#headcanon ✇ i said i was gonna keep you shitheads safe
thebabysittertm · 6 months
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what's your underlying motif?
the home
whether it’s your warm embrace, your unwavering reliability, your smile that says “welcome back”, your motif is the home. you're the equivalent to coming out of the rain to the fire on and your slippers waiting by the door. your uncanny way of making people feel alright, you’re treasured in these trying times. i respectfully request you take care of yourself, the world will never be as kind to you as you are to it. anne lammott said “lighthouses don't go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining” and though unconventional, lighthouses are inhabited and your cup runs over with generosity. because you probably don’t hear it enough, thank you.
Tagged by: @malka-lisitsa
Tagging: @hargrove, @havvkinsqueen, @zoomingupthathill, @deathb1ooms (Nancy!), @pierprincess, @nancewheelr, @vitaegratis, @v1ctimplagued and whoever hasn't done it! (some of you might have done it, I was sleeping)
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If your’re still open for requests, could you do a headcanon for Letty Ortiz?🥰
Yes I can :) Since you weren’t specific, I assume you mean the typical SFW/NSFW headcanons! I’m so glad someone finally requested for Letty because she’s one of my favorite Fast and Furious characters and I’m a fan of Michelle Rodriguez in general :) I hope you enjoy these and I’m sorry they took so long!
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1. Letty isn't your typical woman and can't be wooed through typical means. She isn't one for flowers and chocolates so you'll have to use unconventional methods to get her attention. Letty is bisexual so gender isn't an issue for her. She can be difficult to approach because of her resting bitch face and moodiness but she's harmless once you establish yourself as a non-threat.
2. If you know your way around cars, you'll already have Letty's attention regardless of whether you can race or not. If you can race, then she's all yours! If you don't have the courage to approach Letty, she'll most likely ask you out first. She doesn't like to beat around the bush and if she wants you, she's gonna make a move.
3. Letty is down to earth and can spot bullshit from a mile away so don't even bother trying to impress her by being flashy or being something you're not. Letty will humor you for a while for shits and giggles but when/if things get serious, she's gonna call you out on your BS with no filter.
4. With that being said, you're gonna need some thick skin to be with Letty. While she won't go out of her way to be an asshole, she's brutally honest and pulls no punches. She loves and respects herself and demands the same from you while giving it to you in return. If you carry yourself in the same way, Letty will love you even more!
5. If you lack self-confidence, self-esteem, or anything else related to that, Letty's your gal to help you with those issues! She'll uplift you and give you the guidance you need to move forward with your life. But Letty won't coddle you and if you need the help of a professional as well, then she will be the first to tell you.
6. Even in her older years, Letty still has a wild streak and isn't afraid to have a little fun so if you like having an adventure with some adrenaline, she's always down for it! She loves spontaneity and if you suggest something random out of the blue, she'll be happier than a pig in slop!
7. Letty's biggest character trait is loyalty. She is "Ride or Die" personified. No matter what happens between you two and no matter what issues you may have, Letty will always be by your side and she won't ever betray you or hurt you. Even if you two break up (assuming it's amicable), she wants to remain in your life and will still be there for you. It takes a lot for Letty to give up on someone and if she lets you go, then you've fucked up immensely and good luck getting back into her heart after the fact.
8. The main obstacle in being with Letty is that she can be too critical and harsh. Even if you have thick skin, it'll wear on you eventually. Sometimes Letty just keeps it too real. If you have an issue with it, just tell her and Letty will apologize and try to be more uplifting. She doesn't mean to hurt you and just wants you to be best version of yourself that you can be.
9. Another obstacle with Letty is jealousy and possessiveness but she gets better at this in her older years. It's not that she doesn't trust you. She doesn't trust other people and she'll be damned if she loses you to someone else. In Letty's mind, you'll never truly be hers and while this mindset definitely has its benefits, it can also have its drawbacks as well. If you're feeling smothered, just speak up and Letty will listen and back off....for the time being.
10. Letty is pretty affectionate and handsy both in public and in private especially when she's feeling possessive of you. Expect a few kisses and a hand on your ass or her arm around your waist while in public and a full-blown make-out session when in private which will end up leading to other activities.
1. Letty is highly selective when it comes to dating and she's even more selective when it comes to sex. She doesn't want to waste her time dealing with shitty people and she needs to know if you're a keeper or not. So it's safe to say that Letty won't be sleeping with you until she knows she has you on lock.
2. Is it worth the wait? Hell yes! Letty is very passionate in bed and to her, there are very few things more pleasurable than making love with her significant other. She's a switch which makes her more flexible when it comes to sexual preferences. Letty's down for whatever!
3. Letty likes it rough and she likes it hard. Spank her, pull her hair, bite her, talk dirty to her, the works! Her safe word is "Mazda" and if you have any boundaries or things you don't like, Letty will respect that and treat you like the king/queen you are!
4. If you want Letty to be slow and sensual, she'll have a hard time getting adjusted to that because she's never done it before. But once she does get used to it, Letty will be so tender that your orgasms will bring you to tears! The only time Letty will be slow and sensual is during aftercare.
5. Location and atmosphere is important to Letty. She won't just have sex with you whereever and whenever. There has to be some build-up to it and the location has to be just right and private. Letty isn't one for having sex in public and will shoot you down if you initiate it. You wanna fuck her? Wait until you two get a room!
6. Letty's favorite position is doggystyle without a doubt! She also likes any variation of cowgirl and the lotus. If you're a woman, Letty prefers fingers and tongue because it feels better but that doesn't mean she opposes sex toys! Strap-ons and dildos will be your best friends in bed with her! Also she's a size queen so expect some stretching to happen.
7. If you wanna get Letty riled up and make her extra horny, call her "Mami" or "Mistress". Whether it's in bed or out of it, her brain will turn to mush and if you thought she was rough before, oh boy! You don't know the half of it!
8. You'll have the same effect if you speak Spanish to Letty. Not in general but if you whisper something dirty in Spanish in her ear for example, Letty will passionately kiss you right then and there and if you're in private, you're getting fucked. No questions asked.
9. If you have any insecurities about your body or performance, don't be afraid to tell Letty. She has a praise kink and if you need reassuring, she'll praise you all the way to a holy orgasm! If you praise her in return, Letty will bask in it and act like a little shithead so don't stroke her ego too much!
10. Letty doesn't like humiliation at all. If you try that on her, she'll be giving you a death glare like never before and you'll be lucky if she even fucks you again! The most she'll do is verbal humilation and she'll also do it to you if you wish. It kinda goes hand-in-hand with her love for rough sex.
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Bakugo with a s/o who's pro hero parents are super abusive and they always act like its nothing or its not important? Very stoic, kinda like Todoroki but a lil different. Idk if you'd wanna do like headcannons or somethin else
So obviously there’s a TW for Abuse in this. I tried not to get super into it. There are a lot more headcanons than I thought I could come up with but I guess I was inspired lol.~Admin Bri
-The first time he sees the bruises, he writes it off. You were a U.A. Student after all, and sometimes training was brutal. It wasn’t strange to see bruises on the skin of his classmates. Plus you never said anything so neither did he.
-It takes him a long time to get through the stoic mask you wear every day, but when he does, he relishes in your slightly snarky, mischievous personality. He loves watching your face go from dreadfully blank to smirking joyfully the second you walk into school.
-He only started to get irritated about the bruises after the two of you started dating. “You extras keep your shitty hands off my girl!”
-He maintains that it’s from school, even when Kirishima announced (loudly) that whenever someone gets paired with you, they can’t even land a blow.
-Its during a break from school that he notices that the bruises haven’t faded, and if anything they’re worse. Cue suspicion and rage.
-“Hey, shithead! You’ve been training without me haven’t you?!”“No.”
-That stalls him. You never lied to him unless you had a good reason, and “training” is a shitty thing to have to lie for, so he knew you were telling him the truth . So, if you weren’t getting hurt when training, then where were these damn bruises coming from?
-He first meets you parents, two famous Pro-Heroes, when you begrudgingly ask him to come over for dinner.
-When he makes it to your house, you answer the door before anyone else, and you ask (read: beg) him to be on his very best behavior.
-“I’m always on my best behavior, what the fuck do you mean?”“You know what I mean, Katsuki.”“Well, what the fuck? You want me to act like Deku or some shit?”“If you’re offering…”“Fuck!”
-You’ve never asked him to act like someone he’s not before, and so clearly something is up. Now he’s on his guard.
-Dinner is awkward. Your parents are some of Bakugo’s favorite Heroes, it’s weird meeting them in person, and it’s hard trying to channel his Inner-Deku because fuck that loser, seriously. But it’s something you asked him to do and so he is trying his best.
-They’re intimidating, with your father’s Blood Boiling Quirk and arms as thick around as Bakugo’s head, and your mother’s equally as terrifying Psionic Quirk and her ice cold demeanor.
-Bakugo makes it to dessert before he slips up and lets his ego shine through.
-“So, Katsuki, what’s it like, being in class with Y/N?”“She’s just another shitty extra. I’m gonna be the Number One Hero one day, everyone else is just fooling themselves.”“Is that so? I like your ambition.”
-They do not like his ambition. He knows he fucked up because your face goes blank, and your back goes stiff. When you walk him out at the end of the evening, he can’t stand to look into your eyes because they’re just so empty.
-He avoids kissing you goodbye because he can see your father watching not-so-subtly from the base of the stairs.
-Late that night he finds you on his windowsill, perched there casually as though you weren’t covered in dark bruises and welts the size of his fist.
- “Hey.”“What the fuck?!”
-He’s about to shout some more, when his mind suddenly puts two and two together and he hates that it took him so long to figure out. The mystery bruises, the stoic mask that you wear until you’re safely inside the school, begging him to act well in front of your parents. It all makes sense to him now.
-His admiration for your parents goes out the window immediately. He hates them. He wants to kill them. He wants to be the one to do it.
-“Does Aizawa know?”“No.”“Does All Might know?”“No.”“Well, I’m gonna fuckin’ tell them!”“Its seriously not a big deal, Katsuki.”“The fuck it isn’t!”
-He’s never going to tell you but he’s hurt. How could you never say anything about this? He could have gotten you out of a shitty situation way sooner. And also, didn’t you trust him? Did he not mean enough to you to tell him?
-It’s not about him, though, and he knows it. He’s fuming mad, but he pushes that to the back of the mind so he can take care of you. He swallows his pride and tucks you into his arms and he doesn’t let you go until that empty look is gone from your eyes.
-All Might and Aizawa do their best to get you away from your parents.
-Slowly, but surely, the bruises fade.
-You and Bakugo eventually move in together, since it’s the only way he can be sure you’re being treated properly.
-On the one year anniversary of the day you were saved, you call him your Hero for the very first time.
-Tell no one, but Bakugo swears that’s the moment he knew he was gonna marry you.
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OMG OMG, that anon about the kids going to steve for advice was so cute! Do you have any headcanons for it?
Oh boy, Anon, do I EVER 😜 (this is gonna be a long one)
So all the kids know that Steve gave Dustin dating advice – because Dustin won’t shut up about it – so the kids know Steve is willing to help with their problems.
Lucas is the first one to go to Steve, a little embarrassed, saying that Max’s birthday is coming up and he wants to do something nice but he doesn’t know what he should do “Because I’ve never done this before, and YOU know Max too so I thought maybe you’d know what she’d like, and–”
“–Dude, relax,” Steve cuts him off with a smile, “I got you covered. This is what you’re gonna do…” and he launches into some elaborate plan that probably has something to do with the arcade because this is Max we’re talking about, and tells Lucas not to worry about paying for any of it. ______________________
Will is the next to go to Steve for help. He’s been having nightmares ever since the gate closed – not “now memories” or “episodes” but just regular PTSD nightmares (which honestly are bad enough. Can my son please be safe and happy now??). He’s been afraid to tell Joyce or even Jonathan about them – not because he thinks they won’t understand, he knows they will, but because he knows they’ll get worried and he doesn’t like them worrying about him – so he goes to Steve. Steve is the only one in the group who doesn’t treat him differently after all the shit he’s gone through, so going to him seems like the most logical thing to do.
Steve isn’t entirely sure how to help the kid – he has trouble dealing with his OWN nightmares – but he listens carefully, and never freaks out no matter how terrifying Will’s descriptions are. He tries to give advice when he can, of course. “I know people usually say to face your fears in your nightmares, but I say run the hell away from that shit. It’s scary for a reason. …Then maybe try to change where you are in your dream or something – that’s a thing, right?” This earns a slight laugh from Will, who is reassured by the fact that he has someone to talk to about it who won’t immediately react like the world’s about to end… again. ____________________
Max is next. Things hadn’t improved at home as much as she’d hoped, but she’d put off saying anything to the group about it – especially Steve, the thought of what happened last time he’d tried to protect the kids from Billy scaring her every time she tried to bring it up. But after a particularly bad week, she can’t help but go to Steve for help. “I just don’t know what to do anymore…” she says, trying to keep her voice even and failing, “–But I don’t want you to fight him,” she adds quickly when she sees the look in Steve’s eyes, “I don’t… I don’t know what I want… I just… I need help.”He doesn’t ask why she didn’t tell him sooner, he already know the answer, instead he says, “…Okay. Well… How about I start driving you to school?”
“Yeah. And I’ll pick you up any time you need me to so you don’t have to drive with him. Okay?”
Max stares at him for a second, then hugs him as tightly as she can with a whispered, “Thank you.”____________________
Mike is the fourth. He hadn’t been thrilled about Steve being around all the time at first, but over a few months the older teen had grown on him, and knowing that the others had been getting help and advice from him, Mike finally decides to ask him for help.
After the past year, he feels like something terrible is going to happen at any given moment but he hasn’t talked to anyone about it. He doesn’t want to admit that he feels different now, or that he’s scared all the time. But it gets to the point where he has to tell SOMEONE, so he goes to Steve. Steve is surprised when Mike comes to him, knowing that the boy didn’t like having him around, but does his best to help. He listens intently to everything Mike tells him, and then confesses that he’s been feeling the same way.
“…Really?” Mike asks, honestly a little surprised.
“…How do you deal with it?”
“I dunno, man. Mostly I try to tell myself that we made it through alive, like, twice now, so we can do it again if we have to.”
“I guess…” Mike said, he didn’t sound very convinced, though.
“…Hey. You know I’ll always protect you shitheads, right?”
Mike nodded, a small smile on his face despite himself, “Yeah… I know.”
“Good,” Steve smiled and tussled the kid’s hair.___________________
And finally El. She goes to Steve for the things she doesn’t want to tell or ask Hopper about. Sure, sometimes Steve gets stern and parental when he disapproves of something she’s done, but he never gets mad, and he never tells Hopper, so she trusts him. One of the biggest things she goes to him for is advice for her first day of school. She’s talked to Mike and the others about it, but they’ve all given her such different answers that she’s confused as hell, so she asks Steve for help.
“…What’s it gonna be like?”
“Listen, no one actually has fun in high school. But everyone pretends they do – that’s the game. …You still got that jacket from your sister?”
“Wear that on your first day. If you walk in confident and–”
Steve laughed slightly, “Yeah. Bitchin. You walk in confident and bitchin, then nobody’s gonna bother you – or the others.”
El gives him a smile and a hug, “Thank you, Steve.”_________________
I hope you like these! And can I just say, I am so SO happy with all the Steve centric messages I’ve been getting – your headcanons, asking me for headcanons, fic requests, just general thoughts about Steve and Stranger Things! Thank you so much, everyone! Please don’t stop sending them!
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a-classic-fool · 7 years
make you banana pancakes (rain all day and i don’t mind)
A while back, @philly-osopher and I made up a bunch of Hamilton x Great British Bake-Off crossover headcanons. “Well,” I thought to myself, “that was fun. I’m sure it’ll never turn into fic.” 
Several weeks later, as one would expect, here is a story about John Laurens as a GBBO contestant, featuring Martha Laurens (sister, not wife). It’s a sequel to philly-osopher’s delightful first installment, which is entitled i didn’t come for the party (i only came for the cake) and which you should read first.
“I hate,” says Martha, stepping in spilled egg yolk, “this goddamn show. I should’ve talked you out of it months ago.”
John, in the wake of the the cupcake debacle, has spent the week slowly taking over Martha Laurens’s kitchen, a process about which she is less than pleased. Since her brother’s return to the country, she’s found his continued presence in her apartment thoroughly comforting — as a med student, it’s not like she spends much time there anyway, and it makes her feel better to come home every night and find him alive, and safe, and whole — but she could have done without John’s increasingly single-minded fixation on proving drawers and daring flavor combinations. In the past three weeks alone, she’s smacked her head on an open cabinet door in the predawn darkness, bruised her tailbone from slipping on a discarded butter wrapper, and eaten dry cereal five mornings in a row due to John’s tendency to use all the milk and forget to replace it.
Although, to be totally fair, she does get to take his practice bakes to work, which has made her the hero of the obstetrics unit. She’s gotten all the best rounds assignments for weeks, even in spite of the goddamn cognac cupcakes.
“Sorry,” says John. “I gotta be more normal, and nothing I’m trying is working. So I’m just gonna keep trying.”
“Jack,” says Martha. “You went to high school in Switzerland. I’m not sure you have a truly proletariat bone in your body when it comes to cooking. Remember that time in Philly when a tourist suggested Cheez Whiz was as good as provolone on a cheesesteak?”
John ignores her. She picks her way across the thoroughly unswept floor and tries to shift the precarious pile of dirty mixing bowls he’s left in front of the coffeemaker. When she finds there’s no room left in the sink, she gives him a pointed look.
“Excuse you,” she says. “It is my one day off. I want caffeine, and perhaps to walk through my own kitchen without getting chicken embryo on my clothing.”
“Mhm,” says John, paying no attention. He’s hinged at the waist with his elbows on the counter, staring at a recipe so thoroughly marked up that it’s no longer entirely legible, and he runs a flour-covered hand backwards through his hair.
Martha sets the bowls on the mercifully empty kitchen table and starts the coffeemaker. As the coffee brews, she rests her chin on John’s shoulder and attempts to decipher the paper in his hands.
“Brother dear,” she says. “You’re putting bacon in what, exactly?”
“...crème brûlée.”
“Because last week they said my flavors were elitist,” he says.
“Well, you did make Earl Grey cupcakes.”
“I know. That’s the problem.”
Martha pours her coffee into a hideous chipped mug she finds in the back of the cupboard — World’s Bestest Sister, with a floral pattern, courtesy of John at peak shithead — and sits down at the table, letting the steam fog her glasses.
“Have you considered that perhaps putting bacon in a French dessert isn’t the best way to solve that problem?” she says. “It’s kinda — I don’t know, cereal restaurant in Shoreditch of you.”
John’s only response is to shrug his shoulders incrementally, a twitchy sort of gesture that suggests his entire body is pouting.
“Do you even like bacon?”  
John shakes his head.
“Then why…?”
“I’m trying to be a man of the people,” John says. His voice is getting progressively higher-pitched, as it always does when he’s tired and unhappy, and Martha senses an imminent crisis of confidence. She remembers thirteen-year-old John, furiously upset at his inability to prevent their littlest brother from getting hurt; she remembers eighteen-year-old John, fighting back panic and tears in front of a pile of college brochures. Most recently, she remembers last year’s late-night phone calls and the frantic tone of John’s voice when he told her he no longer believed he was doing the right thing for his country.
She pinches the bridge of her nose and considers her options. Her hands still smell vaguely of nitrile, her head fuzzy from hospital-induced exhaustion, and she reaches out to tug on John’s elbow. When he turns to look at her, she nods sideways to the other chair.
“Sit down,” she suggests.
“I can’t,” says John. “I’ve gotta figure out how to keep the custard from running when I add the bacon and the maple syrup.”
John wipes his hands on his apron and sits down with a heavy thud.
“Tell me why you made the Earl Grey cupcakes,” Martha says.
“I wanted to be interesting,” says John, fiddling with the seam of the apron pocket. “You can’t just do boring bakes and expect that to get you through the weekend.”
“Okay,” she says, “but did you like those cupcakes?”
John opens his mouth, looks at Martha like she’s said something revelatory, and shuts it again.
“No,” he says eventually.
“Exactly,” says Martha. “You can’t put random fancy shit in the batter and assume that’ll make it interesting. You’ve gotta want to eat it.” When John remains quiet, she adds, “If you could have any crème brûlée in the world, what would it be?”
“I don’t know.”
“Okay, if you could have any baked good at all in the world, what would it be?”
“I don’t know!”
John nearly shouts the last word and Martha raises her eyebrows at him, long and pointed, until he drops his gaze to the tabletop and looks sheepish.
“Sorry,” he says. “I don’t know where that came from.”
“That’s okay.” She gets up from her chair and rummages for bread in the freezer. With her back still turned to John, in an attempt to create a semblance of privacy despite the size of the kitchen, she says, “Do you think maybe you jumped into this too fast?”
“Into what?”
“This show. You’ve always been good at baking, John, but you came back from Afghanistan and you just kinda — threw yourself into this. I’m just wondering if you should’ve taken a little more time to figure out what you wanted, is all.”
At this point, Martha’s long since found the bread, and she just stands in front of the freezer until her nose goes icy. John makes a strange coughing sound behind her.
“I had to do something,” he says. “I couldn’t just come back here and sleep all day and wander around your apartment and wait for something to care about.”
Martha makes a production of putting bread in the toaster to give John room to breathe.
“You’re from South Carolina,” she says, after a long pause. “You didn’t learn to bake in Geneva, or Paris, or London. What did you make for us when we were kids? What did you bake when I was sad?”
John snorts. “Cookies,” he says, “which will be so much help in this situation.”
Martha plows on, undeterred. “What was our favorite cookie?”
The corner of John’s mouth twists minutely. “Snickerdoodles,” he says.
“Well then.” Martha grabs jam from the fridge and slides it across the table before sitting back down.
“Well then…what?”
“Snickerdoodle crème brûlée it is,” she says, smirking at him and running a finger around the lid of the jam jar.
“You’re shitting me.”
“I am not.”
“How am I supposed to get through this competition with snickerdoodle crème brûlée? That’s not exactly original, or inventive, or daring.”
“Make variations. Lemon snickerdoodles, and caramel apple snickerdoodles, and hot chocolate snickerdoodles, like we had as kids. And you can display them on a cookie sheet, like actual cookies, and maybe do something cute with the spoons.” She gives him a wide, evil grin, and adds, “It’ll be different, sure, but more importantly, someone might actually want to eat it.”
The toaster pops and John goes to fetch the toast, stepping in the same egg yolk Martha stepped in earlier. He makes a pained, disgusted face.
“Okay,” he says, once he’s busied himself with getting toast onto a plate without burning his fingers. “Thanks.”
“No problem,” she says, accepting the plate John hands her. “But for the love of God, please clean this kitchen. Do not make me spend my day off doing your dishes.”
John takes off his socks with the tips of his fingers, wrinkling his nose as he does so. “Fair enough,” he says.
Four hours later, John pokes his head around Martha’s bedroom door with a plate of cookies. “In case you need fuel for changing the world.”
“I’m not changing the world, you dork,” she says, but she takes a snickerdoodle and bites into it anyway. “Fuck, that’s good.”
“You are,” John insists. “You’re doing more good in that obstetrics unit that I’ve done in my whole life.”
“Maybe,” says Martha. “But I can’t bake like this to save my fucking life.”
“It’s just a recipe.” But John’s blushing, and the rain’s drumming rhythmic on the roof, and the smell of cinnamon drifts soft and safe through the twists and turns of the house.
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thebabysittertm · 10 months
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How Color-Coded Are You?
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Green Coded.
green, a study in living life, growth, and change. you're one of the people who often find themselves believing that anybody can be better than they are right now, should they put in the effort. you know when to quit, of course, but that tolerance is very high. you know when to put faith in the right people, but that knowledge was earned the hard way. the world is a dangerous place, and you know that. but that doesn't mean that life isn't worth living. the world is a place full of danger, of love, of wonder. you know that firsthand.
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tagged by: @hargrove
tagging: @v1ctimplagued, @greenscrunchy, @hellmartyr and anyone else who hasn't done it yet!
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thebabysittertm · 9 months
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How do you best like to be loved?
touch me with tender truth
you crave being known and held. you just want the warmth and pressure of another body against your own. sometimes, late at night when you're alone in your bed, your skin aches with the lack of touch. you've tried touching yourself, and it isn't the same. one time someone gripped your shoulder and squeezed it in passing, and you thought about it for weeks after - the ghost pressure of their hand lingering. don't you deserve it? consistent physical love and caring? i think so, i think you do. but i also have to ask - do you fear it even as you want? after all, if you get it then it might also be taken away. i hope that if you fear it, you push through past that fear. that you ask for the touch you desire and deserve. i hope that you get touched with love and kindness, wrapped up in warm arms and rocked from side to side until the tension and pain falls away layer by layer and only you are left.
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tagged by: @havvkinsqueen
tagging: @greenscrunchy, @hellmartyr, @atrickything, @knowseverythingaboutyou @v1ctimplagued and whoever else hasn't done it!
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thebabysittertm · 1 year
tag dump
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thebabysittertm · 5 years
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hot weather or cold weather   |   scary movies or light-hearted movies   |   coffee or tea or neither    |   tattoos or/and piercings or neither  |   early mornings or late nights  |   fruits or vegetables    |   tv shows or movies   |   pie or cake   |   sunrises or sunsets   |   cats or dogs   |   rainy or sunny   |   gardening or baking   |   busy cities or calm countrysides |   ice cream or frozen yogurt |   breakfast or lunch or dinner   |   pastel colours or dark colours   |   hugs or and kisses or and secret handshakes   |   romantic love or AND platonic love |   sweet candy or sour candy or chocolate   |  long sleeves or short sleeves   |   pancakes or waffles   |   social media: love it or hate it what’s that
Tagged by: @fierceathlete​
Tagging: @rcbelwithacause, @trickshxt​, @kegstandking, @failfear, @guidefear, @forgotfear, @abxndcned and anyone else! please steal it!
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thebabysittertm · 5 years
let’s do a quick
Tag dump!
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