#hehehehe watch party absolutely died when this happened
gafftapemyheart · 2 years
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butterbeeryuta · 4 years
chapter 2: shit colour schemes, bugs, and vegetables
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This place looked nothing like hell. The moment we landed, we were placed in one luxurious apartment with a private pool and shit. How is this hell?
Purple-horn lady cleared her throat as she clasped her hands together. ‘Welcome to Hell 127. As you can see, you have a rather gorgeous apartment here, and is probably a very different image of what you thought hell was meant to look like. But that is only because humans are stupid. Keep yourselves warm and welcome, and ya’ll can call me later if you need any help, yeah?’. We all nodded at her, wanting her to leave as soon as possible. If it was not obvious enough, we wanted to have a magical vacation here in Hell 127. Imagine all the films I can watch forever, or even maybe paint forever— this is just simply amazing and irreplaceable. What she said made sense though. Maybe we are dumb because of what we perceive hell to be. From an early age, we learn that hell is a place for ‘bad people’ regardless of what your religion was. Of course, there was no possible way for living individuals to know how hell actually looks like, but damn are we brainwashed. In a matter of a second, the purple woman disappeared, and it was just us 13 embarrassed breathing-yet-not-breathing corpses.
‘Is it only me, or I really want to jump in that pool’ the girl with midnight blue hair asked. We all looked at her direction, not expecting the sudden voice to speak out. My eyes followed where she was looking, and I must say, the pool looked inviting. The clear water had pink and purple led lights shining on the edges; it was a whole disco party in a form of a pool. I love hell.
‘Didn’t you die from jumping in a pool and drowning for your Instagram feed?’ A rather deep female voice questioned.
The boy with caramel hair snorted at the girl’s comment, whereas Mark’s laugh filled all of our ears. I had this sudden urge to comfort the attacked girl, but I also wanted to high-five the other person for such bravery? Huh… no wonder I’m in hell. I’m just as mean as kpop stans on Twitter. Poor attacked pretty girl tightened her lips immediately, almost as if she was stopping herself from throwing an insult back. Or maybe she was just at loss of words. If it wasn’t obvious enough, I am absolutely terrible at reading people. And to think I wanted to be a psychologist. Considering we were technically going to live with each other for eternity, I had this sudden need to diffuse the tension, and being the natural leader I am since I was an art teacher for fuck’s sake—
‘Are you feeling ashamed that we all know how you died?’ A man with dark red hair asked.  My thoughts were immediately cut short when he began to speak… and now I want to choke him for interrupting me. Perhaps I have a temper problem. Perhaps. The girl nodded a ‘yes’ at him, which only made the man give her a small smile. He had a pretty smile, I’ll admit that. But that gives me more of a reason for wanting to kill him. Though, there is probably no use in doing so since we are all dead anyway and well, we’re all in hell.
‘Well, don’t feel bad. My name is Yuta, and we all had embarrassing deaths. There isn’t a need to feel ashamed or upset sweetheart—‘
‘Oh cut the crap Yuta, stop flirting with people. I’m Johnny by the way. If you think he’s a therapist or something, no he isn’t.’ A 6’0” man interrupted him, which only made the so-called Yuta glare at the tall guy.
‘Ya’ll know each other?’ I asked, which for some reason caused Mark to nudge me. I raised my left eyebrow at him, giving him a ‘what the fuck’ look, but I probably should have guessed it: the bitch actually died from embarrassment, of course he’d be nervous talking to anyone.
‘Uh, yeah. Yuta is a drug dealer, and I was his personal accountant. We died together from stupidly running away from the cops and ran straight into a wall and well… a wall killed us’ Johnny said, scratching the back of his head, clearly not proud of his death. If I thought Mark’s laughter couldn’t get louder and funnier, it just did. Naturally, everyone laughed along with him, including myself. And just like that, we all got inside, sat on the huge couch, and got to know each other’s names and how we pathetically left Mother Earth. The blue hair woman turned out to be an ‘influencer’ on Instagram based in Korea— Jung Wheein. She claimed that she already knew that influencer wasn’t an appropriate term since she just posts pictures of herself, but it gave her money nonetheless. The girl who exposed her death was Ryujin; she had short dark hair, which only added to her ‘mysteriousness’ if that made sense. She didn’t tell us her story though. All we know is that she was an international student in Germany. The man who was ‘laughing in joy’ while watching his own death was Moon Taeil. His death was probably the least embarrassing compared to all of us since it wasn’t his fault. He was riding a horse and fell off midway and well… you know the rest. The rest of the people were Rosé, Jaemin, Jungwoo, Yuna, Momo, and Donghyuck. I would like to tell you their stories, but I honestly stopped listening. This is completely irrelevant, but that Jungwoo kid has been making heart eyes to everyone and I do not know what to feel about it.
We all eventually decided to call it a day, and because hell is such a magnificent place, we all had our own rooms with our names beautifully written on the door in gold. The first floor was already beautiful itself; a huge L-shaped leather couch with a perfectly carved wooden centre table to give it that home-like touch. The kitchen was huge as well, which made Jaemin squeal in happiness because he apparently liked to cook a lot. The kitchen matched the modern theme in the living room. The greyish marble decorated the room with a touch of dark brown to further amplify the modern vibe. It was like those pictures you see in model houses. The second floor carried out the same aesthetic. The only difference was that there was one corridor with 13 doors all spread out; 6 rooms on the left, and 7 rooms on the right. This was probably the first thing I didn’t like in this paradise-hell. It’s just too narrow and crowded, but who am I to complain. After saying our good night’s to one another, I walked up to the door with my name displayed on it: ‘___________ _____________.’ Taking a deep breath, my cold hand turned the knob. 
Second biggest mistake of my life. Or afterlife per se.
What the fucking hell is this?
It was every art teacher’s nightmare. The colours of the room did not match at all, and the chosen textures of the fabrics and cloths made no sense. Who the fuck uses terrycloth, or towel cloth, as bedsheets? Who matches neon green with pale pink? And the paintings that were hanging on the room, they’re incomplete! The only good thing about this room was that I had my own poorly designed bathroom, but other than that, it made me want to go blind. Was everyone’s room like this? I left the room, not wanting to believe that I was assigned to that disastrous room. I knocked on Mark’s door to check since I technically tackled him in the plane. We have a relationship alright.  
I knocked again.
Before I could knocked on the third time, I heard a muffled sob through the door. Was he crying?
‘Mark? Can I come in?’ I softly asked, unsure if what I did was the right thing.
‘S-sure, it m-might be scary-y though s-so try not to get f-frightened’ the poor boy stuttered through his tears. Did he find the colour scheme of the bedroom to be that bad? Unsure of what to expect, I slowly opened the door and, it was nothing like my room. The room had a white and yellow colour scheme, with those glow-in-the-dark stars scattered across the ceiling, resembling a child’s bedroom. Nothing was scary to be honest, until I saw what type of pictures were posted on the cream walls: bugs. Mark was scared of bugs. Mark was sitting on the floor with his knees tucked towards his chest, whereas his tear-stained face was hidden in his arms. As if he was my student, I crouched down next to him as I slowly rubbed his back.
‘Mark, they’re just pictures, they won’t harm you. But if it bothers you so much, should I take them down for you?’ I gently asked as I tried to calm him down. His teary doe eyes locked with mine, and he whispered a mumbled ‘yes’ through his croaked voice. I sighed in response, returning him a nod so he knows that I will take it off. Grabbing a picture by the corner I ripp— okay wow this glue is strong. Grabbing a picture by the corner with both of my hands, I harshly took it of— why isn’t it coming off? 
‘Uh Mark, it’s not coming off’ I said, trying my best to pull it out, but it just won’t budge.
‘SOMEONE SWITCH ROOMS WITH ME WHY ARE THERE VEGETABLES ALL OVER THE PLACE THIS IS NOT COOL!’ Donghyuck shouted, which was soon followed by a shut of his door.
What the fuck is happening? 
a/n: hehehehe i’m so ready to get to the main story in. bby mark is so precious omg protect him from this world 🥺as always, if you’d like to be added in the taglist, just let me know through asks <3
taglist: @ta3ilmoon​ @lelenoir​ @murasakillmepls​ @neolights​ @anothermessedupbitch​
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circusrite · 6 years
hello!!!! i’m coral, i’m twenty, i live in england ( it’s coming home .... ) and this is my second rp ever so fjnejdqe BEAR WITH ME but this is noah !!!! he’s my magic boy pls be nice to him he just wants his circus ;/////// i kept this super short but his full bio can be found here !
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hey, i didn’t know TOM HOLLAND had moved to st. clementine ! oh wait, that’s just NOAH JAMES. the 21 year old CISMALE is a MAGICIAN / ILLUSIONIST and rumor has it that HE + HIM dreams of RUNNING HIS OWN CIRCUS. i heard a tarot reader once claimed their card was THE MAGICIAN, which makes sense considering their CHARISMATIC yet DISTANT ways. wonder what this town has in store for them ?
a magician as the magician card ???????????? colour me Original
noah is an absolute gem of a human . in short, he’s super lovely and super dedicated to his friends, he has all the time in the world for you if you need him -- he lives to make people smile ( it’s why he’s in the profession he is ) and it’s rare to see him down or upset
he had a uh ....... unique childhood growing up
his mother died in a pretty traumatic childbirth which his father has forever blamed noah for, but he’s never told noah this, he misses his mum but moreso misses ... the idea of her rather than her as a person since he never met her. he’s a mummy’s boy regardless JNDEWJN
his father is the og magician, at the start he loved it for all the right reasons -- noah would tag along to all his shows and watch from the sidelines as his dad made people laugh and cheer and beam
he loves LOVES his job !!!! he’s always doing card tricks n making magic happen just bc he loves to make people smile, he’s such a sunshine baby is noah honestly he’s so kind n he has a heart of gold asdfgdnja 
daddy james didn’t earn much and so noah grew up poor -- he never really minded tho, need not want not etc etc, he was a simple boy who would always be happy so long as he had magic in his life
basically noah is tinkerbell 
everything was Fine and Dandy in his life until his dad went anakin on his ass n turned to the dark side of magic aka illusions and manipulations
he wanted more money and he hated the life that had been left for him in the wake of his wife’s death (noah’s mother, a doctor, had always provided most of their income) and so when he was approached for more sinister illusions he jumped on it right away
basically rather than using illusions and magic to steal rabbits outta hats and people’s wallets he steals ppls actual money and their damn souls instead bc he also turns to hypnotism?? if any of u have seen derren brown thats what he does eh ehe heheheh i’m so bad at explaining
he also turned to rly ... dangerous stuff ..... i.e. hypnotising someone into acting out of his will rather than their own which led to a lot of ~ criminal activity ~ including, but not limited to, murder and violence
noah does ..... know how to use hypnosis on a v mild level compared to his father bc he taught him some stuff before noah was like uhhh lol dad whats this ab ?????
en knee way his dad got involved in shady af stuff and noah was not ab that life so as soon as he turned 18 he RAN AWAY and that’s how he found st clemetine !!!!!!! 
he currently works for hire for kids parties etc and the odd drunken hen do but he doesn’t earn much, he came to st clemetine very poor since he left with nothing and so he also works at a cafe to pay his bills
there’s always this ..... lil urge in him tho to follow up on his father n find out what he’s doing / where he is, if only to ask him why he turned out the way he did sndsjs noah often is afraid the same kind of darkness is in him (helo r*verdale ...) bc his father was so easily manipulated??? he wonders if he could be too dwdaw spoiler alert: it isn’t
HE’S JUST SO SOFT N SWEET N GENTLE wouldn’t hurt a single person even if they wronged him he’s 5′8 of smiles n magic tricks lov him ,,...,
GIVE HIM FRIENDS !!!! pls pls pls he’s so socialable honestmeme gimme someone he met on a job aka the rowdy cousin sitting in the corner of their family birthday party noah is determined to entertain
kinda want an ex????? he’s a v emotionally invested person break his heart pls i live for angst mayb they moved to st clemetine before he did?? he turns up like lol well damn
pls ..... roommate ........ his broke ass cant afford 2 live alone
JUST EVERYTHING !!!!! thanks i lov u all pls like this if u wanna plot !!!!!
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