#heisenberg chews those recordings UP
landlordevil · 5 months
And now heisenberg :3c time for some grimy cyborg bullshit (<- this is my 2nd favorite section)
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amerrierworld · 3 years
Behave Yourself
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Summary: Karl hates formal dinners, so you come along to keep him in line.
Characters: Karl Heisenberg x gn!reader, the Four Houses leaders, Mother Miranda
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: Swearing, some gore and gross food. Super tense family dinner.
You sat down at the large table, with Karl by your side, who seemed apprehensive every step of the way.
Miranda had insisted on dinner at Castle Dimitrescu, because it had room to fit everyone. It was bound to be a tense, cold and distant family dinner with dysfunctional siblings involved, so you came with a mind set on not letting anything get out of hand.
The large table had been set up with proper cutlery and plates, and a large bottle of wine that you politely declined as the maids went pouring glasses. You saw Alcina scrunch her nose in disgust at your refusal, but you had explained many times you’d rather not drink human blood.
Gloomy candles were dripping wax all over the table and you straightened out your napkin over your lap as you took a seat with Karl beside you. Mother Miranda sat at the head of the table, with Alcina and Donna at her sides, followed by Karl and Sal. You sat in between Karl and Alcina, probably in hopes of keeping them from clawing at each other’s throats. 
“Where are your daughters tonight, Alcina?” Mother Miranda asked. Alcina took a swig of her wine glass. She wasn’t wearing her hat for once.
“They are either hunting or down in the cellar creating the finest wines as we speak, Mother,” Alcina responded. You felt Karl roll his eyes next to you.
“Pity, they’re at least more entertaining than you lot,” he grumbled. You squeezed his knee under the table. Behave.
“And you, Heisenberg?” Alcina replied. “Where are you disgusting, decrepit lycans tonight then, hm? Perhaps those dogs can entertain you where your own family apparently can’t.”
“Family my ass,” Karl snapped, nearly lunging out of his chair. You pressed a hand to his chest as he neared and got him to relax a little.
At that point the doors opened with servants lined up with trays of food, and the familiar stench of half-raw and half-rotten ‘delicacies’ reached your nose. 
Donna and yourself seemed to be the only ones who enjoyed fully-cooked meals. But you never dared to eat any of her offerings for fear of potential flowery poison accidentally entering your system.
 Karl was a bit of daring one; rare meat on the verge of raw was his preferred choice. Sal was obvious; raw fish piled high that he ate like a dog ate from a bowl. Alcina had meat, raw and bloody, but was polite enough to use her fork and knife. Mostly for show, no doubt. She didn’t want Miranda to think less of her.
Karl bit aggressively in his meal, nearly crunching the bone between his teeth. The whole table was a bit of a ghastly sight every time you ate together. Blood, meat, bones, eyes, fish carcasses. You couldn’t quite remember how you ended up tolerating it so much, but here you were.
Karl had nearly declined Miranda’s offer for dinner and spat on the crow that had delivered the message, if it weren’t for your hands grasping his at the last second.
“We’d be delighted,” you had said to the bird, who promptly flew out of the factory.
“You can’t keep insulting and ignoring them all, Karl,” you told him right after. “They’re just like you. They’re all you have.”
“We’ll see about that,” he had growled. “There’s bound to be a catch.”
Now at dinner, you chewed slowly through your cooked venison, watching Sal struggle to eat normally with his mutated form that prevented him from comfortably eating at the table. 
“Music, anyone?” you asked. Donna nodded, and Angie cheered with her shrilly voice. She had been uncharacteristically quiet until now, you hardly noticed her on Donna’s lap.
You walked over to Alcina’s gramophone. All the records were jazz, some being her own recordings. You put on an instrumental track, hoping it would liven the mood a bit. Jazz music always helped Alcina become a bit more relaxed, which hopefully would prevent any brawls later.
“I have a task for you, children,” Miranda finally said, her voice cutting through the air. Your heart dropped, knowing Karl wasn’t going to like this.
“Of course,” your lover snarled, hand slapping the table. “There’s always something you need from us, isn’t there? Family dinner never happens without you having something to demand from us like we’re your petty slaves.”
“I don’t know where the attitude is coming from, Karl, but remember your place,” Miranda replied coolly. “Without me you wouldn’t be here.”
You sat down quickly next to Karl and put your hand over his before he hurled a knife at Miranda.
“What do you need, Mother?” Sal asked, voice groggy and slurring. You could hardly understand him half the time.
“I need more patients to continue our experiments. There is nothing happening with the specimens we have now. I must accelerate our trials and gain sufficient data for my work.”
“You mean the village,” Donna said softly, hugging Angie.
“Yes, my child.”
“You can’t be serious,” Karl replied. “The village? You might think without you there’d be no us. But without them, there’d be no you.”
“Mother, ignore him,” Alcina said. “I simply worry about how your intentions will be received. They may fight back.”
“Not if there aren’t any left.”
A cold shock ran through your body. You knew which experiments Miranda meant, you had seen them being conducted plenty of times at Karl’s side. But the village had many people you cared for. Other humans that you liked to visit, that even Karl had grown fond of.
“What will you do with an empty town?” Karl said. “What about food, supplies? You can’t do all that by yourself.”
“By the time the town is empty, I will have succeeded. And then I won’t be by myself,” Miranda snapped.
“It’s a huge undertaking, Mother,” Alcina said softly.
“Which is why I need the help of my children.”
“If you think I’ll stoop so low to become your henchman, you’ve got it wrong-”
“Enough.” Miranda rose from her spot, eyes glittering menacingly at Karl. “After everything, this is the least I ask of you four. Unless you’d like to offer your lovely companion here for my needs- your Mother’s needs, I suggest you be silent and do as I ask.”
You gulped, this time grasping Karl’s hand not to soothe him, but to steel your fears. Of course you weren’t a favourite of Miranda. You didn’t doubt that if given the chance she’d cut you up and feed you to the rest of her experiments. But it also meant you were a soft spot for Karl, and if she threatened you, Karl would be powerless to say no. It would be him and you against the rest of them, and though he would survive no problem, you’d suffer greatly.
Karl shoved his sunglasses onto his face and grabbed your arm, hauling you out of your seat.
“We’re leaving.”
“I expect you to obey, Karl. Or there will be consequences.”
Karl didn’t look back, nearly bruising your wrist with his grip. You glanced back and saw Donna, ever the sweetheart but still terrifyingly creepy, waving goodbye at you timidly. Alcina’s face was unreadable, but Miranda was glaring daggers into your heart. The sound of a crow’s cry had become your number one fear at night. 
“You shouldn’t have left like that,” you whispered as the two of you got outside. It was cold, and you shivered, squeezing his hand. “Karl.”
He spun around and grabbed your arms, pulling you close to kiss you hard. His facial hair scratched your chin and you let out a squeak of surprise. His hand wound around your body to squeeze you close. He smelled of metal and leather and sweat.
Your hands ran up the back of his neck to grab the greasy locks from under his hat. You had told him to bathe before dinner, but he had refused, of course.
“She doesn't get to talk about you like that,” he growled after pulling away, pulling his sunglasses off so he could look you in the eyes. “They don’t get to have you.”
“They won’t,” you assured him in a hushed tone. “But you have to be on their side. If you become a threat to them... we’re both goners. Please, Karl. They’re not all bad.”
He knew you meant Donna and her timid demeanour. Sal and his hopeless romantic dreams. Alcina and her motherly love for her maniacal girls. They had their moments of humanity, and you’re reminded of what their so-called Mother had taken from them.
“Just Miranda,” Karl spat. “I wish I were free, darling. And you- I wish you could be safe.”
“I am safe,” you hugged him close, kissing his cheek, then his chin. “When I’m with you.”
His roughened hands wrapped you up and you felt his body slowly relax. 
“Let’s go to Luiza’s house,” you suggested. “I’m sure there’s a party happening there again. We can get some warm cider- maybe some leftovers?”
“Are you still hungry, love?”
“Eating at your family’s dinner table is not the most appetizing, I’ll say that.”
Karl sighed, knowing it was true. 
“They’ve got the worst table manners.”
You barked out a laugh at that. Karl pressed a kiss to your cheek before you made your way off the castle grounds, into the bustling and welcoming village.
A/N: my bi ass: *thinking about sitting between Alcina and Karl* hngggggg no thoughts only 🤤
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yourdeepestfathoms · 3 years
“you need to talk to her.”
Bela stops her pacing, clenches her fists tighter. she carves out bloody crescent moons into her palms.
“or else it’s going to eat you from the inside.”
she turns her head slightly to the scruffy wolf-man behind her. beneath the snarls of her disheveled blonde hair, through the dark rings of sleep deprived black bruises and pale flesh of being bug-spawn, there was red. red from tears, which have created a sparkling sheen over sorrowful grey eyes. they narrow into slits, and the girl shows her teeth in a flash of rage.
her uncle is undeterred.
“she’s your mother and she cares about you. i know it’s hard to open up and accept help, but you’re going to be driven further and further away from your mind if you don’t do this, and i know you don’t want that.”
“how the hell do you know what i want?” Bela seethes, and her voice comes out rough and firebreathing. a swarm of furious flies explode around her head as she whirls to face Heisenberg fully, eyes wide, whites flashing in the dim lights of Castle Dimitrescu’s dusk-bathed courtyard.
“tell me,” Heisenberg says calmly, and his resistance to reacting to Bela’s unbridled fury makes the young bug-spawn even angrier.
“you’re a pompous, arrogant asshole,” Bela hisses. “you’re only doing this to boost your track record with all the other freaks living in this hell. you don’t care about any of us. you certainly don’t care about me. you’re just selfish and rude and annoying and loud and you smell like a wet dog.”
Heisenberg is placatingly quiet. Bela’s anger reaches a fever pitch. she marches up to her uncle, unsteady feet crunching over gravel, and stomps in front of him like an indignant filly, glaring up at him with shiny eyes.
her heart hurt. her teeth hurt. why did her teeth hurt? it feels like she had a bit lodged in her mouth, hard and metallic, and she can’t spit it out. she is choking on it and her teeth hurt. she wants to cry and her teeth hurt. she wants her mom and her teeth hurt.
“‘i know it’s hard to open up?’” Bela goes on, practically drooling acid. “how the hell can you say that? i’m— i’m fine! i have everything under control! and i lose that control when i get forced into situations where people have to take care of me because i have to be the strong one, i have to be the leader because i’m the oldest, and Mother will be very disappointed in me if i don’t live up to those standards, so fuck you for saying i can’t even do that!”
Heisenberg looks sympathetic. Bela wants to claw his face off. she can feel her talons, bloody and bruised and cut down to the painful quick from excessive chewing due to constant mental stress, piercing through her flesh again, drawing blood.
“whose standards are you trying to live up to? your mother’s or your own?”
“shut up!” Bela screams, forcing herself to yank away from the lure of the concerned words. model eldest children don’t give into a singular worried phrase. model eldest children weren’t weak. model eldest children don’t need someone to care for them because they were supposed to be the strong ones.
model eldest children don’t cry.
but she isn’t much of a model child anymore, is she?
because model eldest children don’t feel like they will die without the touch of their mother.
tears fell like acid from her eyes. Heisenberg’s hands are warmer than they should have been, though that may have just been from Bela’s sick imagination in a desperate attempt to replicate some kind of heat from human interaction in this brief moment of touch. Bela forces herself to pull away, despite every instinct inside of her screaming at her to give in to the care.
“shut up!” Bela yells again, but there’s no longer any intimidation in her voice. maybe there hadn’t been any to begin with. it is just high and squeaky and frail. blood came oozing from her mouth from a bitten tongue, lungs tight in her chest and filled to the brim with torment, ribs still piercing their delicate tissue. with each heaving breath she took, they dig in deeper, drawing out more blood that painted her throat red.
“it’s all okay! it’s all okay! you don’t— you can’t just— you have no idea—”
she is fumbling. she is crashing and shattering. she can’t keep up.
sleeved arms unfold around her, and she’s tucked against a warm chest, which she is sure is still her imagination.
and yet, there was her uncle, holding her securely, cupping the back of her head in a way that made the pain from her anguish-induced migraine go away.
Bela’s resolve cracks and she shatters.
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tornrose24 · 3 years
Another addition to the RE8 Happy AU:
Transportation to the village can be done by the Duke, since he has a cart and all. Or Ethan can trade the duke something valuable or interesting so the Duke can build him a functioning cart.
To address Alcina’s dislike of men, how about when it is her turn to see Rose, Mia is the one who supervises instead of Ethan (although this does not stop him from worrying very much because he nearly lost his wife once in RE7). Ethan maaaaaaay have snuck into the castle a couple of times just to check, and Alcina has to pretend with every ounce of self control she can muster to pretend she does not notice (but she totally knows).
Heisenberg would totally teach Rose how to swear. Also I imagine he once accidentally static shocked Rose with his poofy hair, causing her to cry, and after that Mia is comforting Rose while Ethan starts screaming bloody murder and straight up starts beating Heisenberg with a metal pole (Or Mia beats him up while Ethan holds Rose). Alcina never let Heisenberg live that one down.
Donna definitely puts on puppet shows to entertain Rose. And has a new doll for Rose every visit, and soon Rose has amassed a collection of varying dolls. Angie likes to play patty cake with Rose, which always makes Rose laugh. Also tea parties are a must.
Moreau was allowed to carry Rose using a crate since they weren’t sure if he could carry Rose without accidentally dropping her in his reservoir. Sometimes she would fall asleep in the crate and Moreau would use a cloth sack as a blanket so she doesn’t get cold.
Honestly I’m not sure how transportation normally works between the outside world and the village. I’d see The Duke involved, but I think he’d have his own things going on/stuff to do too. If the lords left the village they’d need their own customized modes of transportation (though I can’t imagine Moreau being able to leave if his transformations happen without warning, and I don’t know if he’d be down with just leaving the village for too long).
Yeah, I think Mia would be more welcomed in Castle Dimetrescu (hopefully she was treated alright while in captivity, because whatever DLC you guys get probably won’t be forgiving for her). She won’t worry about being added to Lady D’s wine, but there’s still a slight uneasiness on her end. And it’d get awkward if Alcina finds out about Mia’s involvement with the ‘sort of but not quite fifth sibling’ a few years back.
I could see Ethan doing that, but I think Alcina would eventually snap and kick him out since she’s not always patient. But at least its Rose’s father and not yet another disgusting man-thing with lustful intentions, because THOSE guys aren’t as lucky as Ethan.
Rose learned a few curse words from Heisenberg, and unfortunately for the Winters, the first one she spoke was the dreaded ‘F***’ word. And since neither of them curse around their daughter, it doesn’t take them long to figure out who imparted that knowledge to her.
I’m not sure the full effects of Heisenberg’s power, but him static shocking Rose at some point on accident would make sense. I think it’d be funnier if Mia beat Ethan to the punch and was the one to beat Heisenberg’s ass. Oh, but it’d get better–one of Alcina’s servants was nearby at the time and actually recorded the beat down with her phone to show her Lady in addition to recounting what happened. And after Alcina has a good laugh, she’d look at the servant and says “I will give you a significant raise in your salary if you can find a way to give me a replica of this recording so I can watch it whenever I wish.” 
I don’t know if Donna would give Rose too many dolls, since she’d be too small to properly care for them for awhile (and I’m sure those dolls would be expensive for a reason). Plus Ethan might put his foot down at first given what happened last time he ran into any of Donna’s dolls. The idea of Angie herself playing with Rose is adorable, though since Angie is Donna’s special doll, Donna would be cautious with how Rose interacts with Angie. Yes, tea parties are a must. ^_^ The ultimate tea party with the dolls. (I admit a part of me has imagined the monster baby in that scenario too, but I’m not sure if it’d actually work or not if is an actual hallucination).
Moreau would absolutely need something specially designed to keep Rose secure around the water, and it’d need to float if it ended up in the water (actually, maybe she’d need a little life vest and floaties to be safe). Assuming he started hiring workers to help with the reservoir, he’d have some help on hand. (Also, the sack as a blanket is oddly cute).
Also, I just remembered he has a TV and ‘supposedly’ a PS4 if the puppet show holds some canon. And there’s a lot of potential with those in mind, like he’d try to get her to play ‘Marvel vs. Capcom’ or whatever would exist in the Resident Evil universe, but she’s way too little and tries chewing on the controller instead.
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