"Get over here."
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Meanwhile, Loki spends time in Erik's garden, admiring the red and white carnations.
Although there is no way to be certain, and perhaps ask to settle the matter, it is very likely that these carnations, among the many other plants reviving with the agreeable weather, have missed the god’s presence. If they were inclined to move any faster than the average growing speed of common plants, surely, they would attempt to crawl over him like excited puppies welcoming him back.But this is all speculation. Because they are plants.
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forgivenunforgottens · 10 years
But you can lay with me so it doesn't hurt.
"I adore you, my godling, but I swear we are never sharing a bed again if this becomes a habit."
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forgivenunforgottens · 10 years
And deep down I know this never works.
"It works to wake me up and apparently not let me get back to it."
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forgivenunforgottens · 10 years
Why am I so emotional?
"... You haven't been eating witch's hearts again, have you...?"
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forgivenunforgottens · 10 years
Oh, won't you stay with me? 'Cause you're all I need.
"It must be nice to not worry terribly about your mortality."
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forgivenunforgottens · 10 years
I don't want you to leave, will you hold my hand?
"... Yes...? Where are you even..."
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forgivenunforgottens · 10 years
But I still need love 'cause I'm just a man.
"... Most of the time.You're really a bit more pleasant as a cat..."
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forgivenunforgottens · 10 years
Guess it's true, I'm not good at a one-night stand.
"… Loki... What..."
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forgivenunforgottens · 10 years
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It gets a good chuckle out of Erik, that's for sure. For all the ease of assuming that the metallic and cold aesthetic that Erik prefers to surround himself with, the rough charm of the bracelet brushes something fond inside of him. He isn't one for jewelry, but this, he might make an exception for.
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forgivenunforgottens · 10 years
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The beautiful tiny swirls of cuff-links send an odd thrill through him once he eyes them. It might be presumptuous, after all it is only the first box, but he can easily assume it'll be the present getting the most use.
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forgivenunforgottens · 10 years
He's not asleep, just savoring the sweet sanctuary that is Erik's humble abode. A comfort that razes all competition but pales in comparison to Erik, himself. And speak of the devil--Loki fills his lungs, reaches for Erik's hip, and only opens his eyes as he drags his beloved mutant closer to himself. Whatever he means to say is mumbled in a low warm breath and he surrenders whatever else comes to mind in favor of nuzzling into the crook of Erik's neck, relaxed.
It feels easily like every weight being lifted from him to have the godling's hands on him. The deep soothing comfort of assurance, of Loki's mere presence his returning presence, his space being occupied as it should, with Erik molding himself easily as breathing to the whatever Loki should need. The tickle of breath and closeness is enough to ease a smile onto Erik's face as he slips his own arms around the other, sighing contently at whatever lost words graze over him.
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forgivenunforgottens · 10 years
With blankets pulled all the way up to his nose, Loki had infiltrated and taken for himself Erik's bed, contently defying the winter wind as it lashed vainly against the nearby window pane.
There was the shuffling sound.There was the distinct rise of goose-flesh along Erik's arms and the hair at the nape of his neck standing on end and Erik knew his bed would not be his own. Not today.
And he smiled, setting down the latest disarray of colorful post it notes and thumbtacks on their color-scattered setting of a map laid out out on the desk. Better things to attend to. Better things to burn the image of into the back of his eyes. 
For all the fretting he might do over what bedding might look best on said bed, it never looks so utterly like a source of that sweet in his chest than it does with Loki in it.  Threadcounts and comfort and fabrics be damned, they could survive an odd scuffing of shoes as he sank into the space not commandeered by his godling, alight with recognition and relief. 
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forgivenunforgottens · 10 years
"I’m going to take you for all that you’ve got."
"'Taking' implies that it is not being willingly offered, my dear."
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forgivenunforgottens · 10 years
"You’re a hard man to love. I’m a hard man to keep track of."
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"No one said it would be easy, did they?"
And maybe that's just as much a part of the appeal as the godling himself. Never a dull moment, never a dull edge, always a sharp tongue ready for swift retribution. 
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forgivenunforgottens · 10 years
''Feeling clingy, darling?'' -Heidlebeere
It's a funny choice of words for someone that holds him as closely as Erik holds right back, as though they might grow roots and grow into something together, braving the long coming winters and summers alike with the enthusiasm of new leaves each passing season. Someone who's fingers are treating the material of his shirt as though it were made to be torn away with ease and not the strength straight out of legend. The arms of someone that holds Erik so closely there is not room between them for even the palest shade of shame in being so blatantly secured by every breath that shifts the body against him. Its shameless peace, serenity, familiarity. It's the arms that bid Erik to melt without question and flood him with the purest sense of having nothing for the moment to fear. The nimble spell weaving fingers, the toned  and welcoming arms that have been his to drift into without pause or hesitation for so long now. So if his fingers spread and splay over Loki's back as if they were to leave imprints right in return, Erik has not the slightest hue of sheepishness about it. 
This is where he lays claim. This is where he has no question of his belonging. 
“With you? Who wouldn’t?”
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