#hej då
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corpsoir · 1 year ago
seeing swedish people in the wild on tumblr or art fight is always so funny its like wow ni finns också what the fuck jag trodde jag var ensam hej hur mår ni <3
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fivefeetfangirl · 1 year ago
I'm this close 👌🏼 to learning swedish
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frogprincesnowglobe · 9 months ago
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hej då Young Royals
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suzakus-canon-wife · 1 year ago
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valentine1994 · 9 months ago
Idag bråkade jag med min hyresvärd... och jag pratar inte om en i synnerhet artig passivt aggressiv bråk, utan hon kallade mig respektlös och besvärlig - jag kallade henne ingenting för jag vill inte bli hemlös utan jag upprepade bara "är JAG respektlös??". Sjukt hur man efter ett tag börjar kunna bråka på ett främmande språk. Jag insåg det förra veckan när jag bråkade med A. Då gick det att liksom prata snabbt. Men idag sa jag ingenting för jag har ingen bostadsrätt, så jag lät en pensionär få ut en livstid av frustrationer på mig.
Det handlade om städningen... Vi turas om med städningen, på ett ganska otydligt sätt. Man gör det när man hinner, och sedan skriver man sitt namn på en lapp som sitter i köket. Under de 6 första månaderna gick det bra, men sedan blev det annorlunda. Det var i december det förändrade, när jag hade börjat på mitt nya jobb efter att ha förlorat min rätt till CSN, och jag jobbade så mycket jag kunde för att kunna betala hyran och inte hamna i samma situation som i 2018, när jag blev tvungen att flytta tillbaka till Frankrike för jag hade inga pengar kvar... Och nu i december jag fick alltså mindre tid att städa. Sedan blir det januari, en ny termin, jag pluggar på vardagarna och jobbar på helgerna. Och det är då det börjar, varje gång jag kommer hem så kommer hon fram till mig och frågar om jag tänker städa. Hon säger inte det tydligt utan säger "Det är inte ofta jag blir arg, men imorse blev jag arg när jag vaknade och såg hur smutsigt det var i lägenheten! Som tur är var [den andra som bor här] hemma och hjälpte till att städa." Och jag står där ordlös för vad ska jag säga? Jag vaknade kl.6 på en söndag och gick till jobbet. Tid för städningen fanns det inte..? En gång, det var en lördag, får jag ett sms när jag sitter på jobbet. Hon frågar varför jag inte är hemma och städar. Hon säger att [den andra som bor här] har städat. Men den andra som bor här behöver inte jobba på helgerna för att kunna betala hyran vill jag svara. Dessutom, om det är någon som smutsar ner lägenheten så är det inte jag som i stort sett bara är hemma när jag sover på nätterna. Men jag säger ingenting och städar när jag är ledig, dvs mindre ofta än henne och den andra som bor här och jobbar hemifrån. Sedan hittar vi en lägenhet med min pojkvän och jag säger upp mig och det är då hon börjar tappa det. Jag tror att det handlar om att hon vet att jag kommer flytta snart och hon behöver inte längre vara trevlig. Hon pratar inte längre med mig utan hon bara mumlar när jag är i närheten. Hon mumlar om hur smutsigt det är - smutsigt är det objektivt inte. Hon klagar över en skrynklig duk, en enligt henne dammig matta. Jag säger ingenting och går till skolan, går till jobbet, jag gör min grej. Varje gång hon säger mitt namn är det för att fråga om när jag tänker städa, eller om jag har bokat tvättstugan - vi turas om med tvättstugan som bara kan bokas en gång i veckan.
Imorse säger hon inte ens hej, hon står där i sin rosa morgonrock och stirrar på mig och säger "Valentine?" och jag vet att hon kommer att be mig städa. Jag har inte haft någon ledig dag förra veckan och har därför knappt varit hemma. Hon frågar "tänker du städa idag?" och jag är helt tyst först, för om jag öppnar munnen nu så kommer att säga "tänker du hålla käften?". Så jag tar ett djupt andetag och säger att idag ska jag plugga för jag har en tenta imorgon. Men jag ska försöka hitta någon timme för att städa i veckan. Sedan springer jag ut och går går går för att inte explodera. När jag har lugnat ner mig kommer jag hem och går fram till henne och säger att jag har märkt att hon inte ens säger hej längre och bara pratar med mig för att fråga om jag ska städa eller om jag bokat tvättstugan. Jag vill att vi ska prata om det, för annars blir jag galen. Jag säger att även om jag flyttar snart så ska man ändå vara vänlig? Jag säger också att jag är vuxen och att hon inte behöver påminna mig om att jag ska städa. Jag gör det när jag har ledigt. Och det är då hon exploderar, hon säger att hon är sur och irriterad, och "det är inte ofta hon blir det!" Och jag ser hur orden liksom rinner ur hennes mun, som om hon hade väntat länge för att få förklara för mig hur hon ogillar mig. Hon säger att det är respektlöst att inte städa och jag förstår då att det här inte handlar om städning för det var jag som städade sist. Hon har bara bestämt sig för att hon ogillade mig. Så jag säger ingenting, jag går bara in i köket, tar fram dammsugaren och börjar städa trots att det inte är min tur att göra det. Jag är arg och det känns bra att skaka mattorna. Jag har en lektion kl.13 och jag kommer att missa den men då spelar det ingen roll för jag vill bara få henne att vara tyst. När jag är klar går jag till affären och köper toapapper - 26 rullar. Det var egentligen inte heller min tur att köpa toapapper men jag vill bara försäkra mig om att hon inte heller klagar över toapappret.
Nu när jag har skrivit klart inser jag att det bara är en vanlig bråk, något som händer hela tiden när man bor med andra. Eller? Jag vet inte. Det enda jag vet är att jag känner mig utmattad av den där långdragna meningslösa konflikten...
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ask-felix-aberg · 7 months ago
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Dear Felix!
On this beautiful Easter morning I came bearing the gifts since I was in the vicinity checking on Monty anyway. I know how much impact Puppy Seb has had on you and I had no other choice but to paint this little boy for you. Do not worry, the egg is empty on the inside so you won't be missing out on any chocolate. I got you an assortment of cookies instead: nuts, berries, chocolate, and so on (I was unsure what you like most).
If you don't mind me asking, what's with all the coffee beans all over your table? They smell delicious, and I don't usually even take coffee! Don't let it go to waste and HAPPY EASTER!
Your Slytherin friend, William ☀️
Felix took off his shoes after entering their dorms, letting out a tired sigh. It had been a long day, with the N.E.W.T. lessons getting more demanding than ever before. He just wanted to relax a bit when his eyes caught sight of something on the table – a beautifully painted Easter egg.
"Puppy Seb?!" Felix' eyes widened in surprise and delight. He let his bag fall to the floor and walked towards the table, his curiosity piqued.
The tall Ravenclaw didn't dare to touch the egg; he didn't trust himself, too nervous he could break it, clumsy as he was. But he observed the egg really closely, admiring all the details. He couldn't help but feel touched by the gesture.
Then he looked at all the cookies and the note with a familiar handwriting and began to read. William made this himself? Felix was amazed at William's artistic talent. There seemed to be nothing the prefect couldn't do.
Felix chuckled at the mention of the coffee beans, remembering Lilith's overwhelming appearance. He didn't waste a second writing a reply to Will.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─☆: .☽ . :☆─ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Dear Will,
Thank you so much for the wonderful Easter surprise! The painting of Puppy Seb is absolutely adorable, your talent never ceases to amaze me. I truly appreciate the thoughtfulness behind it!
The assortment of cookies is perfect - I love them all! You really went above and beyond. And as for the coffee beans, well, let's just say Lilith meant well.
Glad Påsk to you too, my friend! I hope your day is filled with joy. You've truly brightened mine.
Hej då!
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michaelnordeman · 1 year ago
Jag älskar dina bilder och ditt arbete! Jag flyttade till Sverige för ~10år sedan för att jag blev förälskad med landet och naturen var en stor del av det.
Framför allt, tack tack TACK för dina bilder av ekorrar. Jag blir galen på dem, ekorrar är bland mina favoritdjur (tassarna! örontoftarna! gudarna då är så söta!!) och det gör mig bara så glad att se dem på min dash hela tiden
Det gör mig jätteglad att du gillar mina bilder. Och ännu gladare att du älskar natur och inte minst ekorrar! Du ska veta att jag aldrig kommer att tröttna på att få "umgås" med ekorrarna. Trots att jag fotat ekorrar i tio år blir jag fortfarande lika glad varje gång jag gör det. Och det är alltid roligt att veta att bilderna jag tar ses av andra som också gillar ekorrar. Så tack för att du delar min ekorr-glädje! :)
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mediocrelanguagelearner · 2 years ago
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May 2023, Stockholm
I was in Stockholm for five days. And it was wonderful, the weather was amazing, I walked almost 70 kilometers and saw so many things. But it made me realise how insufficient my Swedish is. And that I actually don't know how to say many basic things or how to react or just how to act in different situations. A lot of Swedes actually replied in English when I was talking to them in Swedish, something that didn't happen when I was in Sweden 2 years ago. I try to console myself with the fact that a lot of it happened in Gamla stan and that they're probably used to everyone being a tourist there. Some Swedes also looked a bit confused, as I confidently talked to them in (probably not 100% correct) Swedish but didn't know how things worked (I'm still not sure how do you work with the pant receipt). I also forgot or didn't know how to say simple things, like "you're welcome" or "a couple of streets from here". I was also a bit sad I didn't get to speak Swedish a bit more, but I guess that's expected - I wouldn't be talking a lot to strangers in my city either. But I had at least two interactions (longer than hej, nej tack, hej då) in Swedish where the people didn't switch and maybe didn't suspect I was a tourist.
The trip was lovely, I've got around 500 photos, I got to eat lots of kanelbullar, I bought a book from Myrorna and I'm very happy I could get to know Stockholm and walk through Södermalm, Gamla stan, Norrmalm, Östermalm, Kungsholm... but I've got some mixed feelings about my Swedish and some thinking to do.
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umichenginabroad · 7 months ago
Stockholm Wrap-Up: Tips and Tricks
My time in Stockholm has come to an end. I am now waiting for my co-op to begin! The past semester has been a wonderful 4 months that I will never forget. 
I gathered a few tips and tricks for people planning to study abroad! I couldn’t find lots of information specific to Stockholm when I was searching for info, so I thought this could help future students. 
Hope you enjoyed my TMI posts, and thank you again for reading/glancing/trying to read them until Tumblr told you to create an account! 
The following notes are solely subjective to me so take them as suggestions, not facts!
Basics of Sweden
Very reserved but nice when you ask something 
Almost everyone speaks English 
Everyone is entitled to their freedom to roam around - basically, you can go anywhere except for private property 
Fika = a break with coffee and pastry
Sweden seriously recycles! Make sure you follow all the rules and throw away the right stuff at the right place 
Through the pant system, you can get money back from empty cans/bottles. ICA usually has the pant machines so make use of them and get your money back! 
Information on Google Maps is accurate
People are generally silent in public places, including the streets 
Public transportation (run by SL) is well-distributed and punctual in Stockholm
Metro comes every 5 minutes or so. It runs until late at night around 12 am or 2 am 
High-speed trains are mostly free but if you go past a certain point you need to pay an extra fee, so ask the representative in the stations OR check the map OR check the SL app 
Night buses run every day and are free with the SL card that DIS gives you 
To and from Arlanda airport: 
Arlanda Express - high-speed train
18 mins + alpha to/from your house
Fastest to T-Centralen but a little expensive 
Does not run throughout the night 
~$16 one way 
~$32 roundtrip 
Flygbussarna - bus 
40-50 mins total 
Bus stations are distributed throughout Stockholm so you can get on and off at desired stops 
Runs all throughout the night 
~$15 one way (to/from Hornstull)
~$27 roundtrip (to/from Hornstull)
10 SEK is a little less than $1
Swedish crowns = Kroner = SEK
Almost all the stores are cashless - wireless tap or cards are the norms 
ICA, The System (national alcohol stores), and flea markets are some of the only places that take cash 
DIS program
Gives unlimited public transportation card, three 200 SEK worth of ICA gift cards for groceries 
Attend the DIS-hosted events if you can! They offer diverse programs for free. The following are some examples: 
Sip & Paint - fika while you paint! 
Bowling night 
Ice skating
Billiards/arcade night 
Ticket to dance performances 
Yoga session 
Visits to museums 
Guided tour to castles like Gripsholm 
DIS Festival is the last event of the semester that lasts about 2 hours where you can present your learnings, enjoy stations like a photo booth, eat catered food, and hope to win the raffle  
Start learning the basics of Swedish through apps in advance! Duolingo was mainly how I learned Swedish 
Hi = hej (hey)
Bye = hey då (hey do)
Thank you = tack (tac)
Thank you so much = tack så mycket (tac-so-micket)
Sorry = förlåt (fur-lat)
Excuse me = ursäkta (ooh-shak-ta)
Go out and explore the city whenever you can! Get that vitamin D
Main airlines: 
Ryanair: cheapest flights that are good for weekend trips with a backpack. It can be strict with the backpack size so ensure that your bag fits the size requirements. You need to buy every little thing you can think of, even water  
I heard Easyjet is similar to Ryanair
SAS youth: high-quality service with a cheaper price if you are between 12-25 years old. The seats run out very quickly so book in advance!
If flights get delayed for 3+ hours, SAS provides monetary compensation (a lot more than you think) so check it out if your flight gets delayed or canceled 
Norwegian: I personally didn’t fly Norwegian but I heard good things about it 
KLM: usually expensive 
If traveling with friends, an app called Tricount is very useful to sort out all the money stuff. You can enter who paid how much for every single occasion and at the end of the trip, it gives you a suggestion on who should pay how much to whom 
What To Bring: 
Bring a wide range of clothing - you will experience all four seasons during your one semester in Stockholm!
Winter suits: thick jackets, gloves, scarfs, hats
Swimsuits: Don’t forget to bring swimsuits for sauna/polar plunging in Stockholm and beaches during your academic/personal travels!
Fanny pack: it was very useful when I was traveling to places known for pickpocketing (London, Barcelona, Italy, etc.)  
Travel-size bottles! 
Many Airbnbs and hostels did not have shampoo/conditioner, so I always carried around shampoo and conditioner in mini-containers (under 100 mL). They are useful for skin care products too!
International Travel Adapter 
Plug types are all different in Sweden, United Kingdom, Malta, Italy, France
Check before you travel! 
Hygiene product information for girls 
The tampons that they sell here are very small 
I didn’t see any stores selling big pads, so I’d bring enough for an entire semester
What Not To Bring: 
Toiletries were surprisingly very cheap in Stockholm: cotton pads, toothbrushes, floss, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, body lotion, etc. No need to bring them if you don’t have enough room! 
Normal was my go-to store for these products 
Where To Study: 
Espresso House - the most popular chain in Stockholm imo
Wifi, charging stations
Good smoothies (mango chia is my fav) and pastries (cheesecakes, croissants, Kanelbulle) 
Wayne's - similar chain
Wifi, more charging stations
A lot of people chatting or studying 
Illy - chain with chill studying vibes 
Wifi can be a little goofy sometimes 
Good studying atmosphere - everyone is working on a laptop 
Avocado sandwich is good 
Where To Go: 
For grocery shopping/basic goods: 
ICA: $600 gift card that DIS gave me lasted me the whole semester! I cooked and bought groceries with my roommate, so we technically had $1200 together for one semester
BUT I ate out a couple of times each month and traveled a lot so if this is not the case you might run out quickly! 
Normal: they sell a lot of basic goods ranging from toiletries to stationery to snacks. It is not too expensive either so if you want something small but don’t know where to go, I’d check out Normal after ICA! 
IKEA: We went just for fun and sometimes for food. Cheap Swedish meatballs and 70-cent vanilla ice cream make the visit worth it! 
Go thrifting - there are lots of options! Many thrift stores are located side-by-side in Slussen, T-Centralen, and Mariatorget. Keep in mind that there are some vintage stores, but they are generally expensive (average $40). Read the descriptions of each store below if you are interested. This list of thrift stores is in ascending order by price: 
Myrona & Humana: both are chains that sell clothes on the cheaper side. I loved to look around the wide selection even if I had nothing to buy in mind 
Artikel2: the one I went to was huge - there were lots of jean products 
Stockholm Stadsmission: a chain with reasonable price and quality. You can find lots of gems when you spend time digging! 
Arkivet: a higher-end second-hand store with abundant high-quality clothes such as Tommy Hilfiger, COACH, BOSS, COS, etc. The one in T-Centralen is my personal favorite! I suggest this store if you’re looking for durable clothes like trench coats, jackets, etc. The expensive clothes are much cheaper than the original price, but the clothes that are usually cheap (ZARA/H&M) are a bit overpriced 
Check out museums - the following list is in descending order of preference: 
Paradox Museum: plenty of photo spots! I’d suggest going with someone else so that you can take photos of each other 
Tekniska Museet: a lot of science and technology stuff, but it’s not boring - it is a multistory building with innumerable interactive activities. Don’t forget to check out the video game rooms on the top floor!
Banksy (pop-up): Banksy’s artwork illustrates the political and historical issues through Banksy’s perspective 
Fotografiska: exhibitions switch every few months: I loved Rinko Kawauchi’s photo collection! 
Skansen: open-air museum with reindeer and historical housings! It is hugeeee so spare some time if planning on going here
Vasa Museum: museum with a well-preserved 17th-century ship that got salvaged 
ABBA Museum: The museum is smaller than I expected, especially when it is on the more expensive side. However, there were a few interactive activities (dancing stage, karaoke stations, silent headphone dancing spot, etc.) and numerous photo spots!
For people who love nightlife - check out the following list: 
Cafe Opera: nightclub 
Secret Garden: gay bar in Gamla Stan
Liffey: Irish pub in Gamla Stan that has live music and karaoke 
RoQ: bar with arcade games 
Beer and play: casual drinking bar - a lot of DIS students went on Tuesdays to drink beer and socialize 
Avoid Time bar: the $15 cocktails are good but there are too many old men who approach young girls :((  
Wander around in… 
Gamla Stan: I can’t emphasize my love for Gamla Stan enough; as the old town, they have a lot of historical buildings and museums in addition to rows of souvenir stores and cafes. There are a myriad of small paths (+ the narrowest street in Sweden) you could take - I loved getting lost in Gamla Stan! 
Fika and Wine - good authentic Swedish food: meatballs are very good 
PANEM - my absolute favorite dessert cafe! The mango mousse cake is one of the best desserts I’ve ever tasted 
Monteliusvägen: This is a perfect spot in Mariatorget to enjoy a view of the city while you take a leisurely walk. I went there multiple times with friends and on my own. It's the perfect place to have your sunlight intake!
Rosendals Trädgård (Garden): Although it’s a bit far away from the center of Stockholm (on an island that also has Skansen and Grona Lund amusement park), it is a place you need to visit in the spring. Little stores sell postcards (I was about to buy 5 but I realized I’m broke and only bought 1; however, I am regretting my choice right now. If I could go back I would buy all of the ones I picked out), keyrings (I bought four acorn keyrings for my family), vases, etc. There are greenhouse-looking cafes where you can eat food and desserts. And don’t forget to smell and take pictures at the flower gardens!
Kungsträdgården: ice skating in winter and cherry blossom festival in spring!
More places to visit in Sweden: 
City hall 
Stockholm Public Library 
Gröna Lund = amusement park
Westfield Scandinavia = mall 
Stockholm Observatory 
Östermalms Saluhall = food hall 
Day trip to Uppsala 
What To Eat: 
MAX - Swedish burger chain 
More popular than McDonalds! 
There are a ton of vegan/vegetarian options - and I heard they are good 
Sweet potato fries are gas 
Brödernas - Hamburger restaurant 
Right next to the DIS Stockholm building
Outdoor sitting is a must in spring! 
Top sweet potato fries 
Florentine - Italian pasta/pizza place
The pasta here is sooooo good 
Cocktails are fabulous too: Florentine on the Beach is my favorite 
Carls Deli - Italian restaurant 
After eating their pasta I agreed with the 4.8-star rating on Google Maps
In a food hall in T-Centralen 
Very busy all the time! 
Noburu - best sushi for reasonable prices 
Near DIS Building (about 10 minute walk)
DELICIOUS food and AESTHETIC plating
Dry ice for decor 0_0
IPIN - cheap and good Japanese food
Near Hornstull 
Everything was around $10 
Ramen, sushi, and donburi were all good!
Sushi Yama - a chain where you can select nigiri types
Nigiris are small but delicious 
You can choose quantity and type of nigiri - I recommend grilled salmon; it literally melts in your mouth 
Matchaya - ramen and bubble tea
Close to DIS (about 15 minute walk)
Good ramen (I suggest the miso base)
Love their fruit bubble tea
TooGoodToGo - you can get leftover food that would’ve gone to waste at the end of the day for cheap prices! 
Happy Sweet Potato - bubble tea
I got 3 different bubble teas on top of a cup full of coconut jellies + pudding for less than $8
It sells out rapidly so I’d set a timer and snatch the deal when it opens 
ICA - groceries OR fruits and veggies OR bread
I only ordered bread here but I’ve noticed that the other options run out fast 
Got a bag for less than $5 if I remember correctly
Good for students who need sandwich bread + want pastries like croissants and vanilla/chocolate bread
Bakery Hornstull - bread OR cake
I love the owner couple… They’re so sweet and kind
I got 4 paper bags filled with all sorts of bread - there were a lot of big bread/sandwich bread though  
When I bought a cake for approximately $7, she let me choose between two cakes (we usually don’t get to pick)  
Eataly - pizza
My friends did it here and got three pieces of pizza for $3 
I missed my chance but you could do it! 
PANEM - pastries (!!! Mango mousse cake !!!)
PLEASE try the mango mousse cake if you like not TOO sweet fruity desserts
You can only purchase alcohol from The System, which is owned by the government - US ID like driver’s license works sometimes 
Briska pear cider is extremely popular for a reason 
All the ciders I tasted in Sweden were good but I especially liked Somersby ciders 
This is all I can think of! 
The four months in Stockholm reminded me what life really is, what I enjoy, what I am comfortable with, what I need to work on, and how I want to live my life. 
I am so grateful for all the opportunities and support I have received. Now, it is time for me to move on and enter a new stage in life. I’ll be looking back on these precious memories whenever I need a refresher :) 
I genuinely loved studying abroad, especially in Stockholm. I hope you had fun reading these weekly posts as well! 
Thank you and goodbye, 
Jiwoo Kim
Chemical Engineering
DIS Study Abroad in Stockholm, Sweden
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araku-validrava · 9 months ago
Tack och hej allihopa ni är fantastiska
Trots ingen Scarlet till final
Nästa vecka är Medina tillbaka
Vi ses då. Ha det gott
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demonoflight · 7 months ago
Oh my god this semi had me in for a LOOP! Aside from one qualifier (Serbia??? well at least Konstrakta and Luke are happy) I'm so happy about all of them! Bambie! Tali! Raiven??? CYPRUS?!?!?!?! BABY LASAGNAAAAAAAAA LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Sad about Moldova (but expected), sad about Australia (also expected sadly) but it's all good! I'm happy! I'm excited!
My mojo is back, I'm excited about Eurovision again! SVT you're doing good so far please continue this
Hej då Malin hej då Petra you're doing amazing sweetie
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kexet-smular · 2 years ago
hej då mellotumblr vi ses igen nästa år <3
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skamenglishsubs · 2 years ago
Hej, I want to know what is written on the card pinned on the wall in the background here: https://64.media.tumblr.com/37dc1da7f236821b848ea87bca8d4c11/d78408f1d2da571b-20/s540x810/9dce4752480893720ce35b3ac2555bb91077523a.gifv
Is it something like this: "du vill nagonstans. de har du kommit ratt hillerska skolan" meaning "You want somewhere? You have come to the Hillerska Skolan!"
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Du vill någonstans. Då har du kommit rätt. Hillerska Skolan.
You want to go places/get somewhere (in life). Then you're in the right place.
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jilmedna · 1 year ago
hej mina stora hummrar
idag ska vi följa orden av [...] som ska leda oss till ändan av världen
detta markerar slutet av stål-regimen som krossat våra ryggar i tusentals år
om ni har kan ni ta med det ni behöver som matkonserver, lyktor samt olika former av vapen
då hummrarna och [...] återtagit kontroll kommer stål att reformeras och/eller termineras
nu vinner hummrar
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svenskjavel · 11 months ago
Hej, hoppas att du eller någon kan hjälpa mej. Jag var på youtube och såg en video, då stängdes youtube ner vilket brukar hända. Nu vill appen jag ska uppdatera youtube, annars kan jag inte titta. Jag har inte i0S 14.0 uppdateringen på min iphone men enligt appstore kan jag hämta den senaste kompatibla versionen av youtube. Trycker på hämta men rutan bara poppar upp hela tiden, den vill alltså inte hämta den senaste versionen. Kanske du eller någon annan vet varför det inte går?
Ingen aning men jag uppmanar mina följare att säg något om de vet vad det handlar om
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bisexualrhee · 2 years ago
hej då mellotumblr!
det är alltid roligt att blogga om mello här men i år har det varit extra roligt då det har varit så många som bloggat. vi har liksom trendat varje lördag????!! helt sjukt. vi ses i maj igen hoppas jag, annars så ses vi i februari!
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