#header: weaping woman (p. picasso)
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one-sunny · 3 days ago
Sitting in Silence.
Sanji x reader, short drabble
Summary: Sometimes the days being within a notorious pirate crew can be a bit much. And sometimes this fact doesn’t hit you until there is nothing for you to do. Desc. of anxiety and reader having a bad day. No hurt just comfort.
note: i’m having a bad day and that song from despicable me keeps playing in my head. also that is not relevant to the drabble at all but i feel like it sets the mood LOL
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The Sunny was calm for what felt like the first time ever.
The day didn’t result in fighting off rival crews or marines. You were given the chance to relax. To do what ever trivial thing that came to mind.
Nami and Robin have taken to tanning on the deck. Luffy, Ussop, and Chopper fishing while Ussop tells his own exaggerated story. Franky is off in his workshop in his free time and Brook takes to caring for his instruments. Jinbe relaxes under the tangerine trees. Zoro takes a break from training to nap in the sun. Sanji even takes a moment to sit down and relax, a cook book in his lap as he enjoys the sun beaming down.
Yet the frustration was bubbling inside of you. You should be relaxing. Instead your fight or flight was activated for absolutely no reason. Anxiety welling up inside of you and squeezing at your throat.
You sit on the deck among the crew, but with the way your breath kept hitching, you knew that you had to get out. Standing abruptly, you head below deck to the aquarium bar in hopes that watching the various fish swim around would provide some form of solace.
However, staring into the glass only fills you with a sense of longing that you can’t even place. With an exaggerated groan, you throw your hands up, and the fish swimming before you scatter.
Huffing in exasperation, you decide to head to the kitchen. Maybe some tea will help. Or a snack. Or something to take your mind off of your mind.
You find the kitchen to be empty, much to your delight. As much as you enjoyed Sanji’s company at times, you didn’t need him doting on you right now. You just needed silence. Or something. You’re not even sure anymore.
But for now, tea.
You gather the kettle and fill it with water, spilling some onto the floor in the process. Your nerves begin to rise at this. Placing the kettle on the stove top, you click the flames to life, before settling the kitchen counter.
Eyes shut, you try to focus on the sound of the flames and the heating water. It’s not long before the stuttering hiss fills the air. You hop down from the counter to move the kettle from the flames and move to the cabinets to collect a cup.
As you grab a tea cup, your favorite one that Sanji always ensured fell in your hands, you feel it slipping from your grip. You gasp, attempting to save it, but it ultimately crashes to the ground into five separate pieces.
You freeze in place. You don’t cry. You don’t scream. You don’t even move to clean it up. You just stare.
“Darling, is everything okay-“ Sanji quickly cuts himself off as he takes in the scene before him. Your frozen state. The cup- your cup- shattered on the floor. “Okay.” He sighs decisively.
You don’t acknowledge his presence, but you feel yourself being swept away and gently placed on the counter. The frustration boils and you open your mouth to protest, but Sanji holds up a hand and gives you a stern look. He doesn’t speak and neither do you.
Instead, he silently sweeps up the shattered remains on the floor.
You stare ahead at the overhead cabinets. Your eyes follow the wood grain and fingers tap against your thigh. You don’t want to talk, but at the same time you want to scream.
Sanji moves in a familiar flow, before he steps into your line of sight, silent still. You glance down to see his offer of perfectly prepared tea in a new cup. A spark of frustration fires in you but the big blue eyes blinking at you expectantly snuffs it out. A simple nod his way, a thanks, you take the cup from him. Remaining silent, he leans back against the counter beside of you and sips his own cup of tea.
With his presence at your side, you feel as if a weight was lifted from your shoulders in a way you couldn’t explain. He wasn’t doting on you and flooding the room with compliments for once. Instead he offered precisely what you need before you even realize you need it. The tea, lavender with just a hint of honey, helps in calming your nerves but you know the brunt of it falls on the man silently sipping his drink at your side.
“Thank you.” Your voice is shaky.
“You don’t have to thank me.” His voice is calm. No pet names offered and no expectations. “You don’t even have to talk, if you don’t want to. I don’t mind sitting in silence with you.”
Your breath hitches at the sincerity in his voice. “Sanji.” You reach out to him, fingers catching the sleeve of his suit jacket. As you peer up at him with watery eyes, Sanji nearly breaks, slowly shuffling closer to you. “I need, uh, can-“ You’re a stuttering mess as you gently tug on his sleeve. He places his cup down, moving yours out of the way, before stepping between your legs to pull you into a tight embrace. You instantly melt into him and bury your face into the collar of his shirt.
Sanji doesn’t speak, squeezing you a little bit tighter when he mistakes the heat rising to your cheeks as something entirely caused by your current frustrations. One of his hands rubs your back while the other remains wrapped around you. It was strangely intimate as you cuddle closer in to him. His hands, something he protects and uses for only the most important things, hold you so close. A deep breath fans across his skin and makes him shiver. A lovesick smile is on his lips despite the situation at hand.
Yet, he can’t see your own smile hidden in his shirt.
Sanji holds you for as long as you need, squeezing you close to him, and you realize that this. This was your something that you needed.
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