yours. It was weak, but enough to keep the Cap’s thoughts out of your head. 
“You have to stay,” He said in his best authoritative voice, “You’re not strong enough yet for this mission. We would all be putting you in serious danger if we let you come.” 
When he realized you weren’t going to say anything, he removed his hands from your shoulders and jogged towards the others. “See you later, okay? It’s for your own safety!” He called out, rounding the corner.
You clenched and unclenched your fists, still processing all that had just happened, when Tony’s head popped out from around the doorframe. “No sex on my bed!” He said sternly, pointing at you. 
“Fuck you, Stark, go save the world without me.” You flipped him your middle finger, and he flashed you a grin before disappearing into the hallway again.
“No sex on my bed,” You muttered bitterly to yourself, huffing and starting off towards your room. Their comments about you and Loki were completely inappropriate, even if they were just trying to look out for you. You weren’t hooking up with Loki. . . But you wouldn’t shy away if the opportunity arose.
Ever since that Emberling touched you on the battlefield and got inside your head, the Avengers had been babying and watching you like a volcano that could erupt at any moment. Thor had the most understanding of your empathetic abilities, and was never as infuriatingly careful with you as the others were. 
“Come to my room,” Loki’s voice suddenly said in your mind. It got slightly less startling every time he did that, but the first time he’d communicated with you telepathically, it scared the shit out of you. Now, you just wished you knew how to do it. 
You hesitated for just a moment before pushing the door open and entering the bedroom that smelled of herbs and old books. “I can teach you,” Came Loki’s voice from across the room. He was standing at the window, his back turned to you with hands clasped behind him. Raven locks cascaded down to just past his shoulders, leading your eyes to the soft-looking green T-shirt that he wore. You’d never seen Loki in a T-shirt, but now that you had, you could hardly tear your eyes away. It clung to him perfectly, showing off his muscly torso and even though he wore that color green constantly, it suddenly looked brand new. 
“Finished yet?” He asked, turning to you with a smirk that brought a blush to your cheeks. You hadn’t put up a wall, and he was listening in on your thoughts--not that any barrier you could have put up would’ve been strong enough to deter Loki. 
“You can teach me?” You ignored his question, shifting uncomfortably. 
Loki nodded and started towards you. “It’s simple, really. It’s even easier to communicate with those who are devoted to you, especially for gods.” He locked eyes with you pointedly, and you knew that he wasn’t just speaking generally. He was talking about you, you were devoted to him. You were, in fact, wrapped around his finger.
You were startled back into reality when he took your hand, and you were just barely able to water down the emotions before they hit you like a brick to the face. They were still there, burning hatred and heartbreak behind your primary thoughts, like a simmering pot on the back-burner. It stung like a sour memory, and you fought back tears that threatened to spill over. You hated how Loki was treated, you resented Odin for the things he made Loki feel. You wanted to drive a blade into everyone who had ever hurt him--not enough to kill them, but enough to make them suffer.
 “Look at me, pet,” Loki murmured, stroking a gentle hand against your cheek. You lifted your gaze to meet his eyes, and he looked back down at you solemnly, with understanding. You opened your mouth to speak, to apologize, to express your resentment for everyone who had ever scarred him, but he shushed you before the words could form. 
“I want you to look at me, and to think hard about what you want me to hear. Say it in your head, feel the words inside you.”
You looked down at his hand, slender fingers intertwined with yours. “Well how do I know if it works if you can just listen in on my thoughts anyways?”
Loki chuckled. “I won’t, I swear. Just think about what you want to say to me, and say it to yourself like you need to make yourself believe it.”
I don’t know, hey? What’s up, Trickster?
It didn’t work. You struggled to find something to say, your thoughts coming up in a tangle of nonsense. It was hard enough to control the flood of emotions threatening to break the dam, but to concentrate on telepathy was another thing all in itself.   Loki squeezed your hand, his blue eyes sparkling in either amusement or admiration, and you realized just how easy it was for you to get lost in them. Those eyes had seen so many things, had lived through countless experiences--wars, heartbreaks, victories and losses. You wanted to hear about every single one. 
“Think it like a prayer,” Loki said softly.
It came to you almost effortlessly, like it was written on your heart. 
“I want to know you.”
You knew it worked that time, you felt the connection, and you saw it in Loki’s features. His eyebrows knitted together in confusion. 
“You already know me better than anyone else,” Came his reply. 
He was right, of course, but he also knew that wasn’t what you meant. “I want to know you, Loki. I want to know everything about you, to memorize you inside and out.”
“Why?” He asked aloud, his features flooded with a mixture of emotions that were churning in your mind. Confusion and fear. Hope and admiration. Love. 
Mindlessly, you reached down for his other hand, holding onto him like a lifeline. “Because during my time here, I’ve realized that you are so much more than what everyone makes you out to be. Today, Tony and Steve tried to tell me to stay away from you, but they don’t know you like I do.” You drew in a deep breath. “And they don’t know me like you do. Nobody does.”
He looked at you with wide eyes, his lips slightly parted. You knew he didn’t want to open himself to you completely, that he was afraid. His hands were shaking--or maybe those were yours. 
“And I need you more than air,” You added, the sudden realization knocking the air from your lungs. 
“My gods, (Y/N). . .” Loki murmured, his face flushed a light shade of pink. “How in hel have you done this to me?” 
Before you could ask what he meant, his lips were on yours. You gasped, and he released your hands to move his to your waist, bringing you slowly into him. You rested your palms against his chest, then let them snake up to toy with the ends of his silken hair. 
“Never in my entire life have I ever thought I’d fall for a mortal,” Loki explained, pulling away to rest his forehead against yours. “But you, my dear, are anything but ordinary.” His hands wandered up your sides, and he murmured something about perfection. With a content sigh, he asked, “Are you certain you aren’t a goddess?”
With a short, breathy laugh, you nodded. “I’m pretty sure.”
“There is no goddess like you anyway,” Loki stated, bringing his lips back down to yours and walking you backwards until your calves hit the side of his bed. “You are so much more.”
“Loki,” You pleaded, letting him push you down on the mattress so he was above you, his hair forming a curtain around your faces. 
He wet his lips, and as he waved his hand, you heard the distinct sound of the door locking. “You say you want to know me,” He said lowly, “And there’s no time like the present.” 
You impatiently tugged on his hair, drawing a growl from his lips. 
“I’m going to make you mine.”
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ao3feedsabriel · 7 years
On the Road to Recovery
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2p5gyHC
by MonPetitTresor
When Dean and Castiel gank Dick Roman, they vanish, and Crowley comes to take Kevin. Only, he takes Sam as well and teaches him that you don't dick around with the King of Hell. Without Dean there to protect his little brother, the demon is going to make damn sure that he never has to worry about the Winchesters again by whatever means necessary.
Only, neither he nor Sam knew that the hunter had another little family out there, and this one is just as protective of him. They pull Sam out of there and rescue both him and Kevin, taking them somewhere that will be free to heal and recover.
It's not going to be easy. Not only is Sam going to have to learn to live with his new disabilities, he's going to have to also learn to live without his brother. Can he do it? Or will the help of this newfound family not be enough to help pull him up out of the dark?
Words: 6091, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Sam Winchester, Kevin Tran, Jörmungandr | Jormungand | Midgard Serpent, Fenrir, Hel, Original Female Character(s), Skoll and Hati - Character, Crowley (Supernatural)
Relationships: Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Fenrir/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: blind!Sam, sort of, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Grief/Mourning, Physical Disability, Serious Injuries, Recovery, Family Bonding, Mates, Depression, Healing, No Dean again, sorry - Freeform, not really - Freeform, Dean's in purgatory, Evil Crowley, Torture, trigger warning, Triggers, Self-Hatred
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2p5gyHC
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On the Road to Recovery
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2p5gyHC
by MonPetitTresor
When Dean and Castiel gank Dick Roman, they vanish, and Crowley comes to take Kevin. Only, he takes Sam as well and teaches him that you don't dick around with the King of Hell. Without Dean there to protect his little brother, the demon is going to make damn sure that he never has to worry about the Winchesters again by whatever means necessary.
Only, neither he nor Sam knew that the hunter had another little family out there, and this one is just as protective of him. They pull Sam out of there and rescue both him and Kevin, taking them somewhere that will be free to heal and recover.
It's not going to be easy. Not only is Sam going to have to learn to live with his new disabilities, he's going to have to also learn to live without his brother. Can he do it? Or will the help of this newfound family not be enough to help pull him up out of the dark?
Words: 6091, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Sam Winchester, Kevin Tran, Jörmungandr | Jormungand | Midgard Serpent, Fenrir, Hel, Original Female Character(s), Skoll and Hati - Character, Crowley (Supernatural)
Relationships: Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Fenrir/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: blind!Sam, sort of, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Grief/Mourning, Physical Disability, Serious Injuries, Recovery, Family Bonding, Mates, Depression, Healing, No Dean again, sorry - Freeform, not really - Freeform, Dean's in purgatory, Evil Crowley, Torture, trigger warning, Triggers, Self-Hatred
0 notes
ao3feed-crowley · 7 years
On the Road to Recovery
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2pvLLoU
by MonPetitTresor
When Dean and Castiel gank Dick Roman, they vanish, and Crowley comes to take Kevin. Only, he takes Sam as well and teaches him that you don't dick around with the King of Hell. Without Dean there to protect his little brother, the demon is going to make damn sure that he never has to worry about the Winchesters again by whatever means necessary.
Only, neither he nor Sam knew that the hunter had another little family out there, and this one is just as protective of him. They pull Sam out of there and rescue both him and Kevin, taking them somewhere that will be free to heal and recover.
It's not going to be easy. Not only is Sam going to have to learn to live with his new disabilities, he's going to have to also learn to live without his brother. Can he do it? Or will the help of this newfound family not be enough to help pull him up out of the dark?
Words: 1768, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Sam Winchester, Kevin Tran, Jörmungandr | Jormungand | Midgard Serpent, Fenrir, Hel, Original Female Character(s), Skoll and Hati - Character, Crowley (Supernatural)
Relationships: Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Fenrir/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: blind!Sam, sort of, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Grief/Mourning, Physical Disability, Serious Injuries, Recovery, Family Bonding, Mates, Depression, Healing, No Dean again, sorry - Freeform, not really - Freeform, Dean's in purgatory, Evil Crowley, Torture, trigger warning, Triggers, Self-Hatred
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2pvLLoU
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