#heartanalytics 001
ragestaged · 4 years
heroic wasn’t a word to describe chloe price; reckless and brash might’ve been better terms. even so, it wasn’t as if all of her energy was expended in favor of stupid exploits. pointless? maybe. did she always tend to fight against the current? absolutely. chloe always followed what she thought was right in the moment; even if that was a mistake, even if her gut & instincts were always a step behind. but sometimes you had to say fuck all that noise and just act. which was exactly what she was doing. as a woman she knew that men could be fucking awful, she’d had waaay too many experiences with shady men in her life that she knew when something was up. so obviously when she spotted another woman-- just about her age-- getting heckled by a creep, she had to step in and do something about it. she was lucky that she had height on her side, though a good portion of men were still taller than her, she had dealt with aggressive shorter guys, too. but this guy was about her size, if not an inch or two taller, and luckily he was no body builder. he was about skin and bones in an incredibly unhealthy way, so much as that she was sure he was probably on something, and that was no fucking good to deal with. chloe’s gun had been drawn from her waistband as soon as she was right upon them; her timing impeccable considering she could tell he was about to do something. a click signaled chloe was cocking the gun, and the man’s head turned. ❝ Step. The fuck. Away from her. ❞ chloe growled, motioning with her gun slightly. the man gave her a blank look. was he calling her bluff? did he know it wasn’t a real gun? the adrenaline pumped through her veins, her heart beat in her ear, her muscles felt like a spring under compression. she could have to act at a moment’s notice and act accordingly, or the both of them could be in danger. ❝ I said get away, shithead! ❞
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packerpain · 4 years
BRIGHT SMILE, BRIGHTER EYES-- a pale resemblance to one of the limbs of the spider. shalnark---- always did his fellow troupe member fiddle away on that wretched phone; accompanied by a smile no less. one could never assume what exactly was going through his mind. always those type of people around, even in a place like this. how annoying-- shalnark was tolerable. useful.
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“are you always like that? smiling?”
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drashling · 4 years
@heartanalytics​ ;; sc.
    "Don't take this the wrong way."
What's there to misunderstand?! It's the same story all over again, and sugarcoating it doesn't help in the slightest; it's his age, again, that's in the way. At least judging by what she said, there's no other reason given.
He can help around a bit! Don't want to overwhelm a kid! We got you covered! Oh, sorry, thought I'd be getting a real psychologist here to talk to, not, some, dang, small, CHILD —!! Things got more comfortable when he graduated and had his own practice, but — Sylvie can't afford to open one here, let alone when he barely settled down and is basically stuck with pocket money only.
Humiliating, was it. Being a highly-trained Epither user and a licensed Psychologist, yet incapable of performing either, now.
Perhaps anyone decent would have left it be, but Sylvie just couldn't, really, knowing how this is the closest to his occupation in his homeworld he'll get. Working as some Barista, or whatever else will even consider taking him — he might actually puke. Not to mention how Pride won't dare digest it. The entire stay in this city felt like a horrible & insulting joke on the independency he's worked so hard for.
Despite the emotional cacophony at heart, he'd make sure to appear calm — lest, that too, gets marked off as "childish" and a disqualification trait. Three solid knocks at the door, and he'd wait.
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"Ms Cykes?" while her being "personally uncomfortable" with hiring him is not something he can change much, at the very least the legality is up to debate; if it was forbidden by law to hire a minor, then he wanted to see sources. "May I speak with you for a moment?"
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