#heart of beatrice
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avassiilva · 5 months ago
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24601orwhatever · 5 months ago
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And you must never go away! 📷: 2024 trailer
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ohlexa · 2 years ago
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AVA SILVA + running
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hamletteprinceofdenmark · 1 year ago
Much Ado About Nothing, Wyndhams (2011)
Act 4, Scene 1 aka
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radiobarf · 1 year ago
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DAYS 01-06
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iamnmbr3 · 2 years ago
So you know the scene at the end of The Taming of The Shrew where they have that stupid competition to see whose wife is most obedient? Can you imagine if other Shakespeare characters were there?
Ophelia: You called, My Lord?
Hamlet: No I didn’t. Why are you here when nobody likes you? Go away!
Petruchio: Even I think that’s mean.
Romeo: Go find Juliet and ask her if she would come here and tell her she has the most beautiful eyes, that make the very sun seem dull, and the loveliest hair and a face that puts to shame Aphrodite herself...oh and bring her this sonnet I wrote her...and actually I’ll go find her myself for I can’t bear to be apart from her another moment!
Petruchio: …
Petruchio: … Yeah he’s not coming back. Next!
Coriolanus: Go find my wife and ask her to come here and also ask her if she's seen Aufidius. Actually, have you seen Aufidius...or heard any news of him?
Servant: No I haven't… Is there a name or a description I could use to find your wife?
Coriolanus: Hold on. I know this one.
Petruchio: Wow... We’ll come back to you. Next!
Orlando: I refuse to participate in this farce. It’s demeaning to women.
“Ganymede”: Nonsense! Any real man (which I totally am) wants women to obey him without question!
Orlando: That’s wrong! That’s not being a “real man”; that’s just being a bully. I would never treat Rosalind that way and I hope no one else would either!
“Ganymede”: … You pass the test.
Orlando: What?
"Ganymede": What?
Beatrice from 3 rooms away: WHAT?
Beatrice: WHY?
Benedick: ON IT!
Benedick *rolling up his sleeves*: Isn’t she great?
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something-gay-af · 2 years ago
I could write an essay about the last scene between ava and Beatrice at the Ark. The amazing gift that is Kristina Tonteri-Young's performance, especially after Beatrice let's go of Ava. Somehow in 5 seconds she was able to embody the intense feeling of pure stress and bubbling regret all in one look! I've never seen panic over a decision you made without having enough time to consider, being expressed so well. Reminded me of that feeling you experience as a child for the first time when you realize that your actions have consequences, that when you break things they are gone and can't just be replaced. She didnt have to say anything and we already knew that she wished she hadn't let Ava go, that she wished she could take it back, take her back.
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jtl07 · 3 months ago
Prompt: Secret Santa 🎅🏼🎁
hello hello! going with some sort of office au for this one - thanks for joining in the shenanigans!
Beatrice's first thought when she receives her Secret Santa assignment is, inexplicably, The Little Mermaid, specifically the song "Part of your world."
Well, not so inexplicable considering that a) she's been assigned to Ava and b) they'd spent their last movie night on the couch with Ava murmuring along to all the songs, eyes alight and giggles as soft as the blanket they'd shared, as soft as the cheek Ava had rested against her shoulder.
And because c) what does one get the girl who has everything?
It's not that Ava doesn't have wants - Beatrice is more than aware of her dreams and desires, knows how wide and varied they are: a trip to the Blue Grotto, the little Santa rubber duckie she'd seen in a store window, beating Lilith for Employee of the Month. But all of these are things that are within Ava's reach, that Beatrice knows she's already on her way to achieve, that she doesn't need help with; that she hardly needs help with anything, least of all from someone like her.
"You're stressing way too much over a gift that's supposed to be less than $20," Camila observes on their lunch break, eyeing the spreadsheets and printouts littering Beatrice's desk (end of year planning can wait a couple days, Beatrice justifies to herself; it's not every year she's given a duty as important as this).
"You know she'll be happy with anything," Camila continues as she finishes off her burger and eyes Beatrice's fries.
Beatrice turns sharply in her chair. "How do you know who I have?"
Camila gives her a knowing look. "There's only one person who ever gets you like this, Beatrice."
Beatrice huffs, claims that Camila is no help at all and sends her away, giggling after stealing Beatrice's bag of fries but Beatrice doesn't notice.
So what if she wants to make sure the gift is perfect. Ava deserves nothing less. Deserves more; deserves it all.
Her only reprieve is walking through the Christmas market later that day, Ava having tugged her towards the square while batting her eyes and a pout on her lips. "Fine," Beatrice had sighed, "Fine." Had stuffed her hands in her pockets and ignored Ava's fond laugh, had leaned into Ava leaning into her as they made their way down the line of stalls.
She'd forced herself not to think of Ava's rosy cheeks, or the way she'd leaned in to share various treats on sticks; forced herself to remind herself that they were friends, and that Ava deserves so much more.
She doesn't ignore, however, the way how Ava squeals when they catch sight of an ice skating rink, or how she sighs longingly and says how she'd likely break her tailbone if she ever tried. Starts to form an idea in her mind as Ava drags them away and on to yet another stall.
Beatrice lingers just inside the entrance, spotting Ava easily among the crowd moving on to and off of the ice rink. There's several ways this could go (she'd come up with at least 17 different possibilities last night, had settled on mild disappointment as the most likely and least painful of them all). She'd seriously considered backing out and calling in a favor with JC or Hans, forestalled only by the memory of Ava's joy, and a hope that drives her slowly forward.
Still, Beatrice walks toward Ava slowly, trying gauge Ava's mood. She's excited, that much is clear in the way she's tapping her feet, checking her phone, fixing her hair - Beatrice pauses at that. She's only seen that particular tic a couple times before, always before a date. Her mind goes into overdrive, adding now an 18th possibility, now feeling wholly unprepared -
Ava's on her feet in a flash, rocks forward then just as quickly back, as if catching herself. It doesn't dim her smile, though, in fact it just gets wider. There's no surprise, Beatrice realizes, and it's as if: "You knew it was me?"
"Of course I knew it was you," Ava says before biting her lip, eyes falling slightly, shy. "There's no one else who knows me like you do."
Beatrice feels her breath catch, coughs her way through it. But she feels something resonate in her chest at Ava's admission; decides to give one in return. "I had a hard time picking something. I know this is something you could've gotten for yourself, or we could have done it together without the whole Secret Santa business, or perhaps -"
"Bea." Ava's hand is as soft as her eyes, as soft as her voice. "This is perfect. Thank you for this." The smile is one Ava has given Beatrice many times before, a place to fall and be caught, to be revealed and still respected, protected; wanted.
Beatrice takes the hope in her chest and tries her best to shape them into words. "There's more, actually. I was hoping that afterwards, if you'd like, we could go for dinner? As in, well, as in ..."
"As in a date?"
And when Beatrice looks into Ava's eyes there's none of the disappointment or disgust that she had feared - just a similar longing and a rising, excited hope.
"Yes, Ava. If that's okay with you."
The smile Ava gives is a sunrise, a release, a relief. "I would want nothing more."
(What a surprise, Beatrice thinks when they make their way out onto the rink hand in hand, to be wanted by the girl who has everything.)
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sistertinysips · 1 year ago
Since it's canon that Bea thought to herself (about Ava) 'how can you not love her?'. I simply know that out there exists a fic/universe where Bea is just so charmed/in love with Ava that she adores and supports ANYTHING she does.
Like I'm picturing Lilith coming up to Bea after Ava did the scotch-tape-at-the-door prank on her and she's furious because Ava is legitimately behaving like a little pest and Bea just sighing and replying:
I know, isn't she just lovely?
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wordsmith30 · 2 years ago
You know what just really gets me about Beatrice's reaction to the kiss?
It wasn't just that she was dealing with internalized homophobia and the fear of losing Ava throughout the entire season. As far as she knew, this girl was straight!
To find out that Ava didn't just think of her as a best friend, but loved her the same way that Bea loved her ... Beatrice was not prepared.
If Ava didn't make the first move, I don't know that Bea would've been able to tell her how she felt. She was so scared. She needed that confirmation to let go: to kiss Ava back and know that it was okay, that she was loved, that Ava loved her.
She could finally just be and bask in the love she had denied herself for so long. Caress the face of that beautiful girl who set her heart and soul free.
I will never not be over these two.
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beatrice1010 · 4 months ago
milo 🩷
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bethanydelleman · 2 years ago
The more I read the more I just hate and abhore Claudio. He was very willing to believe Don John before proof was given of Hero's guilt, he even plotted revenge immediately. He has no remorse when he hears that Hero is dead, insults Leonato and Antonio instead of allowing them to defend Hero's honour, and then most despicable, when Benedick accuses him in earnest and challenges him to a duel, does a comedy routine with Don Pedro (I don't know why this bothers me the most, probably because it happens last).
And then he doesn't even really admit he was wrong! He says he only sinned in being mistaken, but that is not true.
Kind of wish the play ended with Benedick stabbing him through the heart and Beatrice spitting on his grave.
Biblical comparison below:
This is making me think of the story of Mary and Joseph and the contrast between Joseph and Claudio. Also what the "right" thing to do would have been.
Even if Hero did sleep with someone, the good man Joseph planned to divorce/break up his engagement with Mary quietly and not disgrace her. And he had absolute proof that Mary was unfaithful since she was pregnant and he hadn't slept with her yet. (He didn't know the father was God at that point).
Mary had made Joseph a promise, he believed she had cheated on him, and yet he chooses mercy and not revenge. Claudio likewise could have chosen mercy but instead he exposes Hero in the most public way possible.
Fuck him.
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kalopseance · 1 year ago
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ive added my new charms to my store, restocked the charlottes and i still have the original poniko and beatrice/(SPOILER) charms available! shipping from the UK but i ship worldwide (to keep shipping affordable, tracking isnt automatically added unless you select it at checkout; please manually select tracked shipping at checkout if you want it!)
please check out my store if youre interested and thank you for your support <3
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carrie-tate · 5 months ago
*Thinks about TenRose*
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toiletdestroyer3415 · 5 months ago
Day 2 of Piktober - Lifeform
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"Are... Are you lost, too?"
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that-bi-fan · 3 months ago
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keep forgetting to post these
found at an antique shop in Reno. click for better quality.
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