#healing too much is very bad..and ruby overdid it..its sadly not the first time..
rubyphilomela · 8 years
“Don’t feel safe letting you be alone when you’re in that shape”-RP Lunafreya X Ruby Philomela X Prompto Argentum pt 4
8 am was soon approaching, and with still no word from Ruby, Prompto grew antsy. He told the others he had a quick errand to run and managed to smile and laugh along as the others teased him about ‘Oh? Got a hot date?’  ‘Need some alooone time with your girl?’  ,though he hurriedly mounted his feathered steed and took off at a full gallop towards the nearby outpost. He could see it in the distance as his phone’s alarm went off; signaling that it was now 8am. An alarm he had set as if he /wasn’t/ constantly checking his phone for any word from Ruby the whole time. Prompto urged his bird onward, breaking it into a sprint. He came careening into the lot and lept down from the chocobo before it had even fully halted, whirling around, searching for any sign of the crimson haired young woman. Finding nothing, he pulled out his phone and called her number. Sitting, listening, he suddenly heard the muffled sound of her ringtone coming from within the nearby RV on the premises. Prompto rushed over to its door and knocked while calling out “Ruby? You in there??” When he was answered with silence, he gave a small gulp and announced that he was coming in as he swung open its door. Rushing inside, he paused, dumbfounded as his eyes took in the fair blonde woman, robed in white, lying on the bed.. the oracle? Was that really… Lunafreya? He wondered for only a moment as his wide blue eyes took in the slumped form of Ruby. Dropping to his knees, he gathered her in his arms and called out to her, slight panic rising in his voice “Hey!… Ruby… are you ok?! Come on.. wake up, Red!” He jostled her slightly but noticed she was, in fact, breathing. Pulling a high-elixir out and uncorking it with his teeth, he slowly, /carefully/ pours it bit, by bit into her mouth. “Wake up, Red… wake up he urges..
@promptothesunshineboy  @lunaoracleofthepeople
Ruby moans softly, her first sensation is choking on a strange liquid that she soon recognizes as a potion and she swallows it even as she sputters. Realizing that she’d heard a familiar voice she searched her memory and realizes it must be after 8 am.. which means she overdid it..which is why she currently feels like she’d been hit by a truck and can barely move. Managing to crack an eyelid open she smiles softly as much as her muscles will allow to see familiar blue eyes looking worriedly over her. Her voice a rasped shadow of its usual self,
“Hey prom... sorry for being late..”
As the potion slowly works she’s able to glance around a bit and see’s Lunafrey’s form still unconscious on the bed and as she reaches out with her aura she winces as nothing responds.. she really overdid it this time. Coughing slightly she manages to rasp again “Hey prom can you please check on Lunafreya..I kinda overdid it..and can’t even feel anything..my abilities are fried....is she alive? Is she ok?”
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