#hehe obrigado pelas tags ^^
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qrevo · 1 year ago
Was tagged by @humanaaa and @hholandies!! Thanks for the tags ^^
1. Are you named after anyone?
Kinda?? My first and second names are supposed to come from angels of the bible (or as so i was told), but istg the one from my first name DOES NOT exist. I searched everywhere and came up empty-handed lol
2. When was the last time you cried?
Last week when i replayed Adastra. The catharsis was so strong it disintegrated my core being into dust fr fr
3. Do you have kids?
Nope!! And i don't plan to!!
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
I practiced judo when i was very very tiny, but i was too scrawny and clumsy for it. Left before even making it out of the white belt LMAO
Also a little before high school i used to play basketball and swim!!
Now i just bike regularly if that somehow counts SKDJFDKF
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Very very rarely
6. What's the first thing you notice about someone?
Their outfit!!
7. Eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
C-Can i have both 🥺👉👈
But if i had to choose between them i think i'd go with a scary movie
9. Any talents?
Being good at math counts?? SKJSJSJD
10. Where were you born?
11. Hobbies?
Since the start of the year i picked up drawing again!! I sometimes play videogames, but i haven't been doing it that much lately. I take walks a few days of the week. I also like watching/reading stuff but that one's a given
12. Any pets?
We have two dogs!! Fiona, the bigger one we adopted, and Moana, the smaller one that adopted us!! (i also wanted a cat but everyone here's allergic and hates them to death for some reason)
13. Height?
I must be between 1.70m ~ 1.72m?? I haven't measured my height in quite some time lol
14. Favorite school subject?
Unsurprisingly, math!!
15. Dream job?
I used to dream of becoming a programmer or a game developer, but i've become quite disillusioned with the industry. Now i really have no idea LMAO
Tagging @not-too-many-eyes @rainbowghostcat @candckirby @seariii @gunsli-01 @roseofcards90 and anyone else that feels like it!!
edit: enough reblogs on this one continue the tag game on your own posts 💥💥💥💥💥
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smoakedits · 6 years ago
oiii voce poderia indicar gallery de imagens pra fazer collage por favor?????????
oi mo, eu não sei se existe alguma gallery mas a maioria das imagens pra fazer collage tem no we heart it, é só você ir fuçando que você acha as coisinhas !
Anonymous said: hii!! sorry for this dumb question but where can i download photoshop? i’ve searched a lot but i cant find a good link lskdkkd
hikikomoji said:what do you use for psd??
Anonymous said: hi, i’m sorry for the random question but how do you add a psd? also i love your edits
hi, i use a psd i made for myself! and thank you so much, bae! ♡
Anonymous said: mor tu pode ensinar a fazer gifs??
eu ensino sim mo, logo logo eu faço um tutorial e posto aqui!
Anonymous said: tenho uma dúvida: pra fazer icons de usuários do instagram (alguns ulzzangs que sigo) eu preciso pedir permissão?
a maioria das fotos de ulzzang que eu posto icons, eu achei no we heart it, então eu nunca cheguei a pedir permissão mo :(
steadypandaherringhands said: Parabéns pelo tumblr maravilhoso que você tem, eu sempre venho aqui salvar uns icons haha e sempre reposto ou curto algo quando pego hehe. Seu trabalho é realmente maravilhoso!! mas quando tiver um tempinho poderia fazer icons da Cowsel? caso vc não saiba quem é procure aqui no próprio tumblr ou no Instagram esse nome. Muito obrigado msm 😋✊
obrigada pelo carinho mo! logo logo eu faço icons dela sim, pode deixar ♡
Anonymous said: você pode ensinar a fazer header palette?
mo eu não sei nem o que é header palette SE VOCÊ PUDER ME ENVIAR UM EXEMPLO…. 
Anonymous said: oi, será que você poderia postar aquele icon que você publicou numa montagem de uma menina com uma camisa vermelha com a mathilda estampada? por favorzinhoooo!
oi mo, a edit é na verdade da @girlzzangs, eu não tenho a foto mas provavelmente você acha no we heart it
Anonymous said: Boa tarde, lindeza desse mundão! Primeiramente, seus psd’s são maravilhosos e eu tenho vários deles. Segundamente, você poderia ensinar a usar o 3DLUTS? Obrigada pela atenção! ♥
oi meu amor! muito obrigada pelo carinho!!! eu posso ensinar sim, eu posso fazer um tutorial, mas eu só não sei quando :(
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