#heavily pregnant
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vampirelord1995 · 8 hours ago
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welove-hpb · 2 months ago
"Let's talk about big things, when I mean big, it's really big"
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This is for all the men who masterbated to this beautiful gal. She has been my favorite preggo twinner mama. She popped round 37, 38 weeks, her pregnancy was legendary and her bump will be missed :( I hope her next pregnancy is either another round of Twins or Triplets. @ambersallotment made a dream come true for men that masturbates to pregnancy. Her videos and pics of that huge twin belly helped so many men to expel lots of semen, millions if not billions of sperm cells were evicted. Whether you masterbated behind closed doors or in public. The urge of busting a nut to her was worth it. I wish twin pregnancies like hers would last forever, but in the end all pregnant women are going to pop at some point. I don’t know if theres any Candids of her belly out there across the internet. But if there is, it’s only a matter of time until people who have taken pics of her starts posting them.
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famouswinnerranchllama · 4 months ago
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The one with Kristen Bell ain't a real one
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legendarycowboyking · 8 days ago
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Huge 🤰🏽
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annoyingbananafreakfarm · 4 months ago
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vampirelord1995 · 8 hours ago
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soontobekenny · 22 days ago
current view :} 🤍
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im about 8 1/2 months now. ive been spending my days just resting, waiting for our sweet little wonder to be ready. im so tired and worn, but oh its all worth it just for the precious moments like these...
shes off at work today. i... cant say im enjoying being alone. i miss her with all my heart, but i know i have our sweet baby with me, resting peacefully. thats all that really matters at the end of the day i guess. :}
im just waiting for my wife to come home now, laying in our bed like this, just tending to our little one. i swear i feel myself drifting off here and there, but the warmth of my bump and my babys gentle heartbeat against my palm always brings me back. im so comfortable tho, i don't know if ill be up for much longer. thats ok...
she'll be home any minute now...
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prerefro · 2 years ago
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A collection from me to you 🌟🥵 #2
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y123345 · 2 years ago
Spy in disguise
Jen was the best detective well known by the whole division. Not only did she excel in capturing bad guys but also in disguies. In fact, her nickname was the disguise matser. She could turn herself into anyone male female young or old alike which is the reason why she was in a secret mission infiltrating a drug gang. Being heavily pregnant as she was, her disguise was a middle age man with a beer belly. The police was tipped off that the largest amount of drug in history was about to be smuggled and needed to take action asap. As excited as she was to be a mother, she couldn't let go of this huge case. And with her disguise abilities, she was the perfect match to be a spy. In addition, she had gone undercover countless times amd successfully taken down the criminals. This time would be easy peasy too she thought.
Several weeks had passed. She ( disguised as a he) had gained the leader's trust to an extent that she got to know every move, every plan but nothing about the said huge drug deal. She became impatient. What if her baby was due and she didn't get the chance to capture them. What if the boss had known her disguise all along and was purposely keeping her close. But that was impossible because she knew her diaguise was perfect. She successfully turned herself into this middle age man, even her pregnant belly was diaguised as a beer belly. Even with the huge belly she fought so good that the boss even made her his body guard. One downside is that as the boss's bodyguard, she had to fight a lot, like a lot, not only that she had to be with him every second following everywhere he went, driving him to his desired places including picking up and dropping off his kids at school. She accidentally got hit in the stomach sometimes but luckily she just ended up with a bruised belly, the baby was unharmed.
Time passed quickly and she was now 38 weeks pregnant. Yet, no drug deal till now. It became uncomfortable for her to do her usual errands with her growing belly. The boss wanted to take his kids to the amusement park one day and as her duty was a body guard, she had to follow. He had rented out the entire amusement park. So, there was no one else there aprt from them.
Little did she know that there was a mole in the police force and that the boss knew she was the infamous disguise master Jen all along. He tried to kill her off by sending her to dangerous missions but even with a huge belly, she succeeded. He thought she might give up if her baby was at risk of getting hurt but she was so damn stubborn. The bigger her belly got, the more dangerous and physical jobs the boss send her to. But she was so confident that she thought no one knew about her being a spy and being pregnant.
On the amusement park, she saw several signs that pregnant women were not allowed on certain rides. She just silently prayed that she won't be put on those rides. The kids wanted to ride bumper cars and the boss ordered her to get in every single ride the kids wanted to and accompany them all day long.
In addition, the boss send three of his minions together with them whose mission is to make her hurt and withdraw her from the spy mission or kill her if possible.
The bumper for sure was fun, I mean for the kids. For her, not so much. Every time someone bumped into her car, her belly was slammed to the steering wheel due to inertia causing her painful contractions. She felt a 'pop' and a warm gush of water came down her pants. 'Oh crap! My water has broken' she thought. The boss's minions purposely kept bumping her car continuously until the time ran out. She lost count how many times she was thrown back and forth, her eyes became blurry due to the pain and she had to hold her belly gritting her teeth and trying to sooth the pain.
The day continued, the kids wanted to get on almost every single ride and she could barely walk now. The safety bars and belts on the rides were the worst. Those were either pressing her stomach in half from the front or pushing down from above. The baby descended into her birth canal more after each ride opening her wide. She ignored the dumpness on her pants and luckily no one bothered to ask. The boss was so satisfied. His plan worked! Her water had broken. She would leave the gang and he could finally do the deal.
Her contracting belly was hard as a rock, her back and belly was killing her. After a really long time of suffering, she decided to tell the boss that she ate the bad seafood last night and she now has to go back home and she would immediately be back tomorrow. The boss wasn't amused. He wanted her to gone forever not coming back the next day. So he decided to go to the final plan. He went " okay one last ride and you can go rest at home", smiling sneakily. She sensed something was off and before getting on the roller coaster, she called her police supervisor who she put as her emergency call.
She struggled to get on it with the baby already in her birth canal widening her hips. No one else except her was getting on. She knew something was terribly wrong and tried to get off immediately but her huge pregnant belly had been getting in the way. The boss errily smiled and said " Think you can trick me miss detective. I know who you are. You don't need to pretend to be a obese dude. Now you will pay the price. Time for the ride!"
Then before she could react, the safety bar came down with so much force and hit her belly violently. She wailed in pain and felt like her stomach was about to rupture. The pressing force pushex her baby further down and the head started to crown. She could feel the fetal head stuck in her opening being blocked by the ride's plastic chair. The bar was still pressing down her belly and yet the baby had nowhere else to go. She tried to get up but it just made the bar pressed further down. The boss, his minions and his kids were laughing at her pain. She was drenched in sweats, her face wrincing in pain, the head being squeezed out by the contraction and pushed back by the chair. It was all so much fun for them. The boss signaled his man and suddenly another bar came out from the front amd crushed her belly. Now her stomach was squished from above and the front, indenting her stomach dangerouly. She was a mess at this point, crying , sobbing with a large pool of liquid at her feet.
"Now time to go" the boss said and left her just like that with both bars still pressing and disfiguring her belly. An hour later, her supervisor she previously made a call arrived and lift the bars from the ride's control center got her down and sent her to the hospital. 4 hours later, she was seen breastfeeing her baby on the hospital bed cradling with all smiles. Her stomach was black and blue from all the hits she took but a tough woman would be fine in a few days.
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annoyingbananafreakfarm · 1 year ago
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famouswinnerranchllama · 4 months ago
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stuffedbred · 1 year ago
6 month pregnant and due to the fact your carrying a lot of eggs instead you look 2 months bigger than what you are, so some people just assume your ready to pop soon and you know for a fact you will go overdue cause you want this belly for as long as you can hold it.
My gravid stomach littered with the outlined bumps of eggs sits heavily on my smaller frame, my balance poor at the best of times. The egg's shells are currently soft to the touch under my skin, allowing for the continued growth of the fetuses. From what I have heard, as the pregnancy enters the final few weeks they harden up to protect the offspring inside, consequently making delivery more strenuous on the host depending on how long the eggs are allowed to gesticulate and increase in size.
Thus I also knew that I was nowhere near the end of this pregnancy, and at least a whole two months of growth was in front of me. My belly had already distended so far out in front of me, my belly button popped out weeks ago and became cleaved in half by the linea nigra that emerged into existence not long after. I could feel the mucus plug inside me firmly in place. With equal measure I dreaded and aroused at the next couple of months ahead, wondering how much larger I could get. Little did I know the road would be much longer and more fulfilling than I could have ever guessed...
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annoyingbananafreakfarm · 1 year ago
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