#heensung ideal type astrology
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Virgo Venus and Moon, Libra Sun and Mercury
His type is someone with critical and analytical mind. Someone intelligent, who’s introspective, chill, just owns that soothing aura. Probably reads a lot, and it’s wise too. Can totally help you out with your problems; it’s very practical about that. Won’t suffer for nothing, because is always looking to the problem’s resolution; It’s very much like: okay, we have this pickle (lol) how can we solve this? What ways do we have to figure this out?
It’s a selfless person; takes care of people, especially their health. It’s important to them that their loved ones are healthy, like – eating properly, exercising, drinking a lot of water, sleeping properly...just having an organized life.
Hard worker. Definitely the type of person who’s not afraid of work. They need the feeling that they are producing, being helpful, building something that it’s useful and just being at the service of the population/ society. This gets them very happy, and with their mental health in check. But, it's important to know when to rest, because there are relentless when working, or helping someone out, that they could totally forget about themselves, and just to overdo it. This can lead them to fatigue, stress, anxiety, and even burnout. They need to know how to chill out, and not to focus so much on the outside, but look more for themselves.
They are just so humble. They always put so much work in everything they do, but they never think it’s good enough, perfect enough. Even if you're saying is the best thing you ever seen. They will never think they are the shit yk? They always think they can improve more, and that this is nothing more than their obligation.
This person certainly has a tough time opening up. They will need to really trust you to do that. And even tho they won’t talk about their feelings pretty much; they are pretty discreet about it. And don’t even think to tell anyone, once they know that you told someone their deepest secret, that’s it. They’ll never open up to you again. They feel like oysters lol
For them being in a relationship, loving someone, you really need to feel it. They will never start dating someone with there are not really into you. They are pretty serious about relationships, super mature people, won’t play around with you and your feelings. They will be by your side through your best and worst moments. They are really empathetic people.
Even though there are more introspective, they are super polite, and it is hard people not liking them. They could have a lot of friends, and being sociable...but, in their own way. They are not the “party animal friend”, not even close, but they will love a good gathering in a nice restaurant, eating a nice meal, in a clean, beautiful place. They like a nice ambience to have their meal, especially if is an especial occasion. But won’t mind at all to do more casual things, they actually love it. But they won’t try the shady bar though...don’t even think about that lol Even if the place is simple, they are demanding and have some standards; they need to go to clean places...that’s it. HAHAHAHA
They will have a minimalist, elegant, more neutral colors kind of style. They have a classical aesthetic I think, or at least they prefer this type. I feel they could wear glasses, and just looking really good. They know what best suit them, and don’t like to step out their comfort zone. So, they won’t be really modern about their looks, or paint their hair in a blue/ pink color, for example.
They could be into animes, comic books and so on; I feel they are a little nerd. The cute type hahaha  But, they know their mangas and they could get into heated discussions. Loves films, series, documentaries, all types of entertainment that stimulates their minds. Could be totally into video games as well. The one who won’t stop playing until finishes everything, and learning all the story in there. They could be into the logical ones, the ones that you need to use your logic, your rational mind, the type that you need to analyze things, and the smallest detail can make the difference.
Well, this is it for now my loves, I hope you guys enjoy it! <3
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