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lewis5510 · 7 years ago
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Upgraded the battle station! #gaming #pc #pcmr #monitor #monitoraudio #pcmasterrace #battlestation #setup #rig #pcsetup #desk #nvidia #yamaha #audio #razor #hifi #hifiman #he400i #wacom #halo #games #phtography #art #design #xbox #pcgaming #pcsetup
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austinstanley · 8 years ago
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Grille Modded HE400i. Lovely to listen to
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cazandoelefantes · 7 years ago
Sennheiser HD598 vs Beyerdynamic DT880 vs Hifiman HE400i
No soy un experto en audífonos, pero me he estado involucrando un poco en ese mundo últimamente. Quiero hablar acerca de mi experiencia (muy personal y subjetiva, claro) con los tres audífonos de alta fidelidad que he tenido. Sé que son demasiado diferentes en muchos sentidos, pero aun así creo que hay espacio para una comparación, puesto que pueden ser usados para propósitos más o menos similares, considerando que todos tienden hacia un sonido “frío” y “neutral”.
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Sennheiser HD598 y el “velo Sennheiser”
Estos son los audífonos con los que tengo más experiencia: cerca de dos años. Fueron mis primeros audífonos de “nivel audiófilo”. En realidad son muy populares como audífonos de entrada a ese mundo, debido a su precio. Son extremadamente cómodos: muy ligeros, con almohadillas de velur grandes y poca fuerza de sujeción. Nunca he tenido problemas usándolos durante 5 horas o más. Apenas me doy cuenta que los tengo puestos. Y, aunque son de plástico, no se sienten baratos y son muy robustos. En serio, los he tirado al suelo muchas más veces de lo aceptable y nunca les ha pasado nada. Si acaso, mi única queja sería que las almohadillas empiezan a mostrar desgaste después de un año, más o menos. 
Yo tengo la edición especial, por cierto; lo único distinto con respecto la edición estándar es que son de color negro en vez de crema.
Su firma de sonido apunta a neutral. El bajo está presente, pero no predomina. No son audífonos para bassheads, aunque tampoco diría que los bajos suenan planos; tienen un poquito de color. El enfoque está en el rango medio: los vocales resaltan mucho y se pueden apreciar muy bien los detalles de la mayoría de los instrumentos. 
La cosa con Sennheiser es que siempre disminuye mucho los sonidos agudos: de 9,000 Hz en adelante, todo se va para abajo. Lo hace con todos sus audífonos. Y a mucha gente le gusta; argumentan que Sennheiser sólo “está siendo amable con sus oídos”. Tiene sentido. Si se tiene mucha sensibilidad a los tonos agudos, esta firma sonora definitivamente debe caer muy bien. 
Pero, claro, no todos tienen esa sensibilidad. Personalmente, siempre sentí que algo estaba mal con los HD598, pero al no contar con un punto de comparación con otro tipo de audífonos, no sabía exactamente qué era. Los sonidos son claros y tienen mucho detalle, pero sentía a mi música un tanto apagada, llana y sin vida. 
Los detractores de esta marca llaman a eso el “velo Sennheiser”: al hundir tanto los sonidos agudos, hacen que la música suene como viniera de detrás de una cortina o un velo. Eso es muy notable si, como yo, escuchas mucho metal y rock pesado.
La firma de sonido Sennheiser no funciona para todos los géneros, obviamente, incluso si el bajo y los medios son más neutrales. No se puede recomendar esta marca para la gente que escucha música muy estridente. Pero incluso si ése no es el caso, la falta de agudos hace que se pierda una buena cantidad de detalles y le da un color muy particular a la música que no toda la gente va a apreciar, independientemente de sus gustos musicales. Es una cuestión muy subjetiva.
Por cierto que el escenario y las imágenes de sonido son muy buenos en estos audífonos. El escenario es amplio y el posicionamiento de sonidos es muy preciso. Son muy buenos para la música ambiental. Y siempre me gustó ver películas y jugar videojuegos con los HD598.
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Beyerdynamic DT880: Clásicos puristas, sin pretensiones
Decidí hacer un upgrade a los DT880 y sinceramente estos audífonos me hicieron sonreír de oreja a oreja desde el primer momento que los oí. Pero me estoy adelantando.
En cuanto a comodidad, Beyerdynamic es legendario. Los DT880 son súper ligeros, tienen poca fuerza de sujeción (no recomiendo headbanguear con ellos) y las almohadillas de velur se sienten como nubes en tus orejas. Los puedo tener puestos todo el día sin el menor problema. Y en cuanto a construcción son muy sólidos. Su marco de metal y su apariencia industrial le dan ese toque alemán característico.
¿Cómo suenan? Fantástico. Es un verdadero sonido neutral, exceptuando los agudos, que están acentuados (una característica típica de Beyer, o al menos eso es lo que he leído). El bajo está presente, pero sólo eso; no es punchy de ninguna manera. No está disminuido y se puede distinguir sin problemas; es sólo que no es poderoso, simplemente neutro. El rango medio es igualmente neutro y extremadamente claro. Y, como dije, los agudos están acentuados de forma considerable. Eso le da un tono muy brillante e “in your face” a la música: hace que todo salte hacia el frente. Es todo lo contrario a lo que hace Sennheiser, por supuesto; me abrió los ojos de inmediato. 
El metal suena muy potente en este par. Es una delicia escuchar a Benighted, Anaal Nathrakh, Fleshgod Apocalypse y Gojira con estos. También son perfectos para blues y jazz: Miles Davis, Bobby “Blue” Bland, Jimmy Hendrix y Stevie Ray Vaughan simplemente suenan como deberían sonar.
Sin embargo, mucha gente evita a Beyerdynamic justamente por ese énfasis en los tonos altos. Y debo confesar que al principio los sentí muy ásperos y hasta un poco molestos en ocasiones, pero después de un par de semanas me acostumbré muy bien al sonido. He leído que eso se soluciona usando un amplificador de tubos, pero no me consta. Yo usé un M2 de S.M.S.L. y por cierto que los pudo elevar a un muy buen volumen, a pesar de tener una impedancia de 250 ohmios; como sea, querrán usar un amplificador poderoso para sacarle el mejor provecho a este par.
En cualquier caso, si ustedes son demasiado sensibles a los tonos agudos, tal vez quieran buscar algo más amable. Y, si sufren de tinnitus, probablemente Beyerdynamic ni siquiera sea una opción.
En cuanto a soundstage, separación e imágenes de sonido, estos audífonos son geniales. Se supone que son “semiabiertos”, pero para mi gusto, sencillamente son abiertos. La música de Yosi Horikawa suena increíble con estos. Y, claro, son excelentes para películas y videojuegos.
Los DT880 suelen ser descritos como “analíticos” y, en mi opinión, ése es un adjetivo muy apropiado. Están afinados para escuchar la música tal como es, para distinguir cada elemento en ella, cada pequeño sonido y detalle. No tienen un tweak “divertido”, pero véanlo de esta manera: si les gusta la música, no hay manera de que no aprecien estos audífonos. Es así de simple. Han estado en el mercado desde 1980, con buena razón. 
Tristemente, mi par salió defectuoso. El driver izquierdo murió y, con todo el dolor de mi corazón, tuve que devolverlos. Habría podido sólo pedir un cambio, pero decidí arriesgarme a probar algo nuevo, así que pedí una devolución de dinero y conseguí unos HE400i de Hifiman.
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Hifiman HE400i: Planares diplomáticos
Había oído muchas cosas sobre estos audífonos. Mucha gente los describe como un equivalente planar de los muy populares HD600 de Sennheiser, e incluso hay quienes los han comparado directamente con los DT880. No he escuchado los HD600, pero sé que tienen el velo Sennheiser y un sonido relacionado al de los HD598; al menos puedo decirles que los HE400i no tienen ningún tipo de velo y los prefiero unas 20 veces a los HD598. Y, aunque neutrales, no son tan neutrales como los DT880.
En cuanto a construcción, no tienen la calidad que uno esperaría de audífonos en su rango de precio. Estéticamente me parecen hermosos, pero la única parte de metal que tienen es la banda superior; el resto es plástico y se siente frágil. No son el tipo de audífonos que querrán mover mucho; tengo la impresión de que una sola caída al suelo podría hacerles daño. Eso es curioso, considerando que, al parecer, Hifiman los promociona como de uso portátil, a pesar de su tipo y tamaño: teniendo una impedancia de sólo 35 ohmios, un teléfono puede darles energía, y el cable que viene incluido en la caja es de sólo 1.5 metros y tiene un conector de 1/8 de pulgada, con un ángulo de 45°. No tiene sentido. Nadie va a escuchar estos en su teléfono, por Belcebú.
Supongo que recortaron los gastos en materiales para hacerlos ligeros (los audífonos con drivers planares suelen ser pesados) y no elevar demasiado su precio. Pero, aun así, ¿qué tanto habrían aumentado los costos si les hubieran dado un marco de metal?
Dicho eso, son muy cómodos. Las almohadillas son muy grandes y están hechas de velur con un recubrimiento de piel sintética por los lados exteriores. Son muy ligeros considerando que son planares y puedo usarlos durante horas sin ningún tipo de molestia. No me parecen tan cómodos como los DT880 (es difícil superar esas almohadillas celestiales de velur y la sujeción tan amable que tienen) ni tampoco como los HD598, pero la verdad es que no están muy atrás de ellos.
El sonido de los HE400i es genial. Cada vez me enamoro más de ellos. El bajo, aunque tiende a neutral, tiene el suficiente punch y rapidez en sus transiciones como para darle un color divertido a muchos tipos de música. El subbajo también está notablemente más acentuado que en los otros dos audífonos. El trip hop suena muy bien con estos (la combinación de esa ligera y muy particular acentuación del bajo y la prominencia de los medios le da un sabor excelente): Massive Attack y sobre todo Portishead se escuchan fantásticos. Con estos también disfruto mucho a bandas de otros géneros electrónicos, como Daft Punk, Röyksopp y DJ Shadow. Incluso raperos como Kendrick Lamar y Bone Thugs-n-Harmony no suenan nada mal.
Aclaro que estos no son audífonos para bassheads, pero te permiten disfrutar de varios tipos de música que hacen mucho uso de los tonos bajos, sin lanzarte esos sonidos en la cara ni hacer que vibren tus órganos internos.
En cualquier caso, donde estos audífonos brillan es en el rango medio. Escuchando a Nick Cave, Tom Waits, PJ Harvey, Leonard Cohen, Jeff Buckley y Tori Amos, noto pequeños detalles en voz y cuerdas que nunca había oído con los DT880. Son muy buenos para el rock, jazz, blues y música clásica, pero tratándose de metal, ciertamente prefiero a los DT880, debido a su mayor acentuación en los agudos. Pero lo que los HE400i no tienen en los agudos, lo tienen en los medios. Y no es que tengan malos agudos; de hecho, tienen una acentuación que los vuelve ligeramente brillantes. Los tonos altos están muy presentes, pero no son el enfoque. 
Eso sí, tanto los DT880 como los HD598 le ganan a los HE400i en cuanto a escenario y separación de sonido. El escenario de estos audífonos de ninguna manera es malo, pero no es tan amplio como el de los otros dos, a pesar de ser tan abiertos. La separación tampoco es tan precisa.
Los HE400i esencialmente son neutrales, pero eso no significa que sean aburridos. Al contrario, lo que tenemos aquí son unos audífonos que empujan al frente los medios, son un poco brillantes y tienen un bajo con punch decente. Eso los vuelve buenos para escuchar prácticamente cualquier género de música. Estos me hacen cabecear espontáneamente mientras escucho mi música, cosa que no me ocurría mucho con los otros dos. Estoy muy contento de tenerlos, honestamente.
Sennheiser HD598: Buenos audífonos neutros a un precio más o menos accesible, pero sólo recomendables para quienes tengan mucha sensibilidad a los agudos, o simplemente prefieran su música con tonos altos disminuidos. Fuera de eso, están enfocados en el rango medio, tienen una ligera coloración en el bajo y un muy buen escenario de sonido.
Beyerdynamic DT880: Excelentes clásicos, muy fríos y analíticos, con mucha brillantez. El bajo está presente y es claro, pero plano; los medios son nítidos y fuertes, y los agudos están muy acentuados. Un poco ásperos, pero los detalles de los agudos resaltan mucho. El escenario y la separación de sonidos son geniales. Muy buenos para escuchar la música simplemente como es.
Hifiman HE400i: Neutros pero divertidos. Ligera acentuación en bajo, subbajo y agudos, prominencia en rango medio. Buenos para escuchar prácticamente cualquier cosa, sin perder precisión. No tan buenos como los otros dos en cuanto a escenario e imágenes de sonido, pero muy decentes en esos aspectos, como quiera.
Mediciones de Innerfidelity.com:
Sennheiser HD 598
Beyerdynamic DT 880 (250 ohm)
Hifiman HE400i
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team-andrew · 4 years ago
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geekanoids · 7 years ago
£149 OFF HIFIMAN HE400i Plannar Magnetic Headphones • UK
£149 OFF HIFIMAN HE400i Over Ear Full-Size Plannar Magnetic Headphones.
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hfgujgu · 3 years ago
10 Best Open Back Headphones For Gaming – Must Use
10 Best Open Back Headphones For Gaming 2021
Open Back Headphones With Mic For Gaming offer roomy soundstage and great imaging for an ideal gaming experience. With great open-back earphones, you ought to have the option to pinpoint strides and shot areas without any problem. Different factors, for example, solace and generally strong quality ought to likewise be useful for a vivid gaming meeting. In this post, we have tried and highlight our best open-back earphones for gaming.
List of chapters
Our Top 10 Open-Back Headphoes for Gaming
The Best Open Back Headphones For Gaming
1. Philips Fidelio X2HR – Our Best Open-Back Headphone for Gaming
2. Sound Technica ATH-AD700x
3. AKG K702 – Best for Competitive Gaming
4. Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro – For Gaming and Watching motion pictures
5. Stone monument M1060 – Good Planar Gaming Headphone
6. Philips SHP9500 – A Cheap Option
7. Sennheiser HD 599 Open Back Headphone
8. HIFIMAN HE-400I – For Gaming and Music
Shut Back versus Open-Back Headphones For Gaming
Earphone and Mic versus Gaming Headset
ModMic/Boom Mic Explained
Wired versus Wireless Gaming Headphones
Affectability and Impedance
Our Top 10 Open-Back Headphoes for Gaming
Philips Fidelio X2HR Dynamic 30 ohms 100 dB 380g
Sound Technica ATH-AD700x Dynamic 38 ohms 100 dB 265g
AKG K702 Dynamic 62 ohms 103 dB 235g
Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro Dynamic 250 ohms 96 dB 250g
Stone monument M1060 Planar Magnetic 50 ohms 96 dB 500g
Philips SHP9500 Dynamic 32 ohms 101 dB 320g
Sennheiser HD 599 Dynamic 50 ohms 106 dB 250g
HiFiMAN HE 400i Planar Magnetic 35 ohms 93 dB 370g
Audeze EL-8 Open-Back Planar Magnetic 30 ohms 102 dB 520g
Samson SR850 Dynamic 32 ohms 98 dB 158g
The Best Open Back Headphones For Gaming
1. Philips Fidelio X2HR – Our Best Open-Back Headphone for Gaming
Driver Type: Dynamic
Impedance: 30 ohms
Affectability: 100 dB
Geniuses: Awesome bass, Comfortable for significant stretches, nature of fabricate, Good soundstage, Easy to drive
Cons: Slightly recessed mids
The Philips Fidelio X2HR sits at an extremely intriguing space with regards to the mid-valued open-earphones market. They are not difficult to drive and will sound well even from your PC's motherboard. Close by other Studio Headphones for Gaming earphones for gaming like the HE400s or HE400i, they are a deal and an incredible value for the money. They are incredible for gaming and for individuals who need a raised bass out of an open-back earphone. We should get further into the survey underneath.
To start with, the development of the earphone is quite strong. The earphone doesn't squeak and the earcups are made out of top notch plastic which looks metal. The Fidelio X2HR by and large materials like genuine calfskin, steel, velour earpads with adaptable padding cause it to feel and look exceptionally premium. The headband uses a lounger configuration made of double metal tubing covered by a genuine cowhide tie. under cowhide lash is a self-changing lounger headband that lays on the head. The ear cups are large and have separable cushions. The X2HR highlights a removable link with the link port situated on the left earcup.
The general solace of the earphone is extraordinary. Notwithstanding the earphone being somewhat heavier, you can wear them for a considerable length of time without weariness. Adaptable padding cushions which are thick and delicate in addition to a self-changing headband make it extremely comfortable to wear. The lattice cushioned headband doesn't make any areas of interest on the head. The clip is perceptible however doesn't get awkward over the long run. By and large, the solace is acceptable.
The sound mark of the Philips Fidelio XH2R is a V-shape. They have a supported bass and high pitch with a marginally recessed midrange. A V-formed sound mark functions admirably particularly with motion pictures, gaming, and bass-weighty music. The bass of the Fidelio X2HR is tight and has a decent effect particularly for an open-back earphone. The midrange is somewhat recessed yet they are extremely intelligible and point by point. The high pitch, however likewise prevailing is all around controlled and shows great equilibrium. Soundstage width and profundity is acceptable. The soundstage and imaging are of the most grounded portions of the X2HR's sound.
The Philips Fidelio X2HR is an eminent gaming earphone. The form quality, ergonomics, and solace are completely fine. They are amazing for gaming, watching films, and bass-situated types like Hip-jump or EDM. Matched with a blast mic, the Philips Fidelio X2HR will wipe most profoundly estimated gaming headsets.
2. Sound Technica ATH-AD700x
Driver Type: Dynamic
Impedance: 38 ohms
Affectability: 100 dB
Stars: Very nitty gritty sound, agreeable, great soundstage and partition, tough, lightweight
Cons: Light bass, long non-separable link
The Audio Technica ATH-AD series at present elements six earphones. They incorporate the AD300, AD500, AD700, AD 900, AD 1000PRM, and the AD2000. The Audio Technica ATH-AD700 was the principal AD-series earphone I tested. It is not difficult to drive and has an extensive and open sound. I love the AD700 in light of the fact that it is most economical and gives you a decent encounter of the general AD series sound. Peruse on for a top to bottom audit.
The form nature of the ATH-AD700x is acceptable. They are not indestructible like Beyerdynamic earphones, but rather they feel tough. The earphone is made out of plastic, which gives the earphone a modest look. In any case, I think this is normal at this value reach, and they are genuinely tough. The earcups are covered with a delicate velour material and got together with two metal wires. The wires and the earcups feel solid. The headband is a couple of two daintily cushioned plastic with a spring-stacked component. At the point when you put the earphone on, the pressure of the earphone makes them drift.
Because of the lightweight plan of the earphones, the slight cushioning on the headband is extremely adequate. The general solace of the earphone is additionally acceptable. The earpads are sensibly thick, and huge to lounge around the ears. The cinching pressure is extremely negligible, which makes them agreeable for even long meetings.
The general sound nature of the Audio Technica ATH-AD700x is definite and even. The earphone is light on bass, the bass present is punchy and precise. The bass doesn't get boomy or meddle with the mids by any means. The mids are clear, itemized, and great division. Vocals are clear and itemized. Female vocals sparkle while male vocals sound alright. The high pitch is a little brilliant yet uncovering to such an extent that little subtleties are effectively perceivable.
The Audio Technica ATH-AD700x like most studio earphones for gaming in this rundown are not showcased for gaming. The monstrous soundstage, clearness, and uncovering characteristics in the sound make them useful for gaming. Positional sound at this cost is awesome. You can hear and find strides, shots, projectiles, and surprisingly unobtrusive development sounds. Games like CS: GO, Doom, or Half-Life 2, you can see some genuine enhancements from the Ad700x's.
3. AKG K702 – Best Wireless Open Back Headphones for Gaming for Competitive Gaming
Driver Type: Dynamic
Impedance: 62 ohms
Affectability: 103 dB
Stars: Wide soundstage, precision, undeniable degree of detail, straightforwardness, great solace for long meetings
Cons: Bass reaction isn't extraordinary
The AKG K702 is fundamentally a further developed adaptation of the much-cherished K701. AKG claims that the K702 is interesting and utilizes a level wire innovation alongside a Varimotion 2-layer stomach protected innovation driven by neodymium magnets. In any case, not these cases appear to address how the sound is influenced. One great component in the K702 is the removable link, which will take into account customizations and change depending on the situation. For gaming, the AKG K702 is an incredible choice, Let's learn more in the inside and out audit beneath.
The form quality isn't awesome. The earphone includes for the most part plastic in the form. The earcups and earphone slides are plastic, be that as it may, they appear to be solid and of good quality. The headband is self-changing and uses two wires and a cowhide headband that is joined to flexible strings that auto-change. The cowhide is delicate however the auto-changing headband probably won't be useful for individuals with enormous heads. The earcups are very much cushioned and covered with velour. They are calculated and hit the ear in a more regular position.
However the earcups are not profound, they are truly agreeable to utilize even in long meetings. The K702 has great space, breathable velour in addition to generally excellent ventilation of the earcups keep away from heat develop even on hot days. The earpads are effectively removable to empower simpler cleaning and substitution when the need emerges. The clipping power is loose and doesn't press hard on the sides of the head. Generally speaking, the K702 has a lot of solace. The lightweight plan additionally helps in further developing solace.
Passing by the general sound presentation, the AKG K702 has a higher capacity as far as precision, detail recovery, straightforwardness, soundstage, and imaging. The bass is available yet needs sway. In the event that your class or decision doesn't include bassy music, this is a decent earphone, for gaming the bass is extraordinary. The midrange is impartial and straightforward, while the high pitch is vaporous and clear. By and large, The K702 pays more spotlight on the mids and very good quality.
The soundstage is vaporous and wide with great partition and loaded with subtleties. The imaging is likewise extraordinary with precisely situated instruments. For cutthroat gaming, the AKG K702 ought to be a decent wagered at the cost. You can plainly recognize strides, shots, or different sounds concerning what players are doing. However the absence of bass makes the AKG K702 less vivid, yet assuming you need the most elevated level of seriousness, this earphone is the most ideal decision.
4. Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro – For Gaming and Watching motion pictures
Driver Type: Dynamic
Impedance: 250 ohms
Affectability: 96 dB
Aces: Plenty of bass, lucidity, wide soundstage, solace, fabricate quality
Cons: Non-removable link, Recessed midrange, Treble can get cruel at high volume
In case you are searching for acceptable earphones, you've most presumably known about German expert sound hardware maker Beyerdynamic. They have been in the business starting around 1924 and are syn
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krisna657-blog · 6 years ago
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yune563-blog · 6 years ago
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itsbestsales · 6 years ago
HIFIMAN HE1000 Headband Headphones Silver
HIFIMAN HE1000 Headband Headphones Silver
Link to Buy- https://ebay.to/2SijrUF
HIFIMAN HE1000 Headband Headphones Silver
Product description The ultimate flagship headphone He1000 by HIFIMAN 1. World’s first diaphragm in nanometer thickness The diaphragm in nanometer thickness is extremely low in mass, yielding faster response and lower distortion. 2. Advanced asymmetrical…
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wirelessheadphonesguru · 5 years ago
Headphone Drivers – Explained
Ever wondered how your headphones work? And how to make the best possible decision when buying ones? Then it is important to dig deeper and see what drives your headphones. 
What do drivers (transducers) do?
Basically, drivers are units inside the headphones that are in charge of producing the sound. What they do precisely is that they convert electrical signals into sounds. 
A driver is made up of magnet, voice coils, and diaphragm. In short, a magnet creates a magnetic field, voice coils are there to move the diaphragm when an electric current passes through them and diaphragm vibrate in order to produce sound. 
People are known to believe that the bigger the driver unit, the louder and better sound it can produce. However, that is not quite true. It’s the quality of the driver unit that plays a role in how good the sound is. 
Size of a driver unit for earphones is between 8mm and 15mm, while for headphones it goes from 20mm to 50mm. We sometimes believe that bigger is better, but in this case, a bigger driver only means more powerful output, not better output. For example, Apple’s AirPods are very small earphones, but the sound they produce is in range with other amazing brands that make headphones with larger drivers. 
Headphones have bigger drivers because they have the capacity to store them. A bigger diaphragm provides us with better bass sound, but at the same time, these earphones may have problems with producing sounds of higher frequencies. So, never buy headphones just based on the size of their driver unit. Things like the type of driver headphones use, noise cancellation and the frequency range of headphones are far more important when it comes to the quality of the sound.
Both headphone and earphone can have more than one driver unit in them, each of them aimed at generating a different range of frequencies. One driver can produce the sound between 20Hz and 20kHz, but with more than one driver involved, earphones can reproduce different frequencies with minimal distortion. But don’t think that just because earphones have multiple driver units that automatically sound they produce will be better! Well produced single driver headphones will generate better sound than badly made multiple drive headphones.
And if you are wondering what types of driver units exist out there and what are the differences, then keep on reading.
Types of drivers
Dynamic (moving coil) Drivers
The most common type of driver is Dynamic driver since they are the cheapest to produce. Dynamic drivers use larger diaphragms, therefore they are capable of producing more powerful bass and attaining good sound pressure while not consuming much power. 
This driver is built by three main parts and works by using electromagnetic forces:
A neodymium magnet
Voice coil
A diaphragm attached to a voice coil
Voice coil becomes electromagnet, thanks to the magnet that magnetizes it. When the voice coil receives current, it creates a magnetic field, which then repels and attracts the voice coil. And since the diaphragm is attached to the voice coil, it also moves and displaces the air around it which results in sound creation.
The larger the air displacement the higher the volume of the sound. Therefore the driver must be able to displace the air in order to reproduce a good bass sound. That is exactly why dynamic drivers are great at creating a realistic bass response.
However, at high volume, the audio is susceptible to distortion, but with well thought out engineering this problem can be solved. 
Some of the earphones that run on these drivers are  T20i by RHA and BeSport4 by Optoma.
Balanced Armature Drivers
This is what In-Ear Monitors mostly use. These drivers are very small and in-ear monitors usually contain one to four of them. 
The miniature armature is surrounded by a coil of wire, which is then put between two magnets. This armature is attached to the center of the diaphragm. When the armature is equally distanced from both of magnets, then it is in the state of balance. But, when current flows through the coil, the armature becomes magnetized, forcing it to move towards one of the magnets. While the armature moves, the diaphragm that is connected to it also moves, and as a result, the sound is being produced. 
Since IEMs can have the maximum of four drivers to complete the sound, they can be tuned to cover different frequencies, but their range is still limited. 
One more con to add to this is that Balanced Armature drivers don’t displace air in order to create sound, so there is a lack of bass sound. For this reason, there can be found balanced armature headphones that contain one dynamic driver, so they can achieve producing quality bass sound. On the bright side, because a balanced armature driver does not displace air, they don’t have an additional air vent which provides them with better isolation, and you with better sound.
Earphones that use these drivers are SE535-CL by Shure, and Westone W40: 
Planar Magnetic Drivers
Here the diaphragm is put between magnets, making very clean and detailed sound without any modifications to it. That is why you can find these drivers in most high-end headphones and earphones. They are more likely to be found in over the ear headphones.
As you may have already guessed, these drivers produce sound thanks to the magnetic field.
The magnets surrounding the diaphragm are both of equal magnetic force. The diaphragm has tinny flat electrical conductors in it. When current flows through those conductors, it creates a magnetic field. Following the laws of physics, this newborn magnetic field causes the conductors inside the diaphragm to move, which then causes the diaphragm itself to move as well, resulting in the creation of sound. 
These magnets are what makes this type of headphones larger and heavier, and also requires more power from the audio source or an external amplifier. 
Regardless, they provide with an excellent, low distortion sound, and great quality bass response, since strong electromagnetic force allows displacement of a large amount of air.
If you are curious about the more in-depth, technical explanation on how these drivers work, then check this article here.
One of the most recent best headphones using this technology are HE400i by HIFIMAN and Audeze LCD-4.
Electrostatic Drivers
These can be found in premium headphones, since they are extremely expensive, thanks to its complex driver, and the sound they produce is absolutely breathtaking. Their diaphragms are electrostatically charged, hence the name, electrostatic drivers.
Remember how at planar magnetic drivers the diaphragm was sandwiched between magnets? Well, here it is sandwiched between two electrified plates. The almost massless diaphragm moves between these plates, creating the sound we hear.
Here you can check the amazing explanation of the processes which provides us with one of the best sound experience, as well as headphones powered by this high-end technology.
And now you are probably wondering which one is the best to choose. There is no doubt that electrostatic headphones would be the best ones, but taking into consideration that most people are budget restrained and that not everyone needs the most accurate frequency and bass response, dynamic drivers seem to be the best fit. However, if you are an audiophile, then going for more expensive, planar magnetic or electrostatic will definitely be worth it.
The post Headphone Drivers – Explained appeared first on Wireless Headphones Guru.
from Wireless Headphones Guru https://wirelessheadphones.guru/headphone-drivers-explained/
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technovolume-blog · 7 years ago
Headphones HiFi Man HE-400i Planar Magnetic
Headphones HiFi Man HE-400i Planar Magnetic
Created with discerning audiophiles in mind, the HiFi Man HE400i full-size over ear planar magnetic headphones are intended for high performance listening in the home or studio,
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earmufs · 7 years ago
HIFIMAN HE400S Vs HE400I Compared And Reviewed
The truth is that more and more people are looking to buy the best headphones they can. It’s not only a way to look cool or anything. Most people like to listen to their favorite songs either at home, when they are working out, at work or even when they are commuting. So, if you are one of them, why shouldn’t you take the time to make a well-detailed search to find the best headphone for you?
Take a look at the best headphones for each occasion.
The truth is that Hifiman is a great brand that has been around for many years. They tend to produce great headphones that provide high-quality audio and they tend to be not only well-designed as durable. However, most people have some hard problems deciding between the HIFIMAN HE400S:
Click to Check Price on Amazon
and the HIFIMAN HE400I:
Click to Check Price on Amazon
HIFIMAN HE400I Vs HE400S – What Do They Have In Common?
The truth is that both Hifiman headphones have a lot in common starting at the set construction. They share the same overall design as well as they are incredibly comfortable to wear, even if you are a daily user who tends to wear them for many hours.
The HIFIMAN HE400I and the HIFIMAN HE400S also use the same frequency response and they tend to perform better the same musical genres.
HIFIMAN HE400I Vs HE400S – What Are The Differences?
In terms of the differences, there are a lot of them and these can actually help you decide which one of the models is best for you.
When you are looking at the HIFIMAN HE400I Vs HE400S, the most evident difference is related to the sound. The truth is that they both feature a high-quality sound but the HIFIMAN HE400S sound tends to be warmer, lush and enjoyable than the HIFIMAN HE400I, which sound tends to be more analytical, cooler and detailed.
In case you have the opportunity to try both Hifiman headphones, it should be better to do so. In case you don’t have this opportunity, take our word on the treble – while the HE400I headphone treble is better than the one of the HD400S, it tends to be quite fatiguing. With the 400S, you don’t get to that presence peak that is present on the 400I.
Another major difference between the two Hifiman headphones is related with the earpads and can be related to the comfort that you will have. While the HIFIMAN HE400I earpads are made of a soft and plush pleather, the HIFIMAN HE400S features velour material. While this difference may not seem very big, the reality is that it can make all the difference since the 400S tends to become hotter sooner than the 400I.
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While there isn’t really a big difference, you also need to know that the HIFIMAN HE400I weights 370g while the HIFIMAN HE400S weights only 350g.
HIFIMAN HE400I Vs HE400S – Which One Is Better?
In our opinion, and according to all we have read about the users who are already wearing these headphones for some time, we believe that the best choice is the HIFIMAN HE400S. Overall, and despite the use of velour, the design of the HE400S model is better and the sound quality is incredibly better than the one on the HE400I.
The post HIFIMAN HE400S Vs HE400I Compared And Reviewed appeared first on Earmufs.com.
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baillieslf-blog · 7 years ago
6月25日,i-rocks在北京发布了钕400i平板振膜游戏耳机,这款耳机是HIFIMAN HE400i的定制版,针对FPS游戏进行调音,增加了双指向降噪麦克风,售价1399元。
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bermerek · 10 years ago
Hifiman HE400i Planar Headphone
Hifiman HE400i Planar Headphone
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vova1523 · 10 years ago
HiFiMan HE-400i: High-end audiophile headphones for a semi-affordable price
HiFiMan HE-400i: High-end audiophile headphones for a semi-affordable price
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