#he's the specialest boy and I would blow the whole place up for him but I know he'd much rather be the one getting to blow shit up
I went to see it yet again and there's still too much Deadpool and Wolverine in my Pyro movie
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chiquitafresa · 7 months
I hope you don’t mind me sharing my staticapple headcanons in return-
My favorite headcanon is that Vox teaches Lucifer how to game and Lucifer is comedically bad at it . But if anyone in the shared lobby says anything, you bet your ass whoever did it is getting doxxed .
Also! I don’t think either of them can cook to save their lives . On one of their early dates, Lucifer invited Vox to his house for a home cooked meal, and realizes a tad too late he has no clue how to cook . Vox comes to see him fussing over burnt ramen . They end up ordering in . (They might learn to cook later though, who knows)
Lucifer makes a habit of showing up to places like hours before it’s time to start and just waits at the door except Vox has cameras everywhere so he notices this and ends up letting him in early (Lucifer gets pretty flustered at this the first time it happens). Vox does consider telling him a meeting time that’s later so he’s not comically early, but part of him enjoys getting to spend a few hours before schedule with his bf.
Vox doesn’t really know how to connect to Charlie at first- well he does, but it mostly involves several manipulative tactics that pray on her better nature instead of genuinely just letting her get to know him and vice versa . Eventually they bond by drawing together, even though Vox isn’t the best at it-
Also Lucifer has really horrible memory with conversations, but luckily Vox has surveillance everywhere! He can just record his bf’s conversations for him! Wait what do you mean that’s a breach of privacy? (They have a very long conversation about boundaries after this . )
I think Vox would hype Lucifer up so fucking much too . Not that it’s really necessary cause cmon, king of hell, but it’s like that meme . If I had a lame ass boyfriend I would hype him up so much, I’d be like here comes the specialest boy ever if you don’t clap I’ll blow up this whole building . That’s them . It’s even funnier because Vox is just as much of a cringefail dumbass as Lucifer is .
They talk about how much they hate Alastor but Lucifer notices that Vox is putting waaaaayy too much weight on it . I think they could actually help eachother a lot in this specific aspect because they’re both people who tend to define themselves off of their relationships, and obsess over one particular relationship to the point of it being unhealthy . (Like, I’m not sure if you’ve seen it, but theres a post about how Vox isn’t really happy or excited about anything until Alastor shows up? And Lucifer is the same way with Charlie calling him! I think Lucifer having a person in his life that has nothing to do with his daughter before meeting him would be pretty welcome, and Vox having someone who can validate his feelings about Alastor without enabling him is also just soooo)
Okay yeah that’s my take on them . I really like how you draw them btw . They’re very cute <3
OH MY GOD ANON I LOVE THIS!!! Your making me cry over how cute they’re are ❤️
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I mean like they’re so cute to think about, like how would they first meet? How will Vox react to Lucifer asking him out???
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They are having me on a choke hold 😭😭😭
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kerubimcrepin · 8 months
Episode 19 - The Judgement of Twelve
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It's so funny for them both to have plushies of their dads. It's also funny that I think Keke would genuinely sell those.
Because he's just that good-looking, popular, and awesome,
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The girls are fighting. And yes, this entire scene is just... brilliant. I love you, Joris.
I love his conviction in Kerubim. Joris is too familiar with Bashi to argue with the guy, but if he met Lou? He'd be more upset about the divorce than Kerubim. He'd be crying at her as if the poor woman is his absentee mother who left to buy milk. It'd be a nightmare.
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Even if he's still sad about the divorce, he cannot stop rizzing up women.
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Joris 7yo: "Go tell your dad about it!"
Joris 600~ years later: "Are you, monsieur, afraid of children?", "[recites poetry as Ush dies]", "No, mr-called-me-a-kid-and-asked-for-the-real-owner-of-the-shop, this Wondrous magical amulet I just dangled in front of you, is not for sale. I can sell you and your brother a hat that fixes shitty hair as a consolation prize.", "Master Adamai... If we died today, it would have actually been shameful."
Joris, just like his father, and just like his grandfather, is an evil fucking cat.
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Keke and Bashi are such good parents.
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Joris has the same vibe as the German Boy From The Weed Cave meme. I also love how enthusiastic he is about protecting Keke's Honor.
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He's so hyped up to be a hater.
I think as an adult, in Wakfu times, Joris plots Evil Schemes together with Kerubim and Atcham as a bonding activity. From "here's how we can make people spend more money in the shop" to "here's how we can Enact Revenge upon that motherfucker Pierre who opened the croissant place a block away and said Keke's baking is SHIT".
Atcham is there just because he loves being evil, Joris is there because he loves being evil and has a personal stake in Kerubim's self-esteem, and Kerubim is there because of Pride and Greed.
I think living next to them, regardless of what century it is, is actually unbearable.
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This is like if two peas in a pod started yelling at each other for being green.
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They are such good parents.
But also, unironically, I think Kerubim is probably very chill about Joris swearing.
He is already a very... relaxed parent, when it comes to both child safety and cleaning. I think Joris deserves one good thing to come of it, like being allowed to say bitch.
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I guess, considering the fact that this seems to be a thing that's not supposed to be known by normal people: Simone and Julie have a very active night-life in taverns.
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An interesting note is that, as we'll see in one of the future flashback episodes, the three evil grandmas are around the same age as Kerubim, Indie, and Lou, and had known Kerubim since they were all teens.
But, the extent of their actual involvement with Kerubim seems to be just watching him like he's The Truman Show. Which, tbh, I would do too.
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This is what people call "coping". Perhaps even "seething".
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Joris for all 600 years of his life: if i had a lame ass shitty father i would hype him so much. i would make him wait out side so i could go in first and be like get ready here comes the most specialest boy ever if you dont cheer and clap for him ill fucking blow this whole building up
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He's so confused when Kerubim isn't winning and so smug when he does. Like he fucking raised that man himself. I can't.
Of course, he'd force him and Atcham to call him dad, (besides it looking weird, if he were to call two babies "papycha" and "uncle",) — that way, he gets to sound normal when he's hyping them up.
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I need him.
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Hate wins.
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gutsfics · 1 year
Tobias should have been a canon LI. Where is the Open Heart Book 3 rewrite that the we need? If someone ever kickstarts this project ILW style, I will be the first to donate. I was rereading the series. I got to Book 3 and I had to stop. The characters deserved better. The series deserved so much better. The Open Heart fandom deserved better. There was so much more that PB could have done with the characters if they cared about the player experience. OH was one of Pixelberry's best series and they let it die in the most disappointing way possible. Anyone who is willing to give the story a better ending deserves the Choices fandom's support. It's been ages since we have had a real romance arc on this app.
im fine w Tobias not being a canon LI as i personally headcanon him as aromantic & have him in a queerplatonic relationship w my LOA mc, Reigan, but like other than that HUGE agree
and now i'm gonna use this ask as a reason to talk about what all i would change of book 3 lmao thank u <3
so first of all, there's really no reason for Harper to be part of the diagnostics team besides "whoah oh noeses Ethan is talking with his ex whoopsie oopsie i hope he doesn't fall back in love with her!!!!!1!!111!!!" (which goes nowhere, iirc MC doesn't ever talk really to him about their jealousy) and a few nice friendship moments between her and MC when Tobias and Ethan are being dumb at each other (like when you can choose to side w either E or T during an argument OR ask Harper if she wants to get coffee- i genuinely love that part so much). so i would change it so that instead of the opening on the diagnostics team being because Baz is leaving (which also had no reason to happen), but because Ethan took too long to find a replacement for June
imo it would have been more interesting if Bloom had used Ethan taking the whole 3-month closure of Edenbrook to decide on a new team member as an excuse to try and get more hands on with the DT. so like right after Ethan, Baz and MC sit down the first day back he should have just showed up w Tobias & made that new rule about voting on cases. i did like the feud between Bloom and Ethan though, the writers just majorly dropped the ball there. and kept dropping it the whole book.
I'd also remove all of the parts where the MC just straight up ditches work to go play with their friends. it felt so wrong that the MC fought so hard to get to the place where they're at just for them to blow of work every five seconds bc Jackie and Sienna want to go shopping or Bryce wants to drive a fancy car or whatever. or i'd like change it so it happens on days off or after their shift is over.
+ the diamond scene in ch1 where MC and their friends are enjoying all of the amenities that Bloom added for employees, I would have loved the option to be more wary of them, a lot of them seemed like a distraction, like the video games in the breakroom
like imagine ur surgeon being late to ur life-saving surgery bc they were too busy playing mario kart or whatever
i would say there should have been another Big Important Disaster but honestly Rafael has already been through enough with the first two book's Big Disasters being somewhat focused on him
also the fuckin uuuuuuh. patient suing Ethan over medical malpractice plotline?
100% should have been Ethan's fault.
having Naveen actually be the one who did it feels kinda.... racist??? a little bit????? like god forbid PB's Specialest White Boy do something wrong and face the consequences for it
i have more qualms with this book but i am gonna be honest: i straight up do not remember most of the book. it was such a nothing end to such a good series
i did like being able to do that team building exercise w jackie's group. Dr Gary Garison, my beloved, i'm so glad i got to see you for one single scene this whole book
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noxious-fennec · 2 years
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Its the most specialest birthday boy if you don't clap and cheer for him and wish him a happy birthday ill blow this whole place up <33
I just think that he deserves a little nap yk, in the warmth of the sun and everything.. perhaps listening to the radio, its probably playing fairuz.. I also think he would like daffodils
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i KNOW the clothes-swapping bit in episode 4 is like So Funny and an iconic blackbonnet moment but like. i really don't think ed was just innocently goofing off when he asked stede to switch clothes
yes ed is having a lot of fun that episode, exploring the ship and talking with the crew of The Revenge and generally goofing off, but also... he is holding everyone hostage. when they ask if they're gonna be allowed to live, he doesn't reassure them or anything, he lets izzy go back to yelling and ivan go back to beating up pete.
in episode 4, ed's just met stede. he's still operating in gritty pirate world. he's letting himself relax a bit bc stede is so ridiculous and fascinating to him, but also bc stede is not a threat. he knows the crew is amateur and that their captain doesn't have a clue. he's having fun hanging out with stede and whatnot, but he's still thinking like a pirate.
he's not making friends, he's just in varying stages of fucking everyone over.
blackbeard wants what stede bonnet has (wealth, luxury, comfort), and blackbeard takes whatever he wants. he's playing nice for now, because he's tired of the violence and the hypermasculine posturing, but imo he fully plans to do One Last Bit Of Violent Piracy (killing stede and taking his identity) before leaving it all behind
he puts on stede's clothes to see if they fit. he offers to teach stede piracy in return for lessons in being a gentleman so he can fit into high society once he takes stede's identity. does ed want to kill stede? fuck no! there's a reason that the last shot of the episode is ed turning away from izzy and his face immediately falling into exhaustion. he's so fucking tired of being a pirate. but at this point, it's all he knows, and it doesn't matter if hanging out with stede is the most fun ed's had in forever. however much he likes stede, he still only knows one way of doing things.
(and then he falls in love with stede and whoops there goes that plan)
also imo none of this is a particularly deep or insightful take, but i feel like the general fandom attitude towards episode 4 is "love at first sight!!" "ed asking who mary is bc he wants to know if this feverish handsome pirate is single" "if i had a lame boyfriend i would hype him up so much here comes the specialest boy everybody better scream and clap or im blowing this whole place up" vibes, which honestly isn't wrong but like. i personally find it so much more interesting if you pair all that energy with this undercurrent of "ed is 100% planning to take stede's identity"
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kerubimcrepin · 7 months
Episode 50 - Deadly Charm (part 1)
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They are sitting on top of Kerubim's loft bed... Cute...
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We already established this episode's approximate place on the timeline, folks :D Somewhere around episodes 42 (The Trial) and 26 (A Hairy Mystery)
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Considering they weren't even married, it's so funny. Kerubim and Lou were like "let's become engaged" and immediately, Kerubim began to call her his wife. While she didn't exactly return the favor. We've seen that, during this time, she simply called him "her fiancé".
...He always had been a romantic like that.
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Do you think Kerubim utilized girl power right, when he became an enforcer of Bonta's corrupt regime?
Anyway, if the criminals called me "kekop", I would kill myself.
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I was about to go "NEW KROSMOZ FRUIT DROPPED", before I saw that it's just an outdated translation for citronanas, which we had already seen in Wakfu... For shame!
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Back in Kerubim's younger years, they didn't have traffic lights, — which we had already confirmed exist by the time of the show, in episode 32, Pupuce's Life.
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Indie didn't have a packed lunch, which means that, perhaps, at this time he hadn't yet known Nella.
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Kerubim is so excited about the engagement, and can't stop rubbing it into Indie's face. He won in the war for Lou's heart, lmao.
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...Kerubim is never beating those Ecaflip japanese-coding allegations.
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Why are they doing these things with their fingers. Are the two of them stupid. Do they actually give guns to Bontarian cops, and he's avoiding mentioning this to Joris so he doesn't imagine him shooting people? Guns do exist in this setting, albeit they're all old-timey looking...
I am mystified by the implications.
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Indie is so happy at the perceived loss in the war for Lou's heart, on Kerubim's part here.
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Aaand now that he's angry, she immediately stops being his "wife", and becomes his "girlfriend" again. Men will go insane after becoming engaged.
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This says: "LAS FJESFJR ----" (I can't make out the last word.)
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Mommy's submissive little kitten ain't he...
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"if i had a lame ass girlfriend i would hype her up so much i would make her wait out side so i could go in first and be like get ready here comes the most specialest girl ever if you dont cheer and clap for her singing ill fucking blow this whole building up"
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Racism in the World of Twelve is very interesting because, just like Khajiiti people in the TES setting, it does seem like Ecaflips are sometimes viewed in an unfair light.
It's probably due to Ecaflip's culture of gambling, which leads to addiction, and then homelessness and poverty. And also the uhh, existence of Ecaflip Psychward. Man.
...Catgirls can't fucking escape racism in western fantasy franchises. 😥
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Of course Bonta has whipping boys.
I bet Kerubim would like if it was Lou who was—— [The electricity to my mic is cut]
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To cause jealousy in Kerubim, she reminds him that he's not the only one she's dommed.
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The last flash frames of the entire show are so good.
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