#hebe de bonafini
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garadinervi · 1 year ago
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Madres de Plaza de Mayo, w/ Hebe de Bonafini, Plaza de Mayo, Buenos Aires, n.d. [ca. 1986] [Photo: Archivo «Clarín»]
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frankenawus · 1 year ago
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ttimekeepsrollingby · 2 years ago
Hebe en soles y flores
Hebe presente en el recuerdo emocionado de los 46 años de la primera Marcha de Madres de Plaza de Mayo. A 46 años de la primera marcha de las Madres, se realizó el Homenaje “Soles y flores para Hebe” La actividad tuvo lugar en el Espacio Cultural Nuestros Hijos, dentro del predio de la ex Esma, donde se reinauguró la Carpa del Pañuelo Blanco. En homenaje a los 46 años de la primera marcha que las…
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diarioelcentinela · 2 years ago
'El mensaje de Hebe era seguir militando hasta la victoria'
‘El mensaje de Hebe era seguir militando hasta la victoria’
Foto: Eva Cabrera El gobernador bonaerense, Axel Kicillof, participó este lunes de un homenaje a la Madre de Plaza de Mayo Hebe de Bonafini, fallecida el 20 de noviembre pasado, y tras afirmar que hay que “convertir el dolor y la pérdida en más fuerza” recordó que “el mensaje de Hebe era nunca bajar los brazos y seguir militando hasta la victoria”.”Es difícil caer en la falta y en la ausencia.…
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zoevaldes · 2 years ago
¿Quién fue Hebe de Bonafini? La madre del 0di0 | Agustín Laje y Nicolás Márquez - ZoePost
¿Quién fue Hebe de Bonafini? La madre del 0di0 | Agustín Laje y Nicolás Márquez – ZoePost
Por Redacción ZoePost. Sobran las palabras, todas las razones suyas. Excelentes. Origen: ¿Quién fue Hebe de Bonafini? La madre del 0di0 | Agustín Laje y Nicolás Márquez – ZoePost
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ttimekeepsrollingby · 2 years ago
Dos años sin Diego. Las cenizas de Hebe en la Plaza y en las luchas del pueblo. Para siempre. La Plaza de Hebe Dos años del Diego eterno Imagen: Youtube Asociación Madres de Plaza de Mayo.
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adribosch-fan · 2 years ago
Los escandalosos elogios de Francisco a una fanática que celebró los atentados del 11-S
Los escandalosos elogios de Francisco a una fanática que celebró los atentados del 11-S
Hebe de Bonafini también llamó «cerdo» y le deseó el infierno a San Juan Pablo II Vergüenza. Así se como podría resumir mi reacción al leer las palabras del Papa Francisco sobre la muerte de la ultraizquierdista argentina Hebe de Bonafini. Los elogios de Francisco a Bonafini difundidos por la agencia oficial del Vaticano Esas palabras han sido publicadas por Vatican News, la agencia de noticias…
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carmenvicinanza · 2 years ago
Hebe de Bonafini
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Hebe de Bonafini, attivista argentina, è stata tra le fondatrici dell’Associazione delle Madri di Plaza de Mayo, l’organizzazione che ha riunito le madri delle persone desaparecidos, sequestrate, torturate e uccise dagli agenti del regime militare di Jorge Videla, tra il 1976 e il 1983.
Al grido di battaglia Aparición con vida si è pronunciata in difesa dei diritti umani in tutto il mondo, ottenendo riconoscimenti internazionali tra cui il Premio UNESCO per l’Educazione alla Pace nel 1999.
Nata il 4 dicembre del 1928 a Ensenada, durante la dittatura di Videla aveva perso due figli e una nuora: Jorge Omar e Raúl Alfredo nel 1977 e l’anno successivo la stessa sorte era toccata a sua nuora, la moglie di Jorge, María Elena Bugnone Cepeda. Non venne risparmiata nemmeno la sua terza figlia María Alejandra, scampata al sequestro ma non a torture e atrocità delle milizie.
Le Madri di Plaza de Mayo, nel 1986 si sono divise in due gruppi, il più numeroso, presieduto da Hebe de Bonafini, si è fatto portavoce di una linea politica marxista e anti-americana.
Dalla metà del 1977, tutti i giovedì, si riunisce a Plaza de Mayo, nel cuore di Buenos Aires, marciando intorno al monumento conosciuto come la piramide di Maggio.
L’Associazione delle Madri di Plaza de Mayo, che ha presieduto dal 1979, ha beneficiato di maggiori finanziamenti governativi durante le amministrazioni di Néstor Kirchner che aveva sostenuto e ha esteso la sua influenza attraverso il giornale La Voz de las Madres, una stazione radio e l’Università popolare delle madri di Plaza de Mayo.
Hebe de Bonafini è stata anche regolare consigliera della Casa Rosada sotto il governo di Cristina Fernández.
Tenace combattente non si è mai risparmiata nei giudizi e ha espresso sostegno a figure come Fidel Castro, Augusto Sandino, Yasser Arafat, Hugo Chávez, Evo Morales e le madri dei prigionieri dell’ETA. Si è dichiarata contraria alla socialdemocrazia, al capitalismo, al neoliberismo, alla globalizzazione e al Fondo monetario internazionale.
È morta in un ospedale di La Plata, nella provincia di Buenos Aires, dove era ricoverata per una malattia cronica, il 20 novembre 2022, aveva 93 anni. Per la sua dipartita l’Argentina ha proclamato tre giorni di lutto nazionale.
Hebe de Bonafini non ha mai mancato una marcia: 2036 le manifestazioni sin dalla prima del 30 aprile 1977, sempre presente, col fazzoletto bianco annodato sul capo.
La Madre di Plaza de Mayo è stata un simbolo mondiale della lotta per i Diritti Umani.
Una vita dedicata alla lotta, alla giustizia e alla dignità della memoria.
Tra le tante onorificenze ricevute in tutto il globo, ci sono tre lauree honoris causa, la nomina all’Ordine delle Eroine del Venezuela e all’Ordine nazionale al merito dell’Ecuador. Ha ricevuto il Premio Straordinario per i Diritti Umani in occasione del bicentenario della Rivoluzione di Maggio della Repubblica Argentina e il Premio Rodolfo Walsh per la comunicazione e i diritti umani dall’Università nazionale di La Plata.
È stata il simbolo di quelle donne, madri, nonne, attiviste forti e insorgenti che hanno scosso le poltrone dei “potenti”.
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cuba-redh · 2 years ago
Hebe y Fidel. Por Hector Bernardo
Hebe y Fidel. Por Hector Bernardo
Este domingo, 20 de noviembre, falleció, a los 93 años, la presidenta de Madres de Plaza de Mayo, Hebe de Bonafini, una de las máximas referentes de la lucha por los derechos humanos de Argentina y un símbolo de la resistencia contra las dictaduras del Cono Sur instaladas durante la aplicación de la Doctrina de la Seguridad Nacional de Estados Unidos. En pocos días, en 25 de noviembre, se…
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diarioelcentinela · 2 years ago
Madres de Plaza de Mayo invita a un homenaje a Hebe de Bonafini
Madres de Plaza de Mayo invita a un homenaje a Hebe de Bonafini
El homenaje tendrá como consigna “Amor con amor se paga” / Foto archivo Télam La Asociación Madres de Plaza de Mayo convocó a participar este jueves de su tradicional ronda de los jueves para homenajear la memoria y legado de quien fue su presidenta desde 1979, Hebe de Bonafini, fallecida el domingo pasado a los 93 años en el Hospital Italiano de La Plata.”Los esperamos a todos y a todas en la…
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satorugojowidow · 2 years ago
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Hebe de Bonafini died, On november 20th
Hebe, the one who went out looking for a son disappeared by the dictatorship; then to another and finally to all the sons and daughters because, for her, motherhood was collective. Hebe, the president of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo Association and the one who housed within the same body an implacable political leader and the tender mother who waited with the plate of hot food. Hebe, emblem of resistance to genocide but also of resistance to hunger and neoliberalism. Her ashes will remain forever in Plaza de Mayo, that place that she walked through so many Thursdays with her feet tired from searching so much.
Raúl was the one who called her to give her the news: Jorge had been taken away. "Kika" was then in the care of her brother who was dying of cancer. On February 8, 1977, the search began, the habeas corpus handwritten and presented by her husband, the knocks on the doors of the police stations and the regiments to find out where her eldest son was.
Before Raúl's disappearance, Hebe had not set foot in the Capital more than once or twice –reconstructs the writer Ulises Gorini in Hebe de Bonafini: Los caminos de la vida–. The search for her son led her to where the institutions of power were. Like many other Mothers, she dropped her maiden name and adopted her married name – so that she would be more easily identified with her son's.
On April 30, 1977, other women who were looking for their sons and daughters began to gather in Plaza de Mayo. Hebe found out from the mother of a political prisoner and joined days later. The first mother she spoke to was Azucena Villaflor from De Vincenti. The search was tearing, but it was no longer alone.
When she was engaged with other mothers to gather the money and the signatures to publish a request in which they publicly denounced what many families suffered, Raúl disappeared. They had taken him from his home in Berazategui. It was December 6, 1977, two days before the kidnappings of two of the Mothers took place in the church of Santa Cruz. Hebe found out what had happened to two of her classmates, Mary Ponce de Bianco and Esther Ballestrino de Careaga, the next day. She wanted to leave the request aside, but it was Azucena who convinced her that she had to move on. They finally managed to get the newspaper La Nación to publish the text on December 10, International Human Rights Day. That day, a mob from the Navy School of Mechanics (ESMA) kidnapped Azucena.
"When they kidnapped the Mothers, all the families said: 'Stop it, they're going to kill them all, they're not going to show up.' It was a battle with our own families because fear is a prison, but we never thought of leaving”, Hebe recounted at the end of September in the Plaza. The blows continued. In 1978, they kidnapped her daughter-in-law, María Elena Bugnone Cepeda, Jorge's partner.
The following year, at a meeting held at the home of Emilio and “Chela” Mignone, Hebe was elected president of Madres – which, in August 1979, was constituted as a civil association. Already in democracy, in 1986, the organization was going to split in two: the Association, led by Hebe, and the Founding Line.
In the 1980s she denounced the amnesty laws sanctioned during the government of Raúl Alfonsín and in the 1990s the amnesty of Carlos Menem. In the Plaza, it was the resistance to the neoliberal model of hunger and unemployment. The younger ones approached her, as they remembered from H.I.J.O.S La Plata, to whom she spoiled with some food and, at after-meal, she gave them the political advice that they had not been able to receive from their fathers and mothers.
In an interview she did with the National University of San Martín (UNSaM), she was asked how she wanted to be remembered. "Let people know I'm not Wonder Woman," she replied. She wanted them to know that she was an ordinary woman who went out to look for her children, who became a political reference loved by many and despised by some, and who, along the way, became the mother of 30,000. "The day I die you don't have to cry," she says in another interview broadcast by the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo Association. "They have to dance, sing, have a party in the Plaza because I did what I wanted, said what I wanted and fought with everything."
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One of the last thing she did was invited the students of highschool that were protesting for the lack of resources for public school to talk about their situation and demands in Plaza de Mayo. 
She not only fought to find her childrens and for justice for all the victims of the last dictatorship, she also kept the fight for what her childrens stood for, and that is how she fought for over forty years against all injustice of this world. Fly high, Hebe. 
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ttimekeepsrollingby · 2 years ago
La Plaza de Hebe
La Plaza de Hebe
Las cenizas de Hebe ya están en la Plaza de Mayo. Y en el aire en todas las luchas que tenemos por delante. Las cenizas de la presidenta de Madres fueron depositadas en la pirámide El conmovedor adiós a Hebe de Bonafini en la Plaza de Mayo Una multitud participó de la marcha número 2.328 este jueves, dedicada a despedir a la presidenta de la Asociación Madres de Plaza de Mayo. Se multiplicaron…
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higherentity · 2 years ago
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rip hebe de bonafini
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page-28 · 2 years ago
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cordero-atado · 2 years ago
Adiós. Eterna.
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garadinervi · 2 years ago
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Las Madres de Plaza de Mayo, early 1980s [Archivo «Clarín»]
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