#headcanon. the man is not wholly evil - he has a thesaurus in his cabin.
piraticalwit · 1 year
just thinking about platonic love and dying inside.
I've been making jokes all week to hunter about how killian is very much like what do you mean you no longer think about me every second of every day and pine for my attention?? to starkey once he meets joe and puts a lot of priority on that relationship .. and while that is essentially true .. one thing i've always loved about killian is that he uses egocentric behavior to cover pain (even if he himself refuses to acknowledge it) and this really wouldn't be any different. In all verses (including ones where they are essentially, at the surface, nothing but 'crew and captain'), i think starkey is someone who grounds killian into this idea of who he truly is beneath it all. I think this becomes even more true in verses where Killian has lost Liam and his mother both. With his brother's death, he loses a lot of sense of self. He has always seen his life as an intense storm to be weathered, his sense of self and plans for the future often seem as if they are just buffeted around by the waves, and Liam's death is much like a lighthouse crumbling. Killian loses that hope of eventually making it to shore, of having any sort of direction, and with the loss of that stability and something to follow .. he essentially reinvents himself in an effort to survive. This bright, whimsical, imaginative boy (or young man) becomes something haunted and dark with a chasm where his heart used to be. The pain of survival scares him, seems impossible to navigate, and he becomes an essentially egocentric bastard to hide that vulnerability and weakness.
When he loses his hand in pirate verses, that should be the end of him as captain. His crew are some of the worst men out there and that failure to be able to maintain the confidence needed on deck should result in some sort of mutiny. There's no great opportunity to fuck him over than when he's half dead in his cabin, fighting a really shoddily done amputation. But Starkey, who has always been a loyal quartermaster, saves him. He cares for him, he helps him recover, he drags his ass on deck for a short time every day - does anything and everything the two of them can to help Killian maintain that image of insanely tough and ruthless. And it works. Hook never forgets that. The other man had every opportunity to abandon him to the wolves and he didn't falter for even a single moment. They stay captain and quartermaster, yes - but Killian forever sees him as a friend after that. He is the only man who sails under his authority allowed to question certain decisions or point out flawed thinking and even if it appears otherwise on the surface, Killian always takes things into account.
This dynamic is even more apparent in most modern examples. Though intimacy of their friendship changes through the various verses, there are a few where I truly believe Killian knows he can survive anything as long as Starkey is by his side. Literally anything. The rough part is that he is aware he feels this way, but no one else is (usually). I feel like maybe this makes their relationship seem skewed (even from starkey's pov possibly) because Killian can put on a great show of not giving a fuck and he tries to keep those moments where he does seek comfort subtle enough to where it could just be seen as a normal interaction from anyone else involved.
In the gang verse, starkey helps killian escape from a hellish situation. instead of leaving afterwards, he stays and helps the irishman build something that more than likely goes against very value/belief he's ever had. he helps killian navigate morally dubious (and just straight up wrong) situations (sometimes without him being aware haha), teaches him how to read and offers a safe place of knowing killian's origin story without judgment or pity. even when things start to fall into place that would allow the chance at a different way of life, killian is hesitant and though he makes up a list of other excuses .. the truth is that he is afraid cutting ties with his current life will mean the other man decides his purpose has been fulfilled and leave. but because he doesn't know how to say something like that, he pretends to crave the life of violence and claims he's not capable of adapting to anything else. but the truth is that he's afraid of being abandoned/losing the one person left that feels like true family.
the other verse that sticks out to me is killian's soldier verse and it's much like the same as above. i think, through navigating liam's death overseas along with sarah's together, the two of them (in killian's mind at least) forge a deeper level of friendship than had been there before. he sort of takes on the annoying little brother role and is he sort of putting his relationship with liam onto starkey? yeah. is that probably codependent or something? probably. does he care? no. he also goes out of his way to seem goofy and annoying in an effort to keep the other man from falling into any sort of deeper darkness. and much like the gang verse (and other verses), i think he fears being replaced/losing him completely.
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capncodfish · 2 years
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James Hook has always been synonymous with the word “fear.” Growing up was tough and life wasn’t the best it could be and he often got caught up in trouble. He was always getting into fights and serving multiple detentions which lead to suspension and eventually expulsion. James didn’t really care at the time but as things passed parts of him wondered what could have been if he finished school and went to college.
He wasn’t surprised getting kicked out of school. His parents weren’t happy, but at least they had more help at the docks now which was enough to satisfy them.
The docks were a lot of hard work and it quickly bulked him up. Some people say he did steroids but he swears it was just all the heavy lifting at work.
He stopped giving a shit when he met Billy. The guy seemed alright and was pretty smart, to James at least. He quit the docks because he was sick of his parents and saw an opportunity for himself.
Opening Neverland was his idea. James wasn’t stupid but he wasn’t book smart like Billy. He had enough smarts in him though to get the club moving along. Billy was mostly there for all the boring shit James didn’t want to do for the club. Besides, all the other bars in Echo Creek sucked.
When Neverland first opened James felt like he was finally content with his life. Then Peter Pan came along and ruined it all. Losing his hand was really difficult to deal with, but having the prosthetic helped. That was until Chrissie turned it into a hook.
His sister is a very sensitive topic and those in his life that actually know she exists know not to bring her up. The last time someone did they lost an eye. He has some regret in his heart for kicking her out of his life, but he also knows he’s successful the money he sees from club revenue makes it easy to forget. Sometimes he thinks of her though, but he hasn’t really seen much of her since he kicked her out.
When he had enough money he bought a boat. It’s just a nice fishing boat, but he grew up near the water and smelling of dead fish at the end of most days because of work and such. Still, he fishes even now and loves his boat.
After the boat came a house and James finally felt like he was ahead in life. He still had a hook for a hand but he had learned to accommodate. Sometimes he wanted to hunt Chrissie down and get his hand back, but he’s certain it’s too late for that.
The more time that passes the more his hatred for Peter grows. He detests that his sister sided with him and wouldn’t care if Peter dropped dead.
After losing his hand he started drinking a lot. Like, yeah he drank before seeing as he owned a club but even at home he drinks now. It’s not really a good coping mechanism, but it help him in the moment.
He doesn’t really have many good hobbies. He’s usually at Neverland and if he’s not there he’s either fishing or drinking. Or both. Sometimes he reads but not as often as he used to.
Honestly, all that’s missing in his life is maybe some company but he’s so good at pushing people away that he doesn’t have much for company.
He’s just trying to live the life the way he feels is destined to and he isn’t going to let anyone get in the way of that.
Libra sun, Aries moon, Aries rising.
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piraticalwit · 2 years
i’ve thought about it, i’ve agonized over it, i’ve gone back and forth in a myriad of different arguments and looked at every aspect of each verse to see how his personality reflects my own struggles and i’ve noticed a lot of unintentional reflections and experiences that are very familiar. i think i have been excising a lot of my own demons through hook as i battled through trying to understand and navigate and as such, certain symptoms etc are accounted for in almost every verse. as such, killian has bipolar 1 in all verses. it’s not a plot point. it’s not something he’s going to openly struggle with in threads. but it is something that he deals with and it does influences a lot of his behavior and thought patterns. the way he deals with it, the way he approaches it, the way it affects his life ... it varies from verse to verse because the environment changes and the strategies he is taught/picks up to handle difficult situations in general changes. sometimes he knows, sometimes he doesn’t. sometimes he’ll find out and wrestle it into submission, other times it might get the best of him. but most of his first episodes were/will be caused by a traumatic experience (hmm. a captain hook blog. i wonder.). obviously killian is a very important character to me, for a myriad of reasons, and while I always fight to keep that distinction between character vs yourself .. I think sometimes the muses we’re best at exist because of a personal connection ... and reading through my writing over the last decade with him has really shown me that i was already writing certain hints and characteristics .. so i might as well just fucking embrace it.
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piraticalwit · 2 years
i don’t even go in the fandom except for AUs but killian would, in fact, kill the dragons. and let me more specifically say he would not do so himself but would find some way to boast about said killing of dragons if the opportunity came up and he had something to gain from it. very much a i thought you said you killed it!! aye, well ...pesky details and all that ... sort of situation if he and who he is with run into it later. he would only kill it if he had to (risk that face?? are you kidding??) but he has no qualms about doing so if it threatens his own life. people have more of a right (in his mind) than dragons do. though tbh, if it was going against some monarchy or something .. he’d let it live and use it just to spoil their day.
tldr ; killian jones is a selfish prick and the killing of dragons, much like everything in his life, is a stance that changes depending on which wind blows more favorably.
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piraticalwit · 2 years
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𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐰.    innocence, big dreamer, waking up too early, walking home, being afraid of meeting new people, slim hands, always cold, reading a book under a tree, the smell of the forest, missing your home.
𝐞𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐞.     independent, caring too much for others, sharp looks, walking down the city late at night, the tallest and more spectacular building, iron, being single and okay in a world that tells you that being single is bad.
𝐬𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐭.     falling in love easily and heavily, traveler, the infinity of the bluest sky ,storms, broken smiles, forgetting people who used to be your beloved ones, feeling out of place, mistrusting people, a fleeting romance.
𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐰.     feeling as if you have seen so much and as if you know a lot, prejudge, tight hugs that leave you breathless, a grey sky, serenity, intelligence, being left behind, chains, smoke, the pride of someone wise.
𝐝𝐨𝐯𝐞.      petals, jealousy, being tired of living with the same old faces, whispered secrets, marble, sundresses, white clothes, the first sunset of winter, pride in who you are, learning to get over someone.
𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐠𝐮𝐥𝐥.     family, golden light, the sea murmuring in your ear, summer afternoons, caramel ice cream, collecting seashells and other things and calling them treasures, living breezy and carefree, swimming in sunlight.
𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐲.       artistic, getting excited easily, dancing and singing while you are alone, looking at your friends having fun, no phone, being afraid of judgement, spring, a meaningful gift, the first ray of sunlight.
TAGGED BY FROM : @twistedwit​​​ TAGGING :  do it and tag me! its been ages lmao
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piraticalwit · 2 years
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murder / manslaughter / assault / robbery / breaking & entering / theft / embezzlement / kidnapping / torture / blackmail / arson / trespassing / treason / libel or slander / obstruction of justice / lying to law enforcement / creation of a weapon / espionage / riot / escape from lawful custody / contempt of court / public intoxication / conspiracy / accessory to a crime / harboring a fugitive / bribery / perjury under oath / resisting arrest / identity theft / corporate fraud / tax fraud / document forgery / destruction of evidence / assassination / counterfeiting / sale of a controlled substance / purchase of a controlled substance / failure to pay child support / hacking crimes / threaten / pick-pocketing / shoplifting
Tagged: @twistedwit Tagging: do it if you want, just tag me.
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piraticalwit · 2 years
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#  OF  SPOKEN  LANGUAGES    :    1.    2.    3+.  TONE  OF  VOICE    :    high.    average.    deep.  ACCENT    :    yes.   soft.    no.  DEMEANOUR    :    confident.    shy.    approachable.    other. POSTURE    :    slumped.    straight.    stiff.    relaxed.  HABITS    :    head  tilting.    swaying.    fidgeting.    stuttering.    gesturing.    arm  crossing.    strokes  chin.    er,  um,  or  other  interjections.    plays  with  hair  or  clothing.    hands  at  hips.    inconsistent  eye  contact.    maintains  eye  contact.    frequent  pausing.    stands  close.   stands  at  a  distance.
VOCABULARY    :      ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼      EMOTION    :     ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼    SENTENCE  STRUCTURE    :     ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼  
FREQUENCY    :     ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼  ◻      CREATIVITY    :      ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼  ◼  
BOLD  ALL  THAT  APPLY    :    arse.    ass.    asshole.    bastard.    bitch.    bloody.    bugger.    bollocks.    chicken  shit.    crap.    cunt.    dick    dickhead.    frick.    fuck.  horseshit.    motherfucker.    piss.    prick.    screw.    shit.    shitass.    son  of  a  bitch.    twat.    wanker.    pussy.    dipshit.
GIVEN  PROPER  RELIGIOUS  CONTEXT    :  christ.  christ  on  a  bike.    christ  on  a  cracker.  christ on a crutch.  damn.    goddamn.    godsdamn.    hell.    holy  shit.    jesus.   jesus  christ.    jesus  h  christ.    jesus  h.    roosevelt  christ.    lord  sithis  have  mercy.    jesus,  mary  and  joseph.    sweet  jesus.    seven  hells.
THIS  OR  THAT    :    contractions  or  enunciation    ?    straightforward  or  cryptic    ?    jargon  or  toned    ?    complexity  or  simplicity    ?    finding  the  right  word or  using  the  first  word  that  comes  to  mind    ?    masculinity,  neutrality,  or  femininity    ?    formalities  or  abrasiveness    ?    praise  or  equivocation    ?    frankness  or  lies    ?    excessive  or  minimal  hand  gestures    ?    name - calling  or  magnanimity    ?    friendly  or  blunt  nicknames    ?
DO  PEOPLE  HAVE  A  HARD  TIME  UNDERSTANDING  OR  HEARING  YOUR  CHARACTER    ?    almost  always.    frequently.    rarely.    never.
DOES  YOUR  CHARACTER’S  POINT  COME  ACROSS  EASILY  WHEN  THEY  SPEAK    ?    almost  always.    frequently.    sometimes.    rarely.    never.
WOULD  YOUR  CHARACTER  INITIATE  CONVERSATIONS    ?    almost  always.    frequently.    sometimes.    rarely.    never.
WOULD  YOUR  CHARACTER  BE  THE  ONE  TO  END  CONVERSATIONS    ?    almost  always.    frequently.    sometimes.    rarely.    never.
WOULD  YOUR  CHARACTER  USE    ‘  WHOM  ’    IN  A  SENTENCE    ?    yes.    no.    only  ironically.
YOUR  CHARACTER  WANTS  TO  MAKE  A  COUNTERPOINT,    WHAT  WORD  DO  THEY  USE    ?    but.    though.    although.    however.    perhaps.    mayhaps.
HOW  DOES  YOUR  CHARACTER  END  CONVERSATIONS    ?    walk  away.    ask  if  that’s  everything.    say  that  that’s  everything.    give  a  proper  goodbye.    tell  their  company  they’re  done  here.    remain  quiet.    they  don’t.
HOW  DOES  YOUR  CHARACTER  ADDRESS  OTHERS    ?    titles.    first  names.   surnames.    full  names.    nicknames.
IN  WHAT  WAYS  DOES  THE  WAY  YOUR  CHARACTER  SPEAK  STAND  OUT  TO  OTHERS    ?    accent.    vocabulary.    tone.    level.    politeness.    brusqueness.    it  doesn’t.
TAGGED  BY    :    @twistedwit​
TAGGING    :  i can’t for the life of me remember who hasn’t been tagged, so go for it and tag me!
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piraticalwit · 2 years
in every single verse across the board, killian will text constantly with people he actually enjoys. chaotic texting. memes. gifs. multiple messages in a row. exclamation points. actual conversation. If he is upset with the person in any way, they will get ‘sure’ or ‘k’ or ‘alright,mate.’ ... very passive aggressive conflict style when it comes to messaging. 
If he doesn’t consider you a friend, he won’t answer your messages unless absolutely necessary. If he doesn’t want your number and you give it to him, he’ll either throw away whatever you wrote it on (in front of you) or let you watch him type it into his phone and then click delete instead of save.
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piraticalwit · 2 years
types of people: weather. 
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bold:  always  applies.   italic:   sometimes  applies.
i. rain.   melancholy at best,  introspective,  severely misunderstood, pleasure in the subdued,  helping in your own way, dreams in poetry, the slowness of falling asleep,  refreshing meditation.
ii. sun, sunbleached clothes,  futures that are too bright,  everything at arm’s length,  balancing intensity,  blind encouragement,  comfort of sleep,  distracting sunspots in your vision,  necessity of growth.
iii. storm.   chaos with a purpose,  emotions running high,  natural comfortable anarchy,  high volume, leaving your mark,  brief flashes of violence,  rambling quickly, the intensity of desire.
iv. wind. running towards instead of away,  instinctive motivation,  making an impact,  knows everyone who knows anyone, playful pranks, mood swings in a split second,  collecting old trinkets,  uncontrollable focus.
v. snow.  serene on the surface,  cold blooded heart,  love it or hate it attitude, good memories,  heavy discussions,  sharp determination,  relentless resolve,  not as scary as it seems.
tagged by;  @twistedwit ( i love youuuu) tagging: @munstrum​, @northliights​, @everafteriing​ (for fenris and starkey!), @ravenskeeper, @pagetorn (morpheus!), @theresastargirl, @scapedgrace, @liarincommand, 
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piraticalwit · 2 years
yall know that scene in the princess diaries 2 or whatever where it’s the parade and anne hathaway’s character befriends the orphans and gives the one a crown and they all march in the parade together with her?
yeah. killian jones would absolutely not do that.
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piraticalwit · 2 years
So I’m constantly researching stuff for this muse which usually leads to me watching videos regarding amputated hands and I found a guy today who vlogs (super interesting) about his injury and it’s pretty much left him in a situation very similar to killian’s. He has a bionic hand and was also left handed until he lost it. The only difference is that his bionic hand is less advanced than the one that killian has in his detective verse (killian’s can grasp things, turn in a circle, etc) but MY POINT in this post is that the guy has a video where he had the hand off and was holding a glass of water in his one hand and was like “facing down an old foe” - and it panned to a closed door and I have not been able to stop laughing.
I’ve talked before about killian being really into cliche jokes when it comes to his hand (ie: give me a hand, Jones. And he just hands them his robot hand) but this is also something detective killian would do. Like straight up. Having him on snap chat would be the greatest time of your life.
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piraticalwit · 3 years
Random, useless headcanon #7,981:
KIllian never signs his full name after a written message, whether it be a card, love letter, quick note to say hi - it will always end with just “- K.” ... unless it’s a love note, and there’s a bit more sentiment besides the hyphen but the initial remains the same. That being said, he always puts his initial. No secret pen pal messages from killian jones. It made your whole day? Yeah, he wants you to know he was responsible for that. It ruined your entire week and made you hate yourself? Yeah, he’s responsible for that too.
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piraticalwit · 3 years
Co worker: can you give me a hand, Jones?
Killian: *takes off his prosthetic and passes it to them*
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piraticalwit · 3 years
Let’s talk about Hook’s chronic phantom limb pain (PLP). I’ve mentioned before that it’s really something he only suffers from in ‘non-modern’ verses and this is due to both the fact that he a) doesn’t really have access to modern pain killers and b) plp is more likely when you suffer from a traumatic amputation (tbh i’d find them all traumatic but hey.) and given that he had his hand sawed off the rest of the way by his ship’s cook, I mean ... that’s pretty fucking traumatic mate (his amputation was actually right before the start of his wrist. maybe an inch? i broke ulna bad so i have a bone lump on the outside and it’d be right before this. but i can’t find a medical term for the area. maybe the ulna head?? idk idk)  . This particular situation, though necessary given the situation, wasn’t exactly a medically sound procedure. It was not a clean cut. There are sharp shards of bone left at the site that dig into internal scar tissue and the wound also formed a neuroma which, while treatable now a days with meds and invasive surgery ... he’s pretty much just fucked.
He is always in pain. It never stops. He gets minor relief if he takes off his gauntlet and being in a constant state of mildly intoxicated helps a lot as well. He will never be without rum and when he is, he’s irritable. Because rum is an addiction? yes. but any feeling of withdrawal is compounded by the pain he’s unable to temper. it’s a shitty situation. Rum is one of the only things that helps and he’s learned to lean heavily on it. 
Weather doesn’t really affect his level of pain unless it’s a situation in which he’s miserable (think overly hot, wet and cold, etc) ... the pain doesn’t necessarily get worse in those situations, but it feels worse because he’s already irritated and it’s hard to keep it locked away in his mind without that mental block. he always hides when he’s in pain. you can’t stay a captain of a crew of pirates without their respect and being ‘weak’ (his choice of words not mine) so he learned to push through stuff and put up a wall and that carries with him. obviously as people get closer they learn the little tells and can appreciate them but he will never tell someone he hurts. don’t care if its god himself. he won’t. If it’s an extremely bad day (think flare up), he will get irrationally angry. His men give him a wide berth because he’s known for severely injuring/killing anyone who knocks into that wrist - a scenario much more prevalent in the beginning, but it’s still possible. Rather than yell or let anyone know how much it hurt, he tries to cover it up by harming the offending person somehow. On a ‘good day’, the pain still wears at his patience level so he is often impatient and more easily annoyed/frustrated. He can be incredibly moody if his ‘walls’ aren’t up and he’s not currently playing the role of devil may care, charming pirate captain.
He does not believe in listening to his limits. He takes it as a personal affront if something seems to painful or if he feels incapable of doing a certain thing. He will always push himself (ego can really be a painful thing) and can’t be talked off something once he puts his mind to it. There might be some reasons he can’t accomplish something solely due to the mechanics of it (he’s very angry about this) but he will never stay away from something because of pain. He is very much a “this will not change me or rob me of who i was” kind of dude.
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piraticalwit · 2 years
Why is Killian so obsessed with Christmas jumpers?
you know what, if asked this question he'd say that christmas jumpers remind him of when he was a lad in Ireland. He slides one on, all scratchy cotton and horrendous pictures, and suddenly he's back on that threadbare couch, blue eyes alight with the multicolored bulbs that decorate their tree. Sometimes its real, prickly spines of green that leave sticky remnants of sap whenever he runs his fingers across from them, other times its a craft his mum puts together with different items she has around the house, averting her gaze when his father stumbles home, smelling of the local pub and docks, greeting hours of work with a snide comment and a roll of his eyes. Those pesky jumpers and that annoying hat that sits crooked on a head of brown hair bring forth a laugh for the first few years of his life that's genuine, the promise of magic and things to come enough to chase away the ghosts that lurk just outside. One day, it stops. No more trees, the ornaments Killian worked so hard on stay packed inside a closet until their corners peel and the paper fades with age and the smell of pine is replaced with dust and cobwebs that gather in the corners and his jumpers become too small for his growing frame until they stop fitting altogether, no matter how he tugs on the hems. When he finally leaves his childhood home behind, he's past the hope that tales of Christmas had offered, but he breathes life into his mother's traditions, hoping that somewhere she watches and smiles.
The truth? He hears people say things annoy them and he just legitimately cannot move past it. christmas jumpers seem to be a huge one. also he's kind of a nerd so he does have a good time collecting absolutely crazy fandom ones. the final stage in his getting James into a jumper plan is a genius one honestly. The setting: one of their regular pub visits. Nothing out of the oridnary. Christmas is approaching and Killian throws in a sigh every now and then, little crooked grins that speak of some buried emotional upheaval. James gets a slight bit concerned (interested?), yeah? Killian faced owing the russian mafia with far more enthusiasm and after a few drinks he spins the tale I said above and lets out a heavy sigh. It ends with something along the lines of "Sorry, mate. I just .. bloody hell. I guess I was just tired of feeling so alone. But that's on me, not on you. Forgive me?" and James fucking caves right there and they make plans to wear the jumpers to work on the same day and the day comes and Killian doesn't. Merry christmas, mate !!
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piraticalwit · 3 years
Muse Body Language Cheat Sheet
Bold = always applies, Italicized = sometimes applies, Strike Through = never applies
DEFENSIVENESS: arms crossed / crossing legs / clenched fists / pointing index finger / stiff shoulders / tense posture / curling of lip / baring of teeth / tail lashing / pinned ears
REFLECTIVE: hand to face gestures / head tilted / stroking chin / peering over  glasses / taking glasses off — cleaning / putting earpiece of glasses in mouth / pipe smoker gestures / putting hand to the bridge of nose / pursed lips / knitted brows
SUSPICION: arms crossed / sideways glance / touching or rubbing nose / rubbing eyes / hands resting on weapon / brows rising or knitting together / lips pressing into a thin line / strict unwavering eye contact / wrinkling of nose / eyes narrowing
OPENNESS & COOPERATION: open hands / upper body in sprinters position / sitting on the edge of a chair / hand-to-face gestures / unbuttoned coat / tilted head / slacked shoulders / relaxed posture / feet pointed outward / palms flat and facing outward
CONFIDENCE: hands behind back / hands on lapels of coat / steeped hands / smirking / baring teeth in a grin / rolling shoulders / tipping head back but maintaining eye contact / chest puffed up / shoulders back / arms folded just above navel
INSECURITY & ANXIETY: chewing pen or pencil / rubbing thumb over opposite thumb / biting fingernails / hands in pockets / elbow bent / closed gestures / clearing throat / “ whew ” sound / picking or pinching flesh / fidgeting in chair / hand covering mouth whilst speaking / poor eye contact / tugging pants or clothes / jingling money in pockets / tugging at ear / perspiring hands / playing with hair / swaying / playing with a writing implement / smacking lips / sighing / rocking on balls of feet /  flexing/tapping fingers sporadically / chewing on lip / pacing
ANGER & FRUSTRATION: short breaths / “tsk” sounds / tightly-clenched hands / fist-like gestures / pointing index finger / rubbing hand through hair / rubbing back of neck / snarling / revealing teeth / grimacing / sharp-eye glowers / notable tension in brow / shoulders back, head up; defensive posturing / clenching of jaw / grinding teeth / nostrils flaring / heavy exhales / swearing Tagged by: i literally went hunting for headcanon memes so no one Tagging: knock yourself out, mates.
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