#hearing and speech center near me
spectraplus01 · 2 years
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Best hearing aid machine in India | Hearing aid machine in Delhi
Spectra is a one stop solution for your entire family for routine tests to the most complex diagnostics and solutions for Hearing, Speech, Voice and Vertigo. Specialized solutions for Geriatric to Paediatric care enables it to serve patients across all ages. Backed by senior ENT Doctors, Spectra Plus is a trusted centre for doctors and patients across Delhi NCR.
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liztenhearinghub · 5 days
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Speech and Hearing Clinic in Bhubaneswar
       One of the best Speech and Hearing clinics in Bhubaneswar is Lizten Hearing Hub. You will get both services in one stop at an    affordable price. kindly visit our site https://www.liztenhearinghub.com/
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shareablestatus · 4 months
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Speech and Autism Therapy in Kolkata | Ayush Speech & Hearing Clinic
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Ayush Speech & Hearing Clinic in Kolkata is your trusted destination for comprehensive occupational therapy tailored specifically for individuals with autism. We understand the unique challenges faced by those on the autism spectrum and are committed to providing specialized care that enhances their quality of life. Our team of experienced occupational therapists at Ayush Clinic works closely with individuals with autism to address sensory sensitivities, motor skills, social interaction, and daily living skills. we create a supportive and nurturing environment where individuals with autism can thrive. Our goal is to help them develop essential life skills, improve their sensory processing, and enhance their ability to participate in daily activities with greater ease and confidence. If you're seeking professional occupational therapy for autism in Kolkata, Ayush Speech & Hearing Clinic is here to provide compassionate and effective care, empowering individuals with autism to achieve their fullest potential. Call us at 9038690692 to set up an appointment and begin your journey toward clear communication.
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bomber-grl · 6 months
“Wanna get married?”
Damian Wayne x Gn!Reader
(They’re about 19)
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“What…? Why’re you so freaked out?” You and Damian were currently sitting across each other in the living room.
“What do you mean, why am I so freaked out?…explain yourself” his sudden mood changes never ceases to amaze you- something you seriously shouldn’t be thinking while being suspected of by an ex assassin .
“Well… Since we’re tired and bored, I asked if you’d wanna get married-“
“Yea, I understood the first time but why and…in what sense?” He interrupted you, rude
“Ok ok look, just hear me out” he glared at you but then sighed and just nodded.
“Alright” you sat up “so imagine this,me, you, fancy high end restaurant- AND before you say anything!” You shove a finger against Damian’s lips.
“Imagine the food, we can, idk… go in together and I could fake purpose to you for fun” you sat back and studied Damian’s facial expressions .
He let out the deepest sigh you’ve ever heard in your life that you’ve heard from him. Which is to say a lot since sighs from Damian aren’t exactly uncommon.
He leaned back and started thinking “where would you even get a ring-“
“I’ve thought of that” is how you responded and quickly pulled out the best looking ring you have.
“Okayyyy, I don’t know why you have that but, ugh, fine.” He said finally admitting defeat. He got to his feet and held out a hand for you to grab.
Show time.
The two of you decided to head out the the fanciest, high class restaurant damian knows and once the two of you got dressed you had Alfred drive you there.
You’d be lying if you said you and Damian didn’t look absolutely stunning, I mean anyone would be jealous if they saw the two of you, not knowing whether they’d want to be with you or you.
Once you finally stepped out you stayed behind and watched as Damian managed to get a seat despite not having a reservation, maybe all he said was that he was Bruce Wayne’s son.
Well anyway, a waiter led you there and had you two seated in a very public place, nice.
Although it was good for your plan it wasn’t exactly ideal, especially since Damian really hates being the center of attention.
Anyway the both of you ended up eating away without a care of the cost (mostly you) and when you saw it fit you got up, cleared your throat and began your plan.
“Damian Wayne, you and I had been friends for a long time now and we’ve been dating for a good while aswell. I’m aware we are young but our young age doesn’t make my love for you invalid. So I ask this with upmost sincerity-“ you go to kneel and continue your cringe ass over the top speech.
“I wish for you and I to be lovers and even more in the near future so-“ you pull into your pocket and get the ring and open the box “will you make me the happiest person alive and marry me?”
Collective gasps could be heard around the restaurant and even some people pulled out their phones to record- I mean imagine Damian Wayne and y/n l/n getting married of all people???
An event of the century
Well Damian’s shocked face was worth it and although unexpected, his blush certainly wasn’t unwelcomed.
Nice! He was s totally selling it
Anyway he got up abruptly and nodded his head, that wasn’t enough for you though. “What?-“
“YES ILL MARRY YOU” he hastily let you slip the ring on his finger and he called over the waiter to bring your check.
Someone had to have called paparazzi because when you stepped out of the establishment there was flashing lights all around you while you two hurriedly got into the vehicle driven by Alfred.
The very next day you were forced to go to the Wayne manor because of how much Damian kept pestering you.
Once you managed to sneak past the news reporters you entered the living room and the whole family was there, everyone had mixed reactions but most of them Thought it was hilarious.
But in all seriousness Bruce said that you’ll have to give an official statement saying it was all a stunt while a video of the news played on the tv talking about you and Damian’s new engagement.
The next few days were full of people spreading “Damian x y/n” all over previous haters and people were also mentioning how absurd it was due to your young age.
“Damian’s and y/ns engagement “ was trending all over twitter and any social media platform and although it was fun while it lasted an official statement had to be published eventually. 😔
It was fun calling Damian your “fiancé” when in interviews, but everything must come to an end 😔
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metranart · 13 days
“Even if I have to repeat myself a million times, I will do it…” Hawks reached for your strand of hair again, and this time the feather around your wrist, halted your aggressive motion. “You have to let me take care of you.”
ft. Hawks centered, Hawks x reader, Slight! Bakugo x reader, Slight! Dabi x reader.
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Hawks x UA Student! Reader (Part 6)
- Warning tag: obsessed! Hawks, possessive! Hawks, naive! student reader, violation of trust, dubious consent, mating cycles, rut response, obsessive behavior, uncontrollable thirst for reader, manipulation, forced, thigh riding, hormonal minds out of control, sexual content, first time, cock riding, teenage fuck, Dabi's toxically interested in you, Bakugo bestie yet secretly inlove wit you, love confessions, cock-drunk, Hawks trying to be good but failing miserably, gaslighting, HEAVY plot, lots of smut. -
The aftermath was without a word, after what felt like an hour strapped with Hawks rooted inside you, he finally pulled out and you weren’t able to look him in the eye. 
The young Hero on the other hand, was more than desperate to have eye contact with you, kept chasing your gaze when helped you dress, you kept swatting his hands away, didn’t want him to touch you, not EVER again. Yet, he seemed committed to ignore your disgust for him and his less than human actions. 
Slowly, arranged your shirt buttoning it up and even went as far as to kneel to rearrange your skirt around your hips, doing his best to be gentle and tender, nothing rough or unpleasant came from his working hands. He just wanted to make it up to you, he knew that the silence enveloping both wasn’t a comfortable one, not like what a loving couple or a first timer would share with his first sexual partner, Oh no! There was no love share between you, not even familiarity and Hawks itched to correct it, yet refused to break another of your boundaries. 
All his hopes of the rut ending and that helping him dissuade this awful feeling of possessiveness were gone. He wasn’t even a little bit ready to part ways with you, and hated to think he would be banned from be near you, he wanted to be glued to your hip, tattooed on your skin, Fuck! Don’t vanish him from your side, dammit! He couldn’t take it.
“Baby Bird,” he cooed, “There’s no number of words to make you—” 
“Don’t.” The finality on your tone, halted his speech but his body openly rebelled to obey him, and when you tried to step away from him, his hand quickly latched itself to your forearm. 
“Don’t.” He mimicked, whole different sense in the same words. Keigo wasn’t ready to part ways with you, at least no right now, “just—… I don’t have any right to ask, I KNOW this, but please…. Please, let me be near you….” he spelled, thinking every word very well, “I-… I just please…. Let me take care of you.”
The fear reflecting on your blown pupils told him, he had overstepped his welcome and when your mouth opened just a tad, his hand landed on it. 
Shushing your possible refusals, hate words, sarcastic comments, curses or fit of cries, he annulled them all, even when knew he deserves each single one like a medal of honor for his awfully torrid misbehaving, he was a monster, yet wasn’t ready to hear it out from your mouth. 
“Fine-…” he sighed, looking a little defeated “I will take you home, you will eat, hydrate, bathe, sleep and then… I will—” Only his fingers remained on top of your lips, tapping them ever so slightly. The way his eyes narrowed telling you he was pondering the next word, to what you end up saying. “—leave.”
He sighed and swallowed. “I… I promise, I’ll think about it—” 
You stilled. Shock ruling your body before numbly, repeat. “You—you w-will think....think about it?”
The numb, abused girl slowly started to fade, all your patience and understanding blurring away by the uncomfortable and constant palpitating sensation between your thighs, throbbing the wrongness of what had transpired between the two. Slowly, your feeble voice began to raise in volume, “You said once your rut was over, this will end!” you snapped and bit hard at the fingers tapping your lips, feeling very proud when his brows creased, and he muttered a quiet ‘Ouch’. 
“You are a liar—!”
“I’m your MATE.” Keigo didn’t even need to raise his voice for your aggressive stance to stop immediately, the authority with which he said it was enough, as if your body remembered who it was dealing with. “YOU need to understand that this has to follow its flow in order to end, baby bird.” Those golden eyes shone differently, somehow sharper and you saw with disgust how he licked his bitten fingers. He looked disappointed, almost angry with himself, with you, but mostly with the entire situation… pushing him to make a point clear. 
“I didn’t ask you to kiss me on the lips and then use your quirk on me without notice or permission, kid—” Keigo was having trouble coping, too many mix signals, his rational brain urged him to fix things while his reptilian brain stressed very loudly how his mate just bit him like a brat… and unfortunately, was still too drowned in hormones not to listen. He´ll make it right, he knew how to deal with brats, he considered himself a brat tamer. “—YOU chose to do that and I’m really sorry, I really am…” he managed to sound remorseful, yet so scary as well, “I know you didn’t have bad intentions… but as a Hero-to-be you must learn to deal with the decisions you make.” Genuine displeasure leaking into his voice. 
Your eyes watered. You knew he was right, even Aizawa sensei repeated it every single time he could, but at that moment Hawks words tasted like corrosive acid, your pussy was still throbbing thanks to him, your entire body felt like a truck had run over it…. your first time, your first everything had been brutally taken from you—… and here he was giving himself airs of superiority, genuinely and blatantly trying to turn this entire shitstorm on YOU, and you weren’t going to fucking stand for it. 
“You just raped an underage student, Number Two Hero of the country—” you sneered, voice cracking. “… I guess I’ll be seeing you in court-…. or do you want to go straight to jail?” from the corner of your eye, glimpsed his fists tighten, and you openly sobbed trying to force a grin onto your lips as venom dripped down, “—you know, now that we are making ourselves responsible from our actions, like the Pro Hero’s we are, Hawks.”  
“Keigo.” He reminded; stare firmly set on you.  
“Hawks.” You repeated. Holding back angry tears.
Keigo barked out a humorless laugh. “You are not a Pro Hero, kid” he growled, “-not yet.” You were frustrating him, sparking a rut response out of his more primitive side, he wouldn’t fuck you like before, no…. he was more in control, even so, this wasn’t how a mate should behave, like HIS mate should behave. “What you are is MY mate, and as such, you are going to let me take care of YOU.” He stated, taking a couple of steps towards you. “Please… please back up.” You muttered out of your control, you could feel yourself shaking as he towered over your petite form, until he motioned one finger up and one of your arms raised in the air, making you notice the red feathers still wrapped around your wrists and ankles, like shackles. Hawks leant closer until his breath caressed your face and closing your eyes, felt him place a soft kiss on your cheek to then say. “—So, lead the way, so I can do just that.”
Even printing all the strength, you had in you, you could not lower your arm, making you remember who you were dealing with. You knew you weren’t match for his strength or impressive speed. You knew that—So, you took a deep breath to tame the anger enough to let you think straight again, and clenching your jaw, swallowed back the tears. Snorting soundly to make your repudiation for him clear.
“If with this I get rid of YOU-” you spatted at him without look him in the eye, “-it’s this way, Hawks.” Added between clenched teeth, resigned and tired. Holding onto the hope that maybe if you follow his stupid demands, he’ll leave, for good! 
“Call me Keigo.” His voice sounded strained but hide it well enough, keeping a smile on his lips.
You pretended not to listen and walked half a block in awkward silence, from time to time you felt his hand bump yours, as if he wanted to hold it, to what you crossed your arms expecting to make him angry, but he just smiled at you, unfazed, almost as if he was expecting it, which made you internally fume. 
Arriving at your parent’s house, snatched the keys out of your backpack and felt a little relieve knowing there would be no one until nightfall.  
Without waiting for you to invite him in, Keigo stepped forward taking a furtive look around, grinned, glancing back through his shoulder at you.  
“S’ Pretty.” He praised, and began to snoop around, grabbing things to inspect them up closely, bending down to smell a flower arrangement your mother set in the living room. You even saw his wings flap excitedly when grabbed a frame with a family photo in… your parents, you and your little brother, all smiling, all happy. Hawks scanned the picture with clinical fascination, and then put it back in its place, to then do the same with each single picture.  
“Now what, Hawks?” You broke his reverie, happy trance interrupted by the mention of his Hero name, instead of his actual name. An eyebrow rose in your direction, but you didn’t care.
“Eat, hydrate, bathe, sleep—” One finger on his hand stretching out at each activity mentioned, “easy peasy, baby bird.”
Rolling your eyes at him, you turned sharply to head towards the kitchen and immediately, a pang of pain doubled you over. Adrenaline had evaporated, and you didn't have the slightest energy to use your quirk on yourself. This Hero had sucked every ounce of strength out of you.
Hawks was at your side in seconds, his hands cupping your shoulders way too greedily for your liking. “Your body is exhausted, don’t exert yourself…. Let me—”, your face whip at him way too fast, judgment and uncertainty in your features, but before you could decline, added. 
“You know what I’m going to say,” Keigo aimed to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear when you slapped his hand away, making him sigh, “even if I have to repeat myself a million times, I will do it…” reached for your strand again, and this time the feather around your wrist, halted your aggressive motion. He shook his head, disapprovingly, and then calmly continue.
“You have to let me take care of you.”
Clenching your jaw, you boiled with rage. God! He was probing to be difficult, and so were you, your defensive stance didn’t let you realize he was truly slave to hormones, instinct ruling his behavior, all his thoughts and demands, right at that moment he would rather be fucking you to a pulp, but he was really trying to keep himself rooted to coherency, resisting the mischief his biological body suggested. He was a predator, designed hunt, he loved to hunt small things... like YOU. It was awful to know he could break you, if he slipped back inside you just to feel those unused walls sucking him in, squeezing so tight- as a vice.... yet, now that he felt more in control, also knew that if he did, he would be a true villain.  
His thumbs started rubbing circles over your tense shoulders, and you felt exhausted to keep fighting. Realized that there were only two options left. One, fight him throughout the entire process -him more than ready to submit you and take care of you- or two, play along and finish this weird after-intercourse ritual as quickly as possible.
Sighing deeply, you choose number two. Fuck! Up Lately you’ve been choosing number two in all the sense of the word, how awful! —But if this made him leave. 
“Please, let go...” you shook your shoulders brusquely, to no avail “… agh! so I can go to the kitchen and—” you pulled away trying to gain space, but his feathers stilled you, as he spelled, soothingly. 
“It’s not necessary. I prefer that you don’t move anymore.” Hawks said and in the blink of an eye forced you into his arms, carrying you bridal style to gently deposit you in the nearest couch. “Wait here,” he grinned down at you, and without letting you react, flew towards the kitchen as if he knew the place by heart.
A ruffled of red feathers came out of his back like an explosion and began to work around him as he just stood with his hands on his waist, watching. The control he showed was amazing, so many tasks were carried out at the same time, literally like magic. You saw the preparation of an entire menu. Boiled rice with vegetables, butter chicken and mashed potatoes with wide black pepper, a large glass of fresh-squeezed lemonade, and what looked like a banana pudding with almonds. 
Holy shit! How the hell does he do it! Hawks seemingly hadn’t moved a single muscle, even so each single dish landed gracefully on the little center table in front of you. 
“Voila! My Lady.” You heard him boast right next to you as a napkin was place on your lap. Hawks stood at arm's reach, all smiles and soft eyes, holding a set of cutleries inside his palm. 
Inner sighing at his theatricals -which you used to love, you tiredly reached to take a fork from his hand, never expecting him to snatch it away. And without giving importance to the question reflecting on your face, spooned rice into the fork and directed it to your mouth.  
“Say Ah, baby bird~” requested warmly, and you scooted away.  
“I don’t need you to feed me—” 
“—you are too exhausted, Its better this way.” Swiftly replied, leaving no room for discussion, golden eyes locked on you, narrowed, waiting, no doubt, for you to contradict him, and forcing yourself to remember your goal, tightened your fist and opened your mouth. 
“That’s my good girl.” He triumphal announced and you felt like slapping him, but instead reduced to eat. Him feeding you like a baby; you hated each minute. 
“One more mouthful, baby bird,” he insisted, “it’ll help you regain strength faster.” Said, holding a spun full of banana pudin in front of your mouth. 
You felt full, even so, opened your mouth and the spun entered, a pinch of food peeking at the corner of your lip and before you could lick it away, his thumb wipe it clean to then dip in his own mouth. Making sure to keep eye contact during the whole motion. Your cheeks turned red like the feathers adorning his back, but at the same time, your eyebrows furrowed sending him a mix message. 
“I’m fed and hydrated….” you broke eye contact to say between mouthfuls. “I’ll go to sleep, you can leave—” 
“First, you bathe, then you can sleep.” Hawks instructed, making you roll your eyes, vividly. 
“Yes, mom!” You spatted between clenched teeth, dripping sarcasm. 
“Not mom-… Mate.” He corrected, ignoring your biting attitude, “or Keigo…. I’ll even take, Takami—” 
“HAWKS-” you emphasized the Hero name and took a twisted pleasure at seeing his eyebrows knit together, “I’ll go upstairs, there’s the shower—…. make yourself scarce.”
The young Hero grinned humorless, a mix of irritation and disappointment perturbing his composed facial expression. 
You stood, and instinctively he was next to you, his arms hovering around you to carry you up. 
“Please don´t,” you swatted his hands away, “I assure you that—”
“—I assure you the opposite.” He growled, the timbre of his voice giving away his displeasure. Keigo was getting tired of you swatting him away, and in an agile twist, lifted you up in his arms, you pushed at his chest but stopped the same second his hard stare fell on you. 
This time you felt conflicted, part of you knew you were being unfair to him, since in a way this had been partly your fault.  But another part, angrier and more violated, felt with the right to make his life impossible, since you refused to believe that he never had the ability to control himself. He was not an animal, he chose to continue abusing you and even if you started it, he should have stopped it. But maybe right now wasn’t the time…. so, you yielded. Obeying your survival instinct, since the way he looked at you screamed danger. There was little time left for this to end, you could allow him this before he was banned from touching you ever again. So, you put your arms down and let him take you.
Leisurely, Keigo took his time getting to the top, it almost seemed like he wanted to bother you or at least that's how you perceived it, but it was the opposite, he just wanted to lengthen the moments to be close to you, touching you and not being openly rejected by you.
Once upstairs he deposited you gracefully in the hallway.  
“Go get some clean clothes, while I’ll run the bath.”  He instructed and spying you out of the corner of his eye pointed to the last door at the end of the hall, you nodded corroborating it was the bathroom, and rushed inside your room, slamming the door in his face.
You heard him clearly sigh from the other side of the door, and then you heard him stroll away.
Served him right, you thought annoyed. Being in your room brought you a certain sense of relief and security until your eyes collided with the wall next to your closet, the poster of Hawks greeted you from there, the figure of the winged Hero making the peace sign while urging you to achieve your dreams... That bastard! tears began to flow down your eyes without you being able to contain them, God! You hated him! everything that had happened... in a fit of anger you hit the poster on the wall, punching his heroic face with your fist, unworried by the sting on your knuckles, you only kept hitting him non-stop, no matter the pain or the blood staining the paper, you just kept going, letting out your pent-up frustration against the poor poster. Not even five seconds passed before your door was kicked down by the Hero in question.
“Baby bird—” Keigo rammed inside your room, alarmed, and his heart painfully throb at the pitiful act you displayed, bloodied knuckles and tears-stained cheeks contorting your pretty face. His golden eyes focused on the target of your ire, just to find himself printed on the bloodied poster. God! He was a villain, a Monster! And you were just a poor civilian he was so desperate to own. 
Using the feathers around your limbs stopped you, he didn't dare to touch you, the Hero didn't feel worthy.
“I´ll make this right to you, -I swear, baby bird. I´ll make things right.” You heard him murmur more to himself. 
A couple of minutes passed when suddenly you heard him swallow hard and sigh, sitting back on his heels next to your hunched body as you sob and hiccup, uncontrollably. You felt the warmth that emanated from his wings as they surrounded you making a sphere without touching you. 
"Finally....” he sounded relieved, “everything is fine, I'm here." Hawks said, and for the first time, you felt like you were talking to the real Hawks, not Takami Keigo the hormonal bird, but the Hero you admired and respected. The Hero whose posters and t-shirts you had was back and looking straight at you.
“...May I come closer?” 
He asked, Oh my fucking God! He ASKED! not intending to approach without your permission and that lead you to rush towards him, hugging him. This was all you needed, a little control and respect... it was what Keigo had taken from you.
“Hawks-s..” You sobbed into his strong chest immediately feeling safer, “I'm so sorry, it was my fault... my quirk, I shouldn't have used it-...I just wanted to help you...I-...I-" 
The young Hero hushed you, rocking his body from side to side paternally, “I'm the one who's sorry, I should have been able to control myself.... it's just-...it's a nasty thing, this rut....is ruthless and floods my brain until I can't think straight—…. it doesn't excuse my actions but... I wanted you to know.” 
And taking your hand in his, asked.
“…Are you alright?” He inspected your injured knuckles up close, and you shook your head, even so, you felt safe now that he was back and soon exhaustion began to close your eyes, slowly snoozing you away inside his warm embrace. “Kid… come on… Dammit! I need you to stay focus, this is merely a glimpse... I won't be able to stay lucid for long—” Hawks shook you a little, but your eyes kept closing, too exhausted, too tired, too drained.
“Please.... please, at least remember THIS!.......” He pleaded, desperate and inclining his head, kissed the tip of your nose, then your left cheek, then your right and finally your forehead. “Remember to do THIS in that exact order...” his words sounded slurred, “Bring...ME... back—” you heard between drowsy dreams, “.......... —Remember!” 
It was the last thing you hear before you fainted in his arms, arms which became too tight at the end, too greedy and possessive, setting a red flag in your unconscious brain, perhaps you might wake up and NOT find Hawks again.
⭕️ In this PATREON LINK you will find NSFW art of this story and more spicy MHA NSFW art and exclusive smut fanfiction (also JJK, Demon slayer, and Tokyo Revengers) .... Plus more fascinating rewards, check it out and if you got some extra bucks around, join our community. My eternal and vast gratitude for your support!!!
@dreamlessnight @wtvbabes
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hidtired · 3 months
A Single Punch [Part 4]
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Description: The line up ended with people thinking you died. However, your recovering at Hilltop with severe injury's. How will the rest of your family react to seeing you again, even Negan?
2.1k words
Warnings (much angst, injury, near death, depression, recovery, typical walking dead shenanigans) [Happy ending, fluff <3]
(Daryl Dixon x reader) Masterlist
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Rick POV
They decided that the Saviors had to go. Headed to Hilltop to gather support. Rosita also said there was something there for them that had to be seen to be believed. He was hoping for good news for once. With finding out they had Sasha and even the whole Carl stunt, and the two Alexandria lives lost, with them also taking Eugene, he was due for a break.
So to his surprise he saw Daryl turn the corner. He was surprised but the only thought he could think of was you.
“Thank you, for being my family.”
Guilt ate him. He still moved to embrace his brother. He knew what it felt like to lose something like that. He also felt responsible for bringing you. He knew he shouldn’t but couldn’t help thinking if he didn’t… Daryl seemed broken to see him. Knowing him for so long as he had, never thought he would see the gruff guy simply crumpled at the sight of him. It made him tear up a little at the thought.
He looked more beaten than the last he saw him at Alexandria. He was holding up better than he thought he would. Everyone else hugged him but Rick had to say something, “Brother I’m so sorry… Y/N… if I didn’t- she wouldn’t have been there if I didn’t ask her to come.” Daryl only smiled at your name mentioned, ok that unnerving him. Maybe he wasn’t doing as well as he thought. When Rosita seemed shocked to see him he was confused, ‘Wasn’t this what she was talking about?’
Daryl pulled out Ricks gun handing it to him, Daryl finally talking in a breath after all the attention. “Wasn’ your fault. You should know-“ Carls loud gasp made Rick turn to his son. He was looking over Daryl’s shoulder, tears starting to brim in his eye. It was hard to get tears out that boy so, Rick followed his eye line.
“No, I’m not a walker-“
You. Jesus leading you by his arm. The sounds of people stuttered gasps at the sight of you, making their hearts drop. Carl had run into a hug. Daryl chuckled, “Ya, that’s what I was gonna mention.” Rick put a hand to his mouth, an attempt to hold himself together. He put a hand to Daryl to walk past him to you. He had mentally beaten himself up about you. Feeling like the blood was on his hands. You were like a little sister. He joined Carl to hug you. Soon following Michonne and Tara.
“It’s good to see you all.” You looked well… beaten to hell. But it was a drastically better image than the last they were left with of you. When everyone pulling away from you, you seemed to struggle to find your center of gravity. It was Daryl that was behind you with a arm around your waist as you half leaned back into him.
It was Michonne who panicked thinking you were going to fall, “Are you ok?” You gave a small smile and shrugged, “You know, just brain damage.” You sighed at the still serious faces pointed at you. Rick could hear it in your speech, the weird places your voice would fluctuate.
“I’ll be ok, the worst of it is over. I’m just… relearning somethings again.” Your eyes now red from tears shed from happiness of your family back, “Long story short, took the hit-t to the hand, didn’t blackout immediately. But later woke up -later in the truck.” Rick closed his eyes soaking the information in. “I’m so sorry if I just let you stay at Alexandria you wouldn’t have had to go through any of it.” The face you gave him was like that you’d give at a child dissolvingly, “You didn’t hit me with that bat.” That silenced everyone for a moment into thought. It was Jesus that pulled his focus back.
"Why are you all here anyways?"
Your POV
They were going to fight the saviors. They need the support from Hilltop and that lead them here, Gregory's office. He was a coward that much you knew. Maggie was at a constant stand off with him your whole time here. It was Daryl's voice pulling you out of thought, "So what your just gonna wait till they decide something isn't enough and start killing some of you?" Daryl shock his head, "As long as its not you though, right?"
“She made it out of it can’t you just take that as a win and count your losses?" Gregory pointing to you next to Daryl. "See I’m happy that your little girlfriend-“
Everyone’s eyes widened and just looked to each other before just accepting that little info letting you continue. “If you would like to remain not knowing what being beat-t half to death feels like, I’d suggest-st listenin to them.” Gregory’s eyebrows furrowed deeper, “Are you threatening me after my hospitality to you?” You tilted your head to the side 'Jesus really was the one to help', “Not at all. That-t day will come at the hands of your buddies you’re so found of.” It was clear this prick of a man lacked a back bone. He wouldn’t change his mind. You were going to get worked up if you argued any longer so you waved your hand in front of you before slowly walking out the front door. You were done with it. The others could deal with it.
It was later that Jesus said he knew of another place that they could ask. You were going to go with at the suggestion of a doctor. That's what lead you in the back of a car, Rick driving and Michonne in the passenger seat. Carl was staring at you from his place next to you, "Go ahead and ask." You turned to him with a knowing look. Carl perked up and tried to look away like he wasn't caught, "Nothing, just still can't believe your here." You hummed, "How's little Jude." That got him talking, completely forgetting his originally thought as he gushed about his baby sister. It was Rick to ask the next question, "So its Mrs. Dixon now is it?" Your attention turning to the man in question. He had taken his motorcycle, you didn't want him to worry you'd fail off. You looked at Rick in the review mirror. You were slightly bashful, "Bout damn time I know." That caused laughs to ring in the car. Maybe everything was going to be ok.
Meeting this 'king' was a experience. A man with a tiger was a very big first impression. The big thing to put everyone at ease was that Morgan had been here. Rick however was a little unhappy of him trying to talk about is peace stuff. "They killed Glenn and Abraham, right in front of us... Among a few at home like Olivia and Spencer. Hell I only found out Y/N didn't die with them." You were uncomfortable with eyes looking to you. 'Didn't die with them...' Survival guilt had been eating at you. But, it seemed to snap Morgan into a apology.
You felt a hand slipping behind your back, Daryl. He try comforting you and you appreciated it. The Kings decision was made in the morning, and like Hilltop didn't go to plan. It was offered that you and Daryl could stay. With your injurie and Daryl on the run Rick agreed. Much to a displeased Daryl at him not having a choice he wasn't to apposed to you being there.
The place was rather nice. Guy name Jerry offered some cobbler and it was one of the best things you had in a while. You had meet with the Doctor while Daryl try getting Ezekiel on board, by Ricks request. Daryl found you at the table with your cobbler. He sat next to you looping a arm around your back. He had a displeased look on his face. "I found Carol." You look up from your plate to him, "She ok?" He made a face that said not really, "She doesn't know about everything that happened yet. I just couldn't say anything." He looked down ashamed. She did seem a little out of it the last you saw here. You nodded at his statement, "She around?" Daryl shock is head, "On the outskirts of the place."
You both remained silent until you broke it, "I see you want to help. You can go you know?" Daryl only scoffed at the suggestion, "Nah." You smiled, "I can try and convince-ce the King. While you fight the fight." He gave you a look that told you he was struggling to leave your side.
"I'll be here."
You raised you eyebrows to him, "Your eating yourself alive by not doing anything. I see that." He inhaled and started to nod, "Assholes need to pay for what they did." You patted the hand that was around you, "Always so passionate, one of the many reasons I love you." He grunted, "uh-huh knock it off women." You loved making him fidget at your words of praise. "That anyway to be talking to you wife?" He finally looked down at you with a small smirk, "Sure as hell made it known earlier." You shrug with you now the one being bashful.
That evening you waved Daryl off to get into the fight. With promises to kick his ass if he got hurt. You spent your days mostly with a doctor trying to heal. You were getting there. You didn't have anything much going on other then that. One of the few things to happen was seeing Carol. She seemed surprised to see you and embraced you, "Morgan told me what happened." She looked ashamed, "He said you almost died to." You nod, "Closer then I ever been." Your voice seemed close to normal again, you still put most of your focus in walking. Carol looked you up and down, taken notice to your hair growing back in the place that was shaven. Your face still some colors of yellows and greens.
The war had its ups and down but you had won it in the long run. By the next time Daryl saw you were moving independently. He retold his story's to you. The knowledge of Carl passing saving someone and his role in the win. His talk with Maggie about 'Glenn and how he would have likely had like his death mean something.' Mentioning Aaron took in a baby Rick found in a saviors outpost. Also mentions of Morales someone from the old quarry days and how he killed him. He expressed his dislike for the decision Rick made to keep Negan alive. You didn't like it much either but life went on. Daryl took you to Alexandria not wanting you to deal with the Sanctuary. You wanted to talk to Negan but said nothing to Daryl about it.
You have a foggy remembrance of the guy. Early one morning you went to confront him. He was laid down facing the wall. So you stood quietly leaning against the wall opposite to the bars. He turned at the feeling of a presence. "If your here to kill me I think there is a line." Ah right, smug asshole. You step closer to the bars, you could feel Negan's demeaner drop. "What? Looks like you saw a ghost..." He only look you up and down considering maybe he had lost it, "Well if it isn't the little Plague herself." That's right, he had called you that before trying to kill you. "I killed you if I'm not mistaken, Daryl sure as hell tried killing me for it." You nodded, "Well you seemed to have missed." You turn to leave getting what you wanted. The information you forgot and scaring him, you turned before leaving, "Or did you?" He sat there thinking maybe he ha lost it and imagined you.
That made you smug about it the rest of the day. If you couldn't kill him, you'd make him feel like he had one foot in the grave just like you thought you were.
The end.
Feedback welcomed and requests open!
My Masterlist for more Daryl ( Masterlist )
Lost a little motivation to write most parts in here, its stuff y'all already knew so.
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alexiabae · 11 months
KIND¹; lia wälti x fem!reader
Summary: during a match between switzerland vs spain, lia was involved in y/n's injury.
Warnings: mention of blood, injury, hit on the head, fluff.
Note: English is not my first language.
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not my gif.
"We can!" Irene shouts in the changing room before they all get out of it and go to the tunnel to wait.
This was the captain's job, but since the last encounter that it passed to other hands, even if she didn't wear the band. It doesn't matter anymore. The real captains would show it with it or without it, and Irene is the proof of it. Of course Irene gave them a speech after Ivana's, not despising the function that the coach gave her.
They all embrace one another and give some encouragement before they put a foot out from the changing room, leading it Ivana.
Y/N waited between Tere and Aitana. She brushed her braided hair, nervously biting her bottom lip.
"Stop it, you would mess it up." Aitana muttered, putting off Y/N's own hands from her hair.
Y/N turned to look at her. "It is our last chance." She confesses her worries.
Aitana smiled gently. "I know. And we give everything. You know that last game isn't all our fault. It's too from the coach side. So don't blame it on you, show them what you're capable of. Even if some of them know about it." Aitana winked, reassuring her friend and teammate. They are from the same age, they always played for the same team and they always played in the national team, youth and senior. Aitana knows everything about Y/N and Y/N knows everything about Aitana.
Y/N nodded, grabbing a hand with hers and turned to look in front again, meeting Tere's back. She saw how the other national team came out, concentration written on their faces. She gets scared when saw Ana's face, she knows that face. It was like if the blonde read her mind that when saw her, she gave her one of her soft smiles, raising a hand and waving it in the air. The midfielder does it too, but with a lipped smile.
Some of her teammates greet her too. Alexia and Jenni were the ones near her and started a little conversation, including a hug.
"Nos vamos para casa, Aitana." Y/N leaned briefly to Aitana and muttered only to her to hear.
"Cállate." The Catalan hissed, rolling her eyes. They still have their hands intertwined.
Y/N tried to focus on Aitana's hand and look away, avoiding the rival team. Some chats were heard between all of them, until the referee indicates that it was time to go outside. Y/N let out Aitana's hand and walked behind Tere. Once they are in the center of the pitch, they put themselves horizontally, waiting for the anthems to sound.
"You look pale, are you okay?" Alexia asked her while they waited for Ivana to do the captain's things.
Y/N nods, hugging her. "Sip. No need to worry." She lied to her, not wanting to disturb the concentration for her fault.
Alexia looked at her suspiciously, but remained quiet. She patted her shoulder and ran to her position, Y/N following behind, receiving a wink from Aitana since she is to her side.
She finds Ana's gaze again, who is right now in front of her. "Hey, you missed me?" Ana smirked.
It relaxes a little Y/N's nerves. "Right now no. Ask me another day." The blonde snorted by her comment.
They remained quiet and heard the count down, Spain put in movement the ball. Y/N received the ball and she passed it to Irene. The minutes passed and the possession was for Spain, like they always control the ball and Switzerland has two times the chance to score. It was a corner that almost changed the result, coming again from the Swiss part.
"You need to wake up, Y/N!" Aitana ran towards her and tried to make her concentrate. "Forget about your expectations and play. Play like you always do." The Catalan gave some encouragement to her friend.
Alexia keeps an eye near Y/N, wondering why she is playing like that, missing easy passes or distributing the ball wrong.
"You have right, Aiti. Sorry." Y/N nodded, running with more conviction towards her position, waiting for Misa to kick the ball.
The rest of the first half, Y/N changed her style. She passed to play badly to be the one who created more chances to score. They went half time with a draw.
"I don't know what Aitana told you. But keep that way." Alexia walked by her side, bringing her left arm around Y/N's shoulders.
Y/N smiled. "Sorry about the start... My insecurities get in the way." She confesses, blushing a little.
"Well... You changed your mood. If you want to talk about it, let me know." Her friend offered, smiling with affection.
"Vale. Thanks." Y/N said, leaning briefly her head on Alexia's.
They walked towards the changing room, the coach giving some tactics for the second part, letting them five minutes before to go again towards the pitch.
Irene grabbed Y/N's shoulder and stopped her until the defender was alongside and started to walk again.
"I know what happened before. I understand why you acted that way, our coach doesn't give us hope to win. But I'm giving you it." Irene started to say, the height difference is showing a little. The Basque look down to look at Y/N with firmness. "You can do whatever you want with the ball. You have that magic. You can't let ignorant people get to your head. Play like nothing matters, like if you are a little kid again and the time doesn't matter." Y/N bites her bottom lip to hold the tears from the words that her captain gave her. Because yes, she always considers Irene, Alexia and Jenni their captains.
"Thank you." Y/N muttered, nodding with her head.
"Any time." Irene smiled, squeezing her arm.
The start of the second half was epic for Spain. They scored after five minutes to start it, thanks to Y/N that gave the assist to Salma Paralluelo. People would think that it was for a motivational speech from their coach, but the reality was very far away from that. It is thanks to the players that they scored. A new change came with the words that they exchanged between them.
It was the 70th minute when something changed again. Y/N was acting like a pivot, she is not used to playing in that position, but new changes came in the national team, so she needs to adapt. Well, it was in a counter attack from Spain, Y/N was the last player and she started running upside waiting for Ona to pass the ball to her. Y/N was in the center of the pitch when Ona passed it to her, when she was going to control the ball with her chest, there was a little hole on the pitch that made her lose some balance and make the rival player hit her on the face, with her feet.
Y/N felt and heard the sound the impact made on her left eye. She knew that it wasn't on the eye, but it hurt like it was. She let out a scream, falling to the ground while she covered her face with her hands.
For her teammates, it happened in slow motion. They saw how it was clearly on the eye, making them run towards her and towards the rival player, screaming.
Ana runs quickly to put herself in the middle. "Hey! She didn't do that on purpose." She tried to explain at them to understand, holding Alexia and Aitana. The blonde looked briefly to her friend, seeing how affected she is.
"I don't care!" Aitana roared. She was the first one to go to where Y/N was laying, pushing Lia aside aggressively when the Swiss tried to see how Y/N is.
Alexia was biting her lip so hard to retain what she was thinking that surely soon she made a cut. So she decided to go where Y/N is laying surrounded by her teammates.
Lia saw how the medic team from Spain came quickly and moved out all the players, seeing how they reincorporated Y/N up. A lot of blood was covered on her face.
"It's not her eye." Ana told her, letting out a relief sigh. She heard the medics saying to Spain's players that it wasn't her eye.
Lia thanked whatever it is to hear that. The brunette raised her hands towards her face and let tears roll for her cheeks, feeling really bad for her actions. Ana noticed how quiet her friend was and saw how she covered her face with her hands.
"It's not your fault, Lia. It's a bad coincidence." She muttered, hugging her by her shoulders, kissing her head.
"If something more happened I would never forgive myself, Ana." Lia muttered.
Ana sighed again. "But that thing didn't happen. So, please stop overthinking." She saw how Y/N stood up, holding with a hand whatever the medics gave her. The public started to clap, making Lia look at what happened and standing up she too, tried to go where Y/N is, but Ana grabbed her wrist, shaking with her head.
"Are you okay?" Aitana asked once she stood up, wiping something on Y/N's face with affection.
"It hurts, but I'm okay." Y/N said in a hoarse voice.
"I'm going to kill her." Aitana muttered by her side.
Y/N snorted. "Shut up. Me and you know that it wasn't true. Also, it is not her fault. There is a hole here." She pointed at the spot where it was, seeing how Aitana clenched her jaw.
The others approached her, relieved sighs and heard that it wasn't a big injury. Y/N walked slowly out of the pitch, until she saw the referee going to the player who made this to her and showed a red card, earning claps from the public and some of her teammates.
The medic team took her towards the tunnel, Y/N keeping an eye on the player that was walking behind them. The Swiss received some support from the staff team and teammates before the brunette walked towards inside.
"Hey." Y/N stopped walking, turning to look at the brunette player.
Lia stopped too, caught with the guard off. "Hey..."
Y/N smiled, grimacing a little when she felt the skin tense. "Do you want to accompany me? I pass it badly with this type of thing."
Lia nodded slowly, seeing the confusion on the medics faces. Y/N extended her hand with a smile, the Swiss took it and let it guide herself by the other three people. They approached Spain's changing room and Lia let the medics do their thing. She walked where Y/N was laying and held her hand, squeezing it when saw how scared Y/N looked.
"I don't like needles." Y/N let the other know, knowing how scared her face turned on.
Lia still didn't speak, she just squeezed her hand, caressing her palm with her thumb too. She saw how her left eyebrow was inflamed when they took off the ice pack, her eyes fully close and a bruise starting to form. The Swiss swallow, already feeling more guilty when she sees the state she lets her rival.
While the medics stitched her left eyebrow, at some point happy screams were heard, letting them know that someone scored. Right now it was the last thing that Lia cares about.
"Vale. He terminado." One of them said, cutting off the thread while the other put on a bandage.
Y/N sat up while talking about some things with them, clearly Lia can't understand it because it is in their language. They give her a water bottle, offering too one to Lia before they get out of the big room, letting the two alone.
"Sorry about Aitana's behaviour. She is very protective of me." Y/N muttered, giving her a lipped smile.
Lia copied her. "I understand. I should probably do the same thing." Lia talked for the first time.
Y/N liked her voice. "Your face sounds to me..." The Spanish player said, her eyebrows knitting, once again forgetting about her new injury and hissing from pain.
The Swiss thought that she looked adorable. "I'm Lia. I play for Arsenal, we face each other two seasons ago." She explained, caressing mindlessly Y/N's hand.
Soon, Y/N's eyes brighten. "You are Ana's friend! She told me stories about you two."
Lia blushes. "I guess it is me."
"What are you doing here?" Someone else came, interrupting their conversation.
The brunette lets Y/N's hand fall and stand up, ready to go.
"Shut up, Aitana. She is here because I asked her if she can accompany me while they stitch my eyebrow." Y/N said, standing up too.
The Catalan looked at Lia suspiciously, but remained quiet. Soon, another one came, making Aitana walk to where they are standing.
Alexia frowned. "¿Qué hace ella aquí?" She asked in Spanish. She knew it was rude, but wanted an answer without the Swiss finding out.
"Y/N tiene un crush." Aitana stated, her jaw clenching. Y/N blushed, hitting Aitana's arm. She hoped that Lia didn't understand but her name and crush is enough.
The brunette blushed too, maybe she didn't fully understand what the Catalan said, but something she caught.
Alexia leaned her head aside, walking to where they are. She extended her hand towards Lia, the Swiss accepting it shyly. "Next time be more careful, please." The midfielder said kindly, but with a firm tone, just like her gaze.
"Alexia!" Y/N whined. The mentioned shakes Lia's hand softly and hugged Y/N carefully, giving Aitana a smug smirk.
"I don't find it funny." Aitana growled, annoyed. She was standing beside Y/N, with her arms crossed about her chest. Alexia rolled her eyes, in part understanding her, but the other she just wanted to hit her.
More of them came to see how Y/N is, frowning and giving some dirty looks at Lia.
"Irene, Jenni! Let her alone, I ask her to be with me." Y/N grabbed Lia's hand when saw how the tall women walked towards the brunette with decision. She put herself between Lia and the two women.
Jenni looked at Alexia, who was there before them and wanted an explanation.
"Se nos ha enamorado." Alexia answered, shrugging with a playful smile.
Y/N turned towards her quickly, giving with an eye a bad look, while her cheeks turned red. It makes Alexia laugh.
Irene raised an eyebrow, looking at the Swiss inquisitive. "You are Ana's Lia." She pointed out, crossing her arms. She wanted to intimidate the woman, she heard too about Ana's stories and if the blonde was right, Lia can have all the approbation from the team. Barcelona team unless.
Lia swallows, nodding. In other circumstances, she doesn't get so intimidated by someone easily, but she kicked in the face of one of Ana's friends and she looked intimidating.
"Uh? Our Ana?" Jenni asked loudly, looking for Irene to confirm it. The defender nodded. "Es guapa." Jenni winked to Y/N, earning some protest from Aitana and others and the laugh from Alexia, who was finding it funny.
"Dejadla en paz." Y/N hissed, blushing more. She tried to move with Lia to the exit, but it was impossible.
"Lia? What are you doing here?" Ana asked, confused, entering inside and walking towards all of them. She raised an eyebrow when saw Y/N and Lia holding hands. "¿Qué me he perdido?" She inquired towards her teammates.
Y/N roll her eye. "Nada." She said quickly, letting out Lia's hand, even if she soon missed her contact.
Ana looked at her, a loving smile creeping on her face. "You are good. Nothing happened to your eye?" She asked, putting both hands on Y/N's cheeks, examining her close eye, seeing a purple bruise forming around it.
"Just stitches to my eyebrow." Y/N muttered, crossing her arms like a child. The blonde Swiss chuckled and kissed her forehead carefully.
"Le gusta tu amiga." Jenni hummed, making Y/N choke with her saliva. Ana turned to look at Jenni and then at Y/N, raising once again an eyebrow. She is still holding her face with her hands.
Some chuckled was heard around them, Lia a little confused but guessing that they are making fun of Y/N, for her reaction.
Y/N moves out from Ana's hold and walks to her cubby, throwing her empty bottle at Jenni. The forward grabs it easily, laughing.
"Lia?" Ona called her. The Swiss looked at the defender, who approached her and whispered. "They are making fun of her because they think that she has a crush on you." She felt bad for Y/N and wanted to help in a way, and if Lia can help you, it was okay by her.
Ana heard what the freckled girl said and smiled. Lia opened her eyes, surprised. Not waiting for it at all. Then, she walked slowly towards Y/N, not caring anymore what they could say.
"You know...? I heard some stories about you that Ana shared with me. From her perspective you look funny and adorable. I don't know... But, do you want to take some coffee later? Maybe we can share some embarrassing stories about Ana." She said, a kind smile on her lips.
Y/N looked at her, a little in awe. "I love to. I have a lot." She muttered, agreeing with the proposal.
Lia chuckled. "Good. I have a lot too." The Swiss said, grabbing Y/N's phone from her hands and writing her number phone on it. "Here you go. I texted myself to have your number, I hope you don't mind."
Ana looked offended. "I'm going to be the topic on their first date? I mean, if it was for another thing okay, but not for embarrassing stories." She muttered, making her teammates laugh.
"Look it for the good part, you create a new couple." Jenni said, laughing.
"I still don't agree with it." Aitana said stubbornly.
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solarsa1nt · 5 months
inumaki toge x fem!reader
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Tags — angst & fluff , happy ending , unrequited love turned requited , slight yuuji x inumaki? not really but reader interprets it that way , jealously
Notes — none
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Y/N knew.
Well, obviously, she's been at least somewhat aware from the beginning. It's not like Inumaki was ever all that subtle with the feelings he harbored towards her.
She just didn't know how to react, it's not like she's a very likable person— she's an okay friend at best, but she's plenty aware that romantically, she's far from what someone wishes from a partner.
"...Ah?" Y/N mumbles as she stares at Inumaki, blinking slowly as she attempts to process the confession that left his lips.
It's rare that Inumaki speaks— most words being either an order towards a cursed spirit or, more commonly, the onigiri ingredients he uses to communicate with others.
She never thought she would hear a confession of all things from his voice.
Of course, Y/N's known since near the beginning of his crush— but that's all she thought it was, a crush. Something minor that'll go away in a few weeks, at most a month.
Maybe she should've grown concerned when nearly a year has passed and he remained unrelenting about his affections.
Even so, Y/N never thought she would have to worry about being confessed to— assuming that the cursed speech user couldn't, not even considering the fact that the words wouldn't be perceived as a command.
Maybe she shouldn't have left his feelings without a comment, maybe she shouldn't have given them the chance to grow, maybe she should've stopped this before it all started.
Yet, Y/N knew that no matter what she did, she couldn't change her past choices— no matter how regrettable they were.
"I'm... sorry." Y/N struggles a brief moment, the words feeling odd in her mouth yet soon continues on— knowing that she at least owes Inumaki this much. "I don't return your feelings."
"I, uh," Y/N glances away, the heavy feeling in her chest expanding, enveloping her lungs as her throat tightens. "I hope this won't affect anything with us being friends... nor anything with the other second years."
"Sorry, Inumaki."
At first, Y/N didn't think it would change much.
It's not like she particularly cared whether or not the feelings Inumaki held for her were romantic or not.
Yet, as the boy's lingering touches started to fade away, the extra time they spent together dwindling till it was no more than the time she would spend with Maki or Panda, Y/N felt something almost hollow in her chest.
She knows that her being upset over him not even attempting to earn her love was disgustingly selfish— especially when she couldn't even bother to attempt to reciprocate.
Yet Y/N missed it. She missed their late night conversations after everyone else was already long asleep, she missed the way his gaze would stare at her as if she was the most precious thing in the world, she missed feeling like she was his person.
She does her best to ignore the repulsive thoughts that seep into the crevices of her mind.
Instead, she offers a carefree laugh and a jokingly dismissive wave of her hand to Maki. "Some stuff happened on my latest mission, but it's nothing major. Sorry if I've been more sulky lately."
"But it's great to know that the Zen'in Maki cares enough to notice." Y/N adds with a teasing look thrown the girl's way.
"Don't call me with my family name." Maki replies irritably, glaring back at Y/N with no real malice other than traces of mild annoyance.
Y/N glances over to the side out of the corner of her eye— a barely noticeable action that not even Maki seemed to catch.
Inumaki was still staring down at his phone, typing whatever it is without a singular glance her way.
Y/N looks forward again, ignoring the self-centered thoughts once again attempting to flood her brain.
It's fine, Y/N convinces herself, it's not like she deserves his love at the end of the day— not when she can't even be considerate enough to reciprocate.
Despite herself, the thoughts don't do much to even slightly convince Y/N.
Inumaki has been spending more time around the newest first year— Itadori Yuuji.
Now, don't get her wrong, Y/N doesn't have anything against the guy, he's sweet and empathetic and everything she's not.
But that seems to be what's causing her irritation.
Itadori is so disgustingly kind, so considerate to others even if their words are harsh and cruel. His desire to save as many people as humanely possible— no matter who they are or what they've done —is thoroughly selfless.
He's nothing like Y/N.
Despite that, Inumaki seems to be spending more and more time with him as the days go past.
Did he really get over her that fast? Y/N wonders, and the thought should bring her some sort of relief— she should be happy that he was able to move on and be with someone who can reciprocate his feelings.
Yet all it does it leave a bitter taste on her tongue.
Y/N groans into the silence of her room, dragging a hand down her face as she stares up at the ceiling with an irked expression.
Why does she care so much?
The question hangs over her as she droops her eyes shut, attempting to ignore her irritation as the same scenes play in her head over and over again— of Inumaki and Itadori training together, hanging out, doing all the things that he used to do with her.
With a sigh of thinly veiled annoyance, Y/N opens her eyes again, glaring into the ceiling as if doing so would erase the memories ingrained into her.
Deep down, she vaguely recognizes that this isn't normal— she shouldn't be so worked up over someone who she rejected moving on with his feelings and finding someone else.
Still, the image of Inumaki and Itadori together...
With another sigh, Y/N turns onto her stomach and buries her head in her pillow, clinging onto it tightly as she presses her skin against the soft warmth of the fabric.
Getting so worked up over some guy.. ugh, how far has she fallen? Acting like some lovesick schoolgirl—
Lovesick? Y/N echoes the word in her head— eyes widening at her stray thoughts as she sits up abruptly, pillow held tightly in her hands over her lap.
Lovesick... Love? Is she—
E/C eyes flicker around the hallway, pouring in through the open windows as it casts an orange hue over the wooden floors and walls, the sun slowly disappearing behind the trees.
Where is he? Y/N wonders, turning around another corner as she vaguely wonders if she should just give up and try again later—
Y/N blinks as her eyes land on Inumaki, he didn't seem to take note of her yet, looking down at his phone as he stands by one of the windows, leaning against the frame with his upper body just slightly leaning out.
Just for a moment, Y/N hesitates, wondering if she truly has any right to tell him.
But still, at the same time, Y/N was selfish.
Even when in denial over her own feelings, she wasn't willing to lose Inumaki entirely yet still played oblivious to the way he felt about her, even when he made it painfully obvious.
"Inumaki." Y/N calls, evening out her tone into a casual one as she leans against the windowsill next to him.
Inumaki blinks, looking up at her with a look of surprise, but soon recovers as he returns her greeting. "Konbu."
After the short greeting, he leans back, about to turn and walk away—
Y/N grabs his hand in a sudden grip, surprising bother Inumaki and herself at the desperation in her actions.
"I, uh..." Y/N's words die in her throat, struggling as she looks down— feeling purple eyes stare down at her in confusion.
"I'm sorry." Y/N blurts out, vaguely wishing she had planned what she was going to say before hand. "When I rejected you I wasn't..."
"Takana?" Inumaki asks with a concerned lilt to his voice, his gaze never straying off of her for even a second.
Guiltily, she realizes she feels a surge of enjoyment at his attention being turned back to her— only her.
"I like you." Y/N confesses before she can think better of it. "A lot. I didn't... I didn't realize, but after you confessed I just..."
"I'm sorry." Y/N adds, letting go of his hand so quickly as if it had burned her— pulling it back to her chest as her gaze remains away from him, not being able to bear seeing whatever expression was on his face.
"I get it's way too late, and I'm glad you're happy with Itadori, I just needed to—"
A pair of lips meet her, eyes blowing wide open as her gaze shifts up to meet Inumaki's— him pulling away a moment later.
The kiss was soft, far from Y/N's first, yet so much gentler than any of her previous ones.
Y/N stares at Inumaki in surprise, a hand hovering over her lips as she tries to process what just happened.
"Okaka." Inumaki says, pointing to the part just under his eyes— where Itadori's second set is —before shaking his head.
"You and Itadori aren't...?" Y/N trails off, the unfinished question making her eyes widen with relief seeping into her.
"Shake." Inumaki replies, putting his forehead against hers as she makes an 'oh' sound.
A small smile melts onto her lips at the confirmation, shoulders relaxing as she looks up at Inumaki. Something so genuinely fond in his eyes that it almost makes Y/N concerned if she can match it.
To keep this— whatever's going on between them —she thinks, hopes she can.
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© 𝓢OLARSAINT 2024 ─── all of my works belong me alone! do not copy, steal, plagiarize, or spread any of my works in any other social media platform. these have only been reloaded on my own accounts on ao3 and wattpad
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lacebvnny · 8 months
- Bound to you, among the flames -
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Aemond Targaryen x Female!reader
Summary: Set after Storm's End. You are to marry prince Aemond Targaryen -the killer of your beloved friend Lucerys-, in the old Valyrian way.
Rating: +13, arranged marriage
A/n: Okay, I was pretty unsure to post this one. Keep in mind English is not my first language. Enjoy! Feedback will be appreciated 🥺
Her feet sank in the softness of the damp sand, and the sound of the waves crashing on the shore tore her attention away from the speech of the monk standing next to her and her husband.
/Hen lantoti ānogar/
No, he wasn't her husband yet. This wasn't a customary wedding, at least not in westerosi tradition. Perhaps that's why the dowager queen let her dissaproval be known and refused her attendance that morning, forcing the solitude and the intimacy in the ceremony to stand out in the vast coast where Aemond decided it would be held.
She cursed him in her mind when the heaviness of her eyelids made the restlessness she had the night before become more evident, as the prince instructed her days prior that she should be present before the break of dawn.
There was a chill in the cold, morning brisk that made her skin shiver, and the flames coming from the fire holders surrounding them weren't enough to warm her.
/Va syndroti vāedroma/
Y/n felt ridiculous, out of place even, when she saw herself wearing the ornamented headpiece and the silky, oversized robe meant for her to use that morning. It wasn't at all what she expected, not in the least close to the frugality of the dress she would be wearing in the evening at the sept.
Isn't this meant to be used only by pure blooded valyrians?, she wondered, but she was well aware that wouldn't be a fact Aemond would let in into his obtuse, stubborn mind.
She even imagined how Aegon the conqueror and his sisters would turn in their graves if they saw them tanting the millennial ritual by binding a Targaryen with a puny westerosi. Hell, even Aegon -the drunkard- laughed his ass off when he received the news of his younger brother being wed to her in the old fashion.
/Mēro perzot gīhoti/
He wore the same muted robe as she did, but this time a heavily decorated eyepatch adorned his angular face, besides the relaxed smirk he had from the second he spotted her moments before she stood next to him.
It was unfair, she thought, how the dressing fitted so well on him, as much as she hated to admit.
The ancient outfit was meant to combine with his valyrian, regal features, and the statuesque demeanor he showed made her feel like a fragile and simple peasant, as if he was a prince who came from the Old Valyria to be bound with her for eternity.
/Elēdroma iārza sīr/
Y/n spotted the pink wine tint on their shoulders and immediately reasoned how it blended together with the warm sky above them, the same as the creamy soft color on the ends of the robe, just like the sand where they stood.
Oh, so this is why he chose the sunrise...
/Izulī ampā perzī/
The lady felt her legs quivering when the monk handed the prince a small knife, but then she recalled how the main point of the ceremony centered around joining their blood together.
Aemond turned to face her, with a reassuring look on his only eye, as if he knew he frightened her by holding the small, glassy weapon. He closed the distance between them and raised her chin with his cold digits as he lifted the dagger near her face.
Hearing him mutter a soft look at me, y/n felt a sharp sting on her bottom lip, which made her eyes water as the cold material left a fresh wound where it slid down.
The Targaryen traced her pillowy lips with his thumb, collecting blood to draw a small figure on her forehead with it.
She didn't understand what it meant, and y/n wished, if he was so adamant on being wed to her, that he could at least had the consideration of taking his time to explain to her the vows the priest spoke in that rich language of theirs, and the blood sigils they were supposed to mark on each other.
/Prūmī lanti sēteksi/
Before she could ponder on the strange words, Aemond grabbed her hand giving her the knife with a determined look on his face, expecting her to do the same to him.
She stepped closer to him and, much to her dismay, her trembling hands dropped the knife to the ground. Y/n felt her face burning with shame and heard a small chuckle coming from the prince standing in front of her.
Asshole, prick, jerk, accursed kinslayer. A whole cascade of insults towards him crescented in her mind.
Clenching her teeth with anger she crouched, swiftly picking up the instrument while holding her headpiece in place to prevent it from falling. She didn't need to embarrass herself any longer that morning.
/Hen jeny māzīlarion/
Y/n held the dagger tightly and she stood on her tiptoes so she could allow herself to reach the towering valyrian, finding balance gripping his upper arm and finally giving him the small cut on his lip.
Aemond had to lower his face for her to draw the bloody symbol on him, and she prayed in her mind she drew the correct figure as she remembered it was.
Once his hand reached hers to take the knife, the knot on her throat tightened almost constrictingly as she observed Aemond giving himself a long slash, feeling immediate nausea when she saw the sanguine fluid pooling on the palm of his hand.
She was certain Aemond probably knew she wouldn't have the courage to cut herself, and proved right when he extended her arm by the wrist firmly to prevent her from pulling it back.
Without warning, the icy steel bit her and y/n flinched in pain, choking a small whimper as Aemond put their hands together intertwining their fingers, almost as if he tried to comfort her.
Her blood mixed with his when her palm rested between his long calloused digits, dripping through the small spaces allowing them to be joined together in this old rite the prince insisted so much to carry out.
The seeping crimson liquid gave his usually cold skin an odd warmth, almost nostalgically so.
/Qēlossa ozūndesi/
The priest approached them continuing his chanting, offering her a wooden cup to drink from. Y/n inspected the small runes carved on it before putting it to her lips and taking some slows sips of what appeared to be spiced wine, with her tongue starting to burn fiercely.
It seemed Aemond wasn't bothered by the fiery sensation after his turn to drink from the cup, his usual calm facade remained intact.
/Syndroro ōñō jēdo/
His feet took a step closer to her, as she tried avoiding the intense stare from his one eye while he slowly leaned down to caress her cheek.
The soft stroke became a strong grip on her jaw, and the prince began closing the distance between them, placing his lips on hers, need and want emanating from the rythm of his breathing.
Much to y/n's surprise, the kiss was soft, slow, maybe too passionate for a religious ceremony as his mouth found hers with boiling desperation, forcing the hotness under her skin rush to her cheeks in seconds.
One of his hands kept her in place while the other found rest in her shoulder, gently tugging at her robe as if he couldn't wait to free her from it.
Nevertheless, y/n had no other choice but to return the kiss, closing her eyes and imagining the one kissing her was the sweet prince who spent his afternoons on the library with her reading about history, and not the murderer who plotted her dear friend's death.
/Ry kīvia mazvestraksi/
She heard Aemond groan softly in frustration when he pulled away, as if he had to refrain himself from claiming her mouth how he truly wanted.
When the priest finished his vows, they both stared at each other while the fires cracked vigorously before being put out.
Y/n was too well aware Aemond could see the fear and rejection in her eyes, unlike him, whose gaze was so ardent it made her shrink into a tight knot of nervousness.
- Our blood is bound together now, Rūs.- he expressed, a hint of excitement blossoming on his voice,- ... I will finally make you mine tonight.
The soft burr from his tone and the lascivous threat almost made her spun on her heels to run away.
- I won't allow you in my bed!- she replied with irritation.
Aemond only chuckled, wearing his usual stance with his arms behind his back.
-Hm... I will be your lord husband once the high septon anoint us with the Seven's blessings, so...- the prince dangerously leans over her, revelling on her anxious state.
I think I'll have the right to do as I want with you.
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peachedtv · 1 year
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﹂ Yandere!Dabi x Nurse!Reader ‘Come dance with me in hell, won’t you, Father?’ And boy did Dabi fucking mean it. Poor little you to have been his next ledge to mindfuck his father to shards. 
﹂Genre: angst, toxic relationship, slow burn, 18+
﹂ Warnings: AFAB, female pronouns, Kidnapping, non-sexual hair pulling, paralysis, angst, drugging, profanity, descriptions of panic attacks, violence, slight horror, insults, broken family dynamic (both Dabi [duh] and reader's),
﹂ WC: 6.67k
﹂ From Redact: this will be continued! My motivation sucks so I'll try to promise a regular schedule.. I first posted this story at 2k words, then kept editing back to get it up to 6.67k, so I'm reposting it to let the people see the final copy incase yk. If you wanna be on a taglist tell me !!! I'd love to have one
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Honestly, everything's turned into a fucking mess.
After the absolute devastation of Dabi’s theatrical exposing of Endeavour, your workplace was swarmed by furious citizens and questioning paparazzi. They were angry. So fucking angry. Angry for the fact that Endeavour had such cruel impositions on his children, angry that his actions caused the root of such a murderous villain, and angry at the fall of heroes being ironically unheroic. Day or night, their anger wouldn’t stop. The continuous flashing lights of cameras, the synchronized yelling, and the fists that shook in the air. With the mantra of harassment towards your hospital, one would think you’re caring for number one himself—the one Dabi framed as the center point for his villainous roots, the one who did most of the hurting. But, no. You weren’t caring for Endeavour. You were the main nurse for his wife, Rei. And that's what truly ticked your soul.
It absolutely baffled you. Why were such a mantra of citizens harassing a regular person? Can’t they properly think that if Dabi’s speech pointed at Endeavour, it’s mainly Endeavour’s doing? Article after article, you started to understand that many hard-luck Endeavour fans were convinced that the abuse Dabi had forsaken was all Rei’s fault.
‘She’s manipulative.’
‘What a fucking gold digger.’
‘No wonder Endeavour had to take out his anger on his children.’
Yet who was the one in psychiatric care? Are these people truly blind to the obvious victim here? It made your blood boil.
You kept Rei under your loving care for years. As someone who had their own fucked up family situation, you felt for her since her admission oh so many years ago. You knew who she truly was, and so, it made you enraged that these strangers yelled at her as though they’d known her all their ignorant lives. As if they had the entire situation figured out when even Endeavour had his own twisted narration of what happened. People believe what they want to believe, and you began to understand that. People protect what and who they wish to protect. It did not matter how morphed and wicked the twists on their perceptions may be—as long as they can justify themselves. As long as they can justify the wrong.
And so, here, Rei was not the object of the crowd’s protection. She was the embodiment of their malformed justifications. The receiver of their hatred, the one to hear the garbage and clunk of cans thrown against her window.
It’s during a time like this that you’re truly brought back. Brought back to the Rei who first arrived. The Rei who was constantly in a fight or flight response. For the first few weeks of her stay, she wore a horrid expression of absolute dread. Her eyes truly had no spark, and her body felt empty of any soul. She always looked down, her chin tucked near her chest as she zoned out into a singular corner of her room. Many of the doctors and nurses complained to the head, saying she was too much for our hospital to handle. Whenever someone merely grazed her arm while cleaning her room, she would scream out in horror—thrashing about as tears threatened to spill from her eyes. Thus, when nurse after nurse had quit being her caretaker, finally you came up to the chopping block, and you had heard a lot about her. Of course, none of which was positive.
‘She’s fucking insane.’
‘That woman makes me want to quit.’
‘Thank god I got switched out.’
‘Goodluck, Y/N, you’ll need it.’
When you first saw her, the barrier you had about yourself slipped. No, you didn’t see a manic woman, nor did you see some form of a psycho. What you saw, mesmerized you. You were entranced. She was truly beautiful. Her white hair gently framed her face, while the sunlight in her room had a cold, blue hue, that you didn’t feel was present anywhere else in the hospital. She had the aura of an apathetic beauty, a flower that was plucked - for even wilting roses had their charm. Her eyes, though, those wonderful eyes. You could tell her deep irises once held the spark of happiness, the spark of hope and care. Yet now, her eyelids hung low, dark circles beneath her lids dragging her visage lower, and her posture as an enervated slouch. It was in that moment when you first laid eyes on her did you truly see who was deep inside the shell of her abused being. She brought you back, brought you back to who you easily could have become—shown you who you would’ve been had you not fought tooth and nail against your resolves. And so, determination flared inside of you. You will help her. You will bring back her spark. No one should fight so alone against something a crowd can’t handle. Thus, even if you’re the only one by her side, you will still be there.
It had taken a couple of months for you to barely disarm her violently defensive walls, but you managed. You always knocked on her door before entering, peering through before stepping into the room. You set up a small stool by her bedside, and every time you came to her you would sit down before getting to your medicinal caretaking. You’d smile, greet her warmly, and tell her silly stories about your day. Tales of the warm old man across the hall, of those pesky UA kids that couldn’t help but fight a little too hard for others. You would go into detail after detail, eyes dancing across the empty walls as you lightly laughed at the memories or clicked your tongue at some of the peskier ones. Although she never responded, you made sure to speak to her every single time.
Furthermore, you were careful, you truly wanted the best for your patients, and she is no different. You were careful when you delicately held the flowers’ stems as you poured in fresh water. You were careful when you gently told her everything you would care for before doing it. ‘I’ll be checking your heart rate, is that okay?’ You’d smile, not even grazing her arm before a sign of confirmation. And it was these careful things you did for Rei that truly made her love you too. Soon, she began to speak. Her voice was delicate and raspy, as she hadn’t used her vocals in such a long time. But still, you smiled at her. Tears welling in the corners of your eyes as you listened to her very first request for a glass of water. Progress is progress. And you were determined to continue it.
From her vaguely written patient file, you had an idea that her husband was the main factor in her descent into your care. But, you were horrified once Rei trusted you enough to spill her heart's deepest sorrows—all caused by her husband. She cried, and oh how her tears fell so quietly it shattered a piece of you that you didn’t know was there. After she began giving you one-worded answers, to replying in whole sentences, her walls soon came down and a woman desperate for help and comfort revealed herself. It broke your heart remembering the number of overtime shifts you’ve spent merely hugging her while she gripped your scrubs. Her arms desperately clinging to you for any minuscule support, her body trembling in the fear that you’ll give up and leave her just as the other nurses did. Those silent tears fell, her muffled cries making you wish you could take away her pain if only for a minute. Every night, that was the scene between you two. And every night, flashbacks of her husband’s cruel words yelled at her from the silence only she could hear. Not only as a nurse, but as a human being, you truly cared. And Rei could feel that sincerity, thus, you two grew close.
Even after Rei exponentially improved, you still tried your best to give her some kind of comfort she could cling to in the emptiness of the hospital’s blank walls. You were so proud of her. She came so, so far in her healing process. And your soul smiled at the thought of her gentle nod whenever you entered her room—she had the misfortune of a hundred lives, and didn’t deserve a single crumb more of difficulties.
So why did fate have the tv running that day?
You ran to her room, the blaring of her EKG racing your mind with worry. It had been long, too long, since her heart raced so. You had gotten used to her health, to her improved state, so how the hell did this happen? When you burst through the door, Rei was slumped on the ground with her hand clawing into her chest as she hyperventilated, her eyes wildly ajarred as her gaze stuck to the screen with tears swelling the corner of her ducts as her lips fell apart in these broken attempts of communication.
'-was born as the eldest son of Endeavour.'
‘Rei! Breathe, breathe, I’m right here for you. Please, what happened?’ You held her comfortingly, rubbing your palm in circular motions upon her back. God, how did this happen? Sorrow wretched your soul when she began to cry harder, frantically looking from the floor before her and the screen upon the tv. She shoved you away with as much force her could muster, you stumbled slightly back, in absolute shock. It had been a while since Rei had a any miniuscle of violence in her outbursts—let alone having an outburst in the first place, and it broke your heart to wonder why it was happening. You could tell her conciousness was slipping from the rapid breaths she choked to take, how her movements became more sluggish. She began to scream, her hands tangling into the hair on the side of her head as she knelt with her face to her knees. You reached into a nearby cabinet, taking a deep breath as you thrashed around the contents until your fingers wrapped about a minor sedative. It pained you, you haven’t had to go to such measures in so long. Your hand firmly on her shoulder, you told her everything was going to be alright before injecting the sedative and keeping your comforting words. 
'I was created for my father's selfish dream.'
‘It’s okay, I’m right here. Don’t worry about a thing, Rei.’ You spoke gently, and her eyelids began weighing down to shut, before she looked deep into your eyes and whispered: ‘T-tell him I’m sorry.’ Your eyes followed her as she tried to look towards the tv. Upon the screen, a man was sitting upon a vintage couch. Throughout his body, horrid patches of purple plastered his skin, barely holding onto his stature with the use of staples, you could see the dip in his surviving skin and the bruised purple from the awful staple job on his body. It looked so painful your skin tingled in discomfort. With such a blatantly iconic look, how could you not recognize the man himself? Dabi. His hair was a messy black, his chin picked up toward the camera, and a darkened gaze of determination and resentment filled his eyes—a stare that would pierce the soul of any viewer.
'-my father would force my mother to give birth to more off-spring.'
How long had his voice been playing in the background? You stared, stared at the TV. You listened, listened to Dabi apathetically recall every horrifying detail Endeavour put his pitiful children through. The same details that had you shaken to insomnia at night when you first heard it through Rei's exasperated cries during her mental break downs. It was awful, Endeavour's actions were horrid. The neglect, the abuse, his cold demeanour, hearing both Rei and now Dabi recount those awful memories made you realize just how cold the air about you became as well - a sudden contrast as though your physical environment darkened from the heavy words Dabi spoke out about. You felt their pain, but you know you could never truly understand it. Not until you had gone through something the exact same, and even then, everyone processes trauma differently. Thus, empathy is such a golden key. The very key that had your shocked visage brim with tears. There wasn't a hint of pain in Dabi's voice, not yet, at least. Yet, you knew that years before, and deep inside his battered body, Touya was will trapped. Crying, begging, trying to crawl his way out. You saw a reflection of Rei in Dabi. The reflection of someone who was in pain but built these sky-high walls to hide any form of vulnerability.
‘Using the blood Endeavour left at the fight in Kyushu,’ his hand propping up a document, ‘there was a 99.99% match.’ 
Truly, it took a while to understand what you heard. Your eyes carefully traced the screen, ears perked up in denial as Dabi described every moment that Rei had described to you. Endeavour, the pain, the abuse, the screaming, the yelling. He recalled it with an absent look of apathy glazed across his face. His eyes reflecting that of an apathetic beauty. A look you recognized from the Rei who first walked into your care. If it weren’t for his unforgiving injuries, he would have been a splitting image of his mother. As you gazed upon his grotesque features, his lips mouthed the same name of the son who Rei prayed so desparately for the return of.
Yet you don’t think her prayers were answered in the best way.
You stared holes into that screen, watching his careful movements, scanning the paper Dabi held in his hands, as you watched his mouth moved it was in that moment that you realized you couldn’t hear. A ringing was blaring in your head as the only sensory you had left was that of sight. Your vision tunnelled, the sides of your perception clouding into black as you silently watched Dabi continue to expose that wretched hero who caused his dear family such tremendous misfortune. Dabi was the same Touya Rei cried to you with gulit over for all these years. The same Touya whos only remains found was a jawbone from the burning forest he died in. The same Touya who fell apart for the sake of his father’s dreams.
How isn’t he dead? It didn’t make any sense. His jaw, how was his jaw found without the rest of him? How had it come off? How did he survive the temperature of those flames being enough to cremate someone alive? Your eyes watched the screen, watched Dabi’s speech continue, that ringing spiking a headache of throbbing pain. Nothing made any sense. And you put your everything into focusing upon the scarred man on the screen so why did this have to happen? Rei was doing so well, it’s not fair, why did this have to happen? She doesnt deserve this to happen she had trued so fucking much. She didn’t deserve this, she was barely healed–
‘Miss Y/N! Is Mrs. Todoroki okay?’ 
Your coworker’s voice snapped you back into reality, and you stammered an apology before carefully placing Rei into her bed and turning off the tv with shaking hands. From the expression on your coworker’s face, you could tell they saw the footage aswell, their eyes nervously tracing to the ajarred cabinet door to the sedatives, understanding the regress in Rei’s stability from this entire situation. 
Sadly, Rei’s instability wasn’t as fleeting as you had hoped. It didn’t take long for Rei to fall apart into the hole she fought so hard to climb out of. With the mantra of angered ex-Endeavor fans accusing her of child abuse, along with the constant paparazzi that flashed bright lights toward her window and posted her tear-struck face all over tabloids, you couldn’t blame her. For days after the incident, you refused to sleep. Staying by her side as she couldn’t rest at all. Although a hospital never sleeps, it still quiets at twilight. But no, not anymore. For even night didn’t tire the fucking protestors. They screamed out, police desparately trying to control the situation, although they were smart. Hugging the gates, not actually on the property of the hospital. Thus, the police couldn’t pull any legalities on them. 
You never left the hospital anymore, every break and after your shifts, you would sit at Rei’s bedside. The aura was both somber and panicked, darkened with the occational sniffles and choked sobs of Rei’s rasped voice. Unlike the usual, you did not speak. You knew the voices in her head had come back now, and if you added your own, Rei wouldn’t be able to hold out any better than she already is. So, the only thing you knew to do was to never leave her alone, and her arms never left your back. You held her in an embrace every night, neither of you sleeping, neither of you talking. Slowly, she began to loosen her hold, gently sleeping a couple minutes a night with her chin resting on your shoulder. Your heart lit with hope, glad she could finally sleep a wink. Before long, she was truly able to fall into a decent slumber, her body resting against yours for a couple hours before she would gasp awake. Slowly but surely, improvement had come. And once Rei’s sleep schedule returned to some extent, you traveled back home to your apartment for the first time in over a week to gather your own well-deserved rest.
You wish you could say your return brought some comfort to you. But truly, the silence was eerie to say the least. Your mind was still worried. Worried that Rei would wake up in the middle of the night, all alone without you there. A part of you missed her already, but your boss became truly worried for your health after the bags under your eyes darkened into a bruise like hue. She demanded you at least go home for a night, and you relented. Truly, your body was giving up, and you needed the rest too.
Your keys twisted inside the lock as you pushed the door open, a familiar creak welcoming you back. You did not feel very welcome. The air was a piercing cold, with all the lights in your apartment off. The fact that it was late into the night did not help, with both an absence of light in your home and no twinkling stars to gaze upon. Everything was pure dark. You sighed, dumping your bag lazily by the door as you kicked off your shoes, taking heavy steps toward your room when you stopped. You stood still, so, so still. From the crack below your closed bedroom door, light bled into the dark hallway. You were scared, truly. You never leave the lights on before leaving, so what was happening here..? Why were the lights on?
A sense of dread filled your body, and you listened carefully. Nothing. No rummaging, no gentle thumps of someone’s steps, just the rays of light dauntingly brightening the floorboards and that white noise of ventilation. Quietly, you walked backward toward the front door, taking shaky breaths as your lungs quivered. You should’ve stayed with Rei. You shouldn’t have come. With how little sleep you had gotten, your mind felt as though you were floating. And obviously, you struggled to form any kind of rational thought about your current predicament. Despite that, you did have one thought. The thought that you must leave. Immediately. You didn’t care for your belongings, your jacket, nor your shoes and keys. All you cared for was to get the fuck out. 
Every pore on the wall felt as though an eye was peering through, watching your pathetically fearful movements. Shivers spiked down your spine and every dark crack of any open door had an imagined silhouette peering through, faces tauntingly smiling to you through the dark. You were panicking.
Your hand gripped the knob, turning it slowly to stiffle it’s persistent creaks before you flung open the door to bolt outside. Your mind raced, breath hitching as steps slapped upon the cement. As you approached a corner, you turned your head back as you kept running—fully expecting the door to fly open and a figure to chase behind you. You couldn’t imagine why you had to have some burglary occur. You didn’t live in an exceptionally poor or rich area, and there were blatant security cameras throughout the building. The more you watched your back, the more you felt a little silly. Nothing came, and you nearly slowed down your bolt as a light chuckle of relief fell before your mouth. You’re safe, your apartment was safe. There’s no threat in your room, obviously, you must’ve forgotten to turn off the lights. You turned the corner as your bolt slowed into a jog. Yet, your momentary relief was short-lived the moment you roughly crashed into something in front of you.
You fell back, falling hard onto your ass with your palms scraping against the unforgiving texture of the floor. Gravel stung, digging into your open skid marks. Athough, that pain was nothing compared to the strike fear over who stood before you. 
The very man upon your tv screen those days before.
The very man who single-handedly wrecked the top two heroes.
He looked down at you, a sickened gaze and smirk plastered over his graphic features. He looked manic, and he was manic. The way he demeaningly leaned down to you, hands dug deep into the pockets of his black slacks, the way he cocked his head to the side, it all made your throat starkly dry. 
‘Why the long face, Y/N?’ You internally gagged, your name sounded so vile on his tongue, in the way his face stared at you with hatred. How does he know your name? What does he want? You stared up at him speechlessly, your jaw falling silent and eyes dropping wide with horror. Your mind raced in confusion. Jumping from one false hope to another, trying to relieve your fear that you might not survive this encounter. Your only connection with Dabi was as the nurse of his mother, was he extrapolating some revenge against her? But why? Endeavour had been the main perpetrator of the abuse, so why are you being dragged into this so mercilessly? You couldn’t think clearly, but you did know one thing. Both of you well knew Rei had barely anything to do with the harm Touya had endured. Yet, here he was. Newly born as Dabi, as the Dabi who stared down at you as though you coddled his worst enemy your whole life.
His hand shot toward your collar, the fabric ripping at certain ends from the sheer force he used to drag you closer to his face. Your hands grappled at his wrist, fingertips digging into his hand before your force hesitated when you latched right onto his staples. You were scared. You were really, really scared. The way his smile grew wider in response to those pathetic tears that welled in your eyes, the way he held you so tightly your windpipe felt as though it was burning in pain. You felt misjudged. Thrown into an undeserving cruelty that you hadn’t even sinned enough to deserve. But obviously, why would a villain care about whether or not you deserved their violence?
‘Why are you so scared? I’m only here to thank you.’ He quirked, eyes wide as he laughed at your pathetic expressions of fear and struggle. ‘You won't die, so don’t be too dramatic.’ He smiled, yet, you didn’t feel comforted. Heck, a part of you here realized how much you wish you could’ve died at this moment. Was living through whatever he was about to put you through better than hell itself?
‘You took care of my dear old mom ever since I left, comforting her all those nights, helping her recover from Mr. Number One.’ His grip tightened, your collar bunching up into his palms, harshly wheezing your throat as you struggled to breathe. You knew no amount of fighting back was going to drain him down to stop. Dabi had you stood completely upright, right up on the tip of your toes as he held the majority of your body weight up by your neck, still leaning forward to truly yell into your face. Even without the threat of his quirk, you’d never stand a fucking chance against him with how he towers over you. You could tell of the venom Dabi had in his recalling of your care as his mother’s nurse, his pupils dialating in fury. Had he felt things were unfair? That he hadn’t had the help Rei needed when he felt so much worse? You tried to be empathetic, trying to find a way so you could make it out alive. But the more Dabi tightened his hold on you, the more you realized you wouldn’t be getting out of this unscathed—far from it, actually.
‘I’m here to repay you. You know? You spent so many years caring for her, so I’ll repay your act of kindness.’ His voice dripped in sarcasm, venom seeping through as his spat out to you right in your face. Suddenly, his expression morphed, his smile churning so wide the staples holding his smile  together began to rip at the corners of his mouth. ‘You know, that stupid woman isn’t the angel you keep treating her to be. Haven’t you seen little Shoto Todoroki? How do you think that scar on his precious face came to be?’ Your breath hitched as his grip tightened, your throat completely wrenched into his lone palm as heat began radiating through his fingers. Don’t listen to him, you told yourself. Rei messed up. She’s wasn’t the best mother. But no one helped her victim until she became the abuser. Shoto didn’t deserve that, neither did Rei deserve the cruelities of Endeavour, and nor did Touya deserve a crumb of the pressure he underwent. Can’t he understand that nearly everyone in this situation is some form of a victim? You felt frustrated trying to hold your tongue back against this man. He was blinded by rage, a rage that began rationally and morphed into something villianously sinister. It made you feel frustrated. He pitied himself too much. Everyone was struggling, Shoto and Rei too, so why was he so upset with you helping someone who needed to be helped?
‘You people disgust me. You save whoever the fuck you want, but leave the people who really need it out to burn up in a forest.’ You shook your head, shutting your eyes tightly in denial to his cruel accusations. You wanted to yell. Yell how stupid his words were, how tunnelled his thinking was. Dabi is being selfish. Yet, despite your anger, you were still striken with fear. You understood you were in no place to speak your mind, yet your words just spilled out in a frenzy.
‘You’re so linear.’ You said shakily, furrowing your eyebrows and trying to wrench your windpipe out of his grip so you could just barely breathe. ‘Rei was hurt too, she’s n-no angel, but she’s not such a demon either.’ You spoke quietly, but considered how you were choked up into the air it was remarkably impressive you could even get a peep out. Dabi seemed to only become amused, an upset form of amusement. Tears streamed down your cheeks, mainly from the physical agnoy, but moreso now that his palm began to luminate blue and heat up.
You were going to die over your fat tongue.
Your crying only seeming to fuel him even more as his smile ripped even wider. ‘I’m sorry— I didn’t mean it badly–‘ You panically wept. His eyes narrowed, a sense of absolute euphoria over the position of power he had. He felt so cocky, you know? He just ruined two of the top heroes’ careers and now he’s taking away the only support and comfort from his shitty mom. His revenge has just fucking started. He nonchalantly dropped your body onto the floor as he adjusted to stand straight. You crumbled to your knees, your hands flying to your throat as you wretched and coughed out. Your neck was painful to the touch, throbbing as you felt the bruise of his grip develop. Suddenly, he knelt down to one knee, looking at you with an unimpressed expression. 
‘Don’t be so fucking dramatic. Be grateful you’re alive.’ He spat, his tone unforgiving. You sobbed, trying your best to sniffle your crying as you bit down on your lip and shut your eyes tightly—too stuck in horror to look at whatever the fuck your current situation was. From the fear of death you just had, you nearly wanted to thank him for sparing your life. Your hands violently shaking as you refused to look up to him, parts of you begging that this was all some bad trip. Suddenly, he laughed. He began to laugh, growing louder and more insane. You stopped breathing, opening your eyes to see him heaving in absolute exhilaration. 
‘Don’t do that,’ He was profoundly euphoric, ‘you’re reminding me too much of how I cried to dear old Endeavour. What, are you trying to send me down memory lane?’ He finally calmed down a little, smiling at you as you knelt before him, fucking speechless. Your relief was immediately drowned out in the panic of what he was trying to do. He reached out, shoving his thumb into your mouth and forcing your jaw open. Taking his other hand, he forced two fingers down your throat without a shred of care. You gagged, grabbing his wrist and digging your nails into his skin as you felt a pill sink into being forced down into your body as he kept his fingers deep in your throat. Eyes wide as you tried to fight him off, jaw stiffening as you prepared to bite down on him. He stared you down warningly, his breaths deepening and hand warming on your jaw. You sobbed, relenting and loosening your grip on his wrist, shutting your eyes tightly. You felt a tear gently trickle down your cheek, it felt warm against your face. But not as warm as the threatening hand on your neck that wouldn't hesitate to burn. Dabi let go, standing up as you coughed out, feeling the pill stay stuck deep in your throat as you tried your best to ignore it. He lazily dragged his hand across your face, wiping your spit off his hand. You started to cry. Sobbing as quietly as you could as you heard. You could tell he was truly annoyed, clicking his tongue as he took heavy steps away from you - but still keeping a close enough distance to burn you alive if you tried to run away. You felt frustrated. What had you done to deserve this? What did he drug you with? Your panic made you hallucinate awful symptoms of the pill. The world began feeling dizzy, your head becoming light, ad your thoughts racing drunkenly. Although, rationally, you knew that you hadn't even digested the pill yet, so you tried your best to calm yourself down before the pill's effects would truly take place.
You didn't realize Dabi had taken his space between you two to take a quick call until he hung up, shoving his phone deep into his pocket before he looked back to you with a bored expression. 'Are you done crying?' He was annoyed. From the expression of apathy and boredom on his face, he resembled a tired dad sick of his children throwing a tantrum over every little thing. The way he looked down at you felt demeaning, and you felt your body shrink a little down into the core of your bruised heart. You wanted to stand up, your legs numb from being forced down to kneel this entire time. Yet, the fear you held over being burnt from any sudden movement kept you scarily still.
'Get up.' There wasn't a shred of care in his voice, but from the way he tangled his fingers in your hair, dragging you forward by it until you were knelt up awkwardly by his side like a dog, you weren't surprised by his verbal violence. Let alone his physical violence. You grabbed his hand, trying to ease the burning pain against your scalp. It felt as though your hair would rip from the root if he pulled just a little harder. Your eyes darted around, confusion to why he propped you up to him so closely. Was there some threat? Was something about to happen? You felt your heart pounding through your blouse, so loud it resonated inside your head. But, it didn't matter how much your scalp burned in pain. It didn't matter how your palms were still scraped open from your initial fall. It didn't matter how you had roughly fifteen minutes before that pill would digest. What did matter was that by the end of those fifteen minutes, you needed to be away from him and whatever he had planned for you. As though Dabi sensed your change in mood from fear to determination, his hand began to heat up.
'If you want to die, go ahead and try what you want. If not, stay down like the trash you are.' You felt the hope you built up crumble, maybe it was from Dabi's words. But mainly, it was from the literal crumble of the ground and roads in front of your apartment building. The way the earth caved in on the infamous stone-like creature that bulldozed through half of Japan—Gigantomachia of the League of Villians. His body was confined down so his brutish face was mere feet away from yours. His eyes were a glinted yellow, so much so they didn't resemble eyes in the slightest—moreso like large fragments of amber-filled or gold his sclera. You watched in horror as large rubbles of the road slipped down Machia's spikes, cracking their area of impact once they fell. Light after light turned on in your neighboring apartments, people opening their doors with pissed-off expressions darkened with eyebags. Looking to curse out whatever fool decided to make such a loud fuss in the middle of the night. Unsurprisingly, as the beast merely turned his head in their direction, and person after person ran out of their homes in wide-eyed fear.
Dabi rolled his eyes, unimpressed at their pathetic attempts at an escape. He raised his palm, flames bursting out from the center as screams of pain erupted. You stared in horror as the people you'd politely smile to every day burnt up before your eyes. You didn't plan it. Your arms reached up and grabbed Dabi's forearm to pull it down into our chest. You cringed when the flame lightly skimmed your shoulder, yet our grip on his arm remained iron. You refused to let people die right in front of you.
'What the fuck are you doing?!' He yelled, his flames dissipating as you watched a minuscule bunch run away safely. Dabi shoved you hard into the ground, glaring down at you in absolute annoyance. Yet you returned his glare, looking up at him with resentment. 'Fine, you wanna die? Go ahead.' He aimed his palm in your direction, a twinge of flames hurling out. Without a doubt, you were scared. You were scared of dying, scared of never seeing your loved ones again, and scared of the sorrow your death would cause. You hadn't had the impact you wished to have yet, yet here you were, about to die before barely making a dent of meaning in your life. But in that fear, you felt angry. Angry that you were being relentlessly harmed over helping someone who needed it, angry that Dabi would mercilessly burn the innocent without hesitation, and angry that he was mad at you over trying to save them. He was so unreasonable.
'God! Can you quit it?! I understand your pain, and I understand where you're coming from. But those people aren't Endeavour, Rei, or whoever else you hate! They didn't do anything to deserve being killed over, just like you didn't do anything to deserve what you went through as a kid. So why are you hurting them?!' You glared at him, adjusting your posture so you were sitting upright, a hand soothing the blistering burn on your shoulder. His flames fizzled out, and you saw his eyes widen. He was silent, still. As though for both of you, time stopped. You heard desperate steps fade away into the background, rubble from Machia falling upon the grass, and the sizzles of Dabi's flames eating away the fresh corpses that littered the scene about you two. His expression was apathetic, you couldn't read him. Yet, you felt his mind racing, before his palm picked up and slapped you, hard, right across your face.
'You understand me? Is that what you fucking said?' He was absolutely livid. You could hear the absolute anger in his voice, yet a soft smile spread across his lips. Your cheek felt stung, warm, and you were absolutely speechless. For some reason, him slapping you across your face felt more painful than the burn on your shoulder and the scrapes on your palms combined. It was the way he looked down at you. Down at you with absolute fury, as though you were a senseless fool. 'Don't you dare say you understand me when you haven't gone through what I did.' You could tell he wanted to kill you in that moment. You flinched when he reached out to you, expecting this to be your final moment. Instead, he threw you over his shoulder and jumped onto Machia's back, being dragged away to god knows where. You looked up to his face, catching a glimpse of his thumb wiping a droplet of blood from the corner of his eyes before wiping it onto his sleeve. Did he become injured? Or was that a common occurance? Truly, you shouldn't care. He had just battered you, violently dragging you upon the back of a rocky beast, and yet here your nursing instincts slapped you across the face to anaylze his aid.
Quickly, your brief confusion, or worry, for Dabi fell apart as you realized your legs couldn't feel the aggressive breeze of the wind against it's skin. You fought to move, to adjust your stature, yet you felt as though your nerves were burning, fighting against an invisble force that kept you scarily limp and still. Your heart began to pound in your chest, heavy breaths shaking your lungs as you nearly began to weep over what awful drug Dabi had foresaken onto you earlier. You felt constrained, uncomfortable, a distant tingle of pain tracing about the entirety of your skin as you tried to fight the stunt in your lower half. Your legs. Your legs were paraylzed. Your mind raced a mile a minute, heart dropping deep into your stomach. This isn't fair. It's not fair. You felt as though your life has fallen so far you couldn't even hear it's impact on the floor so down below. No resonating echoes, nothing. And that nothing was not at all what you deserved. You hand quivered, tracing across your shin to your thigh. It felt as though you traced your hand on another body, or a piece of your body that was no longer attached. You were disturbed, trying to keep your sanity together as your temples and eyes burned with frustrated tears. It wasn't until a tear hit your thigh, and you didn't even feel it, did you truly begin to break down.
Everything is a fucking mess.
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betyloca · 4 months
the piper and the fairy
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Summary: You were friends with Maleficent since she was little when Aurora invites them to Prince Philip's palace and it ends in disaster. Maleficent and you end up injured and you wake up in a very strange place.
you felt sore you began to open your eyes you looked around you inspected the place it looked like a giant nest you got up from where you were resting you found your flute and started walking looking for maleficent as you walked you saw many tunnels some on the floor others on the ceiling and walls "where the hell it was."
You heard voices in one of the tunnels. You didn't know you would find yourself there, but you were curious. You started walking until the voices intensified until you began to hear well.
x: they hear it they hear it
you could see that all the vices were fairies cimo maleficent you noticed that the fairy who spoke was holding an iron bullet in her fingers
x: It is a message from humans I hear it loud and clear our death is approaching
He said, showing the bullet to all the fairies present.
x: Humans have used iron against us for centuries
you saw another fairy talk to him
x: and because of him he almost made us extinct
x: killing peasants near the Moors will only cause a conflict
So they were to blame for the dead humans near the Moors. You had to be careful. If they had already killed humans, they wouldn't be any different with you.
You were listening to their conversation when you noticed some eyes looking at you. You turned around and saw a fairy with white wings and hair of the same color looking at you. You stood rigid looking at him until the whole place became silent.
x: well it seems that our guest woke up
You heard, you saw how all the fairies turned to look at you, some with hatred in their eyes.
The fairy who was giving a speech flew quickly towards you, grabbing you and pushing you to the center of the place.
You fell to your knees, you saw how he looked at you with anger.
x: look at one of them, she could kill us if she wanted to but she is defenseless
He said while the other fairies laughed he knelt in front of you.
x: without iron you are weak
You looked at him angrily, you hated it when people told you that you were weak.
x: Did you want to kill that fairy?
You just looked at him confused. Was he talking about Maleficent?
x: answer me
x:borra leave her empath
You saw the fairy who was arguing with him and he did it to you, helping you get up.
x: are you okay
Borra: because you help her
x: because she hasn't done anything to us
Borra: she is a cruel being
The other fairies supported him. You were angry. You hadn't done anything to anyone. If they thought you were cruel, you would show them what you could do.
you took out your flute while you wet your lips
Borra: What do you think you'll do with that, huh?
you took a breath until you started playing a melody they laughed until they started dancing to the rhythm of the music the more you played they couldn't control themselves and it hurt if they resisted
Borra: stop what are you doing to us
x: enough
When you heard that voice you knew it was evil, you immediately stopped playing and looked at her, you ran towards her to see if she was okay.
Maleficent: I'm fine, who are you?
After clarifying who they were and where Maleficent came from, you felt happy for her.
She was with connal. You were in the part of the tundra. You were always attracted by the cold and the snow. You saw the children playing but you knew you couldn't get involved. You didn't want problems with their mothers.
You were sitting under a tree when you heard a flutter of wings, you saw next to you it was the same fairy that saw you when you were in a meeting, he turned around, you got up and walked back.
x I'm not going to hurt you, I'm udo
You looked at him, he seemed like he didn't want conflicts, so you let him do what.
udo: you are y/n no
You felt as you sat down he approached you.
Udo: I heard you can't talk, how do you communicate with her?
you looked at him and showed him your flute
Udo: ohh, could I listen?
He sat next to you while you began to play a melody that transmitted emotions.
udo: you know not all fairies are like borra he is very impulsive but that's what we go through
You looked at him listening to what he was saying.
Udo: I don't believe that all humans are bad, you are proof that there are good ones.
A small smile appeared at the corner of your lips.
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liztenhearinghub · 3 months
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meanpregcomm · 23 days
Imagine you have a new bunkmate pt 2
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Pt 1 here:
Despite my best attempts, it was impossible to avoid seeing the human submarine I'd bigged. She shuffled slowly around the ship, crying as she carried laundry, crying as she nursed another of her children, and moaning in pleasure as she continued her duties in the room next to mine.
The captain had granted my wish to be moved, but the new bunk was comically close to my old one, which had been rearranged with a larger, single bed in the center of the room. No more ruining perfectly good furniture because the girl's belly was so obscenely swollen.
I couldn't meet her eyes, but I did send gifts to the children through the other crew members--little trinkets or extra bits of food. I wouldn't claim the children inside her. I couldn't be responsible for extra mouths to feed, I was young and just making my way in the world. It wasn't my fault that she had gotten pregnant the first time someone had touched her after her latest birth. But I wasn't an unfeeling man. I didn't wish her ill, and I knew better than most of the sailors how much she struggled. And, unlike most of the crew of this ship, I knew they were mine. Although...the crew did have their guesses about which of the babies that kept coming out of her abused pussy might have belonged to each of them. But she could never be certain enough to make a real accusation. They would have laughed in her face.
When her due date was clearly imminently approaching, we were dockside in Finland. I had permission to take shore leave, but I felt torn when I imagined vacationing while she gave birth. On the one hand, I knew that being physically near the mother of my children for the event wouldn't do her any good. I wasn't a midwife, or even a family member. On the other hand, my guilt at abandoning children I knew were mine, and abandoning their mother in her hour of need seemed especially cruel.
I made up my mind--I would stay nearby in case she needed me. I knocked on her door and gave her a little speech about being there for her during the birth, and the relief that flowed into her face was depressing. She either hadn't put together that I was the father, or she was so used to birth being a solitary experience that she would take anyone as a birth partner, even the man who had tricked her into getting fat with more unwanted children.
I read in my room while I waited for her contractions to start, made excuses to my friends for why I wasn't leaving, and after a few hours, I did start to hear moans of pain from the other side of the wall. I went to summon the doctor, and when we both entered my former room, we found her face down, ass up on her newer, larger bed, moaning and rocking through a contraction. One of her younger babies was crying, and her older children were huddled in the corner, wide-eyed.
"Get these children out of here," the doctor snapped at me, "and get a woman from the kitchen." After a few minutes of searching I'd come back with Katherine, and she had shuffled the brood to the galley with promises of oranges. She shot me a look behind the doctors back as she carried the screaming baby away from her laboring mother.
There was no time for anyone to address the elephant in the room--how she'd ended up in this situation--so I gripped one of the laboring mother's arms as the doctor gripped another, and we helped her into a squat. The doctor checked her dilation, and I saw his eyes widen. She's almost ready to push," he said to me, and she looked up wild eyed. "Already? she panted, "But the contractions just started!"
The doctor nodded and pressed lightly on the top of her enormous belly. She began to let out a guttural groan so primal I will never forget it as long as I live. And that's when I started to regret my decision to stay. Maybe there was a reason fathers didn't attend the births of their children. Maybe it was unnatural for a man to see these images. The doctor snapped at her to pay attention and keep her breathing even. "This is your sixth child," he admonished, "you'd think you'd be better at giving birth." She only moaned weakly in reply, pawing limply at her gargantuan bump as if she could stroke the babies inside her out. On the doctor's command, she gave a strained cry and bore down, and her bulging pussy opened to reveal a dark circle, which, as she breathed slowly, eventually became a head.
When she gave another deep moan and I saw my child's head hanging between her legs, the contents of my stomach came up and I knew I couldn't stay a moment longer. I lost my nerve and ran, gagging, from the room up to the deck for air.
She'll be fine, I assured myself as her screams of agony drifted up to me from the bowels of the boat. Women have done this for millennia.
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purpleyoonn · 2 years
OKAY BUT HEAr me out!
A world where hybrid packs live normal lives but slowly go feral when their mate pack isn’t complete.
There are facilities in every major city where they round these packs up and keep them from rampaging the city looking for their missing mate/s. Mc just graduated from university and begins her new job as an assistant nurse in the Seoul Mate Rehabilitation center and is assigned the Bangtan pack because they won’t let no one else near them and the facility needs their new hire to try so that the pack can be taken care of. Once they are deemed not a threat, they are able to have mateless hybrids come and visit to see if they are the missing mate.
Well, once she goes in, without being given any sort of scent blocker (the mcs mentors fault), they immediately recognize the small plump human as their mate.
Imagine mc nervously trying to move through her script as the boys all watch her with hooded eyes, omega jimin moving to lay in the nest on his back, spreading out so she will hopefully see him as safe so he can keep her in the nest all nice and safe with him🥰 because he (and the others tbh) recognize her as their omega just like jimin and jin.
They just go mindless when she does her speech, their brains not even computing what she is saying because all they see is their newest mate not scented or marked yet. Anyone can just take her from then😡 Namjoon can’t have that. Can’t have anyone taking their mate from them.
He fully pushes her to the ground, hands barely moving under her so that she doesn’t hit the floor too hard and begins to heavily scent her, his tongue licking all over her neck and collarbone. The security team tries to open the door to grab her and bring her out but the alphas in the group surround the two and growl at the guards, in protective positions so that they can’t get near their unmarked and unmated defenseless human mate.
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icycoldninja · 10 days
Hiiii! Can I request Dante at fem readers graduation
Thank youuu
Sure, sure! I'm just gonna assume you meant the Reader is his daughter, if I misinterpreted that, please let me know. Enjoy!
Graduation day (Dante x Fem!Daughter!Reader)
You stood on the stage in your college auditorium in your gown and cap, eagerly awaiting your turn to receive your diploma and to be pronounced an official college graduate.
You had to admit, your stomach was full of butterflies and your heart was pounding so loudly, you could hear it in your ears. You were clearly very nervous, but also excited. You were about to complete a goal you'd been aiming for since your early teens, maybe earlier. The only thing that could make this better would be to have your dad present for the ceremony, but...it seemed he was occupied with a job and couldn't make it back in time.
Sighing softly, you turned your head to look at the empty seat in which he should have been sitting in, starting to lose hope that he'd ever show up. Very soon, it was your turn to come onstage, as everyone else had already been presented with their diplomas and given their short speeches. As you neared the speaker, who had your diploma in hand, ready to give it to you, a loud rumbling from outside stole everyone's attention.
Confused, you turned your head to the entrance, the supposed source of the noise, expecting some kind of machinery to be wheeled in, or something like that. Instead, you were met with a middle aged, white haired devil hunter riding on a demonic motorcycle, whooping and laughing the entire time.
"Hey, sweetie," He called, rocketing into the auditorium and landing perfectly onto the center of the stage. "Did I miss the ceremony?"
"Daddy!" You squealed, running into his arms, ignoring the confused and irritated looks from your classmates, professors, and everyone else present. "You came after all....for a sec, I thought you wouldn't."
"Aww, you know I'd never miss an important day like this," Dante chuckled, handing you a helmet with a graduation cap glued onto it. "Now hop on and let's blow this joint."
Giggling happily, you jumped onto your dad's motorcycle and held on tight as you sped off. The entire assembly was in shock for a few moments before the speaker remembered she still had your diploma in her han, and proceeded to run after the two or you, frantically shouting for you two to come back.
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