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Rome, Italy: 
note: all updates can be found on my facebook page at: sherry methling
Sites: Colosseum , Sistine Chapel, Trevi Fountain, Roman Forum, Bath of Caracalla, Piazza del Popolo, St. Peter's Square, Pantheon, Ponte Sant'Angelo Bridge, Plaza Novona
Obelisks: The city of Rome harbors the most obelisks in the world. There are eight ancient Egyptian and five ancient Roman obelisks in Rome. Obelisks are strategically placed around the world at significant and powerful sites such at the pyramids, Vatican, specific churches, government buildings/monuments (ie. Captial of the United States of America). Obelisks are generating energy and like antennas into the universe communicating information from earth. For more information you can find my you video on the, Truth behind Obelisks at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqUnBgp5A3Q&t=31s
Colosseum: Is the largest amphitheater ever built between 70AD - 80AD and used for gladiatorial contests and public spectacles, animal hunts, executions, re-enactments of famous battles, and dramas based on Classical mythology. The building ceased to be used for entertainment in the early medieval era. Although partially ruined because of damage caused by earthquakes and stone-robbers, the Colosseum is still an iconic symbol of Imperial Rome and is listed as one of the 7 Wonders of the World. 
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Rome, Italy: Church of Rome <3
(note: All updated photos & info. can be found on my facebook page at: sherry methling) 
Churches: Sistine Chapel, Basilica of San Clemente, San Giovanni in Laterano (1st Catholic Church in Rome & home of Archbishop & Pope), Basilica de Santa Maria Maggiore (Considered one of the most important churches in Rome) Churches, Holy Stairs, Vatican City, St. Peter's Square, Pantheon, and many more churches....
Sistine Chapel (built within the Vatician 1477-1480): painted by Michelangelo between 1508 and 1512 and is one of the finest examples of art being used to express the word which God revealed to mankind. Pictures and painting were used to express ideas into the visual form which everyone could understand today and into the future, just like the hieroglyphic you'll find on the ancient egyptian obelisks and pyramids.
Holy Steps at Scala Sancta and across from San Giovanni in Laterano (also having an obelisk in the square): Is one of the most important and renowned sanctuaries in the Roman Catholic Church. The sanctuary gets its name from the 28 marble steps of the Holy Stairs which you can only climb by prayer on your knees, as I did each step of the way. According to an ancient Christian tradition the stairs were transported from Pontius Pilate’s palace in Jerusalem to Rome. It is believed that Jesus climbed these stairs several times a day before his way to trial before Pontius Pilate and sentence to death.
San Giovanni in Laterano: It is the oldest (completed in 1735) and highest ranking of the four major basilicas, giving it the unique title of "archbasilica" because it is the oldest catholic church in the city of Rome and the home to the Archbishop & Pope.
Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore: Founded in the 4th century and considered one of the most important churches in Rome, completed in 1743.
These churches seem to have many consistencies such as: 8 pointed star / sacred geometry symbols throughout (which i've been using in my energy healings since the beginning), flowers on the ceiling just like at the Rosalyn Chapel in Scotland, everything is always symmetric, and colors are repetitive of sapphire blue, deep red, green along with gold & ivory. Many of these churches, basilica, cathedrals have chapels/churches within them; sometimes 2 or 3 on each side of the cathedral with usually 7 pews on each side within the chapel. Of course you also have many large statues of prophets or saints, paintings that tell a story, and several alters throughout. The main cathedral usually does not have any pews, just within the smaller chapels inside. I've also noticed that churches were inspired to reach the heavens as they gravitate upward in a high cathedral ceiling and tunnel as if going into heaven. The Monasteries and Cathedrals in England seem to have been much taller, but it does not mean they were bigger or better; all having the same purpose, to worship God & Jesus.
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