#head empty lesbian dog
kurtbrussels · 1 year
happy pride.. to her
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cranberryjuice-posts · 8 months
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Busy being yours to fall for somone new
P t 1 here
Pairings - Abby Anderson x fem! Veterinarian reader
AN: I lowkey this reminds me some of Evelyn Hugo’s apology to ciela lmao 😭 (it’s not plagiarized just inspired)
Synopsis- abby can’t live without you (that’s some downbad lesbians shit)
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“I don’t have sex with friends”
That’s all that ran through Abby’s mind for the next 4 months.. winter was starting to come to an end, Abby would be lying if she didn’t say she struggled some— that is trying to get over you. The cold bed, the empty apartment when manny was gone, the avoidment in your voice when she talked to you.. everything that she missed loved and more about you, that’s what she struggled to get over.
There were the times when you just ignored her -
Abby had walked towards the animal kennels with Alice in tow. The happy dog ran ahead of her and jumped onto your back as you were closing the pasture gates.
You smiled and bent down. “Hey sweetie” you spoke in a baby voice while scratching behind the dogs ear. Abby smiled down at you, she wanted to say something but was to worried about ruining things.
She watched as you stood up and pointed at the clipboard before turning and leaving calling Alice to follow you. Abby rubbed her eyes and sighed, she knew she fucked up but shit did you really have to act like she didn’t even exist.
Then the time she was caught by her friends-
“Right and I was thinking what if we watched legally blonde” Nora smiled and held up the CD. The group was currently inside Abby and mannys apartment having yet again another movie night. Yeah Nora and Owen were arguing over which movie but once again abby didn’t care. Hell she didn’t even realize when the group went quiet.
“Abs..” Nora spoke and put a hand on her knee.
“Huh?” She snapped back into the conversation.
“Legally blonde or The hot chick” Nora raised an eyebrow guestering her head towards the tv.
Manny shook his head and leaned into the conversation. “She upset over her breakup” a shared look of confused passed over the group.
“The hell Are You Talking About” Owen asked.
“Manny there is no break up—“ she started but was ultimately innerupted.
“We all could tell Abby” Mel looked over. “What ever was between you and Y/n sure as hell wasnt platonic I mean every-time we saw you two it was like we caught you two about to devour one another” Nora agreed along side manny but Owen remained confused and fustrated as he didn’t understand what they were talking about.
“Also it’s pretty weird that you and her haven’t actually hung out together along like before and rarely in together in the group since you laughed at Mona saying you two were together”
Abby groaned and covered her face with her hand. “Was it that obvious”
Mel shook her head. “Not really, I mean we noticed because were your friends but everyone else wouldn’t of suspected”
She remained quiet and sighed before dragging her hand down her face, her eyes becoming glassy something not common for the solider.
“Let’s Just Watch whatever dumbass movie Owen chose” she wiped her eyes and put her guard up once again.
Then lastly.. the time she dreamed about you-
Abby laid in her bed silently dreaming, the only noise being the grinding of her teeth. In her dream you were sitting in her waist.
“Abs what are you doing” you smiled as Abby started to let her hands go under your shirt and press against your stomach.
“Nothin~” she cooed and continued to tease you. Abby looked up at you with that same look she always gave that you knew you couldn’t resist.
“Stop looking at me like that” you laughed, you wore one of Abby’s shirts that while tight on her large on you. You playfully grabbed her chin and tilted your head.
“I have no idea what your talking about” Abby teased and let her hands wander before resting them on your hips. You leaned forward as if to kiss her but the kiss never met before Abby woke up in a cold sweat.
She felt some tears run down her face when she laid back and closed her eyes in defeat. Abby opened her eyes and looked up at the cieling. She reached over and touched the spot on the small mattress you had claimed as your own trying to find some sort of comfort but it was hopeless.
She knew she had no other choice than to go running back to you.
At the same time you laid in your empty bed you were messing with a dog tag necklace Abby had given you, the tag had her solider ID in the WLF engraved onto it. You chuckled remembering the time you had tried to give it back but Abby made you keep it since she had another.. you closed your eyes wanting to forget while trying so hard to not cry. You were the one who broke each-other up so Why the hell were you so hurt.
You knew you weren’t over her, I mean you were wearing her shirt as a nightgown still. Deep in thought, it was soon innerupted with a hard nock at your door. You raised an eyebrow at who would be here at 2am.
The door opened and you saw Abby standing in all her glory. Hair down, sweatpants and her sports bra with her muscles on full display.. a combo that use to and still does make you go weak.
“What” You yawned trying to act un-phased seeing her.
“Please can we talk—“
“Go back to your place Abigail” You stopped her and gave her a dirty look. You tried to shut your door but once again abby stopped you, you swore you hated and loved how strong she was. She walked in the apartment and closed the door.
Abby grabbed your arms and got down on her knees. Your eyes widened and you looked around embarrassed. “I. Love. You.” She sternly spoke. “Please.. let me love you right this time like I know I can” she begged and pressed your hands to her forehead. You were quiet. “I don’t care what anyone else has to say.. I don’t give a shit if the entire WLF hates me just as long as you are with me”
“You Need to go Abby I’m serious” you tried to pull your hands away. But Abby persisted she looked up.
“I know I know but please—“
“It’s late.. I’m tired.. it’s 2am and I really don’t wanna deal with your bullshit”
You turned your face away trying to show some kind of strength, You pulled your hands away and stepped back looking down waiting for Abby to leave.
She didn’t leave however.. Abby stood up and walked to you cupping your face, she rested her head against yours and after some silence she spoke. “I will never stop loving you..” that was all she said before leaving the apartment.
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A week passed-
You found yourself hanging out at a watering hole in a QZ near by. Some soliders had decided to have a bond-fire, you of-course managed to be dragged by your friends.
You had your hair pulled back and you wore a simple black bikini. You knew you were hot and you also knew there were a few men’s eyes on you.
You had also seen Abby slightly, her gaze transfixed onto you. Part of you wanted to go up to her but the other part told you not to, starting shit up with her would only end up in you hurt again.
You walked out the water with Leah following you. You laughed with the girl enjoying spending time with your friend when you felt a harsh smack on your ass.
“Hey there cutie” John a cocky solider stood behind you grinning sadisticly. You cringed at seeing him.
“What the fuck dude” Leah scoffed and tried to move you towards her but John grabbed your arm and pulled you into him.
“John let me go” you complained trying to push him away.
“Nah sweetheart I’m happy with you right here” he grinned and leaned his head down. You tilted your head back still uncomfortable.
“We got a problem” Abby stood at The shore with her strong arms crossed. You admired her simple yet attractive outfit of a black wife beater and dark green cargo pants.
“Nah Anderson we’re just fine you can go” John spoke defensively, still holding onto you right. A few people started to crowd around wondering what would happen.
“Oh yeah?” Abby spoke sarcastically walking more towards the water til she was closer to John and you. “Cause it fucking seems your forcing my girlfriend to feel your hard on”
John rolled his eyes. “You’ve gotta be kidding” he grinned but his smile fell and his grip on you tightened. “Are you talking about that dumbass rumor Mona said some months back about you two fucking around- that was true” he scoffed.. You pushed him away and stumbled back into Abby.
She protectively wrapped an arm around your waist. “Yeah is that an issue” she started her stance getting more aggravated.
“I mean shit Abby.. i knew you looked like a fag but never expected you to actually be one” he scoffed with a sarcastic smile. “Besides we both know all Y/n needs is a man.. and I mean a real man not sone woman who thinks she tough just because she’s got some muscles”
“Really? Why don’t you come over here then and i can show you how much of a man I really am” Abby’s stance got more defensive all while her tone remained eerily calm. Some guys grabbed john and yelled at him pulling him away from Abby, they were stupid but not stupid enough to not know that someone would get hurt and it certainly wouldn’t be the woman they described as an ox.
Once they and the crowd that started to build left Abby grabbed your face- her entire demeanor changed. “Are You ok.. what else did he do did he—“
“No no” you shook your head and started to softly breath once again. You gently placed your hands ontop of hers which still had your face in her grasp and looked up at her. “Girlfriend?” You asked with a confused chuckle. “I thought.. I thought you didn’t want anyone else to know about you being…”
Abby blushed and nodded. “Y/n i told you i don’t care what anyone else thinks anymore, I want to love you proudly and openly.. I wasn’t lying that night i showed up to your place, I would give up everything for you” you pondered for a moment still deciding what to do before grabbing her face and kissing her softly yet passionately pouring all your emotion into it.
“I actually hate you” you chuckled and smiled at her gently while she grabbed your hips.
“Yeah I know” she grinned and kissed your forehead with a sigh of relief, You two were gonna be ok.. and you knew that, deep down you always knew that
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Hope you enjoyed thank you for all the love on pt 1 😭💗💗💗💗
@4rt3m1ss @redwlf843 @macaroni676 @azxulaa
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holdupjack · 1 year
Maybe Being Enemies Isnt For Us?
Pairing: Hermione Granger x Fem!Reader
Third Person P.O.V:
Y/n stood in the corner of the Great Hall as students took the dance floor, she had come alone due to her lack of likeness of men.
Okay, she was afraid to ask out one of the girls.
Sue her, young teenage lesbian romance is hard.
Her best friend Blaise had come over and whispered about how Hermione looked stunning tonight, which was true, but Y/n would never admit it out loud.
"She looks fine" Y/n mumbled as she scrapped the dirt out from under her nails. Blaise snickered and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, kissing the top of her head.
"Just admit this rivalry between you two is some petty lovers quarrel" she whispers into her hair and Y/n scoffs.
"We'd have to be lovers first, and this is no quarrel" she replies as he hummed, both thinking back on the reason the two have become bitter Betty.
They had accidentally kissed in the third year after a study session in the library. It was an honest accident, bumping into one another as just a small peck was shared, but the two became messes after it.
Avoiding one another like the plague as they shared looks of hesitance that turned into fiery glares of annoyance within days.
Something that could have been laughed off, or pursued further, instead was taken to extremes.
Enemies were born.
"Internalize Homophobia" Blaise sings softly as she smacked his stomach hard enough to make a point.
"It doesn't matter" Y/n mumbled as her eyes scanned the crowd, trying to find the pink blob within the sea of students.
"To bed! Both of you!"
Hermione's voice cuts through the crowd like a knife, causing the two to look by the entrance of the Great Hall.
They couldn't see her, but there was no doubt she was standing out there yelling at someone. Everyone else seemed to ignore the argument as Blaise sucked his teeth.
"I hope she isn't having her night ruined, it seemed like she was having a blast tonight" he mumbles as his date calls him over for a dance, he kissed Y/n's head again as a goodbye and disappeared into the crowd.
Y/n stared at the entrance for another moment before cursing under her breath and pushing away from the wall she was leaning against.
Slowly she snuck her way past everyone between her and the corridor, she got a few judgmental looks as she stepped on the other's toes to get where she was going.
When she finally stepped out of the event, it was mostly empty in the rest of the castle. Her eyes scanned around the surrounding, and she noticed the back of Hermione's head peaking above the stairs that lead down to the lower floors.
Y/n stood still as she heard the soft sniffles escape the Gryffindor's lips, and her shoulders shake slightly.
What does she do in this situation?
She quietly walked towards her, every step feeling as though a dog had gotten a hold of her pant legs and was pulling back as hard as it can.
As Y/n casually sat down beside her, she noticed her tiara sitting between them. Hermione had seen someone who had sat next to her but didn't care to look.
The silence between them was deafening, but Y/n soon cleared her throat to ask a simple question.
"Are you...okay?" Y/n asks as the brunette's eyes shot up to her, but they quickly fell back to the bottom of the staircase.
"I'm not in the mood to fight Y/n" she mumbles and the girl nods in agreement.
"That's not why I sat down next to you" Y/n replies to which Hermione let out an unconvinced chuckle.
As Hermione wiped away the seemingly endless amount of tears, Y/n sat next to her like a statue carved by Phidias himself, afraid to say or do the wrong thing.
"No one likes when you cry" Y/n blurts out, then immediately cringes at her word choice.
Hermione laughs slightly and looks over at her, letting her eyes flow up and down Y/n's side profile like a gentle stream.
"Is that a very bad comfort line, or a jab?" She asks as a sniffle escapes her, Y/n sighed and rubs rubbed the back of her neck in embarrassment.
"The first" she replies to which Hermione hummed.
"You're bad at this"
"I know"
The conversation dies down again as music from the band in the Great Hall played loudly nearby.
Y/n looked over to see Hermione looking back at the floor of the staircase, her eyes filled with disappointment because of how her night is ending.
"Who made you cry?" Y/n asks as the Gryffindor sighed quietly.
"The boys, but mostly Ron" she admits, not wanting to wait until Ginny had come back to their dorm to talk about her feelings.
Ginny would have too many questions, and Y/n doesn't care enough to ask that much.
"He threw a huge fit because I went with Krum instead of him" she explains and Y/n hums in acknowledgment, knowing the rumors that had been spreading about his not-so-secret crush on his female best friend.
"Did you want to go with him?" Y/n asks as she watched Hermione take the pins out of her hair and let the curls fall to her shoulders.
"Yes and no, but just as a friend if we had" she replies and Y/n hummed again, not getting the picture of why she was still crying out here while a buff boy from another wizarding school was probably searching for her like a lost puppy.
"Then there's no reason to cry over it then. If he wants to bitch and whine about you not having feelings for him, then let him" Y/n states as she dusted off her pants and stared back at the ground.
"I care about his feelings, no matter what happens between us," Hermione says to which Y/n nodded in agreement.
"I understand that, but where in your description as a 'friend' does it dictate that you have to hold his hand and explain to him obvious social cues? That's not being a friend, that's being a mother" Y/n grumbles as she leaned her elbows back onto the stair behind her and listened to her spine crack and pop.
Hermione was taken aback by Y/n's harsh critiques about her relationship with Ron, but she was right, surprisingly.
"I know, but he's still one of my best friends" Hermione mumbled as she fiddled with the hairpins in her hand.
"For some reason he blamed you, didn't he? Like it was your fault that you didn't ask him instead, that you haven't fallen madly in love with him yet, and you aren't begging to become the new Mrs.Weasley" Y/n states with annoyance as Hermione began to giggle quietly.
She hit the nail on the head.
"Look" Y/n starts as she leaned back up and grasped the tiara into her hands from between them, then closing the space.
When Hermione turned back toward her, they were face to face. Hermione had a small flashback to that night after the library.
"Ron will come around sooner or later, and in the meantime..." she trails off as she placed the crown back onto the Gryffindor's head, grabbing a few hairpins from Hermione hand as well.
"Go back and have some more fun at the party, there's no need to end this night on a sour note" Y/n whispered as she made sure the crown was secured into her brown locks.
Hermione watched her intently as she felt Y/n's breath hit different parts of her face as she checked each side multiple times.
"I bet you Krum is looking everywhere for you" Y/n hums as she finally caught Hermione's eyes again. They stared at one another for a moment before Y/n began to grin.
"See? Sometimes I can be nice" Y/n whispered as she stood up and grabbed the heels that Hermione had kicked off in anger.
"I never said you weren't nice" Hermione stated as Y/n bent down in front of her and helped slip her shoes again.
"That is true, we never are technically mean to one another," Y/n says as she slid onto the first heel, her other hand holding the back of Hermione's calf ever so gently.
The Gryffindor had regretted that day in the central hall, where she just stood there after the childish peck. Y/n had begun apologizing profusely, and before Hermione could get a word in, she left.
She should have chased after Y/n and told her that it was all right, that she has been making her question herself...that she had liked how her lips felt on hers.
Instead, Hermione stood there dumbfounded and chose to ignore Y/n. Afraid of what her parents and friends would say, even though she knew deep down that they wouldn't care.
She has pretended to hate her for the last year and a half, and Hermione was honestly tired of it.
"There you go, Granger"
She blinked back out of her memories and watched as Y/n stood up and held her hands out for her to take.
Hermione smiled softly as she took them and was pulled into a standing position, where she towered over her due to behind two steps above.
"I bet you already heard this a bunch tonight, but you look stunning...have a good night Hermione" Y/n whispers as she smiled back, and began walking down the stairs to somewhere in the castle.
She was walking away from her again.
"Why do we hate each other?" Hermione called out as Y/n stepped onto the ground floor, causing her to turn back around with a raised eyebrow.
"You don't remember?" Y/n asks, to which the Gryffindor shook her head in response. A lie.
"No, I don't" Hermione replies as she slowly walked down to the main floor to stand next to Y/n.
"I have missed our little study sessions" she admits as Y/n opened and closed her mouth in utter confusion.
"Seriously? You don't remember?" She finally asks as Hermione stood in front of her on the floor. She shook her head again in response.
"Will you tell me what happened?"
Y/n stared at her in disbelief before sighing to herself, Hermione waited patiently as she found the right words to say.
"Well, it's after one of the library meet-ups. We were walking towards the Gryffindor Common Room when I noticed a small sticky note had found its way under your shoe. So we stopped and I bent down to grab it." Y/n pauses as she did the motion, bending down in front of Hermione and thinking for a second.
"Then as I got back up, we accidentally-"
Hermione went for the strike, kissing her as she stood back up, just like that night. For a moment she thought Y/n was about to push her away, but she felt as if her hands found a perfect spot on either side of her hips.
The Gryffindor's own hands grasped the front of her shirt, as a small gesture to show she wasn't going to back away either.
"I knew it!"
The duo broke apart immediately as their eyes shot up to the top of the stairs. There stood Ginny and Blaise. Smiling like idiots.
"Lovers Quarrel! I told you, Ginny, they just needed some alone time" he states proudly as the two girls had faces burning with embarrassment.
"Blaise you better hope to god that I don't run up there and tell your date what you secretly do on Sunday nights" Y/n states and the boy's face goes pale, to which Ginny smirked.
"Got secrets, Blaise? I thought you said you were an open book?" She asks to which the boy cleared his throat, and excused himself back into the party. Ginny just laughed and decided to follow after him to pester about this newfound info.
"Have fun you two~" Ginny sings out with a snicker as she disappeared as well, the girls were quiet for a few moments, but Hermione had a question.
"What does he do on Sunday nights?" She asks as Y/n looked back at her with surprise.
"Oh uh, he sings karaoke to ABBA songs all night. I don't know why he's embarrassed about it, I think his cover of Slipping Through My Fingers is beautiful" Y/n states to which Hermione chuckled in response.
"Sounds like a blast to watch" she replies as Y/n grinned at the memories playing in her mind.
"Maybe I could sneak you in next Sunday?" Y/n asks quietly
Hermione matched her grin but tried to suppress it by looking for a moment.
"I would love that Y/n, perhaps we could meet up again tomorrow as well if you're free that is?" Hermione asks and Y/n felt her face and neck burn at the question.
"Of course, where should we meet?" she asks as the Gryffindor hummed in thought.
"How about the dock house after lunch? Since I have a feeling our friends will be searching for us all over the castle tomorrow with questions" Hermione replied and Y/n chuckled.
"Alright Granger, I'll see you then," she says as they smiled at one another, in a childlike nervousness as they imagined what tomorrow would bring.
As Y/n said goodnight one last time and began walking away, she yelled something over her should.
"You know, maybe being enemies isn't for us?" Y/n says as Hermione watched her stop at the stairs that lead down to the bottom of the moving staircases.
"I agree" She replies as Y/n smiled once more at her, before walking down the stairs.
Just like that, she was gone.
Hermione stood in the hall and felt a wave of relief wash over her as she climbed back towards the party.
She wondered what events were in store for them at midday tomorrow.
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possibilistfanfiction · 9 months
it starts to snow just as you get to the bar; the inside is a welcome warmth. mary slides a mug of mulled wine your way as you sit down and you chat a little — your remote workday (boring; irritating); how the animals on the rescue ranch are doing in the bar since shannon had improved the insulation (wonderfully). it’s easy, settles something between your shoulderblades that has hurt for a long, long time — to be around someone who expects nothing of you other than some thoughtfulness, to have a hot drink that soothes you from the inside out, spices and citrus and persimmon.
it feels a little like the world pauses, just for a moment, when beatrice walks in a few minutes later. mary smirks, and you get the feeling that this entire town is very invested in finding beatrice a partner, although she probably hates it. to be fair, with her windblown hair and the perfectly fitting sherpa-lined jacket she shrugs off with a smile, the comfortable turtleneck she’s changed into since you saw her earlier at the ranch — you think she probably is the most eligible lesbian bachelor here. you support the meddling, especially as mary tells beatrice to sit next to you and then pours her an expensive whiskey, neat. 
she talks to you quietly, seriously, and it’s easy to be wrapped up in her warmth too. after a few drinks her posture loosens and she tells you about her cruel parents who still call her every christmas and on her birthday; she tells you about her life in a busy city before she found her cabin here a few years ago, somewhere quiet to heal, to spend time around people who care for her, and build her home the way she wanted it, and dress in practical, easy clothes, and train her dog. you know there are things she doesn’t say; you have those things that sit in your chest too, but you tell her about how empty your busy life feels, how you understand the mountains and the quiet here. you laugh about not wearing pants when you have work meetings over zoom, and she tells you stories of theo as a puppy, shows you pictures when she was tiny, her baby teeth and a little christmas sweater from a few years ago that makes you melt.
it’s easy to lean into her when she laughs as you tell her a story about a wild night you and chanel had, and it’s intoxicating, her freckles and her smile. as it gets late she offers to walk you back to your airbnb, which is sweet and a little unnecessary because it’s just down the street, but of course you say yes. you notice she has on perfectly clean blundstones, newer than the scuffed boots earlier, clearly used for work. somehow it’s so charming; you head outside and you have to fist your hands in your pockets so you don’t reach out and hold hers, but after a while it’s too much and too easy at the same time.
you turn down the alley between the bar and the urgent care, and she follows, her steps steady and clear. 
‘i —‘ you start to say, but the words get lodged in your throat because you cannot possibly be feeling this much for someone this quickly; ‘can i kiss you?’ you say instead.
beatrice mumbles out a yes and then leans forward, the breath she lets out crystalizing in the air before she meets you halfway, her mouth on yours. she’s so handsome and she leans into you, presses you against the brick and it’s intoxicating, the way she kisses and her cologne and the snow falling all around you. you open your eyes a moment before she does and you see a few flakes catch on her lashes. you could take her back to your airbnb; it’s what you would normally do if you were kissing in an alley in your normal life, in the big city with countless people in your bed at night and gone in the morning.
but she is intentional here; she means it, in the mountains and all the warmth despite it being the coldest place you’ve ever been. so you kiss her again; kiss her goodbye for the night, chastely, after she walks you to your door. the light turns on automatically on your tiny patio and bathes her face in relief.
‘i’ll see you tomorrow?’ you ask, too hopeful for your own good.
but she just smiles. ‘i’ll be at camila’s cafe at 8 for breakfast, if you’d like.’
you groan. ‘i’m on vacation. that’s so early.’
she smiles, amused and fond, and kisses your cheek. ‘i’ll bring theo.’
‘well, if that’s the case, i’ll be there. theo is the best, cutest date in town.’
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ria-writes-stories · 2 months
To each other and each other only
Genre: Romance, Comfort
Ship: Jolly
Description: Lesbians who are passive aggressive
(No one's pov)
J was walking to an abandoned building, a mall to be more specific, deserted and empty like everything on this hollow atomic wasteland of nothing but harsh coldness and- no. There are some things that are warm in this world as cold as it seems.
J pushed her head underneath Doll's arm while pulling the shorter drone on her lap holding her in a tight demanding manner yet her grip was soft and careful as if she was afraid to accidentally break her. "Idiot drone." J said upset as she held Doll closely to her, with her chest pressed against her back. "Moron useless piece of scrap." Doll answered bluntly without remorse whatsoever as she avoided J's gaze, as she continued to stare off into the distance as she was doing earlier before J picked her up and sat her on her lap. "You were gone all night. Do you have any clue where I searched for you? I even went down that hell hole!" J spat out angrily with venom, she was highly irritated of Doll's 'negligence' and 'immature behavior', she was absolutely furious with it.
"No you didn't." Doll dismissed her simply as she knew what J was referring to, or at least she thought so... "I went all the way over that dumb colony looking for you and you weren't anywhere to be seen!" J spat out angrily. "For a moment I thought you went down to the elevator." "You're annoying not an absolute worthless imbecile like N." J said angrily as Doll continued to stay as cold and blunt towards her despite how closely J was holding her. "It's not my fault if you can't use your control board disk to realize that I would never go back to the colony-" "Not even for the inexplicable amounts of oil there?" Doll's eyes slightly widen as she went quiet and slightly moved her head to the side to avoid J's gaze.
"Stop being such an annoying toaster!" J said grabbing Doll's chin and forcing her to look at her, Doll's answer? She 'slapped' J's hand away from her in a quick aggressive yet painless movement. "Shut up."
Doll was impossible to break through, yet this disassembly drone always found new ways when an old one would fail. "You were hungry, you went to the colony to feast, why didn't you leave a note or something you utter low minded incapable drone?!" "Because than you'd sit like a useless dog in one place instead of doing work like I do." J was beyond furious and Doll was acting uncaring and annoyed.
Doll knew J by now. She was like a panther. Solo and alone, deadly and dangerous but not at the top of the food chain among all of the felines or among other top predators in other places where there are bears for example. However she was fast, incredibly so, and efficient, that's why Doll wouldn't like if this yellow panther would lazy around instead of searching for what she needed so she could take it from her just because of something as irrational as 'worrying'.
J knew Doll better than anyone ever got to. You may say that their common 'passion' or primal survival need to consume other drones to survive brought them closer, because it was something they only had each other to understand for. Lizzy never understood Doll, ever. Doll was simply a token to Lizzy's popularity. Tessa never understood the struggle J went through with the overheating and the 'hollow spooky snake-crab' because she didn't want her to ever find out about it in the first place, she didn't deserve it, she had to protect her, but even so it's easy to grow lonely even with the person meant to be your friend.
"You can't just go without warning and expect me to not do anything. We're business partners now right? We have a common thing to work for, so that's what we will do, but I can't do it if a mute freakish little copper toy like you doesn't use her voice box to speak up what that AI-based circuit board is cooking up in there!" J said in a scolding manner as her eyes narrowed, for anyone they would seem ruthless and distant but Doll knew how to look at closer details and see her sadness.
All she had to do was listen to her voice past the fake filter of anger.
"You're an idiot, a slow minded clueless and primal animal, not even an animal would be as dumb as you are." Doll said as she refused to face J as J's grip tightened on her waist. "Yes because animals leave another when what they achieved is completed or when they realize they can't do it, and as far as I am concerned we didn't find that damned key and you know damn well I am the one in charge of keys." Owing a key means you can open whatever is hidden behind it's lock, but it can also mean you're doing the work of another, and Doll knew that full heartedly, even so, she avoided teasing J about it, she knew it was sensitive, just as J avoided talking about Doll's parents. They never talked about any of these things, they just knew.
Doll finally looked at J and simply proceeded to rest her head on her shoulder as one hand rested on her chest and the other she kept to herself. Doll didn't say anything, she just huffed as J simply warped her wings around her. She knew it was useless. She could never protect her from something she couldn't protect herself from, but that need to provide was still there, it's how she knew how to express best what her tongue never allowed her to. Doll knew that, that's why she'd allow her do these silly acts, because 'love' wasn't a word, and because if J was ever to say it she would know that she has lost her charm and everything that made her be herself, meaning that Doll couldn't stay with her anymore as to not damage her further.
J let her tail lay limp in Doll's lap, her way of showing that she trusts her, because last time her very own weapon brought to her down fall, and Doll? Well, she would caress her tail softly as she wore an eyepatch in order to hide J from the yellow devil which gave her these powers, and which was responsible for all the unfortunate events in their lives.
"Moron." "Idiot." the two spoke to each other quietly.
Only to hold each other tighter and closer to each other like they could be brought away from one another in the blink of an eye without even realizing, without even feeling it, and that was scarier than seeing the other one just perish. To be strangers is such a cruel fate to every single soul that could get along if they were to meet, and even worse if they already engaged forever, bonding each other to the other, and to rip them apart would mean that what they shared would mix up inside of them and leave the other one with a part forever missing from them and left with the missing part of the other.
Doll continued to gently hold J's stinger while brushing her thumb the pointy deadly tip of it as if it was blunt and unused and not sharp and dangerous.
J continued to hold her as she united her hands and rested them both on Doll's shoulder to keep her closer to herself, their bodies pressed against each other as they would slowly feel that curse of a heat burst within inside, threatening to send them off to hunt, but never with the desire of consuming it, not as long as they were next to each other.
"Idiot." J whispered quietly as she rested her forehead on the side of Doll's head as the Russian drone simply mumbled, sneaking a look at her when J closed her eyes.
When J was asleep, resting, Doll did the most natural thing to do. Something her parents did when they were unable to do in crowded busy days. Kissing her when she was asleep and letting her know how much the beating core in the system allowed love to flow through.
A kiss, and another, and another. Quiet soft heavenly kisses, so soft and gentle they were barely felt meaning J couldn't wake up from them. "My moron." Doll whispered quietly as she rested J's tail around her waist right at her hip to make sure that if she were to wake up and try to leave she would surely wake her up as well while trying to untie the knot at her side that kept her close and in place to her.
The end
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intertexts · 15 days
don't particularly have any major feelings abt this except my continual burning "telling everybody to go listen to more and better ap shows" instinct as always but i really do think that if u like pd & are getting antsy during the hiatus & also r hitting every single character w the transgenderism beam & such. please please check out eidolon playtest for the love of god. insanely good ap show. better on a mechanical level certainly. the vibes r very similar to pd. theres so many girl pcs including closeted tgirl latine pc with a coming to terms w/ her gender & finally shedding the miserable layers of repression & self loathing. there's a he/she/they detective prince with a guy they manifest who looks like a shaggy metalhead & can sense shame. there's awesome eternally head empty really kind nb pc with a turtle named dog & a scooby doo van. there r characters of color & players of color. there is lesbianism & bisexuality & incredible stressed out perfectionist horsegirls who want to be astronauts & lame scruffy skater dykes. there is a beautiful and charming and friendly beetle. there's crucially REALLY FUCKING GOOD STORYTELLING. and also they hate cops. it's like if persona & jojo had a cute awesome baby. it's a best-friends-solving-mysteries type beat. please for the love of God go listen to eidolon playtest season 3 DISCO/SKA it has an 80% chance of making u happier than searching for rep in the four cis white dudes ap show....... theres literally Zero fanbase for it that I've seen which makes me go crazy go stupid. go here. listen to disco 0 & ska 0 and maybe the first real episodes of them. thats a couple hours. come back here & tell me ur thoughts & ill draw u literally whatever u want. im bribing u guys now im so so desperate and feel so bad watching people trying to fix one show when they could be watching another that already has literally everything they want.....
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fanfic-corner · 2 years
Lesser Known Destiel Fics pt 2
Hi everyone! Here's the second part of Destiel fics which have fewer than 5,000 hits. I hope you enjoy them!
Once a Day by followthattardis (2.4k)
Castiel has just enough control left over his body and mind that he steps into the Ma’lak Box on his own.
L’Oréal Féria 1-Step Lightening System for Men by gayliens (2.5k)
His hair had been the same since he was eleven, a tight almost-buzz on the sides, a little longer on the top. Brown, unassuming, military-issue. Never long enough to fall in his eyes, not like whatever Sam had going on on that head of his. His face had been changed by thirty-something years of slicing and dicing, aging out of those delicate features. If he dropped dead now on the bathroom floor, the coroner wouldn’t call him pretty. But his hair stayed Ken-Doll-identical all the way through.
or: dean fucks up dying his hair. cas helps
Rinse, Repeat by Ias (3.3k)
He's killed Dean hundreds of times. What's one more?
Extra Sauce by anomalation (3.4k)
Cas confides in a poor unfortunate McDonald's cashier, who is a little shit and makes Dean jealous to prove a point. Nothing but fluff and gritty fast food realism.
Mary Winchester, Lesbian at Large by alectolee (4.2k)
Mary Winchester is a lesbian. She has no idea how to tell her children.
The Passion of the Christ (and his angelic ex-boyfriend) by Bzzee (4.9k)
Dean and Cas are happy in heaven until Cas's ex-boyfriend saunters in. Dean discovers you can be jealous in heaven and that, apparently, Jesus fucks.
New All Over Again by Castielslostwings (5.7k)
Dean and Cas as childhood sweethearts separated as teenagers who have been searching for each other for years without success. Against all odds, they reunite in the middle of Times Square at midnight on New Year’s Eve.
preaching to the choir by piesexuality (7.9k)
“So, tell us—are you a religious man?”
Steve grimaces. "It's, um. Complicated. Very complicated."
or, There's no way Castiel lived that close to BYU-Idaho without running into some Mormon missionaries.
Speak Silence No More by rea_of_sunshine (8k)
When Dean imagined this moment, it went like this:
Dean bursts into the Empty—guns blazing, chin high, righteous anger coursing through him. No matter what form his plans and fantasies and whiskey-drunk-whispered-promises took, he is always, always successful. When he imagined it, he was finally the hero Cas deserved.
The reality of the moment is this:
It’s fucking cold.
Veil by evol_love (8.1k)
Not that Ed keeps tabs on anyone from his past life as a paranormal investigator, but he’s about 99% sure he heard through the grapevine that Dean Winchester fucking died, so getting a text from him on a random Thursday inviting him to his wedding is in the top ten weirdest moments of his life. And that’s really saying something. Ed’s had weirder weird moments than most.
His first instinct is No, absolutely fucking not, why on earth did you even invite me we’re not friends and we haven’t spoken in six years, but. But.
Maybe he misses the weird a little.
the pie isn't a metaphor (it's just pie) by noviembre (9.3k)
“I watched the Garden of Eden grow out of the desert,” Cas informs him. “And I’ve read everything Stacy has written on Bumbling Bee Gardener dot net. But please, Dean, share your wisdom about apple horticulture.”
Every Road Leads To You by songbvrd (9.9k)
When Cas gets poisoned by a djinn and is unable to be woken, Dean gets sent into his head to wake him up.
While Dean is expecting something that's hard to pull Cas from, he never expected to find Cas married with kids and a dog.
Dean has to confront what all this means to him and Cas has to decide whether to stay or go.
Won't You Stay? by allmystars (18k)
A week before Christmas, a weekend with his brother, and a hike into the mountains shouldn’t change a single thing about Dean Winchester’s life. It’s just a trip, just to distract Sam from everything he’s lost.
But, when a blizzard blows in, stranding the Winchesters, Sam finds a crack in the rock-face, and everything changes.
A pit, and pain, and every broken thing inside Dean, discovered by angels.
Well, one angel. One powerless, exiled angel.
Angel Recovery Project by keylimepie (20k)
An ordinary woman attempts a very extraordinary spell and brings back the wrong angel. But he's here and he needs help, from sandwiches to love advice, so what else is a girl to do?
5 Times a Member of Team Free Will Kills John Winchester and the 1 Time he is Kicked out of Heaven by bisexualsharks & Hazloveshisboo & jeremycarver (21k)
The 5 times different members of TFW (and a few others) got the chance to murder John Winchester, and the 1 time he was kicked out of Heaven because it was too late to kill him.
These are all separate one-shots that are not connected or set in the same timeline.
No need for dreaming by AsphodeleSauvage (24k)
Castiel loves his job as a wedding photographer. He loves nothing more than to capture the pure love in a couple's eyes as they say 'yes' - soulmates or not soulmates, he doesn't care. Yet, he can't help wondering about his own soulmate and about the mark on his chest that promises him a love story for the ages. There is also the fact that he keeps bumping into the charming Dean Winchester at every wedding he goes to...
A Hard-Won Peace by patheticfangirl (28k)
“Afterlife” no longer means forgetting what happened during life.
In Heaven, Dean is tormented by peace and freedom until he reunites with an also-struggling Castiel. Together, they work through issues they couldn’t leave behind, hoping to find something resembling happiness.
Diagonally Parked in a Parallel Universe by TheBlackLagoon (37k)
Cas Novak can’t see an escape from the life of hunting. Even with the frequent pleas from Jessica to leave it all behind, where in the world is he supposed to fit in? Dean Winchester can’t see a life beyond pencil-pushing for the Men of Letter’s Midwest branch. Even with the responsibility he holds to upkeep his family name, is it really what he’s meant to do? The two duos meet on what appears to be an easy salt and burn but which quickly spirals out of control.
Just for the Holidays by Fallen_Angel_Meg (41k)
After going through some tough times, Jess, Castiel's best friend, decides the best thing for him to do is to get away for Christmas. She secretly signs up their shared house on a home exchange website and it doesn't take long for them to get some interest. Castiel ends up trading houses with Sam Winchester, despite his hesitations to do so. So now Castiel has to spend his Christmas alone in Lawrence, Kansas. Which isn't so bad because Castiel is looking for some alone time right now, not wanting to get romantically involved with anyone. That is, until he meets Dean Winchester and things get complicated.
And that's it! If you have any other fics with under 5k hits that you love — whether they be your own or your friend's — please share them with me! Often these fics are swept under the rug when the authors put so much time and effort into them, so I hope you enjoy reading them :)
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carnation-damnation · 5 months
I LOVE your transfem Amy art! Would you mind sharing some of those transfem ideas you were rotating in your mind?
ummm lets go down the line haha. Only gonna talk abt ames rouge and metal because they're the only ones I've got in my brain atm. But rest assured if I had more brain cells I'd ramble abt Blaze too bc I also hc her as trans
Ames (She/Her, trans lesbian) - I think Amy presents p stealth! I think she knew she was trans from a young age and she's been presenting femininely since she was very very little. I made a post joking abt silly gender differences in sth (no back quills, small nose, etc) and I headcanon that those traits come from Amy being half-echidna so its like. ajdjsndnd gender win. The traits you were born with also coincide with hedgehog mobian gender binary??JFJSNFNN
I don't think Amy keeps her trans identity a complete secret, she loves being trans and she's proud of how she's tested fate and made her life her own, but I also think it does play a role in how she navigates her personal/romantic relationships (comphet to trans lesbian is what I was thinking of?)
Rouge: (She/Her, transfem lesbian also) - I talked abt Rouge and gave her a silly little backstory in that one post but I'll go over it again a little here: I think Rouge grew up pretty isolated in a small village with her family. She felt very trapped in the ideas that she felt like she had to follow the footsteps in. She felt like she was a side character in her own life because she's always had to ask for permission and think of the family's sleezy gem store/pawn shop before her own wants and needs. Landing that government job somehow was her ticket to finally spreading her wings and flying freeeee baby. She knew there was somth about herself and the way she dressed, talked and looked that didn't quite fit her, and although she didn't have a word for it, she assumed a new identity while working for G.U.N. and went like. full throttle on her transition. She didn't want anybody from her old village to recognize her. She's not listening to their complaints and desires anymore. She lives for herself, now. I think she has some trust issues relating to her past experiences which makes her hold onto Shadow and Omega so closely, and something about them also being queer brings them even closer to her. Can you tell Rouge has been rotating the fastest in my head
Metal - (It/She/They, sapphic demi-girl) -Metal is a fucking egg please saVE HERRRR. LISTEN OK. I don't have any evidence I don't got shit I just know we gotta get Metal outta there because she is an uncracked egg. Is eggman actively against the prospect of Metal having a differing gender identity? No. But Eggman is opposed to Metal having Opinions so. Metal has spent so long under the control of Eggman who they DO!! love, I believe. I think Metal Sonic and Sage are the only people that love Eggman and Eggman does nottt see Metal as his child as much as Metal does. And it makes me fucking bonks, dog. She thinks she's comfortable and fine where she is because that's all she knows. But she sees Amy and she yearns for something that she doesn't have the ability to describe...An emptiness that Metal doesn't know how to fill. Someone show this robot the joys of spinning for the first time in a flowy skirt PLEASEEE I think it'd do wonders for her. Go listen to bridget from guilty gear strives theme rn
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junkosblunt · 1 year
psst!!! do you have any mukuro headcanons you'd be willing to spare? 👁️👁️👐
literally always. all i do is think about this bitch.
-mukuro is obsessed with military history, especially roman military history, and sometimes when junko is stressed out, she’ll rattle off facts about historical roman brutalities to calm her down.
-she used to play with army men as a kid, and she’d always set them all up into famous military battle formations.
-she’s a lesbian, but she’s closeted because she’s terrified that if junko finds out about her attraction to women, it will just become yet another reason why she’s nothing more than a disappointment. (obviously, junko already knows and doesn’t give a shit.)
-she used to sing in the shower as a child but stopped when she joined the fenrir because her showers always had to be quick and productive on base.
-she believes that deep down, junko loves her more than she loves despair. she thinks that if push came to shove, junko would choose her over despair. it’s only in her last moments of life that she realizes just how wrong she is. as she’s fading away from this world, she thinks to herself that if the spears don’t kill her, her broken heart will finish her off.
-mukuro is a very tidy person—always makes her bed (and junko’s) every morning, has her book shelf organized in alphabetical order, always puts everything away in its correct place, vacuums once a week, etc. she’s always on junko’s ass for getting crumbs on the carpet, which of course results in junko going out of her way to get as many crumbs on the carpet as possible.
-whenever she’s stressed, she goes to the shooting range. it’s the closest thing to therapy she has in her life.
-her favorite guns are named after famous roman generals.
-she never learned what love truly was or how to love/be loved during her childhood, so she associates love with sacrifice and being needed.
-her favorite country to visit is america because it’s the gun capital of the world. the first time she walked into a walmart she almost fell to her knees at the sight of all the guns she could just…buy.
-her preferred note taking style is cornell.
-she picks up on foreign languages very quickly and uses them frequently in her line of work.
-dogs hate her. she always jokes that it’s because they can sense what she sometimes does to their owners (murders them).
-she sticks to a very rigid schedule: 5am run every morning, 5:45am shower, 6:15am protein shake for breakfast, etc.
-mukuro doesn’t necessarily enjoy killing people per say, but it feels good to be great at something. murder is familiar, which is a comfort to her.
-loyalty is her love language.
-she hates speaking up in class because she doesn’t like being the center of attention or being looked at, so whenever she has a question about the lesson or needs to use the restroom/get a drink of water, she just stays silent and waits it out, even if she’s really uncomfortable. (honestly, i think she’s probably reluctant to admit to needing things in front of other people, even when the need in question is something every human being needs, like water or the toilet.)
-following that, sometimes mukuro feels more like a weapon than she does a human being.
-she spends a lot of time in her head, especially in her memories. she cherishes her happy memories with junko and every moment of kindness and laughter they’ve ever shared and relives them often. it’s how she’s able to endure the constant slew of insults and rejection from junko.
-she keeps a journal but it’s mostly just training logs. however, sometimes she’ll attempt to write one or two sentences about her emotions when she’s feeling especially lost or confused.
-instead of the endless boredom junko experiences, mukuro just feels this sort of bottomless abyss of emptiness inside. it’s like a black hole—that’s what she wrote in journal once.
-she’s a smart girl and gets pretty decent grades. surprisingly, her best subject in school is actually language arts/the humanities. (remember when her story was published in a military magazine when she was a child?)
-she’s more afraid of feeling things than she is of death itself.
-mukuro loves being a twin. junko is her other half, and nothing and nobody has ever or will ever be more important or dear to her than that. she views them as the same soul shared between two bodies, so it kind of bothers her sometimes when people point out their differences.
-tragically, if she could do it all over again, she’d do it all the same.
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eggedbellies · 1 year
Honestly being hunted by a female werewolf breeding sounds fun
Like your close friend has been acting odd ever since the last full moon,  a bit more... Dog-like? She's been sitting close to you,  snuggling with you,  using her head to get under your hand for pets.  I mean you both jokingly did this before for shits and giggles,  but now she likes it. Hell, she howled once when you were scratching her head and she became a tomato and hid her face in the pillow. 
But it's the next full moon,  and when you come to check on her it seems to run off to the forest,  with a note saying don't come after her. But being a true friend you dash after her,  finding her in an empty section of the forest,  directly looking at the bright moon. She's undressed completely, her clothes in a nice pile.  You're a bit embarrassed seeing that because the moonlight reflecting off her is making her even more pretty. You're about to call out for her,  but then she screams out in pain.  You see her morph,  fur growing,  size changing.  Claws come out,  tail form.  Her muzzle grows, and her breasts go up a size.  She's become massive,  well over 6 ft,  not to mention a strong ass body.  You quickly rush over to her,  asking her if she's okay,  but in her pain, all she can tell you is run,  run far away.  Pushing you away,  as the last of the transformation happens.  She towers over you, her bare chest surrounded by fur,  if only you weren't a sucker for boobs because you got a bit memorized.  She licks her claws and says one more time
You quickly dash,  trying to get away as far as possible,  and you can see her standing there, before running on all fours right towards you. 
You have to escape,  get safety,  you saw a cabin on the way here that could work.  But she's fast,  too fast.  You barely managed to get into the cabin, but it was a vain attempt, she was right behind you,  pinning you on the wooden floor.  Ready to be lunch.  But she uses her claws to rip off your pants,  and have the fun start~
You don't know how long the night went,  all you remember is waking up thirsty as hell,  with her,  now human with wolf ears,  by your side,  asleep, on the cabin bed. Cuddling her as she made adorable noises.  You wonder what the hell happened,  did you turn as well? 
But right now... All you feel is a need to love her like something deep in you tells you she's your mate... Or maybe that you've always loved her,  and this is you admitting your feelings. 
See female werewolves are vastly underappreciated in general imho but when I was younger and on the BE Adventure thingy I ended up in this massive branching story about a group of lesbian werewolves, who, when infected, turn anyone into a woman who came into contact with their fluids and that has stuck with me all my life lmao.
This is a great concept nonny and well written too! Thank you for this :>
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enbysiriusblack · 8 months
trying to describe the dorlene dynamic to someone new to the marauders fandom but i can't quite get it. i need your professional opinion
i'm totally a professional in dorlene. i shall try.
gryffindor blonde butch lesbian who's obsessed with quidditch (+ rock music + carpentry) and a sytherin black butch lesbian who's even more obsessed with quidditch. they share classes. they're on enemy sport teams. they're hooking up with each other's friends. and they're just so competitive, they create a rivalry so extreme and so queer. each class they share is staring at each other in spite and trying to work harder in. each quidditch competition, they circle each other and focus practically solely on only each other that the rest of their teams get pissed off. they pull each other away from dates by the mere opportune to win against each other at a board game. they start making out in changing rooms and empty dorms and hallways. they boast to each other so much when one of them beats the other. marlene plays in a little band with friends. dorcas watches the entire set with their eyes firmly on marlene. dorcas becomes captain of the slytherin quidditch team and bosses the teammates about. marlene watches each practice under the guise of 'spying'. they think the world revolves around each other. marlene asks dorcas out by kicking a football at their head. dorcas immediately says yes then kicks the football back at marlene's head. marlene makes broomsticks for dorcas. they live in a little cottage in ireland together with some dogs. they got engaged even though they couldn't legally get married. marlene was going to tell her family she was gay and engaged to dorcas when her and her family were killed. dorcas saw visions of marlene after she died. dorcas went on a killing rampage to get revenge for marlene and realised they couldn't live without her. they're orpheus and eurydice. beatrice and benedick. achilles and patroclus.
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innytoes · 7 months
Chaotic Prompts II: Electric Boogaloo
It fucken wimdy
What do you mean, the raccoon stole the ring you planned to propose with?
I am straight up not having a good time right now
Come here you little gremlin
I am being so normal about this
Should I even ask or should I just assume the answer to your current predicament is 'I'm stupid'?
Excuse me, I'm not done saying hi to your dog yet
When I said 'be gay do crime' I did not mean this
Stop flirting with yourself in the mirror
It's a trash can, not a trash can't
Okay but serious question: What's your favourite dinosaur?
Get down from there
Oh, you're being gay. Good job, carry on
My tummy hurts but I'm being so brave about it
I got you Oreos as a peace offering
I came out to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now
I am a pretty, pretty princess, thank you for noticing
Oh no you activated their Mom Friend Mode
So basically your roommate is a cat?
Okay so I can explain
Why is your arm stuck in the vending machine?
Let's go, lesbians!
I can't believe our first date ended up in the emergency room
Hi Hungry, I'm dad
You bought him a cake that said 'nice ass, bro'
How am I supposed to Kiss Kiss, Fall In Love in these conditions?
You know, because of colour theory
If I were an alien I'd abduct you first
You could if you weren't a fucking coward
No thoughts, head empty
Please don't ever refer to yourself as that again
I feel like you're not taking this powerpoint presentation about why you should date me very seriously.
I'm just a silly little guy
The last thing you ate is what we have to name him... um, okay maybe not that.
I am a grown-ass adult and if I want to spend my hard-earned money on this I will!
Weird flex but okay
Fire solves all problems
What would your rather find living in your attic? 1000 roaches or one person?
I'm too pretty to be dealing with this
The house is burning, and you can save the cake, or me, what do you choose? / That's not fair, the cake doesn't have legs.
Have you no shame?
You are the yee to my haw
In my defence the five year old started it
So hear me out... we kidnap him...
I'm sorry I can't keep making out if your cat keeps staring at us like that
Kissing the homies goodnight
I'd beat up Satan for you
Eff this, I should be at the club
Eff this, I should be at Build-a-Bear
How are you going to gaslight gatekeep girlboss your way out of this?
You may not believe in mothman, but mothman believes in you
I am so totally chill right now
At the next inconvenience I will start biting people
They smell like sparkles and sunshine and I want to kiss their stupid face so bad
I'm sorry you broke your arm how?
We take stuffed animals very seriously in this house
Yeah that sounds like a you problem
Do you need a hug? You just seem very upset over the shape of these potatoes
Mistakes were made
I'm not like other girls. I'm worse.
They cut your grilled cheese into triangles, that means they're in love with you, bro
Is this a mid-life crisis because if it is I'm a bit worried about your lifespan.
Just because you can buy a box of five hundred tiny plastic meerkats does not mean you should.
Aww, it's baby's first war crime.
I don't think pancakes are going to fix this. I think I need ice cream too.
(For more chaotic prompts, part one is here.)
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lillia-flower · 9 months
Gin confesses
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Content Warnings: Girl x Girl/Lesbians
Synopsis: Takes place after Season 2, Ep 7 of Bungo Stray Dogs when Higuchi finds out that Gin is actually a girl
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Gin and Higuchi are in the port mafia base, in one of the empty offices, beacuse Gin asked Higuchi to meet her there after a mission.
Higuchi looks around the empty office for a second, then speaks up "Why did you want to meet me here?" Gin looks over at Higuchi nervously "Cause I need to tell you something important"
Higuchi looks curious and confused "You do?" Gin nods her head Higuchi thinks: 'What could she be wanting to tell me? Is it about aktugawa? Is it about work?'
Gin speaks up nervously as she avoids eye contact "Yeah, I do.." Higuchi finnally speaks up and expresses her thoughts "What is it? Is it about aktugawa or about the mission?"
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Meanwhile Kouyou and Chuuya are walking down the hall and both of them over hear Gin and Higuchi talking because Higuchi didn't shut the door fully when she came in
Kouyou looks over at the door "Oh? It seems they are having a private conversation" Chuuya looks at the door then at Kouyou "Yeah, they probably are"
Kouyou thinks for a moment, then speaks up "We shouldn't ease drop on their conversation" Chuuya nods in agreement "Yeah" Kouyou walks down the hallway with Chuuya as she's in deep thought
"Something on your mind?" Chuuya looks up at her as they walk "Yeah, I'm just wondering what they are talking about. Gin and Higuchi don't hangout with each other a lot" Kouyou looks back at Chuuya, then she looks foward
"True, Now you got me thinking about it" Chuuya groans "I didn't mean to, Chuuya" Kouyou looks at Chuuya with a apologetic look "It wouldn't hurt to listen in a little, right..?" Chuuya looks over at the door that's cracked a little open "...I don't think it would" Kouyou starts walking back over to the door with Chuuya
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Back with Gin and Higuchi, Gin looks at Higuchi's face and speaks up in a soft vocie "It's not about aktugawa or the mission.." Higuchi looks confused by the information she just received "Then what is so important that you need to say?"
"I.. I have.." Gin starts speaking quietly "You have what? Are you okay?" Higuchi speaks worriedly as she listens "No, I'm fine!" Gin says and it makes Higuchi sigh with relief
"..Wait- I intrupped you! I'm so sorry!" Higuchi says as she panics a little "No, no.. It's fine" Gin calms down Higuchi. Chuuya and Kouyou makes it to the door and listens in on Gin and Higuchi
Gin musters up the courage "I have a crush on you!" Higuchi pauses and proccess the information, then her faces heats up "W-what!?" Chuuya's mouth drops open in shock and Kouyou looks proud
"It's okay if you don't-" Gin starts to speak in a sad tone before getting intrupped by Higuchi "I like you to!" Higuchi then realizes she intrupped Gin again and goes even redder "Ah! I'm so sorry, I did it again"
...To be continued..
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{[ I hope you enjoyed it, the idea is all original. ]}
{[ Word Count: 492.. ]}
{[ Tags: @chuuyrr My favorite writer on tumblr ]}
{for chuuyrr: I'm a beginner writer and I want to know what I could do to improve this, I would love some feedback. If you don't want to, thats okay! You have made me want to get back into writing so thank you and I love all your works!}
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☆! lillia-flower made this !☆
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haikyuuwaifu · 2 years
Breakeven: The Script
Genre: Humor, Drama, Fluff
Warnings: Swearing
a/n: imagine that the xx-xx-xxxx is a specific date
Her best days will be some of my worst She finally met a man that's gonna put her first While I'm wide awake she's no trouble sleeping 'Cause when a heart breaks no it don't break even, even, no  
“Babe, it’s time to get up.” Y/n whispered, giggling as the man next to her only snuggled further into her chest. “It’s my day off brat.” Katsuki grunted, snuggling her close. “But I still have to work today.” she snorted, reaching out to run her fingers through his hair. “Call out sick.” Katsuki mumbled, his head snuggling into her bare breast. “I’m not going to call in sick just because you’re feeling frisky Suki.” she huffed, as the blonde made to nip at her skin. “But it’s my day off.” Katsuki whined, pouting cutely. “And I’m getting in the shower.” Y/n hummed, moving to slide out of their shared bed. “If you’re a good boy, you can even help me.” she called, throwing a towel at his face. The blonde let out a growl, as he gave chase to his giggling girlfriend. An hour later found Y/n standing at the front of her classroom, waiting for her students to file in. Katsuki had decided to spend the day at UA, wreaking havoc and aggravating the staff. Aizawa came inching into her classroom, eyes narrowed in annoyance. “Why didn’t you leave your dog home for the day?” He huffed, curling up at her feet in his sleeping bag. “It’s his day off pops, he’s got errands to run this afternoon and you know he likes to grocery shop together.” “It’s sickeningly domestic.” Aizawa blanched, rolling over to look out toward her empty room. “You’re students are late.” Y/n shook her head, settling her glasses on her face. “They’re not late. I told them to change into their costumes, as today is going to be a physical mock-exam.” Aizawa hummed, waiting for her to continue. “Toshi and Touya are here to play heroes versus villains.” She grinned, as her psuedo-father cackled.
“Suki, relax! It’s just your mom.” Y/n supplied, patting her boyfriends hand in reassurance. “I know, that’s the problem. The hag is a lot on a good fucking day. Auntie Inko is going to be there too, and I don’t know if she knew you and shithead were even together.” Y/n smiled softly, dropping a kiss to her boyfriends cheek. “If she doesn’t know then I’ll let her know. I’ll simply tell her things just didn’t work out.” At her statement, Shoto scoffed in the backseat, giving his brother Natsuo a solid elbow as the man barreled over to his side of the car. “It’s more than he deserves honestly.” “Stop elbowing me you little shit.” Natsuo hissed, as Keigo rolled his eyes in the way back seat of the car. The Bakugo’s were hosting a weekend getaway, and invited all of their friends and family. This invitation was also extended to Katsuki, his group of ragtag friends and his girlfriend. Bakugo had rented a 3 row SUV for the weekend, and Keigo negotiated not being in the same car as his boyfriend and his practical father-in-law for the 6 hour drive. Anyone with half a brain-cell knew how terrible of an idea it would be to ride in the same car as Enji and Touya, even on a good day. Next to Keigo, Momo sat, her chin in her palm. “What are you thinking so hard about ponytail?” Katsuki grumbled, making eye contact with her in the rearview mirror. “I think I want to give dating a try.” She supplied, effectively silencing all occupants in the vehicle. “It’s about fucking time!” Y/n shouted, as Natsuo made a show of flexing. “I know just who to set you up with!” he declared, as Shoto dug his elbow right into his brother’s eye. “She’s a lesbian you dipshit, and last time I checked, you hardly know any.” Momo let out a laugh as the brother’s started bickering, Keigo giving her an affectionate side hug, as Y/n sighed. “Don’t even worry about it ponytail, I’ve got just the person in mind for you.” Katsuki supplied, turning the radio up and effectively ending the conversation. 
As Katsuki pulled Y/n’s door open, she sighed, stepping out of the car to finally stretch her legs. Natsuo was on bag duty, and Keigo and Momo were talking quietly with Shoto. Behind them, Enji had pulled the car to a stop, stepping out and letting out a bout of flames. Shinsou came barreling out of the backseat, falling into his fiance’s arms. “Do not ever, stick me in a car with those idiot’s again!” He screeched, shaking his boyfriend slightly. “It’s a right of passage babe, you can’t escape it.” Keigo nodded sagely, coming up to wrap a wing around his fidgety boyfriend. “I had to do it when Touya and I got together, and it was as shitty as your experience.” He supplied, as Fuyumi crawled out of the back seat. Her boyfriend, Tai, stepped out as well, eyes wide in fear. “Surprised you made it in one piece fatty.” Bakugo teased, as the other man paled slightly. “I thought we weren’t gonna make it a handful of times the entire drive.” He whisper yelled, causing the blonde to cackle. Before Katsuki could say anything else, the door to the compound opened, and Eri came barreling toward them. “Finally! I’ve been waiting hours for you guys to get here!” She huffed, making a beeline for Katsuki. “I am your brother!” Shinsou hissed, crossing his arms to pout. “But Kachan’s my favorite!” Eri declared, giving the taller man a hug. “What’s it look like in there kid?” Even if Eri was now a teen, Bakugo would always and forever refer to her affectionately as kid. “It’s hectic already. Auntie Mitsuki and Auntie Inko have already gotten into it over the desserts, and then they ganged up on dad over how to set the table. Honestly, the only two that are level headed right now is Papa and Uncle Masa.” “And where’s that boyfriend of yours hm?” Y/n asked, giving her sister a sinister grin. “Y/n!” Eri screeched, covering her face as the men around them went  up in arms. “I’m here sensei!” A boy shouted, coming out of the house. Kouta was a tall gangly thing, still growing into his own. The men around them protested, arguing over who would give the shovel talk first. 
Kouta knew though, that the man he needed to get through to was the #2 hero staring him down. Bowing low, Kouta spoke. “I promise to support and care for Eri as long as she’ll have me. I know we’re just kids, but someday we’ll be adults and I swear I will always take care of her.” he declared, as the man scrutinized him. “What about her dreams to be the #1 hero?” He questioned, as Y/n buried her face in his shoulder to hid her smile. “I will support her in any way I can to ensure her dream becomes a reality.” Kouta shouted looking Katsuki in the eye. “Better make sure you do punk, or you’ll be answering to me.” Eri let out a squeal of excitment as she launched herself at her stunned boyfriend. Giving Katsuki’s hand a squeeze, Y/n made her way inside, patting Kouta on the cheek. “Good job kiddo.” She whispered, as the young couple followed her inside. Katsuki followed after them, nervous for the meeting between his two favorite women. 
Y/n let out a little hum, as she perused the aisle. Mitsuki’s birthday was coming up, and she wanted to find the perfect gift for the other woman. She recalled their first meeting, where she and Y/n had gotten into it over the best way to make curry. Y/n had won out, her boyfriend’s eyes shining with pride at her victory. Over the next number of months, Y/n and Mitsuki built the kind of relationship Y/n wished she’d had with her own mother. They texted, called, and went shopping together all the time. Katsuki would grumble, but she knew he was pleased that his mother adored her. And with Mitsuki came Inko. Funnily enough, Inko didn’t really make Y/n think of Izuku. During that weekend, Inko had taken Y/n aside and apologized profusely for the actions of her son. She’d been made aware of what had happened some months before, when Katsuki informed Mistuki of his budding relationship. Y/n refused to allow the woman to apologize and promised that she was in a much better place. Y/n was brought out of her thoughts by an annoyed scoff. “Figures I’d run into you here.” Uraraka sneered, glaring at Y/n. 
Y/n supplied the other woman with an easy going smile, giving her a slight nod. “It’s been a while Uravity.” She supplied, as the brunette snorted. “Obviously, I’ve been doing serious work, you know as a ranked hero.” She stated, a dig at the fact that Y/n was not one. “And taking care of my best friend since you broke his heart.” She hissed, as Y/n rolled her eyes. Uravity was the only one of Izuku’s friends that knew about their relationship. As his token “best friend” he felt it was right that she knew. “Not like it matters to you, since you’ve been flaunting your relationship with Bakugo all over the news.” Y/n only sighed, checking her watch. “Pleasant as always Uravity.” She supplied, opting to ignore the woman and leave. “You don’t get to walk away without an explanation!” She hissed reaching out to grab her. At her attempt, Uraraka found herself bouncing back, and falling over. “I’m not comfortable with others touching my person Uravity, even if you’re a hero you are not an exception.” Y/n supplied looking over at the other woman. “I don’t owe you any sort of explanation. We are not friends and we’ve never been friends. You are simply the woman that wanted my boyfriend. Now that Izuku is no longer my boyfriend he’s free to be yours.” She declared, as the hero moved to stand. A small crowd was forming, as Uravity touched her fingers together. “You never deserved Izuku.” She hissed, glaring at the other woman. “Izuku never deserved her.” Inko scoffed, making her way through the crowd. “And I don’t appreciate you talking to my friend like that.” She hissed, wrapping her arm in Y/n’s. “Sorry I’m late dear, Yagi was being extra needy this morning.” She huffed, rolling her eyes. Y/n let out a snicker giving the older woman a wink. “Blondes” She teased good naturedly. “Suki made me promise to bring home spicy ramen for his troubles.” “Midoriya-san, what are you doing with her?” Uraraka asked, voice laden with shock. “She’s my friend, and my best friends birthday is coming up, so we’re looking for presents. What I do isn’t really any of your business.” Inko replied. The crowd whispered amongst themselves, as a teens stepped forward. “What are you doing to Y/n-sensei!” they shouted, pointing an accusatory finger at Uraraka. “I didn’t do anything!” She defended, glaring at the child. “Isn’t that dynamight’s girlfriend?” Someone else questioned, as the mumbling grew louder. “If that’s dynamights girlfriend, then what does uravitity think she’s doing trying to harass her.” Someone else mumbled as Uraraka looked around frantically. Y/n and Inko were having a separate converstaion, as Uraraka looked for some support. The crowd continued mumbling, glaring at her. Security made their way over, standing in front of her. “I’m afraid you’re going to have to leave no ma’am.” He stated looking down at the hero. “On what grounds?” Uraraka hissed, floating above the guard. “You’re causing a disturbance to other shoppers here, and harassing the girlfriend of the #2 hero.” he stated, as the crowd started yelling at her. “leave her alone!” “Get out of here Uravity!’ Some shouted, as the woman looked around. Inko tsked’ looking at her son’s friend. “I’d say it was nice seeing you, but you’ve always been a bit too fake to pull of the cheerful friendliness.” She supplied, as she and Y/n turned to leave. “See you around, Uravity!” Y/n called, as the two women left. Leaving the floating hero, seething with rage. 
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‘Cause, Baby, This Ain’t Like the Movies || Ronance One-Shot || 2443 Words
(inspired by “Movies” by Conan Gray, requested by @avocadosockz )
Robin laid her forehead against Nancy’s, the softest of smiles dancing on her freckled face. The music in the background was soft and sweet, something she didn’t recognize, but the perfect tempo to sway to, standing too close, breathing each other in.
It was nighttime. Crickets chirped and the grass was soft. The sky was lit by sparkling stars, a lovely painting of light and dark. A diamond lined tapestry.
Robin opened her eyes, stormy gray skies meeting the darkest ocean blue of Nancy’s gaze. She traced Nancy’s jawline, then pressed her hand to the girl’s blush dusted cheek. This night was perfect. Nancy was perfect. It was too perfect. A scene from a movie that Robin held dear to her heart.
The smaller girl smiled, stopping her gentle sway to stand on tiptoes and press a soft kiss to Robin’s lips. Robin pulled her closer, intoxicated by the other woman. She tasted so sweet. So, so bittersweet.
Robin’s eyes fluttered open to a dark bedroom and the empty spot on the bed beside her. The sheets were still messy, still smelled of lavender and vanilla mingling with Robin’s own honey and sandalwood from when she and Nancy had been tangled together just hours before.
Of course, Nancy was gone now. She called it a one time thing, a fluke, an accident. A mistake, though she didn’t say it out loud. Robin knew what she meant. Her heart ached as she turned over, facing away from the cold, empty side of the bed. She should have known better. She was a lesbian in small town Indiana in the 80s. She wasn’t going to get her movie romance. Especially not with Nancy Wheeler.
She closed her eyes and tried to remember the way the girl tasted as they kissed under the stars in her dreams.
The music was too loud. It was thrumming through the whole house, practically vibrating in Robin’s skull. The air smelled of alcohol and there were far too many people to be even remotely comfortable. Robin’s heart was pounding as she tried to hide how overwhelmed she was.
Why Robin agreed to be here was beyond her.
Actually, it wasn’t. That was a lie.
It was because Nancy had asked, and Robin was still hopelessly pining after the girl, still dreaming of her touch, the softness of her pink lips, her stupid lavender shampoo.
Lavender shampoo that seemed permanently stuck to her clothes anymore as she followed Nancy like a lost dog, sat next to her by the pool at this stupid party, tried to ignore the girl’s hand on her knee. This touch wasn’t soft. It was painful and ugly, and it burned. Nancy was touchy when she was drunk, and Robin didn’t have the heart to push her away. The brunette slumped against her now, head on Robin’s shoulder as she hummed to the music.
“I like you, Buckley,” the girl slurred, pressing her nose into the crook of the freckled girl’s neck. Robin laughed, something shaky and sad.
“I like you too, Wheeler,” she murmured, hoping the waver of her voice didn’t give away the painful truth of the words. Still, she pressed a soft kiss to Nancy’s forehead, something gentle—something that could be read as completely platonic. Platonic with a capital fucking P. Nancy took her hand and squeezed it, her smile faltering.
“I wish you were a boy,” she mumbled, the words barely audible and filled with terror, sending a cold spike of ice down Robin’s spine. She pulled Nancy close, wrapping the girl in a tight embrace as tears rolled down Nancy’s face.
“I’m sorry,” Robin whispered, and she was. She knew. She knew exactly what this felt like. She distinctly remembered having the same moment years ago at summer camp when she finally realized she was different. She spent many a night crying because she was different, because the person she wanted so badly to hold wasn’t right—wasn’t a boy. “I’m so sorry, Nance.”
Robin looked up at the sky, admiring for a moment the soft white pinpricks of the stars, a beautiful tapestry of diamonds against velvet black. It wasn’t too unlike the sky in her dreams. It felt like a mockery now.
Robin had Steve drive them home and she tucked Nancy into bed. She brushed the sleeping girl’s curls from her face and whispered a soft goodnight before she left, wanting nothing more than to crawl into the bed and hold Nancy through the night.
Nancy distanced herself from Robin after the party. It hurt more than Robin could express. It felt like a breakup, though she knew their weird, tense back and forth was never a true relationship. One shared night and a number of touches behind closed doors were not love. She found herself again wishing for her movie romance.
Steve could see how badly it was affecting Robin. They spent a number of nights in their new apartment sharing an ice cream tub and sobbing together over sad movies. Honestly Robin couldn’t ask for a better friend. She leaned against his shoulder now, sighing. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
A knock at the door startled them both. Steve glanced at Robin, but she only shrugged, then climbed over him to answer it.
Of course the universe must be playing cruel tricks on her, because standing in the doorway, eyes red and puffy, tears streaked down her cheeks was none other than Nancy Wheeler.
The girl stared at Robin for a moment, then her gaze flickered to Steve, their matching flannel pajamas and the ice cream tub on the coffee table—two spoons.
“O-oh,” she stammered, stepping back. She looked stricken, almost angry. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt—“
Robin flashed a panicked look at Steve, then stepped into the hallway, closing the door behind her. She tilted her head at Nancy.
“You didn’t interrupt anything,” she said. The words came out a little harsher than intended—she was sick of having to explain her and Steve’s relationship—and Nancy���s gaze only hardened in return. She crossed her arms and gave her patented Wheeler scowl.
“So I didn’t interrupt your date?” Nancy snapped, eyes glittering coldly. Robin stared at her, slack jawed.
“Nancy, I told you—“
“It doesn’t matter,” Nancy growled. She stepped back, her arms tightening around herself. The tears were falling freely again. Robin was fighting a desperate inner battle. She wanted to scream, to make Nancy understand how it felt for the girl to continue toying with her heart, how her leaving had been the last straw, ripping a bleeding hole in her chest that Robin didn’t know how to patch. She wanted to pull Nancy in, to kiss her forehead, to hold her tight and provide as much comfort as she could until Nancy felt better.
“It does matter,” she managed to say, the words sounding strangled. “It does matter to you, and I don’t understand why.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Nancy asked bitterly.
“Nance,” Robin choked out, fingernails digging into her palms as she tried to quell the raging storm of emotions in her chest—no doubt reflected in her eyes. She was never good at keeping her emotions hidden. “Don’t do this to me.”
“Do what?”
“Pretend you give a shit.”
The words slipped out without thought and Nancy recoiled like she’d been slapped. She stared at Robin in shock, but Robin couldn’t stop the words from spilling from her mouth.
“What, we, we make out once? You let me take you to bed and then you leave, because it was a mistake? Because you’re confused and you used me as some sort of sick experiment?” she stammered, hating the way Nancy deflated visibly, despite the defiant look in her eyes. “You never liked me. You used me. Why don’t you run back to Jonathan?”
Venom dripped from the words in a way that Robin didn’t know she was capable of. They cut like knives, slicing Nancy open, leaving her bare, beating heart exposed. Robin wanted to cradle it softly, to apologize, to stitch Nancy back together, but she turned away instead. Maybe in her movie romance, they could have fixed this.
“Jonathan and I broke up.”
At this, Robin froze. When she turned back, Nancy was hugging herself, her chest heaving as she fought back tears.
“Ah, shit,” Robin muttered. She wasn’t strong enough to go back inside alone. Instead she pulled Nancy close and rubbed her back, firm, slow circles across her shoulder blades in the way she knew the girl found most soothing.
Robin brought Nancy inside, and when Steve opened his mouth to ask why, she simply shot him a look and went to the kitchen to get a third spoon.
Nancy fell asleep against Robin’s chest on the couch that evening, and Robin didn’t have it in her to leave the girl alone.
After that, things got tentatively better. Nancy started hanging around more, and she even invited Robin over a few times. It was a bandaid over a canyon of a wound, but it was a start.
Robin could almost believe Nancy wanted her in the way they grew closer again, sharing beds and secrets like little kids. Robin’s dream still tormented her, and she awoke again and again from her perfect kiss to stare at Nancy’s sleeping face, her heart aching at the thought of things she couldn’t have.
It was a stormy evening. The rain was fierce against the roof of the house and the wind howled like an animal, but inside, it was peaceful. They were doing homework in Nancy’s bedroom when the phone rang. Robin ignored it at first, but she couldn’t help the pang in her chest when Nancy greeted the person on the other side of the line.
“Hey, Jon!” Robin chanced a glance up, watching the way Nancy grinned, the way she twirled the phone cord, the affection in her voice, it made Robin’s stomach turn.
“I need to get home,” Robin rasped suddenly. She stuffed her notebook in her backpack and left the room before Nancy had a chance to argue.
Robin ignored Karen—though that she felt guilty about—as she stormed down the stairs and out the front door. She realized too late that she had forgotten her raincoat, but she wasn’t going back. She grabbed her bike, only to hear Nancy calling from the porch.
“Robin!” the saccharine sweetness of the way she said Robin’s name pulled a desperate, choking sob from Robin’s chest. “Where are you going?”
Robin chanced a look over her shoulder, seeing Nancy with Robin’s yellow raincoat tucked over her arms, a confused, broken expression on her face, brows knit together with concern. Thunder and lightning crashed above them.
“I’m going home,” she managed.
“It’s not safe,” Nancy said. Robin could almost believe she cared.
“Why are you leaving?” Nancy asked, and god if Robin’s own hurt wasn’t reflected in those soft sapphire eyes.
“Nance, I—“ she began, but the words wouldn’t come. She bit back another sob, hoping the rain would mask her tears. “I can’t listen to you run back into Jonathan’s arms.”
Nancy frowned, hurt flashing across her face. She shook her head.
“That’s not why he called,” she said, and she sounded so deeply earnest. Robin wanted to believe her.
“I know you’re not over him. I’ve heard you guys talking in the middle of the night,” Robin whispered. “You’re still in love with him, aren’t you?”
If Robin’s eyes weren’t playing tricks, Nancy’s expression actually softened. The girl stepped out from the cover of the porch, placed a hand on Robin shoulder—she had the decency not to question when Robin flinched away from her.
“He’s the only one who was there when I—“ Nancy began, choking on her words. “When I got stuck there with that thing. He knows how to help me, when I have nightmares.”
“Oh.” Robin’s voice was soft, and she hated herself for making assumptions. Still, memories flashed in her mind. Nancy’s lips on hers, Nancy’s warm body beneath her, Nancy empty spot in the bed—
She wouldn’t let her heart be broken again. She still hadn’t healed from the first heartbreak.
“What do you want from me?” she asked, voice cracking.
Nancy stepped closer, placing a hand on Robin’s arm, her gaze unbearably soft and warm. Robin’s chest felt warm despite the way she shivered in the chilly rain.
“I had to figure a few things out,” Nancy murmured, her gaze dropping unmistakably to Robin’s lips. Robin was frozen in place, staring, waiting, hoping, god she was hoping. “And that was one of them. Jon helped me come to terms with… With what I wanted.”
“And?” Robin stammered, her voice breathy, shaken with cold. Nancy was beautiful, the way her wet curls framed her face. Her eyes seemed even more blue in the rainy night. “What did you figure out?”
Nancy took Robin’s t-shirt in her fist, pulling the girl down into a soft kiss. At first Robin was surprised, and Nancy began to pull away, but Robin pulled her back, deepening the contact. It was sweet and bitter and they were both shivering, but it was real and it was Robin’s and she could tell there was a difference—an intent in the way Nancy kissed her.
When they resurfaced for air, Robin stared at Nancy in awe.
“I want you,” the girl said simply, suddenly looking much smaller, a nervous shadow of her usual self. Robin took one hand, cupped Nancy’s cheek with the other, eyes soft as she turned the girl’s face upward to look at her.
“I want you too,” she whispered. Nancy smiled. “But I have to know this is real. This is really what you want? You’re sure?”
“I’m sure,” Nancy promised, placing her own hand over Robin’s. Her eyes seemed to sparkle as lightning flashed again, but the thunder was barely a rumble in Robin’s ear as she was sucked into ocean blue eyes, drowning in the emotion that raged there.
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”
They took it slow. Their first real date was at a drive in movie theatre, watching Top Gun in Nancy’s station wagon. They kissed as “Take My Breath Away” played in the background. It wasn’t their first kiss, or even their second. It wasn’t her favorite—nothing would top kissing Nancy Wheeler in the rain as Nancy finally confessed her feelings—but it was perfect nonetheless.
“I love you, birdie,” Nancy whispered after, her forehead pressed against Robin’s.
Robin glanced briefly outside, smiled at the twinkling diamond stars in the velvet black sky, knowing they’d never shine as bright as Nancy’s smile.
“I love you too, princess,” she whispered softly.
Somehow, some way, in small town Indiana in the 80s, Robin Buckley found her movie romance with Nancy Wheeler.
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ghosttotheparty · 1 year
stars and sand and leaves, pt III
also on ao3 // part I // part II
They go to Steve's the next day. Robin is grinning the whole drive, her legs bouncing in anticipation, and they're relieved to see Eddie's van in the driveway when they get there. Nancy prepares to knock, but Robin just swings the door open, kicking her shoes off toward a wall. They land in a pile of Steve's shoes and Eddie's boots.
"Hello!" she calls loudly, singing, and Steve shouts from the kitchen. Nancy smiles as she toes her shoes off and follows Robin.
"I'm making lunch," Eddie says when they walk in. He's at the stove, making something that Nancy can't see from where she's standing, wearing a frilly apron. Steve is emptying the dishwasher. "You want some?"
"Yes," Robin says, striding past him to Steve. "But first, why didn't you tell us?" She pushes him, but she's still grinning, and Eddie raises an eyebrow at them as Steve stumbles back, looking at her, wide-eyed.
"Why didn't I tell you..." he repeats, looking at her eyes, wide and shining, and glancing at Nancy, who suppresses a smile and raises her eyebrows. "...Did you guys talk?"
"Oh, we did more than talk, Steve," Robin says, and a laugh bursts out of him as he drops the cup he's holding (plastic, thankfully) and wraps his arms around her, lifting up triumphantly. She laughs.
Nancy goes to stand with Eddie, who's watching with his arms crossed contently, holding the spatula. She leans against the counter, watching fondly as Steve swings Robin in a circle, and Eddie uncrosses his arms, wrapping one around her shoulders. She leans against him.
"You kiss her?" Eddie asks.
She nods. Steve and Robin are talking now, excitedly smiling and giggling, and in this moment they look younger than they've looked in a long while. Steve looks over and beams at Nancy.
"...You guys fuck?" Eddie asks after a moment.
"Oh, yeah."
"When and where?"
"Approximately five minutes after I told her I liked her, and in the backseat of my car."
"Nancy Wheeler, you dog."
She snickers, and he squeezes her.
"Why didn't you just tell her I'm gay?" Robin is shouting, her arms still around Steve.
"Why didn't you just follow my fucking advice?" he says back. "I'm always right about this stuff, Robs."
Nancy can feel Eddie shaking as he laughs.
"You guys are together, aren't you?" she asks softly, glancing up and seeing how his eyes are shining. "You and Steve?"
"Yeah," he sighs. "Since, uh. Not long after Vecna."
"You kiss him?"
His smile grows, and he speaks softly.
"He kissed me."
He squeezes her again, and she rests her head on his shoulder for a moment before she asks, "What are you making for lunch?"
"Oh, fuck," he says sharply, pulling his arm away and spinning around to the stove. There's a sandwich in the pan. "I promised I wouldn't burn it."
He flips it over, and the bottom side is dark, smoking a little bit. He grimaces.
"This one'll be mine and he'll never know."
But a moment later, Steve calls, "Eddie, I smell smoke, did you burn something?"
"Uh-- I'm having a cigarette!"
They all sit at the table together to eat, and Eddie grins the whole time, fondly calling them a big ol' group of queers.
Robin stays at Nancy's house for the rest of the summer. She calls it lesbian privilege that Nancy's parents don't question it, even when they see Robin laying with her head in Nancy's head as they watch a movie in the living room. Robin helps Nancy go through what she's packing, what she wants to leave behind. Mike gets used to seeing her around after a week, treating her almost the same as Nancy, but he steals her coffee once and then gives it back after less than a minute after finding out how much sugar she takes in it. ("That's disgusting, Robin, it's way too sweet." "Your sister's way too sweet." "Oh... my god.") He starts knocking on Nancy's door before entering after walking in them making out.
Will stays over at their house almost as much as Robin. He doesn't spend the night nearly as much, but even when the other kids aren't over, while they're out doing other things, he and Mike are constantly together. Nancy comes home one day to find them putting dishes away while Karen cooks, giggling and stumbling over each other's feet as they try to navigate the small space. She finds them in the basement when she gets them for dinner, laying on the sofa and looking through some of Will's drawings. Another time, Robin comes into Nancy's room and says that Mike let her in, that he was sitting with Will as he painted at the kitchen counter.
Nancy pulls Mike aside one night, grabbing him by the arm and tugging him into the kitchen.
"Ow, what?" He tries to get his arm loose.
"You would have told me, right?" she says, looking at him, wide-eyed. "If you and Will were--"
"Shut the fuck up," he hisses, his eyes equally wide. "I haven't-- Yes, I would tell you, Jesus."
"Okay," she says, releasing him.
That night Nancy is laying in bed, Robin's head on her chest as she reads and Nancy plays with her hair, and there's a knock on the door.
The door cracks open, and Mike's voice says, "Are you both dressed?"
"Yes," Nancy sighs as Robin snickers quietly, lowering her book as Mike comes in, shutting the door behind himself, and he silently comes over and falls face-first on the bed next to them, groaning loudly.
"You okay?" Robin asks, shifting so she can look at him, and he groans again, louder, dramatically. He turns his head after a moment, his face squished against the bed, his hair covering him.
"How do I know when to tell him?"
"Tell who what?" Robin asks, her voice gentle, because she can tell how upset Mike is, and Nancy winces, running her fingers through her hair.
"You wanna tell Robin what's going on?" she asks Mike, seeing his eyes look at her through his hair. "She won't tell anyone."
Mike sighs, sending his hair flying, and he rolls onto his side, curling into a ball as he reaches to grab the stuffed rabbit that Steve gave Nancy on her birthday. He hugs it to his chest, hesitating.
"I like Will."
Robin's eyebrows fly up, and she starts to smile before she reaches out and ruffles his hair affectionately.
"When did you know when to tell Nancy?" he asks her, and she moves to rest her face on Nancy's stomach, looking at Mike.
"I didn't," she says. Nancy runs her fingers through her hair again, watching. "I didn't say anything until she told me she liked me, and then I immediately accidentally confessed my undying love for her."
Mike is smiling.
"'I love women,'" Nancy repeats, making Robin's cheeks flush. "'And I love you specifically--'"
"Shut up," Robin says, swatting at her with a stuffy, and Nancy giggles, taking it from her as Mike watches, amused.
"How'd you know when to tell her?" he asks Nancy.
"Uh." She sighs, looking at Robin as she thinks. Robin blinks up at her, smiling. "Just kinda knew. In the moment." She looks at Mike, who's listening intently, half his face covered by the rabbit, the other half covered with his hair. "It was scary as hell, but..."
"You'll know when to tell him, Mike," Robin says gently, reaching over and moving his hair out of his face. "The moment'll smack you right across the face."
His eyes squint under his smile.
He's quiet for a moment as Robin tucks his hair behind his ear.
"You know about... Eddie. And Steve. Right?"
Nancy hums affirmatively.
"Did Eddie tell you, like, how he told Steve?" he asks. "He didn't tell me."
Nancy shakes her head, looking down at Robin.
"He didn't tell me."
"Uh, he told me," Robin says, retracting her hand and hiding Nancy's waist. Her hand is warm. "But it's..."
Mike raises his eyebrows.
"Well, you know how Eddie is," she says. "Just, as a person."
"So he was hitting on Steve, like, as a joke, even before we beat Vecna, it was just a thing between them. And then apparently one night they were getting high, and Steve's a lightweight, so Eddie was just kinda looking after him while he was stoned, and Steve, like..." Mike is listening intently, unblinking as he looks at Robin. "Just... spilled to him. That he thought was hot and he was into him, and he wanted to, uhm. Kiss him."
"Uh-huh," Mike says, his nose wrinkled.
"But he was too high, so Eddie didn't let him, and he just made him drink some water and go to bed, and then the next day they talked and then he let Steve kiss him."
Mike sighs heavily, rolling onto his back and looking at the ceiling, the rabbit on his chest.
"Okay," he says. "Well Will and I don't do drugs like you guys, so--"
Nancy snorts.
"You make it sounds like crack, it's just weed, Mike."
"Then why won't you share?"
"Because you're a child."
He makes a face at the ceiling.
"Do you think... it's worse if I take a long time to tell him?" he asks. "Am I wasting time?"
"You have all the time you need, Mike," Robin says softly. "You don't need to rush it if you're not ready to tell him."
He sighs again.
He spends the night with them that night, curled up around the rabbit against Nancy's side. Nancy is going to miss this.
"No, you gotta... Mike, those lines aren't even parallel."
Will is giggling, leaning over to point at the sketchbook in Mike's lap.
"You said there's no wrong way to do art."
"There is when you're not doing what you said you wanted to. That looks nothing like the door."
"I'm doing my best," Mike insists, dropping his hand. He really is, but it's hard to focus when Will is sitting so close. They're on the floor, sitting against Mike's bed, facing the door. The door that's on the sketchbook, but that looks nothing like what they're looking at. The lines are messy and scratchy, and it doesn't even look like a door, and Mike wants to give up, but Will is giggling and happy.
"Loosen your grip on the pencil," Will instructs. "You're holding it too tightly, you should be sketching, not... that."
Will giggles again, looking away, and Mike takes the opportunity to gaze at him. His hair is ruffled, still a little damp from biking over in the rain. It's grown out a little bit, and hehe argued against a haircut when Joyce suggested it.
He's also wearing one of Mike's sweaters because his shirt got soaked on the way over. And Mike thinks he may be dying.
Will looks back at him, eyes shining with amusement, and Mike suppresses a smile, looking back at the sketchbook and loosening his grip on the pencil.
"Okay," he says. "Lighter grip. Sketching."
He tries. It doesn't really work. Will is still laughing, watching Mike struggle, and his shoulder bumps against Mike's. It jostles him a little bit, but he doesn't mind because Will is touching him.
"Okay," he says again after a while. "You show me, I can't draw."
He passes the sketchbook over to him. Their fingers brush.
Will looks at Mike's drawing for a moment, smiling like he's fond of it, before he flips the page and glances up at the door.
"Sketching," he says pointedly, drawing quick, simple dashes of graphite across the paper. Mike watches the door slowly appear on the paper, the pencil light and gentle, like the drawing is quiet. He listens to Will's quiet breaths, to the scratching of the pencil, to the tapping of the rain outside.
It was all worth it, he thinks. All the fights, all the fear. Worth it to have Will Byers sitting on his floor with him. Smiling.
"How the fuck is that even possible?" Mike asks, exasperated, throwing his head back into the bed, and Will laughs, setting the pencil down and holding the sketchbook up to look at it next to the door.
"'S just practice," he says lightly. "You know how long I've been drawing."
"Yeah, and you've always been better than me."
"Have you ever drawn often?"
"That's why."
Will snickers, setting the sketchbook down in his lap and looking at it happily, bringing his hands together and cracking his knuckles. Mike watches, mesmerized by his hands, but his expression morphs into horror as Will keeps going, twisting his fingers until every knuckle cracks, squeezing his thumbs in his fists until they pop. Will laughs when he sees Mike's expression.
"That's disgusting," Mike says, and Will laughs again.
"You wanna see the one that Jonathan hates the most?"
Will grins, pressing his palms together and lacing his fingers before he slides his thumb under the other, hooking it under the side of his hand, and he presses, pushing the joint until it cracks loudly, and Mike exclaims. Will laughs, switching hands and doing the same to the other thumb.
"What the hell is wrong with your hands?" Mike asks loudly, and Will just giggles. "Doesn't that hurt?"
"Not at all, no."
Mike stares, narrowing his eyes.
"Are you still possessed?"
Will snorts, elbowing him.
"Asshole." He looks at him. They're sitting so close. Mike could count his eyelashes. "It feels good."
"Want me to show you how? You can freak out Nancy."
"Yeah," Mike says, grinning.
Will demonstrates, holding his hands up, lacing his fingers again, and Mike copies, watching. Will slowly shows him where to put his thumb, like he's gripping it in the space between his index finger and thumb, and he squeezes.
"It's not gonna do it because I just did it, but it should work for you."
Mike tries tentatively, but it doesn't work.
"I'm gonna break my fucking hand," Mike says, and Will laughs.
"Your hand's not gonna break, Mike, just..." He demonstrates again. Mike tries again. Nothing.
"Oh my-- Give me your hand."
Mike's face flushes with heat as Will takes his hand, his arm slipping under Mike's like he's going to link their elbows, and he holds his breath as Will laces their fingers, and his hand is so warm, and his skin is soft. How is his skin so soft? He doesn't have calluses on his palms like Lucas does, and why is Mike thinking about Lucas right now when Will Byer is holding his fucking hand–
Mike shouts in alarm when his thumb cracks, because he forgot what they were doing, the whole reason Will took his hand, and Will cackles.
"You're sadistic," Mike says loudly.
"You're so loud."
"Of course I'm loud, it sounded like you broke my fucking hand--"
"Did it hurt?"
"Exactly. It sounded like it broke, but it didn't hurt." Will is beaming. He's almost glowing in the greyish light from the window, like the sky is cloudy and dark because the sun is right here in Mike's living room. "You're so dramatic."
"You're dramatic."
Will rolls his eyes. He pauses for a moment, and then he looks down, and oh, right, they're still holding hands. Mike follows his gaze, looking at where their fingers are laced, and Mike thinks their skin looks nice together. Will is a little more golden than Mike is, and there's some paint stained around his nails and on his knuckles, and Mike can feel his pulse between his fingers.
Will's thumb brushes over Mike's skin, and Mike realises they've both just been staring at their hands, like they're some mystery that needs to be solved.
"Sorry," Will says softly, and he's pulling his hand away, but Mike's hand tightens, pulling it back desperately.
"No, it's... it's okay."
Will's hand relaxes, and he presses it into Mike's again, and Mike exhales.
Will's thumb brushes over his skin so softly that Mike can't even tell if Will is aware that he's doing it, and it feels so good that Mike might cry. Mike can't look away from their hands, like he's trying to memorize it in case it never happens again, and Will lets his head fall back to the bed, sighing, and they're just... holding hands.
Mike looks at him, at the side of his face. He's looking at the ceiling, his expression relaxed like he might fall asleep. And Mike needs him to know.
He remembers what Robin said a few weeks ago. That the right moment would smack him in the face. He feels smacked.
"Will," he whispers after a few moments of internal preparation. His heart is beating so fast he can't even feel it. He might have a heart attack. (What a headline: Boy, 15, Dies of Heart Attack While Holding Friend's Hand.)
Mike hesitates, biting his lip, looking at their hands, and when he speaks, his voice is softer than it's ever been, almost silent.
"I love you."
In his peripheral he sees Will look at him, but he can't move. He knows that wasn't clear, so he restates, furrowing his brows and wincing like it's painful.
"I'm... in love. With you."
Will is quiet.
And then his hand jerks out of Mike's, startling him, and he snaps, "Don't fuck with me, Mike, that's not funny."
Mike's blood runs cold, and he feels like's suddenly in the downpour outside. His hands are shaking, and Will sits up, moving away from Mike, which just makes him feel colder. He's never heard Will say fuck before. It's jarring, that word in his mouth.
"I'm not..."
Will glares at him. His eyes are gleaming, and he looks... disgusted.
Mike's eyes burn, and his lip quivers.
"I'm not fucking with you," he says weakly. He takes a sharp breath, but he can't inhale all the way, like his throat is blocking his lungs. "I'm-- I'm sorry, Will, I'm just..." His blood is rushing in his ears, and he might be hyperventilating, but he can't really tell. He doesn't feel like he's in his body. Can't feel the ground beneath him or the bed on his back. "I'm in love with you, I'm sorry."
Will stares at him, and Mike's vision is blurring, but even through his own tears he sees that Will's eyes are watery.
"You're serious?" Will whispers. His voice breaks. Mike nods, blinking tears out of his eyes. His whole body hurts, like his skin burns, like there's this ache in every cell inside him that he can't get rid of.
He apologizes again, chokes the words out, squeezing his eyes shut.
"Mike," Will breathes. Mike shakes his head, lowering his head like he's hiding, because he's ruining it all. Everything. Ten fucking years, all gone because Mike's heart ached in a way it wasn't supposed to. It isn't okay like Eddie said it was. Like Nancy said it was.
"Mike, please..."
A low sob wracks Mike's shoulders, and he squeezes his eyes shut tighter.
And then Will's hand is touching his, just brushing over his knuckles so lightly it almost tickles, and he's siding his hand over Mike's, pulling at it. Mike blinks his eyes open, looking at their hands. He's trembling. So is Will.
Mike raises his gaze, meeting Will's eye, and Will is crying, tears streaming silently down his cheeks.
"Say it again," he whispers brokenly.
"...I love you."
Will swallows nervously, holding Mike's hand tightly, and before Mike can say or think anything else, Will is falling toward him, wrapping his arms around his neck tightly, and Mike has the sun in his arms again. He sobs, squeezing his eyes shut, and wraps his arms around Will's middle, holding him tightly.
Will holds him for a while, his face buried in Mike's hair, and their legs tangle on the floor in front of them.
"I'm sorry," Mike says again when his crying stops, but Will pulls back, murmuring, "No, Mike, it's..."
He stammers silently for a second, and then one of his hands finds Mike's cheek, touching him almost gingerly, like he's made of thin glass. Mike's breath catches in his throat.
"I..." Will's cheeks are red. That always happens when he cries, Mike notices, every time he has flashbacks or sees lights flicker, or the time he fell asleep outside and a bug crawled across the back of his neck. But Mike doesn't get why he's crying now. Why he looked so angry, so disgusted, and now he's touching Mike's face so softly.
"I love you too."
Mike's eyes lower to Will's lips like he's trying to find the words, and his brows furrow. His hands are still on Will's waist.
"I-- I love you," Will says, high voice high, because he's still crying. "I thought you were joking, I thought you-- I thought you were being mean, but if you..."
"I mean it," Mike assures him, nodding desperately, looking into his eyes, his hands gripping the sweater tightly, the knit bunching in his fingers. "I really-- I mean it."
Will exhales, his shoulders falling, and then he's laughing, closing his eyes, and even through his tears, even though he's more confused than he's ever been, Mike is smiling with him. Because Will is so fucking beautiful, smiling brightly, his cheeks glistening with fallen tears. He looks like one of those paintings Mike's seen in Will's art books, those paintings that are studied and almost worshipped, painted by the best, hung on walls in museums in golden frames.
"Oh my god," Will laughs, his hand still holding the side of Mike's face. "Is this real?" he asks breathily, opening his eyes.
"Yes," Mike gasps. "Do you..."
"Holy shit," Will breathes, his eyes scanning over Mike's face like he's still trying to figure out if it's real or not. "You really like me too?"
Somehow like hits even harder. Smacks Mike across the face.
"Yeah," he breathes, nodding, and his eyes sting again. "I really like you."
"You like boys?" Will asks, his voice hushed, weak, helpless. Mike looks at him, at his glassy eyes, his rosy cheeks, and he nods.
Will's face crumbles, and his hands loosen on Mike's face to slide over his neck, and then he's hugging him again, his strong arms around Mike's neck, and Mike melts against him.
"I thought you were mad," he says weakly into Will's neck. "I thought you were disgusted, Will, I'm--"
Will's arms tighten, and Mike hears him gasp for breath.
"I'm not, I just-- I just thought you were being mean."
"I wouldn't do that," Mike says desperately, pulling away and reaching up to hold Will's face. "I wouldn't be mean to you, I'm sorry."
Will exhales shakily, closing his eyes, turning his face into Mike's palm. Mike hesitates, his heart still pounding, and he leans in, pressing their foreheads together as they breathe.
Will's hands slowly slide to Mike's neck, holding him gently. His palms are warm, warmer than his fingertips. So soft. (His face is soft too. Mike kind of just doesn't want to let go of him. Wants to stay here forever, holding him.)
Their noses brush together, and holy fuck, Mike is about to kiss a boy.
Mike is about to kiss Will fucking Byers.
"Is this okay?" he murmurs.
"Yes," Will breathes.
Mike takes a deep breath, suppressing a smile, and then he kisses him. It's a slow, lingering kiss, just the press of his lips to Will's, and Will inhales, his fingers shifting on Mike's neck, pressing into his hair. Mike tilts his head, holding his face tighter, squishing his cheeks, and Will lets out a soft noise, pressing closer.
When they part, Will leans forward, trying to catch his lips again before his eyes flutter open, and he looks like he might cry again. His cheeks are pink.
Mike pulls him into a hug. Will shudders, taking a deep breath, his arms tight around him, and Mike smiles, squeezing his eyes shut, listening to Will breathe, to the fall of the rain outside.
"I love you," he murmurs. "I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you."
Will's arms tighten around him.
"God, I love you too, Mike." He presses his face into Mike's neck. "Can I have another kiss?"
Mike's smile grows, and he pulls back, leaning in to kiss him. Will tilts his head, shifting so their legs tangle again, moving closer until their chests almost press, and it's like Mike can practically feel the heat radiating from him. (He remembers how cold felt when he came back that first year, when he was in the hospital. And how cold he needed to be when he was possessed. The heat is welcome, a comfort. Mike would let him burn him if it meant he could keep him close.)
They kiss almost lazily, slow and careful, holding each other close, and they lean against the bed together. Mike winds an arm around Will's neck, pushing his hand into his hair, and Will's arm finds Mike's waist, tugging at the fabric of his shirt, making him shift closer. Mike runs his other hand down Will's arm, over the knit of the sweater he's wearing, until he finds his hand that's resting on Mike's hip. Their fingers twist together.
Mike's lips spread into a broad grin, and Will pulls away, looking at him for a moment before he starts giggling. Mike's chest feels warm. He squeezes Will's hand tightly, kissing him again, but they're barely even kissing anymore, just giggling breathily against each other's mouths, until Will presses a hand against the small of his back, pulling, and he kisses him hard, still smiling.
His fingers tighten on Mike's, squeezing and loosening and squeezing again, and Mike runs his fingers through his hair. He's glad it's longer now.
Will's lips part after a lingering kiss, and he exhales, and Mike kisses him again, biting his lower lip tentatively, and Will's hand presses to his back harder, and their fingers tighten, and--
The door swings open, and they jump apart, startled as Nancy sticks her head in.
"Hey, I'm going to meet Robin at..."
She blinks at them, registering the way their legs are overlapped, the way Mike's arm is around Will's neck, they way they both look alarmed. Her eyes fall to their hands, still linked on Mike's leg, and Will snatches his hand away, taking a sharp breath. Nancy starts to smile, looking at Mike with wide eyes, but he reaches over, grabbing a pillow from where it's fallen off the bed, and he throws it at her.
"Go away!"
"Sorry, sorry, sorry!"
She leaves and shuts the door, but he knows she's grinning to herself. Mike exhales, relaxing against the bed and looking at Will, but Will is staring at the door, eyes wide, his hands now tangled in his own lap, fingers twisting anxiously. He's breathing shallowly, and Mike runs his fingers through his hair again, leaning closer.
"She isn't gonna tell anyone," he says gently, and Will looks at him, inhaling.
"Are you sure?" he asks weakly. Mike hesitates.
"Do you want me to-- to go make sure?" he asks. "I can catch her before she leaves, tell her not to."
Will hesitates, taking another breath, then nods weakly. Mike nods back, saying a soft, "Okay," before he leans in to kiss him quickly.
He runs after Nancy, leaving Will in his room. He almost slips down the stairs but catches himself on the handrail, remembering why he wasn't allowed to run in the house when he was younger (technically he still isn't but he doesn't really care). She's fixing the mirror in her car when he gets outside, and he runs to her door, hitting her window. She makes a face at him, but her voice is muffled when she asks what the hell he's doing, and he realises it's still pouring rain, and his socks are wet from the driveway, and his hair is getting soaked.
He gets in the passenger seat to talk to her.
"You won't tell anyone, right?" he asks frantically. She stares at him, wide-eyed.
"No," she says softly. "Of course not."
"Okay, just... Will got really anxious, and I don't think anyone, like, knows about him, and I don't think he's ready for people to know, so..."
"I'm not gonna tell anyone, Mikey, it's not my business."
He exhales.
He hesitates before holding his hand up.
"Pinky promise?"
She scoffs and hooks her pinky with his.
"Not even Robin?"
"Not even Robin. Will doesn't want anyone to know, I won't tell anyone, okay?"
"Okay." He exhales, nodding.
"What happened?" she asks, poking him. He shrugs, suppressing a smile.
"The moment... smacked me across the face," he says. "And then he thought I was messing with him and I thought he was, like, grossed out, and it was really confusing for a minute, but..." He looks at her, shrugging. "It worked out."
She beams, poking his face teasingly, and he swats her hand away, blushing.
"Okay, we can talk later," she says. "Go back to your boy, you just left him all alone."
He blushes more, reaching out and hitting her face as a goodbye, snickering as she recoils and says his name.
Will is still sitting on the floor when he gets back, his knees drawn to his chest, head on his knees. Mike pauses in the doorway, looking at how his shoulders are rising up and down with each steady, intentional breath.
"Hey," Mike says gently. Will lifts his head, still visibly anxious, but confusion flashes across his face as he looks Mike up and down, followed by amusement as Mike says, "Oh, I forgot it's still raining."
"You're soaked," Will says, laughing quietly, relaxing.
"Yeah, I got the seat in Nancy's car soaked too," Mike says, smiling. Will's hair is still touseled from Mike's hand. It looks good.
"She won't tell, right?" Will asks as Mike goes to his closet, grabbing a towel and drying his hair quickly.
"Nope," he says, dropping the towel to the ground and peeling off his uncomfortably soaked socks before he steps on the towel to dry his feet. "I made her pinky promise."
Will smiles. He watches Mike pick up the towel and his sicks, tossing them into the pile of dirty laundry by the closet, watches him pull off his shirt and grab a hoodie, pulling it on and messing up his hair.
He joins him on the floor again, sitting heavily with a sigh, letting his legs stretch out in front of himself. His sweatpants are spotted with rain, but they aren't very wet, so he doesn't bother changing them. Will is quiet.
"So..." Mike says, running his hands up and down his legs.
Will looks at him.
He doesn't say anything, instead moving closer and resting his head on Mike's shoulder. Mike's insides light up. He squeezes his eyes shut and grins as Will leans against him, curling up and hugging Mike's arm to himself.
"How long have you liked me?" Will asks quietly, sliding a hand to Mike's and lacing their fingers.
"Uhm..." Mike sighs. "I think... I think I always have," he says softly."I just... had no clue."
"When'd you realize?" Will whispers.
Mike pauses.
"California," he whispers. "In the van, when you... when you gave me the painting. I kind of realised that, like, what I felt for you was just... more than what I've ever felt for any girl. 'S why I couldn't say it to El, because I-- I do love her, just not... how I thought I did. Kinda fucked me up, but when I, like, accepted I just..." He sighs, shrugging with the shoulder that Will isn't laying on even though he can't see it. "'S nice."
Will hugs his arm tighter, pressing his face to Mike's shoulder, and Mike reaches over his lap to pull at Wll's leg. Will sets his legs over Mike's lap.
"How long have you liked me?" Mike asks, setting his hand on one of Will's knees.
"Always have," Will murmurs. Mike closes his eyes, taking a breath, and Will's hand tightens on his.
"How long have you known?"
"...Fifth grade."
Mike's eyes open, and he looks down at him even though he can't see him. His stomach flutters.
"Seriously?" he asks weakly. Will nods. Mike's eyes burn, and he lets his head fall to the bed as his lip quivers. He swallows, guilt and shame and years of repression running through his veins. Will seems to notice it, like he can feel it in his hand, and he squeezes, murmuring, "It's okay."
"I'm sorry it took me so long," Mike says, almost choking the words out. Will moves, shifting closer and closer until he's sitting between Mike's legs, hugging him, and Mike wraps his arms around him tightly, hiding his face in Will's neck.
"It's okay," Will says again. "I kind of... Like. Was cool with never acknowledging it. Because I thought there was no way that you'd like me back. And I just... I don't know." He's whispering now, his mouth just over Mike's ear. "Wanted you in my life. However I could keep you."
A whimper escapes Mike, and he's crying again as Will holds him, touching his damp hair.
"I'm sorry," Mike chokes, because he is. He's so sorry, it's pathetic. Because he didn't even know he liked Will for years, and he dated the girl that became Will's sister right in front of him while the whole time they were in love, and if Mike had just known, if he'd just noticed the way his heart beats differently when he's around him, if he'd just--
"Mikey," Will whispers, shifting to press their foreheads together. "You didn't do anything wrong."
"I wasted so much time," he says weakly.
Will smiles, shaking his head and holding Mike's face in his hands.
"We're fifteen," he whispers. "We have so much time." He hesitates then leans in and kisses Mike gently. Mike closes his eyes, feeling Will's lips press to his, lingering, and he feels like he's spinning. Will touches his face when he pulls away, tracing his jaw and the freckles on his cheeks. "We have our whole lives."
Mike kisses him again, still crying, reaching to hold his neck, and Will kisses him back, holding his face, still so, so warm.
Will wipes his tears with the sleeves of the sweater, and then he kisses him again.
"You're really pretty," Will whispers against his lips, and Mike's face flushes with heat. Her looks away, suppressing a smile as his stomach flutters.
"Stop," he says half-heartedly, but Will grabs his face, forcing him to meet his eyes.
"You're pretty," he says firmly.
Mike thinks his face must be red, but he can't look away from Will's shining eyes.
"You are too," he says softly.
Will kisses him.
They stay on the floor for a while, kissing and holding each other and crying again just because they don't know what else to do with how overwhelmed they are. Will tucks his face into Mike's neck after a while, just laying against his shoulder and sighing.
"I'm so happy right now," he whispers.
Mike tightens his arms around him.
"Me too."
He closes his eyes while they talk, listening to Will breathe, feeling his breath on his neck, and he reaches down to hold his hand, twisting their fingers together.
"Should we tell people?" Will asks softly.
"Only if you want to."
Will sighs.
"I wanna tell Jonathan and Argyle," he says. "And El. Because they knew I liked you."
"Liked, past tense?"
"Shut up," Will says lightly. "You know what I mean." He presses a kiss to his jaw. "Who did you tell?"
"Nancy, Robin. Eddie. Steve." He pauses, thinking, remembering the night he whispered it to himself, said I love Will Byers out loud to himself. "My ceiling."
Will exhales sharply, laughing softly, squeezing his hand.
"Think your ceiling knows already."
Mike smiles, tilting his head back to look at it. It's an odd thought, that this ceiling has seen everything that's ever happened in here. Seen him grow, seen him cry and laugh. Seen him show El his toys, seen him pack the toys into give-away boxes. Seen him cry because he loves Will Byers. Seen him kiss him.
"He's been here through it all," he says, pretending to cry, and Will giggles into his neck.
"Should we just... tell the Party?" Will asks after a moment, still smiling. "So many people already know, I just..."
"If you want to," Mike says softly, pressing his hand into his hair again. It's so soft. Everything about Will is soft. Mike wanted to make sure he stays that way. Gentle.
"Okay," Will breathes.
He falls asleep there, his head on Mike's shoulder, playing with his fingers until his hand falls still, just cradling Mike's hand in his lap.
They tell the Party at the next movie night. El spends the whole time beaming, giggling as Max and Lucas yell things like WHAT? and WHEN? HOW?. Jonathan hugs them both. Eddie might get a little teary eyed, but Mike can’t tell if he’s being silly or not.
Afterwards, Steve throws a blanket at them to share, and Mike puts his arm around him happily, excited to be able to without worry, without having to feel embarrassed or ashamed for wanting to. And Will tucks himself into Mike’s side, laying on his chest and sighing as Mike plays with his hair. When he takes Mike’s other hand, Mike suppresses a grin, watching Will lace their fingers and adjust their thumbs, and he murmurs a soft, “I hate you,” just before Will presses and cracks the joint.
“No, you don’t,” Will whispers back.
Joyce is happy when they tell her. She hugs them both, holding them and swaying and telling them that she loves them. That nothing will change that. Mike cries.
Mike doesn’t know what to expect from Hopper, who watches the whole interaction from the sidelines, arms crossed, but when Joyce steps aside, Hopper approaches Mike and grabs his shoulders. They’re almost the same height now, but he’s still just as intimidating as he was when Mike had to look up at him. He waits for the shoe to drop, for Hopper to tell him he doesn’t want him dating his son, but Hopper’s voice is softer than he expects when he says, “You know you’ve always been a part of this family, right?”
And he can’t really help it when his eyes flood with tears and he crumbles into Hopper’s arms.
He spends that night in the Byers-Hoppers’ living room, laying against Will. He doesn’t see Hopper drape a blanket over their sleeping bodies, and he doesn’t see him smile.
Nancy leaves for college in early August.
She says goodbye to the Party in the basement. It’s oddly touching, how emotional everyone is saying goodbye. Dustin cries. She says goodbye to Holly just before leaving. She’s crying, telling Holly she’ll be back before she knows it, and that she has full access to her stuffies until then. That she loves her.
“More than all the stars and sand and leaves,” she says softly, and Holly nods, sniffling, her lip quivering as Nancy picks her up and holds her for a while longer.
Eddie takes her to the airport, driving her and her suitcases with Robin and Steve in his van, and Argyle and Jonathan follow in Argyle’s van with Will and Mike and El. It’s not too long a drive to the airport, just a few hours, and Mike spends most of it staring out the window, holding Will’s hand. Argyle has music playing, but Mike isn’t listening, and Will doesn’t try to talk to him except a gentle, “You okay?” after their first rest stop. (Mike just nods. Will kisses his forehead.)
Mike watches as Nancy hugs Jonathan and Argyle and Eddie and Steve and Will and El. He watches as she kisses Robin goodbye, hidden behind the doors of Eddie’s van so they’re hidden from the rest of the parking lot, and he watches as she whispers something to her, something he can’t hear. They’ve got matching rings now, simple silver bands around their index fingers.
Robin steps aside, leaning up against Steve, who wraps an arm around her as Mike steps up for his turn. He’s holding his breath, willing his eyes to stop burning, but when Nancy tilts her head and smiles, the dam breaks. He hugs her tightly, crying as she holds him.
Sometimes he forgets that she’s his big sister. But she’s swaying with him in her arms, rubbing his back, murmuring softly, and he feels awfully small now.
“I’ll be back,” she says, her head on his shoulder.
“I know,” he chokes. “I just…”
“I know.”
They hold each other for a long while, and Mike kind of really wishes he had opened up to her sooner. Even after their first no secrets conversation, he still hid. But he was hiding from it all back then, without even knowing it, hiding from himself, from the world. From Nancy.
“Gonna miss you,” he mumbles.
“I’m gonna miss you too,” she says. “Promise to write?”
“Promise, promise?”
He laughs wetly and pulls back, holding up his pinky. She smiles and hooks her pinky with his, then reaches up to hold his head, pulling him to lean down and kissing his forehead.
“I love you,” she says softly.
“More than all the stars and sand and leaves,” he finishes, grinning when she gives him a look. “I said it first, I win.”
“You’re so annoying.”
“You’re gonna miss it.”
She sighs heavily, still holding his pinky, and she looks down at it, at their hands together.
“Yeah, I know.”
They hug again, for a long while, until Robin says Nancy’s name gently, coming up and touching her back, murmuring that it’s time to go.
Nancy takes a deep shaky breath, kissing Mike’s head one more time before she steps back and looks into his eyes.
“Write to me,” she says firmly, and he nods. “Play with Holly, be patient with Mom, ignore Dad, be nice to yourself.”
He sniffles, nodding again and trying not to let his tears fall. She nods back, squaring her shoulders like she’s steeling herself. He can see the shine of anxiety in her eye, and he takes a deep breath. She copies.
“Okay,” she says breathily, looking around at the others, who are watching, leaning against Eddie’s van, Argyle holding Nancy’s bag for her. She reaches out to take it, looking at Robin one last time, who kisses her and whispers, “You can do anything,” softly, and then she nods again, looking around at everyone, her eyes meeting Mike’s. Mike’s vision is blurring. Will takes his hand, squeezing when he feels it trembling.
“Uh. Write me if anything happens,” Nancy says, taking another deep breath. “Uhm. I’ll be right back.”
They watch her go. Will holds onto Mike’s arm even though they’re out in the open. El is crying too, and Mike pulls her into a hug.
“She’s wearing the necklace you gave her,” he says, keeping his voice steady, and she gives him a watery smile.
“I saw.”
The drive back to Hawkins feels shorter. Mike keeps looking out the window, but now he’s holding Will’s arm, gripping his upper arm with one hand and playing with his fingers with the other as he watches the world go by. Will rests his head on Mike’s shoulder.
Jonathan and Argyle leave two weeks later, but they take Argyle’s van. They also leave from the Wheelers’ (to Ted’s significant annoyance, not that anyone cares), hugging and kissing everyone goodbye in the driveway. Will is quiet as they watch the van disappear, and Mike wraps an arm around him, holding him as he sighs.
“They’ll be back,” he says softly. He kisses the top of Will’s head.
“I know.”
They go inside.
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