#headcanon that most trolls type with their knuckles because of their claws
s0dalici0uss · 1 year
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rosemary my favourite condiment
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videcoeur · 4 years
The structure of this page and most of the headcanons were taken from @etchtrolls with their permission. Some have been modified to fit my own personal headcanons, but I give all the credit to most of everything here to etchtrolls.
For headcanons about my version of the Cult of the Mirthful Messiah, click here!
For more random general Alternia headcanons, visit the headcanon tag!
Headcanons under the cut because it’s very long. Trigger warning may apply for canon violence, slavery mentions, and all nitty-gritty things those criminal murdertrolls are known to do.
Caste System
Burgundy bloods: Averaged 40 sweeps (85 years)
Bronze bloods: Averaged 45 sweeps (98 years)
Gold bloods: Averaged 55 sweeps (119 years)
Lime bloods: Averaged 105 sweeps (228 years)
Olive bloods: Averaged 175 sweeps (380 years)
Jade bloods/rainbow: 300 sweeps (560 years or infinite)
Teal bloods: Averaged 450 sweeps (975 years)
Cerulean bloods: Averaged 600 sweeps (1,300 years)
Indigo bloods: Averaged 1,000 sweeps (2,165 years)
Purple bloods: Averaged 3,000 sweeps (6,500 years)
Violet bloods: Averaged 5,000 sweeps (10,833 years)
Fuschia bloods: None have died of time, only killed. The oldest lived over 10,000 sweeps and was still kicking when she was finally killed.
The higher a troll is up on the spectrum, the colder their body temperature is. While one normally can’t tell one’s exact blood color by body temperature, it gives one a general idea. Mutants' blood colors depend on the caste they’re mutated from. For example, a candy red troll would be even warmer than a redblood, while a lime would be somewhere between yellow and olive. Other non-canon colors work as well. For example, a bright fuchsia would be a tyrian mutant, and their blood color would probably be the coldest in all the hemospectrum, etc.
There is no instant assumption that hemoanons are mutants. Trolls are very careful about picking fights with hemoanons because there is no telling what sort of strength the anon wields. There is, of course, the assumption and stigma from the opposite ends of the spectrum that anons are either highbloods that are trying to infiltrate lowblood spaces or lowbloods trying to get more power than is legally allowed.
Ancestors and Descendants
Most descendants will never meet their ancestors and another great portion of them will not even know about their names. When it comes to lowbloods, I’d say that most of them will know jack shit about their ancestors because their ancestors probably died young doing nothing. Not everyone has The Summoner as an ancestor so unless their ancestor did something worth nothing down a book, they probably won’t ever know their names or titles. Another thing is, most highblooded ancestors can cross several timelines so it’s not a stretch to think some of them would meet their descendants.
Body Science
Wrigglers (troll babies) pupate at 1-3 sweeps dependant upon the caste. Lowerbloods tend to pupate faster than higherbloods since their lifespan is shorter; everything happens faster for them. During pupation, they form a cocoon-like structure around their bodies, not unlike a pupating caterpillar. Wrigglers usually choose quiet and hidden places to do this in the caverns. The pupation usually takes 1-2 weeks long to go through, again, depending on the caste, and the wriggler emerges from its casing as a toddler. Adult molts take place usually around 10 sweeps and a troll almost has to use their skin for this. During molts, trolls grow at an extremely rapid rate, actually literally splitting their skin. Molting also takes about a week or two long and trolls emerge from it usually a foot to several feet taller than before. Trolls continue to grow after molting, and their eyes fill more rapidly with color. It is during molting that nipples appear and grubscars disappear, usually. Some trolls sometimes keep their grubscars and some never grow nipples.
Trolls skin is generally way thicker than humans, however, it can still bruise easily considering the strength of these aliens. Seadwellers’ skin is less rugged than lowbloods, it is, in fact, smoother and gives an almost perfect wet silk vibe. It’s soft and cold and almost always humid to the touch. They need their skin to create that extra watery sheen so their gills and fins don’t get dehydrated. They’re not «wet» per se, but touching a seadweller’s skin is like touching a moist, cold hand lmao.
Contrary to their name, horns are not part of troll’s skeletal system. They are more similar to antlers in that they are made of keratin and that they shed, albeit not completely. Horns only shed off old layers. They continue to grow as the troll does and, without proper care, can break, chip, and fracture. It’s also possible to use castes to try and make horns grow a certain way, but this is an unreliable method and known to cause more harm than good. Another way to decorate horns is to engrave carvings into the surface, which is much safer and more common. There are nerve endings in the keratin of horns and are most concentrated in the roots, in the red portion. For that reason, horns are not inherently an erogenous zone. While they may be sensitive around the base and a troll could get aroused by being rubbed the right way around the horns, those are not like sex organs. A troll won’t become a putty mess if their horns get messed with. In fact, it’s more of a pale thing, to pacify trolls. A massage around the horns wouldn’t give a troll a boner, it would just be something as pleasant as getting your hair played with or getting a shoulder massage. Depending on who’s touching, yeah, it can be arousing, but it’s not something my trolls would have their nook dripping for.
Horn Culture
Grub Scars
After putation, small vestigial grub legs are left behind, clinging to a troll’s midsection just below the ribcage. In time, they fall off, like an umbilical cord, and leave behind a hard section of scar tissue that’s tinted a darker shade of gray that troll skin. These are grub scars. These grub scars sometimes entirely disappear after the adult molting, as mentioned before.
Rumble spheres are stored up nutrition and fat packs in troll’s chests, and thus are not solely for one gender. However, since ‘females’ are often the more aggressive type and spend more time fighting, they are prone to having larger fat reserves to protect themselves.
Ears are versatile, capable of moving to show emotion. This applies to fins too.
Some trolls possess a small carapace of sorts; a few plates of exoskeleton on their back that’s left over from the armored plating they had as a grub. Most of them lose it during the adult molting though, as their body has grown strong enough to not need these anymore.
Trolls are generally taller the higher they are up the spectrum, but this is a large generalization more of a rule. They are, however, much larger than humans are often 7-10 ft in height. There can be very short lowbloods and very tall lowbloods; it all depends on whose genetic slurry was more potent in the bucket that created them. If one half of their slurry was from a highblood, and the other from a lowblood, chances are that if they end up a lowblood, they’ll be tall. For that reason, short highbloods are rarer than tall lowbloods, as there are far taller highbloods than shorter ones.
Trolls are capable of a wide variety of sounds, including but not limited to: growling, hissing, warbling, chirping, and purring.
Fingernails grow into natural points, forming claws, and are much thicker and more durable than human fingernails. Some trolls may have retractable claws, though.
Many purple bloods have vestigial gill flaps and fin tines on their ears as a leftover evolutionary trait due to being the line between land dwellers and sea dwellers
Many sea dwellers have bioluminescent freckles scattered across their body.
Sea dwellers most commonly have gills on the sides of their neck, but some have them on their ribcage as well. They also have webbing stretched between the second knuckles on their hands and are more sensitive to light than land dwellers.
Troll hair is also exceptionally coarser and denser than human hair
Third eyelids for seadwellers, so they can keep their eyes open underwater and keep them protected.
Troll eyes reflect light, much like cats.
Trolls have much stronger senses than humans do.
The nature of the slurry helps to determine what kind of blood the wrigglers will have. For example, if a slurry comes from a matespritship, and one of the quadrants is a lowblood, chances are the hatchling will be a lowblood. Matespritship slurry is generally weaker in pheromones than caliginous and caliginous tends to produce stronger offsprings, thus more highbloods. This is why most highbloods have aggression in their system as they are hatched; aggression, in trolls case, is not taught but innate.
Scars are very attractive in kismesitudes because it shows that your pitchmate can take a lot of damage physically and you don’t have to be too careful.
While it is possible and socially acceptable to move in with any quadrant, trolls most commonly move in with their moirails.
There are different levels of attraction in the pale quadrant. While soft trolls with lots of fat and curves are definitely appealing and say that someone gives good hugs and can comfortably hold their palemate, someone scrawny and thin is also appealing because they need to be taken care of.
While in most moirallegiances there is no clear line between the pacifier and the pacified, the media likes to convey the roles as strictly belonging to lowbloods and highbloods respectively.
Wrist-kissing is an extremely common gesture of intimacy between moirails.
Rail with pails is taboo, but not unheard of. While it’s not openly discussed, trolls without concupiscent quadrants will often pail with their rail when it’s collection time.
Often trolls in red and black quadrants will stay together even after losing interest in each other just for the safety of being able to still fill and submit a bucket to the drones.
It’s very common to wear the color of your quadrant mate as well as your own color. Some lowbloods take advantage of this and wear colors higher up on the spectrum to keep away unwanted advances.
Different quadrant inclinations trigger different pheromones in a troll, which is how collector drones tell filled pails apart and are able to sort them by quadrant, thus ensuring that every troll required to submit a pail does so within each necessary quad.
Slaves are almost always lowbloods- olive and below is a free-for-all.
Slave owners are held entirely accountable for the actions of their slaves; it is thought that the attitude and actions of the slave reflect that of their owner. Therefore, if a slave is particularly rebellious to the caste system, especially in public, there is often an investigation into the owner.
Pre-purchased bloodlines
Highblood slaves do exist, but they are very rare and are only made slaves by punishment for an extreme crime. It’s one of the most severe of humiliations.
Psions are generally used to power factories and ships. Less commonly, psions who are owned by kinder trolls are used for small tasks such as fetching and carrying.
There is nothing stopping a slave owner from doing whatever they want to their slave. There is no law protecting a slave, so owners are allowed to treat their property how they wish and give whatever punishments they desire. There are, however, social pressures and stigma in place.
PEN Collars
Everyday Castism
Train stations
Low bloods are at a higher risk of being culled for minor and insignificant issues due to the expendability of their caste. There is typically little to no consequence for anyone killing a lowblood for no reason.
Psions, while often being sought after by the military and slave owners for their abilities, are also at a higher risk for being culled due to simultaneously being seen as threats
Money Earning
Trolls tip their heads down in a show of aggression, showing their horns. They tip their heads up to show submission, baring their throat.
Staring openly at a troll is a hostile sign.
While maintaining eye contact can also be taken as a hostile sign, having no eye contact and constantly looking away paints a troll to be a coward.
Adults have the right of way over children. Young trolls remain standing until an adult sits, or gives up their space if an adult enters a full room. The older a troll is, the more respect they’re given.
Trolls are burned after death to keep them from returning as daywalkers.
Seadweller lingo
Rank System
Every troll in the Imperial Fleet has an officer to report to. Lowbloods(burgundy-yellow) all report to a midblood (green-teal) and all midbloods report to higher-ups (highly stationed blues or purples) and all of them report directly to the Empress. The officers of each faction of soldiers is expected to pass orders from the higher ranks down to their factions and to maintain complete control of their faction.
Ex: A blue blood has a commanding officer that is purple that she has to report to. She must follow her commander’s orders and pass them into her own faction, which is made up of olives and teals. A few of the trolls in her faction have factions of their own, consisting of yellows and bronzes. However, there are exceptions to this rule. Seadweller officials can choose whoever they want to be on their team, no matter the blood color.
Violets are almost mostly used for the navy since they’re usually the only ones that have swimming skills of any kind. However, a good portion of them makes it to the stars since most purplebloods are uninterested in the fleet. Purples tend to remain on Alternia due to their religious views. Some of them to make it to the stars, but mostly with the goal in mind to spread the faith to the defeated nations. As for the navy, crew members of the navy are not required to be violet, however, and are certainly not all violet. Land dwellers on the ships are generally much more expendable than the violets, though. And, of course, there are the psions that power the ships. Generally speaking, violets do not have their cluster of lowbloods to tend to and order around, just their crew and ship.
Psions of the strong, electric variety are almost exclusively used as batteries to ships in the military, or as living canons of energy. Often they are not counted as actual trolls or as part of a crew, so they don’t get tags or a uniform unless their captain requests it specifically.
Psions that possess other abilities (telekinesis, pyrokinesis, etc.) are allowed to be within their own squadron as long as they’ve proven themselves to be obedient and non-volatile. They are still closely monitored by their officer to make sure it stays they way, and they’re expected to use their abilities whenever ordered to, never for their own use.
Trolls can be drafted into the military as early as 7 sweeps, especially highbloods due to their strength. They train them young to become tough fleet admirals. However, this is extremely rare and is only the absolute earliest that one can be drafted. Usually, only particularly powerful psions and highbloods are drafted at this age. Most other trolls are drafted between 10 and 12 sweeps. Some trolls are also lost in the system and never gets drafted, lucky!
Trolls in the military are given dog tags stamped with their symbol, blood caste, and name on one side. On the other side, the troll’s quads are stamped.
Purple bloods are generally pretty rare in the military. They work best with trolls of their own caste and are often not included in the faction and rank system, instead of being one massive unit. Sometimes they have factions of their own, but they answer directly to the Grand Highblood of the time, who is on the planet at all time unless the Empress requested him to be in space.
Lower bloods (rust-olive) are either used for unimportant jobs (paperwork, serving as a living training dummy, a higher rank troll’s personal assistant, etc.) or as pawns. Though rarer, they can also be used for spy work since there’s the stigma of lowbloods being inconspicuous and helpless. In times of war, lowbloods are meatshields.
Medics are generally teal-blue bloods with lower blooded assistants. Due to the stigma of lowbloods always being the pacifiers and being too soft and helpless to be a real threat, the assistants are mostly just kept around to calm the patient down instead of doing actual work.
Uniforms are provided to every troll that is properly drafted (i.e. not a slave that was dragged along) and are mostly identical with small, subtle differences to show caste. The uniforms are, of course, better made and better fitted the higher you go up the spectrum. Teal bloods and up get to wear their own sign and color, but must also wear the color of their commanding officers. Trolls below teal are also allowed to wear their color as an identification but not their sign and are also required to wear the color of their officers as well as the fleet’s symbol.
Lime Bloods
While most limes were culled centuries back, a few managed to slip through the cracks and hide in society under the guise of being anon or posing as either olive or jade. Furthermore, because of the Mother Grub’s ability to store genetic material for long periods of time, she still sometimes gives birth to lime eggs. Of course, most of these are disposed of by the jadebloods.
Low blooded lusii are more commonly smaller and weaker beasts, while high blooded lusii are generally larger and predators. With this being so, low blooded lusii more often die while taking care of their charge. They are also more susceptible to staying with their charge their entire lives instead of moving on once the troll is an adult and adopting a new charge like high blooded lusii do. Lowblood lusii are also a prized catch for alternian hunters, especially if they’re larger. For example, a large bovine lusii that protects a lowblood would sell a lot more than let’s say, Tinkerbull on the market. Since large lusii for lowbloods are rare, they’re a convenient catch and are worth their caegars. Lowbloods with large lusii tend to live in secluded areas such as the forest or near caverns to keep their lusus protected.
Sea dweller lusii often mistake purple wrigglers as violet bloods and take them in. Upon realizing their mistake, they usually abandon the wriggler to die. These wrigglers are sometimes lucky enough to be raised by some of their fellow purples.
Lusii choose their charges from each group of wigglers that manage to overcome the Trials in the caves of the Mother Grubs. Often when their charge grows up, the lusii will then see their job as finished and leave the troll to go adopt another. However, it’s not uncommon for a lusus to become attached and to stay with their charge even after maturation.
Lusii are not allowed to be brought into the military or aboard starships unless there is a very good reason, such as the lusus being exceptionally small, unproblematic, and easy to transport or being a military asset due to size and strength or abilities.
If a troll’s lusus dies from any sort of cause before reaching maturation, that troll must fend for themselves. It is illegal for them to be adopted by another lusus.
It’s common for trolls with exceptionally large lusii to be forced to provide food for their lusii, lest they become food themselves. Higher blooded trolls typically solve this problem by killing other trolls and feeding their bodies to their lusii, provided their lusii are carnivorous.
Sopor slime is a breathable liquid-like perfluorocarbon, allowing trolls to be completely submerged in their coon. This liquid has some relaxing properties and when swallowed instead of inhaled, it’s like a drug. Sopor ingestion is considered pretty gross amongst trolls but it’s something a few trolls indulge in secretly. Especially lowblooded psions that have to deal with terrible visions and nightmares, or highbloods with pent up aggression.
Coons of the more expensive type automatically filter themselves out of skin cells and other gunk, constantly keeping themselves clean and keeping themselves proper heat.
During a troll’s adult molt, coons serve as a safe space to rest. It keeps the troll’s skin properly hydrated so they don’t desiccate and become injured.
Upon having their adult molts, trolls are given a set date via letter by the Empire on which their genetic material will be collected by a drone every 6 perigrees. It does not matter who the bucket is filled with, all that matters is that it is submitted and taken to the Mother Grub.
All trolls are intersex, producing both a bulge and a nook. Sometimes several bulges. Bulges come in all shapes and forms, the weirder the better. There is no sexual difference between the two binary genders. There are in fact, no genders. Trolls may have sexual preferences for those with or without rumblespheres, but other than that, gender is not something they understand. Trolls are just trolls.
Trolls used to reproduce naturally, but since the enforced use of the Mother Grub by the Empire, the ability has begun to evolve out. Most of troll society are either infertile or lack proper reproductive organs, making them entirely dependant upon the Mother Grub. Evolution made it that some trolls only have a bulge, some only have a nook. Mutations happen, so some trolls may even have two nooks or two sheaths for bulges.
While mutants are cullable on sight, mutants with very minor flaws such as eyes that are the wrong color or trolls that have multiple horns are very often looked over.
Executions/Dealing with Mutants
Public executions are frequent. As seen with Friendsim, an entire club can be eradicated under the suspicion that one or two lowbloods are activists inside it. However, say, the leaders of a rebel cause that have been stirring up trouble, or a psion that went crazy and murdered a whole hivestem with the overcharge of their abilities, these trolls tend to be taken in for interrogation. After all, even if the leader has been eradicated, they need a bunch of names to root out the problem entirely. While someone ordinary is perfectly capable and entitled to the culling of a mutant and hemorebel, the Empire requires it to be reported before it’s done. That’s why trolls tend to capture mutants and wait for the empire to come to deal with them.
If the authorities suspect a troll of a mutation they consider a threat to the norm or acts of rebellion, they will often take care of the troll quietly. The troll will simply disappear, and no one will know why. Sometimes a story is fabricated speaking of broken laws or black market scandal involving the troll, but there is usually no clear pointer to what happened.
If a troll is discovered to be a mutant while aboard a starship in the military, the common course of action is to launch the troll into space without protection.
Social medias
There are colonies of near-feral sea dwellers residing in the deep oceans of Alternia. In the same line of thought, there are also near-feral trolls on secluded islands or deep into the forest.
Clothing most often have buttons or zippers in the sides or on the back due to the struggle of taking clothes off over horns
Articles of clothing worn on the head, such as hats or hoods, are typically fitted with velcro or buttons so they can be properly fit around a hornbed and then secured into place
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r2dtoofine-blog · 8 years
all of them for the headcanons thing
((holy damn anon al-fuckin-righty *cracks knuckles*
Hair- Case’s jet black hair is thick, soft and full of cowlicks. Honestly, you need a ton of product to keep his hair presentable but you know he’d never give time for that (unless for his *cough*wedding*cough* maybe). Right now he’s being lazy with his appearance which isn’t really a new occurrence but his hair is getting kind of long. He could actually probably have a little pony tail if he ever thought to do that. srs hes almost got emo bangs he NEEDS a haircut. save my boy. p.s. he only has hair on his head + eyebrows, eyelashes and facial hair is only possible to the extent of his sideburns tbh. the rest of his body is as bare and soft as a baby’s bottom.p.p.s. his eyebrows are a little bushy but have a soft shape to them ;)Eyes- I just realized I’ve never described eyes before other than colour, I actually had to look up terms. What I think applies is that he has rather large, gently hooded eyes. He’s got long, thick eyelashes to shade the just almost opaque solid colours of his entire eyeball. He really doesn’t have a visible pupil but where they would be, it glows just barely noticeably purple. His eyes do swap colour usually when he’s having a psionic fit or when he just wants to make them do it on purpose for effect or fun. my boy’s got disco eyes over them bags.Mouth- He’s got lips that are kissable af. that is, if he took care of them more so they weren’t chapped from his habit of nibbling on them. His lips are plump and his upper lip is almost heart-shaped. They ARE black like it says in the comic but is a softer black that matches well with his skin. His mouth is usually drawn into a bitch face though like he’s always annoyed which might be true most of the time honestly. When he smiles casually, it’s usually just a tight-lipped almost frown of a smile you get me? His full smiles though, are toothy and big, showing off his fangs and happiness together. (snark is usually followed by a fang-filled smirk though) Face- Hmm he’s got really nice cheekbones and a gentle jawline without a very pronounced forehead. His nose is straight and just barely pointed downward if you look closely enough and a round chin. His ears are split with his duality theme too~ his ears are a little large and pointed with an extra little echoing ear behind and a little below the working one. He’s got four piercings in each working ear(lobe and that upper ear part i dont know the name for lmao).(how tf do you describe a face tbh)Skin- Case has light grey skin with just light yellow for blush and blemishes. He doesn’t blush much really even when he feels like he’s blushing a lot his face just doesn’t get banana coloured. His skin feels mostly soft but he has his fair callusing on his hands, knees and elbows and feet. I headcanon that trolls have tougher skin so his skin does feel thicker than a humans if you were to compare them side-by-side. His scars from in the game vanished upon revival on earth but he’s gotten new, (tw self harm) smaller scars from his nails and teeth. Little pricks and half moons and long scars on his torso from his nails and only faint marks on his hands from his teeth that can be easily looked over or taken as accidental scrapes. wow sorry. moving on. Build- Case is a skinny boy. he’s 5′9″ and a twig with bones way too weak for a troll. this boy needs his calcium. He’s not all that muscular but not necessarily all fat either. His shoulders are slightly narrow with just slight hips to match and he has an average to small sized rib-cage and his legs are long and pretty. I wish i could describe his body better but i think that’s pretty much it lmao ask for specific detail if you want more in ims or ask or sth. Chest- The only definition in his chest is of his ribs. Case has just gentle pectoral muscles and a soft outline of where his abs could be. He doesn’t have any nipples but he does have grubscars along up and down the sides of his torso; three vaguely circular dark scars on each side that are (nsfw) gently sensitive oo la la.Groin- (nsfw? the whole paragraph tbh) uh okay so i guess ill start with his bulge. its tentacle-esque, just get that out of the way. Its about 7-8 inches in length, a little thicker than average and the same mustard colour of his blood. it has little pill-shaped bumps? up the middle and sides of the base of his bulge ending a little below the middle of it but other than that its smooth and blemish-less. He does have a nook too, complete with a clitoris just because fuck it really. his clitoris and the lips of his nook echo the theme of his bulge in that theyre yellow like his blood as well as uh inside. moving on.He’s got a cute lil ass thats small and only a little muscular and a lot boney, and thats all there really is to say on the matter. hands-case has nice piano-players fingers with light callouses. his knuckles arent very pronounced and his nails are long, dull with wear and unkempt. his nails mimic the colour of his horns and are very strong, meant to be like claws if sharpened properly. his hands only sweat when hes super nervous and then only a little bit but hell still nervously wipe his hands on his pants? legs-his legs are nice and long for his height and his knees are scraped up and rounded. his thighs arent very filled out and are mostly muscle from all the stairs in his office and on campus plushe doesnt eat enough to gain more fat than that tbh. pray for him. stance-wise hes usually laid back LOOKING so his legs just need to make up the balance for his slouched back.feet-his feet are average sized like probably mens 8 or 9? idfk but his toes curl inwards with the same type of nails that are on his hands if only a little thicker because theyre his back “claws” you know? hes slightly pidgeon-toed and when he relaxes he does prefer to lean on his left side. what else do i even put here. his feet are usually cold af ill just put that here too.other-his horns are grown layer by layer like a plant tbh but theyre made of about the same material as his nails only thicker and can also be sharpened if properly taken care of. his horns are not hollow and they do not have nerve-endings. his doubled horns grow side by side like a crown on his head with his innermost twins being about half the length of the outer ones. he doesnt take much care of them so theyre pretty rough and definitely not perfect looking. (though he did take care of them before his wedding, they usually reflect how disheveled the rest of him looks)
there. there we go.
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