evewasheretoday · 1 year
Heathers - Witches and Whiskers AU
Veronica is just an ordinary high school student whose main goal is simply to make it through high school unscathed.
Cue the new students in town - Heather, Heather and Heather.
Despite their charming and alluring appearances, they hide a deep magical secret.
A secret that Veronica was very unfortunate to unwittingly stumble upon because in a moment of panic, the Heathers transform her into a cat.
What's worse is that if they don't undo the spell on time, Veronica might forever be doomed to a feline fate.
Friendships flourish, perhaps even something more blossoms between the Heathers and Veronica ;)
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evewasheretoday · 10 months
“Why did you scratch him?” Mac asked, crossing her arms to her chest as she gave a pointed look at the cat sitting on the chair across from her.
“What? He deserved it!” Veronica huffed indignantly, tail swishing about in frustration.
“Veronica, he just asked Mac about where he could find a good place to dine at.” Duke, who had been quiet throughout the whole exchange so far, finally spoke up.
“While looking at her boobs!” Veronica exclaimed, her claws unsheathing for emphasis before her claws retracted back into her paws.
Mac groaned loudly while rolling her eyes. “He wasn't looking at my boobs, Veronica.” She said. “He was looking anywhere but my boobs.” She sighed and ran a hand through her hair.
“If his gaze happened to wander to her cleavage, who could blame him?” Chandler chimed in, her voice was light and teasing like it usually was if she wasn't being a complete bitch.
“Some people appreciate art when they see it.” She winked at Mac, whose face turned an alarming shade of red at her comment.
Veronica glared at Chandler while Duke gave a snort of amusement.
“Appreciating art, Heather?” Duke asked with a raised eyebrow. “That's rich, coming from you.” A smug smirk pulled from her lips.
“What the hell are you blabbering about, Heather?” Chandler stood up from her chair and looked at Duke with narrowed eyes.
“Nothing.” Duke leaned away in her seat, hands in the air. “I was this close to pointing out your rather conspicuous admiration of a certain brunette a few days back.” She held two fingers just inches apart and looked at Chandler with a shit eating grin.
Chandler glared daggers at her before crossing her arms defensively. “Oh please, Duke.” She scoffed. “I was just making observations on Veronica because of the curse we put on her.” She rolled her eyes.
“W-What—” Veronica felt her ears perked up as she took in that statement. “You've been observing me?” She looked at the blonde with slightly wide eyes.
Duke scoffed. “Well, duh. How else do you think she predicts your every move most of the time?”
Chandler waved a hand dismissively, feeling her cheeks flush a tad bit. “Oh, calm down, Veronica. It's not like I do it as if it's some sort of full-time job.”
“Well, it kinda gives off that vibe, doesn't it?” Duke quipped up with a mocking smile.
“Uh, guys, can we steer back to what we were talking about? We're kinda venturing into a whole different territory here.” Mac interjected.
“Agreed.” Veronica nodded her head.
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evewasheretoday · 11 months
“You know, this could've been avoided if you just handed over the book.” Veronica said as she stared into the eyes of the black-haired girl underneath her with a slight smirk.
Duke groaned. “Or if you learned to respect personal space.” She responded.
“Now get off me before someone decides to make this disaster a school legend.” She tried getting Veronica off of her but the brunette wouldn’t budge.
Veronica smirked before leaning closer to Duke's face. “No.” She replied. “And besides, you look good under me, Heather.” She whispered.
Duke's eyes widened slightly at her words, a mixture of surprise and irritation crossing her features.
“Get off of me right now.” She demanded, her cheeks tinged with a faint blush.
Veronica, seemingly unfazed, finally got off of Duke and stood up. The brunette grinned down at the ravennette before offering her a hand.
“Come on, Duke.” She said. “It was just a little harmless teasing.” She added. “No need to get all worked up.” She laughed lightly.
Duke swatted Veronica's hand away, standing up on her own.
“Go drink drain cleaner, Sawyer.” She spat back before turning around and walking away from the brunette.
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evewasheretoday · 1 year
“Behave.” Chandler warned Veronica, seeing the brunette's cat form out of the corners of her eyes reaching her paws out towards one of the windows.
“I am!” Veronica replied, her tail flicking in annoyance behind her. “I wasn't planning on doing anything.” She added.
Chandler hummed, turning her book to the next page. “I don't believe a single word you say, Sawyer.” She commented.
“That's alright.” Veronica huffed. “You don't really believe anyone's words anyways.” She added, jumping down to the floor of Chandler's bedroom before climbing up to the girl's bed.
“Get off my bed.” Chandler sighed, closing her book and setting it aside on her bedside table. “You're going to get fur all over it!” She hissed.
“Make me.” Veronica responded, her tail swishing from side to side before she settled comfortably onto Chandler's bed and closed her eyes.
“Nice bed, by th—” Veronica couldn't finish her sentence as Chandler quickly picked her up from the bed and tossed her onto the floor.
The brunette landed flat on her butt, letting out a yelp as she did so. “Ow, that was uncalled for!” She said, quickly getting back on her paws and looking at the other girl in the room with a frown.
“You are a cruel woman.” Veronica muttered, her ears flattening on her head and showing her displeasure. “I know.” Chandler replied with a smile.
She dusted off her bed sheets to get rid of any possible fur Veronica could have gotten on it before plopping down and settling into her own bed.
“If you want to be treated nicely, you could have just gone to Heather or Heather's instead.” Chandler mused, watching Veronica carefully as she took some discarded pillows from the bed and used them to make a nest to sleep in.
Veronica rolled her eyes. “Don't get me wrong, I love Heather and Heather..” She trailed off. “But— I kinda just want to hang out with you today than them.” The brunette admitted quietly after a moment, a little embarrassed.
“Oh.” Chandler didn't know what to say.
It wasn't often someone other than Heather and Heather actually wanted to be around her.
“You might be a bitch but you're still pretty nice to hang out with.” Veronica added after a moment. “Anyways, I'm tired so good night.” She yawned, hopping into the nest and curling herself up in it.
Chandler couldn't tell if Veronica was actually tired or not but she decided it wasn't something she should dwell on.
“I guess you're not that bad, Sawyer.” Chandler softly spoke, a small smile tugging on her lips before she closed her eyes.
“Goodnight.” She added, drifting off to sleep.
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evewasheretoday · 1 year
“Mac, catch her!” Duke shouted.
Mac jumped into action immediately, catching Veronica in her cat form before she could hit the ground.
“I caught her!” Mac exclaimed happily as she held out Veronica to Duke.
“Make sure she doesn't try escaping you.” Duke looked down at the cat with a frown. “What the hell is with you, Sawyer?” She asked, giving her a stern glare.
“It's for science!” Veronica quickly lied to them.
Currently, it was night and most people in their neighborhood had already retired for the day.
But them? They were in Duke's backyard, trying to figure out more things so they could undo the spell they casted on Veronica which caused her to turn into a cat from time to time.
“You're terrible at lying, Veronica.” Duke stated flatly. Veronica stuck out her tongue at the raven-haired girl.
Now if anyone was still awake in the neighborhood and just happened to pass by them, they would look at Mac and Duke like they were crazy.
They were talking to a cat after all!
“That was way too dangerous, Ronnie!” Mac scolded.
“You could have gotten seriously hurt.” She said worriedly. “And if you get hurt because of us—” She stopped and sighed, rubbing her temple tiredly. “You know what would happen.” She finished.
“Heather would kill us if you got hurt.” Duke pointed out.
“She's not here right now, though, is she?” Veronica asked, her eyes scanning the dark yard nervously.
“She's not here.” Duke replied. “And you're lucky that she's not here because she would kill you for that stupid stunt you pulled just now!” She added angrily.
Veronica looked at Duke guiltily, her tiny ears drooping down.
“Just..try not to do anything stupid again while we work on the spell, okay?” Duke said reluctantly.
“Okay…” Veronica responded quietly.
The girls stared at each other uncomfortably for a few moments before Mac broke the silence.
“Uh, should we put her back in the house?”
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evewasheretoday · 6 months
about your witches and whiskers heathers au.
First of all, is it discontinued?
If not, a little question!
Has Veronica ever been in real danger? Like, not just due to her being reckless, but someone trying to kill her or something? I like to imagine little side stories, and I recently just came up with “it’s either you die… or they do.” And it’s just Veronica being spoken to.
Just wanna know! And if Veronica was in real danger, did she let the Heathers know, or did they find out themselves?
Sorry for the late answer but to answer your question, no! My Heathers AU witches and whiskers is not discontinued. It's just dead for the meantime but I will go back to posting about it so sooner or later.
I've actually been thinking of whether to make an actual fanfic about it on AO3 or not but that's still just a thought I haven't exactly pondered more.
For your second ask, yes. I mean, if witches exist in this AU then why not hunters as well? I actually have a few drafts exploring my world building with the AU and expanding more of it's world lore but they're rotting away in my google docs right now.
I won't say exactly what danger Veronica will be in but she will be in grave ones and while she is on good terms with the Heathers, their relationship is still extremely complicated with the whole accidental curse cast on Veronica and all. I guess you'll just have to find out whether they'll be the ones to know or not :)
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evewasheretoday · 4 months
(It’s the anon who asked previously about Veronica in danger and stuff ☺️)
I just seriously love it I’m so invested
I have my schedule full but I'll try, I do warn you though that it might take a LONG while to update from time to time! I'm really trying my best to update my other fics right now but I keep postponing them for personal reasons.
I do think I'll finally be able to work more on each of them considering I'll have more free time soon :DD
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