#he's still our judeth
darththrog · 1 year
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He's actually so cheeky for this...
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clanmccrackengaming · 5 years
Chapter 15
Food and Supplies have been running low. Judith has agreed to help us out, but only if we meet in a secret location. We make plans for the arrangement, but there are spies within the monastery
Hilda’s birthday came around again. We had tea.
Lysithea tested for Gremory, and passed.
Week 1: Explore
While exploring I was a little shocked to see the pond glowing. So I burned through some of my bait. Caught something called a Fodlandy, but other then selling it I’m not sure what it is good for. I also managed to catch a Goddess Messenger, which is apparently good for cooking.
Ingrid participated in the lance tournament for me, but lost. Sadly when the enemy has a hit chance of 66% and I have 95% it means that they will hit every attack and I wont.
Week 2: Fight
Battle 1
Pretty standard by this point. These fight-battles are not even remotely difficult by this point so unless something interesting  happens I’m just going to post the level ups and the victory screens
Battle 2
Battle 3
Week 3: Explore
It was Lysithea’s Birthday, so tea. Also Ingrid took a test for me.
Judeth, head of the House Daphnel has agreed to help us out, but in order to keep things a secret she has agreed to meet us in a hidden valley. We agree to meed here there but are ambushed by Kingdom Forces. As we fall into our accustomed battle lines we spot the enemy commander, Gwendal array his forces. Among them is none other than Ashe! That sucks, I rather liked Ashed 😦
It didn’t stop me from killing him, but I did feel a little bad about it afterword. 
On turn 6, Judith appeared in the upper right corner with 2 units in tow. The objective of the map shifts to include Judith as a unit that must survive the map, and of course, she deploys completely surrounded. FML. With my units still in the south and enemy archers making up a sizable chunck of the enemy forces, It doesn’t look good for my being able to get up there in time to make a difference… but here goes. Her first turn on the map left one member of her party dead, and her critically wounded. This isn’t even fair. By the second turn after her arrival, she is already dead. There is no help for it, I have to divine pulse all the way back to the beginning and make a bee-line straight for her location if I want any hope of keeping her alive.
Starting back from the beginning I take my 4 flyers and start them in towards Judith’s location at once. They get there in plenty of time, but it seems this map is also subject to infinitely spawning units. Joy. Every turn 3 more units pop in from the west and a 4th from the south west.
While my main force dealt with the never ending waves of goons, Claude, Petra, and Ingrid slowly started picking off the unit up around where Judith was. Eventually we got within range of Gwendal, who engaged us with his group of five body guards. I had wanted to pick off a few of them for the exp, but that proved impossible. because of poor planing on my part, I was in a position that I needed to either drop Gwen or end up losing Petra. Reinforcements being able to attack the turn they show up, being what it is, kind of limited my options. So I triple teamed the dude and brought him down.
After the battle, Lady Judith says that she will give me the supplies and soldiers, but only if she is allowed to join in on the fighting. I don’t think I’ll get her as an actual unit to control, but I’ll welcome her help all the same
You can just see how excited he is to be in Smash now. 
Levels gained:
Total Levels Gained: 18
Poor levels: 3
FE Golden Deer Maddening Chapter 15 Chapter 15 Food and Supplies have been running low. Judith has agreed to help us out, but only if we meet in a secret location.
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lukeherr00-blog · 6 years
What Makes a Man? 
In my third entry, I will examine the critical questions: What gender norm is constructed or undone in this artifact, how is it rhetorically performed, and/or how does it promote a dominant ideology or gender norms? Is it productive/unproductive? In order to investigate these questions I reviewed a shaving commercial. No, it was not the new gillette commercial, instead it was a Schick hydro commercial. This commercial came out on August 2018 and shares the messages of being the man you are.
The Schick hydro ad is 30 seconds long and features a tall skinny tennager with glasses. The ad starts with the teenager shaving  and says, “In a short time you have decided what kind of man I am, stick a label on me.” (Schick Hydro). He follows up saying, “that's not up for you to decide.” (Schick Hydro) The commercial then cuts to the viral video of the teenager dancing in front of a large crowd. The commercial ends with a voice over saying, “It takes a man to be yourself and it takes the right razor to express it.” (Schick Hydro) This ad shares how a gender norm can be constructed with physical features but then quickly redenies the ideology of the male gender norm. The ad is playing off the male stereotype of being tough, not emotional and following male gender roles. The ad is certainly different compared to other male shaving ads  
Before analysing this commercial we must discusses gender roles. Some may call this a stereotype to a certain gender since we may assume that all people of one gender to have a specific trait. This may included all women being passive or stay at home moms or all men being handy and macho. But certainly not everyone in the world can fulfill or act among these stereotype traits and characteristics. Many shaving commercials include a man with a stoic look and a beard. These ads talk about having a tough day at work or doing some activity with high intensity. The menmodels in the commercial are the ideal image of how a man sees himself. What makes the Schick hydro commercial interesting is that it does not follow the traditional shaving ad and does not follow the traditional male model in the ad. Instead we have a skinny teenager with a pair of glasses who doesn’t even have a beard or facial hair. The ad is almost making fun of other shaving ads by allowing the viewer to quickly judge the type of man this teenager is. The ad rhetorically plays off the stereotype of gender norms and questions the male demographic which we will further go into later.
In Butler’s reading Undoing Gender, his main point is to ask the question of what would happen if people undid their gender. What Butler is asking is, “What does Gender want?” (Butler). Butler questions how gender may affect our social norms and viewpoint on life which is what the Slick Hydro ad does as well. In the ad Slick Hydro makes it clear that they are not trying to be a typical shaving ad. They are not trying to fulfill a male gender role instead the ad does the opposite. They call out the viewer by claiming he has already made a negative assumption by the skinny teenager in the ad by saying, ““In a short time you have decided what kind of man I am, stick a label on me.” (Schick Hydro) Butler mentions the Hegelian tradition, the Hegelian tradition is how humans deprive other humans if they do not meet certain social roles (Butler). This is what the ad expects it’s audience to do, label the teenager because he does not meet certain requirements for a shaving ad. He is skinny, nerdy looking and does not even have a beard to shave which makes the viewer reject him and classify him as something he is not. Which is why he says, “That's not up for you to decide.” (Schick Hydro). This is the ad rejecting the Hegelian tradition, it wants it users to realize that prejudging someone to fulfill their gender requirements is not a healthy way to think. The ad proves this by showing a viral clip of the teenager showing off his amazing dance moves in front of a large student crowd. The crowd is cheering for him and accepting who he is. This clip is redefining gender norms by showing that a man can do something that does not for the male ideology like dancing and still receive support. At the end of the ad a voice over says, “It takes a man to be yourself and it takes the right razor to express it.” (Schick Hydro). Butler mentions how humans who do not follow social norms are classified as non human by their peers. The ad plays at this theory by throwing a male you would not inspect in a shaving commercial, which is why he says,”go ahead stick a label on me” because this male teenage does not follow the male gender norm, he follows himself which is why he is a man. The Schick Hydro ad undoes social norms by promoting a different ideology for males. It is a productive ad because it is not offended anyone, in fact it is giving advice to be yourself instead of wearing a mask.
   There are many advantages and disadvantages of this ad. I really enjoy ads that are different to the norm because it shows the marketing team challenge their demographic. Which is what the Schick Hydro ad does it challenge the male gender ideology by showing that not all men need to fit a certain gender norm or appearance in order to shave. Another advantage is that this ad is not controversial like the gillette ad. This ad is not guilting any men, telling men what kind of man they need to be or getting political. The disadvantage of this ad is that it’s risk. It is going against the ideal gender in a shaving ad and could cause backlash on the main demographic. Some viewers may not understand the message and therefore may not buy the razor. The only disadvantage I see is a marketing disadvantage, but overall there is not much of a rhetoric disadvantage in this advertisement.    
   In marketing, targeting your main demographic canbe difficult. There are so many personality and characteristics when considering who to market to so, marketing teams crate basic traits for their target audiences. Which is why shaving ads are very gender constructed since a lot of it involves research about how men want to vision themselves as. According to a academic paper by Heather Kraft, there are several reasons why ads create unrealistic gender norms. Men make decisions to buy items that appeal to them in the short term. (Kraft). Men are more interested in the product and how it will affect their daily lifestyle while women are more interested in the narrative of an ad. (Kraft)  Men generally don’t care about all the options they have as long as they get a result they want which is why shaving ads are so driving to complete the ideal male gender norm (Kraft) What makes the Schick Hydro ad so interesting is that it does the complete opposite. It ads no effects, it has no ideal male gender image and it tells a narrative. This ad goes against the basic male demographic and wants to create a new market of men who are themselves and are confident about it.
In conclusion, the Schick Hydro ad is a very productive advertisement with several rhetorics about gender ideology. The ad follow the feminist style theory of Hegelian tradition and goes against the gender norm. The shaving ad calls out their audience for prejudging the teenage and proves that any man is a man if he is himself. Overall, the ad has a good message and goes against the basic male target audience to create a new audience of men who do not follow normal gender roles.
Work cited
Butler, Judeth, (2004) Undoing Gender. New York: Routhledge. Pg 1-4.
Kraft, Heather and Michael J Weber. A Look at Gender Differences and Marketing Implications. Mercer University, Nov. (2012).
Schick Hydro, Youtube, August (2018).
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