#he's very smol and everything else is thus very high.
mcnstered · 4 years
ladies and gents and non-binaries, I present: the Jaeger Pilot and the Scientist aka Giraffe-with-a-sixpack and Shorties-hips-don’t-lie.
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steamlore · 3 years
HighFleet - Shipbuilding Guide
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Learn how to build ships that have better performance and higher cost-efficiency than built-ins!
HighFleet Shipbuilding
(Initially created August 5th 2021 for game version 1.1)Building effective ships in Highfleet can be extremely frustrating to new players; but is a very rewarding task. Player ships can significantly out-class built-ins in terms of cost-performance and efficiency. This guide is oriented towards players who are not cheating or have not racked up a giant score for new game mode. While the guide can help players who don’t care about fuel expense or cost efficiency, these items are an important consideration in the guide.
Ship Editor Basics:
Hopefully someday Konstantine will explain this ingame... I've had to tell dozens of players how to place multiple parts without going back to the parts menu every step... -You can hold shift whilst placing parts (left click) to retain that piece on your cursor, so that you can place another immediately. -You can create a disconnected segment of a ship, band-box select it, then right click lift the entire piece. You can place/rotate the entire piece… including shift-placement for very fast construction.
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Fig.2 Incidentally, I discovered a placement bug with the antenna... -If your editor seems to have locked up, drag select your main hull (the piece of ship containing the Bridge) and right click to attach to your cursor. Place it somewhere empty and your game should be responsive again. This is assuming you are building a sane ship under 200k of cost, ofc...
Highfleet Ship Design Theory
Hybrids suck. Do not build hybrids. Some may find this controversial, but this seems really obvious, and quite a few other players agree with me on this. TacticalShips (that are designed to duke it out in ship vs ship combat) and Strategic/Support/Auxiliary ships should be built very differently.(Other than AAW pickets, but they are a special case and the angles your opponents will start from in Air Defense Mode are far more limited than in Ship vs Ship) Reasoning? -In ship vs ship combat, you get to pick which ships on your team get to appear. Thus, unless you screw up badly, there is no reason for your tanker, missile carrier or sensor ship to ever have to get shot at by cannons. -Tactical ships want to minimize cross-section, to minimize probability of getting hit and mass required for a given armor thickness. Lots of fuel tanks *greatly* increases cross section, mass, and engine count required to achieve a given design speed, making them inferior in combat. -(Good) Tactical ships should use mostly gimballed engines to have maneuverability in combat. This means they are less fuel efficient for a given mass of ship and design speed. -Electronics (Search Radar, ELINT, FCS Radar, IRST, and Jammer) do not function behind armor. They have reduced function through structure too, so don’t get too fancy with structural cages. -Support ships want to use as many static engines as possible, to maximize their fuel efficiency (as well as cruise speed for a given budget). It is my experience that a fleet of optimized tactical ships and optimized support craft is both deadlier/more durable in combat and more fuel efficient than a fleet of hybrids.
Fundamentals of Tactical Ship Design
Ships need to consider how they will fight, what class of targets they will be optimized against, and how they will protect themselves. Players must also consider their own limitations; saying “speed is overpowered and the best defense” might be true, but most players are not 11 Honor Lightning Pilots and therefore should probably not try to fight cruiser fleets in an ultralight. Similarly, if your aim is bad, pick weapon systems with faster reloading speeds and larger magazine sizes, and maybe pack more missiles.Thrusters should be placed towards the extremities of a tactical ship, for example, the corners on a boxy design. Thrusters high up above the center of mass of a ship generally improves stability, placing them below center of mass decreases stability. Increased stability makes landing easier, while decreased stability allows for doing backflips and other tricks while dodging. As stated earlier, tactical ships want to be as compact as possible for a given amount of capability (generally measured by speed/weapons/defense), this makes you harder to hit and easier/cheaper to protect with passive defenses. Unless you are the greatest pilot of all time, you will find yourself getting hit eventually. Losing your bridge = dead ship; losing the ammo usually results in an explosion that (depending on amount of ammo and size of ship) may instantly kill it, and having fuel tanks get hit may cause fires. Obviously getting hit in power, engines or weapons is bad and will lead to a decrease in the ability of your ship to fight, but they are less instantly fatal than an ammo explosion. Therefore, you want to protect your ammo and bridge as much as possible, then fuel and generators. Generators and crew compartments also have more hitpoints than fuel or ammo, which makes them a decent way to protect your explodey bits. While losing the bridge is an instant kill on that ship, it’s fairly durable and less prone to sudden death than ammo. Thus on small ships you protect the ammo even more than the bridge; i.e. hide ammo from expected direction of fire behind the bridge. For ships with relatively few and light weapons, it is possible to spread out your ammo so that some of it exploding does not cause a chain reaction. For ships with lots of heavy weapons, that becomes impractical and the ideal is to centralize your ammunition and bury it as deep as possible behind other components.
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Fig2b, examples of what -not- to do. TLDR cram components as close to each other as possible, make ship smol as possible for same number of stuff. Put thrusters near the edges/corners for better turning. Put critical components behind less important parts to die as slowly as possible, the order of importance is Ammo & Bridge > Fuel > Generators > Everything else
Basic Design Challenge
Alright, put the above information into practice. Go build a simple ship with following (additional, make sure you incorporate the lessons learned so far) specifications: - Cheap as possible - 4x AK-100 - Solid top armor - Line of 2x1 Reinforced structure on each side - Thrust-Weight Ratio at least 3 - 2 static thrusters - No fuel tanks or ammo directly exposed - Range at least 750km You should have something that looks like this:
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Fig.3 Ugly, and poorly optimized, but that can be fixed! This is a cheap and basic frigate sized bottom-fighter, one of the more powerful archetypes in Highfleet. Even with this crappy hull you can probably (with decent aiming/dodging) clear Difficulty 3/Small Tester with negligible internal damage… But your ship is nowhere near it’s potential. Heck, it can’t even land! How to improve this? Well, get ready to read alot of words and stare at lots of pictures… First we’ll overview the parts that go into tactical ships before we swing around to advanced design methods…
There is no such thing as best weapon, only best weapon for a given situation for a given player. Thus players will have to decide what weapons to fit to what design. n 2A37 AK-725 AK-100 D-80 MK-1 MK-2 MK-6 A-220 Cal 37mm 57mm 100mm 130mm 180mm 180mm 180mm 220mmR Mag 50 14 4 4 1 2 6 6 RoF (burst length) 2000 (1.51) 350 (2.4) 400 (0.6) 240 (1) N/A 180 (0.66) 180 (2) 120 (3) Reload (per second) 20 (2.5) 10 (1.4) 7 (0.57) 10 (0.4) 6 (0.16) 10 (0.2) 7 (0.85) 20 (0.3) Turret Speed Normal Normal Normal Normal Slow Slow Very Slow Normal $$$ 3000 1500 2000 4000 4000 6000 24000 4000 Size 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 Ammo Req 1 1 1 1 2 4 8 4 Power Req 0.7 0.7 1 1 1.8 2.4 6 3 Crew Req 6 6 6 6 12 24 50 5 In terms of damage per shot (and anti-armor performance when using non-AP munitions), the weapons efficiency is: 37mm *Rocket launchers are very effective when they connect, but their rocket rounds start out slow, then accelerate, requiring a different lead reflex compared to firing guns. Their rockets are also easier to shoot down/dodge than cannon shells. 2A37 With good aim, the CIWS can be extremely potent against lightly protected opponents with it’s 2000 RPM and 50 round magazine. However, it takes 20 (!) seconds to reload it’s magazine, meaning once the readied rounds are depleted, holding down the trigger only fires 2.5 shots per second! Therefore if your aim is bad, it is recommended you open fire only when you have maneuvered into point blank range. (The 2A37 also my recommended weapon of choice for Air Defense ships and a good secondary battery for larger tactical ships to shoot down incoming shells and missiles) Ammo Types: HE, Incendiary AK-725 Commonly regarded as a mediocre weapon, the 57mm lacks the stopping power of 100mm+ weapons, or the ability of the 37mm to saturate the local airspace. However, it is the cheapest gun mount, and actually fairly strong in large numbers (8+) due to it’s large magazine size (14) and great reload rate (10 seconds, or 1.4 rounds per second), extremely friendly for gunners without a disciplined trigger finger. Ammo Types: HE, Incendiary AK-100 On paper, the AK-100 is inferior to the D-80; both have the same magazine size and logistical footprint but the other is higher caliber and does more damage, right? Yet the AK-100 is a fan favorite, while the D-80 is not. For one, the AK-100 fills it’s 4 round magazine in 7 seconds, while the D-80 needs 10. Next, AK-100 has a fire rate of of 400 RPM compared to the D-80’s 240, meaning a shot-cluster from the AK-100 is almost twice as tight as that from the D-80. Faster magazine filling speed and higher ROF also make it decent in point defense, when using Proximity shells. And of course, it is half the price of the D-80… Ammo Types: HE, Incendiary, Proximity, Armor Piercing D-80 For all the advantages of the AK-100, the D-80 offers non-trivially more burst damage up front and better anti-armor performance, as well as a larger proximity shell that has a bigger splash area. If you are a very good marksman and can reliably hit a ship zooming around while flying fast yourself, the D-80 will simply kill the opponent faster on the same logistical footprint. Ammo Types: HE, Incendiary, Proximity, Armor Piercing, Laser Guided MK-1 The first thing you’ll notice when using Big Guns is the reduced turret speed. It just rotates slower than other weapons, making it worse at high speed close range combat. It also requires more power and crew than the standard guns. Unpopular with most players due to it’s single-shot nature. Ammo Types: HE, Incendiary, Proximity, Armor Piercing, Laser Guided MK-2 Quite potent against enemy cruisers with Armor Piercing Ammunition, the MK-2 does cost the same amount as 3 AK-100s and uses more than twice the crew of 3 AK-100s, and uses almost the same power as 3 AK-100s… While there are arguments for not mounting the weight of 3x AK100, the 180mm guns are simply less flexible when not fighting heavy ships. There is some debate whether players should use 4x MK2 or 1x MK6… it depends on your aiming skills. If you are very confident of your marksmanship then 4x MK2 can be superior. Ammo Types: HE, Incendiary, Proximity, Armor Piercing, Laser Guided MK-6 At the cost of a decent frigate before you even factor in logistical footprint, the MK-6 has a higher cost than it’s paper stats show; 8x Ammo requires another 4MW in power and 40 crew to operate… and those crew quarters require power too… and the power generators require more crew. Altogether a MK-6 costs about 30,000 Gold and adds over 2000 tons of mass to a ship. This is before you consider how many more engines (and fuel and crew and power and armor to protect the huge volume!) it takes to keep the same design speed with that extra mass! To top it off, the MK-6 has the same rotational speed issues as the MK-1 and 2, but worse. Opening fire also causes white flashes and shakes to appear on your screen, making aiming more difficult. That being said, with good aim and proper ammunition selection you can obliterate an enemy cruiser in a few salvos. Extremely destructive armament, suitable for use on capital ships to fight other capital ships. Ammo Types: HE, Incendiary, Proximity, Armor Piercing, Laser Guided A-220 The only ship-based rocket launcher in game, the A-220 offers excellent burst firepower on a relatively low logistical footprint. However, due to difficulty of leading targets, increased ease of dodging and vulnerability of your attack to point-defense, it’s fairly unpopular with players. Ammo Types: I don’t actually know all the ammo types you can fit to Rocket Launchers. TLDR: Big guns only cost efficient vs big ships (unless you are Simo Hayha II). AK-100 generally adequate vs everything and can change ammo to be better at whatever it’s facing. Use A-220 if you are a hipster.
Landing Gear Design & Propulsion Selection
Landing Gear
Landing gear (“Legs”) require at least 2 parts for good articulation. They don’t have names as of 1.1, so I will arbitrarily label them:
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Fig.4a Types A, B, C, D from left to right n Type A Type B Type C Type D $$$ 400 200 100 50 Power Req 0.4 MW 0.2 MW 0.1 MW 0.07 MW (*) Mass 238t 80t 18t 3t *Estimate When piloting a very light ship (say, under 750t) and with good control, you can just use skids to land. But generally most ships should use landing gear, tactical ships to gain an edge in repair speed, strategic missile/aircraft carriers for faster reloading of expended missiles/replacement of destroyed aircraft. I even put legs on my tankers and spyships; ships without the ability to land just don’t make sense in this world. However, especially on smaller ships, you want the lightest possible legs to avoid excessive thrust/power wastage. For brevity’s sake I’ll just show the types of legs I find appropriate for a given tonnage of ship, though if you are very gentle (zero horizontal motion, less than 9km/h touchdown) with landing you can make do with legs that aren’t quite up to par to save mass/power.
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Fig.4b Ultralight
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Fig.4c “Corvette Legs” 1x Type C + 1x Type D, suitable for ships up to ~2000t mass
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Fig.4d “Frigate Legs” 2x Type C, suitable for ships up to ~4000t mass
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Fig.4e 1x Type B + 1x Type C, suitable for ships up to 8000t
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Fig.4f 2x Type B, suitable for ships up to 12000t
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Fig.4g 1x Type A + Type B, suitable for ships up to 16000t
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Fig.4h 2x Type A, suitable for ships up to 20000t For ships that are heavier you can use more than 1 pair of legs to compensate, or just land *very* gently.
The RD series are significantly more fuel efficient but require Large Hull sections. Due to their sheer mass of Large Hull sections it becomes inefficient to build small ships with RD series engines, and very expensive to build fast ships (even if large) with them. Faster, smaller ships will use D-30, NK-25 and D-30S engines for propulsion. Larger, slower ships should use the RD-59 and RD-51. As stated before, tactical ships will want to use mostly gimballed engines and support ships should use mostly static engines. While it is possible to propel a large ship with small engines, the large ship will have extreme fuel consumption for its mass and design speed, not recommended when fuel is one of your biggest expenses in the campaign. TLDR: Use small engines for small ships, strongly consider switching to big engines around 6000t of ship.
Reinforced Hull Reinforced hull has the same hitpoint total as an armor block, but at one-fifth of the weight. It’s not perfect, though, because it doesn’t have the damage resistance of armor; you can see this when interlaced armor/reinforced structure triangles get hit by a missile; the structure triangles go deep red or die immediately, whilst the armor triangles (that didn’t fall off from the missing structure) go pink/light red.They Read the full article
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Kdrama recs Part 2
Hello @camsthisky and anyone else who cares! I do apologize for the delay on this post--it has only been 84 years since Part I of my kdrama recs, I know, and I thought about going for a full century but this is me finding a way to de-stress after watching the first episode of I-Land alkdjfadlksj I’m gonna die of heartbreak but whatever
Speaking of heartbreak, there is a lot to be found in Korea’s wonderful historical dramas, so like, be warned—or, if you are an angst-loving monster like me, settle down for hot guys and good cries
Let us begin! (or, if you want romantic modern dramas see Part 1)
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1. Scarlet Heart Ryeo/Moonlovers: 
aha ahahahahahaha *weeps* You may have heard people talk about this show. You may have heard ME talk about this show. This thing was my first kdrama ever and it RUINED ME 
Disclaimer: I have seen this show once and rewatched it twice and on the rewatches I can never quite make myself watch the last 4 or 5 episodes because things get tragic and messy and I get mad. HOWEVER there is a lot of good in the first part of the show and because this thing was all the rage in everywhere but Korea itself, there’s like over 300 fanfic for it and several good fix-its, including one by my good friend @thelonelybrilliance
Ok so anyway this show which could also be called An Abundance of Princes starts with a young woman from modern times getting thrown back into ancient Goryeo during an eclipse and finds herself in the body of Hae Soo, the cousin of the wife of one of the princes, and thus she gets embroiled in royal affairs which are, quite frankly, a mess. See, the evil eyeliner prince (whom I love even when he’s the worst) is plotting with his mom to get the Crown Prince out of the way aka dead BUT who should return to the Palace but the 4th Prince, Wang So, who has spent at least half his life living as hostage to a powerful family. 
So has a scar that cuts across his eye and which in this society makes him a horror to look at or smthing idk he just looks extra hot to me but anyway he wears a mask and is known as the wolf dog (or as the MURDER ANGST CUPCAKE thanks @abadpoetwithdreams). He might seem a little rough around the edges at first because his life has been hell but he really just wants to love and be loved okay people need to be nice to him wtf
Other princes include: 
    1.  the Crown Prince, Wang Mu, a good egg, not particularly charismatic but he tried to protect his lil bro when no one else would
    2.  the 8th prince, Wang Wook, who reminds me of a fellow named Shane and I don’t mean the cowboy
    3.  the 10th prince, Wang Eun, a dumb adorable spoiled bby (played by Baekhyun from EXO)
    4.  the 13th prince, Baek Ah, a tol soft boi, an artist, a BAE, a BRO, a SHIPPER ON DECK
    5.  the 14th prince, Wang Jung this son will fight everyone he’ll fight himself he just loves to fight! Not always wise but he’s a good boy and I like him a lot 
    6.  just realized I skipped the 9th prince but nobody cares 
One quick note is that IU plays Hae Soo, and I enjoy her a lot in the first half of the show where she is still spunky and rebellious...sadly her character kind of falls apart/gets too weak for my liking as the episodes progress
The MAIN reason why I feel it my duty to recommend this show to everyone despite the fact I have never met anyone who wasn’t traumatized by it is LEE JOON GI
Yes, this man:
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2. Hwarang: Ok so right off the bat I am going to smack down a disclaimer that I can’t stand the female lead. TRULY CANNOT. Thus, I don’t like the romance, and only care about the love triangle as far as it just shows how sad and lonely one of the guys is. (Also there are scenes of dumb old men plotting and I don’t like them either). At the end of the show, I am happy that the one guy is NOT stuck with the female lead as his wife. Good for you sir
Sounds like a show to steer clear of then, right? WRONG. This is a show that you skip through because the scenes that are good? Are GREAT
Picture this: It is the Silla era of Korea, and the queen is ruling as regent in place of her son, who has been hiding all his life because everyone wants to kill him. Well, son is now grown and must soon come into the light and take the throne. Queen who both wants her son as king but also really likes being queen decides to do everyone a favor and form an elite fighting squad out of all the prettiest and most talented sons of nobles in the land, with the idea that they will be loyal only to the throne, and thereby keep their dads from plotting to destroy everything. 
Let me tell you something, these ARE the prettiest boys in the land. Good hair, good jawlines, beautiful smiles—the cast lineup includes Park Hyung Sik and his cute lil elf ear, Park Seo Joon, Taehyung (yes from BTS!), and Choi Minho from Shinee, plus two other actors who are lesser known but who are drop-dead gorgeous. Anyway. Sorry, but they really are all beautiful. 
The fun thing is they don’t all get along right away, a few of them are VERY much opposed to the other for various reasons, but they all have to bond and become brothers in arms. And what they don’t know is that the real king snuck in and is one of them. 10/10 I would die for the boys! (also Tae has an older half-brother who is a lower rank than him but whom he looks up to and that makes for cuteness and pain) Once you skip the boring or annoying parts of the show, the rest has so much delight, laughter, and oops pain, lots of pain. I want to go re-watch. 
Two other things I should mention about the show: a super soft side romance between secondary characters and a game of, as they call it in the show, HOT SOCCER 
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^pretty boy 1 (with the cute elf ear sadly on the other side of his head)
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^pretty boy 2 (sad cheekbone bby) and pretty boy 3 (happy cheekbone bby)
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^pretty boy 4 (the prettiest of them all, and he knows it!)
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^pretty boy 5 (aka Taehyung danced around the set of a historical drama and made everyone adopt him as their bby) 
3. Faith/The Great Doctor: This is a longer kdrama at 24 episodes and they didn’t have much of a budget so special effects aren’t the best or anything but I just got really attached to all the characters? This is another modern girl goes back in time but UNLIKE SHR it actually has a happy ending, so if you need a historical drama cleanse after that tearjerker/enrager, this could be it for you
Eun Soo has to navigate the ancient kingdom, keep people believing she is a heavenly doctor with special powers, and keep Choi Young alive so he can fulfill his promise of returning her to her own time. The problem with that is Choi Young does have kind of a death wish because of reasons—
Eun Soo is a plastic surgeon who would really like a rich handsome husband one day but them’s the breaks for you, aka she has had no luck in that department. Back in ancient Korea, Choi Young (played by Lee Minho in sadly the only role I really love him in) is a high-ranking beloved captain who can fall asleep anywhere. Oh he can also make electricity with his hands! :D
The story begins when the sleepy sad captain tries to escort the new king and queen to their palace. This was during the time period when ancient Korea was basically a puppet kingdom/tributary of ancient China (Yuan). The king (who is very smol and lacks confidence, but still has a good heart for his country) lived as a hostage in Yuan for many years, and his wise tol queen is a princess of that land, and someone needs to sit them down and make them talk because they actually love each other a lot. Anyway, when the queen gets injured by assassins, Choi Young goes searching for a legendary doctor, winds up in modern Korea, and steals both Eun Soo and a SWAT shield, because hey, it looked cool I guess
Lots of fun things in the show: Choi Young has a crew of soldiers who are BEYOND loyal to him, and while he doesn’t think much of the king at first because he’s been burned by kings before, they slowly become bros and shippers on deck for each other. Eun Soo does not lose her spunk or loyalty unlike other people I could mention *cough*HaeSoofromScarletHeartRyeo*, and it cracks me up when she curses people out. There are also a bunch of people (mostly bad guys) running around with special powers or gifts, including a flame lady and a flute boy, and the latter wears delightful anime wigs, keeps his sword in his flute, and plays his flute to kill—literally! I love flute boy very much 
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sorry it’s black and white but DO YOU SEE THE SWAT SHIELD
4. My Country: A New Age:
Picture this: two young men, who both hail from childhoods of trauma, who grew up together and are best friends, and who are tragically forced apart and end up on opposite sides of a conflict that threatens to upend the current rule of the kingdom. This IS the star-crossed brotp you’ve been waiting for!
Seo Hwi is the son of a general who died a criminal, and all he wants is to live simply and earn enough rice take care of his younger sister, who has seizures and a sweet crush on Hwi’s bestie. Hwi is the best softest most loyal boy with a good and true heart, a great deal of courage, and a talent for wielding a sword, and just wait till you see the best one-shot fight scene ever of him in battle, it is INCREDIBLE! (He is played by Yang Se Jong, who I now want to see more of) Hwi has an abundance of charisma points in that he picks up a small band of loyal soldier friends and they become the best little found family, lots of brotp-ness in this crew—do not mess with any of them because they will all FIGHT you
Seon Ho meanwhile is the illegitimate despised son of a powerful nobleman, only tolerated because the legitimate son died. Seon Ho loves his friend and is very protective of his friend’s little sister who crushes on him but his dad is a high class grade A power-hungry jerk and that causes complications of course. Seon Ho also has a good heart, he’s a gentle soul really, but he always gets stuck in bad positions and unfortunately makes a couple of difficult/bad choices so he hardens himself as much as he can but the consequences always kill him and he just wants to save his friends and destroy his dad and the stupid hierarchy that treats bastards as lesser. WHY IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK? 
Seon Ho he is played by Woo Do Hwan who has so much talent I die so many times over in this show just because of the way he portrays Seon Ho like that sad sad boy is one of my favorite characters evER! Is he problematic? At times maybe but I am HERE for him he just needs LOVE AND AFFECTION AND AN ABUNDANCE OF GOOD FRIENDS BUT INSTEAD (SOMETIMES THRU HIS OWN FAULT BUT HE ADMITS THAT) HE JUST SUFFERS AND SO I SUFFERRRR
*grabs a towel and dries up my tears*
Hwi also falls in love with a woman named Hui Jae (or was it Hee Jae i can’t remember) and they are very cute together, she’s pretty cool but the show’s one failing is arguably that they kind of underuse her in the plot as the story goes on? But I still like her and she still has a good role, and she is both brave and kind and not afraid to step in or tell people off, also keep a weather eye open for patching up scenes! 
Oh yeah, eVERYONE in this gets hurt/stabbed/shot/bloody, such a shame they have to take their shirts off to clean and bandage the wounds ;)
Last character I must mention is Bang Won, played by Jang Hyuk in his second interpretation of the historical figure. Bang Won is the fifth? son of the guy who becomes emperor/king, and he has his own plans for the country, so when Hwi catches his eye, he recruits him to his cause.  What you need to know about him is that he has issues with his dad, is slightly unhinged, and cannot and should not be parted from the fan that he constantly carries around with him. Gotta say, Jang Hyuk is FANTASTIC (heheheheheheh) in the role, able to convey all kinds of emotion in the rise and fall of his voice, in the tilt of his head, the tears of his eyes, the flick of his fan. Give this actor all the awards! 
To sum up: if you like to cry for days after watching a drama, if you like excellent heart-wrenching brotps, if you like conflicted characters, if you like amazing music and setting and plot, if you like guys with good hair and arm muscles (and 
abs, thank you shirtless scenes what) this show is a Must Watch 
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Ok I was going to leave the historical drama post at this for now but...I’m going to cheat a little and include the one historical C!drama I just finished.Yes folks I am talking about:
5. Nirvana in Fire:
Ok so maybe the switch from kdrama to cdrama makes you uncertain. Maybe the fact that this show has FIFTY-FOUR EPISODES makes you go hell no I don’t have enough time for that. Well if you overlook this show for those reasons, you are making, and I do not exaggerate, the greatest mistake of your show-watching life!
Look, first, this drama has one of the best, most intricate, most satisfying plots in history, with like 20 characters you would die for, and second, the episodes are only about 42 minutes each, which is shorter than most kdrama episodes, so you can deal.
Once upon a time there was a general/family who were just too good to exist in corrupt old China, so naturally they were framed for treason and there was a giant massacre and everybody died, including the eldest prince who was like um dad maybe this is all a horrible mistake and the king was like no u are the mistake. Sad times.
One of the many younger princes named Jing (A NOBLE HEART, if not always the cleverest) returns home from wherever he was, finds out that not only did his prince brother die, but so did his best friend/brother in the whole wide world, Lin Shu, son of the general. Because he insists on the innocence of said bros/family, Jing becomes an outcast prince and is shuffled off to fight in wars where he can’t cause any trouble. Meanwhile, Princess Nihuang, Lin Shu’s brave, awesome, amazing, wise, incredible girlfriend, refuses to marry anyone else, and because she is too cool to be messed with, nobody tries to banish her
Cut to I think eleven years later, when the two most powerful princes are vying to be the crown prince and heir to the throne. They both try to recruit the aid of a renowned clever and sassy strategist named Mei Changsu, to help them with plotting and PR and such.
Well little do they know that Mei Changsu is actually the not-dead Lin Shu, with a completely new face (for reasons), and that Mei Changsu is a chess master setting up a long con for the dual purpose of obtaining revenge/justice for the dead and of raising Prince Jing to the throne, since Prince Jing is the only man with a good enough heart and strong enough will to make China a better place for all the people. But just to make it hard on everybody, Mei Changsu is dead set on not telling anyone who he really is—again, for reasons. He is not always successful in keeping his secret.
I literally don’t know what else to say because there is so MUCH to say, so many characters to love, and I mean LOVE. How do you get a cast this good? How is everyone so different yet so important? How do you feel bad for the emperor even when he’s slimy? How do you have to stop yourself from rooting for the prince who would destroy some of your faves? I can’t praise the charisma and acting talent in this show enough! And the music! IS GORGEOUS!
1 strategist too sassy for his own good and too clever for everyone else’s good + 1 prince who loves his mom and his dead best friend and his dead older brother more than anything else in the world + 1 gentle wise mom + 1 eternally loyal princess who would defend her loved ones with the sword if necessary + 1 sassy Elrond healer man + 1 grumpy sulky baby who loves being a better fighter than almost everyone + 1 loyal to the death, brave badass general who is going to have a stress breakdown if the strategist doesn’t take better care of himself + not 1 but 2 good boys who deserve to be protected but who are willing to throw themselves into battle if necessary + 1 antagonist tiger prince who I love and am not ashamed to say it = THE BEST OF TIMES
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^he hardly ever wears his hair down but when he does <33333333
*checks calendar* how soon is too soon rewatch something, asking for a friend
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pillow-anime-talk · 5 years
problems with the proposal
synopsis: Kirishima asks friends for help... And it’s a very bad idea.
# tags: scenario; pro-hero!kiri & babysitter!y/n; current relationship; romance; comedy; crack & mess; fluff; bakusquad reunion; sfw
includes: female reader ft. eijiro kirishima & rest of bakusquad in the background {bnha}
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“Kaminari, I have a problem.” 
These were the first words Kirishima said as he entered the cafe where his longtime friend was waiting for him.
“Oh, God. Kirishima, are you okay? You’re redder than usual...” 
“I... W-What do you mean?” Kaminari fastly blinked.
“Will you marry me?“ He asked quietly, pursing his lips into a narrow line and crossing his fingers.
Kaminari raised his own left eyebrow and immediately opened his mouth. He sat in his seat for a moment, but then he got up from the wooden chair and opened his lips.
“WHAT?! You have a girlfriend, BRO.”
“What the hell. I know?! I just... This question been okay? I mean, this surprised you in a good or a bad way?“
“OF COURSE in the BAD way. Kirishima, what’s wrong with you?”
“...Then, help me propose to my baby. P-Please...” Kaminari sighed. He looked at his blushing best friend for a few seconds, and then took out his own phone by choosing the number to another trusted friend from their former Hero High School class. 
When happy voice asked him ‘What’s up?’ he smiled lightly.
“Hey, Mina. Call to others and say them that ‘we have a Red Code’. Thanks and see you soon in our coffee shop! Byeee!”
{ ・゚✧ }
Smiling Mina, happy Sero and Bakugo who’s been angry all over the world entered the cafe, immediately going to the table, at which Kaminari and stressed Kirishima sat.
“Hey, Kami! Hello, Kirishima!” Mina greeted and took her chair next to the yellow-haired boy.
“I’m surprised that the Red Code was the first. I thought the first would be Pink.” Sero added to them.
“Hey, Shitty-Hair. You couldn’t do it on next week? I had plans for today.” Katsuki mumbled and putted his legs on front sofa. “Anyway. What are you going to do?”
“Okay. First off all. What's it a ‘Red Code’?”
“Ahhh. Right. We didn’t tell you that?” Mina thoughted about it. Eijiro shook his head. “So. When one of us needs help with during the proposal or wedding... We have a secret codes for these days! You have the red one, I have the pink code, Kaminari has yellow... Sero has black and Bakugo has green. You know. We're friends and we have to help each other.”
“That’s right, Shitty-Hair. Then, tell us... Have you bought a ring yet?”
“Yes, of course. Who do you think I am?” Kirishima looked at the cup and slowly sighed. “Guys, you want to see it? I think the ring it’s pretty... But you all can rate him if you want.”
“BIG HELL YES. You don’t need to ask!” Mina’s glowing eyes moved on Kirishima’s hand, who after a moment took a white box with a bow on the top out of his pocket. “Wow... It looks amazing... And this is just the little box.”
“Show us a ring, idiot.”
“Calm down, Bakubro. Don’t you see? He’s stressed.” Sero smiled and stopped his eyes on red-haired man. “Show us, Kirishima. I’m so excited!”
The hero opened a small box, thus showing a pretty ring with a red crystal in the center. All four of them smiled widely. Even Bakugo felt a lovable warmth in his heart, thinking about how many years have passed since they first met and then started their own paths, starting work, falling in love and planning the future. It's a really nice feeling.
“OCH! It's a gold?”
“Yes. White gold. Y/N really loves it. And... It’s a ruby. It’s match with my hair and eyes. What do you think about this? Do y’all think she’ll like it?”
“BITCH. She’ll LOVE it. I promise.” Mina hit the table with her hand.
“You finally did something right, Shitty-Hair.“ Bakugo laughed and patted Kirishima’s arm. “Have you planned anything? I mean... Dinner? Maybe restaurant? Trip?”
“Oh. Right. I thought about a romantic dinner with wine. Y/N likes alcohol so... I think it’ll be cool.”
“I think too! Oh, GOOOOD. Y/N will be super happy... I’m really love two of you.” Mina sniffed. “I’m happy too, really.”
“...Hehe. Happy...” Kaminari whispered and looked at his friends. “I think we’ll go to dinner together, Kiri. Y/N, you and... me.”
Yellow-haired boy lifted up his right hand and showed others a ring. “Well... Haha.”
“Kaminari... WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!” Kirishima stood up and caught Denki's shirt. “TAKE IT OFF. NOW.”
“I CAN’T?!”
“Kaminari... I’ll kill you. I promise.”
Red-Haired boy grabbed his head and looked at smol box without ring inside. Despite the positive feelings he had for Denki... Now, he really wanted to choke him for the death.
{ ・゚✧ }
Some time passed, and the ring was still on Kaminari’s hand. Kirishima didn’t know what to do. Of course. Bakugo offered to cut off Denki’s hand or break his finger, but it was too rigorous. Also Mina’s acid was too dangerous and Sero’s tape couldn't help. Initially, Eijiro was angry as fuck. But now... it seemed funny. Sure, the lack of the ring in the box caused him stress, but as long as the engagement ring was close to him, it's was fine.
Kirishima was want to say something, but the sound of the doorbells distracted him. He looked toward the entrance and almost suffocated with air in his own lungs when he saw you with a three-year-old child in yours arms.
Of course. You're been at work and you're been a nanny for this cute child today.  It wasn't a new sight for Kirishima BUT, at this point he wouldn't rather to see you.
“Oh, fuck. I’ll literally die for few seconds. Hide me, crackheads.”
But before Eijiro managed to hide from you... you noticed him and the rest of his friends. There were maybe three people in the cafe (except Bakusquad), so it wasn’t too difficult.
“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.”
“Hi, guys! Hello, love.” You greeted and approaches to them, quickly taking your place next to your boyfriend. The child on your shoulders politely took seat on your thighs. “What’s up?” 
“Ummm... Hello, Y/N!” Mina was the first who’s speak, welcoming you with a smile. Boys nodded. “You’re at work now, I’m right?”
“Yes. Haru wanted to eat a cake and lemonade. It’s nice that I met you all today. Are you okay, g...”
“I’m sorry I have to go to the bathroom.” Kirishima stood up and quickly walk to the small, blue room. You looked at him with confused eyes.
“I-Is everything okay with him?” 
“Yes, yes! Don’t worry, Y/N!”
You smile lightly and grabbing the menu card. “I always be worry about him. Whenever he’s sad or upset.”
{ ・゚✧ }
Kirishima, as soon as he returned from the bathroom (in which he washed his blushed face), he didn’t speak to you or the rest of his friends. Kaminari, too. So you only talked to Mina, Sero and Bakugo.
However, you knew that the conversation was rather one-sided, and they didn’t want to talk to you.
That's why when you started to feel an growing burden on your heart, you decided to wipe Haru’s face and improve his shirt with Midoriya's face on ahead. You got up quietly from a dark wooden chair and gave your friends a weak smile.
“I’ll go home. Haru needs a nap, right? It was nice to see you again. Umm ... See you later, love...?” You looked shy at Eijiro and then you walked towards to the exit. He automatically frowned his eyebrows. 
The burden of the box in his pocket made itself felt. He looked quickly at his friends and then at you when you’re standing on the sidewalk outside the cafe building.
Without waiting, Kirishima grabbed Kaminari’s hand and ran with him towards the door.
You turned around and before you could do anything else, you saw the red-haired boy kneeling against you. You frowned slightly.
“Oh my GOD. This isn’t the time and place where I’d like to be now... but you worried me with your way out. I’m just a little bit n-nervous? Haha, I think so... Anyway. Don’t be worried about me, baby.” Kirishima sighed. “Kaminari, what the hell. K-Kneel right fucking now.” He whispered and pulled his friend on the footpath. “Ummm... So. Baby. I love you the most on the whole world. I want you to always be next to me and spend rest of your life with me. Ummm ... W-Will you marry me, baby?” The man pulled his friend’s hand, presenting you a ring with a beautiful ruby ​​in his center. Tears stood in your eyes and Kirishima scratched his head. “This idiot put your ring on his finger and now he can’t take it off, but...”
With the baby in your arms, you quickly hugged his chest and start cried loudly.
“Hey, hey. Why are you crying?”
“It’s... crazy. Jesus. I thought you had enough of me today.”
“The only person I have enough today is the yellow Pikachu who stole your ring.” He rolled his eyes and then kissed your forehead. “Anyway... Your answer? Would you enjoy to spend a life with me, baby?”
You already wanted to kiss your fiance when Kaminari sighed loudly and happily.
“Och, shut up, Pikachu. You’re ruining the moment.” Kirishima laughed and quickly kissed you on your lips.
In front of a cafe could be heard noisy clapping and whistling.
“We’ll have dinner later, baby. I’m glad you agreed for this. I love you.”
“I love you too, Eijiro.”
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maggiesarchives · 5 years
Dumb Incomplete WIP #1 “5+1 Soft Spaceboys Taking Care Of Each Other”
Soft Incomplete 5+1 Finnpoe. Basically, Poe is very fond of his bf and likes to take care of him. Soft comfort ensues. (Written because I desperately needed someone to take care of Finn...)
Poe Dameron has a problem. He has a very large, boyfriend sized problem. On his own, Finn isn't a problem, in fact he's the exact opposite. He lights up every fucking room he walks in to, and he's sweet and kind, always checking on Poe. 
Poe loves him. He hasn't said it yet, but he does. He loves Finn with everything he's got. That's where the problem comes in. 
The instant that Finn's face falls, Poe wants to wrap him in blankets and hold him forever. If Finn so much as frowns, if there's slightest decline of his lips, he wants to pull him in and kiss him until that beautiful smile returns. But he can't always do this. There's work to be done, and meetings to attend, and he can't just drop everything to take care of his boyfriend. 
Thus, the problem.
*bigass time skip because I struggle at writing*
It's been thirty four hours since the fight with Finn. They got into it late at night, and the yelling came to a roaring climax when Finn simply walked out, slamming the door behind him. 
Poe's chest aches without him. Last night he laid in his bed and waited for Finn to come back. Usually after a fight Finn would show up at his door, crawl into bed, and they would talk things out. But not this time. Poe had stayed up all night clutching desperately at the little hope he had. Now, he walks groggily through his day. There are things that need to be done, and he really needs Finn at his side. He can't do this alone. 
"General Dameron?" Connix appears in the doorway of his office, papers piled high in her arms.
Poe sighs and runs his hand over his face. "What is it this time?"
"Trade negotiations from the Rafa system, mission reports from Jess- uh, Commander Pava, and complaints from the… one of the trading posts." She sits the papers down on his desk and turns to leave. 
"Connix wait-" he calls out after her. 
She turns back around, "yes general?"
"First of all, I've asked you to quit calling me general, Kaydel. Makes me feel old," he fakes a shudder. Connix rolls her eyes at him and shifts to lean on the doorframe. "And second, where's Finn? He usually brings me these reports."
"He called in sick this morning," she answers. "He didn't sound too good."
Finn never takes a day off. Ever. In fact, he usually works himself until Poe forces him to take a day off, or at least get some sleep. Poe decides to go with his gut instinct. "I'm leaving you in charge until further notice." He pushes up from his desk and heads out the door. 
Connix looks shocked as Poe brushes past her, and she follows him down the hallway. "Gener-" he sends her a glare and she pauses, "what are you doing?"
"I'm going to take care of my boyfriend, Acting General Connix." He replies. 
"What am I supposed to do? I've never done this before." 
"Just read over the reports and write a summary, it's simple, really."
She groans in frustration, "but I-"
Poe stops in his tracks, and Connix nearly runs right into him. He turns around and looks her in the eyes. "Kaydel, you're competent. If I thought you weren't up for this I would have picked someone else, but I didn't. I picked you," he pokes her shoulder. "I believe in you, okay? Now let me go, my boyfriend is wasting away as we speak."
She rolls her eyes, then smiles. "Thank you Gen-"
"Kaydel, we've talked about this," he warns. 
"Thank you, Poe." 
"Attagirl," he grins and claps her on the shoulder before taking off. 
When faced with the door to Finn's room- the one he uses solely to store his things in- Poe gulps. He knocks softly, "Finn?" There's no answer from the other side, and he begins to open the door. 
"Finn, buddy," he warns. "I'm coming in."
Poe is slapped in the face by the heat of the room. Finn must have the heat on at least 26C, yet he's still buried under a mountain of blankets. Poe walks over to the side of the bed, resisting the urge to press his lips to Finn's forehead to gauge his temperature, instead placing a hand on his shoulder. He shakes him gently, "hey, wake up."
After a moment, Finn blearily squints up at him. "Poe?" His voice is hoarse and raspy. 
Poe rests the back of his hand on Finn's forehead. "You're burning up," he murmurs, pulling the blankets back. "What's wrong."
Finn gives him this half assed look of I'm dying and you have the audacity to ask me what's wrong? before being thrown into a coughing fit. Immediately, Poe reaches down and helps him to sit up. Finn winces at the effort it takes. 
"Muscle aches," Poe asks, and he nods in reply. "Chills and a headache?" He nods again. "Alright," he whispers, and peels away several layers of blankets until only one is left. 
Finn whines and swats at him. "Go away," he grumbles, "I'm still mad at you."
"I know," he replies, but continues to move around Finn's bed, making sure he's comfortable.
"This isn't earning you any brownie points, if that's what you're going for."
Poe steps back, "I'm not doing this to get back in your good graces Finn. I'm doing it because I don't want you to sit in here and waste away because you're too damn stubborn to take care of yourself."
"Oh," Finn whispers. "Well I'm still-"
"You're still mad at me, I get it," Poe cuts him off. "But you don't plan on dumping me, do you?"
"What-" confusion winds its way onto Finn's face. "No, of course not."
"Alright then." He leans in and fixes Finn's pillows, "just let me take care of you, and when you're better we can go back to not speaking until you're ready to talk, okay?"
Finn looks up at him, and Poe can see the tiny flash of love and adoration in Finn's eyes. It makes his heart melt. "Stay here," he tells him. "I'll be back in a minute."
* * * * *
Poe balances a tray and some medicine in his hands, closing the door with his hip. "I brought soup, the kind my mom made when I was sick." He sits the tray in Finn's lap and kisses his forehead on instinct, earning a glare from his boyfriend. "Right, still mad, sorry. Won't happen again."
*very smol time skip*
Finn's resolve crumbles late that night. Poe has just finished an old issue of Hot Ships Holomag and is reaching for another when he sees Finn staring at him. His eyes are glassy but soft, looking at him with a quiet sort of intensity that leaves Poe feeling vulnerable down to his very core. 
"Everything alright," Poe asks. 
Finn continues to look at him for a moment, blinking in the soft lamplight. "Come sit with me," he manages, his voice rough.
Poe can't say no to that. He goes to sit on the edge of the bed, but Finn tugs at his arm and scoots forward, motioning weakly to the space behind him. Poe takes the hint and- not without a great effort- slides into bed behind him. They're only half laying down, half sitting on account of Finn's cough, but it's warm and familiar. Poe wraps his arms around his boyfriend's middle in a loose, noncommittal way. 
Finn sighs and sinks back into him, "I'm not mad anymore," he muses, pausing even though it seems there is more he wants to say. Poe uses this moment to press his nose into the space behind Finn's ear. "I wasn't all that mad if the first place, I just-" he sighs, turning his head ever so slightly towards Poe, "I worry." 
He presses his lips gently to Finn's temple and holds him a little tighter. "You don't have to worry about me," he tells him. "I'll always come back to you, I promise."
"I know, it's just-"
Finn coughs violently, his whole body shaking. When it's over, Poe shushes him. "We'll talk more when you're better," he whispers. They settle in. covering themselves with one thin blanket. Poe takes the extra pillow and shoves it behind his aching back.
"You've had your vacs, right," Finn asks weakly.
Poe makes an amused little huff, "yeah baby, I have. You already asked me that, remember?" He can feel Finn tense up, and he rubs soothing patterns into his side. "It's alright, I think it's cute,"
Finn must be too worn out to protest because he says nothing in response. He simply closes his eyes and lets his loll to the side, resting on Poe's chest. Within minutes he's asleep.
* * * * *
Poe wakes up to no blanket and no Finn. He bolts upright, only to find his boyfriend (and the blanket) laying on the floor at the foot of the bed. Finn stares innocently up at him. "Hi."
Poe sighs, dragging a hand over his face. "Care to explain?"
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Baby Boom
@blind-mutant here we go!! For anyone else who reads this, this is uhhh an au??? Based off a fic I wrote for Devin's birthday in which Rhys lives a happy life with Wulf, Sal, Pascal, Lace, Mahogany and Dae! They also have a ton of babies (the carrier for all of these is Mahogany, they're still trying to get Sal to have a baby for them to coddle during all this) and here are some headcanons (tho core details like appearance, names, powers aren't decided since I want it to be a duo thing to share).
Malf (Wulf x Mahogany)
Oldest baby since Wulf is incredibly fertile
Big baby. Mahogany had quite a few worried boys around them when they got close to their due date and Baby themself got Mahogany exhausted.
So for the first few weeks it was the boys mostly taking care of Baby while Mahogany rested.
Spent the past six months being carried by Wulf before the last month was spent with only Dae being allowed to go near because he doesn't smell of much. Mahogany could only stand him and it made Dae cry every time.
Ate a LOT of meat since they were already the size of a one year old despite Mahogany being carrying for six months.
Screamed any time they were left alone and thus someone had to be in the room with them or holding them.
Even without powers,,,,ridiculously strong,,,dragged a chair with Sal still sitting on it and they were only a year and a half.
Angwy lil bab when the twins were born. Father crew had to keep an eye on them because Pascal launched out of bed one morning (throwing Rhys across the bed by accident) and caught Baby dragging the twins out to the woods,,,and then spent another hour holding a wailing Baby over it.
Wild Child. The kid who screams "FA!" and comes running in with a snake they found before announcing that they were bitten excitedly.
Wants stories all the time and everything they get told depends with "That's not what Auntie Edith/Uncle Mordecai says!"
Had very weird body proportions where they're skinny look but has big ass hands and feet,,,,like Michael from tma.
Stomps everywhere.
Ridiculously tall when grown. Gets yelled at by Rhys or Sal and they have to squat to be at eye level.
Kinda neurotic about keeping packs together and self obessed idea of being the next Alpha. Starts a few fights with Mahogany that leaves them both scarred, much to the worry of everyone else.
Rhogal (Rhys x Mahogany/x Pascal?)
Mahogany got pregnant when Wulf Baby was two.
No one knew who's this one was and automatically assumed Rhys because pale and one was blind.
But then Lace openly wondered if they worked like a cat and could have multiple fathers and then doubts settled in.
Did not help that Baby Two would start giggling ominously before something bad happned.
Anyway, easier birth! Less stress and less muching if you don't include Wulf Baby's attempts at getting rid of them.
Smol, got carried around by Rhys a lot and could fit into Wulf's palms which made some knees weak.
Generally didn't seem much trouble at first but then it Began.
Pls Baby One, let go of the spoon, I swear you'll get more meat mush in a second- oh my god where did Baby Two go????
Lots of rushing around looking for Satan before Baby Two would just calmly pad in with a dead dove or napping in Alpha's hair.
Twins need to hold AT LEAST a body part of someone. Sal's hands?? Wulf's hair??? Rhys's feet when asleep??? It'll do. Especially if it makes Papa Rhys scream funny.
Sal shows them the shining twins and still getting punished for it to this day I hear.
Asks a lot of questions that seem emotional and gut punching. Baby One asks Wulf if they're monsters when being tucked into bed, Baby Two cheerfully asks Dae what's gonna happen if he dies at the family breakfast.
Absolutely ride or die and everyone and no one knows if they can change sizes because no one sees them as adults together strangely enough.
Rarely fights but when they do??? Oh its BIG. To the point where Mahogany has to pull a big scary move that makes everyone step back.
One twin is so gross like, Lilo licking Nani level, but no one knows until it's too late.
Scared of fires but urge to arson is terribly strong in these babies.
Wulf Baby hated them and then it got worse because you had two tiny terrors annoying and bullying Wulf Baby lowkey for months.
Lagni (Lace x Mahogany)
Wulf Baby is 4, the twins are 2 and Lace Baby is a wee bab!
Dad Squad is getting to be experienced, knows to set up a den in the bedroom, only Dae and babies can go near them in the last month and Wulf Baby is VERY proud of being able to play at Alpha and look after their carrier.
Lace Baby was....surprisingly normal at first and ok no one expected that but no one was going to argue since they all knew how powerful Lace was when off his meds.
Things were fine! But then a few weeks and,,,,Mahogany was sweating and Sal wouldn't stop bleeding and being sick and Rhys got surrounded by his shadows and isolated. Lace cried later that night.
Still! They got around it and Carter helped out by telling the government that he had a second child and they got some medication for Lace Baby to have in order to calm them down, at least until they could be taught some control.
Quiet but....weirdly attentive?? A month old and yet nodded when asked questions. Prodigy baby, Wulf says proudly.
Likes sitting near their fathers and getting hobbies. Lace was strict in telling Rhys he wasn't allowed to scare people and luckily Lace Baby just picked up music from him.
Likes brawling with Wulf Baby and is seemingly durable so more than once Pascal has yelled because Wulf Baby tossed a giggling Lace Baby across the room with one hand.
Addicted to hanging out with cousin Logan to the point where they have been a bit rude and blown off their own siblings. Got a big fight about it that ended up with Baby One sulking with their head in Rhys's lap and sniffling.
Wants to move out but not in a bad way just....wants to study and learn about what they are, what their PACK is. Begs Uncle Abara to teach them demon stuff.
Accent changes with who they speak to. Has a stutter with Dae before switching to rough Irish when begging to go hunting.
Likes to stray from family but the slightest thing that upsets them?? Comes home sobbing to their parents, half of which only teach their shoulders now.
Cried easily? Medication made them have swings and some time Rhys said something and they cried and he still feels bad about it years later. Wulf is confused because all Rhys said was that they can't take a sword to school.
Likes making charts and playing games that Dae.
Burns themself out a lot and that causes worry for the family when they're eight and suddenly passing out after chasing after Mahogany.
Secretly keeps and cuddles a sweater from one of the parents and sleeps with it. Mortified if anyone found out about their blankie.
Mahl (Sal x Mahogany)
Wulf Baby is 5, the twins are 3 and Lace Baby is 1!
No one actually knew this time Mahogany was pregnant because the bump was so small and they weren't eating as much. Really, Mahogany started craving sweeter stuff and ate sap and honey for 6 months instead of meat.
Therefore, this is the one baby Mahogany finally got to have in the middle of nowhere and came back with late afternoon. Sal passed out immediately.
S m o l. Literally kitten sized. But had a perfect affinity for sound and therefore had the horrifying gift for copying voices. More than once they were woken up to Sal Baby screaming like an adult man and one time they woke up to Pascal's own voice screaming back at him.
Suckles a lot and this was cute until they grew teeth Mahogany has sharp teeth, Sal has blocky teeth. Baby has jagged teeth. Also the only baby who didn't eat meat but rather drank honey for months on end before finally eating meat.
Everyone thought Sal hated them because he never spoke to them until he finally sighed after a crying session and ruffled their hair and called Baby "Snuffle-Truffles". Wulf cried.
Didn't move for ages until Rhys didn't hold them one day after everyone ELSE did and Sal Baby finally got up and passed after him for their daily shadow dad cuddles.
Smol but f a s t. Scaled a wall in less than a minute and the wall was high enough that it takes about three minutes to hurry if you aren't a giant noodle who can litreally climb up.
Baby can touch Dae safely and that's because he woke up scremaing when Baby Sal was found suckling on his fingers and was....perfectly fine. There was a lot of crying.
Wants to Dance(Tm) but,,,,clumsy dancer. Has the legs of a chunky chicken wing to baby deer.
Baby of the family and they know it. Has some health issues later and VERY wild physical changes later on in life.
Mahogany is still bothering Sal about carrying a baby or two because they wanna coddle but haha what are the chances of that happening,,,,,:3 :3 >:3
Lace Baby is the teen that dumps their parents and Sal Baby is the teen that is mortified by the amount of baby pictures.
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What's everyone's favourite book, movie and TV show?
Jade - Book; To be completely honest, its been awhile since she’s read any novels, as the one book she’s usually putting her lil ‘nose’ in is an old family heirloom, very huge book of.. mysterious origin that she doesn’t let anyone touch let alone really see. It’s just one reason why she seems to know so much… However, she does tend to like Stephen King books (such as The Outsider), as they’re usually thick books with plenty to ponder on. She’s a fairly quick reader too, so those thick books usually get finished rather quick- making her read it at least twice if she wanted.Movie; She isn’t really one for movies, and only vaguely remembers watching a few with her brothers before everything went to shit (backstory). The few movies she remembers and sorta remembers that she liked were The Land Before Time and The Iron Giant- as she was a smol child at the time. Jeffery has shown her plenty of Slasher films over the years though, amongst other movies. She doesn’t really have a favorite, sometimes its too hard to pick. She’d definitely be one for Monster Movies if she was given the chance, or some Dreamworks or Disney films- maybe.TV Show; Now that I think of it, I dont think she’s ever watched TV… She’s caught glimpses of shows or the News and the like when she’s out on the field, but never really sat down to watch any of it. I do think she’d personally like a handful of cartoons and or anime though.
Jeffery - Book; He’s not much of a reader and hasn’t really picked up a book and read it cover to cover since he was technically forced to during school. He’s seen a few pages of Jade’s book purely out of curiosity, but she got upset that he touched and went through it without asking her first- and hasn’t seen it since. Movie; Most Slasher films; its always fun seeing said slashers (recounts of them) on the screen and then later seeing some of them minding their own business, walking the streets. TV Show; While he doesn’t watch much TV anymore, he always seemed to like watching certain Saturday morning cartoons with his brother before or during breakfast, like Angry Beavers or CatDog. Ben got him a few full series dvd cases for some cartoons like them as a birthday gift last year.Eyeless -Book; Its also been awhile since Eyeless had read any books, though he did also fancy Stephen King books aside from always burying his face into his textbooks- but as he can no longer see (he is.. eyeless.. after all), he hasn’t read anything since everything went dark. Movie; While he cant see them anymore, he does enjoy listening to some Movie’s based on their ambiance, dialog, and OST- but not always; if he were to watch a movie with someone else, he’d probably ask for them to describe some things if possible, so he gets a clearer idea as to whats going on. Last Movie he ‘watched’ was the remake of ‘IT’.TV Show; Isn’t one for TV much either, but has put things on for background noise a few times- nothing he’s heard thus far has really gained his attention.LJ - Books; This guy? Reading? I don’t think so- he hasnt read a book since he used to read (or recall) bedtime stories to Will when the kid was much younger- and even then he was barely paying attention to what he was reading. Movie; Not a big movie guy either, but he has watched a few with Will as per the kid’s request.TV Show; I think he’s on the same page as Jade; has never watched TV by himself but has caught glimpses of things from whenever he’s out on the field. Nothing of note though. Will - Book; Hasn’t read a book since High school, excluding Textbooks then and currently- and it was a class assigned one. Honestly, he didnt even finish reading it and half-assed the paper. And yet, somehow, got a very good grade regardless. He is intrigued by Jade’s huge book though.. looks important to her.Movie; Always been a big fan of Slasher and Monster films, ever since his parents finally let him or deemed him old enough to watch certain things. But he does have a wide range of likes- the most recent film he managed to watch was a Godzilla movie, and before that was the newest HTTYD- always gotta have something cool in the film- whether it be beasts/monsters, fantasy of some sort, or explainable things.TV Shows; Cartoons, cartoons, cartoons, and sometimes anime-esque cartoons, k i rby  - been awhile since he’s been able to sit down and actually watch anything though, as one of the things he lacks rn is a TV of his own.
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shirtlesssammy · 6 years
13x23: Let the Good Times Roll
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Team Free Will 3.0!
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Sam gives the new recruits a rundown on the sorry state of our world. (Extra meta credit to the show for letting Jim Beaver talk about The Shape of Water. I’m pretty sure he was going to be in it but couldn’t due to other commitments. I can’t find that news now, but here’s his tweet about it.)
Dean calls. Apparently, Cas, Jack, and him were on a hunt for a case, and found some Kardashian loving werewolves to take out.
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Jack’s still learning (and Dean’s willingly training him. Awww.) While Cas takes out a werewolf outside, Sam, Dean, and Jack take out the rest inside. I love that the lesson about silver bullets doesn’t really apply for Jack, but he still wants to learn. (And, in hindsight, it matters so much that he does learn how to fight like a human.)
Meanwhile, Bobby and Mary take a nice stroll through the countryside, summing up the new world order.
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Yay for Rowena and Charlie Thelma and Louise-ing it through the Southwest. I’m a bit more concerned about Ketch “out doing Ketch things.” Uh, that man is a cold blooded killer. Is he redeemed? He. Killed. Magda. (Natasha: And Eileen. Horribly.) And then Bobby and Mary share a look. (Or, as the script says: They eyefuck.) The lovely interlude is interrupted when they see blood and find Maggie, another refugee, dead, head bashed against a rock.
Sam and Dean are back at the bunker, and that whole werewolf hunt was a lesson for Jack. Dean wants to retire -on the beach with Cas. If Jack can hone his powers, Sam and Dean are going to get their well deserved retirement. SOB.
Jack, bby, is having a nightmare though. Dean rushes to his room and they have a father-son moment.
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They share a moment of mutual nightmares (and we relive au!Kevin’s death again!), and then Dean gives a wonderful, heartfelt, motivating talk to Jack. It’s such a beautiful moment to highlight that Dean will never stop being a parent, and he’ll never stop caring and fighting for his family. It’s also, I think, a moment that will sustain Jack next season. He’s family, and Dean’s his family, and as Dean says, “we look after our own.”
Sam rushes to tell Dean about Maggie, and cut to them all standing around her body.
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Jack takes it personally, but Sam tries to reassure him that it’s not his fault.
Back at the bunker, they start interrogating another refugee. She is shocked to learn that Maggie is dead, and admits that there was a boy that she had a crush on. She probably went to see him the previous night. Jack flaps out before the others.
The boy is named Nate, and he works at the Gas and Go, and Jack is full on rage nephilim. He blasts him, and starts to choke him, demanding an answer to Maggie’s death. TFW bust in and Cas tries to intercede, but is tossed across the room (No Jack!), and then Dean shoots Jack (to get his attention.) Jack, realizing his error, runs out in self-loathing defeat.
Jack starts beating himself up literally and figuratively, and I was tearing up a bit during this scene. He fits so well with TFW --self-loathing and the inability to accept himself and his limitations/uniqueness.
At the Gas and Go, quick thinking Cas gives Nate the FBI cover (with aliases Rowland, Knowles, and Williams, heh. And Dean’s so proud of his quick-thinking husband, he flashes the peace sign. Goober.)
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The place starts to shake and lights begin to flicker --and it’s clear an angel is forthcoming. AGH.
Jack is still hurting himself in the forest when Lucifer pops in. BLARG.
Sam, Dean, and Cas make a run for it, but before they can escape in Baby, Michael appears. BLARG.
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Dean lights and throws their entire container of holy oil at Michael (aw, I remember when Cas originally obtained it to keep Rafael in a ring of fire) and they hightail it out of there.
Meanwhile, Lucifer lets Jack know that it was Sam that trapped him in the AU world. He tries giving Jack the “we’re not human” speech and tries to convince Jack to leave with him. And then Jack, who couldn’t possibly get ANY CUTER, starts talking about Star Wars and light sabers, and OMG. Season 14: Supernatural in Space!
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He also worries about Sam, Dean, and Cas, but Lucifer tells him that this is their opportunity to escape their past, their sins, and start over. Hmmm, I mean, Jack’s made mistakes, but dude, he doesn’t really have a past, or sins. Don’t drag him into your pity party. However, Lucifer sells his plan well enough that Jack agrees.
At the bunker, Bobby and Mary discuss Maggie’s death. Jack and Lucifer come strolling in like it’s nbd. Mary springs into action, telling Bobby to call Sam. Lucifer is here to bring Maggie back to life, per Jack’s wishes. I’m getting a Pet Semetary vibe with this, but it’s all good in the end. (Sidenote: Bobby called Sam - and presumably Dean and Cas - “boys”. Gah.) And before TFW can make it back to the bunker, Jack and Lucifer are gone.
*Mid Episode Aesthetic Break*
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TFW slightly panics when they get back to find that Lucifer’s come and gone with Jack. (Like, that old problem again, amirite?) They split up to investigate leads. Sam gets to gently interrogate Maggie and ask who killed her. Eek. She didn't catch an ID on his face...but she saw his eyes.
Cue Jack and Lucifer… They stargaze together in familial bliss out in the woods while Michael starts his assault on the bunker.
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Lights begin to flicker and the front door rattles. Sam orders Mary and Bobby to take Maggie out through the garage. Sam, Dean, and Cas await Michael. He busts in, they all pull out their weapons and proceed to...fire fruitlessly at Michael while he floats down from the upper balcony like he’s Peter Pan.
Michael tells them all that they can fly if they’ll only believe quickly gets the upper hand on all three of our heroes. He reveals that he made a deal with Lucifer to get to their world. Luci helped him open a rift. (See? I told you not to let Lucifer stay, Sam.) In return, Lucifer gets Jack and Michael gets everything else. (Lucifer. Dude. I love Jack and hate you... but that's a hell of a lopsided deal.)
Michael gives Dean a little preview of his idea of “saving the world” promising Dean that he will be the first to die – the first person he “saves.” Um. Thanks but no thanks, dickhole. Dean slowly suffocates in Michael's grip and Sam prays to Jack for help.
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Jack, that sweet little cupcake, hears Sam's prayer. He realizes that Sam's begging for help and flaps away to the bunker to join the fight.
Dean continues to choke when...WAPOW WAPOW! Jack uses his super nephilim force to knock Michael down. Jack goes full glowy eyes on Michael, twisting his hand into a fist until Michael writhes in agony. “Lucifer, we had a deal,” Michael gasps and Jack turns to Lucifer and asks what that means. (Aw, Jack.) Welp. Lucifer was gonna get the fuck off the planet with Jack while Michael laid waste to Earth. Thus, all the stargazing and romanticizing Star Wars.
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Cas is pissed that Lucifer would just abandon ship (why are you surprised, Castiel?) and Sam ratchets Jack’s shock up another level. Sam reveals that Lucifer killed Maggie. Though Lucifer initially denies it, Jack's eyes glow and he compels Lucifer to tell the truth. (Me: Stop thinking about Tom Riddle in Harry Potter compelling people to “tell the truth.” Jack’s a precious smol nougat. He’s no Voldemort! Also me…)
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“She saw me and she screamed so I crushed her skull with my bare hands and it was warm and wet and I liked it.” It's somewhat refreshing to hear Lucifer say this because he’s the ultimate spin machine, constantly covering up his misdeeds. However, it’s also so disturbing to hear Lucifer's true thoughts that hide under his smirking exterior.
Jack's face falls. “You're not my father,” he says. “You're a monster.” Lucifer screams in rage. He tells Jack that humans are worthless, and that he doesn't need Jack. In a flash, he slits Jack's throat and sucks out a big wallop of grace. NOOOOOOOO!
Lucifer grabs a weakened Jack and Sam lunges for Jack...and then Lucifer flaps out of there with both of them. Dean and Cas are left alone in the bunker with Michael.
Cut to Sam getting tossed across a church floor. Lucifer kicks Sam, his very favorite punching bag. And he's got Jack just where he wants him. Mustache twirl, mustache twirl.
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Back with Michael, Cas demands to know a way to stop Lucifer. Michael tells them that Lucifer is supercharged with Jack's grace...and now he can destroy the universe. Um. Oops. (Does stolen grace slowly kill archangels too?) Michael protests that he can't do anything to stop Lucifer in his “banged up meatsuit.” He coughs pathetically. “This is the end of everything,” Michael says. And damn it all, if Dean doesn't get a really dumb idea lodged in his head.
“What if you had your sword?” Dean asks.
How did we not see Lucifer stealing Jack’s grace? Extracting Jack’s grace to depower him was a plot point last year, and Lucifer using other angels’ grace to power up was used all this season. I think (like always) maybe the pacing could have been better to make it more weighty at the end? Had Lucifer met Jack sooner, and felt betrayed by Jack, and stole his grace sooner so we could feel that power, maybe that would make Dean’s decision more necessary? We know where Dean was coming from with his absolute need to protect his family --at the cost of his own life. They were in a bad spot, but I’m not sure the show made the stakes feel as high as they really were.
Meanwhile Lucifer is playing with his food (aka Sam) when Jack demands that he leave Sam alone. Lucifer's unimpressed and switches his attention to nougat. He punches Jack repeatedly. Father of the year award, here. :(
Lucifer tells Sam that family sucks and Jack being “family” is meaningless. To prove his point, he tells Jack to kill Sam. Lucifer drops his archangel blade at their feet and settles back to wait for the show.
Dean continues breaking our hearts at the bunker. While Cas asks Dean to back down, Dean sells himself as Michael's “sword.” UGH. Michael tells Dean that, were Dean possessed by him they MIGHT have a chance to defeat Lucifer. (Holy shades of Lucifer-possessing-Cas, Batman!) That's all Dean needs to hear. “Lucifer has Sam. He has Jack. Cas, I don't have a choice!” Dean brokers a deal with Michael: Michael can possess him, but he's in charge. Michael looks...very pleased.
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Sam and Jack face each other down while Lucifer natters at them. Sam bends down and picks up the blade. Jack looks hurt. Confused. And then Sam tries to hand him the blade so Jack can kill him instead. NOOOOOOO! (Please imagine this in Luke Skywalker’s voice.) Sam’s willingness to sacrifice himself for his adopted son inspires Jack to...sacrifice himself. Jack knows how to end Lucifer’s game. He’ll kill himself! Jack starts driving the blade into his skin when light streams from behind him. It's Dean! Er, Michael! Er, Michael!Dean! 
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“Heya, Sammy,” Dean’s familiar greeting is assurance that he’s still behind the wheel. He looks to Lucifer. It's time to rumble. Lucifer and Michael!Dean start to fight. Um...in the air? (This is no Crouching Tiger.) Supernatural could have at least given them both swirling capes.
Lucifer begins to get the upper hand and it’s looking bad for our team. Sam runs forward and picks up the forgotten archangel blade from the floor, tossing it up into Dean’s hand. Dean stabs Lucifer with it and Lucifer glows with red fire (still floating) before he finally poofs out. DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD!
Lucifer lies dead on the floor, the embers from his burned wings glowing like stars around his head. (Kudos vfx department)
(Boris: I was really shocked about Lucifer’s death at first (I’ve also held that Lucifer would be the ultimate Big Bad in the end), but they’ve been reversing The End this season and that’s exactly how they ended it.)
Sam experiences intense relief. Lucifer, his torturer, is dead! They're happy...they're celebrating… This is Return of the Jedi and they’re all about to eat a little storm trooper with some fuzzy Ewoks when--
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Dean buckles over, gasping. Oh no, we know the signs of an angel/human internal battle. “We had a deal!” Dean shouts and when he lifts his head, Michael's behind the wheel. He looks around casually and then flaps out, leaving Sam and Jack in shock behind him.
Back at the bunker, Mary and Bobby rush back into the library only to find Cas sitting alone on the step. He says nothing. Just shakes his head...
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On a quiet street, Michael goes for a stroll. He's purloined some classy new duds so he can walk the world. His eyes glow…
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Stay tuned, kids.
You Can Quote, You Can Quote, You Can QUOTE!!!
You shot me.
Wanna lightsaber?
Ginger trouble!
You, me, Cas. Toes in the sand. Couple of little umbrella drinks. Matching Hawaiian shirts, obviously. Some hula girls.
It's not about being strong. … Even when we're strong. Man, things are gonna happen. We're gonna make mistakes. Nobody's perfect. But we can get better. Every day, we can better.
I think he thought I'd be trapped over there in “giant litter box world” forever.
Before you died, do you remember anything about the person who killed you?
Daddy Sammy coming to the rescue.
Thanks for the suit.
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Hello! I just found your blog and I have binged read so much of your work lol. They are really good! And boy am I glad you do ES21, may I have relationship HC with kakei, hiruma, shin, and takeru with smol SO?
Kakei Shun
I did relationship headcanons for him waaaay back Here , however,I will do a few more, accounting for the smol
Would probably love you if you were not so smol, and indeed,there are times when you being so tiny was a little bit of a hindrance – ie whenhe loses you a crowd. 
The height difference is legit ridiculous, since he iscanonically one of the tallest in the series.  At 6’3 there are timespeople mistake you for his little sister, which never fails to make you break downinto a fit of giggles.
While he could totally abuse the size differential, hedoesn’t.  He doesn’t pick you up needlessly or move you around, trustingyou to do that yourself.  He’s always there to grab things from a highplace for you, but that’s about it. 
He does like it when you sit in his lap or drape yourselfacross him if the two of you are lying somewhere though.  It’s hisfavorite way to watch tv, if he has to do so.  He stretches out across thecouch and then pulls you down on top of him so that you are resting on hischest and he can run his fingers through your hair.
Hiruma Youichi
Your size means little to him, except as a means to make iteasier to manipulate or tease you
He enjoys looking down on you, which spikes yourfury, which of course, in turn, makes him do it more.  He likes it bestwhen you try to fight with him.  Thinks it is hella adorable and way tooentertaining.
God help the person who isn’t him that comments on your sizethough.  This kid is 100% ready to fight if anyone looks down or insultsyou.  Threat book activate!
Your being pretty small is kind of helpful though, becauseit means you don’t get in the way when he does things.  He can have you inhis lap and still do whatever he wants to and that’s a bonus in his book,because despite the fact that his tongue would burn to say so, he likes havingyou with him and in reach at all times.
As a boyfriend he can be pretty frustrating, because hishobbies (read: football) are all encompassing on his attention.  Plus, he neverreveals his true feelings and wears a mask 100% of the time.  You betterget good at reading between the lines and seeing beyond the kekekes.
But he’s unexpectedly sweet in his own way.  He looksout for you, makes sure you have everything you need.  His attention todetail is insane so he always knows, sometimes before you do.  Youare always somewhere in his mind, even if he’s focused on other things.
Don’t think you’re going to be immune to his threats orteasing though.  He will make you crazy, and on purpose. Being with Hiruma is like an adventure ride, a spontaneous, insane one whereyou never know what he’ll do.
Not big on PDA, like at all.  Don’t even try, or you’llend up hurt, because he will be cold and will push you away.  Butif you are alone, he will kiss you all you like, as long as he’s not busy, andhis mouth can do terrible and wonderful things to you.
Shin Seijuro
Let’s face it, you’re going to have to put like 90% of theeffort into this relationship.  Not because he doesn’t care about you, hereally does, it’s just he gets hyper focused on football, to the exclusion ofliterally everything else.  If you are busy, there are days when Sakurabahas to remind him that he has a s/o and that he might want to contact them.
Despite this, he is strangely possessive.  Like if heactually lets himself think about it, he’s a little insecure about yourrelationship, mostly because he doesn’t really know how to be a good boyfriendand messes up constantly.  So when other guys (and it’s guys specifically)hover around you, he gets irritated.  Unfortunately, he doesn’t reallyrealize why.
He seems bigger than he is somehow, but really, he’sactually not that tall, so secretly appreciates how small you are.  He’sworked hard to dominate in his sport, but always thinks he can be betterconditioned.  He’s big in other ways than height thought – breadth forinstance, because there isn’t an inch of him that isn’t covered in thicklycorded muscle.  Thus, he still dwarfs you.
Other than the convenience of it, he doesn’t even see yoursize.  You are you, and he loves you, regardless of your size.  Hesees everything through movement and body shape, and yours signifies you
Since he makes only minor attempt to be current as far asthings other people his age are into and breaks any technology he touches,you’re the one that has to push into his life and attention.  It’sexhausting at first and there’s probably been more than once you thought aboutgiving up, but then he actually smiles at you, and you forget all that. The one day you didn’t meet him, just to see if he’d noticed, he spent nearlyan hour searching for you and complained so adorably you never did it again.
Is very good at kissing you.  Puts his wholeattention into it, and sees it as a skill to train just like physical training
Yamato Takeru
Take all sorts of delight in your being small.  Prettymuch picks you up whenever he feels like it, which is a lot.  Just swingsyou into his arms, sometimes to cuddle you, other times to carry you aroundbridal style.  Hope you aren’t embarrassed easily reader-chan, because hehas zero shame.
Likes being manly for you – getting things off high placeswhen you can’t reach, lifting things you can’t carry, just generally doingthings for you that your size prevents you from doing.  Fills him withpride, and he never fails to look at you with his heart in his eyes
It tickles him pink how small your hand is compared to hisand he could literally hold it all day, and does. 
No matter how busy the football team gets, he alwaysmakes time for you.  Will pick you up and walk you home every chance hegets.  Actually, anything to do with you he does if he can – studying,dates, just generally taking up your space.
Is an enthusiastic boyfriend.  Laughs at all yourjokes, probably thinks you are the most beautiful, amazing person in the wholeworld.
Anything you want to do, he does, but he’s not adoormat.  Will debate with you and challenge if he disagrees, but realfights?  Unheard of.  Honestly, who could stay mad at someone likeYamato?
He’s just so happy to be with you, and this fact getsthrough to you so easily.  Even when he can’t be with you, he sends youcheesy, but adorable, texts.  Doesn’t it during practice too and makesHojo crazy.  His teammates can always tell, even if he tries to bestealthy though, because he laughs way more.
He’s laughing at his own jokes.
Mostly though, he cherishes you, treating you like an equal,but also like a blessing to his life.
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comicteaparty · 6 years
February 28th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on February 28th, 2019, from 5PM - 7PM PST.  The chat focused on Zenchav by Draco Plato.
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Featured Comment:
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Zenchav by Draco Plato~! (http://khyatix.com/)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
Draco Plato
flips through chapters quickly
just say all the scenes cause as the creator its the one time you can get away with it XD
Draco Plato
I'm sure I have a favorite
shiz everything exists on a neutral plan of emotion
for my favorite scene im gonna pick that time everyone was pursued by spiky chia pets and oziel and ara argued to the point damian snapped his finger at them and told them to focus.
Draco Plato
I was leaning towards that myself too
damian did what we all wanted to do deep down in that moment
Draco Plato
I love the finger snap
I always enjoy drawing the damon and lyall scenes the most
I like chapter 14 but I think it was a bit hurried seeming overall.
I picked up the pace for webcomic time but I think I should have slowed it down a bit there
that was my favorite chapter to draw recently tho cause damon and lyall
I think... My favorite scene is a toss up. I really liked Nadia and Damon's meeting -- Damon's priorities are basically mine: "OOO SPARKLY" http://khyatix.com/Zenchav/Volume1/ZenchavVolume1#p=98 But I also really liked how crushed Damon was when he burnt up Liberty's body. http://khyatix.com/Zenchav/Volume3/ZenchavVolume3#p=157 Can't do anything else? Well, at least I can make sure nobody asks too many questions right~?
Draco Plato
I have so many mixed feelings about damon burning his daughter's body
like was that a GOOD decision? it's so morbid
I always get a laugh out of that
It felt pretty emotional
and yessss
I really like the first volume a lot, to be honest. The art in it has a lot of character which helps the black and white pop
Draco Plato
yeah I agree! Whenever I re-read it I think the early chapters actually have a lot of charm to them
I used to be really bothered by the flaws but that doesn't really bother me now
Yeah They're cute! And... Damon was... very angsty in volume 2's start
Draco Plato
hahah his brief gangster look
it was nice to see damon grow up from an innocent boy into angst rage machine into hi everyone im stay at home dad who makes jam
it is pretty fun when you get very... uh... ...I don't know the term but when you pull the expressions pretty far and make them somewhat more cartoony
Draco Plato
yeah! I agree. I think I pushed limits a bit more in the earlier chapters. Honestly I think my disdain for drawing shines through too much now
I mean, it all looks great, lmao
"Oh, I like it when you touch me" -- Sayeth Lyall, volume 2, page 12
Draco Plato
Aaaaaaaaaaah, I feel so awkward about those early scenes
where lyall's feelings start shining through
Lyall honestly just needs anyone's affection
another scene i like is http://khyatix.com/Zenchav/Volume3/ZenchavVolume3#p=42 where damon and lyall are flirting sort of and rex just shows hes watching and hes very bored. i think it was a great way to bring rex back in while also paying off on all that tension buildup of him coming back.
Draco Plato
he just needs damon's affection
...Damon's hair is also kinda kelpie-ish, so I meaaaaaaaan
Draco Plato
yeah I liked that scene too!! and that's true, I hadn't thought he looked a bit like kelpie there
I'm kinda with what Dark said about wtf is going on with his hair in chapter 5
like yep, that's why it lasted a very short time that look
oh i remember my fave scene now
What did Dark say?
Draco Plato
i need to find it
she wasn't a fan of the chapter 5 damon hair, which I agree with since I'm not a fan of it either
I don't dislike it, he just seems very... ...high stress right now
i like to think damon's early life is characterized by phases. you got the angst phase, the emo phase, the cute kid phase, the weird flirt with your uncle phase
all business, no play
Draco Plato
there it is, the scene that always haunts me in re reads
oh that's true Rebel, it very much is
cough There's inappropriate jokes that one could make about coming in handy
But I'm not going to make them tonight
Draco Plato
I just...that line in retrospect is so BAD
But it's Lyall~
Draco Plato
i think that's the only time he really had pedo bear vibes
maybe not the only but the biggest
http://khyatix.com/Zenchav/Volume2/ZenchavVolume2#p=38 This page, Lyall's like... "This woman's going to kill me, Damon, and everyone in this neighborhood"
Draco Plato
there's also that time
What does Nadia do, anyway? Is she actually a mob boss? I know she's gonna be different in the upcoming video, but... >:D
Draco Plato
Lyall thinking she's a homewrecker there ruining his chance at future happiness as Damon's husbando
Yeah she's the head of her mafia
her backstory is actually the same as the animated version but without the interference
that's my song for lyall in chapter five
"I feel like I've known her" -- "Oh, yeah, last time around, she tried to kill you a buncha times, and I heard she's gonna do it again."
Draco Plato
"Also, she's your sister. Or will be. Different lives and all."
Draco Plato
It just gets worse
I wonder what their entanglements were like in previous lives >:D
you know what other scene i like? this scene http://khyatix.com/Zenchav/Volume2/ZenchavVolume2#p=48 where lyall tells damon he didnt love liberty. partly cause it was cute seeing damon be this angsty adult and get hit with the reality stick in such a way hes still little boy shocked that this is a thing that could happen. and it was also nice cause lyall revealed something in an angry outburst and thus one more truth was added to the truth pile
Draco Plato
i really should have made a chart for Nadia's lives, the main one I know that has her and Damon together before that life is when she was Lili's sister
Oh Oh I like that scene too!!
I would be interested in seeing Lili's sister
and aaaaaaaaaaaaa, yes. Lyall: Truth teller in bad situations
Draco Plato
I can always feel a mini heart attack when Lyall says he didn't love her
cause I know how much that hurts damon
"you made my mother a whore and you didn't even CARE?"
Draco Plato
Lili's sister doesn't have much to her, she married Muir at the same time as Lili but ended up leaving and letting Lili and Muir be alone
Damon was too pure then, lol(edited)
he was really hung up on the sleeping with his mom thing for a long time
I can't blame him, especially if he thought it was gonna damn Liberty to hell
but nope, just ends up with her coming back one day as a cute smol girl
Also... Lyall has no last name. JUST TAKE DAMON'S! nau
Where did the nickname Sha come from by the way?
Draco Plato
actually why didn't he take Liberty's last name
Oh!!! Lol nobody has ever asked before
She wanted to call him a shark but he lacks the bite so she dropped the k
looking back on this nickname it doesn't make much sense lmao
I think it originates from an earlier version that made more sense
i like to think that lyall not taking a last name was his way of rejecting the permanence of their situation. but also not having a last name sounds helpful when in the mob. "Hey Joe you gonna kill that Lyall fellow we were ordered to kill?" "Which Lyall?" "I don't know man. Let's just pick one."
Draco Plato
altho how common a name is Lyall
"but joe theres like 20 other lyalls" "just kill them all"
Draco Plato
omg XD
It soon became the great Lyall purge of 1930
Draco Plato
Lyall: I don't have a last name because I'm waiting to marry you and take yours
Lyall probably used that pickup line a few times
"I don't have a last name, but why don't I borrow yours for the night~?"
Draco Plato
sadly i don't think that's one he'd use since it's rather personal to him
also i'm not sure what y favorite scene is theres a lot of them lol
Draco Plato
it's okay, my mind went blank too
and I should know all the scenes
pick a volume, flip through, find your favorite
Draco Plato
i know cali's fave
which one
QUESTION 2. As shown in the comic, Apus has been going on quite a recruiting spree. How do you think Damian will adjust to his new life situation, especially after what happened? How will Damian deal with Damon joining the Demon Council? What do you think the story is with Firosofi and Euripides? Will they adjust to their life there and will the others adjust to them? Will recruiting Draco go smoothly, or will matters be complicated because of Draco’s situation with B.I.T.E.? What do you think is up with Earth suddenly recruiting so many demons and non-humans all at once? Lastly, do you think Amai will learn to do field work, and how might it change her?
Draco Plato
i'mma delete that one for gore tho
Damian's going to angst a lot when he finds out his dad's on the Demon council. And then be like "MY FATHER BETRAYED US" And worry a lot. And continue to be grumpy until he becomes older Damian.
i feel like damian will go crazy and become numb to all the weirdness
and then take wizard drugs
become damon
But also they're just gonna ship him off to the future to hang out with his dad, soooo
Draco Plato
i feel like these questions would have been good for me to ponder before writing
OoO spoils Damian's immediate future, lolol
Ooop, Damian, you're gonna sleep with that hot bird-brained nurse~
Draco Plato
why is the Earth recruiting all these people, I just figured apus was understaffed
aaaaaah that spoiler!!!
their romance took a flight
It definitely did... You could say their hearts fluttered like little wings
Draco Plato
Vivi was born from a little egg
not that it's relevant but it's cute
i like to think Earth just felt like it. was bored and said "you know what would be funny? is if i put all these demons at apus and force the people i 'hired' to get along with them. this sounds like a fun social experiment."
Draco Plato
I mean I feel that's about as hard as she thought about it
but now I feel I should think of a good reason and make it seem like I had something deep behind it
Vivi was born from an egg, eh? :3
I'm kind of curious now
plot twist, apus is just earth's ant farm but with people and demons
Draco Plato
omg XD
anytime someone mentions an antfarm I remember the one my bro had, where all the ants came dead except one and that one ant worked hard to bury all the other ants(edited)
rip ant
burying it's brethren
Draco Plato
antfarms are SAD
just burying all your dead kin
symbolically damon will be the ant
and we'll pretend this was a metaphor
Apus as an ant farm? I guess The Earth hasn't changed. She's just gonna try to burn it next time Damon shows up
Draco Plato
nah tho, Apus is meant to protect the earth
we just dont know
Draco Plato
but she allows the demon council too
and is an aid to rex
so the earth plays both teams
news reporter interviews the earth "Miss earth? why did you create apus?" "lol idk i just wanted to"
ya know consider earth talks to both sides, its more like these are her little play soldiers and she got more from the store so she could have an epic battle.
Cadence got her planet in the end
Draco Plato
her being the earth is totally karma for having made a planet
and not being it's planet seed
i just imagined like a fight going on and someone jumping at someone
but in realityits just earth throwing one of her play soldiers at another one
She doesn't seem to hate it at least. She's probably like, "heh, I'll show you whose Karma fucked them up"
Draco Plato
I think the rational was that she wanted to see which side would win out
the planet itself is neither good nor evil, a neutral party
if a planet becomes totally good or totally evil it will end
because it must exist within duality
so that makes me think her ultimate goal would be to make it either totally good or totally evil so that it can die
since that would be freedom in a sense for her soul
Yes, beautiful, perfect earth
she don't care which time wins, just so long as someone does
she finally got it
a shame Samantha couldn't think big tho
Draco Plato
so much of Soul Hymn is still in the air tbh, especially with Sam
unless she's working with Decebal...
Draco Plato
cause I thought it'd be fun to make her more of an important baddie
"Yeah, I'll let you be the planet seed if you help me out*
Draco Plato
fffffft, being a planet seed is the last thing she wants
Sam wasn't really listening, she heard "You get a planet"
Draco Plato
it may be fun if sam is an antagonist to both erik and decebal
since if she regains her powers she'd be quite a formidable foe
maybe lets bring the topic back to zenchav at this point XD
"you get a planet and you get a planet"
Draco Plato
Decebal becomes Oprah
Damian will not be pleased Damon joined the DC
but hey he gets to spend time with his daddy
i guess
Draco Plato
I actually don't know if they'll ever meet face to face during that time tho
damon and rex i mean
Draco Plato
Damon is so happy about that, yeeeeah
my question implied damian adjusts at all. which i would argue damian doesnt adjust to anything. just sits in eternal grump land.
damon got new clothes already
id say thats a great dad
Draco Plato
LOL you make an excellent point Rebel
but they're not blue see, they have to be blue, so he's sad
Question: Will we get to see Mr. Philosophy get a sword
Draco Plato
Draco Plato
Firo has two swords
i think Amai will be fine with field work cause firo can do all the heavy lifting metaphorically speaking. or ya know he could sip tea and wave at her from afar
Draco Plato
Firo actually can't kill anyone because it would be too kind a death for them
Then he gets to be mad at Dakin and Amai all the time :3
one to put jam on his toast and the other to poke things
Draco Plato
this is true, firo will do way more heavy lifting than Amai
buuuuut Amai will probably have plant powers like Dakin
which wasn't in the story originally so tentatively she'll be a bit more bad ass when she awakens to that
firo doesn't get mad
by that implication amai doesnt know she has the plant powers?
Draco Plato
if firo gets mad that's gotta be something really really bad
nah Amai thinks she has no powers atm
she's been very sheltered
would he get mad if someone cut him off on the freeway
Draco Plato
No O_O
he is inhuman!
Draco Plato
He got mad once as a kid tho
say if it isnt so
Draco Plato
kid cut off his ponytail
off with his head
Draco Plato
yus O_O you don't touch Firo's hair
but he probably wouldn't get mad at that now
but there is a time when he will get mad
maybe more than one
He didn't even get mad when his life was threatened, so
I mean
he's a pretty chill dude
will it be at damon for damon being a little rex puppet murderer?
I almost wrote "Chill dad" and then I was like
Draco Plato
oh firo having his life threatened was like a tuesday, no biggie
nah he won't get mad at damon
Firo: I'm not mad at you, Damon. Just disappointed.
Draco Plato
that'll happen
Damon: But I looooove him father
damon goes home and rex tells him the same thing, that hes not mad, just disappointed. only then rex kills some kid or something.
Draco Plato
Rex just makes Damon's wounds heal slower
when he's mad at him
you know
thats a lot more tame then i realistically expected
good on rex
sorry, I got distracted reading OoO again
Poor Damian
Draco Plato
yeah, damon is the fave
slightly less of a jackass than he couldve been
Draco Plato
ffffft, that's a good reason to get distracted, lol
Rex to damon's other siblings is pretty swift to kill
so they have to tip toe a lot more
I think Damian is pretty lucky
got to go to school in the future, meet all those kooky people
damian at apus is interesting tho since there's more reasons than just damon at the DC he's sour about
on the otherhand, he got to go to school and meet all those kooky people and deal with a huge jump in technology and his dad being a wizard. it may perhaps contribute to the grump.
you mean like liberty being dead O_O
Draco Plato
nervous laughter
shes fine
its just jam
QUESTION 3. In recent events, Damon has been forced by his father to join the Demon Council. What activities do you think Damon will be doing for the Demon Council? Will Damon manage to fit in there, or will he stick out too much? Will he at least be able to get along with his new sister Theia? As time passes, do you think Damon will come to agree with Rex’s ideals? Or, do you think he’ll stay steadfast in his own beliefs? Do you think Damon will find out Damian is alive and with Apus? How might this change his actions in the future? Also, how might his relationship with Lyall change him? Do you think Rex will keep his promise of not hurting Lyall? Finally, will Damon reconnect with Purusha’s life to escape the darkness?
wait, I'm mis-remembering things... Who is Dakin's dad XD
Draco Plato
Amai is his mom
firosofi more like
Draco Plato
Draco Plato
it's complicated
was so surprised when there was a Firo in Baccano
i think rex will make damon think hes gonna make him do really bad stuff, but he just makes him sit down and play chess all day
Draco Plato
Rex: Damon, I want you to be the greatest chess master to ever live. Damon: Father....I hate to break it to you but that's never going to happen, I'm an idiot.
damon can probably play chess
maybe damon will get super good at chess cause chess is half just about remembering the patterns and knowing the best move for each pattern.
and damon can make little dresses for the chess pieces
Draco Plato
Lyall would make very pretty chess pieces
Draco Plato
Lyall is very good at chess
Damon would make them regal clothing, befitting their stations in life
rex walks in sees his chess set all mangled with pretty dresses
Draco Plato
damon says plz he's not that much of a loser
I think Damon's ideals already died long ago
he mostly just wants to not die and not have Lyall die
he'll get better one day
Draco Plato
when he goes insane
What will damon be doing at the DC ponders
eat donuts
Draco Plato
a mystery
hes gonna make up for lost time. go on fishing trips with rex. fight over a stuffed animal with theia, etc. etc.
Draco Plato
Damon can't taste donuts tho
Nggh, I missed it
plot twist DC means donut council
Draco Plato
omg XD
yer right on time cheshire
Draco Plato
oh yeah, him and Theia will wrestle all right
we still have an hour left to go
Too bad I didn't read all of it...
Draco Plato
that's okay~!
it is 400 something pages
I usally do tho
Ah well
Draco Plato
no worries~
Well, that's fine Cheshire! You can chime in about what you did read
or are you just here to talk about how much you didn't?
I'll talk! I confess!
So, I think it'll be interesting going forward, to see what happens more with Firo and his buddies -- mostly because I read the original draft once upon a time, and Amai is very dear to me. XD I wanna see her do more stuff! Yell at her mom! Ask Pavonis why he's such a stick in the mud
its also fine to just live read and comment your feelings as you read, @€heshire777 ~!
Draco Plato
awwww, I'll make sure to put her in more knowing that ;3;
So uh, is Pavo's original... backstory... still valid
Draco Plato
yus I think so
wherein he was so in love with Earth and...
you cant just ask pavo why he's a stick in the mud. mostly because i expect itll wind up like that time he tried to explain apus to damian and damian was just like "whaaaaat"
Draco Plato
he lived in ancient greece sometime
Pavonis: You know what, you're clearly not going to get this, go see the nurse
Pavonis has no middle ground either. Either he's with Earth and Apus, or he's a demon, helping Rex commit atrocities.
Draco Plato
pavonis has a really really thin line between good and evil
pavonis would be evil for the earth
he wouldn't second guess it
http://khyatix.com/Zenchav/Specials/ZenchavSpecials#p=64 I see you, Sotiris (http://khyatix.com/world <- see the dark reddish brown-life)
Draco Plato
i really like that special
and it's plot based too
but sotiris looks like a freakin chef there
I keep wanting to do more with Minos, now that they're at the DC I'm hoping I can have him show up
i do think thats the best of the specials. just cause it was nice to see lyall before he became a bitter old house wife who was jilted by rex.
do that
cause with this special in mind i want to see minos and lyall interact
Yeah! I wanna see what's happened to Minos -- Rex didn't kill him for that but I do wonder what he'd have done to him
cause for lyall its been eons, for minos probably not that many eons
Draco Plato
yeah!! it actually hasn't been that long for Minos since lyall was pregnant with rex's kids
before then Lyall and Minos used to whore around together
Rex disappears for a few minutes, comes back with Lyall and an extremely scarred Damon
Draco Plato
i mean they never slept with each other but they'd pick up women together
It's actually probably been a few years since Theia got there
but between rex dropping lyall off and picking damon up that's probably a few days at the DC
if Rex bothered to wait, which I think he did cause he changed his clothes
but in one of my stories that may just be an hour later
Rex goes to get some tea
remembers, "Oh yeah, I should pick up Lyall."
Draco Plato
and change my clothes while I'm at it :>
that's just damon tho
altho rex is pretty fashionable
So anyway, there's reincarnations, time travel shenanigans, and lots and lots of suffering for Damon.
the changing clothes is just part of their genes. encoded on their dna.
And we're just getting started
Draco Plato
Lyall can do that
he often makes clothes with his powers
since he can make any organic material so he makes it soft like fabric
maybe its a rule in the DC. no outfit is allowed to be worn for over 3 hours.
Draco Plato
nah, that's the rule in OoO
7 times damon?!?
if it's a joke nobody will blame the creator for clothing ADD
i wonder if therell be a love triangle between damon, lyall, and minos.
Oh my
Draco Plato
Oh nooooooo
minos is an asshole so probably not
amongst other reasons
but alternatively will sotiris and theia ever have a thing
Draco Plato
I honestly don't know atm
well theyd at least be a sexy pairing
and lyall could make "hey stop touching my daughter maybe" faces
Having read Out of Order, I kind of can't wait to find out about how Damon and Claire meet in this life. I've heard rumors that it is ... bordering on "not good"
Draco Plato
oooooooh, it's fun!
I really like randolph and claire at apus
they were actually with each other longer than they were with damon
not as a couple of course
and Damian is older than both of them, lolol
well maybe not randolph, i dunno, it's a toss up
one day after many people die, damian will sit there going "wait a second im the older person here"
Randolph and Claire were a duo?
Draco Plato
oh gawd no
but they both worked at Apus together
Claire was raised there from age 13 and Randolph took care of security
Randolph had his own room that he stayed in almost exclusively but people have to visit him cause he's the techno master
uh room being where all his security systems are
claire was a field worker though
so basically claire and damian would visit him and bicker
QUESTION 4. An ominous tone seems to be setting in on the future. What do you think Pavonis meant in saying that Firosofi’s arrival signaled “certain things were set into motion?” Does it have something to do with the declaration of war that Oziel claimed recruiting Damian would be? Is it something else entirely that has more to do with Firosofi, Damon, or someone else? Of the characters we’ve met, who in Apus and who in the Demon Council do you think will clash first? What do you think will happen? Overall, do you think the conflicts between Apus and the Demon Council will ever be solved? As a last bonus, what time periods do you think we’ll see in the comic considering it involves time travel?
Firosofi's going to take over the story soon, and we're gonna see him go face down his destiny... And reclaim his last name...
wait wait
this is why lyall didnt have a last name
theyre going on the quest together
Firosofi X and Lyall WHY
Draco Plato
and something Z
Draco Plato
will they ever even meet
who knows
o wait zenchav
Draco Plato
what time periods would people want to see
There we go. The mysteries of the plot, explained.
Draco Plato
i have some up in the air atm
Draco Plato
I'd honestly like to see some mid-2000s Damon. Baggy jeans, Anime hair... Debating who's better: Trunks or Vegeta
Draco Plato
That we will see!!
already in there
(It's totally Trunks, by the way.)
damon: ugga ugg lyall: ugga ugga damon: ugh >_>
Steampunk Damon
Draco Plato
I do love trunks but i love vegeta too
steampunk would be pretty awesome
I think I can do that
Damon WOULD go for a Steampunk aesthetic
Draco Plato
he totally would
He's going to have a hell of a motorcycle collection, lol
Next world they go to in OoO will be a steampunk world, totally
Draco Plato
Claire's original clothing aesthetic was supposed to be steampunk too
but it looked too out of place
that'd be good for OoO tho, i'll think about it for that
cause I have it kind of wide open atm for where it's going
oh I know where i can fit steampunk into Zen
i cant think of a good time period so im just gonna go with ancient egypt. where someone can sneak into a tomb and write a message in the hopes it confuses the heck out of future archaeologists
Draco Plato
goth will be in the animated version!
ancient egypt would be interesting, I hadn't considered that
i remember an older version I had them live in ancient persia for awhile
Ancient Persia would be awesome!
Some of the clothing they have in pseudo-historical Bollywood films... it's so pretty
Draco Plato
Chinese would be good too!! I was just appreciating their clothing the other day
Damon will go to india at one point
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7K4vGYL9zI Allow me to share this song with you
Draco Plato
that actor does such a good job in that movie too
thats good damon gets to go to india. i think it will suit him ;3;
It also fits the overall reincarnation theme, too, I think
Draco Plato
cavemen would be so weird XD
I like weird
if lyall went with him, cavemen would murder him cause thats 0 tech zone
Draco Plato
oh yeah, that's right Firo is from India too
Lyall says that sounds like where Rex would send him
Ok, and lost you again...
Firosofi's one of the recently introduced characters -- he's more clearly introduced here: http://khyatix.com/Zenchav/Volume3/ZenchavVolume3#p=63
That's just about where I'm at
Draco Plato
oh yeah~!
he's also Haranasa
If you say so...
Well, Draco would be the one to say so... as the creator
are we going to get to see oziel more? i need more oziel spunk in my life.
Draco Plato
coughs I'm honestly not sure what Oziel's future is in the story atm
but I can add him more if you want
I know some other people liked him too
ah both names at once there, lolol
Who was that again? (edited)
more i just think theres potential between him and damian. cause of the whole ya know, you got my sister murdered
Draco Plato
that fellow is oziel
He's cool
Draco Plato
yeah I agree Rebel, I've been thinking that should be explored more too
I always like Oziel's hair
I like Ara better
Draco Plato
fun fact he was in a wheelchair for a portion of his life
and I wanna know what the fuck Ara did to get his future lives the way he did XD
Draco Plato
(But this... is not... in Zenchav yet... I'm speaking partly about stuff that I know that is... spoilers...)
OK Draco, Draco
Draco Plato
Ara ara ara, ahahah
if you could pick one character that's not Damon to make super sparkly
who would you choose
Draco Plato
Atlantis would be cool
Draco Plato
Firo was originally the main
Atlantis is a great idea
yeah I can use atlantis
atlantis would be cool
I'll just keep suggesting stuff as long as you'll let me
Moon base
Draco Plato
loooooool, would be too sailor moon
Draco Plato
awwwwww ;3;
I really want more firo now
I never get to draw him
but i'll be in the most recent chapter
Viking era?
Draco Plato
That's a good idea too, I could do that
I used to love Norse mythology
altho marvel kinda eeeeehed me a bit to it
even tho i like marvel
Yeah. same
Marvel nut
Draco Plato
me too
well....I haven't read all the comics
cause there's ALOT
Oop, cell service
i was just about say draco, youre gonna be stuck drawing firo for quite a while now in this upcoming arc.
Draco Plato
laters, Cheshire :3
Not as much as I'd like cause he mostly stands in the BG
which means I'll cut him out of panels a lot for drawing time
buuuut I think the chapter after he really stands out
and tbf shading his hair sucks so much
this almost sounds creepy. draco and amai talking in the forefront, firo just in the background of the shot smiling at the reader all the time, as if to say i see you.
Draco Plato
that'd be so in character for Firo XD
this is why he can't be the MC
actually I think most of it is Draco talking to his peeps tho
I dunno maybe I'll add in more firo
cause him just standing there in the BG of chapter 13 was kinda lame too
maybe he and draco can at least share a warm hug
i wanna see them hug
Draco Plato
>w> well that will probably happen
draco can leap onto him in a bear hug
Hugs for everyone!
i cannot picture this bear hug. although i can picture euri and amai being like wtf
COMIC TEA PARTY- THURSDAY BOOK CLUB END! Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Draco Plato, as well, for making Zenchav. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Draco Plato’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read the Comic: http://khyatix.com/
Draco Plato’s Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/khyatix
Draco Plato’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/KhyatiX
0 notes
High School Trends That I Remember Fondly
Okay so let me share with you all some quality high school trends from my days in high school because boy were we a bunch of sass masters These all took place from 2007 -2012 because I went to a weird fusion school that lumped every grade from 7th to 12th together ( that means we had thirteen year olds up to 18-19 year olds in the same school ) Anyway let's go 7th Grade( I was a smol 13 year old) First off there were like 30 kids in each class okay? So.... - Pencils as hair decor ???? Why???? - Swiping needles from Home Ec and sticking them in your finger JUST under the surface of the skin to freak out the teach - Referring to lunch as ' the troph special' -Girls sending guys Valentine's that just said ' U R No Good ' and ' Allen Ur Not In My League ' - Guys sending girls tiny stuffed animals for V Day with cards that said ' I'm Soft For U' and ' Be My Plush One?' - Claiming various things had ' killed our ancestors ' : ' I can't do long division , my thirty seventh great grandfather died doing that' ' No I can't answer that question sir, every male in my family so far has died answering English questions ' ' I'm not allowed to be disciplined , discipline killed my grandma' - Wearing rubber bands as bracelets or rings and the tighter you could get it the cooler you were ???? This kid almost lost a finger by third period I mean ..... -Asking our biology teacher what would happen if insects could speak every class period ' What if wasps could speak but they only spoke Mid-6th Century English ' ' What if spiders all speak Russian' ' Do you think bees know English ' - Pestering our history teacher for the history of the Leaf Village ( I'm sorry Mr. Hoagland ) - Replying ' Deleted' when your name was called ..... I accidentally started this one 8th grade ( I was 14 ) - Rap battles to settle arguments ???? - Yoyo fights. It got intense. -Every white boy in school dressed like a bad Western movie character , cowboy hats and spurs and SO.MUCH.PLAID. - ' The Dew Crew', a gang of boys who drank nothing but Mountain Dew as refreshment , was born and monopolized the school's soda supply of Mountain Dew . All of them made it to adulthood but it is suspected they no longer require sleep and eat only the disdainful glares of women for survival ( at their peak there were 15 of them ) - Intense shouting of someone else's name every time something went wrong ( usually the name Sasuke ) - Pentagrams everywhere ; drawn on any surface we could find unsupervised for a second , started by me doodling in art class and picked up by my squad . The school board thought someone was possessed by the devil it was GREAT.... I NEVER GOT CAUGHT - In Chemistry we watched Finding Nemo about 3 times a week because the teacher was really forgetful and he let us watch it when he forgot his lesson plan , so by the end of the first month that year every kid he taught would call various roundish objects ' the butt' and I was nicknamed' Dory ' by everyone I knew Also the principal was nicknamed' Bruce" -Hardcore Zombie prep planning , there was a gang and everything . The Apoca-Punks are still strong - Disney discourse in English class because our teacher was a huge nerd for Disney and loved nothing more than to watch us argue over which princess would beat Gaston in a fight faster ( Kida won by a landslide but we all agreed Mulan would murder him in five seconds flat ) Also he nicknamed all of us after Disney characters and I was Lilo ( my best friend was Stitch ) - Okay so I brought a bag of chocolate as a treat for the class one week and I was really tired and out of it so when the teacher ( our English teacher Mr . Bagley, who was also the principal) asked me to ' explain the historical properties of chocolate' I got sarcastic and went ' For many years chocolate has been used in medicinal treatments for ailments of all kinds. Perhaps it will even cure the lack of hair on Mr . B's head' ...... For a second it was dead silent and then he laughed and said "Well put , you continue to live up to your nickname, Lilo!" - Shakespeare quotes at inopportune times " Exit, pursued by a bear" " We are in the middle of a test , Austin. " " A rose , by any other name , would smell-" " DO NOT ENCOURAGE HIM INDI" - The drama kids dramatically snapping during arguments - Okay so there was this weird loft zone in the second gym( because our school had two , a sucktastic old one from the fifties and a newish one from the eighties ) nobody was supposed to go up there unless they had permission and it was for filming a basketball game ??? But everyone went up there anyway and at least ten couples lost their virginity up there ( what a weird place to do it tho , we kept the wrestling mats up there) I sluffed class a few times and took a nap there And it became a Thing to draw a little baby face on the wall if you lost your V card there -Supergluing coins to stuff???? There's still a dime on someone's locker and it's been like ten years -' Ambrosia' , AKA this super delicious combo of cherry slurpee , Sprite, and orange Fanta that our English teacher made us during parties . He literally made it in these huge plastic bins and just ladeled it out to everyone 9th Grade( I was 15) - The Goth Invasion Everyone who was punk enough wore black ripped jeans and eyeliner and streaked their hair with red and black One kid never left the Goth phase , we love u Scott ( it's cool he was our school's Warren Peace anyway ) - AFTER A SCHOOL ASSEMBLY VIEWING OF SKY HIGH FOR HALLOWEEN MY CLASSMATE SCOTT WAS NICKNAMED WARREN BY THE ENTIRE SCHOOL He was really salty about it too , he said " Warren isn't goth he's Punk there's a difference you capitalist Bible thumpers' Scott got 54 Valentine's that year but just shrugged and gave his candy to me and my squad because we were , as he put it ' the only punk crew in class, plus you're all really cute ' He never kept a girlfriend very long but he was the nicest guy you've ever seen ( everyone thought he was gay but just too shy to say it ) Over the years he is consistly hotter , and more unashamedly Goth - My sister arrived in school and was immediately the most popular kid in school and was nicknamed ' Princess ' - My squad got nicknamed ' Squad 7 " due to our obsession with Naruto and other anime , and we each were nicknamed after characters from the show by my friend Indi ( who was named after Indiana Jones, no lie) Melanie was ' Kiba' ( which delighted her because she would marry him in a heartbeat ) Mackenzie was ' Neji' because according to Indi she was the most monologue-y Chandra was ' Hinata' because she was shy but fierce And I, Aubrey , was ' Gaara' because according to Indi :' Your dad is kinda sucky and you've got two siblings . You're sort of the social outcast of school and when you get annoyed enough it's like you've got this terrifying supernatural thing in your eyes , I love it ' I LOVE THAT NICKNAME 10th Grade( I'm 16) - ' Because I'm Batman ' being an answer to every question - Goonies puns - Three girls got pregnant and were called the ' Baby On Board Squad" - Due to this teen pregnancy scandal , my heavily Christian community had our school hold assemblies about how ' Sex will kill you' and how ' every time a teen has Sex Thoughts, an angel cries' ..... There were ' God Is Abstintent ' posters everywhere So naturally we revolted and the drama class put up these fliers reading ' Without Sex, You Wouldn't Be Around . ' ' Satan Loves You and Wants You To Explore Your Perfectly Normal Urges ' ' Sex Won't Kill You- But STD's Could! Use Protection! ' ' Wrap It Before He Taps It And The Angels Won't Be Crying " " Boys Like Girls.Boys Think Of Girls In Sexual Ways. Boys Best Treat Her Right First . Boys Best Be Stepping Up As Baby Daddys If They Tap Dat " And many more golden rebellious posters - Shouting " Go Go Power Rangers " when dealing with a problem and just out of nowhere any kid wearing the appropriate Power Ranger colored shirt would appear So you'd get a guy in red , a guy in blue , a guy in black , a guy in white , a guy in green , a guy in gold , a guy in silver, a girl in pink and a girl in yellow and they'd all pose dramatically and do the Power Rangers moves - Rubber band slingshot warfare using hairpins as ammo - The school dividing into Benders and Non Benders , and the school's most loved outcast was deemed Avatar( I got the honor so my squad was nicknamed accordingly ) - High School Musical was the biggest thing ever because our music teacher WROTE THE SCORES FOR THEM I MEAN....... We all knew every song by heart that year Everyone shipped Chad and Ryan 11th Grade( I was 17 ) -Percy Jackson was huge and everyone wanted a godly parent - Every girl used a dramatic break up song to end things with her man it was GLORIOUS - Taylor Swift was playing on the radio every day - My class finally realized that my friend Courtney and I had the same exact birthday and birth year , and thus introduced us to substitute teachers as ' The Fraternal Twins' Courtney and I are both gonna be 23 on March 20 at 6:40 am - Our history teacher thought my friends and I were in an assassin cult because we were always drawing kunai knives and swords and guns , so he banned kunai drawing????? And it thus became the Cool Thing to graffiti everywhere??? All because I drew one on my ASVAB???? -The sheriff pulled me out of homeroom because I'd been overheard singing P!nk's " Funhouse" and the Secretary thought I was an arsonist because of the line " I'm gonna burn this sucker down " and thus rumors spread like wildfire that I'd: ~ Murdered someone ~ Witnessed a crime ~ Started a gang war ~ Shot a cop ~ Robbed the one gas station in town ~ Insulted the sheriff's daughter by not inviting her to my birthday party so he was here to bribe me to do so ~ Stolen the sheriff's prized collection of horse paintings 12th Grade ( I was 18 ) - Posters everywhere about the world ending ( it was 2012) - Harry Potter mania - John Lennon Memes???? No really on the anniversary of his death the school was flooded with posters of him everywhere saying " In Loving Memory Of A Dreamer " and the radio only played his music and the drama class went around stating facts about his death it was surreal and I was part of it
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