#heavily influenced by that one hidden camera show in the 80s/90s that faked an alien landing in someone's garden
nevesmose · 4 months
This was the basic play-acting that had somehow built upon itself day by day to create a semblance of a normal life for him in this flat which was by no means a castle with this strange scarred man who was by no means a servant.
I started reading Imperfect and just wanted to make up some other universe in which something nice actually fucking happens to them. So I was really trying to make you feel some feelings this time. Based on my vampire Fulgrim/oblivious Ferrus AU idea and I decided to let it go wherever it wanted to go, good old seat of the pants style.
Tagging @dashofstarlight and @yurihasurunbara due to your interest in the AU idea!
The title isn't just an entertainingly bad pun but also a reference to a song I like that has some ✨️arguably relevant vibes✨️
Also, in the spirit of being as open and honest as possible: I know I make a lot of jokes about a lot of things but I hope it comes across in the story that it's not my intention to do that about trans people or trans experiences. However I'm also aware that I'm writing this from the position of being an autistic cis man for whom this is a fun exercise in smooshing my action figures together without any basis in my own personal experience, so if I'm being unkind or cruel I'd appreciate being told so I can try to do better in the future ❤️
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