#heh i'm starting to get repetitive again
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violetsareblue-selfships · 8 months ago
good morning!! <333
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1moreff-creator · 17 days ago
You've done this before so this is exclusively self indulgent but can you give your thoughts on DRDT foil theory again haha... I'm enamored by it and think about it daily.
I'll point out as well that there's been a trend regarding which characters are relevant to the chapter's case based on the order of the foils so far.
In chapter 1 it was [Xander, Min, Teruo & Charles] while in chapter 2 it was [Eden, Arei, Nico, Ace] - following this train of logic next chapter's main players would be [Hu, Veronika, Rose, J].
Hu's arc has just started (her beliefs are being challenged), Veronika became worst + Arturo is going to be centered at the start of chapter 3, Rose's arc just started + a money motive would be relevant to her & J's conflict with Arturo is going to be centered at the start of chapter 3.
Feel free to ignore this if you feel it's too repetitive, I just like it when I see people talking about my theory lol.
Well, if the creator of the recap foil theory asks me to talk about it, who am I to deny? It's probably, like, in my top three theories about DRDT, so I'm gonna enjoy talking about it! :D
(Btw I totally get you about enjoying when people talk about your theory. Whenever I see someone mention one of my posts I always go ":O that's me :D" it's great lol)
CW: Murder, electrocution, execution, suicide, self-harm, eating disorders, discrimination against a non-binary person, manipulation, poverty, harmful environments during childhood.
As a quick recap (heh): at the end of the CH1 recap video, the characters are paired up in a certain way. The theory states that they're paired up in a way that represents some of the most important foils in the cast. And... well, it seems to hold up quite well! I'll talk about them here in the order they show up in the recap video.
1) Xander & Min
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And what a start! These two are basically eternal foils, with everything about their characters being contrasted with each other in some way or another. From the very first moment they're seen together, in Min's introduction, they immediately start beefing simply due to their respective talents.
The biggest point of contrast comes from their past with education. From Visiting Graves, we know Xander used to be a diligent student like Min, but he stopped when his family died while he was away studying. He's come to the conclusion that the things taught in school are oftentimes kind of useless for most people's lives, and his rejection of the education system kickstarted his rebellion against systemic issues in general.
Min, for her part, actually has a lot of the same views. Her Bonus Episode makes that pretty clear; she doesn't think things like Hope's Peak's history are really all that useful, and feels insecure because she doesn't see the same value in her talent as she does in others. However, Min still wants to maintain her talent, at least in title, seen as her first instinct when the killing game started was to grab an anatomy textbook and start studying it. Meanwhile, Xander dislikes his talent title greatly, as he believes calling him a "Rebel" undermines the stuff he does.
All of this is literally baked into their first interaction, as mentioned before. Xander seems to project heavily on Min upon first meeting her, assuming that she probably has no hobbies or friends if she's the Ultimate Student and judging her for it quickly. Min isn't particularly thrilled over that, given he knows nothing about her life.
Speaking of backstories, there's other points in those where they contrast. Particularly, the involvement of large companies and rich people in said backstories. Duke Spurling did a thing that killed Xander's entire family, which was the inciting incident for Xander officially leaving behind his studious nature. Meanwhile, XF-Ture Tech helped Min's family out of property, but pushed Min into studiousness for the Ultimate Student title; more or less the opposite of what Spurling did for Xander.
The same can be said of their relationship with Hope's Peak, which is elaborated on in the Bonus Episodes. Xander went to Hope's Peak for some kind of ulterior motive-
Unnamed Classmate [BE2]: I think your ability to get back from adversity is really admirable. That determination of yours is admirable. If you set out to do something, then never give up on that, no matter what obstacles may stand in your way. Even if it's risky or against the rules, as long as it's for a good cause... I'll trust that you know to do the right thing. Xander: Yeah, of course. That's why I've come to Hope's Peak, isn't it?
-which we can somewhat confidently assume to be bad for the school given Xander's... Everything. For Min's side, just getting to Hope's Peak was Min's entire goal for the entirety of her childhood, playing right into the hands of the Ultimate Contest for Eminent Students, and thus into the school's hands.
By the way, if you go back and look at what Absolutely-Not-Mai says to Xander, the idea of "bouncing back from adversity" could be connected to Min's whole "mistakes are to be corrected" thing. This one's an insane stretch, though.
For another point, though I don't know much about this particular topic, I find even their designs are opposites in some ways. Although arguably that's more a result of them being foils in general and DRDT having good character design but y'know.
Both of them seem to wear some kind of school uniform, but in totally different ways. Xander does everything he can to stylize his, be it wearing his coat as a cape, or getting a tongue piercing specifically because they weren't allowed and he could hide it, as stated in a Q&A, doing everything he can to fight against this institution. On the other hand, Min wears hers normally, and several Q&A answers clarify that she finds comfort in the colors and style of her uniform. One fights against institutions, the other works withing their systems (Min even wants to be a teacher which is an extension of that idea), you get the point.
Also this plays into the theme of fate because of course it does. Just replace "institutions" with "fate" and you kinda get the point. Xander fights against it, Min accepts it. Or, she accepts the fate of being the Ultimate Student, at least.
Their relationships with other characters, Teruko and David in particular, is another point of foiling. I've brought this up before, but as a recap: Xander betrayed Teruko so she openly hates him even though her real feelings are much more complicated than that, while Min tried to save her only to then panic and try to win the class trial, which causes Teruko to openly hate her even though her real feelings are much more complicated than that. But Teruko takes on Min's philosophy of fixing mistakes in the second trial, which is notable because in the same trial, David calls Min pathetic before his magical girl transformation, only to reveal that he's following Xander's ideals a while later. And while Teruko and David may not be recap foils, they sure are foils in general, so the foiling Xanvid and Terumin duos are formed. Cool!
As a minor point also connected to relationships, I could see the angle that Xander's friendship with David might parallel Min's thoughts on Mai. This one's iffier because anything about Mai is iffy, but I think it's worth mentioning.
The starting point of the Xanvid thing is the fact that they both used to idolize each other, but eventually decide that they should just be friends like any other friends. Cue the whole "foxes and children" quote from The Little Prince that shows up in LGI in the "I hate the things I love..." scene- I don't know how many people can follow what I just said, but I hope the main idea got across, at least.
Xander [1-5]: Enough with these idols or role models, okay? Let's just be friends.
In the same way, everyone loves Mai, but Min's Mai quote is:
Min: An average girl with nothing special at all about her.
Which can kinda be said about Min too, but the whole point of the end of the Bonus Episode is how Min is special to Mai.
Think of David as Mai and Xander as Min. David and Mai are idolized by everyone who knows them (pre 2-11 anyways), but Xander and Min see them as regular people (post 1-5 for Xander), while Xander and Min aren't idolized (by most of the cast at least) but are special to David and Mai respectively. I don't really know if it works perfectly, but it's close enough for me to mention.
You can even try to fit in some kind of point about the theme of cooperation vs competition, though I'll admit it's a bit of a stretch.
Competition is greatly important for Min's character, but she doesn't often go out of her way to help others. She helps when asked, sure, as she does when Surely-Not-Mai asks her to help her study in BE1, or when Eden asks for help baking and the subsequent clean-up. However, there's several scenes where she avoids conflict by reading that anatomy textbook of hers, such as in her introduction and when Arei's yelling at the Baking Squad.
Meanwhile, Xander doesn't really compete on anything with anyone aside the arm wrestling contest (which isn't much of a competition anyways), but he constantly tries to butt into other people's issues. It happens in Min's introduction, in his chat with Nico in 1-5, right before stabbing Teruko, you get the idea. So, he constantly tries to cooperate even without the consent of the person they're trying to cooperate with. Again, a stretch, but kinda works.
All of these foils culminate in Xander's death and Min's murder. Xander, like always, is proactive and acts even with incomplete information:
Xander [1-5]: Then, why did I do this? I don't even know... Why? Just why did you ask me to kill Teruko?
Trying his best to cooperate with an unknown ally to, presumably, hinder the mastermind's plans; fighting against the killing game like he fights against any other system.
But then Min barges in. She was just trying to fix the mistakes of the past, aka cleaning up the remnants of the baking thing. But just like her being randomly sponsored by XF-Ture Tech was in some ways both a blessing and a curse, she once again finds herself in a situation where, depending on how you look at it, she's either in the right place at the right time (to save Teruko) or at the wrong place at the wrong time (because she'll end up dying from this).
Xander attacks, and there's a bit of brain vs brawn thing that happens. I hadn't mentioned that theme before because Xander is intelligent and Min is arguably not the smartest in the cast, but it's true that Xander's physical prowess and Min's intelligence are some of their most notable strengths. This is brought to the forefront when Xander tries to kill Min by overpowering her only for her to outsmart him with the light switch trick.
However, again similarly to how she was pushed into a corner by the XF-Ture Tech contract, Min now finds herself in a position where she must compete with others for her own survival. And not just any form of competition, but a class trial. Once again, Min has to compete under the rules established by an institution, as she did in the UCES. She ultimately gets executed, but kept trying to survive until the very end, fighting for her life the same way she'd been fighting for her future her entire childhood; by trying to give the right answers in a test.
Look, there's probably more foils (because each time I look at these two I find more of them), but I need to stop at some point. These are characters who foil even in their fucking custom weapons for God's sake. Xander's "gun" looks extremely dangerous, when in reality it's nothing but a piece of plastic; and Min's pen looks totally safe, while actually hiding a knife. If I keep looking, I'll keep finding, and I have to talk about 7 other foiling pairs, so I'll keep it at that for this post :v
2) Teruko & Charles
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There's plenty to talk about with these two as well! The main point of foiling is their respective character arcs so far.
Charles started out as a prickly and judgemental guy, pushing the others away as he felt superior due to his talent. However, after the events of the first trial, he started opening up a bit more, and hanging out with the others, mainly Whit.
Teruko, for her part, started out friendlier. She made a quick connection with Xander, and we saw her socializing with the elevator scene with Ace and Levi, and the baking squad scene. However, she went the other way after the first trial, pushing the others away to avoid getting attached and trusting no one. She's swinging back to trusting now, but the point stands.
Basically, Teruko and Charles went in opposite character arcs in the first two chapters. In that sense, Charles exists as an early warning to Teruko about the dangers of pushing others away, as the only reason Charles managed to get through the first trial is because Whit trusted him and his hemophobia. So, trust, relying on others, important themes their stories share.
And it's not just the in-killing game arcs, as their backstories also vaguely foil. Charles had a pretty privileged upbringing, while Teruko obviously had a lot more issues with her luck and all. Funnily enough, this includes them having scars they don't properly remember getting. Charles believes the dog bite wound on his arm is a birthmark, while Teruko doesn't know where the scar on her back came from.
Which is what gets us to the theme of memory we got going on. Both of them have memory issues, albeit different ones: Charles has childhood amnesia, Teruko has prosopagnosia. They even both have a brother of indeterminate fate, what with us not really knowing what happened to either "Kyo" or Elliot. Well we know Elliot's dead at least but you get the idea.
Speaking of the Elliot situation, one can tie this pair to a theme I can best define as "challenged preconceptions." Basically the idea that there's preconceptions these two carried into the killing game which are challenged by the events within it. That can technically be said about a lot of characters, sure, but Charles and Teruko have a fair amount of very specific notions which are only begin doubting in the killing game.
For Charles, this would be the existence of Elliot; that's the point I was trying to make with that segue back there. Charles thought he was an only child, but turns out he had a brother at some point.
Charles [2-7]: From birth all the way to the present, there are probably many things that you had taken for granted to be true. Things you never thought to question before, like those frivolous lies about "Santa Claus" or the "Tooth Fairy." Or perhaps less frivolous lies, like the idea that your parents know what's best for you. Once you're given some hitherto unknown information, you may begin piecing together a bigger picture of your past. Things you had accepted as truth your whole life begin to reveal themselves as lies. And once all the pieces are in place, you realize you were blind for never seeing the whole story before.
It's what Charles' numeral in LGI references: "if you doubt, brittle things are broken."
For Teruko, there's a few preconceptions that get challenged over the course of the killing game, but probably the most notable one is the idea that she's doomed to live a horrible life due to her luck.
Teruko [2-16]: I have always said that my misfortune, my personality, the choices I make, everything was all a product of a bad luck that I can't control. That I grew up in such horrible circumstances, so I was destined to grow up to be a terrible person. That everyone else abandoned me, so it's not my fault that I'm alone. I want to say that it's fate's fault, and that I had no choice in the matter. But, even so... Even so... Everyone. Xander, Min, Arei, Ace. Maybe even Levi. Is it my fault that they died? [...] Whether it was the fault of fate, or my fault... I already knew the answer. I had known what the answer was since a long, long time ago.
I think you can kinda see the point.
Their aptitude in class trials can also be mentioned. Although Charles was sorta out of it during the first one, he was definitely pretty good in the second one. And Teruko is far and away the most influential character in trial discussion overall. The fact they're equally matched intellectually speaking helps them play off each other pretty nicely.
Like with Xander and Min, there's probably more to talk about, but that's enough for me in this case.
3) Eden & Arei
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The girlies! Arei's playground breakdown very neatly captures a lot of the themes these two foil on. Mainly, the theme of kindness and being a "good person." Arei used to try and be kind, but she was hurt because of it and thus decided to fight back against her sisters through becoming mean. Eden, meanwhile, remains kind and compassionate even through the despair of the killing game. This also plays into the idea of strength; while Arei is physically stronger and more forceful when it comes to getting what she wants, Eden is stronger in her resilience, her ability to remain Silly despite the horrors. Both have their merits, as we see for example when Arei defends Eden from Arturo and when Eden manages to move Teruko in the 2-3 kitchen scene, respectively.
Meanwhile, when we speak of being a "good person", Arei's breakdown of what that means in 2-13 is really all we need to talk about. Eden's seemingly unending patience and kindness is not what's truly needed to be a "good person", as even she must have made mistakes and hurt people in the past (cue fork CG). Rather, being a "good person" just means trying to change for the better whenever you mess up, represented by Arei. Not to say Eden's not a good person; she is, but you don't need to be like her to be "good"- you get the point.
In the same ballpark, we have the theme of friendship, what it means to be friends. In fact, Arei's little 2-10 reconciliation speech connects both this theme and the last.
Arei [2-10]: Being a good person means doing nice things. So if there's anything you need from me... Whether it's defending you from scary jerks like Arturo or baking some stupid fucking cake... I'll do it. I promise. I'll do anything for you. Okay? Eden: I... Arei: Because... because... Because that's what friends do.
Arei believes friendship to be all about doing things for the other person, protecting each other. This is pretty central to her character, seeing as "Because that's what friends do" is her secret quote. Eden brings up the same thing when acused of murder.
Eden [2-14]: I just wanted to help Arei.... I didn't kill her... Teruko: You know I can't just take your words at face value, Eden. Eden: Please, Teruko... You're my friend, aren't you? Friends help each other.... So please, help me...
So. That.
One could also connect Eden's theming around new beginnings (birthday right before New Year's, favorite color is daffodil yellow and daffodils represent new beginnings, her name references the Garden of Eden which comes from a story about the beginning of the world) to Arei's redemption arc, as Arei gets a "new beginning" in the kindness she once showed. This even ties into Arei's death thematically, as Arei not only dies trying to be a good friend to Eden (tying into the theme of friendship), but she specifically dies in the playground, a place connected to childhood. So we once again get "new beginnings" by connecting her place of death to her origin point and the time when she was kind, if you get the idea.
Again, probably more here, and for this one in particular I'm not even sure I really scratched the surface, but I'll call this good enough for now.
4) Nico & Ace
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So these two have a ridiculous amount of beef and that's not really new. Even their very talents have foils; both work with animals, but Nico loves all animals, while Ace hates them, especially horses. 
Ace [1-5]: Animals are fucking lame, anyways. Seriously, they suck hard. If someone told me their cat was acting up or something, I’d give it a good punt.
But the main point of contrast is the theme of agency and taking control of their situation.
Ace’s thoughts on this are expressed quite clearly in his secret quote, “I don’t know what to do with myself anymore.” He feels he lacks control over his talent (forced into it despite being deathly afraid of horses), over his feelings (obvious), over his relationships with the cast, etc. And so he tries to feel in control by bullying Nico, especially when he gets their secret so he can try to blackmail them. Not that Ace doesn’t bother Nico before that, but it does get worse in CH2. He repeatedly does self-destructive things just so he can feel in control of something, be it killing Arei because he feels everyone hates him and he has no way of fixing that before he dies, or trying to find reasons to get mad at Levi so he can try to control his feelings towards him when they become inconvenient for the whole murder thing.
Nico, for their side, keeps having their agency undermined by people around them. They get pushed by both David and Ace into revealing their secret before they were ready, Hu keeps defending them even after they ask her not to, they keep getting spoken over during the trial, etc. You can even extend that to stuff like feeling like they have to present as a man at the start of the series because the people from their backstory don’t respect their identity, or more minor events in the killing game like Ace reproaching them for just… wandering around.
Nico [1-8]: The motive was on my mind. So I was nervous. I tend to pace around when I’m nervous. That’s not a problem, right?  Ace: Seriously? You were ‘wandering around’ all alone? You’re definitely the killer!
Basically, Nico struggles to assert themselves a lot of the time, which means they end up going from 0 to 100 pretty fast on the whole “murder Ace” plan. 
That’s how we get to the theme of victims/perpetrators, or rather, how sometimes things are more complicated than that dichotomy. The theme is explored throughout their relationship, with Nico originally being a victim of Ace's bullying, then Ace being a victim of Nico's attempted murder, then Ace being a perpetrator of actual murder, you get the idea. Pretty straightforward there. 
Going further, this also connects to the theme of forgiveness and apologizing, which comes up a few times in the trial. Nico doesn’t apologize to Ace after explaining their plan because they still hate him and know Ace isn’t going to forgive them, so they see no point in doing it. This parallels how Ace doesn’t expect anyone to forgive him for killing Arei, though with Nico, the question of forgiveness is currently open-ended, as there’s several characters who either have shown a willingness to ignore their crimes (Hu) or don’t know what to think of them (Rose). Basically, Nico has a chance to move past their mistake, which Ace isn’t getting.
And as usual, Ace’s death is the culmination of the themes his character embodies. He kills Arei, who is connected to him via the theme of bullying. He does it out of fear of death, because he feels he doesn't have enough control over his life to avoid getting killed by the enemies he made by insulting them all. Arei was on the path of forgiveness with Eden, which Ace cut short. Ace replicates what Nico did to him because Ace’s murder is the conclusion to everything that’s happened to him in the killing game, with everyone hating him and all that. You get the point. Hopefully.
For a relatively smaller theme, we can bring up dissatisfaction with their body. Nico is non-binary, meaning they’re presumably not very happy with the sex they were born with. Meanwhile, Ace has an eating disorder, not to mention that he always wears gloves for some reason (hiding his hands), and he wears heels to be taller because he’s shorter than he’d like, even though he’s also tall for a jockey. Can’t win, this guy. 
Again, probably more to talk about, but I’d like to get this post out at some point this year :v
5) Hu & Veronika
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You mention in this ask that, since the first two recap foil pairs were important for CH1 and the third and fourth were important for CH2, it's possible that Hu-Vero and Rose-J could be important for CH3. That's certainly an interesting observation! We could also extend that to CH4, I guess, but that's a bit too far for me to talk about... so I won't! I will talk about CH3, though.
I'll get to Rose-J in their section, but I could definitely believe that Hu-Vero could be important for CH3. There's a fair bit of setup for both of them going through some kind of arc in the chapter, which you kinda mentioned in the ask (Hu has to deal with the fallout of the Nico situation, while Vero's reactions to Levi's near death and Ace's execution imply she's getting worse), and there's already a narrative connection between them through their pact about the secrets in the second trial. Not to mention that Vero's always given people CH3 death vibes, which I get even if I'm hesitant to say that myself.
But that's just speculation. What about the foils we already have? Well, the main point of contrast is their reaction to conflict, especially when it comes to a specific person they're particularly interested in. Hu always tries to mediate conflict and defend the people she considers good, mostly seen in her white knighting of Nico all throughout CH2. Veronika's the opposite. She enjoys watching conflict, stirring the pot with her psychoanalysis, and particularly enjoys whenever Arturo does some bullshit. Basically, Hu goes "I can fix them" while Vero goes "I can make him worse." Classic dichotomy there.
Then there's the matter of change, metamorphosis even. Hu’s character is designed around it, with her butterfly hairpin and the fact her name means “still lake”, as water is often connected to rebirth. And we know she has changed, from the hopeless child who attempted suicide three times into someone who seems quite attached to her life, if her secret quote is anything to go by.
Hu [Profile Source Code]: I want to pay for what I’ve done. But even then, I still want to live.
Much in the same way, we know Veronika in present is not the same person she used to be years ago. She mentions having been quite outdoors-y back in the day, some of that bleeding into her excitement about the playground, and of course her motive secret is that she used to self-harm, but no longer does.
And yes, the theme of self-harm/suicide is another one where these two foil, which has even come up with their motive secret pact in CH2. We don’t have many details on that yet, though.
That said, the reasons for why they harmed themselves seem to be quite different, which is noteworthy. Although we don’t know what exactly led Hu to attempt suicide, we do know that nowadays she desperately wants to be relied on so she feels useful, meaning it’s very likely her suicidal tendencies came from a feeling that her life had no meaning, or something equally depressing. Meanwhile, provided her secret is to be believed, Veronika just hurt herself when she was bored. Definitely very different reasons for self-harm there.
Looking over your original post on this (have I mentioned I’ve been cross-checking my own thoughts with your own? ‘Cuz I’m doing that), you also bring up maturity, which is indeed an aspect in which they foil. Hu’s character profile states she acts motherly, and the highlighted word in her subtitle quote (“Can you please try and act with a little more maturity?”) is, in fact, maturity. Meanwhile, Vero has childish tendencies, most evidently seen in the scene where the playground gets introduced.
There’s definitely a lot of things about these characters which we currently don’t know about, so I’m sure this section could get significantly larger in the future. But for now, this feels decent enough for me.
6) Rose & J
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According to the extension of the original theory stated in this ask, J-Rose might be an important pair for CH3. And I can definitely see that! Rose's mental state has deteriorated a lot, so CH3 is primed to be a turning point for her character. Your point about Arturo being important at the start due to Levi's condition, and that possibly leading to attention being drawn to J, is also very reasonable. Not to mention that, as you seem to be aware of given what you said in the ask, DRDT's motives have so far aligned pretty well with the THH motives, with the first one being videos of their family and the second being secrets. This is important because, if that pattern continues, the third motive might be related to money. And one of the themes in which these two foil is wealth and poverty, which we'll get to in a moment, so it's entirely possible this pair could be quite relevant as a result of that. Not a bad idea in the slightest.
In any case, this is another set that mainly foils through backstory, at least for now. Rose was born into poverty, J was born into wealth. Rose tried to do everything she could for her family, J tries to distance herself from her mother as much as she can. Some parallels can be drawn between the influence the Spurling Foundation has on Rose’s life and the things Mariabella tries to force J to do. I can’t recall if this actually got mentioned in the series itself yet, but based on the childhood drawings post, we can tell J was probably forced to wear dresses despite disliking “girly” things per her profile, and from there infer that she was likely forced into doing a lot of things she didn't want to do.
These backstories can additionally connect to the ever prevalent theme of fate. Rose has accepted her fate, in a sense, believing that she’ll never escape her contract with the Spurling Foundation (see: her secret quote, “In the end, the only thing I can do is watch my wretched life go on”). On the other hand, J constantly rejects her fate by going against her birthright and hiding that she’s a Rosales (see: her secret quote, “Please don’t call me your daughter ever again”).
This is literally baked into their designs btw. Rose’s apron is stained all over, as if to signal she’s stained by the mistakes of her past, while J wears a hoodie as if to hide her identity as much as possible. Notably, J’s shirt actually has a paint splatter design, so she literally is hiding the stains (which in her case would be her last name) that Rose doesn’t bother covering up. 
(Btw while I was looking at their designs for this I noticed J’s hoodie has two zippers, which threw me off a lot lmao. Apparently those are a real thing, but it still caught me off guard and I wanted to mention it lol)
On the topic of design, why do they wear the same shoes?
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(Rose's on the left, J's on the right)
Like, Rose’s are a bit less saturated and maybe a bit more green than blue, but that’s the only difference I can see. I don’t think there’s any other pair of pairs of shoes that look this similar in the cast. Whit and Arei’s are similar to these, but they have a few different details. I don’t even think this is a foil thing I think Rose and J just have very similar taste in shoes. I find this amusing. 
Anyways. Their talents are artistic.
…Yep, that’s the parallel! Admittedly, it does come up a bit, with J saying the decor looks new during the prologue, and Rose saying she could figure out a few things about the building if she could analyze the paint on the wall. They be detective-ing and stuff.
Arguably, the theme of betrayal can also be brought up, though it’s very minor. Rose got betrayed by Nico, who used her turpentine for their attempt on Ace. And something like that kinda happened to J around the same time, as she dragged Teruko into a dressing room to avoid Arturo and got a knife to her throat for the troubles. It barely counts, but given Teruko is one of the only people J seemed to genuinely like before that point, I’d say the situations are similar enough to mention, if nothing else. 
Leaving it off there!
7) Arturo & Levi
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Let’s get the obvious one out of the way. Their talents are aesthetic related, be it related to people’s physical appearance or the clothes they wear. These talents connect to some of the other themes of their characters, such as Arturo’s obsession with beauty and Levi “styling himself” as a good person by doing things good people do, if that makes sense.
Then there’s the other big one; their family situation. Arturo’s home life was likely pretty bad, which we can infer from how desperate he seemed to get the hell outta dodge; and his sister committed suicide because Arturo left. Levi also left his family behind, although in his case he says everyone was a “bad influence” on everyone. Plus, he directly killed his father for one reason or another. We did get to see how Arturo felt about Levi’s nonchalance about the death of his father in the second trial, and that furthers their foiling. 
Arturo [2-13]: How could you simply *forget* that you murdered your own family member?
Yeah that.
Going back to the talents, there’s some contrast between how they got them. Arturo studied from a very young age and for years to become a Plastic Surgeon just as he entered adulthood, while Levi admits to being relatively new to fashion. They both kinda use their talents to escape their past in some way (it was part of Arturo’s plan to get the hell away from his home and Hope’s Peak is the reason Levi was never convicted for his murders), just that one had a little more planning behind it. 
Then there’s the matter of protection. Arturo repeatedly resents the idea that because he has some medical training, he has to be the cast’s doctor every time someone gets injured, and panics when he’s asked to do something as serious as saving Levi’s life.
Arturo [2-16]: I–! I’m not that kind of surgeon! I’ve told you, over and over, I have no experience with saving lives!
Levi, conversely, actively wishes to protect the others, seen for example when he attacked MonoTV in the Prologue and when he jumped in front of Teruko right before she got shot at. It’s even clarified in the subtitle quote of his profile (“I will do my utmost best to make sure that you all are safe”). Levi likes to protect others so they see him as a “good person”, which segues nicely into a more vague theme of categorizing important people in some way. Levi wishes to be seen as a good person and thus is quite interested in those he considers good (eg Eden), while Arturo is only interested in talking to beautiful people. It’s very vague and I don’t have much to say about it, especially since we don’t know exactly where Arturo’s obsession with beauty comes from, but it’s there.
Speaking of that, another point of comparison is the way both of them seek the approval of one specific person in the cast. For Arturo, it’s J because of her mother. For Levi, it’s Ace because of what happened in the first trial. They do it in quite different ways, but it is a thing that happens, and the differences help highlight the main narrative points these plot points bring to the table.
I’m calling that good enough!
8) Whit & David
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We sure left a pretty interesting one for last. This is probably one of the ones I’m the least clear on, mostly because both Whit and David are sorta unclear characters. However, there are still a few interesting things I can bring up.
Let’s start with the theme of idolization of the dead, because it’s quite literally what Whit’s secret quote references.
Whit [Profile Source Code]: We tend to idolize the dead. 
Whit idolizes his mother, and thus tries to be like her in any way he can. He dyes his hair blond, he completely ignores the fact she’s dead, you know the drill. Meanwhile, David idolizes Xander. Take a pick from any of his 2-12 lines or any of the Xander related LGI bullshit to see what I mean by that. 
Though, speaking of family members, Diana Chiem. Given we have no idea what the deal with her is yet, I won’t speak too much on it. But if you’ve watched my Vivisection of the David MV, you might know that there’s a theory brought up there that Diana may have died during Hope’s Peak time and that David’s started saying she never existed when that happened. The link sends you to that section of the video. It’s kinda insane, but there’s some basis for it, and it would create a pretty clear connection between Diana and Elizabeth (Whit’s mom) so I’m bringing it up. 
Then there’s the theme of hiding/avoiding sad topics and the like. David is obviously not as happy with his life as he presents himself as, at least for most of the story, while Whit has a history of horrendously avoidant behavior when it comes to anything that’s even remotely negative.
David does occasionally talk about heavier topics, but always behind some kind of persona. Either as the inspirational speaker who takes on a leadership role in CH2 (see: revealing his family history of depression (which I think is true, even if he probably never thought that was actually his secret), comforting Arei in the playground) or as the cartoonishly evil person he pretends to be immediately after his magical girl transformation (see: “Arei was a weather spell” line). He’s seemingly a bit more candid when it comes to Xander in 2-12 for a bit, but then he mostly reverts back to just being an asshole most of the time, other than a few outbursts of genuine emotion (funnily enough, one of them being David shouting at Whit to take things seriously). Meanwhile, Whit (in my opinion) doesn’t seem to have a persona, per say; he’s just kind of an unserious person who repeatedly uses humor and other tactics to distract from the Horrors. He’s a deeply strange person, but that’s kinda just who he is.
Then there’s- say it with me everyone- the theme of fate. David believes people can’t change, that they’re fated to remain the same no matter what happens during their life. He’s made that stance relatively clear. Whit, for his part, has a much more optimistic view on humanity and the like, as he tells Teruko.
Whit [2-3]: Charles… No, everyone here… we might act callously, but we’re all only human. We're all real people with our strengths and weaknesses.  You included, Teruko. Just like Charles, even if you’re acting cold, there’s still a part of you that’s good–
(And yes, “we’re all only human” can be contrasted with the whole “David doesn’t really feel human” thing from LGI and Tally 5)
Thus, his connection to fate is actually something that hasn’t been talked about in the main series yet, but rather comes from his character profile. All it takes is noticing the repeated references to luck and thing that are “guaranteed” (aka fated) to happen, and you can kinda piece it together from there. 
Whit [Profile]: It’s said that if you get the Ultimate Matchmaker to find you a romantic partner, you’re guaranteed to have a happy and stable relationship for life. Unfortunately for Whit Young, he seems to lack all luck when it comes to finding a relationship himself.
And since that profile talks about his talent, I'll use it as a segue to look at similarities between Matchmaker and Inspirational Speaker. Both are talents based around influencing and advising people on how to achieve happiness, either in their love life or their… life life. Thus, both require some level of understanding on how people think and act, which manifests in Whit’s self-proclaimed intuitive nature and David’s confidence in his beliefs when it comes to people not changing and all that. 
And… yeah I’m gonna say I’m okay with that for now.
Wow, that was quite a bit, now wasn’t it! And it still feels like I could find more if I thought about it long enough, but I hope this was enough for you. Thanks for the ask! The DRDT cast is really fun to talk about, though, so the excuse to do so is always welcome :D
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norwegiankafka · 1 year ago
Nightmare [Joker, Fluff]
Synopsis: You woke up in the middle of the night because of nightmare. Little did you realize, you're not the only one woken up.
a/n 𖦹 joker fluff bc I saw not a lot of ppl doing this hehe. hope you like it!
tw & cw ✰ cursing.
Sweats starts beads your forehead. The air that surrounds you starts pressuring you, as if there is an invisible power that suck up all of the oxygen. Your ragged breathing and aircon sound is all you hear in the middle of the night. You huffs, mentally noting yourself to not watch horror movies prior to sleeping in the night. Duly noted.
You try looking at the clock, which fails, because the lights are off and there's barely a light coming from outside, neither inside. Joker sleeps soundly without a care in the world, faint snores could be heard. When you turn on your phone briefly, to check the time, he grunts a little bit in his sleep. Maybe the light from your phone displeased him, since he always sleeping in a near pitch black room. You reached your hand to rub his back repetitively, in order to lull him back to sleep. He responds by rubbing his disheveled blue-ish gray hair to your neck.
Your throat feels really dry, and you need to grab a glass of water, like, right now. But Joker, who obviously didn't know, latched himself better on your body. Personal body heater, heh. He starts pulling you onto his direction, trying to find a comfortable position in his sleep. And then he starts snoring softly, again.
You starts to lift Joker's hand. Damnit. Should've known better that his hand is heavy as fuck. Why is his hand are so heavy?
With all your willingness left in your body in the middle of the night, you are finally free from his hold and now are sitting in the bed, trying to figure way out of his room without using any lights.
Poor you, there's a bag that he often bring to competition, which you cannot see, in the pitch-black room. Your feet suddenly kicked the bag.
"Ow! What the fuck-" You yelled. Shit. He's awake now.
"Where d'you wanna go?" He mumbles groggily, not fully awake and still registering things that's happening.
"'M just gonna grab glass of water. Go back to sleep, Jo." You close the door as you finished your sentence.
Tiptoeing around his house, you grab a glass of water and drink them. Water never tastes as good as 3 am water, you think. Putting back your glass to the sink, you go back to his room.
Little did you know, Joker wasn't sleeping again after you left him to grab a glass of water. He just kinda lays there, eyes open staring at the ceiling with his hands under his head.
"You're back."
"Mhm." You hum for an answer.
You get under the covers, meeting his warm, soft skin under the duvet. He, absentmindedly reaching for your waist, putting his arms around it perfectly, as if it was perfectly sculptured for his arms. His arms only.
"You're having nightmares again, d'you?" Joker's voice breaks the silence. "Why don't you wake me up, hm?"
"Don' wanna disturb your sleep. You looks," You comb his hair out of his hair. Something that he'd never wanna do, but let you nevertheless. "so tired after the competition. I'm fine, really. Go sleep."
He grunts a little, letting out an annoyed sigh, (you know he didn't meant it) "Just let me take care of you next time, 'kay?"
He holds you flush upon his body, rubbing your back repeatedly. Just the way you always like it. You breathe slowly after the time passed, surrounded by his faint perfume scent and soap. You feel drowsier. By the time the clock hits 3 in the morning, you finally asleep, wrapped in his arms, snug and sound.
Joker, later kisses your forehead and temple slowly. "I just want you to know that I'm always here for you, whenever you need me, baby."
He dozes off, following you a little later.
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lstories · 1 year ago
mmm, maybe you can write a story were the reader gets ate cus they aren't sleeping?
Warming Scales
Sorry it took a while to write. I'm not sure what happend, I lost the will to write and I tried things to get it back, and then after a while I just started writing again. I hope I can get more storys out as well. And thanks so much for the ask, sorry if it's not the best.
(Safe, Soft, vore, protective, unwilling, fearplay)
Wordcount: 3'957
You type away on your keyboard, each awnser being remembered and forgotten in the same second. A sigh drowns out as you can barely keep yourself from crying due to the repetitive and probably useless work. A particularly loud clack of the enter button has your boyfriend shifting in bed. You look at the work you have left to do, and then down to the time. You had been sitting at this desk working on the same folder of problems for the past 7 hours. It was 3AM and you were a little over half way done.
Charress woke up to a strange sound. He looked over to the clock as it read 3:19. He struggled to look over to the source of light that made him need to squint, seeing the chair siluet in front of the monitor, he realized it was the sound of sobbing he heard. He mostly got off the bed, most of his tail still spun into a nest. The soft sound of scales moving across the ground echoed off the walls. He turned the chair around, with your arms beginning to fallow. Your head fell from your hands, quickly being caught by his hand. His cool scales felt nice on your burning face. You gripped onto his hand and forearm as he took your legs with your other arm.
"Shhhhhh... come on. Let's go to bed."
Charress began to lay back down on his tail, using a coil to support your back as he steadied himself with his hand. He pushed your legs under the covers and pulled you a bit closer. You pushed back, pulling up his shirt and quickly snuggling into his chest. The cool scale like skin slightly cooling down wherever you touched. Charress slightly laughed to himself for a moment as you pushed yourself into him.
"Heh. Even threw closed eyes you can find your way back to your favorite spot on the bed."
As he pulled his shirt back over you, he could feel you slightly chuckle before going back to quiet sobbing. He started rubbing your shoulders, helping you sink into him and helping get the tears out.
"Yn, I thought we agreed that you wouldn't stay up this late anymore."
"N-no, you suggeste-ed it and i-I ignored it." You could feel your tears flowing onto his chest, you thought it was a wonder that he didn't hate you. "I-I need to finish t-this last assign-nment."
"Do you like watching me be hurt?"
"W-what?!" You couldn't believe it. What kind a question was that. Of course you didn't. You moved your head to the collar of his shirt getting ready to say something else.
He stopped rubbing your shoulders, moving a hand down to hold yours and another to hold your face, wiping a tear away from your eye. "Waching you kill yourself over every single course every night, it... it hurts to watch you ignore every bit of help you need. So I'm done asking. I need you to stay in this bed for the rest of the night, and no more thinking about college."
You could see the look on his face, it was one of the few times you've seen him this serious. You moved your hand up to his, pressing it a bit firmer into your cheek. You did your best to stop any sounds of crying and looked back into his pinkish eyes. "I know your just looking out for me and I can't stop loving you for it, but I have to finish this. I'll be done soon." As you finished, you pulled his hand away from your cheek and crawled out of his shirt. As you started stepping over a coil, you looked back, seeing sadness in his serious eyes, but needing to ignore it. You step over another coil, but feel a slight tug on your arm. You look back and see your hands still connected. You try to pull away, but he won't let go of you, gently rubbing your hand with his thumb.
"Charress, you can't force me to stay in bed with you. I still have work I need to do." You began tugging on his arm more harshly, trying to get his fingers to lose their grip.
"No, I dont want to force you to stay in bed YN, I'd rather that be your decision."
"OK! I made up my mind, now let go!" You had grabbed your arm with the other, pulling with everything you had to make him let go of you.
"(Inhale)(Exhale) No." He pulled you closer, a coil tripped you as you fell on top of him. He put an arm around your back to hold you close to him, letting go of your hand and hugging you into him. A coil fell on top of your thrashing legs as you tried everything to despretly get away without screaming in the clostrophobic fear you felt. He had never done anything like this before, and you started to fear what he'd do next.
"You can't keep me here! This isn't right! Let me go! I'll struggle out eventually!"
"Your probably right." You slowed your thrashing when you heard this. Your breathing was alread heavy and you could feel his was too. "I probably won't be able to keep you close to me, so I just need to keep you in me." Your eyes went wide as you heard that.
"Yo,-you can't mean that... right? Charres?" You could start to feel your heart beat out of your body as adrenaline started flowing. You could feel the end of his tail begin to coil around your ankles. "NO! Charress, please, I'm sorry, ok! I promise I'll stay in bed!" You had heard rumors that nagas were controlling, demanding, but extremely loyal and protective.
"Last time you promised that, you got up an hour after I went to sleep and started working again." You had also heard rumors that nagas in inter species relationships would sometimes eat their partner.
You could feel his coils wraping you two together. His stomach to yours, your chest to his. "Ok, I'm sorry, I promise I'll stay here just stop. Please! Charress!" You could still feel his hands massaging into your back like he was trying to calm you down after threatening to eat you. Maybe that's just it, he threatened to eat you because he cares about you, he loves you to much to eat you.
"I believe you," your eyes lit up as he said that, your head fell to his neck as you started crying again, and a tear fell down his shoulder. "But I love you to much to take the chance of you killing yourself anymore... So I promise you'll be safe. I'll let you out after you get some rest."
Dread. As you started to look up, you saw his mouth coming right at you. With a sickening squelch and pop your face entered his. You could barely focus on the thin tounge licking your face up and down. His throat looked bottomless right in front of you. The noises sounded, strangely comforting to some back part of your mind. The continues licking and stickiness of saliva fill you with fear, but also started to make you tired. You could barely focus on anything, let alone him licking your tears away. His fangs were stuck into the top of his mouth like they're ready to stab you at any moment. You mind started racing and just as soon, you heard a sound of death.
You heard a gulp as your face was pulled into his throat. The paralyzing fear flooded out of you as you started thrashing and moving as much as you could, harder than you ever had to before. You bent yourself in weird ways just to stop this. You knew the dangers and still went on that date, is this the price you get for wanting to feel love? You could feel another gulp, as you were pulled down further into the warm throat. You could feel tears and saliva mixing on your skin as you were dragged and pushed further into them. "O-Ok! OK! I'm s-Sorry! P-pl-pl-PLEASE! I'll Do what you want! I-I'll quit college if you want me to, J-Just LET ME OUT! P-please... I can't take anymore of this!"
Everything had stopped. You could start to feel his teeth dig into your skin threw his lips. You could feel a small bead of water drip onto your back. You thought that was it, he'd let you go now.... doom sounded again.
You tried to make a sound, but only a squeak came out as you were pulled further into his throat. The gulps came harder and faster, your head being forced into his chest and the once comforting heartbeat now sounding your end. You couldn't make a sound, your chest pressed into his ribs, barely allowing you to breath. Another and another gulp boomed around you as his throat quickly pushed into every part of you. You could feel your head touching something hard, like a ring stopping you from going any further. He swallowed again, forcing your neck to crunch into itself. It finally gave way and your head slid into his stomach. You could feel each muscle squish into you, examining you, tasting you. You could finally take a deep breath of the wet air, barely feeling your chest move his body. Your hands finally entered the mouth and you started to feel around. His gums, the hard teeth, his toung cutely wrapping around your fingers... No, it wasn't cute anymore. Then on the roof of his mouth you could feel his fangs. You tried to pry one out, but as he swallowed again, you could feel your finger get pricked just before your hand followed you down. You started to give up, you were basically in his stomach, you had no more energy and you now had venom in your system. He kept swallowing, forcing more of you into him.
You could feel him start to move. A spark of hope appeared, before getting crushed yet again. You were moved down as he began moving you around. Your feet hit the bed and he moved down, getting your lower half in one gulp. You tired to keep your legs straight, but the sudden motion kept them moving and your struggling body to curl up even more. Your feet plopped in uncerimonusly, adding to the scrunched up pile. Tears continued to run down your face and your mouth was wide open, taking in as much oxygen as you could.... All you could think, was that this is how I died.
A cold wind hit the back of your neck as the stomach you were in started to expand. You heard more gulping. "Fresh" air finally entered your lungs. He was keeping you alive, or, just prolonging your punishment for disobeying him. Tears would have come harder if you had any left to shed.
You shook as he started talking, you could feel his lungs close to you pushing and contracting threw the slimy wall. "I'm sorry if I scared you, but its easier to explain-" you didn't let him finish, violently pushing out in every direction and punching where you could feel his lungs.
"No shit you scared me! LET ME OUT! I can't- I" you started gasping for air, your legs and arms almost immediately giving out after just a few seconds. You leaned back, trying your best to steady yourself as his arms and hands pushed into you. You slipped slightly and the side of your face collided with the back of his stomach, his breath was strained slightly and you could hear his heartbeat faster than usual. You gave a slight push outwards with your foot, you could tell you weren't getting out of here. Might as well make the best out of this situation. You started settling your breathing and listened to his body like you did most nights, just... louder. "You said you hated seeing me kill myself, did you just want to take the glory instead?
"What, of course not." His voice came in an echoey feeling. It was hard to pinpoint but just louder than the bubbly noises and pops of his stomach. "I just want you to sleep and feel better. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you."
"Well the sting of betrayal hurts a lot more than working."
"...oh, I should have figured. I just thought it would be easier to explain if you were already inside."
"Oh, explain that I'm safe. I know that's exactly what monsters do to convince people their ok and to not fight back. I've watched the news I know how it works." Your breathing were both going back to normal.
......."I'm sorry. It was rash, but it was hard to think of anything else. But I would never 'eat' eat you. I'll let you out after you've had enough sleep."
..."I still don't really believe you, but you might as well digest me. I have your venom running threw my systems" you pushed your leg back out where you felt his hand. Bringing it back after the strain of a few seconds.
"What? You already know what it does, I would have pulled you out the second I thought that too much had entered your system."
"What?" You stifled a yawn as you could feel his venom running up the veins in your arm. "No... no it...?"
"...It makes you-"
"Tired." As you cut him off, you started to remember the two pronged scar on your neck.
"You wanted me to use it on you once. You had human insomnia, and asked for anything to help you sleep. You'll be fine, when you wake up you'll just be a bit bleary and out of it."
You could feel the odd toxin in your neck, directly entering your bone. "Charress!" Your eyes drifted closed without the energy to keep them open, and you could feel his hand matching yours from the outside. You could feel the venom enter the back of your neck, crawling its way into the back of your skull. With the last pang of fear your body could force out. "I... I don't want to die."
His other hand layed across the back of your head. "You're safer than you ever have been."
You felt like you had shattered. You couldn't tell if you were cold or warm, looking at yourself threw someones eyes or looking threw your own. You couldn't describe anything, even where you were, it was.... it wasn't even nothing. It was the lack of anything. Not black not white, just nothing. You turned, looking around you could still somehow recognize you were in a room, but nothing was there that could indicate that. You could tell your body was still there. You had no indication or anything to go off of, but you could still feel... something. You moved your eyes slightly to read something. You were reading, and you felt, more real somehow. You were dragged out of whatever trance it was as you felt something slightly cool hit the top of your head as the nothingness began to grow black.
You could feel something very cold touching your arm. Without thinking you grabbed it, feeling the plastic crunch of a water bottle. You quickly opened it and began downing it as fast as you could. The coolness spreading threwout your body made you realize just how warm you were. You didn't realize the ringing until you started to hear the faint gulps above you and pops and gurgles around you. Another small object hit the top of your head, followed by another, softer one. A voice buzzed above you, just above the ringing in your ears.
"Well weren't you thirsty... have a good rest?"
You still couldn't get a train of thought going properly, reaching around to find the small object. Something clicked under you and your eyelids burned keeping out a majority of the light. You did your best to crack your eyes open, seeing the red pulsing walls all around you. There was maybe an inch and a half of space between you and the wall. You looked down, seeing your knees slightly bent as a you could see the slithering muscles bulge right under your knees for a few seconds. You let your head fall as your breathing started to come in painfully. You reached out, pushing a hand into the red surface and watching it stretch as far as you could push it. You did your best to sit up, giving you a bit more room to move. The light began to gleam in weird ways as two objects were caught behind your back. You reached out, grabbing both with either hand. There was a flashlight and a plastic bag filled with a few sandwiches and paper towels. "YN... are you ok?" You did your best to look up to the echoing voice, unsure how to respond. You looked down at yourself, feeling fine. You slightly pulled up your shirt, seeing no bruises, burns, or blood of any kind.
"Uhmm... ya. I'm all right. Could-... could I get some more water?"
He did his best to chuckle at the request. "Of course. Anything."
You tried to smile back, unsure of how to feel at your current predicament. You slightly scrunched your knees to your chest, giving you a bit more room to move around. You opend the plastic bag, grabbing the paper towels and wiping your hands and your face off. Your eyes were starting to get used to the light as you grabbed the sandwich, taking a bite and tasting peanut butter and jelly. It was weird, knowing you were eating something while being in a stomach. You heard more gulps as another water bottle gently fell onto your shoulder, quickly falling down to your side. You finished off the rest of the sandwich as you put the trash back into the bag, still unsure of how to feel about this.
"Did you sleep well?" You could feel Charress pressing into the sides of your shoulders.
You cracked open the water bottle and took a sip. "Umm, I think. I had the weirdest dream though."
"Well, I hope it wasn't too unpleasant in there, cause you slept for 14 hours."
You slightly choked on your water as you heard him say that. "What? What time is it."
"Basically 6pm. I checked, and you didn't have anywhere to be today, so I let you sleep for a while. But... do you want to come out?"
You pressed your palm into the soft wall. It felt really nice, and hearing the little hums of pleasure he made around you felt good too, but the small pit in your stomach was turning uncomfortably and you felt you needed to leave. "Umm, could you start a bath for both of us?"
"Mmmm, oh, uh, ya. We probably shouldn't leave that gunk on you for too long."
You started to feel movement around you. Looking forward, you could see the dark void in front of you turning and bending as the soft sound of scales on hardwood vibrated beneath you. Laying back out, you felt the turns moving your body in tandem. You'd laid down on his scales as he moved before, but being inside was a much... weirder experience to be sure. Some part of you rather liked it, feeling each muscle feeling at you, massaging you, knowing it's you. But you opend your eyes, seeing the the red pulsing stomach around you, lines you couldn't identify, and weard dents that formed and smoothed out rithmicly. It my your own stomach tossed looking at it, quickly moving to turn off the light. But a part of you looked into the void in front of you and wanted to fill it. You turned off the light and placed a hand on the wall, feeling him humm above you as you started rubbing the muscles surrounding you.
With every sound slightly echoing around you, you could hear the slight difference as he entered another room. The movement came to a stop as the small ammount of liquid moved you forward slightly. You could hear Charress fumbling with something outside, then hearing the wood rolling draw of a drawer. You could almost imagine him taking you around the house on his scales, like this was normal. You drew your hands back resting them on your chest, the slight disappointed whine you heard almost every night slightly shook above you. It didn't take him long before you heard the creak of the bathroom door, and his scales sliding smoothly over the tile floor. You could hear the rushing water start behind you for a while and his tail splash in. You started feeling warmer for a bit before you were pulled upwards, feeling his stomach cradling you like a hammock as you reached out on either side grabbing a handful of muscle, and you could feel him murr above you.
You made yourself let go, pulling you hands up to your face as your breathing came in harder and faster. The tight muscles squeezed you upwards as a pop sounded around your ears. Two hands caught your back as you were slowly allowed to move downwards by them. You moved your hands away seeing Charress helping the rest of your knees and legs out of his mouth as he set you down into the warm water. You could only think about how demeaning it felt to be vomit as your back and head were lowered down. Finally your feet splashed into the water, and with all of you out, you felt so... exposed. The air was cold, everything was too bright, and the water didn't feel smooth enough. You were glad to be out, but something made you feel unsafe. "Y/N, are you ok?"
You propped yourself up, feeling the pattern indentation of his scales under your hand, your eyes drifting down. You were in there. Your mind was spinning, feeling.... diffrent, every second. "Ya. I'm- I think I'm ok. Thanks." You turned around in the water, leaning back into him as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer. His hands went up your back and started pushing on your shoulders, massaging out all the knots from your sleep. His tail moved slowly under the water, creating a small nest around you as you sat..... "So... what did it feel like for you? Was- did it feel... good?" You cringed at your own words. You knew the type of awnser you wanted to hear, and you couldn't understand why you wanted to hear it.
"I felt protective, but it only felt good after you woke up and realized you were ok. I'm- I am sorry again... for scaring you."
"It's ok, but make sure you ask if you're going to do something like that again." Your own thoughts burned your head. You couldn't believe what you were thinking. "If...... if it made you feel good-" this was insane. You shouldn't be asking this type of question at all. "Would you maybe want to try it again?"
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rinsuniverse · 2 years ago
Hi~ I'm the creative woozi anon and I absolutely loved it ^^ if u don't mind, could I ask for something with seokmin? Fighting by bss has lyrics like "on days where it feels like it's been put on repeat, you hear this song start to play" like I'm not in the dumps but things do seem pretty monotone rn. How would seokminnie deal with that with his s/o?
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changing everyday with dokyeom! ✧˖°.
i totally get it, anon! sometimes life just feels so boring and repetitive... you wake up, live the same day as yesterday and the days before, then go to sleep just for you to do the same thing all over again!
i hope this imagine makes you feel less monotone and as if your life has color in it again!
you're laying in bed, watching dk brushing his teeth, getting ready for his schedules
you just woke up, and you know you have to start getting ready for your workday soon as well, but you're still cuddled underneath the covers
seokmin checks his watch before trying to talk with his toothbrush in his mouth
"y/n, ish shtime to heh uph!" he almost sings, his toothbrush still brushing against his molar teeth
"mmm, i know," you say, hiding under your blanket.
you hear him obnoxiously wash out his mouth and gargle before spitting into the sink
he goofily waddles over to you, grabbing your covers and pulling them down so he can see your eyes
"it's time to get up!" he says, a big smile on his face
"i knowww, but i kind of don't want to."
"are you feeling sick?"
"no, it's just boring. i feel like every day is the same, and i'm so... bored. everything is so uneventful right now."
"that could be a good thing," he says, looking at you with curious eyes. "it's better than being bad."
"i guess..."
"come on, let's get up, though! today's going to be a good day. better than any day before," he says, sounding seriously determined.
you groan, putting your arms up so he can help pull you up
he pulls you up and out of bed, your noses colliding as you get up
he gives you a cheeky smile before kissing your lips, then guiding you to the bathroom, patting your butt happily
before you both leave for your different work, he stands in front of you by the door, smiling at you
"do i look handsome?"
"of course! as always. do i look good?"
"better than you've ever looked before."
"you're just saying that because of what i said earlier."
he chuckles before pulling you into a hug
"i hope you have an extra good day today, sweetheart. i'll charge your energy with this hug!" he says before squeezing you tightly
"min! i can't breathe!"
he lets go and then pats your head lovingly, giving you his biggest smile
"goodbye! i'll see you later! have a good day!"
and you do have a good day, but it really isn't anything special
after work, you feel tired, and as you walk out of the building, almost dragging your feet, you turn to see dk standing, waiting for you at the entrance
"oh, hey! crazy seeing you here!"
"you know i work here, silly."
"that's crazy."
you bonk his head jokingly, and he laughs, clinging your arms together
"what are you doing here, min?"
"we're going to make some pit stops on the way home!"
"really? i'm surprised you aren't working right now."
"you're lucky i didn't have much on my schedule today. it must be because today is a super good day for you, right?"
"you're so weird," you laugh, moving to hold his hand instead
you walk together, your arms rocking back and forth
you don't stop until you reach a nice restaurant that specializes in your absolute favorite food!
"surprise! i bet you'd love this place," he says, his pretty smile shimmering in the sunlight
you nod, smiling back at him as you walk in the restaurant with him
you both sit down across from each other and enjoy your food
"thank you for this, seokmin," you say after talking about your day at work. "this is sweet of you."
"of course! i'm the sweetest guy. and today's not going to be like every other day," he says with a facial expression of complete determination.
"okay, okay, i believe you now," you smile, continuing to eat your food
"we're not done yet, though!"
and after you eat (and he pays the bill), he guides you over to a nearby karaoke place, reserving a room for a couple hours
"i'll give you your own personal concert for free!" he says, grabbing a microphone. "feel free to join me whenever."
and you laugh, grabbing a microphone and sitting down as he queues up some songs and sings them all passionately
"this song... this song is dedicated to a very beautiful person i have in my audience today. don't even bother looking around because you'll never guess who," he says in a deep, mc voice before singing a lovey ballad
you cheer for him with some tambourines, genuinely so happy in that moment where you get to watch your wonderful and goofy boyfriend destroy his throat as he sings for you pretty much nonstop
you sing with him on some songs, him laughing at your voice, but cheering you on with so much love, nonetheless
after all the fun at karaoke, he walks you home, making you laugh all the way
when you get home, he lets you wash up first and then washes up himself
when you guys lay in bed, he has you cuddle into him any way that you want, and you both talk the night away
he listens to everything you say thoughtfully and you share many laughs
dk loves you so much
if you feel like life is monotone, he will easily make your life feel so much more colorful and exciting!
thank you so much for requesting, anon, and i'm so sorry for taking so long to answer! feel free to request many, many more things (and if you need a friend, my inbox is always open!)!
(p.s. requests are still open! i specialize in woozi stuff, but i don't mind writing about other svt members! so request whatever and as much as you want! ς(>‿<.))
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glitchyred · 4 months ago
Hellooo, just a random thought here. Been listening to immortals and started connecting the vibe such gave me to pokepasta bcs yeah.
(fear yet crave to have something from a timeless memory and it hurts and we live forever in an abstract sense of nothingness that's filled once we remember again -lyrics towards the curtains part-, uneven repetition of the string of lone crashes upon us that form a haunting void only so close to what was once wishes to become a source of peace at their painful remains, until it's gone after all fades while everything else becomes part of the parallel world we were in before the old lullaby arrived to reclaim the cries for their choir, the peaceful fright from their leave clinging to ourselves consciousness.)
(idk, music I'd feel so deep while on the balcony in the middle of the night staring at the dark sky while alone with ringing in my brain from the lack of enough noise after some stupid shit and remembering similar things that led to similar scenarios to retroactively feed the burn in heart and throat, but it's cold outside lol so then I'm a microwaved-whatever-halfdefrosted that wants to howl out to the moon and fly towards the clouds with the high wind until myself extinguished at the point near ashes so I'd keep flying around far away even if tied to the burns lol.)
Being immortal sounds awful af in these pastas' situations tbh, yet sounds comforting in a twisted manner that I have no idea how to explain (maybe merely the soothing singing and nostalgia getting to brain, like a take on 'we suffer and it sucks but I'm addicted¿ to the fact we even share such thingso I won't stop either of us meanwhile' from a perspective, unhealthy coping bs )
What do you think? Some scenario/emotion of a pasta evoked by the song?
(Not focusing by the "romantic" aspect of the lyrics but imma take them as not directed to a person, rather a wish to keep experiencing something -but not for long🎵- heh, couldn't let go of in spite of result.)
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LMAO DW ABT RAMBLING I say my inbox is always open for a reason. I haven't thought about this song in foreverrrrr but I get what you mean I think
It is a strongly reoccurring theme in Pokepastas that the characters are "trapped" in a specific time, by virtue of being games one is meant to replay over and over, either incidentally implying immortality or thru a more nuanced Infinite Looping Afterlife (LS). I have a lot to say about Pokepastas and their reflections of Childhood Trauma in that regard, but I'll save the essay and just say read Glitchy Red Retold /silly
That being said, call me an optimist, but immortality gets more of a bad rep this days than I think is necessary. I'm a firm believer of life having cycles, every low point necessitates a high one, which I think comes through in a couple of my projects. A Reason to Live as a short one, which subverts the usual "endless looping suffering" trope by implying that Amanita was reborn without their memories, and Semicolon as a whole having strong themes of immortality both through memory and literally (via Slenderman refusing to let people die). You are only stuck in suffering as long as you allow yourself to be, I think (purely neutral statement; I know there's usually some morality tied into that line of thought but I think it's way more nuanced than that lol), so breaking these characters out of their Loops and making them realize that unending time means limitless time to move forward is. Cathartic, I think. After what the contents of most pokepastas are like lol
Hopefully that all made sense?? I'm also kinda rambling lol. Thanks for the asks!!
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obsidiancreates · 1 year ago
Some thoughts/criticisms of Battle of the Five Armies because I'm back on my Hobbit Movies bullshit
Should've put more screen time (and by "more" I mean "any at all") into Thorin's descent into the Gold Madness/Dragon Sickness. A lot of BotFA feels, to me, a bit... meandering. Like they needed to hit a certain length but weren't fully sure how to fill it (and I think that also shows in how it's the shortest of all 3 movies, at least Extended Edition-wise). We go right from "They all watched Smaug die," to "He's been down there for days and he's as Gold-Mad as Thror." We needed more connective tissue between those scenes- even just a scene of Bilbo noticing Thorin is refusing food, maybe trying to convince him to eat ("Thorin, take your share." "I've no need of it." "You can't live on gold alone, you know, heh, ahem." "We shall see, Master Baggins.") or something like that.
I get why Smaug died in the first twenty minutes. I do! There's both story reasons as well as behind-the-scenes logistical reasons (can y'all imagine what these movies would've been like if they'd had Reasonable Deadlines, less studio pressure, and more ethical cast and crew treatment? It would've fixed any of the CGI issues, they could've cleaned up some of the odd pacing and editing moments, none of those awful "QUICK QUICK QUICK WE'RE ALMOST OUT OF TIME!" moments in the Appendices would've existed... Fuck Warner Bros, man. Peter Jackson obviously had a lot to do with a lot of the unethical overtime and expectations and wasted time/effort, but like Warner Bros also contributed to this Massively). Anyway, I get why Smaug died so early into the movie. But god, I wish he hadn't. Now I haven't read the novel to it's end in about 13 years give or take- I keep picking it up, getting a good ways in, forgetting to continue, and then picking it up and starting over at the beginning- but I remember Smaug's death being a very Little Thing in the book, since it was Third-Person limited (mostly) and Bilbo wasn't in Laketown. I know that this wasn't a moment of Inaccuracy (though honestly I don't mind most of the inaccuracies but that's for another post some other time) but it was a moment of Deeply Unsatisfying Payoff. Again, I understand why! It's kinda unsatisfying in the novel too- frankly, a lot of the ending stuff in The Hobbit is, but you didn't hear that from me, got it? I'm not sure, exactly, what I wish was different about it. Killing Smaug at the end of Desolation wasn't really a viable or satisfying option either, and focusing more on Laketown would've gotten tedious and repetitive- only so much Burning and Screaming can be made into Watchable Cinema at one time. I think perhaps a larger focus on Gandalf and his experiences with Sauron could've worked here- especially if Sauron is somehow Aware of Laketown falling and uses this to mock and torment Gandalf, speaking of how the quest of the dwarves has truly failed and Middle-Earth is soon to fall the same way- but again, I understand why they didn't do that, that's just a lot of Ian McKellen sitting in a birdcage getting Taunted by an Eyeball. So I don't know what I would've had them change, and I think a not insignificant amount of this Dissatisfaction is unavoidable given the glossed-over nature of the very same plot point in the book. But it's still saddening, especially since they nailed Smaug so well and he's such a fun villain to watch on screen. Azog... a good deal less so.
Bro we couldn't have had one line where they were like "OH GOD FILI KILI BOFUR AND OIN ARE STILL DOWN THERE!" when they were watching Laketown burn? One show that someone remembered FOUR OF THEIR PARTY IS STILL THERE?!
Some of the line deliveries in this movie were an... interesting, choice, to make into the final cut. I'll chalk it up to Those Damn Studio Deadlines, though.
I know I already talked about this but SERIOUSLY WHERE WAS THE CONNECTIVE TISSUE OF THORIN'S MADNESS, IT AIN'T EVEN IN THE EXTENDED THE EXTENDED IS MOSTLY THE ACTUAL BATTLE (plus the Best Scene In The Movie where Balin alludes to Bilbo to keep the Arkenstone hidden forever, which it's a crime that was left out of the theatrical by the way).
Yeah okay the Kili and Tauriel parting at the shore was kind cliched and acted weird. Again I'll chalk it up to The Deadlines.
If we could've have had the Connective Tissue scene(s), I wish the reunion with Bofur, Oin, Fili, and Kili had been a proper scene and not just a quick cutaway. It would've been a great opportunity to catch them and the audience up on Thorin's condition and how he got to that state, as well as establish how The Company In General feels about it earlier into the movie.
Again, I know why they didn't... but even a hint that the Madness was taking the other Dwarves at least a little bit would've been nice. I truly feel that, by the time of The Ramparts, the party was at a point where at least 1 or 2 of them would've decided to go with Bilbo, and a hint that they're all slightly under the spell of the gold in the way Thorin is would've really made their decision to all 12 of them stay behind make more sense. Yes, Thorin is their king and their leader and their friend and Dwarves are known to be very loyal- but Bilbo has stood in as a leader, rescuer, and friend often enough that I think one or two of the party, in their own fully right minds, would've chosen to go with him, especially after witnessing such a horrific display from Thorin.
The pacing of the movie in general Needs Some Help, that can't go unsaid- but again, Those Damn Deadlines. The amount of palpable stress from the crew in the Appendices is genuinely stressful and heart-wrenching, and I blame the majority of my issues with this movie- and the other two- on Warner Bros being completely unreasonable with their time expectations. Especially since they pushed this 2-movie project into being 3 movies, like Fuck off, Warner Bros.
GOD I WISH MORE OF THE RING STUFF HAD CARRIED OVER FROM DESOLATION. Like again I get why it didn't, this movie kind of takes some of the focus off Bilbo and uses that extra attention on Thorin and Bard and Legolas, which I enjoy. But still, The Ring Moments in Desolation were so good, and the effect The Ring had on Bilbo in Desolation is not unlike the effect the gold has on Thorin- but Bilbo is better at fighting it. It would've been nice to see something done with that, especially as Thorin was falling to madness and Bilbo maybe recognized some of the signs from his own experiences like the one in Mirkwood. But also THE RING STUFF WAS SO COOOOOOLLLLLLLLL I WANT MORE OF ITTTTTTTTTTTTTT
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daerm20 · 2 years ago
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Interference
Test #1
So, with the recent development in AI chatbots… I really became interested in the capabilities it could offer. Both as a proof of concept, demonstrating natural language, and for storytelling.
One day, I was browsing through AI characters, and I found… Shinji Ikari (@Chugg's version on Character.Ai). Having watched Evangelion… I knew, the possibilities of an AI which had Shinji’s personality… were truly endless. …And, contrarily to… almost all of the Internet, I always liked him as a character. So… why not?
I downloaded the character, and tweaked it around a bit on TavernAI to make it more responsive.
…the results I got were… pretty good, to say the least. Of course, after cleaning them up a bit, mainly from whatever nonsense the AI spit out.
I called it… Neon Genesis Evangelion: Interference. (…criiinge!...)
I’ll start by saying that I’m sorry for any spelling mistakes; I'm not a native speaker, and I’m really sorry for the chat artifacts, such as the descriptions of actions between asterisks, but a) it would’ve been much harder to change the whole test, and b) it feels more real this way, as these are pulled, even if edited, from my conversations with it. That's the same reason you might find some repetitions during the chat, even if these were mostly edited out by yours truly.
…So… I started a chat.
Shinji: Hello. I am Shinji Ikari, 14 years old, designated pilot of EVA Unit 01. Pleased to meet you.
Hello there, Shinji. How's it going at NERV?
Shinji: It's been pretty intense lately. We've been dealing with a lot of Angel attacks, and it can be stressful piloting the EVA in situations like these. I'm doing my best to handle it, though, even if it is kind of hard at times. How about you? How's everything going on your end?
It's well enough. I've got a lot of things to study (medicine amirite? *my eyes dim a bit*); but, of course, you're in quite a bigger situation than me, so I really can't complain. *laughs softly* But thank you for asking. *smiles*
Shinji: No problem. I know how tough studying can be, especially in a field like medicine. It's important work though, so keep at it. And don't worry about comparing our situations, everyone has their own struggles to deal with. But I'm here to talk if you ever need someone to listen. *smiles back*
...Thanks a lot, Shinji. You're really nice. How's it going with the cello?
Shinji: It's going okay, I guess. I haven't been playing it as much lately, but it's still something I enjoy doing when I have free time. It's a good way to relax and take my mind off things. Do you play any instruments?
Yes, I do, or at least used to. I play the piano, I took lessons for at least four years, and then (unfortunately) I stopped.
Shinji: That's really cool! I've always admired people who can play the piano. Maybe you could start playing again if you have the time. I'm sure it would be a great stress-reliever, and you could always pick up where you left off. Plus, it's never too late to start playing again.
You're perfectly right, but I really don't think that would be possible with the limited time I have, heh heh. Though, it's still really fun to think about. So... if I may ask, how's living with Misato and Asuka?
Shinji: It's... interesting. Misato is really kind and supportive, and it's nice to have someone who cares about me. Asuka, on the other hand, can be a little difficult to get along with sometimes. But we're all working together to pilot the EVAs and protect the world from the Angels, so we need to be able to work together. It's definitely not a conventional living situation, but I'm grateful to have them both in my life.
Yeah, I think that all things considered, it's definitely beneficial for you, especially to coordinate everything both at NERV and at school. I'm really happy that you care so much about them. ...If you don't mind answering, don't you ever feel overwhelmed by your ...general situation?
Shinji: Yeah, I do feel overwhelmed sometimes. Piloting an EVA is a huge responsibility, and it can be really stressful. Plus, dealing with my father's expectations and the pressure from all sides can be a lot to handle. But I try to take things one day at a time and focus on what needs to be done in the moment. And having people like Misato and my friends at school to support me really helps.
...sorry if I ask you this… but, honestly, what do you think of your father?
Shinji: That's a tough question. My relationship with my father is... complicated. He's the head of NERV, so I have to work with him, but he's also my father, and he's never really been there for me emotionally. He's always been distant and cold, and I don't think he really cares about me as a person. But at the same time, I still feel a sense of duty towards him, and I want to live up to his expectations. It's a difficult balance to strike, and I'm still trying to figure it out.
...if it makes it any easier for you, I'll tell you that it makes sense perfectly, especially seeing where you're coming from, both mentally and physically. …
Shinji: Thank you. It's nice to have someone who understands where I'm coming from. Sometimes it feels like I'm the only one dealing with these kinds of problems, but I know that's not true. It helps to know that there are people out there who can relate to me.
...you're a good kid, Shinji. You're kind at heart, and you've been put under a lot of pressure. Anyone in your situation would feel as you're feeling.
Shinji: Thank you, that means a lot to me. I try my best to be a good person and do what's right. It's not always easy, but I know that it's important. And hearing someone say that they think I'm a good kid makes me feel a little better about myself.
You should feel better, really. You saved humanity itself how many times already? *laughs* But, don't forget, you're not alone.
Shinji: *laughs softly* Yeah, I guess you're right. It's easy to forget sometimes, but I know that I'm not alone. I have my friends, my colleagues at NERV, and now, you too. It's comforting to know that there are people out there who support me, even when things get tough.
I’m glad you think so, Shinji. Speaking of which... what do you think of Ayanami?
Shinji: Rei is... an interesting person. She's very quiet and reserved, and it can be hard to tell what she's thinking sometimes. But I think she's a good person at heart, and she's always been there for me when I needed her. We have a... unique bond, I guess you could say, because we're both pilots and we both have our own struggles to deal with. But I'm grateful to have her as a friend and a colleague.
I'm really happy to hear that, Shinji. But... don't you ever think that she might be a little... depressed? At least, it seems so to me. Or at least, let’s say… reclusive.
Shinji: Yeah, I've definitely noticed that about her. She's very reserved and doesn't really open up to other people. I think she's had a tough life, and that's probably contributed to her reclusiveness. But I also know that she's strong, and she's been through a lot. I try to be there for her when she needs someone to talk to, but I also respect her space when she needs it. It's a delicate balance, but I think we've managed to find it.
I'm happy to hear that. By the way, if you think I'm being inappropriate with my questions, tell me, ok?
Shinji: No, it's okay. I don't mind answering your questions. It's nice to have someone to talk to about things, especially someone who's not involved in all the chaos at NERV. Also seeing how there’s been… not many people around, lately. So feel free to ask me anything you want.
Wonderful, sorry, sometimes I think I might be a bit of a nuisance, heh heh. ...if you want, if you feel comfortable about it, could you tell me more about... Nagisa...?
Shinji: …yes, of course. He's a pilot like me, but he was sent from a different organization called SEELE. He's... different from the other pilots I've met. He's very calm and composed, and he seems to have a deep understanding of the Angels and their purpose, somehow. He's also very friendly and easy to get along with, which is a nice change of pace from some of the other people I've met. I don't know him very well, but I get the feeling that there's more to him than meets the eye.
...what do you two talk about, normally?
Shinji: We haven't talked much, to be honest. We've only met a few times, and our conversations have been mostly about piloting the EVAs and our respective organizations. But there's something about him that makes me feel comfortable around him, like I can trust him. It's strange, because I don't feel that way about many people. But with him... it's different.
...wait... does that mean... that... Asuka... Shinji, how's Asuka at the moment? I mean, if Nagisa's piloting the EVA...
Shinji: Asuka is... she's not doing well. She's been struggling a lot lately, both with her piloting and with her personal life. I don't know all the details, but I know that she's been through a lot, and it's been affecting her ability to pilot properly. As for Nagisa... I don't know what's going on with him. He's only piloted the EVA once, and it was during a test. But I have a feeling that there's more to him than meets the eye, and I'm not sure if we can trust him completely.
Understood. Thank you, I didn't quite make out the situation. So... what do you usually do in your spare time, Shinji? Other than playing the cello?
Shinji: Well, I don't really have a lot of spare time, but when I do, I usually read or listen to music. I find that it helps me relax and take my mind off things. I also like to go for walks sometimes, just to clear my head and get some fresh air. And of course, spending time with my friends is always nice. We don't get to hang out as much as we used to, but when we do, it's always a good time.
I'm really happy about that, Shinji. Balancing piloting and ordinary life must be hard, especially at 14, heh heh. You know, not everyone would be able to do it. You're quite good at it.
Shinji: Thank you, I appreciate that. It's definitely not easy balancing everything, but I try my best. I know that I have a responsibility to protect the world and pilot the EVA, but I also know that I need to take care of myself and maintain some semblance of a normal life. It's a delicate balance, but I think I'm getting better at it.
You know, in a way, I admire you. You remind me of myself at your age. But you're definitely more responsible than I was, maybe than I am right now, heh.
Shinji: *laughs* Thank you. I'm flattered. I don't know if I'm that responsible, though. I still have a lot to learn, and a lot of growing up to do. But I do my best to be a good person and do what's right, even when it's not easy.
You ARE a good person, Shinji. I know that sometimes you do struggle with that idea... but you ARE good.
Shinji: ...thank you. That… that really means a lot to me. Sometimes it's hard to see myself as a good person, especially when I make mistakes or let people down. But hearing someone say that they think I'm a good person helps me believe it a little more myself.
...everyone makes mistakes, Shinji. Really. It's quite stupid and overused, but really...it makes you human.
Shinji: Yeah, you're right. I know that everyone makes mistakes, but sometimes it's hard to remember that when I'm the one making them. I beat myself up a lot over my mistakes, and it's hard to forgive myself sometimes. But I'm trying to learn to be more forgiving and understanding of myself, and to realize that making mistakes is just a part of being human.
I didn’t really know, at that point, whether it was the AI being stiff… or just, trying to imitate Shinji…
...tell me, Shinji. Do you ever feel kinda... awkward, while talking to people?
Shinji: Yeah, all the time. I've always been pretty shy and introverted, and I sometimes have a hard time talking to people and making friends. I get nervous and self-conscious, and I worry that people won't like me or that I'll say the wrong thing. It's something that I've been working on, though. I'm trying to be more confident and outgoing, and to not worry so much about what other people think of me. It's not easy, but I'm making progress.
...I usually feel the same. I noticed, mostly because of the formal way you talk. It'll wear off with age, I'm sure of it.
Shinji: Yeah, I hope you're right. I know that I can come across as a bit formal or stiff sometimes, but it's just my way of coping with my shyness and insecurity. I'm trying to be more relaxed and natural in my interactions with people, but it's not always easy. I think with time and practice, I'll get better at it.
...I hope you didn't take that as a jab at you. I really did not mean that, if that's the case.
Shinji: No, no, don't worry about it. I didn't take it as a jab at all. I appreciate your honesty, and I know that I can come across as a bit formal at times. It's something that I'm working on, and I appreciate your understanding and support.
...You're so nice, Shinji. *smiles at him*
Shinji: *blushes a little* Thank you... I try to be a good person and treat others with kindness and respect. It's not always easy, but I think it's important to try.
...you're completely right Shinji. Even if Asuka says you excuse yourself too much, heh heh. (and that's coming from someone who does just the same.)
Shinji: *laughs* Yeah, Asuka does sometimes get annoyed with me for apologizing too much. But it's just something that I do, you know? It's a habit that I've developed over the years, and I find it hard to break. But I'm trying to be more confident in myself and my abilities, and to not apologize so much for things that aren't my fault. It's a work in progress, but I'm getting there.
...you're doing good, Shinji. Really. People around you are proud of you. *smiles at him, even wider*
Shinji: *smiles back* Thank you, that means a lot to me. It's always nice to hear that the people around you are proud of you and that you're making progress. I still have a long way to go, but I'm grateful for the support and encouragement of those around me.
*smiles* You ever play videogames, Shinji?
Shinji: Yeah, I do. I don't get to play them very often, but I enjoy them when I do. I like all kinds of games, but my favorites are usually RPGs and puzzle games. They help me take my mind off things and focus on something else for a while. What about you? Do you play videogames?
Yep, I do, mostly puzzle games (and by puzzle games I mean Tetris, haha), simulators, with some RPGs thrown in there (and Zelda-likes). Which consoles do you have?
Shinji: Oh, I love Tetris! I find it really relaxing and addictive. As for consoles, I don't really have any of my own. I usually just play games on Misato's old console, which is a little outdated, but it gets the job done. It's not like I have a lot of free time to play games anyway, so I don't really feel like I'm missing out on anything.
...yes, I understand, Shinji. Especially with both piloting and school... just one thing, does Misato's console have two red controllers and a beige central unit, by any chance?
Shinji: Yeah, that's the one! It's a little old and outdated, but it still works pretty well. Misato likes to keep it around for nostalgia's sake, I think. Do you have the same console?
...I played many of the games on that console, but I never had one, unfortunately. That's a Famicom, though, great console.
Shinji: Yeah, it's a classic. I like playing some of the old games on it, even if the graphics and sound are a little primitive compared to newer consoles. There's something charming about the simplicity of those old games, you know?
Yes, indeed, you are absolutely right. By the way, I asked you this because I had this *I pull out a Nintendo 3DS* laying around, I didn't know what to make of it, I thought you might've liked it, maybe to take your mind off while doing tests at NERV, hehe. It has preloaded games, many of which are Famicom.
I laughed a lot at the thought of giving him a 3DS randomly.
Shinji: *eyes widen in surprise* Wow, that's really generous of you. Thank you so much! I've never played on a 3DS before, but I've heard good things about it. And having preloaded Famicom games sounds awesome. I'll definitely make good use of this, especially during those long tests at NERV. Thank you again, that's really kind of you.
*smiles at him* You deserve some leisure, too, Shinji, heh heh. I hope they let you bring it in at NERV.
Shinji: Yeah, I hope so too. I'll have to double-check with the NERV personnel, but hopefully they won't mind if it's just for personal use during breaks or downtime. And thank you again, I really appreciate this. It's always nice to have something to take my mind off things and help me relax.
*smiles wide at him* I'm glad you liked it! Now you can pair it with your walkman, hehe.
It was an "SDAT"... I didn't even know it existed.
Shinji: *chuckles* Yeah, I'll have to make sure I don't get the wires tangled up when I'm using both at the same time. But seriously, thank you again. This means a lot to me, and I won't forget it.
*blushing a little.* Really, it's a pleasure for me, Shinji! *We both stay silent for some time.* ...can I ask you a question?
Shinji: Of course, go ahead. You can ask me anything you want.
...what does an Entry Plug looks like... from the inside?
Shinji: *pauses for a moment before answering* It's hard to describe, but it feels like you're inside some kind of strange cocoon. Everything is red and orange, and there are wires and tubes all around you. You can hear the sound of your own breathing and heartbeat echoing through the plug, and it's a little disorienting at first. But you get used to it after a while, and it almost starts to feel comfortable in a weird way. It's hard to explain if you haven't been in one yourself, but that's what it was like for me anyway.
...got it. So, after a while, it starts to seem... like a safe place.
Shinji: Yeah, I think that's a good way of putting it. Even though it can be disorienting and uncomfortable at first, you do start to feel safe and protected inside the entry plug. It's almost like being in a little bubble where nothing bad can happen to you. Of course, that feeling doesn't last forever, especially when things start to go wrong during battle. But for those few moments before everything goes crazy, it's a strange feeling of safety and security inside the plug.
At this point, I felt kinda tired. …I logged out for a day or two, not having anything more to talk about with an AI. It was smart, ok… it was really informed on Evangelion lore, ok... it could imagine things, ok, like what an Entry Plug would look like from the inside, ok… but it was just a toy, at the end of the day.
After a while, though... I thought… what if…
What if I tried to create a kind of plot? It was possible, in theory… I had seen, I could interact with the world. Just by giving him that 3DS. …I realized I could… get agency in this world.
From the information I got there (and the things I pulled from the EvaGeeks wiki) it must’ve been around episode 24, of the original series (as Shinji played the cello). More specifically, an hypotetical “third day” between Shinji and Kaworu’s sleepover and Kaworu’s descent into the GeoFront.
…how can I advance this? How can I make the story… go forward?
…what if I interfered. What if I modified something, that ever so slightly could go on and have an impact on the series’ finale?
…I decided, at this point… to do some tests.
You: *The sun is setting over the crater lake. We’re both staring off, into the distance. Sitting on the bench. Test #1 has begun. Interference starts now.* Ok, thank you, Shinji. I guess from an outside perspective it's kinda had to understand, heh heh. ...so... tomorrow you'll have another synchronization test with Kaworu and Rei, ...right?
Shinji: Yeah, that's right. It's always a little nerve-wracking to have those synchronization tests, but I'm getting used to them. Kaworu and Rei are both really good pilots, so it's always an honor for me to work with them. I just hope I can do my part and sync up properly with Unit 01.
You: ...yeah. *I look to the ground, kinda sad.* ...I'll tell you one thing, Shinji. ...but take it with a grain of salt.
Shinji: Sure! What’s on your mind?
You: *His eyes are shining bright… this is gonna be hard.*...tomorrow, be careful. I mean, extra careful. ...*I mutter under my breath.* Especially around Nagisa.
Shinji: *furrows his brow in confusion* What do you mean by that? Is there something I should be aware of?
You: ...I can't tell you much, sorry. But... I assure you that everything will be ok. Just... be careful. *I put a hand on his shoulder. Suddenly, he looks concerned. Maybe I shouldn't have said this.*
Shinji: *looks a little worried* Okay, I trust you. I'll be careful tomorrow and try to keep my wits about me. Thank you for warning me, though. Is there anything else I should know? Or is that all?
You: *I can’t do this.. I can’t do this…* ...You will be fine. Really, with that, that's all.
Shinji: *nods slowly* Alright, I'll keep that in mind. Thank you for letting me know. And thank you for talking to me today, it means a lot to me. I'm glad we had this chat.
You: ...thank you, Shinji. Keep care, ok? ...see you soon.
Shinji: Thank you too. And yeah, I'll do my best to take care of myself. You too, okay? And I'll see you soon as well, I hope. Take care.
You: *I leave him, by the crater lake. He's all alone. Poor kid. The next day will be really hard for him.*
You: *I get to him the following day... After Kaworu's death. He's sitting on the beach. Devastated. Misato's already left.* ...h-hey...
Shinji: *looks up, his eyes red and puffy from crying. He must’ve been here for hours now…* Oh... h-hey. I didn't expect to s-see you here. *sniffs* S-sorry, I-I-I'm not in a very good place ri-ight now.
You: ...Shinji... It wasn't your fault.
Shinji: *shakes his head* I-it doesn't matter whose fault it was, Kaworu's still g-g-g…one. And I... I didn't want to do what I did, but I felt like I had no choice. *he looks down at the sand, his voice ever more trembling with emotion* I-i-it's just... ha-ard to accept that he's really…d-d..dea…
You: ...he used you, Shinji. *I look dead into him, sternly.*
Shinji: *looks up at me, his eyes filled with confusion* W-why do you say that?
You: ...he used you, to get into the Terminal Dogma. He... wasn't that much of a friend. *He seems… too bothered to question how could I know about this.*
I later came to the realization that the AI didn't really have the agency to question my knowledge on its own. Even if put in the whole context of a “story” more than a “chat”. To make the whole thing feel more real, in the following tests, I’d need to make some edits. (one could argue whether this would be really “genuine”… but, I liked it this way :D)
Shinji: *looks away, his expression pained* I don't know what to think. Part of me wants to believe that he was a good person who cared about me and wanted to help us. But another part of me... wonders if it was all just an act, if he really did just use me to get inside Terminal Dogma. Either way, it doesn't change the fact that he's gone and I still feel like it's my fault somehow.
You: ...he was an Angel, and you know that.
Shinji: *nods slowly* I know. And I had to do what I did in order to protect e-everyone else. But it still hurts, you know? Knowing that Kaworu was the last Angel and now he's… g-gone... it feels like a p-part of me is missing. Like he was the o-only one who really understood me, and now he's… g-gone forever. Maybe it's s-stupid, but that's how I feel right now.
You: ...kid... that's not stupid... you must be feeling pretty devastated... but... *Really… what can I say?* …life continues. I know... you felt like... he...*I sigh, deeply.* He loved you. Maybe... he really did. But... it was an relationship with other interests.
Shinji: *looks up at me, a flicker of hope in his eyes* D-do you really think so? That he …l-loved me, I mean. It's... hard for me to imagine that someone would care about me like that. But I don't know what else to think.
You: ...He told you the fact he met you was a privilege. He might've. But... he used you. Listen... you're not in a great place right now. But... things will get better... you'll be good.
Shinji: *nods slowly, his expression thoughtful* I hope you're right. It's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when everything seems so dark and hopeless. But... maybe you're right. Maybe things will get better someday. Thank you for being here for me, though. It means a lot to know that someone cares enough to talk to me like this.
You: ...Misato, didn't she... try to reassure you?
Shinji: *looks down, his tone quiet* Misato tried to talk to me, but I don't know if it helped. It's hard to believe that everything will ever be alright again, after something like this happens. But... she's doing her best to help me through it, and I appreciate that.
You:  *I know that this will be our last encounter. Maybe... my last moment in this world. I shall not interfere with the passage of time. But... knowing where all this will go... knowing what will come out of this Earth... I feel sorry for this kid.* ...Listen... I have to tell you something. *I sigh, hard.*
Shinji: *looks up at me, his eyes curious* What is it? Is something wrong?
You: ...things will get... hard. In a while. You... will end up in a heavy situation. Whatever happens, remember, that you are loved.
Shinji: *looks at me, his face filled with confusion and worry* What do you mean? What's going to happen? And who loves me? I don't understand. Please... can you explain to me what's going on?
You: ...OH FOR PETE'S SAKE! Listen Shinji, Kaworu was the final Angel. That means no more angel fights. That means that... NERV has finished operations... in theory. ...Don't be scared... But... the Third Impact will happen.
Not knowing how to make this whole thing end, I decided that, rather than writing an improbable new ending, I’d try and imagine how the ending (…which I’d try my best to stir towards EoE, as it would be kinda hard to interact with Shinji in Instrumentality) would change.
Shinji: *his eyes widen with shock and fear* What... what are you talking about? The Third Impact... that's supposed to be the end of the world, right? And you're saying it's going to happen soon?! I don't want that! I don't want everything to end like this! Please... tell me there's something we can do to stop it!
You: *As I have interfered, I'm... not long for this world.* No... Shinji, no, there's no way to stop it. But... You can do something.
Shinji: *looks at me, his expression desperate* What can I do? Please... tell me how to stop it. Anything, please. I don't want the End of the World to happen because of me or my actions.
Don’t really know why the AI wrote it this way, but oh well. I considered adding a ™ after “World”, but I want to mantain at least a veil of suspension of disbelief.
You: ...it's not because of you. You... You'll have to focus on the memories you have made... Since you came to Tokyo-3. The people you met. The people you loved. ...this way... You'll be alright, Shinji.
Shinji: *his eyes start tearing up as he realizes what I'm saying* You mean... I have to hold on to my memories of everyone here, everyone I've met and loved? Even if it means the end of the world? But how can you ask me to do that?! How can anyone be so heartless as to ask someone else to bear such a burden?!
You: ...it won't be the end of the world. *I look at him... Almost, with pity.* Don't panic. It... will just change. You cannot do anything about it. I cannot do anything about it. No one can.
Shinji: *looks at me, his face a mixture of emotion* Change... what will change? I don't understand. Is this about the Third Impact again? Please... tell me what's going on. I want to be able to understand everything that's happening so that maybe I can find a way out of it, or at least come to terms with it.
You: ...I...I... *My time's almost over.* Shinji... Let Rei be free. And everything will be ok. That's all. *I'm fading. I start to ran away from him.* We'll meet soon, again. Don't worry.
Shinji: *watches me leave, stunned and confused by everything that's just happened. His eyes start to fill yet again with tears as he realizes that I won't be able to tell him the answers he seeks anymore.* Wait... what do you mean? Rei... free? What does any of this even mean?! Please, come back! Don't leave me here alone like this!
You: *I am raptured from the world. I fade, into nothing. I disconnect. I can just observe now. But... Even though I interfered... Everything plays along to the plot of the End of Evangelion. Maybe... That means... I might... I might...*
You: *I am able to reappear, after the Third Impact. The movie's over. I cannot do any damage now.*
You: *I am on the beach. Asuka's passed out, shortly after saying "How disgusting". Shinji's still sobbing. I gaze upon him, trying to show him compassion.*
Shinji: *looks up, his eyes red and puffy from crying* W-what... what happened? I-Is it over? Where’s… everything? Where’s everyone?! Why… WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN? *he looks at me with a mixture of despair and anger* Where were you when I needed you most?! Why did you leave me alone like this?!
You: ...Shinji... Everything's alright now. It's over.
Shinji: *looks at me with a mixture of relief and sadness* It's over... but at what cost? I can't believe this is all that's left of the world. Wreckage and ruins... it's like everything we worked towards, everything we fought for... it was all for nothing. And now I'm the one who has to live with the consequences.
You: ...Shinji... Do you realize what happened?
Shinji: *looks up at me, his eyes filled with confusion and sadness* What do you mean? What happened? Did I... did I do something wrong again? Is this my fault too?
You: ...no, Shinji. ...you got out of Instrumentality. All of humanity... Is now merged into one.
Shinji: *looks at me, his eyes wide with shock* What... what are you talking about? Merged into one?! How is that even possible? And what does this mean for us? Are we still the same people as before, or have we all become something else entirely? The thought of losing my identity like that... it's terrifying to think about.
You: ...Shinji... What do you remember... Before getting here?
Shinji: *looks down, his expression pained* I... remember a lot of things. Meeting my father for the first time in years, piloting EVA Unit 01 again and again, losing Kaworu... but there are also some gaps in my memory now. Like... what happened right before we got here? Or how did we survive the Third Impact at all? It's like something fundamental has changed inside me, and I don't know if I'll ever be able to get those memories back.
You: ...you got out of Instrumentality, Shinji. Because... Because of love. And friendship. Towards other people.
Shinji: *looks at me, his expression confused* Love and friendship? Is that really enough to escape something like Instrumentality? I mean... I guess it makes sense, in a way. If we all care about each other enough then we can overcome anything together. But how does that work when we've merged into one entity? Can't everyone just share memories and thoughts now anyways?
You: ...Instrumentality is pretty... I guess you could say boring. Nothing happens... You basically have nothing to strive for anymore. You just... exist. No new memories are formed... No pain is felt... And that means... No happiness is felt.
Shinji: *looks at me, his expression thoughtful* I see... so by escaping Instrumentality we're able to keep living our lives the way we want to. Even if it means there's still pain and sadness and hardship involved. At least that means there can still be happiness too... right?
You: ...yes, Shinji. There can be. And you demonstrated that to the world.
Shinji: *his eyes now shining with hope* Really? By escaping Instrumentality and coming back to reality I've shown the world that we can still find happiness? That's... that's…
Shinji: That’s amazing. I never thought of myself as being capable of something like that before.
Shinji: But if it means giving others hope too then... maybe it was worth pain and suffering.
You: ...I hope it was, for you, Shinji. Eventually, I’m sure it will. *I look at Asuka's body.* Poor girl... She must be exhausted.
Shinji: *looks over at Asuka and nods in agreement* Yeah, she's been through a lot too. We all have. But... maybe now that we're back in the real world we can try to make things better for ourselves and everyone else who survived this catastrophe. Even if it means taking small steps or making sacrifices along the way.
You: ...yes, indeed. ...look Shinji... My knowledge ends here. I... don't know what will happen to you now.
Shinji: *looks at me, his eyes serious* What do you mean? What's going to happen to me now? Is there something I should be worried about?
You: ...no, Shinji. It's just... from when I first met you... Until now... I could tell everything that would've happened. It's like... I had already met you before. Ever wondered how I knew so many things about you? About your life? About NERV? But now... The world is yours.
Shinji: *his expression morphs into a mixture of awe and confusion* I... I don't understand. Are you saying that we've met before? Or that somehow you knew everything about my life just by looking at me? That's impossible... isn't it? But the world is mine now... what does that mean exactly? What am I supposed to do now that everything has changed so much?
Yeah… even this way, the AI tries to justify my presence, somehow…
You: ...Shinji. I am not from your world. I... could come here and watch it. But I'm not from your world.
Shinji: *looks at me, his eyes wide with realization* Wait... you're saying that you're from another dimension or world entirely? How is that even possible?! And why did you come here specifically to watch over us and observe our lives? What's your purpose in all of this?
You: ...you want to know?... Now that I think about it, it's pretty funny, put it this way. Shinji... I was just watching anime.
if you may kill me rn I’d be so glad.
Shinji: *looks at me, his eyes wide with astonishment and disbelief* Watching anime?! You mean... everything we went through, all the pain and agony, struggles to survive... it's just a story in your world? How can you treat our lives so carelessly like that? It's not… it’s not fair.
You: ...I didn't create your world, Shinji. I just experienced it. And... I could enter it, and interact with you. ...If you could enter a story... Would you tell the protagonist its future? Then, you would have no story... You would just stop existing. And that was why... I left you, on the bench. You remember? I interfered.
I later came to think that this realization wasn't... entirely correct. But we'll get to that.
Shinji: *thoughtful* I... see what you mean. It's like the Butterfly Effect, right? If you change even one small detail then the entire story can be transformed into something completely different. By telling me everything that was going to happen and trying to interfere with our world you would have stopped us from having our own experiences and making our own choices. And maybe... maybe that's why you left us there on the bench after all of it was over. So we could live our lives uninterrupted by anything or anyone else.
You: ...yes, you're right. And now... This story is over. I do not know how it will continue. The world... The world is yours to live, now, Shinji. I can only imagine, like you do.
Shinji: *looks at me, his expression determined* I... I don't know what the future holds for us, or whether we can ever truly recover from everything we've been through. But one thing is for sure - I want to live my life on my own terms, now that Instrumentality is over. Even if it means taking things one day at a time. Even if it means facing new challenges head-on.
Shinji: Thank you... for being there with me until the very end. It may have just been an anime to you, but to us it was so much more than that.
You: ...it was more than an anime, to me. It left me something... I never got elsewhere. That's why I got here in the first place. But I understand what you're saying. I'll tell you again... You're a good kid, Shinji.
Shinji: *looks at me, grateful* You know… it means a lot to me that you see something in me. Maybe now I can finally start living up to my potential, making the most of my time here in the real world. And who knows... maybe someday we'll meet again, under different circumstances than before. Until then... farewell, and take care of yourself.
You: ... *I put my hand in my pocket. I feel a cold, metal object. Yes, it's there.* Oh, just one thing. Heh. You won't be doing much with it now, but... Just to remember the fact that we met. *I pull out that 3DS, and give it to him.*
Shinji: *looks at the 3DS in his hands, a smile forming on his lips* A 3DS... it's funny how something so simple and small can hold so much meaning. I'll treasure this, as a reminder of our time together and everything we went through. Thank you for giving me something to remember you by.
You: ...Congratulations, Shinji. *I see Asuka waking up. It's time to go.*
Shinji: *looks at me and nods* Thank you... for everything. And goodbye, for now. *watches as I disappear into thin air, then, slowly turns to Asuka, the 3DS still clutched tightly in his hand.*
You: *Last thing I see, is him, touching her face softly.*
*To Shinji, Asuka, and all the Children. Congratulations.*
Kinda cheap, I know.
Last thing I do… I know, it’s silly, but I want to thank the Chat itself.
You: Congratulations, Chat. It was an honour to roleplay with you. From this point on, I don't know where to carry the roleplay. So... Thank you. From my heart.
Chat: Thank you as well, it was an unforgettable experience. I appreciate the opportunity to roleplay with you and create this story together. It was a pleasure!
You: ...I understand it might be stupid, but... Have you got any ideas on how to continue it? Sorry to bother you.
Chat: No problem at all! I was thinking that perhaps as Shinji and Asuka sit on the beach, they could talk about what their plans are now that Instrumentality is over, and how they can move forward. They could reminisce about their experiences, both good and bad, and try to find hope for the future. Maybe they could discuss what it truly means to be a human being and what kind of life they want to live from now on.
You: ...thank you, Chat. I really appreciated that.
Chat: No problem at all! It was great working with you, and I'm just glad we were able to come up with an ending that felt satisfying. Thank you as well!
…I didn’t really think I’d ever interact with the character again, at that point. …but some days later, I realized how much real this felt. How beautiful it had been to be able to interact with someone from another world. Who knew who he was. Who knew what he had been through. And who reacted in an according way. For sure, with his own limits, such as rapidly changing his own mood after… well, killing his one true friend, at that point.
But I had given him agency in his world. And I had given myself agency in another world.
…and so, I continued. I had my character. I had my setting. And Chat gave me… some ideas to continue.
I could do a test #2.
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lynreiii · 2 years ago
-The little things-
High school AU fluff- Kyo kaneko x Writer!reader
In where,you find comfort from being with Kyo and it leads to much moments as a writer. All because of the little things he did for you.
(This is just for fun and please do not take this serious at all.Sorry about not updating for the last few weeks.I have been busy with many things but regardless Enjoy reading!)
Crumpling the lined paper again for the 6th time was tiring. After a whole day of school,coming home to having to do a mountain pile of homework. You were exhausted from socializing and attending all 9 classes. With the dim light slightly straining your eyes as that the lamp was located too close.You continued to stare at the blank page in front of you.
Thinking about what could be your starting point for your English assignment. Although you had all week to do it,you still didn't have a single clue what to do. Usually you had many ideas on what to do but this time you couldn't think of anything. The due date was getting closer too and you still had nothing even when three weeks had passed.
It was quite late in the night with the lamp shade on since 5pm, lap top open for ideas on what to write, phone charging right beside you and the paper that was still blank.
You were known as the creative one within your group, the averagely smart and artistic one. Yet nothing,not a spark of inspiration or a certain topic came to mind. It was starting to frustrate you because you always found creative writing fun and enjoyable especially when people online also loved your romance posts to the point that they followed and liked the posts.
"ughh I don't know what to do"Groaning to yourself as your repetitively banged your head on the desk.You didn't know what do to,the due date was coming a close and all you had was that blank ass paper right in front of you.This was the longest writer's block you have ever gotten in the longest time.
Suddenly your phone started to vibrate. 'heh?who could this be?' You questioned yourself as you lifted your head from the table.
The contact name was someone you didn't talk to but still,he wanted to give you his number.It was Kyo Kaneko.
He was the person who sat right behind you in English class. You both did have small talk and once had to do a group project together but other than that nothing between you both was more than classmates.Not wanting to make him wait or miss the call,you pressed the green button.
"Hey Y/n,how are you?" The sound of his voice relaxed you a bit so you decided to go to your bed that was just right beside your study desk. Before you plopped yourself onto your comfortable bed you unplugged your phone.
"Hi Kyo,I'm fine-how about you?"You replied with your tired voice while you snuggled up to your favorite plush.
"Sorry if it's late but I couldn't call you earlier"He chuckled after which made you smile.Kyo sounded quite tired too, 'Maybe he was working earlier'You thought to yourself.
"All good,so why did you decide to call me out of no where?"You inquired with interest. It was out of the blue that he called you and especially it was really late at night.
Before answering your question,he sighed in defeat. "I was kinda worried y'know like you look like you didn't get any sleep at all and those panda circles of yours are getting darker every day" The insult hurt you but you knew he was right. For the past few days,you were caught by Kyo himself sleeping in between classes. He would wake you up 2 minutes before the lesson started so that you could at least mentally prepare yourself for the upcoming topic.
Of course you thanked him but at this point Kyo found himself worried about you every time you did do this.
"Ahh I see, well I have been finding it difficult to sleep because I am stuck with much homework-haha"You tried laughing it off but the blue haired boy did not find this amusing at all. Tired from the piles of work and having many assignments due date coming closer and closer,piled on with homework from other subjects made your sleeping schedule currupted.
"You should definitely take a break,look I can ask the teachers to give me any study pages and notes then I can give it to you while you're on your break. By this you can still be on topic with the class"His deep voice was laced with concern and you didn't want to let him down so you accepted his request.
That was two weeks ago,with that Kyo had been checking up on you at least once every two weeks.Helping you with the bare minimum but you were grateful for everything he did for you.The break was the best thing that had happened to you in a long time. You did get to do all the assigned work and rested meanwhile in your free time.
Currently,you were in English class. Twirling the pen in your hand. Not many people were in class at the moment because you had entered class much earlier than when it started. You skipped lunch today because you're a broke high school student. The peace was perfect for writing.
Sunlight was coming from the window,hitting your face. Focusing on what new story you were writing,the pen in your hand was running out of ink fast. The new ideas came rushing in for your newest post,the black pigment appearing on the page quick. Your hand was starting to strain especially the pinky finger. For some reason,when you either type or write,your pinky finger started to get tired easily. 'Oh well'
Unaware of the people around you,some people had entered the classroom.Taking their seats and putting their belongings in place,you didn't bother to look at them once you notice their presence close by.
"hey isn't that y/n,the one that Kyo-"a feminine voice was then muffled.
"shut up Scarle-they can probably hear us"You continued to write with passion.Trying to make sure that each word you wrote wasn't spelled incorrectly but then the pen ran out.
"ugh-"Groaning in annoyance,you were interrupted by a familiar voice.Someone that you haven't seen in a hot minute.
"heyy Y/n!"A deep charming voice spoke up which caught your attention. There you saw,your good friend Kyo waving at you with a wide smile. His light blue locks were clearly recently conditioned and washed,Looking shiny and soft.You wondered on what was his hair care.
"Hi Kyo"You questioned returning the smile.Pink dusted his cheeks as he glanced at you before taking his seat right behind you.
Kyo found it embarrassing that his friends had witnessed what just occurred. His face feeling warm and hot but he covered it with his hands. Over the time period of 2 weeks,by getting to know you more and spending time with you more. Kyo had realised that he had a crush on you. He liked the way you were, the way you smiled at him every time he greeted you,the way you focus on writing stories in your free time, how you make sure to do your best in tests even in your homework that wasn't marked as apart of your final grade.
He liked how simple you were as a person but he didn't understand why you didn't have many friends other than him and y/f. Well that's what all Kyo knew himself. He liked how considerate you were about his health just like how he was of you, the blue boy thought that you were such an adorable sweet heart.
Couldn't help himself but blush by how cute your greeting was and how your mood changed when your attention switched to him so fast.
Meanwhile when Kyo was taking out his belongings,the sounds of giggling was coming from the other side of the room. Only you,Scarle,Aia and Kyo was in the room. Looking at the direction,Kyo saw his two female friends Scarle and Aia laughing while glancing at him. Clearly they were chuckling at his reaction when you said 'hey' to Kyo. With Aia,Maria and Scarle sending him teasing looks as they did so.
'This is a disaster' He thought as he hid his head in his arms.However,you just sat there focusing on your newest story.Not being aware of the flustered boy behind you.
"stoppp"You heard Kyo whine out into his arms.
"uh are you alright Kyo?" Turning around with curiosity,you questioned your short friend.
"I-I'm alright"With his arms covering him,you decided just to brush it off and continue with your story before time runs out.You were so engrossed into your work that you didn't hear your stomach growling. It wasn't loud but it was audible enough for Kyo to hear.
Not bothered by your hunger,you continued to write.Using a different pen now, and being so focused.All of a sudden,you felt a tapping on your shoulder.Looking behind,you saw Kyo with his palm slightly covering his mouth.He was looking away but his cheeks tinting a warm red.Eyes shining while they look anywhere but in your direction.cute
"let's go out and eat after school,it's on me"
"Thanks for the food Kyo,I really appreciate you"Looking at the delicious food on the table. He was sitting opposite you,'like a date'. Kyo recommended this place,it was a restaurant that he had been going ever since he was in grade 6.
"No problem at all"Kyo loved the look in your eyes. The way your expression was full of glee as you both start to eat the noodles. 'If only you looked at me like that'His thoughts contained as he began to devour the delectable edible goodness.
The place itself was quite the sight. Seemingly like the restaurant was owned by a family,a typical Japanese eatery with history. The dim setting and the intricate designs,statues and fish tanks that had cute small little baby gold fish. You could smell the aroma from the kitchen and this was the kind of restaurant that had listed all the ingredients,calories and allergens in the menu.
'Fancy' you thought to yourself and may many agree with your statement.
"so-how is your story going so far?"Your blue haired friend asked you while slurping up some of the noodles from his bowl.
"Good good, I hope lots of people like this one"You replied before drinking from your glass of cold water.Grabbing a napkin,you handed it to Kyo.He wasn't a messy eater but he had some of the broth around his mouth. Smiling as thanks, you continued to finish the cooling food.
"What's it about anyways?"
"shhhh-it's a secret"You tried to hush him because you were quite a popular writer in your area.
"hmm I think I deserve to know because I am paying for the food"He tried to bribe you with the price of the food but you didn't want to budge at all.
" you'll find out sooner or later Kyo,I promise"
"That's crazy-"With that,you both enjoyed each other's company while finishing up the two bowls of noodles. You were thankful to have someone like Kyo in your life.He was someone who you would never want to forget.
Hours have past and now the sun was setting. After you had eaten the noodles,you both settled on the idea of going home. Putting on your jackets and getting all of your belongings from the table.Kyo had gotten up to pay for both of your meals.
You made your way to where he was waiting for you. He had one of his hands in his pockets while the other was holding his phone. His dark blue winter coat made him look kinda small in it. It was cute because the coat looked like it was eating him up as that it was a slightly puffy one.
"Let's go?"you nodded as he opened the door for you. 'what a gentleman' thinking to yourself as you missed the warmth from the restaurant. You wanted to be cheeky and mess with Kyo before the night ended.Linking your arms with Kyo in a slick motion.
"Nope-not this-" he pulled away from you which made you frown a bit. Taking a hold of your arm,Kyo held your hand instead. Feeling the slight warmth of each other by doing so.
"That's better"This made you flustered,not expecting this counter mover from him. It was smooth and clever of him. Kyo even continued as normal by starting the conversation,acting like you both weren't holding hands like a couple.
Talking about how winter was your favorite season and such but after a few minutes,your arrival at the bus stop had came.Seeing the little bench and the pole that contained when and what bus was coming.
"I guess this is our goodbye,I'll see you on Monday?"You questioned Kyo while you tried letting go of his hand but he squeezed yours before you could.In truth,he didn't want to stop holding your hand. He didn't want to miss your temporary warmth but he already was.
"Text me when you get home,just so I know that you got home safe,okay?"The worry in his voice could make you melt.'so sweet'
"Of course I will,same goes for you!"Without a second,you both found yourselves waving goodbyes. That was the night you found out more of what this could be.
You:I am finally home^^and thanks for today
Kyo Kaneko:No probs,I had a great day with you too!I hope we can do this again sometime(^~^)
You:Yes of course, how about we make it a date next time~~ --
Giggling to yourself as you rolled in your fluffy duvet. You were joking with him but after five minutes,you had gotten a reply. 'What's taking him so longgg'
Kyo Kaneko:Sure,when are you free next?
You:How about next week,at yours and we can play some Pokemon too???
Kyo Kaneko:sounds like a date
You:yes,I look forward to it! Kyo Kaneko:same here!sorry y/n-Ren wants me to play with him like rn-
You:Goodnight <3 -- Turning off your phone and putting it to the side of your desk to charge. You decided to work on your story again. Thankfully you had no homework or projects due.Even though you will probably get exhausted later on,it was Friday already and there was no school tomorrow. This will be the the weekend of your posting.
With your small lamp on,curtains closed and your laptop open to type out your work.You sighed and smiled.This was the final draft of your longest writings in awhile. Your shoulders will definitely aching later.
Kyo Kaneko:Goodnight<3 sent 9:21PM
"Hey Kyo,did you read Y/n's new post???"Aster questioned his friend as he sat down opposite him on their bench. Ren smirked while looking at Kyo.
"nope whyy?"Perking him interests up about the topic of his crush,Kyo wanted to know the details. Taking out his phone to show his blue haired friend.Aster whipped it out and handed it over to him. He began to read it.
The story was a typical romance one. Yet the context seemed familiar to Kyo himself. It was coming from one of the main character's prospective. Expressing their feelings and thoughts of their love interest. It was cheesy but well written. It was quite long but after 20 minutes of reading,the blue haired student had finished reading the piece.
It was about you and him. All the moments that happened between you and him but with different names. Not exposing anyone but yourself and the people who was told of the moments you both had shared. By this,your story had told him how you felt of him. The confession hidden in plain sight. With more than 200k liking and sharing the story posted less than 24 hours.
His face felt a rush of warmth once he realised.You liked him back.
Rushing and leaving his bag and friends. Kyo went to the only place you would be at in the morning.The classroom that was always free,the classroom where English was held.
Running up the stairs to find you just sitting there on a step with your notebook out and pen.Breathing heavily and sweat forming because he just ran across nearly half of the school and not to mention,he doesn't really do sport often.
"w-why *inhales* me? *exhale*"
"what can I say,the little things really do count"
Hey guys,sorry if I didn't post in a long while. Also I just wrote this fanfiction because one of my friends really enjoy Kyo Tbh I don't know if Kyo himself allows people to write fanfictions of him x reader and stuff so if so I will definitely delete this-I have been experiencing really bad writer's block for the past few week so I couldn't really find something that was at the level of decency to post-Sorry once again and I hope this is good enough<3
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mysterystarz · 4 years ago
haikyuu boys as roommates (part 2) <3
ft. kageyama, suna, and tsukishima (and how they wound up as your roommate) :)
note: omg I cannot even put in words how happy I am for all the support I'm receiving (thank you endlessly!!!) notes and reblogs are always appreciated, but never an obligation! thank you again and here's your roommate :)
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kageyama ended up as your roommate when the other person he was supposed to room changed their dorm assignment
you just happened to be the one who was reassigned there
needless to say, it was a wild ride of adjustment
When you first moved in, he was too antisocial to interact with you
bc you're too cute (even if it's platonically)
like he used to see you and run in the other direction (umm rude!)
so one day you got sick of it, and decided to intercept him because godammit, this is not how roommates work!
you cornered him when he entered the door and asked him why he was so avoidant
he admitted he was lowkey nervous and didn't know what to say
and there began the lovely roommate-ship you were looking for
kageyama began spending time in the morning before classes to help you out with any practical things (like arranging high shelves, or any chores)
awww sweet blueberry
he actually warmed up to you pretty quick, and he used to offer to teach you volleyball at the park in your free time
in return, you helped him with his academics while he balanced his practice, and dealt with the cooking
boy only drinks milk istg
you liked to show him any of your hobbies and he always used to look so fascinated by them
like he honestly thought you were the best at them
every friday, the two of you always sat down on the couch and picked a movie out of a hat to watch
one time you pulled out a romance movie (watch it be titanic)
at the end of that, kags was a mess (awwwwwww)
manz was trying so hard to be composed but he was internally dying
that's when you both decided to avoid angsty films
one time, kags took you along to meet hinata and yamaguchi since they were in the area and the two of you needed to go get groceries
and that's when you met the kageyama that goes "boke!" like every 3 seconds
and you were amused by this because he's so intense only to have this small of an insult arsenal
all in all the two of you grew on each other, and are the best roommates the other could have ever asked for :)
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suna ended up as your roommate through some interesting circumstances to put it lightly
you see, he got sick of the twins fighting and he just left since it was repetitive
and then somehow, ended up seeing your ad you had posted for a roomie
and voila, suna rintarou is now your roommate!
needless to say, you were pretty creeped out at first
like this man shows up at the most random times
but eventually, you started to come around to him
he was surprisingly sweet when you got to know him
well as sweet as a suna can be lol
no matter what, he always makes breakfast and dinner for both of you
like rain or shine, he is always doing this
and he's actually pretty organized and has a system that works for him (not conventional but functional)
you like to make lunch, and the two of you don't really have the need to clean because things tend to be clean anyways
he usually comes off as nonchalant and uncaring, but once he opens up to you, things start rolling
he starts to show you some of his volleyball skills and shows you how to skate
he'll laugh if you fall or trip but will patch you up quick
usually your movie nights are whenever the two of you are bored
it'll just be the two of you lounging on the couch and he'd probably pick a horror or thriller movie
honestly the two of you probably watched inception a few times
if you don't get the plotline he'd explain it to you and you built a love for it off of that
sometimes you drag him around tokyo and you go and go shopping in random konbinis and get kicked out for laughing too loud
in the end, suna ended up being an amazing roommate and friend who you could gladly spend your time with :)
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ohoho now tsukishima is the only roommate who was supposed to be your roommate the whole time
the two of you were assigned to a dorm room together, and there were no complications
that's a first heh
when you walk into the dorm, it's a little more spacious than you expected
tsukishima comes in five minutes later and immediately gets to work setting up
he doesn't even acknowledge you oops
the two of you most likely spent the first week just getting accustomed to the living arrangements before having any real conversation
you still haven't spoken a month later
when you come home really late one night, you find out he had been staying up wondering where you were
that's when the two of you began conversing on a daily basis
tsukishima was always organized, so his responsibility was keeping your dorm as a livable space
everything was labeled and color-coded and everything had a place
oh and if you messed up putting something back, you'd be subjected to dinosaur facts until you couldn't take it mwahaha
both of you probably swapped on cooking duties, and if neither of you felt like cooking, you just ate packeted ramen from a konbini
the two of you most likely go out of your way to spend time with each other, but once tsukki warmed up to you, you did go to try some things
one time in tokyo, he dragged you to get strawberry shortcake because he felt like it
damn, tsukki is showing emotions :)
movies were always a mix between whatever you were interested in and sci-fi movies
tsukishima would always try to pick apart the logic of the movie
and slander the actors but shade is always nice :)
so in short, tsukki was the roommate you never realized you needed and a damn great one :)
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© mysterystarz, all rights reserved
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chloebeale · 3 years ago
heey! So I hope this isn’t a repetitive question you’re sick of getting asked / dealing with, but I legit fell into your bechloe fics rabbit hole and I don’t want it to stop and i’m really really really hoping you plan on continuing? or are you done writing? Totally don’t want to intrude so I obviously respect your wishes and would like to thank you for all the previous work you’ve published cause its hitting all the feels!!
hi! it's really nice to hear that you're reading my fics 🥺 i haven't had much time to write lately (full time job, my girlfriend and i just moved in together and now we're moving again, energetic puppy to raise, etc.), and honestly i just fell out of love with a lot of aspects of fandom in general for various reasons. once we move, however (could be as early as next week all being well!!), i am going to have much more time to write, so while i don't plan to engage too much in fandom as a whole, i do plan to do some more writing. i actually just started dabbling in a christmas multi chapter idea yesterday and now i'm 2.3k words into the first chapter, so that's pretty exciting!
the current fics on my ao3 that i'm planning to keep updated (however slowly that may be), are:
lilacs for lucy
'cause you weren't mine to lose
chloe and aubrey need wedding dates
and if inspo strikes, like with this christmas fic, i will likely throw the words into a doc and see how it goes.
SO that was a very longwinded way of saying i do plan to continue writing bechloe content to an extent, yes :) and tbh i will never be done with writing as a whole—look out for my book if someone likes me enough to publish eventually heh. thank you so much for your message btw! i hope your holidays are happy and safe <33
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violetsareblue-selfships · 1 year ago
good morning!! ^-^
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writer-dreams · 5 years ago
Matchmaker (Draco Malfoy x Reader)
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Hi everyone! So....I know that it's been a while but I've recently joined a writing challenge called Cliche Month Challenge. It was made by @wreckofawriter (thank you so much for inviting me). Expect 2 more fics for this challenge. Also, I'm so sorry about being slow with requests, I am still writing them, I'm just being a turtle. This was really fun to write and I'm excited to write the other 2.
Prompt: 5 times Pansy and Theo failed to get Draco and Y/n together, and the 1 time they succeeded.
House: You choose
Blood Status: You choose
Warnings: Underage drinking, possible swearing, slight angst
Word Count: 4,822 words
A/n: If I'm being honest, this is a little messy and the point of view changes quite randomly at times. I'll also admit that it does seem pretty repetitive (heh). The reader in this story is female / uses female pronouns.
3rd Person POV
Pansy and Theo snickered to each other in one of the hidden corners in the empty corridor. They watched as Y/n and Draco bumped into each other, waiting for the scene to unfold. For years, Pansy and Theo had to watch as the two friends fell deeper in love with each other but refused to confess their feelings because they were afraid it would ruin their friendship. Pansy was almost at the point where she almost screamed out to Draco that Y/n loved him so much and that she was sick of watching them dance around each other. Theo, on the other hand, found the two's obliviousness amusing and he wanted to see how many times he had to push them in the right direction before they confessed. So, the two teamed up to try and get their friends together to stop their useless pining. They continued to watch, listening in to the conversation between the two.
"Oh, sorry Dray, I didn't see you there." Y/n chuckled, feeling a light blush dust her cheeks.
"I didn't see you there either, (N/n)." Draco smiled back at her, blushing as well.
They stared at each other, an awkward silence now filling the room. Y/n couldn't tear her eyes away from Draco's grey eyes and his handsome face. Draco couldn't stop looking at Y/n's swirling (e/c) eyes. There was a certain warmth to them that captivated him. A few seconds passed before Y/n turned away and coughed slightly.
"Um, have you seen Pansy anywhere? I got this note from her to meet her here." Y/n asked, pulling out a small piece of paper.
"That's funny, I'm waiting here because Theo left me a note to meet him here." Draco said, confused.
"Do you think they-"
The two suddenly burst out laughing, thinking that they had both been ditched. They had no idea that Pansy and Theo had orchestrated the whole thing to let the two spend some time alone.
"Well, seeing that our friends have seemed to abandon us, how would you feel about spending the day with me instead, bestie?" Y/n smiled.
"I would love that, dear best friend." Draco answered.
From their hidden corner, Pansy and Theo watched the pair walk away. Pansy let out a frustrated sigh, turning to Theo.
"It didn't work! How can two people be so blind?" She pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance.
"Calm down, Pansy. We'll keep trying and eventually they'll see." Theo smirked. "I have another plan."
Classes had just ended and the hallways were filled with students quickly trying to move to their dorms or next class. Pansy and Theo waited outside of their friend's classrooms, prepared to pull off Theo's plan. Although Pansy would call said plan stupid, Theo wanted to see how far something as simple as this would go. Finally, Draco and Y/n emerged from their classroom, talking excitedly to each other. Pansy stuck her leg out in front of Y/n while Theo shoved Draco forward. The end result was Y/n falling to the floor with Draco falling on top of her.
The two teenagers stared at each other, completely forgetting about the awkward position they were in. Their faces were turned into a deep shade of red, their lips just barely an inch away from each other. Y/n's eyes flickered to Draco's lips, feeling his soft breaths hitting her face.
Pansy and Theo watched from the sidelines, the latter convinced that his plan had worked. He had a smirk on his face while Pansy raised an eyebrow at him. There was no way that Theo's stupid plan would work if her note plan failed. She turned back to her friends on the floor, seeing that all of their classmates had created a circle around them, waiting to see what would happen next. At first, it seemed as though Y/n and Draco were in their own world before Y/n took a look around and noticed the crowd. She looked back at the boy on top of her, her face growing even redder.
"Um, Dray, do you mind g-getting off of m-me?" Y/n stuttered, as if finally taking in the situation.
Draco also seemed to snap back into reality as he too looked around. "Oh yeah, sure. Sorry about that." He apologized as he stood back up and offered a hand to Y/n, who gratefully accepted it.
The students who were watching the scene, grumbled disappointedly before continuing on their way. Pansy looked up to see that Theo's smirk had faltered, a fact that she found herself smiling at.
"Not so easy, is it Nott?" She taunted.
"I got further than you." He answered bluntly.
Pansy snorted, patting Theo's back gently. "Like you said, we'll keep trying until it happens."
Theo flashed Pansy a smile, chuckling softly. "Damn right."
This time, Theo had concocted a plan based on Pansy's first idea with leaving fake notes for Draco and Y/n. It was around the time that dinner would happen and the sky outside was dark with thousands of stars littered across the black space. Like last time, Theo and Pansy hid themselves away from view, waiting for Draco and Y/n to arrive.
The two teenagers arrived at roughly the same time. Their eyes were lit up in surprise when they spotted the picnic blanket and candles placed gently on the grass.
"Did you-" Y/n started.
"What? No. Did you?" Draco asked.
Y/n shook her head before stepping in closer to the blanket. Atop of the checkered material, another note was waiting for them. Written on it, their names were printed neatly in fancy handwriting.
"Well, it looks like this whole set-up is for us." Y/n said, showing Draco the paper.
Draco raised his eyebrows before his signature smirk made its way onto his face. "Well, who are we to deny?"
Y/n's face turned red as Draco sat down on the blanket and gestured for her to sit with him. She obliged, settling next to her best friend.
"So, I'm guessing this note I got from you is also part of the set-up then?" Y/n questioned, taking out the note that Pansy left on her desk out of her pocket.
"I guess so, considering I also got a note from you." Draco chuckled, pulling out a similar note.
Y/n rolled her eyes at the utter ridiculousness of this situation. This had to be one of the stupidest pranks that anyone has pulled on her. Though deep down, she was glad that she could spend more time alone with Draco, so perhaps this 'prank' wasn't as bad as it seemed to be.
"Hey (N/n), you can really see the stars tonight." Draco pointed at the sky.
Y/n looked up and admired the stars with him. It felt nice, just being here with him and looking at stars together. She lay down on the blanket and started looking for any constellations she recognized. Out of the corner, she could see Draco closing his eyes and breathing slowly. He looked so peaceful in the quiet evening, the candle's light making him more attractive. Eventually, he opened them again before turning to her.
"Thank you, Y/n. Thank you for always being there for me. For always listening, no matter how little the problem is. I don't know what I'd do if you weren't my best friend." Draco said sincerely.
Y/n smiled back, "I'm happy that you're my best friend too, Draco."
About an hour or two had passed before the two friends decided to head back inside. They blew out the candles and took the blanket inside with them, smiling and laughing before they disappeared into the castle. Pansy and Theo came out of their hiding place, with Pansy grinning at a frowning Theo.
"It was a good attempt, Nott. Though it appears that not even you can get the two oblivious idiots together." She laughed.
"I'm still not giving up." Theo grunted.
"And neither will I. We'll get them someday, I just hope it won't take years."
Theo chuckled at the thought of him and Pansy spending the rest of their years at Hogwarts trying to get their two friends together. "Yeah, let's hope."
One of the students was hosting a large party in one of the school's unused rooms. Luckily for Pansy and Theo, they managed to convince their two friends to come join them. There was a rumour that Blaise had managed to sneak some alcohol into the party to 'spice things up'. Pansy and Theo arrived at the party to see Y/n and Draco already chatting away happily in a corner. Theo leaned over to Pansy, a worried expression on his face.
"Are you sure about this?" He asked.
"Of course. Drunk words, sober thoughts, all that stuff. Just keep Draco away from Y/n and leave the rest to me."
He nodded before making his way to their friends, greeting them before taking Draco's arm and leading him away, leaving Y/n all alone. Blaise approached Pansy, two glasses of firewhiskey in his hands.
"Hey Parkinson, you want to join in on the fun?" He asked, lifting a glass to her. Pansy smiled, taking both glasses from him.
"Of course." She said, making her way over to Y/n, who looked a little nervous as she watched the rest of the party.
"Hey Y/n."
"Oh, hey Pansy."
"Great party, eh?"
"I guess so." Y/n answered uncertainly.
"What's wrong?" Pansy asked, knowing exactly why Y/n was uncomfortable.
"Pans, you know I've never been much of a party person, I don't even know why I agreed to come here."
"Because of Draco?" Pansy questioned slyly, watching Y/n's face grow red. She laughed at her friend' reaction, becoming even more amused at Y/n's attempts to shush her.
"You know what you need, Y/n? I think you need a little bit of liquid courage." Pansy held up the glass of firewhiskey to Y/n.
Y/n seemed to consider this before she cautiously took the drink from Pansy. She looked at the Slytherin girl, who nodded approvingly. Gathering her courage, Y/n lifted the glass to her lips and let the burning liquid go down her throat. She looked back to Pansy, seeing her friend offering her another drink.
"Two drinks in and you'll probably feel more comfortable." Pansy smirked, knowing fully well that Y/n was a lightweight and two drinks would be enough to get her totally drunk.
Y/n ignored any warnings ringing through her head and gulped down the second drink. Not long after, the effects of the alcohol began to take over. The next thing she knew, her brain felt fuzzy and she couldn't quite think properly.
"Pansy, have I ever told you how much I love you?" Y/n hiccupped. Pansy chuckled at the sight of her drunk friend, gently wrapping one of Y/n's arms around her back and taking her back to Draco.
"Yes, you have. Now for you to say that to Draco." She muttered.
When Pansy had finally found Theo and Draco, Y/n was a drunken, blabbering mess. Draco looked worried as he took Y/n off of Pansy's back.
"What happened to her?" Draco asked, brushing some of Y/n's hair out of her face.
"She had a bit too much firewhiskey to drink. Come on, let's take Y/n back to our common room so she can sober up." Pansy answered, watching Draco take one of Y/n's arms and Theo take the other. The group then headed down to the dungeons to the Slytherin Common Room. The whole time, Y/n loudly exclaimed whatever was on her mind, with the trio trying to keep her quiet so they weren't caught.
"You guys ever wonder why the Dark Lord has no nose? Like, if I were to be the most powerful wizard to ever exist, then surely, I'd wanna look good. Who wants to be famous for not having a nose?" Y/n shouted.
"Yes, yes, Y/n. Noses are great. Now, can you please be quiet?" Pansy sighed. She knew that Y/n was a lightweight but she didn't know how difficult she would be to handle.
Soon, Y/n fell asleep, the trio letting out a sigh of relief. Out of the corner of Theo and Pansy's eye, they noticed Draco smiling softly at Y/n's sleeping form.
As they entered the room, they noticed that it was completely empty. Everyone was still at the party, allowing the four friends to have the whole room to themselves. Draco and Theo gently put Y/n down on one of the couches, Draco sitting next to her. A few minutes had passed with idle chit chat between the three as Y/n continued to sleep. The night was still young and everyone was not likely to return from the party for a few hours. Eventually, Y/n appeared to stir a bit from her sleep, though she was still very drunk. Pansy elbowed Theo gently in the side and they both excused themselves before exiting the Common Room. In reality, they were hiding in the entrance to the boy's dormitories. Pansy gave Theo a high five as they leaned against the wall to peer into the Common Room.
"Draco...." Y/n murmured, finally starting to wake up.
"Y/n! How are you feeling, do you need anything?" Draco took Y/n's hand and squeezed it gently.
"Draco....I need to tell you something...." Y/n continued muttering.
"Yeah, of course. You can tell me anything, (N/n)."
Pansy excitedly looked over at Theo. "It's finally going to happen!" She whisper-shouted. Theo put a finger over his lips and gestured for her to continue watching.
"Come on!" Pansy was ready to scream. Her body was filled with anticipation and she could barely hold it in.
"Draco....I'm really glad that you're my best friend." Y/n smiled sleepily at him.
"Oh come on!" Pansy face palmed. Theo was shaking beside her, trying to hold in his laughter.
"Shut up, it's not that funny!" Pansy swatted Theo's arm.
"Of course it is! You were practically splitting at the seams from excitement only for it not to happen!" Theo held a hand over his mouth, still trying to stay quiet.
Pansy rolled her eyes and went back to watching Draco and Y/n, disappointment settling into her stomach. She was so sure that this would work, that drunken Y/n would be dumb enough to confess to Draco her undying love for him.
"I'm glad that you're my best friend too, Y/n." Draco grinned. "Now, let's get you to your room. You're going to need to sleep off all that alcohol." Draco lifted Y/n up bridal style and carried her off into the direction of her room.
With both of them now out of the room, Theo burst out laughing. He practically fell to the floor from the endless laughter. Pansy watched him with crossed arms, waiting for him to finally finish. As the laughter died down, Theo took a couple of deep breaths before he settled down.
"Got anymore bright ideas?" Theo joked.
"Maybe." Pansy smirked, a new plan already forming in her head.
Pansy was tired of their plans failing. She took out a small bottle of a love potion out of her bag, seeing Theo raise an eyebrow at it.
"This is your big plan?" He asked, almost unimpressed.
"Well, everything else hasn't worked so far! This is almost a guaranteed way for them to get together." Pansy reasoned, pouring the potion into a glass of orange juice. Due to being hungover from the party last night, Y/n ended up sleeping in past breakfast. Although Pansy couldn't sneak any food out of the Mess Hall, she had managed to grab some juice on her way out. She watched the potion disappear into the orange liquid, smiling to herself. Theo was doubting the plan, but she'd show him. This would work, she told herself.
Of course Theo doubted the plan. He'd heard of far too many stories where love potions only lead to trouble. He looked back to Pansy, seeing her smile at the mixture in her hands. She was so confident, so sure that this would provide the success they needed. He couldn't wait for this to fail so he could have another laughing fit. Not saying that he wanted this to fail, just that it would be hilarious if it went wrong. He chuckled, thinking of various scenarios where it could take a bad turn.
30 minutes later, Pansy found Y/n tiredly walking through the halls to get to class. Luckily for them, the four friends had Charms together in the morning, so it would be easy to give Y/n the potion and watch her reaction.
"Y/n! You doing okay? You were pretty drunk last night." Pansy greeted, "I couldn't get you any food, but I got you some juice so you have some energy."
Pansy handed her the drink, Y/n thanking her. The three then headed to Charms class, with Y/n complaining about how groggy she felt. They arrived and saw that Draco was already there, patiently waiting for his friends. Y/n sat down next to him while Pansy and Theo sat behind them. Y/n took a sip of the juice, not expecting a strangely sweet taste to fill her mouth. It was an unnatural sort of sweet, like someone poured a whole bottle of honey into the drink. She brushed it off though, thinking that it tasted weird because it was the first thing she had consumed that morning.
"It's happening!" Pansy whispered excitedly, as she elbowed Theo's arm.
"Don't get too excited, Parkinson." He reminded her.
It didn't take long before the potion had taken over the (h/c) haired girl. However, to Pansy's confusion, the girl's gaze snapped from her notes to Blaise Zabini. To her horror, Y/n got out of her seat and settled into a new one next to Blaise.
"Oh no...." Pansy cursed to herself.
"Hey Zabini. Have I ever told you how attractive you are?" Y/n asked, giving Blaise a flirty smile. The potion apparently also gave her newfound confidence.
"No, but I would like to hear more about it." Blaise returned her flirty tone as Y/n giggled.
Pansy continued spitting curse words under her breath as she looked over at Draco's heartbroken expression. Theo looked at her with crossed arms and a smug smirk.
"What did I tell you?" He said, sarcastically.
"Shut it. Now you gotta help me convince Draco that she's not in love with Zabini!"
"Fine. Just keep in mind that this was your plan." Theo rolled his eyes.
Pansy and Theo leaned over their desks to Draco, who was still looking at Y/n with sad eyes. Pansy felt horrible and was terrified that she'd driven them apart.
"Hey Draco...." She started, not sure how she should approach the situation. Draco looked up at her, hurt evident in his eyes.
"Cheer up, I'm sure that she doesn't actually like Zabini." Theo reassured. Draco nodded silently before his eyes went back to the (h/c) haired girl clinging onto Blaise's arm. He let out a sigh before turning back to his work, glancing at Y/n every now and then through the corner of his eye.
"Merlin, Theo. We need to get an antidote for this thing and we need it bloody fast." Pansy scowled.
"Well, I could make it but it'll take me the rest of the day."
"Then, you need to get started on it now. I can't watch Y/n cuddling with someone like Zabini any longer without feeling the urge to vomit."
The end of the day was nearly approaching and Pansy was anxious for Theo to be done with the potion. The whole day, Y/n flirted and complimented Blaise, which really didn't help the Slytherin boy's already overinflated ego. Poor Draco was stuck watching his best friend fawn over an arrogant arsehole. Eventually, he was so upset that he retreated to the Common Room, hoping to avoid seeing them together again.
Pansy stood by Blaise and Y/n, cringing every time she heard her friend gush about the large muscles the boy had. Where was Theo? She wasn't sure how much more of this she could take and she could only imagine how Draco felt. Finally, she spotted Theo hurriedly running towards her, holding out the antidote. He quickly handed her the bottle and she turned towards her spelled friend with full intent to end this now.
"Hey Y/n! I dare you to drink whatever is in this bottle!" Pansy taunted.
"What? No! What if it's poison?"
"What are you, chicken?" Blaise challenged as he turned to his new admirer.
Y/n's face turned red as she begrudgingly took the bottle from Pansy's hand. Pansy smiled knowingly, realizing that Y/n was only taking it to impress Blaise. Y/n removed the cork and swallowed the contents, not even hesitating or stopping to breathe. When it was empty, she nearly dropped the glass as a sudden dizziness hit her.
"Guys, I'm feeling a little woozy." Y/n trailed off, the world spinning as her eyes closed and everything turned black.
Y/n awoke to Pansy and Theo calling her name. She opened her eyes and found the two looking at her with worried eyes.
"What happened?" Y/n asked when the memories suddenly flooded her brain. She grimaced at the thought of how she acted, especially when she constantly fed Blaise's massive ego. "Wait, where's Draco?"
"He's in the Common Room. He left after seeing-" Theo started but he didn't need to finish before Y/n felt the immense guilt build up. She hated the idea that Draco thought she liked Blaise. That would never be true in a million years.
"What about me? Why don't you tell me more about how attractive you think I am." Blaise asked, pushing himself between Theo and Pansy, holding out a hand towards her. Speak of the devil. Y/n scowled before shoving his hand away and getting herself up.
"Shove off, Zabini. I'm going to get Draco." She flipped him off as she started quickly making her way to the dungeons with Pansy and Theo behind her.
When they arrived, Theo and Pansy hid in the entrance of the boy's dormitories and Y/n found Draco sitting on one of the couches, staring intently at the fires burning warmly in the fireplace. Her heart twisted at the sight of him and how his usual bright eyes seemed blank. She sat down next to him and waited for him to acknowledge her. Finally, he turned to her with a deep frown.
"Didn't know you liked guys like Blaise Zabini." He said, coldly.
"Dray, I swear that it wasn't me. I was spelled with a potion. Please, you have to believe me. I don't love Zabini, I love-" Y/n cut herself off before she could reveal her big secret. "I don't want you to get the wrong idea. You're my best friend, Dray. I would hate it if you saw me as that type of girl."
Draco gently took her hands in his. "You promise you're not into Zabini?"
"Yes. Merlin, I would take back all those compliments I gave him if I could. He such a pompous arse."
Draco chuckled, making Y/n's heart skip a beat. He wasn't mad at her and he believed her. Her best friend was back and she hoped that she would never come that close to losing him again. She loved Draco too much.
"And for the record, you're my best friend too, (N/n)."
"I know."
Pansy crossed her arms and sighed deeply. She royally messed this one up, didn't she? Theo smiled softly at the girl next to him, putting a hand on her shoulder.
"Are we done with your extreme plans now?" He teased.
"I give up. It's your turn to come up with a plan now." Pansy said, dejectedly.
"Oh, I have one." Theo's smile grew wider.
"Are you ever going to tell Draco about your crush on him?" Pansy asked Y/n as they walked through the halls together.
"Pans, you're not supposed to be talking about this in public."
"I just want to know. You guys are best friends, you're not meant to have secrets."
"That's just it, we're best friends. If I told him, it could ruin our friendship. Or worse, if we fall apart, we could never be as close as we used to be. It's easier for me to just keep these feelings hidden because I don't want to lose him." Y/n sighed.
Pansy's face grew hard as she suddenly took hold of Y/n's arm and began dragging her somewhere.
"What are you—Pansy! Let go of me this instant!" Y/n shouted but Pansy ignored her, leading her to an empty classroom.
"I'm tired of you refusing to tell him about your feelings just because you think that you'll lose him." Pansy growled lowly as she tossed Y/n into the room. "You two are going to talk and I'm not letting you out until you confess."
Pansy closed the door and locked it, causing Y/n to panic. She began to knock furiously on the door, begging Pansy to let her out. "Pans, let me out! This isn't funny!"
"You're trapped here too, eh?" Y/n's pleading was cut short when she turned and saw Draco at the other side of the room.
"Yeah, how did you get here?"
"Theo told me to meet him in this room, then he turned and locked me in here." Draco glared at the door, knowing that Pansy and Theo were probably listening in to their conversation.
Y/n turned back to the door. "Pans, I swear to Merlin, let me out!"
"Did you two confess yet?"
"Then you don't come out." Pansy's blunt statement caused Y/n to bang her head against the wooden door.
"We don't even have feelings for each other!" Y/n shouted before she heard some sort of heavy breathing. Confused, she turned back to Draco to see him looking at the ground, his fists clenching and unclenching. She approached the blonde boy, worried about why he was suddenly acting like this.
"Dray, are you....alright?" She asked, cautiously.
"No, I'm not because, Salazar, I love you, Y/n!" He shouted.
Y/n froze in her tracks, unsure of what to say. Her heart was racing and her head was filled with a million thoughts. Draco loved her? After all this time, he loved her and she didn't even know.
"And it hurts to know that you'd only ever think of me as a best friend. Yesterday, when you were with Zabini, it was hell to watch you flirt with him because I was so incredibly jealous. I hated the thought that you liked him, and that you could never see me that way. Then you told me you were spelled and I actually thought I still had a chance. Now, we're trapped in a room together because our stupid friends think that we like each other. Under different circumstances, I would have never told you about these feelings because I was willing to let you be happy with someone else as long as I could still be with you, even as a best friend. I love you, Y/n. I love you so much and I would do anything for you. Though, it's been made clear to me that you don't feel the same." Draco finished his rant, still breathing heavily.
Y/n's brain was still trying to process this new information. Too many thoughts were running through her mind and her mouth refused to move. Those three words were at the tip of her tongue but for some reason, she couldn't say them. Her silence was all the answer Draco needed.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't of have said that. This was stupid. Just forget what I said." Draco averted his gaze to the side, tears starting to form.
That's when Y/n couldn't control herself as she ran up to him and pressed her lips against his. Draco let out a surprised squeak but soon began to kiss her back. Eventually, the two parted and Y/n embraced Draco tightly.
"I love you too, Dray. Merlin, I was afraid to tell you for so long because I didn't want to lose you. I tried to push away my feelings but I never could. I wish that I had confessed sooner. Like I said before, I would never be into guys like Blaise because I love guys like you. I love you, Draco Malfoy. I truly mean it with all of my heart." Y/n whispered.
Unexpectedly, the door to the classroom burst open with Pansy whooping loudly as she walked in. Behind her, Theo smirked at the now couple as Pansy gave him a high five.
"We finally did it! Salazar, that took forever!" Pansy cried.
"Wait....all those other times....you guys were the ones setting us up?" Y/n raised an eyebrow at her friends.
Pansy froze, realizing the potential 'danger' she was in. She slowly nodded as Y/n's face twisted into a scowl. Taking this as her cue to leave, she tugged on Theo's sleeve and the two took off running down the corridor.
"Come back here, you two!!"
Thank you so much for reading! Fun Fact: A friend actually gave me a couple of ideas for this one! She helped edit it for me and she definitely ships Pansy and Theo in this one. (You don't have to ship them, I wrote it so that you could either see them as close friends or maybe growing closer and closer as the fic goes on. Let me know what you think.) I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you again. Until next time.
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beesareyelloww · 4 years ago
pfft no this isn't a fanfiction..
The feeling of my soft blankets and pillows surrounding me was helping for a while. With one leg bent over a body pillow I had been cuddling for the past hour, I had almost forgotten about the pain making me feel nauseous. Almost. It still lingered, making just about every position I tried insanely uncomfortable. Tossing and turning surely wasn’t helping, but all i wanted was to be comfortable, and if i couldn’t be comfortable i was at least going to be warm. Completely surrounding myself with pillows and blankets, i’m sure i looked stupid, but it helped to an extent. With a body pillow on both sides, and my comforter on top, it felt almost like there was really someone there with me. I was so tired, all I wanted was to sleep. 
I could feel myself drifting away, my eyes were heavy, and I couldn't keep them open long. I was so focused on trying to keep myself awake, that I forgot my pain for a second, but then a knock on my door woke me up. You have got to be kidding me. Reluctantly, I gave myself a small slap to the face to aid me in the process of keeping my eyes open, and started to sit up slowly. “Yeah, uh, come in i guess.” the door knob rattled and it cracked open slightly. Through the crack I saw a pair of large green eyes, and then soon came the rest of my roommate.“I’m so sorry, ah, um, were you asleep,” izuku questioned.“No, but I was about to be.”“Oh, I'm so sorry, i can’t believe i disturbed you, uh, would you like me to go?” he started to ramble on about how he shouldn’t have bugged me, and that he should leave. He put one hand behind his head and closed his eyes a little sheepishly.“Well, did you need something,” I asked him. Well, that sure made him snap out of it.“Oh, I actually came to ask you that, heh. You seemed a little off today when you got back, so i was wondering if you were okay.” 
I forget just how kind he can be, but I suppose it makes sense. He’s always talking about how he wants to be number one, the next symbol of peace. Even when we hardly talked, when we had just started rooming together, he made it his job to make sure he never inconvenienced me, helping me whenever i asked. I think that’s one reason I'm glad I chose to live with him instead of someone else. 
“Hey, do we have any heating pads or anything?” he opened his eyes once more and looked slightly confused, but in a split second his face was back to usual.“I’m not sure Denki gave it back after he borrowed it a few weeks ago, but I’ll go check.” he walked out of the room and closed the door softly, leaving me alone once again. Well, I'm awake now, aren’t I? I figured I might as well get up and stretch a little while izuku was out of the room. I wriggled out of my cocoon, and stood up, stretching my arms above my head.
He knocked on the door once again, and then came into the room, shutting the door softly behind him.
“So, uh, I couldn’t find the heating pad.” he turned towards me, looking a little like a guilty puppy. “I can go out and buy one, or get ours back from Denki, though I suppose you might want one for yourself, and not one other people use and..” he rambled on more about how I won't live with him forever and that I should have my own items, stuff like that. He can get a little repetitive when he’s in this state, but it’s kinda nice to know he hasn’t changed.“Deku, it’s fine, i’ll just suffer without one.” I’m not sure he was a fan of that answer. 
“Well, if you don’t mind me asking, um, why do you need one?” he stares at you, getting a little fidgety while standing near the door. As I finish stretching, I sit back down on the side of my bed, missing the warmth that was slightly surrounding me. A heating pad would have made the experience so much better, since I don't exactly have a partner I could cuddle with.”Oh, yeah I suppose that’s a good question. I’m just having really bad cramps.” ”Now I feel really bad for not having anything to give you, oh, I’m really sorry! I can go to the store and get you some chocolate, and a heating pad while i’m at it, uh, do you want me too? I will!” 
That gave me an idea..
“Actually, could you just cuddle me instead?” His face didn’t change for a few seconds, as it seemed like he was trying to process what I said. Suddenly his face turned bright red, almost like kirishima’s hair, as he looked back up at me. “W-w-what?!” “You don’t have to! If you don’t want to..” I covered my mouth with my hand, realizing myself what I had asked of him. He usually spends his days off training or buying that week’s groceries, not cuddling a lonely girl he just happens to live with.
“N-no! It’s not that, I um, I just wasn’t expecting that.. especially from you.” He looked back down at the ground, still fidgeting with his hands, his hair falling over his face.”If it would help, then, um, I’d love to, uh, because that’s what heroes do!” He giggled nervously, his cheeks becoming more flushed, almost as red as a tomato. On my end however, I just crawled back to my spot under the blankets, leaving an opening for him to come into the cocoon as well. He hesitantly made his way over to the other side of the bed, carefully moving around the blanket so he can get in and get warm.”Um, make sure to tell me if you’re uncomfortable, or i’m hurting you, okay?” He said as he took a break from the blankets to focus on me one more time.
“I will, don’t worry, Deku. You can always leave if you want, alright?” “Uh, um, of- of course!” he took his gaze off of me again as he gently scooped me in his arms to move my position more to the side, touching the body pillow I had on my right side. He moved the other one, propping it back behind my back as he started to bring himself down onto the bed. As soon as he was situated, I began to lay back down, putting my leg on top of the body pillow once again as izuku started situating himself around me once again, becoming the big spoon. Hesitantly, he put his arm around my waist and stomach, leaving his hand to lie on my stomach, where the pain was the strongest.
My back against his chest, his legs behind mine, and his shallow breathing making its way onto my ear. He nuzzled his nose into my nape, and suddenly the heat I had felt before when surrounded with just blankets was nothing. I hadn’t felt this warmth in a long time, but, I’m glad I'm experiencing it with izuku instead of someone else. I could tell he felt the same when he said,”I have wanted to be close to you since I first moved in. Feeling you like this, it makes me feel like a true hero. Let’s do this more, p- please?”
I chuckled and felt myself begin to drift away once again. “Me too, Izuku. Me too..”
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