#healthpromotion team
eatmovesmile · 3 years
Do you have skills in Health Promotion or Public Health?
We are currently recruiting to our Health Promotion team due to recent staff departures including some to become new parents!
To learn more about the roles available pop over to our website and go to the employment page, or click here: https://www.shdh.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Health-Promotion-Officer-Dec-21.pdf
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Charli, Brianna and Tennille
We are very fortunate to have two local people recently employed in our team, including Brianna who is actually a newly graduated Dietitian with an exceptional skill base in public health. Brianna has been working with us for the past two months, and has been instrumental in the social media campaign for Gender Equity in the Early Years, along with background work to support an upcoming Early Years Online Hub, in partnership with Mallee Family Care, Our Place Robinvale and Swan Hill Rural City Council. Brianna will also be working with our Food Service team to meet the new Healthy Choices guidelines for employees and consumers using our service.
We also have Charli with us, who has volunteered during her Uni break and is currently working in a casual role for a short time. Charli is studying Health Promotion and will graduate at the end of 2022. Charli has been supporting local early childhood services complete requirements to meet the DHSV Smiles 4 Miles Award status, and assisting with the Gender Equity and Early Years program areas.
Tennille, who has been working with us for 10 years, will be returning to the education system in a Health & Wellbeing role at a local school from late January 2022. Tennille has been a truly remarkable Health Promotion Officer, she has contributed significantly to improve health and wellbeing across our community. She currently is leading work in breastfeeding awareness and support including assisting Swan Hill District Health to met WHO Baby Friendly Health Initiative requirements. Tennille is very passionate about the early years and the importance of all children being offered the best start in life.
Kristi works across the Health Promotion and Dietetic teams and leads the Food Security and edible garden work in partnership with the Food for All - Swan Hill Region working group. Kristi also is our Smiles 4 Miles Coordinator, working with local early childhood services to improve nutrition and oral health in partnership with Dental Health Services Victoria.
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Kristi and Gayle
Gayle is the Health Promotion team manager, who also manages the Dietetics team and the Community Health Nursing team, all located at 60 McCrae Street, Swan Hill. These teams are very complementary as many of the services provided address identified health needs in regard to nutrition education, chronic disease management, breastfeeding support, refugee health and sexual & reproductive health. Gayle works in partnership with many agencies including our local Council with the aim to build an inclusive and more equitable community, and has lead the recent 16 Days of Activism campaign focused on Gender Equity in the Early Years. 
The Health Promotion team are friendly and approachable, give us a call if you would like more information about our work or visit the SHDH website here: https://www.shdh.org.au/our-services/health-promotion/
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kurema-kureba-kwiga · 4 years
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Our artist teams have been putting in the work to challenge the #coronavirus in #rwanda • @iradukunda_gilbertarts and apprentices @akanyangeartistry + Emmy taking a break from #mural making at the kimisagara market ✌️special thanks to @ameki.color for the support! • from our new series of #COVID-19 prevention #murals created in partnership with @rbcrwanda/ @rwandahealth with support from @goetheinstitut_kigali and the #German Embassy in Rwanda. #my250 #kigali #healthpromotion #sbcc #publichealth #publicart #coronavirus #rwandaful #africanartist #fightcovid19 #irindecovid19 #kuremakurebakwiga #mural #streetart #urbanart #muralart #artforsocialchange #urbanaesthetics #wallart #wip https://instagr.am/p/CEHn10igz2n/
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What changes will we see after this youth center is successful?
A little update on how the youth center is doing, as a team we just finished painting the location with the help of friends and it looks amazing! Our youth center’s deadline of when it is going to open November 10th 2018 because the weekends before this date are a little hectic because of halloween, and this will be a little less than a month away from CAS night which is going to be a little clumped up with these two big events in one month but I know it will be successful. Now we have to work on getting the necessities such as furniture, decorations, food, etc.. Once these factors are taken care of then we can go ahead and start planning for the opening!
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The purpose of this Youth Center and the main reason we are creating this is to have a safe environment in which teenagers between the ages of 13-18 can have a time in their schedule to come to an entertaining place and enjoy themselves through activities, social interactions with new people and friends of their own. The main goal is to bring all the communities together, instead of having all the communities separated and not have any sort of interaction, this youth center is to bring all these communities together and have teenagers meet other teenagers of their age. It’s always healthy and beneficial for teenagers at this age to take a break and focus on their social life, it’s important for a teenager to have a balanced schedule in order for them to be happy and healthy. Myself, I do need a balance in my schedule specially now that I am in IB, I can’t just be in a room and study everyday and focus on school all the time even though that’s the priority but I need a balanced schedule when it comes to my academic and social life. It’s unhealthy to focus on one specific thing all the time meaning being academically focused all the time isn’t healthy and can cause depression if social interactions aren’t involved in your life. In our community, we want to prevent this and we want to have everyone’s presence at our youth center on weekdays or weekends to enjoy and entertain themselves through social activities, board games, video games, relaxing times where you can communicate and socialize with friends of your own. 
Some teenagers in these communities might not have anything to do in their spare time, or don’t really have many friends. Our youth center’s main purpose is to welcome anyone from any community into this environment in which teenagers can meet new people which is always a good thing and can be beneficial for the future. I want teenagers to have a time in their schedule in which they can have social interactions with other teenagers from other communities,  I want these teenagers to develop social skills and cultivate their knowledge of various cultural experiences. By having kids go to the center instead of staying home playing video games. I want to expose the diverse youth of Costa Rica by offering a global cultural experience through activities , meaningful engagements and games that will enrich and diversify their mindsets through a variety of cultural experiences by involving activities such as connecting the youth group through social interactions. This is the change I want to see within our communities, I want teenagers to get out of their comfort zone and meet other people from other cultures, have different cultures interact and learn from each other. 
Before we have all these amazing social interactions happen at our youth center, our youth center needs to be ready, and everyone needs to be aware that there is something new coming soon in the community of Tamarindo. How do we do this? MARKETING! We need to advertise this upcoming center for everyone to be constantly aware of, we want people from other communities telling other communities that this is happening, and this is an exciting factor being added to a community with good benefits for all these communities. To show this process, we want to interview different people from different communities and receive their opinions about this youth center and what are some things they are interested in having at our youth center. Why ask people what they want even though this is our project? The main point of this youth center is to entertain teenagers through social interactions, different teenagers have different ways of entertaining themselves with their peers whether it’s through video games, board games, having long conversations, listening to music, etc... I am interested in knowing what the communities want out of this youth center, and what needs to be there in order for them to participate and be part of a place in which they can have a time in their schedule where they can enjoy and entertain themselves. Some of the main obstacles going into this is who are we going to interview and how we can’t have everyones needs be at our youth center, meaning we will take everyone’s opinions and needs into consideration but we won’t be able to have all these peoples opinions or demands put into our project even though we want to have everyone’s opinions apart of this project. I will overcome this obstacle by listening to everyone’s ideas and be open to them but will let them know that I can’t guarantee that this will be apart or not apart of the project. Another obstacle is reaching the deadline of the opening of this youth center, we can’t advertise and keep everyone updated that the opening date will be on November 10th and then once we reach that deadline and have the youth center not ready. Which will then cause us to push the deadline back and this won’t be a good aspect part of our project because we can’t be advertising about our youth center and when it will be opened and have all communities get excited and once we reach the deadline not be able to open our youth center because it isn’t ready this could cause a bad reputation for our business. I can overcome this obstacle by having a meeting will all the board of directors and mention the deadline and how de we know that November 10th will be an appropriate date and discuss the circumstances of opening our youth center on this date. Through these obstacles I am receiving learning outcomes and how to manage myself when obstacles like these come into place. 
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“Adolescence is a time that offers many opportunities for good health. It is also when the foundations for future patterns of adult health are established. Leisure time is a significant part of young people’s lives, and is often spent together with peers, it could therefore be a crucial arena for helping adolescents develop their full potential and attain the best possible health in the transition to adulthood. Since many young people spend their leisure time at youth centers they can play an active role in health promotion and be a health-promoting setting. This study aims to explore different strategies at two NGO-driven youth centers in multicultural, and to determine what factors are important for making the youth centers health-promoting settings.”http://www.hsj.gr/medicine/important-strategies-for-youth-centers-to-be-healthpromoting-settings.php?aid=8425  
Our youth center wont’ just provide entertainment and diversity but health. How? It’s important at this age (13-18 years) to identify what you need in order to be happy and healthy, at this age it’s important to meet new people and involve yourself in social activities, developing social skills isn’t just healthy for young teenagers but can also benefit these people for their future; it’s extremely crucial for teenagers to expand their social interactions and learn how to meet new people, involve themselves in meeting new people is always a healthy factor when it comes to being a teenagers where a lot is going on and you are in the process of learning and experimenting new thing as you grow. This project is opening my eyes, and I’m learning many new factors while creating something so beneficial to the community. This youth center isn’t just providing entertainment but is promoting health. I never knew that socializing with new people could be healthy but again I’ve learned something new, staying within your comfort zone and not having any sort of social interaction in your life as a teenager isn’t healthy whatsoever, it’s very important to meet new people and develop social skills as a teenager. 
Main beneficial factors we want to give out as a youth center:
Involve cultural experiences through teenagers meeting new people, having teenagers learn from each other’s cultures.
Community involvement, we want to involve every single community within our province, and get those communities together and meet each other through social interactions and entertainment. 
Social interactions: Have teenagers socialize with each other and meet new people through activities of their own liking.
Variety of Cultures: Having a variety of cultures within our youth center will benefit teenagers into extending their knowledge base by learning about different cultures through social interactions.
Safe and friendly environment: Our youth center will be providing a safe place and friendly, in which teenagers can feel comfortable to do entertain themselves through diverse activities with new people from other communities.
New faces: Once again it’s always healthy to have the opportunity to meet new people and have a time in which teenagers can meet new people which will benefit them in their future due to having the opportunity to meet new people and learn about their different cultures.
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daleynutrition · 5 years
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Some of the most rewarding work Daley Nutririon has done in the last few years has been alongside @sparkhealthaus this team of all inspiring women are leading the field in health promotion with indigenous communities. — Jump onto their Instagram page @sparkhealthaus to see the kind of programs they run. — A highlight for me was teaching a room full of lads how to cook some tasty recipes with a cook off, focusing on cooking skills and recipe ideas. — #healthyeatingtips #healthpromotion #recipeideas (at Phillip Island, Victoria, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxb9q7elJES/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5w1kon7s2uz8
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healthcritique-blog · 7 years
Prebiotics Vs Probiotics - But It's Not Exactly Obvious How One Must Go About Consuming Both Nutrients
New Post has been published on http://www.healthmonologue.com/prebiotics-vs-probiotics-but-its-not-exactly-obvious-how-one-must-go-about-consuming-both-nutrients
Prebiotics Vs Probiotics - But It's Not Exactly Obvious How One Must Go About Consuming Both Nutrients
Why you should better incorporate both into your diet.
Over the past few years, the gut and the trillions of bacteria inside it is getting a ton of buzz.
They do know the gut’s bacterial makeup affects us definitely more than previously thought, scientists are still learning exactly how and why gut bacteria play a role in our health. Whenever having an abundance and a vast kinds of good gut bacteria was tied to reduced bowel inflammation, better regulated blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol levels, and even improved mood, aside from improved digestion. They’re also continuing to research the gut’s effects on everything from colon cancer to Alzheimer’s risk, and their findings are promising. Basically, maybe that’s the reason why sales of probiotic supplements have skyrocketed, and probiotic fortified foods have become commonplace on supermarket shelves. You can even send a stool sample to a team of scientists to get a personalized gut bacteria evaluation. Here’s the thing most people don’t know.
You also have to consume prebiotics, a dietary type fiber on which probiotics feed, in order to reap these benefits. Here’s everything you should better know about this oftoverlooked nutrient. Probiotics are the healthpromoting gut bacteria you’ve been hearing about for years. They’re found in fermented food products like yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, and kombucha, and many kinds of probiotics types are similar to the bacteria naturally residing in our guts. Prebiotics, additionally, are entirely different. They’re not living organisms, unlike probiotics. Prebiotics are soluble, fermentable fibers that we’re unable to digest in our stomachs. Usually, this allows them to progress to our intestines, where they get gobbled up by probiotics and fermented into shortchain fatty acids. Just keep reading. It’s these fatty acids that provide all the ‘good for you’ benefits that keep us healthy long after we’ve eaten our last spoonful of Greek yogurt.
Yes, feeding our gut bugs really is vital.
Good gut bacteria can die off or even turn on you, without proper fuel.
Most bacteria are opportunists, says Purna Kashyap, a gastroenterologist at the Mayo Clinic and member of the scientific advisory board for the American Gastroenterological Association Center for Gut Microbiome Research and Education They’ll try to find nutrients elsewhere and could go after the mucus lining of your intestine. Prebiotics and probiotics are both essential to your health, that much is clear. On p of this, it’s not exactly obvious how one should go about consuming both nutrients. Consider this your cheat sheet. Naturally occurring sources always trump supplements, says Kashyap, wheneverit gets to probiotics. Look, there’re a few reasons for this.
While the good bacteria in foods like yogurt, kimchi, and kefir are sitting in a container waiting to become your lunch, they’re feeding on the carbohydrates and sugars that surround them.
This ensures that they’re alive and well, and ready to boost your health after you’ve consumed them.
Bacteria in supplements don’t typically have anything to feed on so the majority of them will die off before you even pop the first one from the bottle into your mouth. Natural sources of probiotics also have a greater majority of bacteria than supplements, that Kashyap says is crucial for gut health.
For the most part there’s also strength in diversity, that creates a more robust bacterial ecosystem, there’s strength in number of microbes, he says.
That way, different bacteria can easily feed on different nutrients in your system.
In fact, Kashyap says research shows that one common denominator for a variety of medical conditions, including diabetes and inflammatory bowel disease, is a low level of microbial diversity. Prebiotics should be consumed through food, rather than a supplement, like probiotics.
As a result, Jerusalem artichokes, thanks to their high soluble fiber content a fiber that gets its name because it resists digestion in the stomach. Resistant starch resides in oats, unripe bananas, and legumes and because of the ways that starch is affected by heat, it’s also present in cooked then cooled pasta, potatoes, and rice.
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