#heartfelt moment. like there was no winking and nudging the camera if one decided to settle for a minute or two. and the fun silly scenes
cleocatrablossy · 6 months
I miss the goofy sincerity of 80s movies.
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Negan Imagine ~ Polaroid
Summary: Negan finds you snuggled up with your toddler son on the bed and decides to capture the sweet moment
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“Oh you’re my happy little guy, aren’t you?” You asked with a laugh, nuzzling your nose into your son’s short, dark hair while loud giggles left his lips. He was sitting in your lap, the small body fitting right in your cross legged position while you had your arms wrapped around him, cuddling him close. You shifted a little on the bed, getting a bit more comfortable while your son leaned forward to grasp the little stuffed dog that was laying on the sheets, squeezing its floppy ears slightly while more giggles fell from his lips. “Oh right, gotta grab Mr. dog”, you mumbled, nudging the stuffed animal a little closer so his small hands could grasp it properly and pull it closer. Your son blubbered something, before he let go of the dog and instead started to fumble on your hands, grasping the fingers softly before pressing his lips openmouthed against them with another small laugh. “Oh honey, you can’t eat my hands that won’t work”, you chuckled, pulling him a little closer as he giggled anew, letting go of your hands before looking up to you with his big hazel eyes. He looked like a mini version of his father, matching him in so unbelievably many features. The dark hair, the hazel eyes, the dimples that were already showing in the very same way as Negan’s when he was grinning and just very subtle features that made him so similar to his Dad. He had a bit of you too, not as many features but sometimes he made grimaces or had a certain way of glancing that Negan pointed out as looking very much like you. This imbalance didn’t bother you though, you were happy that he was a mini Negan, especially when you got to see the both of them together, snuggled up and looking so similar when they giggled together. “I love you, Buddy”, you mumbled as you smoothed some of his dark hairs a little back, watching him giving you a mostly toothless but sugar sweet and adorable smile before he moved his little chubby hand up to stroke it clumsily along your cheek. You smiled down at him, moving your head a little to give his small hand a soft motherly kiss, watching him giggle anew as it seemed to tickle him slightly. He stroke along your cheek one more time before he moved to turn around again, finding anew interest in your hands while he kept on smiling brightly and mirrored by you as you nuzzled your head against his small head, smoothing your cheek against the top. You sighed softly yet happily as you closed your eyes for a moment, enjoying the happy moment with your son before you suddenly heard the clicking of a camera.
You flinched slightly, immediately opening your eyes, glancing towards the source of the sound that you found standing in the doorframe. Negan was leaning slightly against the wood, the old polaroid camera you’d recently found was laying his hands and got lowered from his face in these moments while a still snow white picture was moving out of its slit. “Gotcha”, he chuckled, a mix of a wide grin and a big, heartfelt smile plastered over his face as he started to walk into the room, and his voice made your son’s glance shot towards him. “How long have you been standing there?”, you laughed, feeling your heart warming a little more as your son started to brabble excitedly, no coherent words but a mix of happy sounds as he looked at his Dad. “Saw you two on the bed couple minutes ago...got the camera real quick...but I did enjoy the view of my two favorites a little though”, he chuckled with a wink, now close enough to let himself fall onto the bed. “Hey Buddy”, Negan mumbled as he leaned towards the boy, pressing a kiss onto his forehead,”Missed ya.” He grasped the small chubby hands softly that were stretching out towards him, letting them vanish completely in his large ones before his glance lifted to meet yours. “And you too, Doll”, he said, letting you smile even wider as you leaned down to respond with a soft kiss. Negan’s groaned contently against your lips before you slowly let go and saw him reaching down to pull the photo that was starting to fully take on its form out of of the camera.  “Gonna keep this right with me”, he mumbled, starting to smile even wider as he tilted it a little to let you see yourself and your son on the pic,”At all fuckin times, you can bet your sweet ass on that.” He kept looking at the picture, his eyes so full of warmth and affection that you could feel yourself falling in love with him all over again before he leaned in to caress over your son’s cheek. “Just like the first snapshot of this little dude”, he said, referring to the first ultrasound picture you got before grinning down at his son as the small chubby hands grasped his jaw and the salt and pepper beard softly. It was adorable how he always carried that picture around with him in his jacket’s pocket, keeping it close since day one, even though you could barely make out your son’s frame in the black and white picture.  You smiled down at the both at them, feeling more warmth washing through you as you watched Negan goof around with him before you reached down to smooth Negan’s dark hair back, allowing your fingers to caress through his locks before they came to a rest at the nape of his neck and moved softly over his skin. “I love you”, you mumbled, your smile widening further as Negan’s glance lifted, his eyes lightening a little more up as he propped himself up to move closer towards you. “Fuck, I love you too. You both”, he said with a bright smile as he leaned in to press another kiss over your lips,”More than anything.” He slowly let go of you to back a little away, just enough to look at you as the roguishness sneaked back into his glance and his signature grin tugged once more on the corners of his lips as he rose his brows suggestively.  “Speakin’ of, I need some more photos of you too...”
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
Ateez: Going On We Got Married
Kim Hongjoong:
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Anxious was the word to describe Hongjoong when he was about to meet his 'wife'. He kept looking over at the camera man, waiting for the signal that would allow him to open the door to the room where you were already waiting in, another camera crew capturing your reaction as well.
"I can go in now?"
Getting the ok, Hongjoong took a deep breath and opened the door. He peeked his head in and burst into a nervous giggle when he saw you. You in turn, covered your face to hide your blushing cheeks. The situation was just so funny and new to both of you rookie idols that you couldn't help but be shy.
"I guess I'll introduce myself. Hi, I'm Ateez's leader, Kim Hongjoong." He bowed to you.
"Hi, I'm [insert group name and position], L/N Y/N." You responded awkwardly.
The staff couldn't help but chuckle and 'aww' at your cute interactions.
"We're already like a newlywed couple. Can't even look at each other in the eyes." You pointed out.
"I'm sorry, it's just....... it makes me more nervous knowing I got such a pretty wife." Hongjoong confessed.
His comment made you cover your face once again.
"Oh thank you. You're very handsome as well." You complimented him, and Hongjoong swore his heart stopped for a minute.
"Can we get you two to pose together for a few pictures for the fans and viewers?" The director asked.
It was awkward at first, trying to figure out how to position yourselves.
"Is it ok if I touch you?" Hongjoong wanted permission before laying any finger on you.
You nodded and he instantly wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you close to him. Both of you could feel your hearts pounding against your chests, you wondered if the other could hear it. But the awkwardness was soon gone and you both got very comfortable with each other, capturing some very cute and adorable photos that the viewers were going to eat up. In no time, were you guys about to become the most popular couple, both on and outside the show.
Park Seonghwa:
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It had been a month into your 'married' life and it was time for a new challenge chosen specifically by your fans. Seonghwa and you entered into the location given to you and were confused when you guys saw it was a daycare center. You both looked at the director for an explanation.
"The challenge fans wanted to see you do was the daycare challenge. For the day, you'll transform into caregivers and take care of the kids here."
Both you and Seonghwa looked dumbfounded.
"What is this?" You laughed slightly at the situation your fans decided to put you in.
"Ahh really Atiny?" Seonghwa shook his head.
Soon you both changed into the proper attire and after going through a quick tutorial with the women in charge, you guys proceeded to go meet the kids. It actually proved to not be so hard and both of you were having fun with them. It surprised both of you to see you were actually good with kids.
"I had so much fun." You told Seonghwa when you went back to your 'home.'
"You were so good with the kids. They really loved you." Seonghwa said as he picked at his plate of food.
"You were not bad yourself. Remember the baby that wouldn't stop crying until you held him? I bet Atinys will love it." You smiled at the memory.
Seonghwa blushed and was hesitant to ask, but he really wanted to know.
"Do you think you'd ever want kids?"
You instantly lit up at the question.
"Of course I do! I'd love to have a family of my own one day."
Seonghwa wasn't surprised, he knew you were the mom in your group, just like him. It was something you two bonded over when you first met. You looked up from your food to see him staring intently at you.
"What?" You asked.
He only smirked before saying "I bet we'd make really cute babies" and winking at you.
You almost choked on your food, causing Seonghwa to laugh at your flustered state. You blushed intensely and threw a towel at him.
"Yah Park Seonghwa!" You nagged at him.
Jeong Yunho:
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Yunho and you looked at the place you were staying at during the duration of your 'marriage'. It is definitely cute and had a lot of room. You two looked around the place like little kids, excitedly pointing out so many things. It was when you both looked at your bedroom that reality hit: you were going to be sleeping with a total stranger cause room only had 1 bed.
Yunho looked over at you and could sense how tense you got. Quickly, he nudged you with his elbow.
"If you want, I'll do something to really annoy you and we get in a fight." He suggested
"Why would we do that?" You asked, completely baffled by his suggestion.
"So you can send me to sleep on the couch and you sleep here. You know, like an actual married couple." He actually held two thumbs up and had a goofy smile on his face.
You burst out laughing at him. He never failed to make you laugh.
"No, I'd feel bad. Besides, your long limbs wouldn't fit in the couch."
Soon nighttime came and both of you were getting ready to go to bed. Yunho was currently in the king sized bed, playing around on his phone when you came out of the bathroom, face clean and makeup free. Yunho dropped his phone and just stared in awe.
"Stop looking at me like that! I'm already self conscious about being bare faced in the camera." You exclaimed.
Yunho only smiled lovingly at you. "Trust me, you have nothing to be self conscious about. You're absolutely beautiful."
You blushed but quickly got over it and got into bed with him.
"You better not kick me in your sleep." You warned him.
"I won't. I'll just do this."
With no warning, Yunho tangled his long arms and legs around you, encapsulating you into a giant embrace.
"No! Stop! I don't like it!" You shouted half heartedly.
"Don't lie, you know you love it. And if you don't, get used to it. You're stuck with me for a long time.... wifey." He teased you.
Kang Yeosang:
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"Eek! I'm going to fall!"
You squealed as you tried to balance yourself on Yeosang's skateboard. It was the challenge set for you: you two had to share with each other your favorite hobbies and experience them together. The day before, you already had Yeosang try out [insert hobby here] and you two had lots of fun.
Now it was his turn and he was already excited about showing you his skateboarding skills, but nothing made him happier than teaching you a few things.
"No no no. It's ok. I got you ok?"
Yeosang carefully held your hands, slowly pulling you forward as you kept both feet on the board, trying not to think about losing your balance.
"What if I fall and mess up my face? I'll lose my source of income!"
Yeosang chuckled. It was one of the things he loved about you: your sense of humor even when you were scared to death.
"Don't worry. I won't let you fall, I'll catch you."
You and Yeosang shared a heartfelt smile and continued on with him pulling you. Everything was going great, until a dog suddenly rushed past both of you, making you lose your balance and almost toppling to the ground. Luckily, true to his word, Yeosang stopped you from getting hurt, locking you in a tight embrace. You both stood still for a moment, getting over the shock of what could have happened.
"Are you ok?" Yeosang asked, looking you up and down to make sure nothing was damaged.
"Yeah.... I'm fine. Thank you."
Neither of you let go for a while, you just stared into each other's eyes, simultaneously leaning on closer and closer before one of the staff following you two accidentally sneezed, making you two remember where you were.
"Are you going to add special effects and a drama ost in the background when this airs?" You asked so casually causing the entire staff to burst out laughing.
"Please play either the Goblin soundtrack or Boys Over Flowers, make it more sentimental." Yeosang added.
He picked up his skateboard.
"I think we've had enough for today."
"Yeah. I don't want to have my life threatened once again." You agreed.
"I told you I'd catch you didn't I? And I did. But now you need to catch something..." Yeosang paused and looked at you.
"What?" You tilted your head.
He hesitated before reaching into his sweater and then pulling out a finger heart.
"My heart!" He exclaimed in a cute voice.
Choi San:
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From the start, you two were viewer's favorite couple. Your interactions were just so cute and adorable they couldn't help but eat them up. San was especially happy when he found out you were to be his 'wife', he already admired you since you debuted, but with this new experience, he knew for sure he had fallen for you.
It was more than a month into your marriage and you two had yet to share your first kiss. Everyone else already had theirs but you two. It just seemed you two never had the perfect opportunity to do it. But San was determined to make the moment, not for the fans or viewers but for himself. That's how you two ended up on a late night picnic date.
"Oh my God San!" You almost cried at how beautiful the scene was.
There were lights decorating the nearby trees, flower arrangements at every corner and fake candles around the blanket for your picnic.
"I hope I like it." He said shyly.
"I love it! Oh my God! It's beautiful." You couldn't help but hug him tightly.
You spent most of the date eating the delicious food he prepared and overall talking, with music playing from his phone. When a certain slow song came up, he stood up and held his hand out to you.
"May I have this dance?"
Of course you couldn't refuse him. Not when he smiled at you with his pure and sweet smile. You stood up and allowed him to wrap his arms around your waist, you in turn put them on his shoulders. You two just swayed to the music. You could hardly look at him in the face, you were still too shy around him.
San, however, took his chance and proceeded to dip you like in the movies, catching you by surprise. You looked at him and saw something different in his eyes.
"Can I...?" He asked you.
You smiled and nodded, knowing full well what he wanted. San leaned down and softly pressed his lips against yours. You returned the kiss, your hands going to to the back of his head. Even when he lifted you back up, San never broke the kiss, he simply deepened it and pulled you closer like his life depended on it. He completely forgot about the cameras and didn't care at that moment.
When he finally pulled back, he scanned your face to see your reaction. You were blushing and smiling widely at him.
"Was it ok?" He asked.
"It was perfect. You're perfect." You assured him, pecking his lips once more before laying your head on his chest.
San released a breath he didn't know he was holding. He felt truly happy having you in his arms. He simply grinned like a fool in love.
Song Mingi:
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"Everyone, today as you can see, my lovely wife and I are going to cook breakfast together. As you all know, I'm actually an expert in pancakes."
You only rolled your eyes at Mingi's comments towards the camera, knowing full well he can't boil water to save his life. You were so focused on mixing the batter, you didn't notice he took one of the cameras and started coming closer to you with it.
"Here we see our pretty Y/N barefaced. She looks even more beautiful than she usually does today."
You looked over to see a camera all over your face, flustering you.
"Stop." You told him, trying to hide your face.
"I'm only trying to share your beauty to the world! Let me finish!" He protested, trying to film more of your face.
You responded by holding up a wooden spoon and threatening to swat him with it, making him quickly run away.
"This should count as domestic abuse!" He exclaimed.
You had Mingi watched the pancakes while you tried to set up the table. You took your time trying to make everything look as pretty as possible when a high pitched scream made you run back into the kitchen.
"What did you do?!" You shouted as you took in the smoke emanating from the pan.
"I swear I didn't do anything!" Mingi shouted.
"Yeah I can see that!"
You proceeded to put out the smoke that was now causing the smoke detector to go off. You thanked god none of the staffs were there with you at the moment cause they would have been losing their minds.
Once you got the situation under control, you looked at the completely burnt pancakes, your hard work gone to waste. You blinked slowly, trying to process what happened.
"I'm sorry Y/N....I really didn't mean- Oh god. You're mad aren't you?"
You looked over at poor Mingi, who looked so guilty and afraid of your reaction. You couldn't find it in yourself to stay mad at him.
"It's ok. I'm glad no one got hurt."
Mingi was taken aback when you hugged him, laughing softly at the situation. He started laughing with you.
"Does that mean you'll allow me to help you again?" He asked with hope in his eyes.
"Not a chance."
Jung Wooyoung:
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It was finally the part of the show where you two had to meet your parents. Wooyoung and you were very much nervous even if it was just for fun and entertainment. You all met up at a restaurant and introduced everyone. It was difficult at first, your families trying to get used to being filmed and you two trying to make sure everyone was comfortable. But soon both your parents were having a good time poking fun at your expense.
"Honestly mom, what was your reaction when you found out who I was marrying?" Wooyoung had a smile plastered on his face.
"Truthfully.....I'm still not sure how she puts up with you and your loud mouth." His mom spoke honestly, causing everyone to erupt in laughter.
Wooyoung simply poked his cheek with his tongue, not very amused by the comment.
"If you ask me, I thought he'd get annoyed with Y/N." Your dad piped in.
"Why me?! What did I do?!" You exclaimed at your father's comment.
"You hardly talk and when you do, you tend to nag like an old lady."
Now it was Wooyoung's turn to laugh at you, and you simply glared at him.
"I do not!" You protested.
"Yes you do!" Wooyoung said.
The conversation soon took a better turn.
"In all seriousness sir, what kind of guy would you prefer your daughter to marry?" Wooyoung couldn't help his curiosity.
"Well I...."
All of you looked forward to his answer.
He turned to look at Wooyoung and patted his back.
"I actually like you for her very much."
Everyone was surprised by that, even Wooyoung himself.
"Right? I feel like they have such good chemistry together. I'd want Y/N as my actual daughter in law."
You blushed when his mother added her opinion.
"Would you guys consider dating for real?"
You and Wooyoung looked at each other. Sure things started off rocky with you, but over time you learned to put up with each other and found out you actually complimented each other. Wooyoung's extroverted personality helped you become less shy and not worry too much about things, whereas your calm nature helped Wooyoung to have more patience and self control. You actually couldn't imagine what it'd be like without each other in your lives anymore.
"Well I mean.....our parents approve, our fans ship it and we definitely are cute together....what do you say?" Wooyoung winked at you.
Choi Jongho:
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It was the final filming of the show. Jongho and you were supposed to sit down and look back at all the fan favorite moments you had together and also answer a few questions they left for you.
"Is there any clip you hope made it into the top 5 moments?" The director asked.
"For me it's when I serenaded Y/N on our first date." Jongho answered.
You smiled at the memory. "That was cute."
"Were you surprised by my beautiful voice?" He asked you.
"I was more surprised by the fact you split my apple in half." You responded.
"I see how it is. You only like me for my strength, not my talent." He fake pouted, causing you to laugh.
You guys had your eyes fixed on the screen, watching the clip of when you first met and the reactions you had backstage without the other knowing, now watching what each of you really thought.
"Wow! You seriously thought I was going to be a boring stick in the mud!" Jongho was offended when he saw your interview when you said you thought your marriage would be boring.
"I'm sorry! You came in all intimidating onto the set! I was scared of you!" You explained why you thought that way then.
"You were scared?! You were wearing all black when I saw you! I thought you were planning to hex me or something with your creepy aura!" Jongho exclaimed.
"My stylist picked that outfit!" You said.
"Is her stylist here? I want a word with them."
The rest of the filming spent in laughs and reminiscing about the past weeks between you two and eventually the cameras stopped rolling and it was officially over............
It was over on the show, but not for you two.
"I'll pick you up after we're done with recording ok? I love you Y/N." Jongho smiled and pressed a kiss to your lips.
Gifs not mine. Credit goes to their respective owners.
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