#hehehehe your angst my dear *fancy wave*
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forgot to make myself anonymous in the last request omfg AHHHHHHHHH but, if you don't mind, please expand on this one certain tag i very much live for angst <3
AKJDNAS i thought you meant to come off anon i'm so sorry i already answered the other ask ;-;;;;; but it's ok!!! now i will know you when i see you!!! :D (referenced post here!!!)
angst you say? well well *cracks knuckles* in your first ever meeting with Ajax, you knew him as the Harbinger Tartaglia, and as such had to tread your relationship with caution. he loved you, and despised the thought of you being in danger; you loved him, and hated when he came to your door wounded and tired. but somehow you made it work, even falling in love with his Foul Legacy form, and Tartaglia was more grateful for you than the sun in the sky- you were his sun, his light in the dark, and every day seemed brighter when you were around. so overcome with joy, the joy of being loved and cherished, was he that the famed Eleventh Harbinger loosened his own rules, allowing himself to stroll the streets of Liyue with you while admiring the warm glow of the lanterns at dusk
you had always loved Lantern Rite, back then
he hadn't even been quick enough to take revenge on the attackers, instead only finding you sprawled just outside the Harbor with a knife buried in your stomach. it was of Liyue make, that blade, and Tartaglia had known without a doubt that this was his fault for foolishly clinging to you in public, making it well known to the citizens who despised him that you were his beloved. he remembers so vividly the sensation of clasping your cold hand with his, pleading for you to get up, walk with him to the pharmacy to get patched up, and you had simply coughed, eyes clouded with pain. it was so obvious you weren't going to survive, so Tartaglia knelt over you and begged for you to say his true name, the name he had been wary of entrusting even to you, for he knew it was selfish to ask you not to go
how he wished to be selfish, so badly, when you mumbled his name and went still with a smile on your face, and Ajax felt a part of himself crumble and break. even after countless years went by, his memory eroded by time and Abyssal influence, he still vividly remembers the sight of you collapsed in his arms, the last thing you said being "Ajax"
so please, don't call him Tartaglia or Childe. he's Ajax, your Ajax, okay?
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