#headcanon the Uchiha clan are clingy as FUCK and WILL NOT TOLERATE not being brought to EVERY SINGLE THING their partner goes to
ladykissingfish · 6 months
*Tobirama about to leave on a diplomatic mission with Hashirama* Tobirama, packing: So ... you're going to be okay with me going? Izuna: Yes. Tobirama: You're sure you're not upset about me going for so long? Izuna: No. I understand; it's for the good of the village. Tobirama: Mm, I have to say, you've really come a long way in terms of maturity. *chuckles* Remember the last time I had to go with Hashi on that trip to the land of snow? The tantrum you threw when I said you couldn't come with? Izuna, blushing: Awwww, Tobi ... why'd you have to bring that up? You're making me sound like the neediest boyfriend in the world! Tobirama: *puts his arms around Izuna and pulls him close* Soon to be the neediest fiancé, then neediest husband, if I can manage to get permission from your brother. Izuna: Hmph; good luck with that. Now kiss me goodbye and get out of here. Tobirama: *gives Izuna a deep kiss* Love you. Please keep yourself safe until my return. Izuna: Love you too. And you do the same. *the next night, finally having arrived at their destination* Hashirama: Whew ... either I'm getting older or travelling so far by cart has gotten harder on my body. Tobirama: I know what you mean. I can't wait to take a nice long soak. *puts his suitcase up on the bed* Just let me unpack and -- Tobirama: *unlocks the clasp and jumps back a step, startled* What the -- Izuna, rolling out: Surprise! Hashirama: Izuna?? Tobirama: What the fuck are you doing in there? HOW DID YOU EVEN FIT IN THERE?! Izuna: Foolish Senju; I'm sure I've told you before that Uchihas are known master contortionists! Tobirama: But ... but didn't we have a talk about you being more mature -- ? Izuna: Oi, I AM more mature. I didn't cry this time, did I? I simply decided that I needed to come along with you, so I did. Izuna: *shakes himself out, then wraps himself around Tobirama* You really thought I'd let you leave me for so long? Idiot. Hashirama, laughing: Oh my God, this is hilarious! I can't wait to tell Madara what a crazy guy his brother is! Izuna: Oh yeah? Well you won't have to wait long to tell him; just unpack your suitcase. Hashirama: M-my suitcase? What do you -- "Hashirama's Suitcase": For God's sake, hurry up and unlock this dusty thing! Your clothes smell like you haven't properly washed them in weeks! Hashirama:
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