brother-hermes · 4 years
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Construct a Temple at the Heart of the Rose... #mysticism #heartoftherose #solomonstemple #esotericchristianity #meditativetechniques (at Monica Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDA-UDen8q-/?igshid=74iso56sy7ec
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brother-hermes · 5 years
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This is a visualization technique I've used time and again to commune with the Divine presence within. I actually stumbled across it based on a wild hunch I developed reading the book of Proverbs. Since meeting Woman Wisdom I've advanced quite a bit down the path. Anyways, here's a general outline of what this chakra meditation looks like for me.
Visualize Wisdom (Sophia) in front of you inside the Temple at the Heart of the Rose- I visualize mine somewhere roughly between Anahata and Hrit. As She sits before you feel her pushing energy into each of the chakras working from bottom to top. The colors described belong to the Mother deity not to me. Anything in quotations is what I speak out loud.
01) BASE- MULADHARA. Feel pink light flowing from Sophia and pouring into your own, cleansing the chakra; wisdom pouring in the base filling your body, clearing away any blockage. Feel the vibration pulsating sending cleansing golden light through your body. Ask Wisdom to rise, to fill you, to deepen your connection with the Divine.
02) ONE'S SELF- SVADHISHTHANA. Red light pulses through this chakra. Visualize your desires filling you(mine is to connect with the Divine). Her chakra pours her own creative will into your. Feel the animal power of desire pulsating with red energy as God's Divine Purpose fills you. "God is the desire behind all desires. May I do His will always."
03) CITY OF JEWELS-MANIPURA. Green light, feeds you the power to create from Her power, solar plexus to solar plexus. In flows all the ability, the strength, and the wisdom to do God's will and manifest His light in the world. Feel the chakra pulse with God's strength. "Grant me strength as I go from here to do your will."
04) HEART OF THE ROSE-ANAHATA. Blue light, compassion becomes the reason to create. Her love of life pours into the heart chakra pulsating throughout your body. Visualize your desires helping others. See your talents being used to benefit humanity. Feel that love pulsating through your work into others. Ask God to guide your Spirit.
05) PURIFICATION-VISHUDDHA. Purple light. She transforms your selfish sexual desires into creative energy. The Phoenix arises. Visualize you doing the work to achieve God's will. Ask God to lend you His insight. Feel it pulsating through you. "Ehyer Asher Ehyer" (chant for a couple minutes feeling the interconnectedness of life itself).
06) COMMAND CENTER-AJNA. Orange light fills your being. As the chakra vibrates feel God's will pulsing through your being. Feel the chakras align, as the lower levels come into perspective. All the energy cultivated pools into the command center. Your desires materialize. See your will lining up with the will of the Father. (As long as your desire is in line with God's will for your life it will be so).
07) GURU- NIRVANA. Golden light. Feel Wisdom connecting you to God. Pray in Spirit, from your higher self. Give thanks to the Divine for all they do in your life. Wisdom stands over you pouring Grace and love through your crown to your base. Feel the energy permeating through each chakra as it cleanses you with God's love.
You can actually feel the energy rolling down your spine and back up again as breathe in and out. She essentially showed me a variation of what I later learned was called Shengong meditation by Taoists: breathe in the golden light from base up the spine upon intake, and exhale while she pours Her golden elixer down the center of you being through guru. Feel the energy accumulate as it moves through your subtle body. Rejuvenate and let go through breath of fire, allowing energy to return to it's cosmic source.
There you have it, my meditative practice of the past year or so. I've felt really in tune with God as a result of this practice. I'm definitely not who I was before so I can feel the transformation taking place. Does this mean I'm some sort of sage floating around on a pink cloud? Absolutely not. I'm still a man who is deeply flawed but I'm 100% certain God is within and we are without at this point.
Anyways, I hope someone finds this insightful. Please feel free to tweak it to your understanding and disregard anything that doesn't match your belief. So long as God is front and center in every meditative practice I'm certain you'll be fine.
Try it for yourself and pass it along. Share! Share! Share!
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