#heir of grayskull peekablue
alicejeangreenlane · 2 months
What are your personal thoughts on Peekablue in your rewrite? Is Peekablue still a woman like the original or a trans man like in the reboot?
First up, Thank you for your question. hopefuly this post will awnser it but I did ramble a bit. By a bit i mean a lot.
Now about Peekablue. Well, since you ask. 
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(sorry for the info dump I am about to subject to too) 
They are (drum roll) non-binary and use they/them pronouns.  
My fan comic is primarily based on the original she-ra animated show with some elements taken from other adaptations of the story. But I didn't take much from the new series because I don't like it.  The main thing I took from the 2018 show was the sibling rivalry between Catra and Adora. To be honest, the decision to make Peekablue a trans man confuses me because the creator said the reason they made him a man is because the og character has male peacock feathers. But wouldn't that make them a trans woman? Like a woman with male characteristics, wouldn’t making them a trans woman or intersex be more logical? Maybe that’s just me. Originally, I was going to have Peekablue be a trans woman but I changed my mind when I chose to make them a spiritual leader and learned more about Balka.   
Peekablue is loosely based on Bakla from the Philippines who were AMAB people who adopted a feminine gender expression, in pre-colonial times they were considered spiritual leaders. I suggest you do your own research into them because Peekablue is not an accurate representation of them as Peekablue is inspired by multiple southeast asian religions and queer expressions. 
Peekablue is part of a alien race on a alien planet they are not ment to be a one to one parallel to earth. Every one dose have a parallel to a real country but they are not from that country.
IMPORTANT: If you are Southeast Asian, and find my depiction here inaccurate or offensive please let me know and I will change it. 
Peekablue was AMAB (which is why they have male features like their tail) but preferred a more feminine gender expression but sees themself as neither so they use they, them pronouns. They are a spiritual leader who was granted the ability to see into the past and future (using their peacock tail, They have a peacock tail because they are from a race of bird people.) by their goddess who they are closer too, because of  their feminine presentation, feminine mannerisms and their strong empathy making it so they are able to connect more with the goddess.  
They are extremely kind and patient but are afraid of their own shadow. They believe in the rebellion but are too afraid to fight so they help from the side lines. Because they are a spiritual leader, people come to them for advice both spiritual and personal. Peekablue always helps them no matter how big the problem is.  The people who Peekablue is the most empathetic towards are younger queer people who are still figuring themselves out as Peekablue know what it’s like to be in their shoes.   
They play a big role in the story. They are the first person to show kindness to Despara (because they have seen Adora's past) and using their powers they  show Despara her past (by holding hands with a person they can share their powers) and tell Despara the name their parents gave them. They also show Adora the harm the horde is doing to the people of etheria. Peekablue act of kindness and trust in Despara/Adora is what finally gets Despara to leave the horde putting her on the path to becoming She-ra. 
Here is the first design I have for Peekablue it will probably change a lot. I am thinking of basing them on a white and blue peacock and giving them vitiligo.  I also think their design is too simular to Shadow weaver.
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If you have any ideas for their design, please tell me (if you want to do art of how you would interpret this version of the character please send them to me), I would love to hear/see them. Likewise, if you have any ideas for their character, please let me know especially if you are Southeast Asian or non-binary as I am neither.
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