#he's with rob breathing down his neck and it's a planned outing but idc
alarrytale · 7 months
Hii good morning :) I hope this is okay to say but i think bands like that are more successful because they are being themselves with their images and not putting on an act. There are a lot of artists in history who started out trying to imitate the people they were a fan of and did not find success because they ended up just being a second rate version of those people. They made it once they started being themselves and finding their own voice because that is something new and interesting. maybe this is part of why H has found a large fanbase because although he has strong influences, his glitter and fruit and painted nails and quirky music videos added up to something totally unique. i mean he's Harry and everyone knows what that means. Whereas lou sometimes feels like he is putting on a front with his visuals to imitate others but it falls flat and does not even really match his music. those of us who already love lou know that he is pop with some edge and soft, heartfelt and emotional storytelling and lyricism and mischievous humor and rainbow lights etc. but you'd never know any of that from his album covers or music videos or tv performances.
Good morning to you, anon!
I totally agree with you, and of course it's okay to say! I think it's a fine line (heh) between finding inspiration in someone's music and looking up to someone, and ending up copying and emulating them. You need to make it your own and incorporate what makes you special or different. I wish Louis found a way to sell himself the way he is, rather than a put up image that doesn’t fit what we know and love. If he did i think he'd be looked at as more authentic and genuine. It must be hard though, when he can't be who he wants to be anyway.
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