#he's still my babygirl 💜
14dayswithyou · 1 year
Is Yanderen’t Redacted neurotypical? I’m a psychology student and Ren is a special interest of mine, so I’m absolutely dying to pick his brain and examine him lol
✩゜ANSWERED: Oh!! N (and canon Ren) are both neurodivergent because I looooove projecting myself onto my OCs >:3 I try to keep it subtle though because I want the representation to be there, but I also don't want it to come across like it's their defining personality trait or anythin (if that makes any sense ^^;)
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sowheresmyroom · 8 months
I can't believe vox is such a failgirl
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lana7779 · 1 year
Babygirl journey continues! 💜
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When The World Is Crashing Down [Chapter 2: Choose Love Or Sympathy]
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Series summary: Your family is House Celtigar, one of Rhaenyra's wealthiest allies. In the aftermath of Rook's Rest, Aemond unknowingly conscripts you to save his brother's life. Now you are in the liar of the enemy, but your loyalties are quickly shifting...
Chapter warnings: Language, warfare, extreme babygirl energy, violence, serious injury, Larys Strong, alcoholism/addiction, references to sexual content (18+), Crab Family lore.
Series title is a lyric from: "7 Minutes in Heaven" by Fall Out Boy.
Chapter title is a lyric from: "XO" by Fall Out Boy.
Word count: 5.5k.
Link to chapter list (and all my writing): HERE.
Let me know if you'd like to be tagged! đŸ„°đŸ’œ
A moment of clarity, something he’s having more of lately: eyes glassy but open, voice husky, words slow. His vast bedchamber in the Red Keep always smells like honey and rose oil and the brackish golden air that blows in off the ocean. Sounds float weightlessly through the open windows like feathers on waves, music and shouts and creaking wagon wheels, gull cries and sails cracking in the wind. Late-morning daylight is an aisle across the stone floor, a river, a channel. Aegon’s bed has been moved away from the windows; when his wounds are uncovered, direct sunlight can ravage him in minutes, fresh blisters, thickening scars.
Aegon winces as you sit behind him and knead warm rose oil into his back and shoulders. His flesh is a grisly mosaic: pink and crimson and white, knots of burgeoning scar tissue, spots that are still raw and weeping. “It itches like hell, does that mean it’s infected?”
“That means it’s healing. Do you want more?” You mean the goblet of pearlescent milk of the poppy on his bedside table. It’s always there, and refilled frequently.
Aegon shakes his head, groggy, slumped, white-blond hair loose and disheveled. “I should probably be sentient on occasion. You haven’t been helping me piss into chamber pots or anything, have you?”
You smile. “No. You’ve got servants for that.” Although they report their findings to you; Maester Arthur of Claw Isle once taught you that organ failure is a common cause of death for burn victims, even if they survive the risks of shock and festering. All appears well enough on the outside, and then they start pissing blood or their skin goes yellow as their innards lose their secretive divine cadence, that vital rhythm, and then the poor soul is gone within days.
“Thank the gods,” Aegon says. “A speck of dignity remains. It’s tragic enough that I now closely resemble an overcooked meat pie.”
You chuckle as you massage rose oil into his wounds, keeping the scars moist and supple so they do not split open when he moves, so his joints are not locked in place. He will need them when he is out of bed again. He will need them if he truly is the king. “I don’t think you look that bad.”
“Because you’re used to sifting through guts and corpses all day. I’m an improvement. I’m only half dead.” And just weeks ago, he was pleading to be all the way dead. He glances back at you, brow knitted into thoughtful furrows; you can see it between the messy locks of hair that shag over his face. “What made you want to study something like this? It’s gruesome. It’s miserable, thankless work.”
“I was never good at anything,” you tell him. “My sisters were, but I wasn’t. I couldn’t dance, couldn’t sing, couldn’t embroider patterns unless they were humiliatingly simple, and even then I loathed it. My father grew so desperate he encouraged me to try archery with my brothers. I accidentally put an arrow in the foot of a squire and that was the end of my bowwoman career.”
Aegon laughs, then groans at the pain it causes him. He turns around so he can look at you, clumsily repositioning himself on the feather mattress, propping himself up on his palms. He squints down at his left hand where his ring should be: gold wings, jade eyes. You will have to remind Aemond to give it back to him. “I was never good at anything either.”
You can’t imagine that to be true, and yet it’s what you’ve always been told, that he was gifted at drinking and whoring and nothing else. You cannot reconcile those stories with the man in front of you. You keep trying, keep failing. You slather your palms in rose oil again the then begin massaging it into his chest. Aegon watches you with muzzy, drugged interest, eyes like cold ocean currents. “Then, five years ago, my brother
” You hesitate. A real name, an imagined one? You decide there is no harm in this small truth. Aegon will not remember the name of a younger son of a Crownlands house; he barely recalls the men of his own Kingsguard, who now spend their days trotting around the castle after Aemond. “My brother Everett was burned very badly, just like you were, although his wounds were mostly to his legs. And we all thought he would die. People advised us to show mercy by giving him enough milk of the poppy to kill him. They said it would be a sin to let him suffer so terribly. Yet our maester believed he could save him. My father and eldest brother had other responsibilities to attend to, and my mother and sisters could not bear the sight of Everett’s injuries. But I watched the way the maester worked on him, and I just
I thought it was the most captivating, beautiful thing I’d ever seen. The way a body can be taken apart or put back together like stones in a wall. Place one here, remove one there, and then like magic you’ve changed the course of someone’s life. Our maester taught me how to clean burns and change bandages, and when Everett was well again, he taught me about broken bones, fevers, childbirth, wolf bites, dry drowning. I read every book on the subject of healing in my father’s library. He kept having to order me more from the Citadel. I think I would have liked to be a maester myself, but
Aegon grins. “You have to go marry your mystery nobleman.”
“And women can’t be maesters.”
“They made me king of the Seven Kingdoms but you can’t be a maester? Fucking ridiculous.” He studies you as your fingers—tenderly, carefully—press rose oil into the red scar that creeps up over his right cheek. “Why won’t you tell me who he is?”
He means your betrothed. Aegon keeps asking about him in his moments of lucidity. You quip: “I don’t want you to have him murdered.”
“That would solve your problem.”
“I preserve life, I don’t take it.”
“I’ve noticed,” Aegon says with a soft, tired smile. Very slowly, he reaches up with one hand to pat at his silvery hair. “Can you give me my braid back? It seems to have been washed out again.”
“Of course.”
“Why did you start doing that?”
What is the truth? Something you can’t tell Aegon. No matter how often I touch him, I want more. “It’s a war braid. You’re a warrior. You’ve earned it.”
“So I am good at something after all,” he murmurs. You rebandage Aegon’s wounds and help him lie back down again. You give him a sip of milk of the poppy, which by now is badly needed; Aegon’s face is sweated and pale and agonized. Then you clean the rose oil from your hands and begin weaving a small braid into his hair. He gazes vacantly towards the open window, bright warm light he cannot walk into. “I assume Aemond is
handling things.”
“Yes, he’s
” How will Aegon take this? Is it a relief, or a slight? There was a great ceremony. You did not attend; you were here tending to the Greens’ broken king. It’s where you spend most of your time. “He’s been made Prince Regent and Protector of the Realm.”
Aegon nods, his expression unreadable. “How’s Sunfyre?”
“Still at Rook’s Rest and gaining strength. He was climbing the cliffs as of a few days ago. But I’ll ask Aemond when I see him today.”
Now Aegon smiles again. “Sunfyre is fierce. He is extraordinary.”
“You both are,” you say as you fashion his silver braid; and Aegon stares as if he couldn’t have heard you correctly.
Her steps are so light that at first you aren’t aware she’s entered the room. You see her out of the corner of your eye and immediately stand, moving away from the bed, from Aegon. You feel strange touching him this way—unnecessarily, self-indulgently, greedily—in her presence. She is his wife, after all.
“Your Grace,” you greet Helaena, bowing. She does not look at you. She looks vaguely in Aegon’s direction instead. She is wearing a turquoise blue dress and her long hair pulled back from her face. The servants have dressed her, or Alicent; she cannot do it herself anymore. In her hands she holds a large glass jar of sticks and leaves.
“Hello, Helaena,” Aegon says, more like a sigh than a welcome.
She scurries towards him and sets the jar down on his bedside table with a clunk, right next to the goblet of milk of the poppy and a number of other drinks, things you ply Aegon with to keep him hydrated. Then Helaena speaks, her eyes on the contents of the jar. There is something else in there, you see now: a fat wriggling green creature, a caterpillar inching along the length of an upright stick. "For you."
“It’s very nice,” Aegon tells her, in a tone like a parent losing patience with their child.
“It takes nourishment and then rests,” Helaena says. “It is wrapped in a cocoon and stays there for a long while. But when it emerges, it is not just well again. It is greater than it was before. And it can fly.”
“Oh, I understand now.” Aegon makes no attempt to touch her—not even her hand, not even for a moment—but his words are kinder. “I am the worm. Thank you, Helaena. This comforts me.”
She is satisfied. She turns to leave.
“Your Grace,” you begin, and hold out your hands to her. She does not take them. She does not meet your eyes; she stares instead into the golden luminescence of the open window behind you. You can hear crashing waves and the screeches of swooping gulls. “I wanted to express
I cannot even begin to tell you
I am so, so sorry for your suffering—”
She spins away from you and sweeps out of the bedchamber. You are left looking at the empty place where she stood, heartsick and sorry. What did I do wrong? What should I have said?
Aegon offers you an apologetic smirk, but his eyes are sad. “It’s not personal. She doesn’t really like touching anybody.” This is an irony, and one that must read on your face. A king and queen—by definition, by necessity—do an inordinate amount of touching. He invades, she endures, they knit heirs together out of threads of blood and sweat. “What we have between us, it’s not
romantic. It never was.”
This is not something he should be telling you. It is not a jest but a spilling of deep, sacred truths. “I didn’t ask.”
“No. But you were wondering.”
You were. You return to the bed and sit down beside Aegon, finishing his braid. You choose your words precisely before you speak. “I don’t believe I have a right to know certain things, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care about what you’re thinking.”
“Then let me unburden myself so there is no confusion,” Aegon insists, drowsy but fighting sleep. “There was no joy in it for me or Helaena. I tried to make it as quick and painless as I could, but still, her disdain for the task was obvious. It happened just often enough to conceive the children. And we haven’t even tried in months, not since
” He doesn’t need to say it. Everyone knows, Greens and Blacks alike. A son for a son. The murder of Jaehaerys, six years old and utterly powerless, in exchange for Aemond slaying Luke.
Do you think such a thing was just? No, of course not, how could anyone? Very few things that happen in this world are just. They come with passionate defenses but no mercy, no vision for a less violent future. The wheel goes around and around, and everyone takes their turn being crushed. “Aegon, I’m so sorry,” you tell him softly.
He shakes his head. He will not discuss it. Aegon’s remaining children, Jaehaera and Maelor, do not ask about him; on the rare occasion that Alicent brings them to his bedchamber, they do not seem to know who he is. In fairness, Aegon does not seem to know them either; he regards them with a dull sort of bewilderment, like one might peer down at a page written in a foreign language. In the hallways of the Red Keep, the children clutch at Alicent and Otto, and sometimes Aemond will take a few minutes to play with them, stacking wooden blocks or arranging cloth dolls in a miniature castle. But if ‘mother’ and ‘father’ are words the children know, you’ve never heard them spoken aloud. “Can I have some wine, please?”
“Did you finish your goat milk?”
“Then yes. I’ll get it for you.” You pour Aegon a cup of red wine and then tilt it against his lips. He slurps the cup dry before his eyes dip closed. You set the empty cup on the bedside table, feel his forehead for fever—longer than you need to—and then rise to leave him. You are almost to the door when you hear him say: “Thank you for changing my mind.”
You turn back to Aegon, puzzled. “About what?”
“About wanting to be dead.” He grins and waves, a weak miniscule motion of his left hand. “Come back soon, angel.”
“I will,” you promise.
And only then does he surrender to blessedly numb unconsciousness, the only place in the world that doesn’t hurt.
You find Aemond in his own rooms. He is sitting in front of the large circular mirror on his vanity. His hair is long and straight and painstakingly neat, his tunic made of black leather. He is wearing the crown of Aegon the Conqueror. Rubies fracture the sunlight and scatter it against the walls; Valyrian steel glints.
Aemond marvels, knowing that you’re here: “It looks better on me than it ever did on him.”
“I need more rose oil.”
In the mirror’s reflection, his lone blue eye darts to you. “You always ask so politely.”
“I didn’t want to waste your valuable time. I can be more loquacious, if you prefer.”
“That won’t be necessary.” He stands, taking off the crown and placing it—gingerly, with both hands—on his vanity. “I’ll see that you have everything you require.”
“I am eternally appreciative.”
Then he does something that he thinks is amusing, a little joke you share. He grabs for your arm and you yank it away just before his fingers can close around your wrist. This makes him smile; it’s one of the only things that does. “Now follow me,” he orders, striding past you and through the doorway.
You hurry after Aemond, dashing through corridors and archways. You know where he is going; this has happened before. As you ascend a staircase, Alicent is leading Jaehaera and Maelor down to the gardens. She has one tiny hand gripped in each of hers; the hem of her emerald green dress drags on the stone steps. She keeps losing weight. You stop to scoop Maelor up and hug him—he giggles, squeezing at your cheeks as you smack kisses onto his face—and then turn your attention to Jaehaera. She has just learned the rules of curtsying and loves to practice. You bow to her, and then she does the same to you, and while her head is bent low you ruffle her silvery hair until it is in hopeless disarray and Jaehaera is laughing hysterically. Then you kneel down so she can sabotage your hair however she sees fit. She pulls strands out of your sensible low bun until you give up and shake it all loose. Alicent—large dark eyes, demurely veiled auburn hair, somber and suffering—gives you a grave, grateful smile. Aemond has waited at the apex of the stairs for you. When you rejoin him he continues onward to the council chamber.
Inside men are taking their seats and already beginning to quarrel: Criston Cole, Otto Hightower, Grand Maester Orwyle, Tyland Lannister, Jasper Wylde, Larys Strong, the knights of the Kingsguard. Sir Rickard Thorne pays no attention to you. Aemond once mentioned off-handedly: ‘Sir Rickard, I believe our healer is a distant relation of yours.’ The knight had glanced at you and produced some noncommittal reply, oh, indeed, sure, is that so. You had met before, you realized when you saw his face, years ago, at some event that brought together the houses of the Crownlands, a wedding or a funeral or a feast. He has a hazy recollection of you, but he cannot pin it down; he spent the evening with boisterous young men like your eldest brother Clement, while you had spent it with other noblewomen. Sir Rickard’s mother or sisters could probably identify you as a Celtigar. To Rickard himself, you can masquerade as some unimportant cousin he is ashamed to have forgotten. You assume your usual place in the council chamber: standing in a corner, trying not to be noticed, only there in case specific questions involving Aegon’s medical treatment arise.
“Is he dying?” Otto asks Aemond. “He must be. He has no interest in whores.”
Aemond raises his eyebrow at you. “Actually, I’ve been informed he is improving.”
Maester Orwyle beams at you. Upon your arrival in King’s Landing, he had confirmed to Aemond and Criston what you already knew: that while the Citadel’s guidance several decades ago was indeed pork lard or cow dung to treat burns, now there is a growing consensus that vinegar, honey, and oil for scar tissue are the best available remedies. You nod back. You are natural allies; the Greens’ king is under your joint care. You both have much to lose if he dies.
Now Otto Hightower addresses you. He is a stern, weathered, shrewd man. He reminds you of your father, though far more humorless. “When will he be able to fight again?”
“Fight?” you echo, stunned. “In battle? Months at least, my lord. Perhaps a year.”
“A year!” Otto bellows, then turns his wrath on Criston and Aemond. “I told you, I told you! I urged him to exercise caution, over and over again I warned him of the danger, and while I was penning letters to every possible ally you were pouring poison into his ears, convincing him that I wasn’t doing enough. Now look at him! Look at this goddamn fucking mess!”
“How fares the dragon?” Tyland Lannister says.
“I received a raven from Rook’s Rest today,” Aemond replies. “Sunfyre is eating well and ambulatory.”
“Useless,” Otto hisses. “Can’t fly. Can’t be moved. A waste of the livestock he’s being fed.”
“We may yet find a purpose for him,” Aemond says.
“Two dragons!” Otto explodes. “Can you count them?! We have two dragons capable of combat, and one of them is ridden by a fifteen-year-old. The Blacks still have Syrax, Caraxes, Vermax, Tyraxes, and Moondancer. And gods help us if they find someone to ride any of the other unclaimed beasts on Dragonstone. Seasmoke, Vermithor, Silverwing, Grey Ghost, the Cannibal
“I hope they try to tame the Cannibal,” Criston mutters. “If we’re lucky, he’ll eat them all.”
“My lord,” Larys Strong says to Otto, clutching his cane; he has a habit of lacing his fingers overtop the handle and resting his chin on them. Larys is a watchful, quiet man who speaks rarely yet with great consequence. He is the Master of Whisperers, he is the Lord of Harrenhal, and aside from that he is an enigma to you. “I hate to be the bearer of unfortunate tidings, however I must speak plainly. I have just obtained reports that the Blacks are pursuing precisely the course of action that you fear. Jacaerys Velaryon is offering land and knighthood to any man who can mount a dragon and join their cause. The realm is littered with Targaryen bastards, I’m certain it is only a matter of time until they find at least a few candidates suited to the task.”
Otto slams his fist down on the table. You startle at the noise; Aemond glances over at you. “No king. No Sunfyre. Dreamfyre in the Dragonpit, who Helaena cannot fly into battle. A fucking disaster.”
“We have Vhagar,” Aemond says confidently.
“She is worth two full-grown dragons,” Otto pitches back. “Not four or five.”
“Daemon is the real threat. If I can eliminate him, the war is over.”
“Daeron should be prepared for combat,” Jasper Wylde says. “He is travelling with Lord Ormund Hightower’s army in the Reach, but he can easily be called back to King’s Landing. He could assist Prince Aemond in his pursuit of Daemon and Caraxes.”
“I don’t need his help,” Aemond replies darkly.
“Then perhaps he could safeguard the city once you’ve gone.”
“We cannot sacrifice military strategy on the altar of personal vendettas,” Criston says. “Dragons are best used on the battlefield against soldiers and castles, not on meandering quests to find one lone enemy, that’s a needle in a haystack, it’s a misallocation of precious resources.”
Aemond counters: “But if I can kill Daemon, nothing else matters—”
“It does matter, Aemond!” Criston roars. “I matter, the armies matter, winning the confidence of the houses you hope to rule matters!”
“How is Corlys Velaryon handling all of this?” Otto asks Larys. “The defeat at Rook’s Rest, the death of his wife?”
Larys answers: “He blames Rhaenyra for the losses. He has taken it badly. It is my understanding that he intended to withdraw his support from the Blacks, and was brought back only by Jacaerys giving him the title of Hand of the Queen. I am under the impression that Corlys may be willing to reconsider his allegiance if the circumstances were right—”
There is a knock at the council chamber door, not a knock but a pounding, not a pounding but a frantic drumming like the marching of soldiers’ boots. Sir Criston Cole unlocks and opens the door. Alicent stands there with her face flushed and shiny with tears. Instantly, Criston is at her side asking what is wrong, one hand resting protectively her shoulder, the other on the hilt of the sword he wears everywhere he goes.
“Come quickly,” Alicent begs you, only you. “Please. It’s Aegon.”
You race with her to Aegon’s bedchamber, hearing the screams long before you reach him. This doesn’t make sense; he shouldn’t be in pain this severe, not yet, not for hours. You are aware that there are footsteps thundering behind you, Aemond and Criston rushing to see if the king really is dying this time. In his bed, Aegon thrashes and moans. He needs to stop moving so violently; he will split his scar tissue like burst seams. Already you can see blooms of crimson appearing on his bandages where the wounds beneath have reopened: his neck, his waist, his ribcage. He is out of his mind. He is destroying himself.
He is shouting for Sunfyre, for Aemond, for Criston. He is back at Rook’s Rest being roasted alive in his own armor. Not dying, then; just having a nightmare. You kneel at his bedside and smooth his hair back, his braid threading through your fingers, and whisper to him that it’s alright, that he’s safe, that he needs to wake up now. Alicent is weeping, both hands covering her mouth. Aemond and Criston are watching you, mesmerized, transfixed.
Aegon’s oceanic eyes fly open, wide and panicked. “Where am I?”
And you smile down at him, your palm cradling his unburned left cheek. “The end of the world.”
He blinks. He remembers. His lips stretch into a grin. “There you are,” he tells you, voice gravelly and low. “I dreamed everyone was gone and you were too.”
“I’m here.”
“You aren’t in a hurry to abandon me for your burly betrothed?”
Cregan Stark must think I’m dead. “No, Aegon.”
“You can’t leave without telling me.”
Everett, Clement, my father, my mother, Piper, Petra, Penelope, they must all think I was burned to ash on the battlefield or murdered and tossed into the sea. “I know. I won’t.”
“You can’t leave,” he says again, a half-awake whimper as he sinks back into unconsciousness. You give him more milk of the poppy, enough to make his sleep deep and black and dreamless.
You reclean and rebandage Aegon’s wounds. It takes hours. Aemond fetches Maester Orwyle to assist you. Criston comforts Alicent, wanting to do and say far more than he can. When it is done, only Alicent remains in the bedchamber with you. She visits Aegon frequently, but she does not know how to speak to him; she always stands there clasping her own hands together, praying and stalling, desperate to show him love and yet incapable of it.
“Thank you for what you’ve done for him,” Alicent says, tears glistening in her umber eyes. “Not just the hours, not just the medicine. For everything that you’ve done.” And she embraces you, and when she does you hold her like she wishes her own daughter could.
In the night you see it repeating like a chorus of a song in the shadows that crawl across the ceiling: one year ago, stray snowflakes in your hair, stars in a black sky and air like metal.
The Celtigar fortune is older than the Targaryens’ conquering of Westeros, older than the Doom of Valyria. Where did the money come from? Friends of the Celtigars would say distinctively cunning maritime trade; their enemies would say piracy. Perhaps the two are not always so different. Is there any mechanism of accumulating great wealth that does not involve stealing in one form or another, of wringing out some other soul like a wet cloth until every drop of them disappears down your throat? Your ancestors did not tame dragons, but they had a different sort of gift: for every coin, they could find a way to make two or six or ten. Repeat that process for centuries and there are vaults filled to the ceiling with gold coins like pieces of the midday sun.
When Daenys the Dreamer had a vision of the Doom over a decade before it left Valyria a smoldering, fragmented wasteland haunted by demons and plague, only three Valyrian houses heeded the warning. Her own family, the Targaryens, relocated to Dragonstone. The Velaryons, having already long occupied Driftmark, resolved to stay there. And the Celtigars—merchants to some, pirates to others—crossed the Narrow Sea to settled on Claw Isle.
Crispian Celtigar served as Master of Coin to Aegon the Conqueror. Alton Celtigar was his Hand of the King. Edwell Celtigar was chosen to be Hand of the King to Maegor I, and later Master of Coin to Jaehaerys I during his minority. The Celtigars have never been far from the Iron Throne
though perhaps none were ever as close as you are now.
One year ago, your father embarked upon a trade mission to White Harbor. Never a man to squander an opportunity for new business, he added stops in Oldcastle, Cerwyn, and Winterfell, and brought along his four maiden daughters to stoke the desires of Northerner lords. Piper fancied a son of Lord Manderly, Petra caught the attention of a Cerwyn boy. But no offer was advantageous enough for Bartimos Celtigar’s liking; no deal could be struck.
In Winterfell, Lord Cregan Stark was already married. His wife, a childhood friend before she was a bedmate, trudged around the castle heavily pregnant and dragging layer upon layer of furs to guard her against the cold, often biting even in summer. Lord Cregan took little notice of your giggling, gossiping sisters, and even less of you
until he broke his sparring partner's arm in the castle courtyard. As the other women fled with nauseated faces back to their needlework, you asked Winterfell’s maester if you could watch how he set the fracture and managed the man’s pain. The maester was delighted—Northerners, as a rule, lack intellectual curiosity—and even allowed you to help bandage the wound once the split bone had been popped back into place. And it was only then, as you knelt there with your forehead creased with determination and blood coating your hands to the knuckles, that Lord Cregan Stark began to see you.
You have a fear of marriage, not a general aversion but a specific and powerful dread. When you were fourteen, you asked your mother if she enjoyed lying with her husband, and you had known as soon as she spoke with a careful sort of reticence—‘I enjoy feeling close to him, I suppose’—that the answer was no. When you were sixteen and your cousin Theodora married into House Bar Emmon, you went with the other noblewomen to inspect her bedsheets the next morning, and were horrified by how they chuckled at the large rust-like stain and recalled their own initiations into sex, this unavoidable rite of passage, this ultimate surrender. At breakfast, the men toasted wine and hooted and sang, while Theodora stared down with glazed eyes at her untouched bacon and duck eggs and said when Piper asked how the night went: ‘He wanted me three times. Is there anything I can do to make him stop?’ And you had thought: Aren’t unions like this supposed to be holy? What the hell do the gods have to do with it? Are they in the sweat, in the bleak resignation, in the linen of the sheets? Do they fill the man with blind lust like an animal’s, do they help hold the woman down?
Your eyes close as you lie in bed in the Red Keep, your room adjoining Aegon’s, and suddenly you are back in Winterfell again. You are making notes as the maester shows you the herbs growing in the Glass Gardens when Cregan finds you. He is tall and broad, made more so by the furs that engulf him like mist drapes the stony cliffs of Claw Isle. His voice is booming, thunderous, cataclysmically formidable. He is used to being listened to. He has never been expected to sit quietly as other men charted out his life like the route of a trade ship: here you will go, here you will be emptied of every scrap of value. He says he will give you a tour of the Library Tower. It is not an invitation; an invitation can be declined.
You walk together through the Godswood—dark water, blackberry bushes, crows squawking, gods you do not believe in—and Cregan tells you fond memories of his childhood. He likes hunting and archery. He spars in the courtyard for hours each day. He never stays still, he never goes quiet. He wants to know where you learned to marvel at the ghastly art of piecing broken bodies back together again. He wants to know why you are so different from other women. And he inquires with great fascination about the legendary treasures of your house, not just gold but rubies, jeweled cups, Myrish carpets and Volantene glass, a horn said to summon krakens from the sea, an axe made of Valyrian steel.
Winterfell’s library is sparse and dusty, cobwebs in shadowy alcoves. Cregan Stark thinks you will not notice. As he slips books about anatomy and herbology off the shelves to show you, you cannot help studying his hands, large and calloused and always stained with black patches of ink or soil or soot. They make yours look tiny and defenseless, skin of silk and bones like glass. You picture him claiming you, owning you, climbing into the marital bed knowing that you cannot refuse anything he asks for. You envision him forcing your thighs apart with those huge filthy hands, leaving smudges like ash. You imagine him tearing his way into a part of you that feels so small, so vulnerable; you imagine the suffocating burden of his interminable weight.
A moment of clarity, in the library beathing dust and Cregan’s scent, a woodsmoke musk, a wolflike wildness: I don’t know this man. I don’t trust this man. I’m glad he’s not free to marry me.
This was before the war began, before Cregan’s wife Arra Norrey died birthing their son Rickon, before Jace Velaryon arrived in Winterfell to forge the Pact of Ice and Fire. And when Cregan agreed to support Rhaenyra’s claim to the Iron Throne, and Jace pledged to marry his firstborn daughter to Rickon, the Warden of the North decided there was one last thing he wanted inked into the covenant. He wanted an ally in the South, bottomless wealth, his future children to have Valyrian ancestry. He wanted a woman with vigilant, unflinching eyes and blood on her hands.
He wanted you.
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tinycoffeeroom · 6 months
tiny room | arthur hill
again inspo from the lovely @mrstelevision [and by extension @whoetoshaw :) ]
face claim: sophia birlem ᥣ𐭩
request: here !
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liked by arthurtv, georgeclarkeey and 10,394 others
arthurnfhill i'm going on my first ever headline tour! manchester, glasgow, liverpool and london see you in feb! (tix in bio)
arthurtv can you dedicate a song to me xx ↳ arthurnfhill only if it can be fuck you
georgeclarkeey big sexy arthur hill can i be a groupie ↳ arthurnfhill you get enough of it at home big boy x
fan1 !!! may have accidentally got 2 tix to london instead of 1 but i will clone myself if i have to!!!!! ↳ arthurnfhill appreciate the support <3
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📍 london
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liked by georgeclarkeey, youruser and 19,083 others
arthurnfhill despite the absolutely terrified look in my eyes, london you were amazing! ended ar-tour on a complete high! thank you to everyone who came along, you made this chappy very happy <3
youruser was not familiar with your game but you're not a god has rearranged my brain chemistry ↳ arthurnfhill that song is definitely one of my faves ↳ fan1 youruser thanks for coming with me! glad you enjoyed the show and the cocktails after! <3333 ↳ youruser fan1 thank YOU for introducing me to his music, love you! ♄ arthurnfhill
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đŸ‘€ fan1 liked by fan1, arthurnfhill and 19,495 others
youruser enjoying new music with new friends fan1 absolutely adore you sweetie pie ❀
fan1 could do a little weep... sweetest girl alive!! ↳ youruser excited for our next adventure ❀
max_balegde the second slide... no one has ever looked at arthur like that before ↳ arthurnfhill ?? well fuck my life i guess ↳ youruser apparently i'm a sucker for a good singer :p ♄ arthurnfhill
📍 ibiza
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liked by youruser, arthurtv and 29,485 others
arthurnfhill don't let my cool exterior fool you, june in ibiza is no joke
youruser this is certainly a look mr hill ↳ arthurnfhill it's called fashion sweetie, look it up x
arthurtv the sunburn really ties the look together ↳ arthurnfhill i will bring up the surfboard incident. ↳ arthurtv apologies big man đŸ«Ą
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liked by arthurnfhill, faithlouisak and 21,493 others
youruser happy halloween from your fave fembot ❀
arthurnfhill still think my dress looked better ↳ youruser idk i think george looked the best... before the incident :p ↳ georgeclarkeey uncalled for?
faithlouisak absolutely obsessed with you 😍 ↳ youruser date me xx ↳ faithlouisak behzingagram gonna have to leave you sorry babe
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đŸ‘€ queenofthebabies, arthurnfhill, friend1, friend2 liked by arthurnfhill, queenofthebabies and 59,283 others
youruser save a horse, ride a cowboy xx (also arthur's big head stretched out my cowboy hat 😡 )
faithlousiak its a yes to you, a no to arthur ↳ youruser come over babygirl xx ↳ behzingagram being cucked in my own household wow ♄ youruser
theburntchip bet that wasn't the only thing he stretched out ↳ youruser pooja what is this behaviour sabrinablair come get ur man ↳ theburntchip dragged the mrs into this... i won't forget this y/n
arthurtv yeehawđŸ€  ↳ youruser yeehaw!! đŸ€ 
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liked by fan1, arthurnfhill and 83,948 others
youruser another trip around the sun ☀ excited to see what this year brings :)
fan1 happy birthday loml! would have gotten you smth else if i knew there was gonna be 6 whole cakes 😭 ↳ youruser don't be silly!! yours tasted the best ❀ (don't tell the others :p)
faithlouisak january is y/ns month only!! happy birthday pookie can't wait to give you a million kisses tonight xx ↳ youruser ditch ethan, tonight can just be about me and you xx
arthurnfhill happy birthday y/n 💜 the fella in the second slide seems to be having fun ↳ youruser tbh he's a bit of a nuisance, rocked up at my door at 8am with arms full of flowers 🙄
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đŸ‘€ youruser liked by youruser, fan1 and 42,942 others
arthurnfhill happy birthday lover 💜 so glad you stumbled upon my silly little show
youruser thank you my love, so excited to experience life with you ❀
fan1 y/nnie got the guy đŸ„č i was serious arthur, don't fuck this up ↳ youruser can always count on you to have my back xx ↳ arthurnfhill even though you threaten me, i appreciate you for bringing her into my life :)
behzingagram now you're official can she leave my girlfriend alone? ↳ youruser NEVER! that's wifey ♄ faithlouisak
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đŸ‘€ arthurnfhill liked by arthurnfhill, georgeclarkeey and 78,939 others
youruser 1 whole year of us :) will always be your #1 fan ❀
fan1 happy to give up his #1 fan title to you, a worthy opponent x ↳ youruser we come as a pair!! #1 fans together 4eva
arthurnfhill most successful groupie award goes to... ↳ youruser behave mr hill
georgeclarkeey we get it you're in love blah blah blah ↳ youruser you'll find someone clarkey xx (also stop trying to take my someone you lil homewrecker) ♄ arthurnfhill
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đŸ‘€ arthurnfhill liked by faithlouisak, arthurtv and 89,394 others
youruser easiest yes of my life ❀ my forever lover
arthurnfhill guess i gotta rerelease bride and gloom ↳ youruser i take back my yes ↳ arthurnfhill no can do sweetheart, you're all mine now 💜
arthurtv HE'S DONE IT LADS !!
faithlouisak y/n it's not too late, i'm right here xx ↳ arthurnfhill womp womp thats MY wifey now ♄ youruser, behzingagram
georgeclarkeey g'warn lad!! gonna miss our snuggles xxx ↳ youruser he'll still be getting shipped off to yours regularly, don't worry
fan1 y/n!!!!!!! actual tears in my eyes!! wedding of the year incoming!! ↳ youruser hope you have a good bridesmaid dress in mind ❀
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stormblessed95 · 1 month
I hope you have recovered fully or are recovering well.
I only wanted to say this because I am an over thinker and someone needs to tell me to shut up. I don't have any Jikook fans in real life so these are the places I vent.
I think I am either the majority or.the minority depending on which space we are in that thinks and feels that Jikook are distant and have been for a while. I don't think like only because of the car scene. Even when they are taking photos, they aren't doing it like they used to do before. Before if one of them was taking a photo of the two, generally they would be attached at the hips and in each other's face. I didnt notice them doing that in the first two episodes but I also just saw a small clip from Sapporo and they are also taking a pic but they are but distant from each other. I know it might be some miniscule to you but these are few of the instances where I felt that their relationship was beyond friendship.
I know I am over thinking it but I don't know, I don't feel as good about it I suppose. What happened to the Jikook that would literally smooshed their faces together for a photo? What happened to Jikook that were always seen hanging out prior to the hiatus. I heard about them hanging out all the time.
Yes they were busy and I get that. Jimin specially seems to have been super duper busy but he seems to have built a deeper relationship with the Hyung like but kep.a distance from the Maknae line so I am a bit confused I suppose. Out of all the BTS members, I always assumed Jikook were it and nothing would come in between so I am surprised to see work coming in between them?
I still feel like shiiitttt lol but I had to start work today anyway. Thanks for checking in though 💜
Listen, I'm not here to tell you what to think or tell you what your opinion should be. Think whatever you want. I'm sorry to say, but I'm not ever going to be the one to talk you into shipping Jikook. You think they aren't together, that's totally good by me! I hope you still love and support them as BTS, and I hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy any part of the fandom you continue to participate in, including mine if you stick around anyway on my blog.
I'm just here to present facts and let you draw your own conclusions based off that. And sometimes share my opinions about them, but only with the caveat that no one steals MY opinion and must create their own 😉
So for the facts, babygirl (I use as a gender neutral terms), for as many selcas as Jikook took like this:
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They took JUST as many like this, which are (edging into opinion territory just a bit here) just the same as the glimpses we've gotten of selcas taken from AYS
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Close together for the selfie, but not smushed as close as they could possibly get without just going ahead and crawling inside each other. Just a normal cutesy photo
More facts! As for hanging out prior to the hiatus (where I guess now it's assumed they never saw each other not even once, which is opinion and assumption, not fact), I have a post already done about all the times Jikook were spotted hanging out outside of work (because BTS time is work).
Hint: it's less often than you think
Double hint: they were still glued at the hip, we just know they were because they say and act like they were, not because we got to see or hear about it
Triple hint: it's probably exactly the same now except we know that currently, at this moment, they choose to continue to be glued at the hip for the next 18 months at minimum
I have other posts about their dates too, but this is the one that covers the topic I mentioned above best I think
Work came between them? Is that what they said or is that what you took their words to mean based on your biases and previous assumptions?
Anywho! Thanks again for checking in on me love.
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Just a bit of unsolicited advice that you are free to disregard. I think whatever you decide about how you feel about Jikook, you should consider taking an emotional step back from them, just a smidge. Nothing that is only supposed to bring you joy, BTS or any other hobby, should get you feeling so far in your head feeling so conflicted. Good luck, sending you purple hearts! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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hp-hcs · 10 months
Um, yeah, I don't really have a specific character in mind (so you can ignore this if u want to!), but how would some characters react to a male reader who listens to muggle music, but like- metal?? yk
this is the kind of shit i wanna see in my inbox hell fucking yeah
❕i’ll be honest, my vibe has always been more punk/pop punk/metalcore/hard rock đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž i did my best buttttt these are all just songs from my playlist so- (i adore my slytherin babygirls but they’ll always be second to my lord and savior glenn danzig)❕
also accidentally wrote gn reader again so that’s pretty girlypop
requests open
i’ve never actually written one of these like, group headcanons for a whole bunch of people, but i keep seeing other people doing it so we’re trying it out ig. do we like it? yes? no?
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slytherin boys: gn! muggleborn! reader’s music taste is rather
mattheo: die, die my darling — misfits
i’m of the opinion that mattheo would fucking LOVE the misfits (once you introduce him)
he walks into your dorm to ask you a quick question, and you’re just dancing around in your room screaming the lyrics to:
he’s like đŸ§â€â™‚ïžđŸ˜ŠđŸ˜
and that’s when he falls in love with you
jk, unless????
you show him the misfits’ entire discography, and bitch about jerry only (as u should)
he takes a bit too much of a liking to helena đŸ€š
yk, the song that goes “if i cut off your arms, and i cut off your legs, would you still love me, anyway? if you’re bound and you’re gagged, draped and displayed, would you still love me, anyway?”
interesting, mattheo. interesting. not concerning in the slightest.
he adores them and you guys listen to their music together when you study <33
y’all start running around screaming I AINT NO GODDAMN SON OF A BITCH
your teachers love it <3
theodore: nazi punks fuck off — dead kennedys
y’all were showering together
(is that really like a sexy thing? i sure as fuck don’t know đŸ–€đŸ©¶đŸ€đŸ’œ)
you started singing to yourself and babygirl was like 😳â˜ș
he loves ur voice <3
even when you’re singing “nazi punks, nazi punks, nazi punks FUCK OFF”
(cause like


.he’s a wizard nazi himself 😬👍)
he always lets you put on your music
to be honest, he doesn’t really care about the lyrics, he just loves that you love it
(*cough* simp *cough*)
draco: possessed by satan — gorgoroth
you’d just come back from winter break and had brought one of your holiday presents back with you: a new record player and a shitload of vinyls
you set it up in your dorm and asked your roomie, draco, if he’d mind if you played something
he'd never admit it, but he was wildly curious what muggle music sounded like
so of course, you blessed him with the sweet sweet sounds of gorgoroth đŸ˜ŒđŸ„°
(aww, nostalgia <3)
he just looked at you like 😹
you then proceeded to educate him on gaahl beating the shit out of someone (a l l e g e d l y) and threatening to drink his blood
he’s now even more concerned
(do you or do you not tell him about the gogoroth concert ft. alive ‘crucified’ actors & impaled sheep heads vs. the country of poland?)
((idk babe that’s for you to decide))
blaise: boogie woogie wu — insane clown posse
i feel like blaise is chill enough to give any music a shot before deciding if he likes it or not
you weren’t that close, just acquaintances, but one day you just offered up your other headphone to him in the middle of a really boring class
oh, he’s in love
you make him a playlist of songs you think he’d love, and he lowkey almost starts crying and that’s how he asks you out on your first date
(is it terrible to think that this might be your wedding’s first dance song?)
enzo: custer — slipknot
it’s your ringtone for someone 😌
like ur mom, or something? idfk
“incoming call from: birthgiver” đŸŽ”CUT CUT CUT ME UP AND FUCK FUCK FUCK ME UPđŸŽ¶
he doesn’t even know how to react
he’s only a bit terrified
he’ll listen to a few other songs you play for him, but will make you play the weird sisters afterwards
tom: reincarnate — motionless in white
he’s bitching about how much muggles suck and muggle music is trash blah blah blah
and ur like “oh really? wanna bet?”
you whip out your phone and start blasting your playlist
he would absolutely eat that shit up
it’s cheaper than therapy ig đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž
he hates being wrong about anything ever so he’ll never admit out loud that he likes it, but he will just show up at your dorm at like eleven pm like:
“do you have any more uh

song recommendations or something
..uhhhh” đŸ§â€â™‚ïž
babygirl 💞
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specialagentlokitty · 1 year
Garica x reader - special
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I'm not sure how often I'll allowed to request, but could you do Garcia x reader? Strong minded and gritty reader that only listens to Garcia or if she asks anything of the reader - @fangedreject 💜
Sitting on your desk, you were reading through some of your papers when you felt someone tap your shoulder and you looked up.
“Don’t sit on your desk I’ve told you this.” Hotch sighed.
“My desk, therefore Hotch, my ass may sit wherever it wants.”
He sighed, crossing his arms as he looked at you.
“And it’s not professional.”
“Neither is the fact that I’m wearing a hoodie but here we are boss man, my ass wishes to sit on the desk.”
Hotch just nodded and walked away and you went back to doing what you were doing.
It wasn’t long until you heard someone walking over and you smiled, setting the paper aside.
“Penny.” You smiled.
“You know you’re not supposed to be sat there.” Garcia scolded.
You hummed a little, propping your foot on your chair and you rested your arm on it as you leant forward a little bit.
“Are you telling me to move?” You whispered.
Garica gave you a sweet smile.
“Yes please!”
Putting your foot down, you slid from the desk and put your chair back the way it was supposed to be.
“Thank you my lovely.”
Garica kissed your cheek and you wrapped your arm around her shoulder as you looked at your watch.
“Lunch time, I’m buying let’s go.”
“Oh yay! Can I choose where we go?”
“Of course you can.”
Hotch watched as you and Garica walked away and he turned to everyone else who had just walked into the bullpen.
“How does she do it?” He asked confused.
“Do what?” Rossi asked.
“Get (Y/N) to listen, they don’t listen to anything we say.”
They all looked to where you and Garica had walked and they all shrugged a little bit.
You and Garcia came back, and you set your coffee on the table and turned to look at her, handing her the bag you were holding.
“Your belongings.”
“Thank you (Y/N)!” She chirped.
She kissed your cheek again and started to walking away before she stopped and walked back over.
“Hm, I suppose I can live without it.”
You pulled your hoodie off and handed it over to her and she beamed brightly at you.
“I expect that back Miss Garica, I will be coming for it later.”
“And it’ll be safely stored away in my office!”
With that she walked away again and you sat down, taking a sip from your coffee as you pulled some things over to you.
“Do we have to be sweet to you like that?” Emily asked.
You looked up, kicking your feet up on your desk.
“You always do whatever she says. If we kiss your cheek will you do that for us?” Derek smirked.
He walked over and you pointed at him making him stop.
“Try it and I’ll drop you so fast you won’t even know what’s happened or what hear it is Derek Morgan.”
He whistled, raising his hands a little as he took a few steps back away from you.
“What’s the secret, what’s does Garcia have we don’t?” Rossi asked.
The whole team stood around you, and you looked at them idly.
“Maybe it’s something to do with how she’s talks to them?” Reid asked.
“No I’ve tried that, didn’t work and then they took my coffee and drank it all.” JJ said.
You nodded your head as you rested your hands behind your hand.
“Maybe it’s something Garcia does?” Hotch asked.
“Keep guessing, you’ll be there all day. I’ve got a meeting so have fun.”
With that, you grabbed your cup, some files and left them all stood there still trying to figure out how she did it.
Nothing they came up with made any sense, so they decided to go to Garcia and ask her directly how she managed it.
“Why does (Y/N) listen to you?” Emily asked her.
Garcia turned around and looked at everyone stood in the doorway of her office.
“You know I’m not sure, I did once ask but they never told me.”
“Come on babygirl, you can tell us. Please?” Derek grinned.
Garcia shrugged a little.
“Sorry lovely, I really don’t know.”
They kept pestering her, even when she went to get a new drinks they kept asking and she kept telling them she had no idea.
Because she really didn’t.
She had absolutely no idea why you listened to her and not them, why you were so different with her but not them.
“Guys please, I really don’t know.”
You walked into the kitchen and set your files on the table and walked over, taking over making her drink as you grabbed a clean cup to make your own.
“Can you make us a drink?” Rossi asked.
“You’ve got arms make your own.”
You handed Garcia her cup and picked up your own, tapping her forehead with your finger as you grabbed your files.
“There you go angel.”
You turned to the rest of the team and narrowed your eyes at them all.
“Stop pestering her. First and only warning.”
With that you walked away again.
“I don’t get it!” Emily huffed.
They all laughed at her and turned to watch you sit down at your desk and kick your feet up again as you grabbed your phone.
You were a great agent, you were good at what you did, but you really were a mystery to them all and they couldn’t figure you out but they still trusted you with their lives because they know you had their backs.
But they needed to know why Garcia was so special
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readychilledwine · 1 year
Girl Dad Cass is a god send! Hahaha you should totally write a one shot of reader and Cass’ daughter and Nyx where they end up secretly dating but everyone finds out! Can you imagine the drama? Like they used to play in paint together, Cass helped raise Nyx, but obviously he’s still “not good enough” for Cassian’s little girl and then how offended Rhys would be at that
....Adriana is back so I could put her with the person I'd been originally planning.....
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So Small
Summary - After finding Nyx and Adriana together, chaos ensues in the House of Wind
Warnings - implied smut, verbal fighting, some physical stuff because Illyrians, parents walking in on their kids doing things. (It's a reoccurring theme for Cassian. It's what him and reader get as far as Azriel is concerned.)
A/N - When I first wrote Daddy's Girl, I had intended for Adriana to be out on a date with Nyx, but opted against it for some reason. This I can make work, though. I also tried to fulfill two requests in one here for two of my anonies 💜
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Adriana felt herself sinking against the front door of the House of Wind, a wide smile engraved on her face.
Tonight had been perfect. He had opened doors for her, paid for their drinks and dinner, he had asked her to dance. She'd been smitten with him since she was a little girl, but now this was different she knew it too. Maybe it was his eyes. Those blue eyes Adriana had found herself falling into since she turned 50 and finally understood what these feelings were.
They had gone beyond childhood infatuation, beyond teen attraction, beyond anything any book or novel had taught her or what she thought she understood from watching the countless stolen kisses and whispered words that occurred between her parents.
Adriana truly believed she was in love.
She stood, shrugging the leather jacket off and hanging it up before tiptoeing quietly towards the stairs. A light flickering on in the living room caught her eye, then the wings, then the spinning chair.
Her father sat illuminated in his full armor, all 7 siphons burning red, his hands folded gently into his lap as if he didn't know what to do with them. "Wherehabeyoubeen?"
The words were slurred together, causing Adriana to giggle. "Have you been drinking, daddy?"
Cassian scoffed as if the idea was insulting before throwing a glass filled with amber liquid over his shoulder, his face falling as it shattered. He cleared his throat, focusing harder, "I would never drink when my babygirl is missing. Where have you been?"
Adriana paused thinking of any excuse she could to hide her date from her over protective father as long as possible. "With Uncle Rhys and Nyx."
Another chair turned and another light illuminated her Uncle Rhys. His cheeks were kissed slightly red, his posture slouched and so casual Adriana thought she had to be dreaming. "Try again." He slurred out.
"Well Nyx was there. As was Ezra." Another chair turned, and Adriana could not longer hold in her laughter as Azriel turned in it, hiccuping heavily as he tried to remember his clearly rehearsed line.
"I forgot what I was supposed to say." Azriel's eyes were distant, hiccups and giggles falling from his mouth as they all snickered before he did a double take towards her, "but where you?"
Nyx, your father is at my house completely shit faced. She heard the heir sigh in her head. Bring Ezra.
She watched as Rhys slowly slid down his chair, lip pulled between her teeth as she tried not to laugh. "Daddy, how much did you three drink?"
She watched as her father looked between the three of them, trying to count on his fingers and blinking rapidly as if they were multiplying on him. "I only had one." His answer was definitive. "Azriel had
 how much did you drink, Azzie?"
The shadowsinger went into another hiccup fit before laughter turned into sobered seriousness. Her uncle was playing along and had her breath stilling in her throat. "Addy, I know what you were doing, who you were with." She moved to Azriel, his hand gently taking hers as he blocked Cassian and Rhys from hearing their conversation. "He's a good choice, Adriana." His whispered words clenched at her heart. "I can't imagine a better match for you or him."
Ezra and Nyx appeared. Ezra shirtless and in his sweatpants, clearly having just woken up, further foiled the fake plan she had gone with. Rhys pointed at his nephew, "You were NOT at the concert."
Ezra looked at him, hazel eyes scrunching. "Cauldron boil me, we can't fucking move them out of this house. There's still guest rooms upstairs right?" Adriana nodded as Ezra took his father from her. "Come on dad, let's go lay down."
Azriel nodded, falling back into the act and allowing his son to support him up the stairs to his old bedroom.
Nyx took Rhysand next, "You too, pops. Let's go upstairs and get you some water, yeah?" The heir helped his father, throwing Adriana one last charming smile ans wink as he left her to the lone wolf sitting in a chair, eyes following her every move.
"Daddy, can I deactivate your siphons?" Cassian grunted holding his hands out for her. She pressed the glowing red stones lightly, preparing to step back, only to be yanked into his lap. "Daddy, we can go snuggle in my room."
"Right here is fine." He had his nose buried in her hair. His normal scent of fire and winter air was mixed with the heavy scent of expensive dry aged whiskey and deep wines. "Tell me about your date, nugget."
Adriana froze, leaning back to stare into his eyes. Despite his drunkenness they radiated love, adoration, and almost worship for her. They were the windows into her father's soul, screaming his every emotion to her. The worry, the pain of losing his daughter, the joy in her finally exploring the world.
"I really like him, daddy." Cassian nodded. His hand rubbing his face. "He was good and kind. He held doors open, bought everything, asked me questions about myself." She felt the first sob before the tears actually came and her father buried himself into her shoulder. "Daddy, whats wrong?"
Cassian held tight to her dress, crying into his daughter's shoulder as emotion overwhelmed him. He knew it was the intoxication, and mentally noted in the sober part of his mind to give himself some grace. "I'm just not ready, baby. Your brothers are hardly home anymore, and now you think you can just run around and and date males? I'm old. How am I supposed to handle this."
Adriana smiled thinking of Asher and Flynn up at Windhaven. "Your sons are currently the joint lords of one of the most respected Illyrian Camps. Both with wonderful wives." She brushed his long dark hair from his sweaty forehead. "They're literally coming home for a two week visit tomorrow. And visit almost monthly." She kissed his forehead, watching as his eyes shut and his shoulder relaxed, wings coming to wrap around them.
"I think I'm allowed to date because I am a grown female," Cassian shook his head.
"My baby. You're my baby."
"And I'll always be your baby, daddy." Her tone was gentle but firm, reminding him instantly of her mother. "I will always be your little girl, dad. I just want what you and mom have."
"Does he give you that?" Cassian's voice was almost suddenly sober. "Does he give you those butterflies when he says your name? Does he make your finger and toes feel tingly when he holds your hand?"
Adriana nodded. "Then I can't exactly be mad when you tell me that and I see those stars sparkling in your eyes, can I?" Her brought her head into his shoulder and neck. "How can I say no when you look the happiest I've ever seen you?"
"It'd be pretty rude to, honestly." Cassian hummed. His large hand holding her smaller one, allowing her to feel every scar and callous from years of training to create this beautiful period of peace she was raised in. "I love you, daddy."
"And Gods, I love you," his voice broke again with tears. "I love you so fucking much, baby."
3 months later
They got too comfortable. After months of Ezra, Micha, and a few other friends covering for them, they got sloppy.
Nyx had been coming over to bring Adriana paperwork, that was it. She had a few reports he needed to get to his dad as soon as possible, but how could he have said no when he found her alone in an empty home, naked as the day she was born in her room.
It was worth it, he kept telling himself as Cassian kicked him back to the ground. Worth every second. She was worth every second.
"You fucking helped raise her! How long have you been grooming her?! How long have you been taking advantage of her?"
A fist found the side of Nyx's jaw and he caved, calling out for his father and mother. Pleading with Ezra and Azriel to come. His Aunt was trying to hold Cassian back. Screaming at him to stop. Screaming for him to just talk to Nyx and Adriana. Nyx's eyes flicked to where his mate was, the shadow wraith twins holding her tightly as she begged for Cassian to stop.
Shadows and darkness grabbed Cassian, ripping him away from Nyx and allowing soft hands to hold him. "What the fuck is happening here?" His father's loud voice was laced with anger and fury.
It didn't take the shadowsinger long to put two and two together. Adriana's hair was a mess, a soft satin robe tied tight against her body. Nyx was in boxers, the faint outlines of crescent moon shaped wounds in his back and shoulders. "Nyx and Adriana finally got caught." Several eyes shot to him, and he shrugged. "They weren't that sneaky."
Ezra's jaw tightened as he grabbed the dress his own shadows brought him before going to Adriana and covering her in them to allow her to put clothing on. "Just tell them Nyx, cat is out of the bag already."
The heir was holding his jaw, reaching deeply inside himself to prevent from lashing out against Cassian the way his blood was pounding for him to. "She's my mate. We've been dating for close to 7 months now and hid it for this exact reason." Nyx winched as Rhysand came to him, checking the forming bruise.
"I never once tried to touch her when she was a child. I never once told her she couldn't see anyone else. She's been on countless dates with a few other High Lords sons, with a few illyrians from Windhaven, and a random shopkeeper. I never interfered or stopped her."
Cassian growled loudly, about to hit his nephew again until Azriel and y/n held him back. "I have watched what you do to females, Nyx. That's not happening. Not my daughter."
Rhys shot Cassian a look. "What my son has done? You mean following our mutual shit advice and enjoying his youth?"
Adriana felt her world shifting and falling apart, your words were ignored as Rhys and Cassian began to argue again. Her heart was in her throat as she started to cry. Ezra tucked her into him tightly, hand lacing into her locks as he tried to calm her down. "Daddy, I love him," she felt warmth down the bond as Nyx sent a silent I love you back to her.
"I never strung females along the way he has, Rhys," the general growled. "I'm not allowing that to date my girl." Rhys clicked his tongue, finger pointing at Cassian.
You gave the two of them a look before looking between your two child, sympathy etched deep into your features. "Let's all just go sit down and talk about this."
"And he's not good enough. He's going to use you just like he did every female before you."
It was Rhysand's turn then. He jumped Cassian without warning, fists flying as he lost himself and his composure. You went to try to pull them apart, only to have Feyre jump you, thinking you were about to help Cassian.
Hell had broken loose in that moment. You were not combat trained. You were a scholar, a Librarian who spent her days reading and researching ancient civilizations and languages for your High Lord. You could hardly defend yourself against the high lady, just begging her stop, telling her you were trying to stop the fight. Azriel was moving first, but ended up getting tangled into the fight with Cassian and Rhys.
Nyx was immediate to grab his mother, ripping her off of you and staring at her as if she was insane. He knew better than to stop between his father and Cassian. Blood had been drawn between the two. Fists were being thrown at a speed he couldn't even comprehend. He left them to Azriel, Ezra, and their shadows as he knelt down beside his crying aunt. "Mom, you need to go get Madja." His aunt was covered in her own blood, shaking. "Mom, I'm not asking. I am telling you. Go get Madja now."
"Dad, she's hurt, bad." The sentence had Rhys and Cassian stopping mid strike, their shirts both held in one fist. Rhys took one look at you and froze, his hand dropped from Cassian. They had been so caught in their own fight they had not even heard you and Feyre begin to. Cassian's hand dropped from Rhys as he ran to you, cradling you against his chest as you whimpered.
His father's attack was understandable, justified even by Illyrian standards. His mother's attack had been to hurt Cassian to make Cassian feel as low as his parents were right now. It wasn't understandable, nor justified. It went against every lesson Nyx, Ezra, and Adriana had ever been taught. Never harm the priestesses. Never harm the scholars.
"Get out of my house." He demanded. "Take your fucking son and get out of my home." It could have all been forgiven, it could have all been talked out, but this was a line. A crossed, now broken, line Rhysand and Azriel did not know if Feyre or Rhys could fix. "We'll be moved out and into Windhaven by the end of the week. Get the fuck out of my house.. Now."
Adriana had moved from Ezra's protection to her mother, comforting her softly as she began to assess the wounds. "Ezra," Nyx flinched as his mate called for their friend instead of him. "I need water and a few rags please."
The younger shadowsinger moved without hesitation and was back all in time for Rhys and Cassian to begin another verbal spar.
"It was instinct to protect her mate, Cassian, she didn't mean to." Cassian shook his head, holding his wife closer to him.
Azriel looked a Rhys and then down at you and Cassian and instantly moved to help Adriana clean and assess your wounds.
Your lip was split open, jaw bruised, eye bruised. Feyre had not pulled a single punch.
"You think this is justified? I walk in on your son fucking my daughter. I saw red, Rhys. I fought another male who has gone through extensive training." He paused. "I made a comment in anger I shouldn't have and was going to let you beat the shit out of me because I deserved that and I am trained." His finger ran the length of your bloodied lip. "My wife has no training. She's a priestess who claimed sanctuary in the House of Wind and now her high lady has violated that safety."
"Cassian, I'm sorry." Rhysand was pleading. "Let me heal her. Please. Let me heal her and we can all talk about this."
Nyx shook his head at his dad. "We can't fix this," he muttered. "Not right now. It's too fresh."
Rhys disagreed, moving slowly to kneel down next to you. It was a dangerous game. Cassian was always protective of you, even before the bond snapped and you accepted it. He had found you naked, beaten, and covered in the blood of other females in an Illyrian temple. A story all too familiar to them with Azriel's own wife. Unlike the ferocious redhead, though, you had found comfort in the quiet.
Cassian had begun courting you around the same time Azriel had Gwyn. Cassian had found it much harder. You were a gentle being who appreciated the little things, Cassian was a warrior known for grand and dramatic gestures. Oil and fire, they all had joked. But even now, you two and the love you shared burned so brightly it seemed to be a beacon of hope to all around you.
Rhys held eye contact with him, pressing a hand gently to your face. He healed you while maintaining that contact with Cassian, eyes pleading. "Please do not take my son's mate away from him because mine made an unforgivable error. If you never speak to Feyre and I again," Rhysand's throat tightened at the thought alone, "I will understand, but please. Do not make them part ways over this."
Cassian's jaw twitched as Rhys sent him the memories of he and Azriel holding the high lord when Feyre was trapped in Spring and again after Tamlin had taken her in Hybern. "Please do not make him experience the pain I did."
"Ezra, can you take y/n to our room please." Cassian would not look at them. "Nyx there's spare leathers in the shed if you want to borrow some so we can all talk."
The conversation had moved to the living room. Adriana tucked tight into Cassian's side as they waited for Madja to come back down. Ezra was pacing the fireplace area. Azriel was in a chair between Rhys and Cassian. Nyx was sat next to his father.
Feyre had left immediately upon her return with Madja, crying as she fully realized the extent of what she had done. She knew she needed to allow her husband to handle his brother and this situation before she could apologize.
"What if-"
"Don't," Cassian stopped Adriana gently. "Don't think that or put it into the air, little one. Positive thoughts only." He kissed her head, refusing to continue the discussion of Feyre's actions until Madja came back.
The old healer appeared downstairs and motioned for Cassian to join her in another room. Adriana folding in on herself, heavy sobs shaking her body as her wings tucked in tight against her frame.
Nyx moved to her instantly. "Adriana, what's going on?"
Adriana shook her head. She knew her mother still had nightmares about her attack, nightmares that kept her father up late into the night. Nightmares that had been gone for a little over a month now, and this may trigger.
Cassian moved back into the room, thanking Madja as she went back up the steps and to your side. He nodded to Adriana, taking a different seat to allow Nyx to continue to comfort her.
Cassian knew what he needed to do, putting a hand on the heir's knee and waiting for him to look at him. When his blue eyes finally did, Cassian spoke. "I am sorry I put my hands on you in anger and said cruel things about you and to you." Nyx felt his lip tremble slightly. "I am sorry, Nyx. I was in shock. I was angry because I didn't even know she's had sex before. I thought that you were-" Cassian shook his head. "There's no excuse for what I said or did. I just hope you can find it in your heart and mind to forgive me someday."
Nyx threw himself into his uncle's arms. "I already forgive you. I promise her first time was special. I promise I treated her well."
"I know you did," Cassian confirmed. "I know you love her. I can see it. I've been able to for a while. Just, please stop hiding things from me when it comes to my daughter." Nyx nodded. "I won't take her away. I promise, Nyxie. Ezra would also kill me."
The young shadowsinger nodded. "I would try. Your old ass is still pretty spunky, though."
Nyx moved back to his spot, allowing Cassian to move to Adriana. "No more lying," he said firmly. "No more hiding anything from us. We raised you in an open and supportive household. We allowed you to make decisions based on your judgements and supported you as long as what you did wouldn't cause harm to anyone else. I raised you better than to keep lies and secrets from your mother and I. Agreed?"
Adriana nodded. "I'm sorry, daddy."
"I know you are, angel. It's okay."
You came down the stairs with Madja. Walking the healer to the door, you stopped as you saw Feyre sitting on the steps. You grabbed her hand gently, pulling her into the living room where your families all sat.
"Are we all actually surprised by this?" You finally asked. "Or are we just trying to continue to deny something that clearly has been existing since Adriana figured out she likes males?"
The room went into laughter. You moved to Nyx, kissing his forehead. "You are so much more than we could have ever asked for, Nyx. I am so sorry this was the response you got." Adriana had moved to Rhysand and Feyre's open arms while you and Cassian paid attention to their oldest son.
"It's my fault too," he closed his eyes, enjoying your hands running through his short hair. "I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have encouraged her to hide it until we were sure."
"And you are sure now?" You asked holding eye contact with Nyx.
He nodded. Conjuring a small black box and showing Cassian who hid it using his wing. "I've never been more sure of anything in my life."
You kissed his forehead again, tears welling in your eyes, "Then this is the perfect happy ending."
"No," Cassian spoke softly, watching as Rhysand held Adriana's face in his hands, his forehead resting against hers as they spoke with her about shadowing Feyre for a month. Rhysands thumbs were stroking his daughter's cheeks as she nodded, tears in his and Feyre's eyes. "This is the perfect beginning."
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nicoline1998enilocin · 7 months
Boudoir photoshoot
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PAIRING | Husband!Dad!Young!Tony Stark x Wife!Mom!Pregnant!Fem!Reader
SUMMARY | Your wedding anniversary with Tony is coming up, and because of that, you venture out and make a special present for him. After some searching, you decide to go for a boudoir photoshoot, which will make a perfect maternity shoot. When Tony opens the present, he can't believe his eyes, and the two of you never leave the house on the night of your anniversary.
RATING | Explicit (E)
WARNINGS/TAGS | Established relationship (husband/wife), Use of nicknames (Sunshine, Love/My Love, Babygirl, Sleepyhead), references to being sick (non-explicit)
SMUT | Dirty talk, daddy kink, breeding/pregnancy kink, lactation kink, hair pulling, oral (F receiving), fingering, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!).
A/N | I won't lie; these two have my heart, and I am so happy to bring more of this beautiful couple to your screens! This was an absolute hoot to write, and I want to thank @ccbsrmsf1 for proofreading and the continuous support while writing this! You're an angel, and I'm very happy to call you my best friend! Thank you for everything you do for me and my blog. I couldn't do any of it without you, and I love you deeply 💜
EVENTS Masterlist | @fluffbruary Fluffbruary '24 | Photography Masterlist | @sweetspicybingo Sweethearts | Perfect
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Banners: Yours truly | Divider: @firefly-graphics | Photo: Source
Main Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist | AU Masterlist
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It's a peaceful morning for you and your husband, Tony, as you spend quality time together in bed. Now that your twins, Hudson and Orion, are nine years old, you have a lot more time in the mornings to enjoy each other's attention, and you're getting a lot since you're pregnant with your third baby. Tony can't keep his eyes - or hands - off you and your belly, constantly showering you with nothing but love and praise.
You're currently straddled on Tony's lap as he's sitting with his back against the headboard, and you're wearing nothing but a pair of panties and a football jersey that spans pretty tightly over your belly, showing it off perfectly. Both yours and his hands are on it as you're feeling your son kick, making you giggle in response.
''I still can't quite believe I'm going to have another little miracle baby with you,'' Tony says with a large grin as he leans in to capture your lips, but before he can reach them, you hear a knock on the door, and your daughter Orion's soft voice through the door.
''Mommy? I'm not feeling so well,'' she says softly, and your heart breaks as you hear it. You try to gracefully climb off Tony's lap before opening the bedroom door for your daughter. She walks in and immediately wraps her arms around you, and all she wants is some time with you as you hear her soft sniffles.
''Can you tell me what's wrong, Babygirl?" you say with a concerned voice as you carefully tuck some hair behind her ear. Tony has also gotten out of bed, crouching before Orion to see what's happening with her.
''I-I feel s-sick,'' she tells you, and Tony reaches his hand up to her forehead, feeling to see if she has a fever.
''You're burning up, Babygirl; I will get you some medicine if you go into bed and cuddle with Mommy; how does that sound?'' Tony asks her, and she nods before peeling her arms away from you and grabbing your hand so you can walk her to the bed and climb in with her. When you're both comfortable and pull her close, Tony is on his way to get Orion the medicine, but not before stopping to see how Hudson's doing.
''Good morning, Sleepyhead,'' Tony says as Hudson still wakes up from the night's sleep, but a delighted smile spreads across his features as he hears his Dad. One big difference between your twins is that Hudson is a morning person, while Orion is not, making you laugh each time you think about it.
''Good morning, Daddy! Did you know Orion is feeling sick? She told me her tummy and head hurt,'' Hudson tells him enthusiastically as he sits up in bed before moving into Tony's lap, ready for his morning cuddles.
''I know, Baby Boy; she came to us not too long ago, so now she and Mommy are cuddling in the big bed! But that's why I'm here. Do you want to cuddle with Mommy and your sister? That way, you can all have a big cuddle fest while I make breakfast for all of us,'' Tony tells him, a flood of warmth and love going through him as he looks at his son, a beautiful copy of you.
''Yes, please!'' he says before bringing his teddy bear and Orion's favorite stuffed animal to your bedroom and joining you in bed so Tony can get Orion's medicine.
''Mommy! I'm here to cuddle too!'' he says enthusiastically before climbing in the bed, planting a big kiss on your cheek that has you giggling, and handing Orion her stuffed animal, which she happily accepts.
''Do you guys want to feel your little brother kicking? He's very active this morning, and I know you both enjoy it when he's busy in Mommy's tummy,'' you offer, and they both laugh as your son is kicking while Tony walks in. He takes in the sight of his beautiful wife, his twins, and the baby inside your belly, unable to hold back a few tears of happiness. His biggest dream has come true; he has the family he has always wanted.
''Can you sit up for me, Babygirl? I have your medicine that will make you feel all better soon! After that, you can have more cuddles with Mommy and Hudson,'' Tony says as he walks around the bed, giving his daughter the medicine and a big kiss on her forehead. Now, all that's left to do is wait for it to kick in as the cuddles continue.
When Tony has prepared breakfast, he decides everyone will have breakfast in bed, and not long after he brings it, all of it is gone.
''How're you feeling now, Babygirl?'' you ask Orion after she ate her breakfast, already feeling much better than when she woke up.
''I'm better now, Mommy,'' she said in a sleepy voice, and it's your cue to bring her to her bed and let her get a few more hours of sleep. Tony will be home today, so you call the school, letting them know Orion will stay home for the day. When that's all done, it's finally time to get ready, as you have an important appointment in the afternoon.
Your second wedding anniversary with your husband, Tony, is coming up in two months, and you've considered what you would give him for the past few weeks. It just so happened that not too long ago, you were having a girl's night with Natasha and Wanda when the topic of a boudoir photoshoot came up, and since then, you've been doing some research about it.
''So, as you know, Tony and I will be married for two years in a few months, and I want to give him something special. Do either of you have any ideas?'' you ask as you sit with your legs stretched out on Natasha's couch, one of your hands resting on your pregnant belly, the other holding a cup of tea.
''What about a boudoir photoshoot? I think it will look very sexy as you're posing in lingerie with that beautiful belly of yours,'' Wanda offers, and you raise a brow at her, as you've never heard of that before. Your interest is immediately piqued, though.
''Boudoir photography is a form of professional photography that is intimate, flattering the curves and beauty of a woman's body. You're dressed in beautiful lingerie, and it will be done in a bedroom setting to enhance the feeling of romance,'' Wanda tells you, and it sounds like the perfect plan.
You have found a reputable photographer by the name of Steve Rogers, who has done this type of shoot before, as well as many different ones, so you're very confident the photos will come out beautiful. You have been hunting for a stunning outfit during the shoot, ultimately finding something that has your heart beating faster as you see it, and you know Tony will love it when he sees the photos.
You have decided on an all-black lingerie set that shows off every curve of your body perfectly while allowing your tattoos to shine, as they'll be the vocal point of the shoot, along with the lingerie and your baby bump. When it's finally time to go, the nerves settle in a bit, but you don't show any of them to Tony; as far as he knows, you'll grab some lunch with Natasha, who has happily said she'll cover for you. The drive to Steve's photography studio isn't far, and you arrive about ten minutes early, giving you plenty of time to go to the toilet before the shoot. You love your son deeply, but the fact that he's constantly leaning on your bladder is something you could happily do without.
As you walk in, you nearly run into a tall man with long, blonde hair, a beard, broad shoulders, and muscles for days. You can't stop apologizing profusely as you didn't look where you were going, almost bumping into the man while looking at your phone to find out where you needed to go.
''I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to- to run into you,'' you tell him, stumbling over your words as the embarrassment rises and a bright red flush covers your cheeks and neck.
''Hey, it's okay! It happens,'' he says, and a kind smile brightens his features. That's when he sticks out a large hand, introducing himself as Steve Rogers, the photography studio owner - and the person taking your photos today. You gladly take his hand, presenting yourself as well. Something about his presence calms you down immediately, and you're suddenly pleased you ran into him, as your nerves are gone completely.
''I'll show you the way to the dressing room, and there's a robe for you to wear if it makes you more comfortable,'' he tells you, and you nod before following him, ready to get dressed into the lingerie and prepared to have the photoshoot. You have done plenty of research, so you know what to expect. It doesn't surprise you to see the professional setup in the studio, where Steve is currently prepping the camera for all the photos.
As soon as you're done, you walk into the studio, leaving the robe behind as you're very comfortable in your skin, and you would have to take it off eventually.
''Where do you want me?'' you ask, and Steve looks up at you, directing you to the middle of the room first, where there's a large bed with white sheets on it, giving it a simple look, but it'll be perfect for the shoot.
''During the shoot, you can take on any position you're comfortable in, and since we're doing half maternity shoot and half boudoir shoot, we will have some more sensual poses as well. We can start on the bed and work our way through the shoot from there; we'll have two hours to do the entire shoot so that we can take out rime,'' he tells you in his soft, calming voice, and you get ready for the shoot. About an hour and a half later, you're all done, and Steve beckons you over to look through the photos, picking out some of your favorites already.
''When is your baby due?'' Steve asks when you're looking through the photos and pointing at the ones that grab your attention. A big smile appears when you think about the little boy growing in your belly, and you happily tell him about the small baby you will have in a few months.
''If everything goes well, we will have a beautiful baby boy in January next year! This will be our third as I've already given birth to the most amazing set of twins,'' you tell him proudly, all while your hands constantly rub your belly. Once the two of you have gone through all of them, you're ready to head home, and two weeks later, the photos are done, and a beautiful album is made, which you'll pick up at Steve's studio to keep a surprise for as long as possible.
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The day of your anniversary is here, and you have just put on the new maternity dress you bought for dinner tonight. You have arranged for Hudson and Orion to sleep over at Howard an Maria's house, so you would have the entire evening ready to have an amazing date night with delicious food. But first, you're trying to surprise Tony, as you're getting impatient for his reaction.
''My Love? I have a surprise for you," you tell Tony as you walk into the bedroom as you're getting a look at him with his dress shirt open and his pants low on his hips, giving you the ultimate look at every single ridge and muscle, making you clench your thighs. It's no secret you're constantly aroused when you look at him, but now that you're pregnant it is only intensified, which is something he will happily help you out with.
''Oh, more surprises? I thought that dress was already the biggest one of the night because you look fucking delicious in it, Sunshine,'' he nearly growls, and a wave of arousal flows through you, your panties getting wet at the thought of what he will do to you.
''Yeah, I had this done a while back for you, and I really couldn't wait any longer to show it to you,'' you tell him, handing him the photo album that's wrapped up in red wrapping paper, a golden bow around it to finish it off. The bow and paper are ripped off quickly before he opens it, and is greeted by all the photos of you in some of the sexiest lingerie he's ever seen you wear.
He flips through every single photo before saying anything, taking his time to enjoy every single curve you've shown, every tattoo on display, and every inch of skin exposed in the photos. All while he's getting increasingly more hard in his pants, straining painfully against his boxer briefs by the time he closes the book, his pupils completely dilated with pure lust.
You don't get much time before he has you completely naked on the bed, your thighs spread with his shoulders as his thumb is pressed against your clit, making you writhe with pleasure, his tongue dipping in and out of your entrance as he licks up every last drop of your arousal.
''Hmm, look at this perfect pussy, so tight and delicious for me,'' he groans, and you moan as he continues his earlier actions, your back arching when his arms wrap around your thigh, ensuring you're not going anywhere unless he lets you. He's taking full control of you, and you happily let him.
Broken moans and soft whines leave your lips as your hands grab his hair, pulling hard as he brings you closer to the edge with his tongue.
''D-Daddy, please! Wanna cum for you,'' you whine, and a wicked smile appears on Tony's lips as he looks at you through his lashes, speeding up with his tongue before moving back to your clit and wrapping his lips around it until you're cumming for him. The fact that you call him Daddy only spurs him on more, as he's extremely hard in his pants, his balls full of cum that he can't wait to fuck into you.
''Alright then, cum for me, Sunshine, and when you do, I'll fuck you until you're completely fucked dumb, stuffing you full of every last drop of my cum. Is that what you want? Want Daddy to breed you? Too bad you're already pregnant. Otherwise, I would have gotten you so fucking pregnant tonight!" he tells you between deep groans.
"God, you look so fucking sexy with his belly of yours, carrying our child, going to keep you pregnant forever, Sunshine, breed you so you're always nice and round for me,'' he tells you as his fingers plunge in and out of your entrance, his thumb stimulating your clit. Together with his words, you're cumming with a shout of his name, legs shaking uncontrollably as you grip the sheets to ground yourself.
Once he's worked you through your orgasm, he spreads your thighs again before sitting on his knees and lining up with your pussy, impatient to finally fuck you the way he so badly wants. When you're pregnant, you're practically insatiable, and Tony isn't one to deny you when you're so perfect for him, begging him sweetly to fuck you. With a sharp, well-aimed thrust, he slides in, hitting your sweet spot immediately as your eyes roll back into your head, moaning your name loudly.
''Look at you, Sunshine, already such a fucked out mess for Daddy, and I haven't even fucked you yet,'' he says as he sets a good pace, not too rough as he's trying to take his time. However, it's hard for him as he wants to cum inside you, but he needs one more orgasm before he will even think about himself. You will never be left unsatisfied, not on his watch.
''Such a sweet, wet pussy for me to fuck, Sunshine; we'll make such a mess when I cum for you! Gonna fuck every single drop of my cum deep into this pussy before watching it drip out of you, seeing how beautiful this pussy looks when it's leaking with my cum,'' he says through gritted teeth, his thumb quickly finding its place on your clit since he's very close to cumming.
''And these beautiful tits of yours, they're so fucking perfect, Sunshine! So full of milk for me soon. I can't fucking wait to drink from them again and lap up every single drop of your sweet milk; that's what you want, too, isn't it? To have Daddy suck on these beautiful, heavy, round tits of yours?" he asks, and you let out a broken 'yes' between the moans falling from your lips, though you're not entirely sure what you're saying yes to, the pleasure taking you over completely.
''First, you need to cum for me, Sunshine! Cum for Daddy, and I will stuff you so fucking full with my cum! My balls are so full and heavy for you, just for you, my beautiful Sunshine,'' he tells you before your orgasm washes over you with a force that knocks the air out of your lungs, shortly after followed by Tony, who shoots every drop of his cum deep inside your pussy, just like he told you. When he has worked you both through your highs, he collapses next to you on the bed, all while praising how good you are for him and how perfect you are.
The rest of the night, Tony switches between giving attention to your breasts and sensitive nipples, suckling, licking, and tugging them until you're begging him to stop, and making nothing but love to you as you're celebrating your second wedding anniversary. By the time your alarm shows you it's 5 AM, you're finally being pulled into a deep, dreamless sleep as you're lying in your husband's arms, and you couldn't have wished for a better way to celebrate your love with the love of your life.
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letsgetrowdy43 · 8 months
She’s a killer queen—
Idk why that’s the title I chose
 I couldn’t think of anything
Request: could you do maybe a trevor insta edit?? reneé rapp as the fc and it's just trevor being love sick for his cool ass girlfriend. people are just questioning how trevor got this cool ass gAND people freaking out over her sl performance)
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Ynofficial just posted!!
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Liked by Trevorzegras and 59 826 others
Ynofficial tour soon 👀
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User19 Hot! Hot! Hot!
User74 girl who know who that man is
 just post his face already!!
User74 @/trevorzegras
User84 shaking in my little boots I'm so excited 😁
Alexturcotte that man has 🎂
Ynofficial Ik. I'm so jealous 😔
User94 đŸ€š
Ynofficial just posted!!
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Liked by graciabrams and 49 927 others
Ynofficial The cali leg of the tour starts tmr!!! So excited to be back in my home state đŸ€­
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User19 my BICON đŸ©·đŸ’œđŸ’™
Liked by @/ynofficial
User13 is the cat on tour with you??
Ynofficial Pumpkin goes everywhere with me 😌
Masonmctavish pumpkin is low-key a bitch.
Ynofficial get fucked Mase, Pumpkin is just a little guy!!
User74 I love how his friends just solify that we are right 😁
Nbcsnl just posted!!
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Liked by Zendaya and 207 926 others
Nbcsnl Next week!!
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Jacobelordi just a bunch of babygirls!
Ynofficial incorrect
 I am mother!
User19 bi panic đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«
User01 @/trevozegras will you be tuning in??
Trevorzegras ofc i love Jacob Elordi!!
Ynofficial oh fuck you
Trevorzegras I’m sorry, do I know you??
User83 💀
User73 my loves 💕
Trevorzegras just posted!!
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Trevorzegras the streets know me as the #1 @/ynofficial groupie 🎾👅
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Colecaufield not a single soul is calling you that.
User29 we've been known king

User10 so does this make him Y/n’s wag???
_quinnhughes oncler cosplay??
Ynofficial that's rizzler to you Qball
_quinnhughes no 💙
Ynofficial I just want you to love me 😔
User84 always knew Trevor had bi wife energy!
Jamiedrysdale tell y/n I said hi!!
Ynofficial Jambo I miss you dearly â€ïžâ€đŸ”„ come home plzzzzzz
Ynofficial please don't ever refer to yourself as that
 but I guess I love you too <3
User83 he is def giggling and kicking his feet right noe
Ynofficial he def screamed a loud “YIPPIE”
Trevorzegras I DID NOT!! (I totally did)
Trevorzegras anyways
 love you toođŸ€­
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romanestuffsposts · 1 year
Stucky x little reader?
Bucky discovers he gets more of an adorable reaction when he tickles the little reader with his mouth (soft kisses, raspberries, playful gnawing/eating) and tells Steve?
Hi there love! 💜
Thank you for the request!
I hope you like how i turned it ❀
Enjoy <3
Warnings : tickles, playful tickles, kisses, rasberries, playful nibbling. Mention ticklish part of the body (belly, hips, armpits, feet) giggles, laughters
Pairings : Daddies!Stucky ; Daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : playful Daddies are back!
It’s almost bedtime, you are laying on your daddies bed with Bucky standing above you, his hands are wondering around your body after a playful bathtime. You couldn't stop putting bubbles on your Daddy's nose which turn into a water war with him.
Feeling the soft cover under your relax body feel so nice. You don't feel cold even tho you're laying in your underwears, you just feel so relax and nice.
Your daddy is putting your cream on your body, warming you at the same time "i'm almost done, babygirl" he says making you pout. You don't want it to finish. He chuckles and you feel his hands wondering slower than before. You feel something weird in your belly when you understand that he goes slower so you can enjoy more.
He finishes applying the cream on your tummy and drops a light kiss on your belly making you giggle a little. He smiles and looks up at you "what ?" His face is just above your skin making you want to squeal
"You beard" you quietly say, pointing at your chin. He chuckles a little "what about my beard ?"
"stings, i don like it, shave it" You say and he lets out a laugh "Oh so you don't like my beard ?" you shake your head with a silly smile "Okay then why did you giggled two seconds ago ?" he teases
You stay silent and blush under his gaze "My beard is super cool" he says lifting an eyebrow at you, he breaks into a playful smirk "i'll show you why my beard is the coolest" He shoves his face in your belly and shakes his head as he blows a rasperry on top of your belly button
You break into a loud pool of giggles and laughters as you try to push his head away from your sensitive skin. He chuckles and pulls away to look at your red face "what do you think now ?" he teases.
You can't answer because you're still giggling from the tingly feeling you still feel so your Daddy decides to let the end of his beard lightly touching your skin and he moves his head from right to left giving you light tickles
Your giggles get louder and you start to squirm under him. His upper body is against your legs so you can't move and his hands firmly hold your upper body down while his mouth, breath and beard torture you.
After some seconds, he finally stops and you take deep breath as the giggles slowly dies. He chuckles and lifts you in his arms "let's get you ready for bed" he says still smiling from the fun he had
Some days later, your Papa is away for work so it's just you and your Daddy. You just got home from a long day and went straight upstairs, Bucky came home minutes after you and went upstairs too. The best feeling is when you remove your work clothes to go in your comfy one.
But when he enters in the bedroom, he frowns. You're on the bed, struggling with your shoes. He walks to you "hi beautiful" he smiles, you look up at him with a sad face, tears treatening to fall from your eyes. It's not hard to remove shoes but it seems to be for you.
His face soften and he walks toward the bed "let me help you, babygirl" he gently says, he grabs your hands and drops a kiss on each one before resting them on you.
You lie down on the bed and your Daddy rests your feet against his chest as he stands right above you. He gently undo your shoelaces and removes your sockets. You sigh in contentement when he starts massaging your toes to help you relax.
He sighs when you still have a sad and pouty face, he really doesn't like that. He want to see you happy, with a smile on your face and happy sounds leaving your lips "don't be sad, baby. We'll have a great evening together" he smiles "just the two of us" he adds
"don wanna" you shakes your head. Your Daddy tilts his head, a playful look running across his features "you don't want to spend the evening with Daddy ?" you shake your head "You don't want the good meal Daddy was gonna cook for you ?" you shake again your head so he sighs "okay, well i guess i'll have to eat something else then" he looks around the room
You follow his gaze, confuse about what he's talking about. Yes, you're sad and tired but you still want to eat what your Daddy wanted to cook for you. You don't know why you shook your head but yo-
You giggle and curl your toes when your Daddy's beard lightly graze them. He looks down at you with a playful smirk on his lips "sounds delicious" he says with hungry eyes focus on your feet
You giggle and shake your feet "noo Daddy" You say between your giggles making him laugh. He grabs tighter your ankles and peers down at you "What ? I'm just hungry and I have to eat something. What is the point at cooking food for one person when there's a meal just before me" he defends himself, still with his smirk
You giggle and watch your Daddy coming closer to your wiggling toes. You squirm in the bed, laugh your ass off as your Daddy nibbles your toes and soles. Was he that hungry that he couldn't wait ? You squirm in the bed, and twist your feet
You kick your legs and finally get away from his torture, you don't lose a time and run away from the bed by the other side and get out of the room as fast as you can. You run at the end of the hallway and hide in the last room, which is the bathroom. You open the glass door of the shower and hide in there
You hear your Daddy singing your name as he wonders around the hallway "Where are you beautiful ? I'm hungry" he complains with a silly grin on his lips
You gasp when you hear the bathroom's door opening and see your Daddy walking inside the room. He almost laughs when he sees you standing in the shower with transparent door between you and him. You probably didn't thought about it before hiding inside.
He walks toward the shower and open the door, he smiles looking down at you "well hello there" You nervously giggle and walk backward. There isn't much space betwen you and the wall behind you so you're quickly against it as your Daddy keeps walking toward you.
"now where do you think you're going ?" he grins peering down at you. You curl yourself into a bowl as you watch him overing above you. He lifts you up and puts you on his hips. You start laughing your head off and squirming in his arms when he nibbles your neck and wiggles his fingers on one of your sole. "you can't get away from me"
"Daddyyyy" you laugh and squirm in his arms, trying to get his fingers away from your foot and his mouth away from your neck
"your Daddy isn't here to save you, giggly little one" he teases, whispering in your ear
The day where Steve were suppose to come back, you were currently laying in the couch? Your head on your Daddy's laps as you watch a show before bedtime. Your Papa were coming back home to lately for you to stay awake this entire time so they will come in your room tomorrow morning to woke you up together
You turn on your back and stare at your Daddy's face from where you are. It's funny to watch him like this. He's concentrate on the screen but he can feel your eyes on him so he slowly drops his gaze to you
He winks making you giggle "what is it ?" he asks rubbing your belly. You shake your head and turn it toward the tv, avoiding his gaze. He chuckles and looks back at the sceen too, he loves when you're all shy like this. It's really adorable...
Adorable, just like the reaction he gets from you when he tickles you. Why does it never crossed his mind that you could be ticklish ? And how didn't he catch it before ? You seems really sensitive so how is it possible ? He often helped you with a bath or stroked a part of your body like feet or belly. Now he'll have a close eye on you to catch every bit of your cutiness
He breaks out of his thought when he feels you moving on his laps. He looks down at his laps and watches you yawning, you pull your arms above your head and stretch your body at the same time. You close your eyes for a brief moment but long enough for your Daddy to catch you by surprise. His hands lock with yours above your head and immediately drops his face in your armpit near him.
You kick your legs and laugh so hard when he blows rasberries in such a sensitive part of your body. The fact that he's laughing along with you when his beard is touching your skin is more torturous. The vibration of his laughters are also terrible for your sensitive area.
You shake your head, too busy laughing to talk your way out of it. He loves watching it, feeling this. The only thinks he tries to do every days is making sure you're happy. He never can have enough of your giggles and laughters, it's music to his ears and now that he knows how to do it, he sure won't get tired of it
He finishes with ticklish kisses before pulling away and watching you regain your breathing to normal after the laughters.
Later in the night, he's in bed, reading a book while waiting for Steve to come in the bed. He came home a few hours ago and talked with Bucky since the moment he walked by the front doors. They missed each others so much that it hurted to wait until mornings to explain to each others their days when they were apart.
Steve eventually got tired and they went upstairs to get ready for bed. they'll have plenty of times to talk tomorrow, when they both rest from their days. Steve went to take a quick shower before bed, he hates feeling dirty.
Bucky chuckles at himself when he remembers what happened with you the lasts few days, and Steve walks back in the room at the same time in nothing but his boxer "what's making you laugh ?" he asks with a smile as he slides under the bed
"I found something really useful for us" he laughs shaking his hed. Steve peers beside him at his husband with a grin "and what is it ?"
"Our little beautiful girl is quit a ticklish one" he says right away causing Steve to laugh "oh yeah ?" Bucky nods his head "and it's the most adorable thing in the world" he adds
"intresting" Steve smirks
The next morning, Steve and Bucky walks inside your room to woke you up just like they promised. Steve walks first inside the room, he couldn't wait to see you, he missed you so much. It was hard for him not to come in your room earlier but he knews you needed your sleep so he waited. He wanted to see your little face so bad.
He smiles warmly at your sleepy form, you're curled up against Bucksie with your blanket touching your chin, the most adorable sight he saw in days.
He sat on the side of the bed with Bucky standing behind him. He gently pulls the blanket down and strokes your hair ‘’sweetness ?’’ You moan and turn around, it took you some times but you finally open your eyes. You blink a few time, before looking up.
Suddenly, you’re totally awake, you jump away from your blanket and throw yourself in your Papa’s arms ‘’Papaaa’’ you exhale, hugging him super tightly. He chuckles and wraps his arms around you ‘’good morning my perfect princess’’ he kisses your temple.
You pull away to look at him and he kisses you all over the face making you giggly ‘’how did you slept, sweetie ?’’ He asks, resting your hair behind your ears
‘’was oki’’ you say looking up at him with your cute big eyes ‘’I missed you’’ you quietly say and he smiles down at you ‘® I missed you too, baby. So so much’’ he says lifting you up in his arms. He rests you on his hip and turns around so you can say good morning at your Daddy
He kisses your little nose ‘’good morning beautiful’’ you smile and greet him back before resting your head against your Papa’s shoulder as he walks away from the room.
Once you all reach the kitchen, Bucky immediately starts to make pancakes for breakfast while your Papa is still busy with you. You’re still in his arms when he starts making your morning bottle
It feels really good to him to do it again. Don’t do it for days is really long, he didn’t realised how much he missed it until now. You watch him quietly, enjoying the comfort of the moment.
‘’Where were you Papa ?’’ You ask. He looks for a second at you before putting his attention back on your bottle ‘’Daddy didn’t told you ?’’ You shrug ‘’well I was away on a mission, princess’’
‘’I know but where’’ you say before he gives you your bottle ‘®I was in Swiss’’ he answers before walking toward Bucky "is it far away ?" you ask sucking your bottle. Your Papa sits you down on the counter, beside the sink and beside you're Daddy, he rests his hands on either side of your body "do you want me to tell you or to show you ?" he asks arching an eyebrow with a playful look on his face
You frown and tilt your head, not really understanding what he meant. He chuckles and grabs your bottle from your hands "i'll show you, it'll be more fun" he winks making you blush
He puts the bottle beside you and lies you down on the counter. He pulls up your pyjama shirt until it's above your ribs and pull down your pyjama pants until it's under your belly.
"Well," he says as he benches over you "your belly button is the ocean between us and Europe, alright ?" he says and then points his index up.
You watch confuse as his index slowly make it's way down until it reach your body "here is america" he says turning his fingers on your right ribs. You squirm and grin as you feel tingly because of his finger. You miss the grin who's forming on his lips at your little reaction because you're too busy watching his finger on you.
"And," he went on, he shows you another finger from his other hand and quickly point it on your lower belly, on the left side "this is were Suiss is" You hold back your breath and enter your lips in your mouth at the feelings
"remember that point" he says wiggling the tip of his finger in your skin making you giggle a little. He acts as if it wasn't on purpose as he rests his fingers back up, beside the others, on your right ribs "look at all the long distance I had to do to reach that little country" he says as he slides his finger down toward your belly button "but then we were caught on a tornado" he gasps and turns his finger in your belly button, making wind noises. Your giggle intensify and it turns into laughters seconds away "Papaa" you laugh "it tickles! Stop"
"it's not my fault, princess. It's the tornado!" he says turning faster as he pins you down while you shook with laughters "but then.." he slows down "we got out and continued our way to Europe" he says cusually sliding his finger back down on your belly. Your laughters calm down but you're still giggling
"and then, we landed" he exhales as he enters further the tip of his finger in the spot were Suiss is on your belly making you laugh.
"Do you understand more now ?" he asks resting both of his palms on your belly. It always make you laugh because their hands are almost bigger than your belly which you find funny.
You nod and he kisses your little nose before helping you sitting down. He hands you your bottle back and you make grabby hands at him to carry you. It's been so long since you saw him that now you don't want to leave his arms
He smiles big and lifts you in his arms. Steve hears Bucky chuckling from beside him, causing him to turn his body toward him "what is it ?" he asks bouncing you.
"it's just funny how you tried it" he says chuckling. Steve peers down at you and watches as the side of your head is resting on his shoulder, the bottle in your lips and your hand and attention on his dogtags.
"I love teach her things" he smirks kissing your forehead
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earthtoharlow · 1 year
Teach Me
2) February
AN: Part 2 of Teach Me
Thank you to @harlowcomehome for helping me with this, ily đŸ„č💜
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“You sure you don’t want me to run to the store for you?” Jack asked from the floor as he was playing dress up with Jayla.
Alyssa shook her head no. “I got it, babe. I’ll be in and out. Just grabbing a few things for Jayla for Valentine’s Day.” She says with a laugh and an eye roll. 
“And hopefully for me too.” 
“Maybe” Alyssa said with a wink, knowing she already had a plan for them. 
She could tell Jack was still worried, he never liked when she left the house late at night. Alyssa walked over, bending down to give him a sweet kiss on the lips. “You worry too much, princess” 
“That’s not funny.” Jack told her, trying to hold in his laughter. Jayla was only 2 but slowly became obsessed with makeup/hair after watching her mother do her own every morning. So now Jack was currently sitting on the floor with lipstick smeared over his lips and barrettes in his hair, with a crown to match. 
Alyssa gave Jayla kisses all over her face, childish giggles ringing in the air. “I’ll be right back, baby. Make sure to take care of daddy, ok?”
She gave Jack one last kiss before she locked the door behind her but not before saying their phrase. 
“Love You, Mean It!”
“Jayla Rose! Can you explain to me why you waited till the last minute to tell me that you signed up Daddy to make cookies for your Valentine’s Day party”
It was 10pm, way past Jayla’s bedtime but Valentine’s Day was tomorrow and the kids were encouraged to bring baked goods.
“We always make cookies together!” Jayla exclaimed while adjusting her chef's hat on her head.
“Not at 10 o’clock at night.”
Jayla shrugged her and suddenly started playing with her KY chain hanging from her neck, something she did when she was nervous. 
“What’s wrong, babygirl?” Jack asked her, concerned. 
She began playing with her necklace some more and kicking her feet against the kitchen floor. “I just thought it would be fun, you always get sad during this time because of mommy.”
Jack immediately pulled her into a hug, he could feel his shirt start to get wet from her tears. “Hey, it’s okay.” He reassured her by rubbing her back.
“Look at me.” His heart wanted to cry as he looked at her big brown eyes that were filled with tears threatening to fall. “You don’t have to worry about Daddy, that’s my job. You and I are gonna have fun tomorrow. I have a whole day planned just for the two of us once you get out of school.”
Jayla perked up at that “Really?” 
“Yes, really. You know you’re my favorite valentine. Now, let’s wipe these tears and finish these cookies so you can go to bed.”
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misslove: my favorite day of the year
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Ariel loved Valentine's Day, it was her favorite holiday. I mean, her last name was Love after all. Sure, she was 27 years old and single, but there were so many other reasons to love it. Not only did she love the flowers, the pinks and reds but she loved everything Valentines Day stood for, it’s about love, and what’s not to love about love? 
By morning her desk was filled with cards, candy and small stuffed animals. She was sure her planner was underneath all the gifts but Ariel was in no rush to look for it. Her favorite gift amongst them all was the donut bouquet from Jayla Harlow.
Ariel: rumor has it that you burned our classes Valentine’s Day cookies for our party?
Pressing send, Ariel grabbed one of the donuts from the bouquet. Before she could take a bite, her phone buzzed on her desk. 
Jack: didn’t you hear? I don’t clear up rumors
Ariel giggled at that knowing he was referencing one of his hit songs. As she was just about to text him back Jack sent another message 
Jack: but whoever started that rumor is in big trouble, can’t have someone spreading misinformation 
Ariel: you’d be shocked to know what else I’ve been told, but I wouldn’t want to give away my sources 
She moaned as she took a bite of her donut. She always had a sweet tooth. There was nothing like a strawberry frosted donut. 
Jack: well
you can tell me. I won’t tell anyone 
Taking another bite of her donut, she thought about all the things Jayla has shared with her. They were honestly pretty tame, compared to her other students giving her details about their parents divorce.
Ariel: oh you know, just that you get red as a tomato in the sun, you drink ranch dressing (big if true), the source claims they’re better at basketball and soccer than you, and that your idea of dancing is just stomping around. 
Jack: damn this source knows a lot about me 
Jack: and I’ll have you know that I’m very useful on the court
Ariel: hey, don’t shoot the messenger! Just some silly gossip between a teacher and their favorite student 
She laughed at the exchange before taking a glance at the clock, seeing the kids would be back from lunch in 15 minutes. Ariel should be using this time to plan out her lessons for the next week, but right now she’d rather flirt with her favorite students' dad. Lesson plans can wait. 
Ariel: Speaking of the party, are you joining us?
Ariel already knew that he would probably say no, according to other teachers Mr. Harlow never showed up to any of the school's functions. And he hasn’t in a long time. She watched as those three bubbles indicating that Jack was texting back popped up and would suddenly go away. 
Jack: uh probably not
I have some meetings this afternoon. 
While she knew he was going to say no, she couldn’t help but think about Jayla, who is usually very social, was suddenly very quiet today. 
Ariel: Well, if you end up getting out early, we’ve got plenty of heart shaped sweets with your name on it, and I have a feeling Jayla misses you.
She could hear the sounds of tiny footsteps and giggles coming down the hall so she knew her class will be making their way back in. She glanced down at her phone again and saw that Jack left her on read. She tried not to let it upset her, still she decided to send one last text. 
Ariel: the kids are coming back from lunch, Happy Valentine’s Day Mr. Harlow 
She shoved her phone back in her desk just in time to greet her kids back from lunch. 
“Ok, my sweet angel babies, let’s get in our reading circles. Today’s book is all about
An hour later the Valentine’s Day party was in full swing. After socializing with the other parents and students she sat back and watched with a smile as the kids stuffed their faces with sweets. A small frown formed on her face when she noticed Jayla watching another student coloring with their mom with the same frown. Getting up from her desk, she took a seat next to Jayla. 
“Hi, Miss Love.” Jayla greeted her with a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes, before she looked down and continued to color. 
“Hi, Jayla! I love your drawing. Is that your dad?” Ariel asked, pointing to the yellow stick figure. 
Jayla nodded her head yes, “I had to draw him yellow because he’s pale, and I couldn’t use a white crayon." Ariel had to stifle her laugh at that. 
“Of course. Well, I came over here to chill with you, if that’s okay?” Ariel asked.
“Yeah that’s fine! Do you wanna color with me?” Jayla asked not even waiting for a reply before pushing a paper towards her. 
Ariel smiled and grabbed a pink crayon and started drawing hearts all over the paper.
“Miss Love, your heart looks like a BUTT!”
“It does not!”
Since most parents decided to take the kids home early because of the party, that left Ariel and Jayla by themselves at the end of the day. 
While Ariel waited for Jack to pick up Jayla, she decided to start cleaning up the classroom, hating a dirty room. As she was picking up papers and pencils off the floor, Jayla called her name from her spot in the class's reading corner.  
“Yes, Jayla?” She replied and looked towards her so that she had her full attention. 
“Do you have a mommy?” Ariel was shocked at that question, she walked over and sat on the floor next to her. 
“Yes, but she became an angel when I was a teenager. So it’s just me and my dad now” Ariel told her
She could tell Jayla had another question as she nervously played with the necklace. Ariel stayed silent giving Jayla some time to process what she wanted to ask next. 
“Do you ever miss her?” 
“Everyday.” Ariel answered almost immediately. 
Other teachers around the school talked all the time about how Jack was a “hot single father” and how no one knew much about Jayla’s mother. Ariel was never the one to gossip so she never dug deeper because it wasn’t her business to know. 
It was quiet for a while as Jayla turned back towards her book, flipping through the pages. Ariel could tell she had more to say but she refused to push her. 
“It’s just me and daddy too.” Jayla spoke after a while. She still was flipping through her book. “I don’t really know—“ Jayla couldn’t finish what she was saying as there was a soft knock on the door. Ariel and Jayla looked up and saw Jack leaning against the classroom door. 
“DADDY!” Jayla yelled as she jumped up and ran towards her father, conversation seemingly forgotten. Ariel stood back as she watched Jack kiss his daughter all over her face. 
“Sorry I couldn’t come sooner, babygirl.” 
“It’s ok, Miss Love was hanging out with me.”
Jack put Jayla down from his arms before he stood up straight and greeted Ariel. 
“Thanks, sorry I was late.” Jack said as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. 
Ariel waved her hand “it’s no problem at all, Jayla is one of my favorite’s students, I’d hang out with her any day.”
Jack smiled at that. “Now, Miss Love
I thought teachers weren’t supposed to have favorites.”
Ariel pressed her finger to her lips “SSH, don’t tell anyone.” Jack threw his head back with a laugh and the sound made Ariel’s heart flutter. 
“Before I let you two go, Mr. Harlow, I did promise you that we had some cookies with your name on it.” Ariel grabbed the case of cookies that she saved back for him. Jack smiled as he looked down at the heart shaped cookies. He could tell they were homemade. 
“Did you make these?” He asked, opening the container and grabbing one out. “Mm, these are delicious.” he said, biting into it. 
“Yeah, I always overbake so I figured since you couldn’t be here I would save the rest for you.” Ariel said with a shrug, she could feel her cheeks getting warm as she watched Jack eat her cookies. God she was down bad. 
“Maybe, I do need to come to these parties, if you’re going to be baking like this.” Jack flirted. 
“Just for the baked goods?” She joked 
“And to hang out with you..”
Jack felt a tug on his pants leg, breaking eye contact as he looked down at Jayla. 
“What about me?!”
“You didn’t let daddy finish, I was going to say I’d love to hang out with Miss Love and my babygirl”
Ariel smiled watching the exchange, her face getting warmer at Jack claiming he wanted to hang out with her. 
“Well, I wouldn’t want to keep you all here any longer, so I’ll let you two go. Bye, Miss Jayla, I’ll see you on Monday.”
What she didn’t expect was Jayla to leave Jack’s side and give her a tight hug around her legs. Even Jack was shocked at the action. Ariel got down to her level so she could give her a better hug. 
“Bye, Miss Love. You’re the best.”
and they lived happily ever after!”
The End 
Jack read as he closed the book to Jayla’s favorite bedtime story. 
“I love that book daddy, can you read it again?!” Jayla asked while giving him those award winning puppy dog eyes.
Still sitting on the edge of her bed, Jack shook his head no. “Not tonight, sweetheart. You know it’s late.” 
Jayla huffed and cuddled deeper into the covers on her bed and laid her head on Jack’s arm. He always liked to stay with her until she fell asleep. “Did you have a fun day?”
“Yup, Miss Love is so cool, and she’s just like me!”
Jack looked down at Jayla confused, “yeah, how so?”
It got quiet and for a moment, Jack almost thought she was fast asleep before she spoke up. 
“She only has a daddy! Her mommy is gone too, and she misses her everyday just like how I miss mommy” Jayla said softly followed by a small yawn
Jack tried to swallow the lump that immediately formed in his throat. Jayla hardly ever spoke to him about her mother's passing, so hearing that she missed her just as much as he did made the inside of his chest hurt. Jack was scared that if he opened his mouth he wouldn’t be able to stop crying, but thankfully when he looked down Jayla had fallen asleep in his arms.  
Not having the heart to leave her just yet, Jack cuddled in closer, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead as tears threatened to fall from his eyes. While Jack wished Jayla spoke to him about her mom he was grateful that she trusted Ariel enough to open up. 
Jack stayed in Jayla’s room for most of the night before making his way towards his bedroom. He was having a hard time sleeping with all the thoughts running through his head. After tossing and turning for a while, he reached over to grab his phone from the side table, and scrolled till he found the name he was looking for.
“Thank you for talking to Jayla, I really appreciate it.” He didn’t feel the need to elaborate, he knew Ariel would know what he was talking about. With it being so late in the night, Jack wasn’t expecting a reply so quickly, so he was surprised when he got a reply back after ten minutes. 
“Anytime, Jayla can always count on me.”
AN: So happy you all enjoyed the first part and I hope you all enjoy this chapter just as much! Thank you for reading and of course tell me your thoughtssss :)
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heartofjasmina · 1 year
ok i’m sure you’re gonna read my rb tags but i’m making an official request for more daddy!katsuki + ageplay with a fem!reader. 18+ is v. okay with me, but fluff is also wonderful. if that’s ok haha. tysm. 💜
It is more than okay! Good to hear from you Bunny!
It always happened like this after especially tender sex, when Katsuki poured his heart and soul into his hands and lips and body until you heard with every thrust the unspoken "I love you."
You were gathered to his chest, his shaft still inside you because he knew you hated being cold and separated immediately after sex. One large hand rubbed circles into your back and the other kneaded your ass lazily.
It was cozy in your room, with richly textured quilts and soft pillows piled onto the bed and rain hitting the windows outside. The darkly sweet scent of your boyfriend filled your senses and you felt so... small in his arms. He had the body of a pro hero afterall, broad shoulders that tapered to a narrow waist and strong thighs, his hands so big they dwarfed yours. The shift in your headspace seemed so slow and smooth you were little before you realized it.
"Dada," you breathed in his ear, sucking a little smooch into his skin. He tilted his head to look down at you a smile like a sunrise spreading across his lips.
"Is that my babygirl?" His voice was husky and soft-- it made you shy and happy all at once.
You nodded, your thumb finding its way to your mouth, being joined with him swaddling you in a bone deep sense of safety and contentment.
"Who's daddy's good girl hm?" He asked almost laughing because you were already answering him.
"That's right. My baby." It only took a moment for him to reach over to the bedside table drawer to retrieve your pacifier. It was Cinnamoroll themed with all sorts of sparkly shit he knew you loved, and you took it into your mouth happily.
"Sleep now, its far too late for little girls to be awake." He murmured returning his hands to their original positions, knowing you loved getting your tushy rubbed when you were on your way to sleep. He pulled the quilt over you so you would be nice and warm and kissed the top of your head.
You wanted to complain but you really were tired, worn out and boneless. So you simply reached up to kiss his lips, smiling quick and sweet,
"Night daddy."
"Night punkin."
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letters-of-fire · 1 month
OC Smash or Pass
Rules: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc).
Was tagged by @thedeafprophet! Thank you
Behold my babygirl
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Name: Howard Underhouse (The Bandaged Libertine)
Age: ???
Gender: male (he/him)
Sexuality: pansexual aromantic
💜 Propaganda For:
charming, courteous and tender, will treat you like royalty
whatever you ask for, he will do it, and if you don't want to remember it, he'll make sure you won't
confident and comfortable in his skin, which means no insecurities and no shame either
is a spy (hot)
arm candy
plays piano masterfully and people too
a very compact man (can be picked up and carried around)
his eyes are like angel's
💜 Propaganda Against:
but his heart is cold
if you catch his eye, he will spare no resources to find out where you live, what you love and what you fear (might be a pro if you're into it)
still isn't over his ex
and his dead wife too
bandages stay on (if they don't, it's probably not a good sign)
loyalty is not his forte
does red honey
tagging @lord-emerson, @neathbound-fiends, @the-masterless-press, @torturingpeople, @staring-at-my-keyboard (sorry if you're already tagged)
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 months
I was finally able to post that jealousy fic I've been working on, I hope it is something you like. No pressure if you don't have the time right now, I know you are swamped with work hehe.
But, I did want to let you know that your writing has brought me a lot of comfort and clarity recently. It means a lot to me that I have that. So thank you. I hope this brings you a smile during your busy week.
P.S. They might seem a bit OOC because writing about Max's insecurity is still hard for me. Plus, they are not my characters so I am bound to maybe not write something the way you would, but I think that's why writing is great. It's all up to interpretation sometimes.
Anyway, I hope enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. It's pinned on my profile for when you have the time. on to writing the body-image fic I have in my head for them.
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Jade!!! This was so cool!! Thank you for writing (and sharing!!!)
First of all, gotta compliment you on this moodboard because it's stunning ahhhh!
This was NOT what I expected at all! I thought it was a jealousy fic but the fic being about David being frustrated over Max's lack of jealousy is very in-character! Of course, his insecurities would make him think it's because Max doesn't care about him that much. We def would've explored it in LDV if it was written from David's POV, so I was very happy to see it.
I love a good masquerade ball so this was AMAZING. I was wondering if you had any inspo for the outfits or had any songs you listened to when you wrote this? Just curious đŸ„č
Some of my favourite parts:
When Max said everyone was there for the prince, but he was there for David. That's it. That's the essence of their relationship.
The black mesh lace shirt 👀
"Every romance book he’s read, or movie he’s watched has shown that one couple in the club where one of them gets hit on and the other one gets super-hot and bothered. They get jealous because their person is important to them." - This bit was REALLY cool because it shows that every idea David has of love is from the media he has consumed (which is not healthy) and that is influencing his expectations for a real relationship. I loved this!!
Also there is always that creepy guy in a mavid fic istg NEED THEM AWAY FROM MAVID
" I want to make him jealous, not hurt" - a very David thing to say.
“He looks a bit too comfortable, no?” + “I mean yeah I guess, it's your relationship”  - MADELEINE STFU
“Do I care more about our boundaries and monogamy than him?” “Was that biphobic? I think that was Bi-phobic” - This was a very interesting/important connection to make. I loved that you did that because that is indeed a stereotype attached to a lot of bi people. At least my boi is self-aware 😌
“I’ll guard the door while you two imbeciles work this out" - Jackson đŸ©”
“No, you did nothing! That’s the problem.”  “I don’t get it?”  - THIS IS SUCH A ROMCOM FIGHT AND I LOVE IT.
Max calling David 'my man'.
"There are so many people in your life who tell you what to do, especially with your body. I don’t want to be one of them, I won’t be one of them. " 💙
"they do not threaten me because they will never love you like I do." - đŸ„čđŸ„č
"You are a good man" SAY IT LOUDER
This was so much fun to read! Thank you, babygirl 💜
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