headlinestalks · 4 years
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━━ posted 𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐄 𝟐𝟖𝐓𝐇 , 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎.
these articles feature the following, isadora miller, aurora moon, benjamin parker, calypso stephens, presley bellerose, claudia conrad, jackson griggs, charlotte vaughn, sebastian bellamy, valeria de firoe, eloise sampson, ande mars, poppy yoon, alessia ward & oliver bu.
this week has been crazy for some of our newly C-LIST celebrities. tensions are high, romances are sparking and rumor has it someone just might be pregnant ? word was heard around that sebastian bellamy and valeria de fiore are expecting a child after a run in that had not been long after valeria had spent the evening with benjamin parker earlier on in the week. with these rumors come gossip and we’ve received audio of a conversation between charlotte vaughn and ande mars these are all just rumors, but with recent word around the house we have reason to believe it might not be all talk around the house ! meanwhile calypso stephens seems to be big and bold when kissing and telling ! not only have we got suspicion that she’ll be confessing her strong feelings for ruben seeing that the pair have quite the complex relationship going on. 
there’s tons of strange scenarios going on like the never forgotten kiss that ruben rousseau and sebastian which seems to have worked out in a break up to make up sort of way ; we’ll see how miss stephens responds knowing sebastian would more than easily sleep with ruben. watch out miss charlotte vaughn, looks like someone’s aiming to keep your ex well entertained while you’re shacked up with sebastian who isn’t really even that into you. alongside the lowkey flirtationships we’ve noticed like benjamin and lazaro foley , alessia ward , and whatever lucky bachelor/ette aims to appease this wreck ; some have even made word that benjamin is he most eligible of the household. while these gorgeous ladies seem to be getting comfortable with a plethora of people around our villa, drama still goes on between everyone. sebastian, ruben and benjamin still have their hateful trio going on with no budge of change while, as well as calypso and sebastian. 
with the very different vast relationships with people it’s very confusing to know who’s together, who still hates one another and so on. with other flirty conversations going on like benjamin and alessia ward but also him and other ex band-mate poppy yoon. loads of our viewers are giving kudos to benji for his adoration for all these gorgeous women and men of color ! although poppy had been overheard flirting with benji, she’s also been heard yearning to hook up with oliver bu ( a house member we’re shocked is starting to get out there some more than innocently vibing with other member eloise sampson ). new house member isadora miller close friend and dance partner of calypso stephens seems to also have the quality her friend does with tons of curious flirting alongside some risque hookups as well on the low ; i.e calypso and sebastian alongside enemy of ruben. without much word, these c-list house members are keeping things interesting but also not bothering whether they’re recklessly ruining relationships while they’re at it. some members such as aurora moon remains rather modest ( up until her hook up with ande alongside her flirty nature with benjamin as well ) and out of trouble while also remaining at comfortable distance from everyone else nevertheless. we are rooting for her ! another storyline we’re following is lottie and jackson griggs seeing as the pair aren’t coming off so friendly with one another ; at least not on the swedish fashion designer’s side ! maybe it’s the different celebrity status and she’s a lot more in tune with the business than we thought she was. 
in other news , claudia and sebastian seem to have a close-knit relationship going on. maybe even more so than his friendship with charlotte ? we’ll be asking her for her word on this matter later on in other articles , but until then we’ll just have to see whether or not sebastian actually manages to exit the friendzone !
perhaps as the weeks go on, roommates changing but also some celebrities roaming outside of the house we shall see if they can keep things as interesting as they have been in the first couple of weeks. we do pride ourselves in making sure everyone’s having the utmost best time , but also keeping in tune with their dramatic sides. without much else to say , stay tuned for weeks to come on the piping hot tea our villa has to offer with the rising & falling of their careers !
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headlinestalks · 4 years
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𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐋𝐄 #𝟏 & #𝟐
━━ posted 𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐄 𝟒𝐓𝐇, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎.
these articles feature the following, benjamin parker, calypso stephens, presley bellerose, charlotte vaughn, sebastian bellamy, deandra stokes, kai rhee, aaron syed, valeria de firoe, eloise sampson & oliver bu. 
conversation had been caught wind with cast members sebastian ballamy and deandra stokes that has a number of people relatively confused as to what sort of relationship these two just might have. our producers heard deandra threatening to kick sebastian out of her bedroom as he’d been “ lonely ” within his own bedroom ; which oddly enough seems hard to believe given charlotte vaughn had been seen leaving his bedroom later on in the week which has us all questioning the lies we all know sebastian has to be telling her while together. we had spoken to charlotte on the matter to which she had responded with, “ we’re not even together . . . it’s not that big of a deal. seb is my friend . . . ” only to further explain that it’s “ none of our business anyways. ” well ouch ! 
with the second week coming around at the starlight villa here in calabasas, tons of drama seems to surround this house filled with newly d-list celebrities ! now that they have some publicity alongside some positive, negative and all sorts of backlash from the first release of articles. some take it pretty well while other’s like oliver bu who seems to be unhappy with last week’s press. after all, he does have quite a lot of explaining and make up to do when in regard to his relationship with eloise sampson who had seemed rather distressed to hear about this unfortunate news about her “ close friend ”. 
cameras caught footage of a brief conversation between kai rhee and valeria de fiore talking about other house member charlotte vaughn with quote, “ what’s your deal with charlotte anyway ? ”. our sources say that charlotte and kai have broken up from their previous few month relationship and are rumored that they “ can’t stand one another ”. their break up isn’t certain as we are unsure of what had caused the break up, but it’s clear the pair have been blatantly avoiding one another since acknowledging each other's presences. although this seems true, valeria seems to have a bit of a struggle picking a side when coming to these two. 
house member calypso stephens seems to have a thing for tall, dark, handsome and curly haired boys because she’s been caught flirting it up with ex members of beyond san fransisco front man benjamin parker as well as other member sebastian bellamy in the same day in just a matter of hours. speaking of messy flirtationships, benjamin and aaron syed had been caught chatting up despite just recently breaking up a matter of six months ago while another ex presley bellerose entered later in the week ! seems like loads of people that aren’t friends with benjamin are surrounding him in the house, we’ll see if he has a mental break later on in the week. 
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headlinestalks · 4 years
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𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐋𝐄 #𝟏 & #𝟐
━━ posted 𝐌𝐀𝐘 𝟐𝟔, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎.
these articles feature the following, benjamin parker, sebastian bellamy, deandra stokes, eloise sampson, valentina perez, ruben rousseau, skylar brown, melanie sanders & oliver bu.
as of wednesday, may 20th, 2020 the starlight villa located in los angeles, more specifically within calabasas, california has been officially open for the new cast members to be welcomed but also informed with their signature of the contract that they agree to continue having their personal lives filmed for the world to see.
while everyone has been settling in, we managed to stop a couple residents to get a quick interview ! headlines cast members benjamin parker and oliver bu had a couple things to say among their lives, but also their personal careers . benjamin starts off by stating that he’s ready to “ get the ball rolling ” with his career, hinting that he’ll be releasing a new EP in the near future ! but also says, “ he will not be sharing anything too personal ”. meanwhile chin-hwa ( also known as oliver ) stated “ i think I'm looking forward most to getting close to my roommates. i really love new friends, and well, i just hope i’m not a bother to my housemates... the show ? it’s... it's interesting. I do wish to speak with producers about serving alcohol, however. ” 
𝐑𝐔𝐌𝐎𝐑 𝐇𝐀𝐒 𝐈𝐓 that oliver bu and valentina pérez were caught exiting the same bedroom on thursday, may 21st, 2020. our camera crew managed to capture some conversation between the pair and boy is it piping hot tea ! bu had been quoted saying “ must be the naughty type. ” in which pérez responds, “ don’t you wanna be bad sometimes ? ” ━━ 𝑪𝑨𝑵 𝑾𝑬 𝑺𝑨𝒀 𝑺𝑻𝑬𝑨𝑴𝒀 ?! his efforts don’t seem to work on some rather than other’s as a conversation with stella montgomery challenges oliver’s capabilities to keep her attention, being left with nothing more simple than “ you wish I would ever seek for your attention ” and that one’s gonna leave a mark ! meanwhile stella seems to have some complex situation going on with sebastian bellamy with quote, “ that wouldn’t be good for either of us ” ━━ to what this means, we can only take a guess. all the while it seems sebastian has things going in all sorts of directions for him. between the end of a potential fight that could have brewed between benjamin and sebastian only for benjamin to make way elsewhere with a run into miss deandra stokes to what we can only guess was something much more intense than fighting if you all catch our little hint. meanwhile sebastian had been caught kissing ruben rousseau only to earn a threatened response for obvious reasons. seems like sebastian is getting around one way or another, be it with whomever humanly possible. however based on our insiders skylar brown ( who seems more than just interested in mister bellamy ) knows about such a thing going on with him . . . SURPRISE !
there seems to be flirtationships of all kinds within the household . . . the crew has managed to get a couple of seconds to listen in to ruben and melanie saunders’ flirty chit-chat. seems like as the days go on, the e-lister’s seem eager to keep things interesting. hopefully with the newcomers of our starlight villa, they’ll be just as prepared for the dramatic scenery like our first week guests !
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