#he's such an irresistible little bad guy i wanna grab him and fling him around
feral-ferengi · 5 months
I can't get enough of these screencaps..they are like Oreos
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"Come, smol toad. Lesgo somewhere private."
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Tog with darker lips looks so very goth 🥵🖤
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leelee10898 · 6 years
Always You: Setting Fires (4/?)
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Aria pov Aria walked into the hotel room she shared with Ellie, a smile plastered on her face. She kept replaying the day in her head, the fact that they almost kissed had her questioning everything. She came on this trip not wanting a fling, or a romance. But here she was, spending time with an incredibly sexy man. An incredibly irresistible, man. She was finding it harder to fight the temptation. “I know that look, you wanna bang him don’t you?” Ellie came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. “What? No! You’re crazy El.” She tried to deny it, but to say the thought hadn’t crossed her mind would be a lie. “ I need to meet this mystery man.” Ellie grabbed a tight red dress from the wardrobe. “I don’t know if I will even see him again El. We didn’t make any plans. I’m getting a shower.” She was frustrated, truth be told she had no idea if she would see him again, he did ask where she was going tonight, she hoped he would be there.
Leo pov Leo returned to the hotel and knocked on Percy’s door. “You have plans tonight?” Leo barged in “No, but it sounds like you have made us some.” “Were going out tonight, Dogana.” Leo walked over to the drink cart and poured a tumbler of scotch. “A certain girl wouldn’t be there would she?” Percy arched his brow, the amusement he got from seeing Leo smitten was great. “Yeah, she’s going with her friend.” Percy chuckled and shook his head. “What?” Leo questioned what was so funny. “you got it bad my friend and you don’t even know it.” “What? No I don’t, you’re crazy Percy. I don’t fall for women. Shes just fun to hang out with.” He denied it, but he had never felt the want to be with around someone so bad before. “Be ready at 8.” Leo shook his head and walked out.
Aria Pov They walked into the packed club. Aria’s eyes immediately began scanning the room, searching for a familiar face. They walked over to the bar, Ellie was her voice tonight. Aria knew minimal Italian, and what she did know, was only because Ellie had been trying to teach her since they started planning the trip. She sipped her rum and coke, still scanning the room while Ellie flirted with a guy at the bar. A second rum and coke in and the bartender knew what she was drinking, all she had to do was wave her finger and he came to her alcoholic rescue. To say she was disappointed he wasn’t there was an understatement. “Don’t drive yourself crazy looking for a guy, we’re here to have fun. If he comes, he will find you, trust me you look smoking tonight.” Ellie leaned into her ear. “Yeah. You’re right. Let’s dance.” She agreed as the two made their way to the dance floor. She was feeling a bit tipsy and determined to have a good time. They moved their bodies to the rhythm of the music, a smile plastered on her face as she let loose and cleared her mind.
Leo POV Percy and Leo entered the bar. Leo’s eyes immediately scanned the room, But he didn’t see her. He checked the bar, grabbing a scotch for both himself and Percy. “This place has two levels, lets go up.” Leo said pushing through the crowd. The second level was roped off for vip, Leo and Percy spoke to the bouncer gaining access to the area. The perks of being a crown prince and a Duke had its rewards. They sat on one of the couches, ordering more drinks from the waitress.“remember if I do find her, we aren’t nobility on this trip.” Leos eyes kept shifting to the railing that overlooked the entire bar. “If your going to find her, you’ll be able to see everything from up here.” Percy nodded his head towards the railing. Leo gave him a wide grin before jumping to his feet. His hands gripped the banister, eyes searching the crowd looking for that chestnut hair, and big brown eyes, and killer smile that made his heart jump into his throat. His pulse raced in anticipation, as he finally settled on the dance floor. There she was, smiling, swaying her body to the music. His heart thumping in his chest, he took off down the stairs and made his way to the middle of the dance floor. He placed his hand on the small of her back as she spun around facing him. A large grin formed her face “Leo! You made it.” She tossed her arms around his neck. “My friend and I have vip seating, care to join us?” He hollered over the loud techno beat. “Yeah, hey this is my friend Ellie.” She tapped Ellie on the shoulder. “Ellie, this is Leo.” Ellie’s eyes swept over Leo’s body, she grinned, her eyes darting to Arias giving her a well done look. “Please to meet you Ellie.” They headed up to the vip section, it was a little quieter up there then the lower level. “So, vip huh? You must be someone special. ” Ellie teased. “My family has some pull.” Leo led the ladies over to the area percy was sitting. “Percy, this is Aria and Ellie.” “Ladies, this is Percival.” “Percy is fine.” He said standing up to greet the women. “So Aria, it’s nice to finally meet you. Leo here hasn’t shut up about you.” Percy chuckled. Leo could feel the blush spreading across his cheeks “oh really? Has he now?” She turned looking at him, those eyes, he could get lost staring into them. “Shall we sit?” He tried to change the topic.
Aria & Leo pov They sat around laughing, each sharing stories of some of the crazy situations they got them selves into. She scooted closer and closer to Leo, their hands touching. She was drunk, and feeling good. That almost kiss from earlier still weighing heavy on her mind. “So Percy, what for you do for a living?” Ellie asked. Without missing a beat Percy pulled the glass of scotch from his lips “Estate Management.” “Oh. So you like take care of some rich persons finances?” She questioned. “Something like that.” He chuckled. Aria eyed Ellie suspiciously, was she really trying to flirt with Leos friend? Percy was a good looking man. She loved her bestfriend, but he was way out of her league. 
Another rum and coke for her, two more glasses of scotch for him she whispered into his ear. “Come dance with me.” He took her hand leading her to the dance floor. His heart racing. She looked amazing, a short black mini dress with a plunging neck. His will power to keep his hands to himself slipping farther away with each drink. She had been playing a dangerous game too. Scooting closer and closer, brushing his hand with hers, his thigh. That almost kiss weighing on his mind. Ellie took the opportunity as Leo and Aria left to slide in closer to Percy. She placed her hand on his thigh and whispered into his ear “I bet you know how to treat a woman in the bedroom don’t you?” A grin formed on his face, he turned to face her “You couldn’t handle me sweetheart.” He picked up his glass slowly sipping his scotch. Embarrassed Ellie got up and found a random guy to talk to. reached the dance floor, he pulled her closer to him as their bodies pressed together swaying together in perfect rhythm. She turned around pressing her round ass onto his member, pushing into his growing member. Leos hands gripped her hips as he grinded into her. 
Jesus, the way she feels against me. the way she’s moving he wondered how she would feel on top of him. His fingers toyed with the bottom of her dress, he felt her hand grab his guiding them further up her legs. oh she was playing a dangerous game, she knew it, but in this moment she could only think about how his hands felt like fire on her bare skin. She wanted more. She led his hands up her thighs, higher and higher. He felt his willpower ripping away, he needed to feel how wet her pussy was, he wanted to capture her lips with his, to feel her ass. He wanted to take her back to his room and make her scream his name until the morning light. 
She twirled around to face him, his hands never leaving her body. As he found them cupping her round tight ass. Just then they felt the wetness of the foam spraying the dance floor. Her eyes met his as she tilted her head up her lips meeting his in a soft, sensual kiss. She pulled back, taking his bottom lip with her. She could see the want in his eyes. It sent a jolt of electricity through her body, his lips were on her again in an instant. Capturing them in a feverish kiss. His hands firmly grasp her ass, as their tongues fight for dominance. His head spinning, was it the scotch, no, it was her kiss intoxicating him. He had heard of love drunk before, but never had he experienced until this moment. He pulled away reluctantly leaving both breathless and spinning. “Wow.” He said resting his forehead against hers. “Mmhmm.” Her eyes fluttered. 
He grabbed her hand, leading her through a side door. “Where are we going?” She asked. “Getting some air.” He pulled her into the alley, he leaned up against the wall, still dizzy from that kiss. Her dress wet sticking to her body, his cock twitched in his pants. He wanted her,He wanted her so bad. Never had he ever wanted someone more then he did with her. He never felt this way, no woman had ever had this effect on him. It was exciting,fun,scary as hell, and he liked it.. A lot. He un buttoned his wet shirt exposing his chiseled abs. Aria bit her lip Jesus hes sexy,I want to lick him she giggled at the thought. “Something funny?” He cocked his brow at her. “You’re like really buff.” She immediately regretted it as soon as it left her lips. Making her giggle again. Leo was amused “I work out a little.” He chuckled. She leaned against the opposite wall, “my cousin is a personal trainer, he tried to get me to do wall sits. I almost died. ” Leo dropped right into an effortless wall sit, not breaking a sweat. “Smart ass.” She playfully rolled her eyes. She sauntered over to him, straddling his lap. “How about now?” She wrapped her arm around the back of his head, gently tugging at his hair. “ I could do this all night long.” He breathed into her neck, gently nipping and sucking on her sensitive spots, eliciting a soft moan from her lips. The sound was like fucking music to him, he wanted to hear more of it. He wanted to hear her scream his name until the sun came up. His member pushed painfully against his pants, begging to be freed. She felt his cock twitching against her wet center. She grinded her hips against him, he teeth grazed his ear, sending tingles throughout his body. “Aria.” He whispered her name. “Leo, I want-” “Aria. Aria? You out here?” She was cut off by Ellie calling her name. “Ughhhh.” She groaned. Leo chuckled. They stood up. “Yeah. Coming.” She turned to walk away as he grabbed her hand spinning her around into a heated kiss. “ I wouldn’t have taken you in this alleyway. No, not for the first time.” He shook his head. “Just know when We do fuck, and we will, you’ll be begging for more.” She stood there speechless and even more turned on, if at all humanly possible. She needed a cold shower or two. They walked back into the club. Ellie spent the rest of the night dancing with Random guys and ended up leaving with one despite Aria’s protest. Aria and Percy were getting along great, she wasn’t afraid to joke around with him like she knew him her whole life. It was getting late and Aria was pretty drunk. Leo and Percy had a car waiting to take them back to their hotel as Aria stumbled out and headed down the street. “Where do you think you’re going?” Leo called after her. “To my hotel, its just a few blocks away.” She pointed down the street, stumbling over her feet. “There is no way in hell I am letting you walk by yourself, in the middle of the night. Come on, we will take you home.” He insisted.
 “Oooh kay Mr Bossy pants.” She giggled. “Percy, tell your friend I would have been fine walking.” She whined as she climbed into the car, falling flat on her face right into Percy’s lap. “Well you may have had a chance at that argument before you got up close and personal with my lap peanut. ” he chuckled. She lifted her head and giggled. “You may be right.” She giggled tossing herself back against the seat. Leo slid in shaking his head. “Percy your hair is soooo nice, I just wanna fluff it.” She squinted one eye, sticking her tongue out to the side slightly as she tussled his hair. Percy let out a hearty laugh. “I like this one Leo, shes fun. Don’t fuck it up.” “Yeah Leo, he likes this one. Don’t fuck it up.” She tried to make a serious face but the grin gave her away. She was white girl wasted, it was hilarious. Aria slides her hand up his thigh. Leo groans as he places his hand on hers, stopping her. Percy could tell he was trying very hard not to lose control, it was amusing. The play boy prince was notorious for getting down anywhere. And here he was, falling apart at a womans touch, fighting the urge to do something about it. 
They pulled up to her hotel and Leo helped her out, she said goodbye to Percy as Leo walked her to the door. Her phone chirped and she dug around in her purse for it. She squinted her eye’s trying to read it. “What the fuck does this say?” She shoved the phone towards Leo. “Ellie wont be back tonight. So you’ll be here alone? I don’t like that. Maybe I should stay here tonight.” Leo insisted. Aria was in no shape to argue so she agreed. Leo got her settled into the room and ran back to let Percy know to go ahead. “I’m gonna stay here, shes alone tonight and I need to make sure shes ok.” Leo told him. Percy couldn’t contain his laugh, the amusement of the situation was comedy gold. “You might wanna take care of those blue balls Rhys. Have a good night.” He continued laughing as he rolled up the window. “Glad this amuses you.” He called out after the car. 
He made his way back to the room. Aria answered the door completely naked. His breath hitched in his throat. Leo, shes very drunk, she won’t remember any of this in the morning. He hurried inside shutting the door quickly behind him. “Ahh where did your clothes go?” He questioned “yeah I took that shit off.” She waved dismissively at him. He walked across the room sitting on one of the beds. Aria walked towards him “Besides. Don’t you like what you see?” She was right in front of him. “Oh God, yes, very very much so. But, I dont think-” “Shhhh, dont think.” She placed a finger to his lips as she stradled his lap, she kissed his neck, and up his jaw to meet his lips. His hands ghosted her sides as he started to give in to the want. “Aria, maybe we shouldn’t.” He stopped her. She looked confused, she climbed off of his lap. “Seriously? Whatever.” She laid down on the bed. He laid back next to her, she turned away from him. Clearly frustrated. “Aria look at me.” He turned her over. “ I want you, very bad. The things I want to do to you. ” he shook his head at the thoughts. “But I want you to remember it, every touch, every feeling, and right now I am not sure that you’ll remember any of this.” His lips brushed against hers. She rolled over laying her head against his chest, “ok.” She mumbled as sleep took over, she closed her eyes and fell asleep on his chest.
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