#he's so traumatized poor puppy
anonymous-dentist · 5 months
And now the poor thing about Loboier is that he still hurts from when his human form was stabbed. The wound itself is actually completely healed from now, but Loboier still can't move too fast without his entire body hurting. But it's basically all psychosomatic, it's all in his head. If he's distracted enough by something exciting, like when he had to save Cellbit in the woods from Wolf Missa, then he's just fine. But on an average full moon in the yard? He Hurts :(
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the-pjo-archive · 2 months
The two types of Jason defenders are so silly and both are right "Why do you hate jason he has so much trauma he is literally just such a sad guy and he doesn't even realize it bc he's so traumatized omg my poor baby why does he have so much trauma" And "Why do you hate jason he's just a guy, he's a silly little guy, such a silly mf, look how fluffy he is, he's just a fluffy little puppy, he's so cute and gorgeous, he has never done anything wrong"
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notsorryiml8 · 3 months
He only had them for 6-7 months??
Looking at a timeline and watching the Land of Waves and Chuunin exams again (how far we've made it so far with the niece and nephew) and just realized how short of a timeframe Part I really is, that in Part I, Kakashi only had Team 7 for 6-7 months before it all went downhill/Sasuke left!!! I don't know why that blows my mind. SIX -SEVEN MONTHS! By the end of Part I to Shippuden and time spent with sensei/mentors, it's like:
Iruka/The Academy : 5 yrs
Kakashi : 6-7 months (months,people, months)
Jiraiya/Tsunade/Orochimaru : 2 - 2.5 years
When looking at it like this, I really think people/fans expected WAY too much out of Kakashi. He started with the traumatized-youth-of-the-year team and had only MONTHS to work with them and from the ground up. Subtract the time he was gone on missions, in the hospital and/or comatose (looking at you Itachi) and that gets knocked down to maybe 4-5 months. He spent less time with them than any other sensei and did a remarkable job for what he was given. I think all of this to say, give the man some grace. That was wild.
When all was said and done, what he did for this little rag-tag team of traumatized feral orphans + Sakura was more than amazing. SIX MONTHS, people, six months. Well, maybe seven, but still...let that sink in. I think people fail to acknowledge this when they call him a "bad sensei-" can't believe people are still doing that years later(!). Let any of the other jonin sensei do what he did in six months and with the team he was given - any of y'all try working with traumatized prepubescents and see how long it takes for them to work together?? I do every.single.day. They're all about survival and living in that trauma mind. Trust? What's that? Teamwork? Nope, gotta look out for me. Then you go and put them on a team with Captain Trauma, himself. Smart move Lord 3rd, smart move. Yeah, yeah, yeah I get it, only other Sharingan, control 9-tails, son of your sensei, blah blah blah. Poor Sakura, btw. Poor little thing didn't know what she had gotten herself into.
I dunno, I just don't think people ever see it from this perspective - that he literally only had them for months. Guy's team - already had a year together. Asuma's team - InoShikaCho were predestined wombmates. Kurenai's team - they were well-adjusted (Shino's the most laid-back person you'd ever find; just give Kiba a puppy; and who can ever get mad at Hinata, well, other than her family).
Traversing other corners of the interwebs and didn't realize just how much Kakashi hate dislike scorn "non-like" there is out there even now. It's wild. All this to say, just showing Kakashi-sensei some love. ❤️ and respect.
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coffee-and-tea-time · 3 months
Hey, I know the vote isn't done yet but I was wondering what our first interactions would be like with them all?
We can certainly arrange that!! Ask related to this post!
*Internally kicking his feet like a little girl seeing so many interactions with our post* ( • ᴗ • )
although maybe it’s a little short since we would rather leave more context for the actual posts - Tea
I read wrong a comment and thought they were requesting a shop owner when in truth they were talking about the seller, now the shop has an extra character *look into the abyss in poor reading comprehension*
In my defense, google said 'shopkeeper' was an equivalent to shop owner *disappointed of herself in non-native english speaker* but oh well, the more the merrier (ʃƪ^3^)~♡- coffee
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗᕕ( ᐕ )ᕗ ↔ ♪⁽⁽٩( ᐖ )۶⁾⁾ ₍₍٩( ᐛ )۶₎₎♪ ⬅ representation of the twins receiving incentives to post
Word count: 2k
tw: yandere behavior, nonhuman yanderes, human yanderes, delusional, RIP self-preservation, written in you/yours, willing reader
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-`♡´- Dizie -`♡´-
You walk into your house, still submerged in your own thoughts as you walk through the door.
"Uh, maybe I should arrange something to welcome Dizie when he arrives? I hope I don't come off as awkward..."
But... Why is your place so dark?
 You hear the door being slammed shut and as you attempt to turn towards it, a hand snakes over your mouth with a delicate yet firm touch as another coils around your waist from behind. 
"You were worried about my first impression of you? That's… really cute"
The voice of a man purrs near your ear and then you feel his face gently nuzzling with the top of your head like an affectionate cat, a rather deadly one.
"I took the liberty of checking around your home, you know, to make sure everything is like it's supposed to be, to make sure nobody else is lurking around… I'm so glad that isn't the case, you're all mine to cherish… only mine"
You feel his nuzzling being replaced by a soft kiss on the top of your head, as the slender hand covering your mouth moves to gently hold your face while his thumb gently rubs your cheek. 
[Clarification: Dizie is NOT stuck in his past or still in love with the last “darling” he was bought by. He doesn't see the reader as a replacement of any sort. We want to get that out of the way from the get go, he's just traumatized (as he probably should be ngl) - the twins]
-`♡´- Gabriel -`♡´-
Tossing your keys onto your couch cushion you let out a soft sigh, the walk back home was rather awkward, well, as awkward as can be with a man following behind like a lost puppy, his eyes practically piercing the back of your head. You wondered why he kept walking behind you but brushed the thought out quickly as you felt him let out a veery faint sigh of awe while glancing around your home.
“it smells just like you-”
The man whispered to himself, his words quiet yet the silence of you both being alone allowed you to hear him very clearly. flattering, but also a little unnerving. 
How did he manage to smell you when he was walking like a meter away from you?
His hands fidgeted as you glanced back at him, his eyes landing on your form still basking in the sight like you were some sort of divine entity before him.
 “This must be Gabriel then” 
you thought, connecting your choice with the man that just randomly started following you which you didn't have the heart to scare away.
 When the seller said he was a worshiper… he wasn't exaggerating.
Shakily, he reaches for one of your hands, clasping it tenderly with both his hands, completely engulfing yours with the warmth of his nervous fidgeting. His cheeks blaze red by the mere idea of touching your skin.
He leans down, pressing his forehead to the back of your hand, taking a shaky breath, then looking up to meet your gaze with pure adoration.
“I'm so incredibly thankful to be in your presence, darling. I'm so glad you chose me…”
(A person called him and Grier 'pathetic little mew mews' and now that lives rent free on my head; if you read this, I love your energy - coffee)
-`♡´- Oliver -`♡´-
This man is eager, that's for sure. There's no denying it as he practically drags you with him to his bakery as soon as your finger grazed his name on that paper.
You couldn't say a thing though, that wide smile on his face was just as sweet as the scent that wafted through the air as you entered the shop with the jingle of the welcome bell.
You were ordered to sit back and enjoy a cup of coffee with some butter cookies for the wait. He wanted to make something special, he said, quickly diving into the kitchen without saying another word.
You took a small bite of the cookie thinking perhaps there was something in it, but if you were his darling now then it shouldn't be anything harmful, should it? The cookie was… just any normal cookie, it was delicious even, buttery and crumbly, mixing perfectly with the rich flavor of the coffee. 
Your mind drifted to the man’s appearance as he gave you constant glances, peeking from the kitchen a little too often, it was adorable in a way, like he was checking if you were still there. There was no need to check though, he had locked the entrance as soon as you walked in and you had totally noticed. You weren't going anywhere. 
A few minutes later he peeked again, though this time with a tray in his hands, he approached and placed it in front of you, a delicious slice of cheesecake greeting you. He smiled proudly as he saw your mouth water and as you eyes scanned the delicious treat you couldn't help but notice the fresh cut on his finger already bandaged up yet still bleeding a bit through the gauze… how deep was the cut? The blood was so red it didn't look like a superficial wound.
“I'm just a bit nervous, Dear, i wanted to cut it perfectly for you… my hand must have slipped”
He reassured you, dismissing the severity of it but quickly hiding the cut from you. His sheepish smile though made you forget about it for a hot minute- how was this bulky man such a sweetheart? 
Your fork soon dug into the creamy goodness of the cheesecake, the raspberry sauce that sat on top dripping a bit, its rich red color almost resembling that of his blood. What a passionate baker…
(...I love him, okay? -Tea)
-`♡´- singer  -`♡´-
The door of the car is opened before you get the chance to even lift a finger and you are greeted by the angelic face of a man, worthy of praise and worship, smiling down at you and offering his hand as to help you get out of the car
"Hi~, welcome welcome, how are you feeling on such a joyful day as today? I hope that you are as thrilled as I am"
He says with a charming smile, holding your hand delicately for you to exit the car then  guides you into his house, his eyes ogling you like a three course meal.
"Would you like something to drink? A water perhaps? I don't really have much sugary drinks since i take care of my vocal cords, but if that's what you'd like then I'll absolutely find a way to get it for you"
"Oh, I'm really fine, don't wor-"
His step falters before stopping dead in his tracks, his smile softening in… awe? He shuffles closer as your voice trails off by the sudden action.
"Oh, Honey, I'm so sorry to interrupt your words, I just couldn't help but get closer… you speak so softly, I'd wish to hear you more clearly"
He puts his hand on your shoulder reassuringly, though it quickly moves up to your neck, his thumb caressing your throat.
"You shouldn't overthink too much, your duty here is being happy with me, and when I'm not around, feel free to enjoy your free time as you wish; my only condition here is you take care of yourself and… to not look at anyone else in the eye for too long… but well, you should’ve already expected that, you signed for it, honey"
-`♡´- Myotis -`♡´-
You feel your heart on your throat as the butler opens the door for you, as you make your way inside, you feel like you walked straight into a historical movie of some sort, if the outside looked already out of a gothic fairytale, you can't find the words to describe how impressive the inside is.
"I'm glad you seem to like the place, Amore, that makes things easier for both of us. I hope you can forgive my eagerness to meet you"
You can't help but get surprised when you notice him right beside you, speaking to you dearly as he grabs your hand as if it was made of glass to softly kiss the back before giving you a smile.
"Fear not, you can always indulge yourself and wander around to enjoy the mansion, but I rather that the precious focus of your gaze be on me, I’d be delighted to spend as much time with you as possible, don't you think so?" 
-`♡´- Lior -`♡´
You enter your home excited, wondering if you should get some fairy lights and stuff for the yandere you chose when a rustling in the distance disturbs your thoughts, grounding you back to reality.
You make your way in the direction of the noise and find yourself standing in front of your bedroom window where the poor moth boy flutters his wings trying to squeeze past the small gap, half of his body still hanging outside the window. This must be Lior.
"I-I'm sorry, I didn't want to disturb you, I just thought I would be able to fit in the open gap"
You truly can't help but giggle at the situation, okay, he is really cute for a yandere, the seller sure speaks the truth.
He grumbles uncomfortably, wiggling his way inside your home. His satchel almost falling out the window, but he manages to grab it mid air. Fast reflexes, that's a plus.
"I brought a present with me!"
He sighed out in relief while holding his satchel. With some effort due to his limited movement, he is quick to lift his bag and rummage through it, proudly lifting in the air a big cinnamon scented candle.
“Some light for my daylight! I-I thought you'd like it, though I'm not allowed to use candles… I always burn myself with the wax”
(he's my baby and i love him, thank you very much. -tea)
-`♡´- Tarak -`♡´
"Huh, what a gorgeous being…for a human… I will accept your proposal"
The dragon says in a low husky voice, gazing at you with a smirk, his hand gently lifting your chin so that your eyes meet his.
"You were the one that got chosen, not the other way around"
The seller quickly remarks, the humanoid dragon clicking his tongue in response.
“Same difference... the order of the factors does not alter the product after all, we are united either way”
Even if the humanoid acts roughly with the seller, Tarak gently puts your hand on his arm and holds it there as he walks outside of the store with you. What a gentleman.
"You are going to love the forest, of course, my cave is most enchanting, but I did in fact go out of my way and make a cabin next to it, everything is already taken cared of, I know not every species has the resilience to prosper in my environment, but, well, your ancestors used to live in caves... so maybe you can manage"
“Is my home not an option from the beginning?”
You say a little nervous, not sure if you can actually survive in a forest without being eaten alive by the wildlife, although you must admit that is kind of a silly thought if you think of the power of a dragon like him.
He looked like he was about to protest your request, but just your scent in the air was all he needed to sense your feelings and give you a look as he relaxed his shoulder in defeat.
"... alright, I'll indulge you, we have a lot of time in our hands to adjust to the changes around us anyways, I'll stay at your home until you are comfortable enough to come to mine, I will make sure to adorn it in any way you please for when that time comes"
He gently messes with your hair as a way to reassure you before he resumes walking, following you to your home.
-`♡´- Grier -`♡´ 
The seller goes down the wooden ladder after taking the tape off the camera lense and signs for you to come closer to it.
"The cameras here don't have sound but showing you to him should be enough of a clue all by itself"
You freeze as the security camera focuses on you, standing there, you wave awkwardly and the camera starts moving side to side abruptly before freezing,  like the person behind it moved away from it.
"Well, either he fainted or he is coming right away!"
The seller says in a cheerful voice as he goes to cover the camera lense again with a strip of tape. A couple of minutes pass before you hear the screeching stop of a car parking in front of the shop hurriedly, soon followed by a panting man who barges inside like his life depended on it.
“I’m here! I'm here!!” 
He says almost tripping on his own feet as he shoves in your face a bouquet of your favorite flowers.
"Oh, those are my favorites! Thank you"
"I-I know, don't worry, I made sure to do a quick background check on your medical history so I don't trigger any allergies, I promise I will gather more information tonight! Don't worry"
-`♡´- The seller -`♡´
"I already told you, I'm not a yandere"
"How did you know I don't go out?"
"You're practically chronically online! It's just a lucky guess"
"My screen time is something even weirder for you to know!"
"... don't tell management"
[Clarification: yes, the seller’s is shorter, that's because as far as we can tell, he's most likely to win first place in the survey so we are saving up most of his character and interactions for his main post (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ - the twins] 
-`♡´- …owner? -`♡´
"Oh, that's an interesting turn of events, so many options yet the button you press is not even part of the survey..? How experimental”
The owner let out a rich laugh as he spoke his usual nonsense to catch your attention through the speakers of the shop.
"Ah yes, 'nonsense'. What a disappointing excuse.."
The owner argued with himself under his breath before he sights.
"Want something to drink?"
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*Ejem* little clarification (it's the third one now in this post, get a grip. - tea to himself), characters that aren't in this survey have already been requested in asks or comments or, well, won the first survey. we haven't forgotten about them, we are already working on their posts 💚 - tea
Don't forget! If you like something specific, you can ask freely! As I said before, we love interactions! (Attentions seekers? More like validation seekers lol) - coffee
sorry for any misspellings or weird sentence structure ❣
Divider by tea ✌️ (i know I'm amazing/j)
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honeygrahambitch · 6 months
One day passed.
Two days passed.
Three days passed when Hannibal finally decided to pick up the puppy that kept wandering around the building of his office.
He was so small he could lift it in one hand and so malnourished that he could easily count all his ribs.
For the past three days he had tried to convince himself that the puppy had a family and that he couldn't just kidnap him. Will would not appreciate that. However, the state of the puppy and the absence of any bigger dog in the surrounding area were enough to push Hannibal to make a decision.
Since Will had abandoned his dogs one year ago, he had given up on his habit of collecting strays. One of the reasons was that until recently they had kept changing their location but the real reason was that Will was no longer seeing himself worthy of having dogs.
"A dog trusts you with his whole life. My dogs were my family, they trusted me. I left them behind." Will had said once and then had never mentioned it again.
He did not want that to happen again.
Hannibal however knew that it was the time for Will to heal that part of himself.
The puppy made noises that Hannibal found rather annoying but he kept reminding himself that Will would be happy. He put the little animal on a towel on the passenger's seat of his car and drove home. The poor thing didn't have enough energy to leave the seat and patiently sat there.
Once in the garage of their new house, Hannibal picked the pup again and entered the house.
"You home?" He heard Will shouting from the living room.
"Yes." Hannibal replied and put the little thing on the floor. He heard Will's steps coming towards them.
"You won't believe what-" Will started but froze instantly when he saw the little creature that was trembling on all fours.
"He doesn't look like a dog but he has some potential." Hannibal explained, moving his eyes from the puppy to Will and then back to the puppy and back to Will who looked as if he was frozen in time.
To Hannibal's surprise, Will covered his mouth with his hands and started sobbing still not being able to move.
"I also think he is a bit ugly but if you feed it, he might look better. In time." He said not sure whether to go sooth him or just give him time to take in everything.
"He is perfect." Will whispered in between sobs and let himself fall to his knees. The little pup looked a bit traumatized by the sounds Will was making, so the fact that he did not seem as tall as before, made the poor thing crawl towards him.
"Come here." Will said while trying his best to hold back his tears.
Hannibal felt something melt inside his chest at the sight of the mess Will was turned into.
"I don't deserve him." Will said as he lifted him up, amazed by how perfect he seemed to him.
"Then I can just put him back where I found it." Hannibal replied. He was pleased when Will's answer came out as a laughter.
"You get to name him." Will said, still on the floor, playing with the squeaky thing.
"No, I am sure you will have more fun with that."
"I insist."
"Very well." Hannibal accepted and hummed. "Judging by its size, I would say he looks like a gnocchi."
"He does look like a gnocchi." Will approved and started sobbing again.
"Just make sure he doesn't have any parasites and that he is clean all the time. And preferably keep him away from the kitchen. And take him out if he..."
"Too late." Will interrupted him.
"Yeah, you will clean that. I will go prepare dinner."
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mysicklove-main · 2 years
Pairing: Father! Hawks x Mother! Reader
Word Count: 1.5K
Warnings: Fluff! Little bits of threatening, anxiety, Protective! Reader
Summary: Keigo has the bright idea to convince his son to jump off a balcony. You dont react too well.
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“Alright, kid, on the count to three, jump. Are you ready?” The trainee looks down and gulps. He nods his head hesitantly. “One…Two..”
“KEIGO!” You scream as you burst open the door to see your four-year-old standing atop the balcony rail, hundreds of feet from the concrete ground. 
The child, startled by the interaction, stumbles forward, and your heart drops. Time seems to slow down as you watch his still chubby face contort from shock to fear. Your eyes widen, and you try to race forward and grab him, but nevertheless, you are too late.
The horrific moment was over in less than three seconds because the young boy is being pulled back immediately with ten red feathers. Keigo gently places the boy in your arms (knowing if he grabbed his son, you would immediately take the small boy from him), and the smaller carbon copy of Keigo begins to sob into your chest.
Your heart thumps as you clutch the child closer to you. Keigo uses one of his feathers to brush a tear away from your face that you didn’t know had formed. When the red feather leaves your skin, your panic turns to anger as you glare at your husband. He lets out a sheepish smile. “I was teaching him how to fly?”
“By allowing him to jump off the top of our apartment building? Are you out of your mind? He is four!” You scold, and the child in your arms continues to sob. You run your fingers through his blonde hair, hoping to provide some sort of comfort from that traumatic event.
Keigo scratches the back of his neck. “Well, that’s how I learned. And look at me. I turned out alright! C’mon you know this, birds must push their children out of the nest in order to fly!” Your son's sobs turn into quiet whimpers as he calms down.
He began to step closer toward you, the recognizable “forgive me” smile plastered on his face. You glare at your husband. “Yeah, and birds also chew their food up and feed it from their mouth to their children, you wanna do that too?” 
The two males make the exact same disgusted face, except, of course, one is way cuter than the other. “Mama, that’s gross!” He whines and begins to squirm in your arms. You sigh and set him down, and the young boy races over to his father, who grins at him.
“I want to fly! Like Dada!” His tiny red wings begin to twitch, a sign that he finally has control over them, and his father nods in agreement. Although being so high up from the ground made the young boy nervous, he only cried because he wasn’t ready to jump. He truly wants to fly!
Keigo scoops the boy up, and the two turn to you and use their favorite puppy dog eyes, and you sigh. Unlike usual, the boys won this battle. “Fine.” Two golden eyes light up. “But.” They cringe. “No jumping off balconies. Let’s go to the park and find a tree or something. And we are gearing you up little bird.” The two make eye contact with one another, before coming to a consensus. They nod.
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The poor baby bird looks ridiculous. Under your command, he was forced to wear a helmet, goggles, knee pads, and elbow pads. Keigo was right there, too; if anything happened, he would be able to catch your son without a second thought. But he was trying not to piss you off, so he let his son look a little ridiculous. He did have to hold back his laughs to not embarrass the young boy, though.
The little blonde was on the top of the tree, this time way more confident than on the balcony. His mother and father were there, he can see the ground, and if he falls, it won’t hurt too bad with all the gear. He was determined to fly. He clutches onto the branch as he waits for his father's instructions.
You sway uncomfortably as you stare at your near toddler on top of that 50-foot tree that Keigo carefully placed him on. It didn’t feel right instinctually, but for some reason or another, your husband decided to put your son on the tallest tree he could find. “Relax, Mama Bird. He is going to be fine. I mean, with all the gear you got him in, he could fall 100 feet, and he will still be alright.”
You look over at your son, who is fixing his dinosaur helmet, and sigh. Sure, it may be a little extreme, but if your son is jumping off a tree, you are willing to go the extreme. Besides, he looks adorable. “Your dramatics are going to be the end of me,” You tease but giggle for the first time being out here. Only he knows how to make you feel better.
He smiles at your laugh and wraps his arm around your waist, knowing you are beginning to cool off from your initial anger. He presses a kiss to your temple. “You love it,” He murmurs, and you don’t disagree.
The four-year-old upset that the attention has left him, frowns from above. “Can I fly now, Dada?”
“You ready kid?” He calls in return.
“Yes!” He moves his goggles from his forehead and onto his golden eyes—small red wings flap in excitement.
“Alright, you know the drill. Don’t be nervous. We are down here if anything happens, yeah?" The boy nods. "Good. On the count of three.” You grip onto Keigo and gulp, probably more nervous than your son. He rubs your arm in comfort, but even he is meticulously placing his feathers around the tree, ready to cling to the boy at any moment. It was more than his father did for him. “One…Two…Three!”
The young blonde runs to the side of the branch and jumps, successfully missing the other branches from hitting him on his way down. His wings begin to flap, but not hard enough to keep him up. He is still falling fast. 
Your heartbeat picks up, and the two of you tense as you watch your son come closer and closer to the grass. After a second of no progress, you begin to freak out. “G-Grab him!” You push at your husband, who is watching with a stone face. 
“Wait.” He whispers, and you stare at him in horror. Your son’s eyes widen when he sees the ground getting closer and closer. 
As a survival instinct, about 10 feet from the ground, the small bird opens his wings as wide as they can go and beats as hard as he can. He does this twice, and suddenly he isn’t falling anymore. It takes some effort to get used to flapping his wings hard enough to carry his body weight, but after a couple of seconds of staying in place, he is able to fly upward.
You’re still trying to process the situation when Keigo starts laughing. “That's my boy!” He yells as the young bird begins to fly clumsily in circles. 
Then, your husband beats his wings and begins to fly up after him. You are stuck staring at the two birds flying like lunatics. The boy, much lower to the ground, looks toward you for your approval. “Look Mama! Look!” 
“I see! You’re flying just like Dada!” He smiles that child-like smile that causes your heart to throb and nods at you from above. While focusing on you, the little boy fails to look ahead of him at the large tree he is flying rapidly toward. You gasp and begin to shout, but your husband, quick as ever, quickly cuts in front of the boy and leads him away, back to open air. You sigh in relief, but still, you can tell the next period of your life with the new skill development, your hair is going to gray.
Suddenly, familiar red feathers are scoping you up and are sending you flying toward the older blonde. He stands straight in the air as he monitors his son and plops you into his arms bridal style. He leans forward and nuzzles your cheek. “See, told ya he will be alright.”
“You got lucky, Bird; I swear if anything happened to him, I would–”
“Kill me. Yeah yeah, I know, I know. I wish you were that protective over me. Kids making me jealous,” He fake whines, and you roll your eyes.
“Don’t whine. You know I’m just as protective over you too. You have heard me threaten Endeavor about keeping an eye on you.” This time he rolls his eyes and laughs, remembering that event.
Your son does a circle around a tree and continues to giggle like he is having the time of his life. With him distracted, you lean upward toward your lover, and he, in turn, leans down. Just when he is about to press his lips to yours, you pause. Keigo frowns. “If I ever see my son jumping off a balcony again, I will do much worse than kill you. Do you understand?” You purr venomously into his mouth.
He lets out a sheepish, almost afraid laugh and nods immediately. You smile innocently and press your lips to his.
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wrens-writings · 6 months
The Monster’s Gone
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: ̗̀➛ Percy Jackson x platonic! child of Poseidon! reader
: ̗̀➛ in which big brother Percy saves the day
: ̗̀➛ oh gods, folks. here it is! my first piece of writing posted to tumblr. i have absolutely zero clue about what it is that i’m doing, but here we go!
: ̗̀➛ WARNINGS: bad writing (probably), allusions to angst. i don’t think anything else? lmk if i missed anything 🫶
percy adores being a big brother. someone that only he gets to pick on? that’s a bonus, yea, but the real reason he loves it? watching his little siblings grow up and experience the things their lives would offer.
with tyson, percy was his friend before he was his brother, but he still helps him to understand the world above the sea when applicable. tyson is like an overgrown puppy, a comparison that many people, including sally jackson herself, have pointed out.
and then of course, there’s sweet little estelle, who has her whole life ahead of her that percy just cannot wait to be a part of.
but then comes the outlier. you. don’t get him wrong! he loves you as much as he does all of his siblings. but you’re so traumatized that he just… doesn’t know what to do with you?
when he got to camp for the summer, excited and eager for a killer two and a half months with his girlfriend and his best friends, he was taken aback. normally, himself and tyson were the only two to be in poseidons cabin. yet there you were, a small 11 year old wringing their hands together in cabin 3.
percy had looked at you, eyes wide and full of confusion. “annabeth.” he murmured to the pretty blonde who stood beside him.
“yes, percy?” she responded carefully, seemingly already knowing what he was going to say next.
percy turned to his girlfriend, his face twisted with conflicting emotions. “why is there a child in my cabin and where did they come from?”
and thus begins the summer of percy jackson awkwardly tiptoeing around his new sibling. annabeth had explained to him that the poor kid was chucked into the foster system at a young age, forced to be exposed to more horrors than he would’ve liked for a sibling of his. but with those horrors, came a small issue.
how was he meant to get to know you if you were scared of your own shadow from the trauma you experienced? he knows firsthand just how terrifying this world can get. hades, he fought the chimera when he was just a year older than you and would’ve died if it weren’t for poseidon himself!
it isn’t all bad though. percy knows a handful of things about you. he knows that you like the beach (which, hey, so does he!), he knows that you like spicy food, reading, drawing, and he knows that you’ll probably shit bricks when you inevitably encounter your first monster.
the poor boy has this innate desire to protect you in the way you’ve never been protected before, but he’s so afraid to make you upset or uncomfortable. he’s stuck at a crossroads. so, what does he do?
wallows in his own mind because adhd is a bitch! eventually, despite his whining and complaining at the idea of hurting you, annabeth and grover manage to talk some sense into him.
“guys, i- i don’t know. they’re so young and so scared of everything. how would i even-“
“percy!” grover cuts him off, his eyes narrowing at his best friend. “think of it from y/n’s perspective. they show up after getting exposed to a world they are actually so scared of, and the only thing that makes them feel better is the promise of a big brother.”
percy sits in silence, his ears burning red with shame. annabeth puts her hand on his arm softly with a kinder approach. “just go talk to them. i promise they won’t bite you.” she reassures him. ever the daughter of wisdom, that one.
percy nods and stands up, intent on finding his new sibling, wanting to put them at ease, even just a little bit. he sets off, initially heading towards the beach.
when he arrives, his lips tug down into a frown. despite the beautiful scenery of camp, especially the view from the beach, you aren’t here. he peers through the pretty, looming trees, trying to catch a glimpse of you. his frown only deepens at the sight of your book bag, but no you. “y/n?” he calls out, his voice laced with fear.
when he gets no response, he scoops up your bag and carries it with him towards cabin 3, figuring you just forgot it like the absent minded kid he hopes you are. except, you aren’t in the cabin either. now he’s starting to worry.
he puts your bag down on your bed neatly before rushing back out. he double checks the beach— nothing. he checks the dining pavilion— also nothing. he looks around the arena, the climbing wall, the archery range, even stopping into the infirmary to see if you’re laying there injured and no one thought to tell him. but he turns pale as a sheet when will solace tells him he hasn’t seen you.
percy runs into the forest, uncapping Riptide as he leaps over a fallen log. of course, you probably just wandered off by accident. after all, why would you leave your book bag at the beach?
a scream that sounds heartbreakingly like you echoes from further in the woods and instantly he heads in that direction. didn’t anyone tell you that the woods are full of monsters?!
he breaks through the trees, slashing his sword clean through a hellhound as it lunges towards you. after a terrifying few moments alone while he secures your safety, percy takes you into his arms.
the hug is tight, protective, full of warmth and love, fear and panic. “shh, i’ve got you…” he whispered in your ear, trying to soothe your fearful blubbering. “the monster’s gone. he’s on the run, and your big brother is here.” he reassures you, pressing a soft kiss to the side of your head.
he doesn’t care about the tears that soak his shirt, or even the snot that does the same thing. all he cares about is that you are safe and not injured. he pulls back from the tight hug briefly. “hey, kiddo. you hurt anywhere?” he whispers, his voice strained and fragile.
“n-no. ‘m okay…” you stammer out, your own voice matching his. he kisses your head again, breathing out a sigh of relief. “thank you, percy…” you whisper quietly in his ear. you can’t do much besides whisper at this point, and who is he to judge?
percy squeezes you tighter, his body shaking from the fear of you being hurt “always, kiddo. i’m always gonna be there when you need me. rain or shine, day or night. i’m your big brother. that’s my job.”
soooooo…? gimmie your thoughts, pls!! bare in mind that i’m scared shitless of constructive criticism tho 😭🤚
i’m not the greatest at writing fanfiction but i’m really eager to learn more. your feedback is much appreciated 🫶
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
head over heels - e.b
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summary: after y/n rescues an abandoned puppy, she brings it home to buck who slowly falls in love with it
evan buckley x reader
y/n was busy driving home after her shift, and she was calling hen, who was busy ranting about something someone did at work. obviously focused on the road, she was also listening to the story hen was telling her.
“i mean it’s ridiculous! i told him several times to do it and he never did!” hen yells through the phone onto y/n’s speaker. “i don’t know if he’s just bad at his job or what.”
“he might just be adjusting to working here. that was not a normal thing, though.”
“i guess, but still.”
y/n was on an almost empty side road, the lack of other vehicles was definitely noticeable. the sides were just tall grass and dirt with a few pieces of trash someone threw out their window. she was looking around in the wet dirt and saw something almost completely blending in, but there was certainly something there. it was breathing a bit, it’s chest rising suspiciously slow. she thought about just driving away, it was probably just a squirrel or something. but it looked to big to be a squirrel. y/n saw it’s little head peek out, and it looked like a more domestic animal. her focus on hens words had become faint because she was paying attention to something else. something was telling her that something was wrong. she felt like this animal was not supposed to be there. no animal should be there, sad and alone on the side of the road, but this one felt particularly worse.
“hey, hen?” y/n starts, cutting her off. “i’ve gotta go.” she pulls over to the side of the street, checking her blind spots and grabbing her phone before leaving her car. when she walks out, she slowly walks up to the sad creature that was still laying in the mud. the small animal was a puppy, couldn’t be older than a few months. the poor thing was whining and making small whimpers. y/n was shocked, not really knowing what to do. of course everyone has seen videos of animals being rescued, but once you’re in that position, you don’t know what to do. she doesn’t make any abrupt moves or sounds so she doesn’t scare the already traumatized dog. y/n could tell by its eyes that it had seen some things.
“ok, buddy,” she begins. “stay here, you’ll be ok.” she walks back to her car, taking out an old t-shirt and carefully wrapping the puppy up in it. the white whisps of fur were almost completely concealed by the pileup of dirt on his itchy skin. y/n checked around for any extra abandoned animals before bringing him to her car. she made a few phone calls before bringing him into a local emergency vet. he had no collar or tag, and clearly he was not wanted if he got out so young and no one looked for him. he was incredibly light, despite being so young. his tiny body was strong, though, being able to move around. he was scared and y/n wanted to cry and scream for this poor dog who couldn’t advocate or save himself.
“he seems alright,” the vet says. “we gave him some food and medication to make him feel a bit better, but there aren’t really any medical concerns for him. he’s going to be on edge for a bit, but he seems like he’ll be healthy.”
it seemed like a miracle, which is hard to see with these situations. the tiny puppy was a fighter for sure, and was so lucky that y/n had found him. “so, what should i do now?”
“you can bring him to a shelter if you don’t want him, or-“
“no, i don’t want him going to a bad shelter here in LA.” y/n looks at the little guy, wrapped up in a clean blanket and smelling around on the table. her heart melted a bit at this adorable puppy, wanting to just scoop him up and never look back. “i’ll take him home. i’ll figure something out.”
on the way home, y/n had stopped at the local pet shop to pick up a few small things. she figured he would stay tonight, so she gathered things like food and a bed for him and a few toys to make him feel more safe and happy. she had drawn a warm bath for him to get any extra dirt off, which revealed his shiny, white coat and he was already looking much happier. she worked on building trust, but had already forgotten about her second companion at home. she lives in bucks apartment with him. she didn’t think he would be upset, but a complicated schedule would probably stray him away from a young puppy. however, that wasn’t going to stop her from caring for this helpless puppy.
y/n had been brushing his coat and playing with him a bit, trying to warm him up with some food. he was still a bit scared from loud noises of neighbors and quick movements, but he was in much better condition than when he was discovered.
“y/n?” buck starts walking around, placing his things on the counter and slipping off his shoes. “y/n? i’m home.” he doesn’t hear a reply, but he surely noticed the scattered dog toys and the water bowl. he sighs and prepares himself for what is likely in his apartment.
“shoot, i didn’t text him!” y/n says, cleaning up the mess in the bathroom from cleaning him up. she hears bucks footsteps walking up the stairs, and she knows she’s in for an earful.
“hey, y/n, what’s all that pet st-“ buck stops in his tracks when he sees a small puppy in y/n’s arms, cradling him like a baby. the tub was draining dirty water, and the white bundle was in a towel. now it was his turn to be speechless. buck loves animals, but he definitely would’ve liked some warning before she bought she dog.
“before you say anything or get mad,” y/n interrupts. “i was driving home from work, and i saw his little body on the side of the road. i couldn’t leave him, buck! it was so sad, he was so scared and i couldn’t just drive away!”
“baby, i am not mad,” buck smiles and walks closer, placing a hand on her shoulder. “i was just not expecting this today, that’s all. but are you sure he wasn’t just lost?”
“he had no collar or tag on him. it was also in the middle of nowhere, he couldn’t have gotten there on his own and made it that far.”
“i don’t- can we take care of a dog? he’s going to need attention and all that stuff.”
“we know a lot of people who can watch him when one of us can’t. we’ll be here most of the time for him, too. i know you can’t say no to this face!” she babies her voice at the end, looking at the puppy and facing him toward buck. he gives him a quick scratch behind his big ears.
“fine, he’s cute,” he finally admits. y/n gives him a confused look and the puppy gives him those eyes. “ok well when he looks at me like that, how can i say no? he’s adorable!”
“that’s why i brought him home! he’s all healthy and all he needs is a few vaccinations.”
“does he have a name?”
“no, i’ve been calling him boy for the past hour. i wanted to wait for you.”
“did you have anything in mind?” he says, leading everyone out to the bed.
“i think apollo was cute, greek fighter, destroyer.”
“is he going to destroy our house?”
“no! but he’s a little fighter guy, he’s tough, aren’t you?” she says, picking him up and holding him in the air.
the next few days had been long, staying up with a crying puppy at night and trying to make him comfortable in a new home. they were just glad he wasn’t anywhere else, like some abusive home or neglectful shelter.
after a night out with some of her friends, y/n had come home at around 10:30. she had put her purse on the table, and expected her boyfriend to come up and greet her. all she heard were deep snores from the bed upstairs. all of the lights were on, so buck probably just fell asleep watching TV.
y/n walked up the stairs only to be confronted by her boyfriend and apollo, who was snuggled into bucks arms and peacefully sleeping. she covered her mouth and let out quiet giggles, taking a picture to show buck in the morning. she walks over and scoops up the young dog. he groaned and yawned in her arms. “apollo, i bought you a nice bed for a reason!” she whispers and places him in his crate, closing the door so he wouldn’t get hurt roaming around the apartment. “goodnight, buddy.” she says to the already sleeping puppy.
y/n had just stepped out of the shower, changing into a pair of clothes and brushing out her wet hair. “y/n!” buck yells. “come here!”
oh god, she thinks. either the two of them got into mischief together, or apollo did something wrong and buck summoned y/n to fix it. her worries are settled when she sees apollo on the floor in front of buck, who was dangling a treat. “look what he learned! apollo, sit.” he obeyed bucks words, and buck cheers him on with a huge smile before looking at y/n. “he’s learning! you’re a good dog, pollo.”
“you know, when i brought him home i definitely didn’t expect you two to become best friends.”
“well you know what they say,” buck says, pecking y/n’s lips as she sits down next to him.
after a normal day, y/n and buck were upstairs on their shared bed. y/n was straddling buck, both of them making out. they were fully dressed, finally out of work clothes and being able to spend time together. “you’re so beautiful, buck.” y/n says, before realizing how distracted he is. “you ok?”
“y-yeah! i’m great, it’s just him,” he says pointing to apollo. “we can’t have sex in front of him, he’s our child!”
“do you want me to put him in the bathroom or something? he can’t get into anything in there.”
buck thinks about it, ready to say yes, but apollo had other plans. he leaps onto the bed, giving small licks to both of their faces. y/n looks at buck, who has an apologetic look on his face. “alright, buddy. you win!” y/n says, slightly defeated by the little guy. “but you are not ruining my sex life.”
“honey, don’t say that in front of him!” buck shouts under his breath.
“it’s not like he heard me!”
“still, his ears are too innocent for that.” y/n rolls her eyes and moves apollo in between them as she moves to the side.
apollo had gotten significantly bigger, now in his awkward puppy stage. his legs were a little too long, his coat was growing in a weird way, but he was still the same old apollo. y/n and buck had brought apollo to the dog park, along with christopher and eddie. christoper adores apollo, taking any opportunity to watch him play around. eddie was throwing a ball around with chris and apollo, watching the dog run after it and bringing to back again. they took turns throwing it so he could fetch it, chris had even been throwing sticks for apollo to run after.
y/n and buck watched from the side, their dog running back up the them every time, jumping up in excitement. they gave him encouraging words with high pitched voices, like he just graduated high school. they were offering him treats and water, and asking him questions like he could answer. eddie mockingly asks them, “why do you guys treat him like he’s royalty?”
“because he runs our house?” buck retorts back at him in question form.
“you wouldn’t get it, dad,” says christopher.
“get what? we don’t even have a dog, how do you get it?”
“i just do, okay?” eddie shakes his head and lets them praise this dog like he just won an academy award.
buck wraps his arm around y/n’s waist, standing behind her and placing his chin on her shoulder. “i think you found a good dog, y/n.”
“i think he found us. plus i called it, i knew you’d fall in love with him immediately.” they watched their no longer tiny dog run around with his friends, his new red collar and bone shaped name tag. apollo didn’t care how they lived their life, because dogs will love people as long as they’re good to them, and they saved his life.
bonus w buck and apollo 🥲:
y/n had come upstairs after cleaning up the living room a bit, just reorganizing some of her stuff and fixing bucks things. when she walked up, she saw buck and apollo on the floor. apollo was dressed up in one of bucks shirts with LAFD and his name on the back. “look! he’s a fire dog!” y/n was laughing hysterically at what they’d gotten into. she left him alone for two minutes and he had already dresses him in human clothes.
“buck, he looks pissed,” y/n says. “he looks like he’s ready to bite your fingers off.”
“he would never! he looks great! maybe he should work at the station.”
“you’d get fired from being a disturbance to the dog,” y/n jokes, thinking of how buck will always just walk up to him and talk to apollo like a toddler and giving him gentle pets and scratches.
“you’re a hypocrite, you would do the same thing.”
“touché,” she says kissing his forehead, smiling at buck and his best friend.
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lovelywetdreamer · 6 months
Zuko and sokka smut?
Double scoop gotcha. Sorry for taking so long with this request. I had a hard time coming up with an idea. Zuko is 26 while Sokka is 25.
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A couple of cactus juices and a game of truth or dare later got you on Sokka's lap with him and you making out. While Sokka is exploring your mouth, Zuko twirls his tongue around one of your hard nipples. Zuko's tongue is warmer than most people. Being a Firebender has some interesting qualities, you ain't complaining. Sokka lets his hand travel down your body until it lands between your thighs. He broke from the kiss and asked you, "Can I touch you, please baby?"
"Can I touch you as well?" Zuko popped in with puppy eyes. When the Firelord and the greatest General want a taste of you, you give them a piece. With one nod, you have Sokka and Zuko bumping heads as they both devour you. Two tongues twirling and exploring your cunt. One cold and one hot, you were on the brick cumming. They both could tell how your moans were falling from your lips, eyes shut tight, and toes curling. They are sweet guys that gonna let you com- both of these evil fools stop and just flash a wolfish grin.
"Don't be upset," Zuko says. " We let you come but you're gonna come around our cocks. Is that okay princess?" Sokka asks. One look at their impressive bulges. "Please just fuck me." You moan. Your breasts press and rub against Sokka's broad chest. Zuko's chest is pressed against your back. Both men got their cocks lined up against your soaking core. The poor thing is to squeeze around nothing just waiting for them to derange your guts. They didn't make the wait for long. Zuko and Sokka slowly push themselves into you by inch and inch. Zuko's thick dick and Sokka's long member was stretching you out in a way you never knew. Deliciously painful. "F-fuck you feel so good, baby." Zuko groans into your ear as his balls slap against your ass. "She so tight." Sokka moans into the crack of your neck. Both thrusting inside you deeper and harder until you become numb with pleasure. Two big loads are flooding your walls.
Later on, you gave birth to twins. One with blue eyes and one with brown eyes. Nobody knows how you got pregnant besides you, Zuko, Sokka, and sadly Toph. The poor girl was traumatized so badly she was considering wearing shoes. The Fire Nation and the Water Nation are alleys thanks to one steamy drunk night.
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rhey-007 · 1 year
Helios - Chapter 3
Billy Butcher x reader
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Summary: A fatherless girl finally meets with him after her mother's death. Little does she know that from this point on, her life will fall apart. She'd meet a lot of new, interesting and disgusting people and experience a lot of traumatizing events. Will she be able to choose the right side and take control of her own fate?
Tags/Warnings: 18+, Fem!reader, violence, a tad bit of fluff, sex, oral sex, fingering, big age gap, explicit language, quickie, hickeys, pervert Homelander, semi public sex
A/N: I had a huge writers block and couldn't finish this chapter for 3 weeks but it's finally here!
Previous Chapter
Wordcount: 3990 (around)
‧͙⁺˚*・༓🔅 🔅༓・*˚⁺‧͙
In last chapter:
‘’About that...’’
Hughie’s words made you comprehend why he even came to you. Up to that moment you didn’t even realize you never told him where you lived, you haven’t even talk to each other! Butcher must have sent him to persuade you. That sick motherfucker knew too well how to handle you.
‘’What is it?...’’
You asked giving in. You decided that if you had to help them, you’d do it just for that poor dumplin Hughie, who’s girlfirend got run into and killed by fucking A-Train. And that’s how it started, another adventure with Butcher. God... Why did you always had to get yourself in some shit...
‧͙⁺˚*・༓🔅 🔅༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Chapter 3 - Sunset
And that's how you found yourself there, in an abandoned restaurant, with Hughie, Butcher and some two other guys you've never met. You and Hughie stood in the doorframe watching Billy trying to calm down – what you've managed to catch - Mother's Milk and Frenchie. By their shouts you figured they know eachother for some time already, and you wondered why Butcher didn’t tell you about his other pals. Did they knew about you? Or were they just as clueless as you? Hughie's cough somehow brought their attention to you but just for a brief moment.
They shouted in your direction and went back to fighting, until Butcher realized why Hughie left earlier. He turned around rapidly after pushing boys away, making Frenchie fall down.
„What the FUCK is SHE doing here?! „
The man walked up to you angrily, his fists clenched ready to punch the shit out of Hughie, but you knew he wouldn’t do that. He wouldn’t even try or it would be him who'd get hurt. You looked up confused at the boy. Wasn't it Butcher who sent him to you?
„We need her help okay? He won't talk with us, but she's one of them. Maybe he’ll listen to her! "
Billy huffed and shot you a glare which you returned with just as much anger as him.
„I could've gotten this out of him without her! Good ol' beating and torture. I don't need some fucking ally, or shit! Get her outta' here! "
His words made your heart hurt a tad, but you pushed that feeling aside, clenched your asscheeks and stood up to him as you always would. Ain't no man gonna break your heart nor speak to you like that.
„Oh really? Then I guess you didn't need my help the last time. And the previous one. And the previous one... Want me to keep counting? Tell me, how long are you sitting here and how many times did you try to... Whatever you try to do? "
You turned to Hughie with a murderous look, ready to kill Butcher.
„A few days... "
The boy said quietly, shrinking under your glare and tone of voice.
„And how long did it took you with my help, hm?"
Turning to Butcher with the same face you gave Hughie, made the older man seem like a hurt puppy too. Only you were able to make the allmight William Butcher feel small and scared. He looked down embarrassed and mumbled under his nose.
„Less than few hours... "
„Excuse me? I couldn’t hear you”
„Less than few hours! "
He shouted, stomping his foot like a baby and earning a devilish smirk from you.
„Exactly! So let's do it quickly so I can go home before midnight”
The boys were impressed by your ability to shush Billy, you sure were going to be admired by them. Frenchie motioned for you to follow him, and so you did, walking down the stairs to the basement where the horror happened.
„The fuck... There's nothin in there! "
You hissed annoyed while looking through a window of the ‘cell'. The aluminum foil on the ceiling, metal cage connected to electricity... All that didn't make sense to you. Turning around, you saw the boys' faces were pale, almost white, fear in their eyes as they looked at you. Soon it hit you. Which superhero, close to Homelander, was invisible? Which one, because of their powers, could easily be electrocuted? Translucent. Your face went white, shoulders slumping down, head spinning and on verge of tears. Even though you hated the seven, you hated what they actually did, you hated the company their worked for, they still were the people you kind of grew up with. The people who raised you, shaped you. Besides he had a wife – ex wife, but still – and a son! And you knew them yourself. You leaned against the wall to not loose your balance and fall down. A lump formed in your throat and you were unable to form words for a short while.
„Please... Please don't tell me it's Translucent... "
You choked out. Their faces said everything and they didn’t have to answer. You turned to the wall and took a few deep breaths to calm yourself down, then wiped your eyes and straightened yourself before turning back.
„Gimme the key”
Frenchie threw you the key and you quickly unlocked the cell, then shut the door behind yourself. You kneeled down in front of the cage and shot Translucent a soft smile.
„Helios?... What are you doing here? A-are those motherfuckers keeping you hostage too?... "
The man said while appearing to you and you could hear the hurt in his voice.
„Y-yes... Yes they do... "
You lied with a sigh and flopped down.
„Haven’t seen you for a long time... Stillwell said you died of a heart attack, but I knew that was bullshit. Maverick misses you, you know... We all do... "
His words brought warmth to your heart and made tears spill from your eyes. You chuckled softly while wiping them away. You knew it wasn’t a 100% true, but it still was nice to hear it. Aside the fact that he paraded around Vought tower naked most of the time, Translucent was really a nice and smart guy. He was the one to help you with your homework, whenever you needed it, and the one to tell the actually funny dad jokes. You had to admit you missed those nice moments from the tower.
„I promise I'll visit him one day. But now you need to understand... If you won't tell them whatever they need, sooner or later they'll find a way to kill you... "
„They already did... "
Translucent’s statement made your heart skip a beat and body freeze. You could never think they could be that smart to actually find a way to kill him. What could it even be? Wasn't he indestructible after all?
„They put a bomb up my ass... "
„They... They did what?! Oh my god... I think I'm really gonna have a heart attack... Just- Just tell them what they want okay? "
You shot up and rushed out of the cell furiously. After shutting the door you stomped up to Butcher, grabbed the collar of his shirt and shook him.
„Excuse me?! What the actual fuck?! Why did you put a bomb in him??! "
„Big brain, ain't we? "
He smirked down at you earning a juicy slap across his face, with all the strength you had, almost knocking him down.
„I like you... Rough, but... That was too much Sugar... "
Billy mumbled while scrambling off the floor. The boys chuckled at the miserable state of Butcher in your presence but you quickly shut them up with just one look. It would be an understatement if they said they were scared of you. As much as you wanted to shout your guts out at the men, tell them they are crazy psyhopaths, that their out of their minds and that there are other options to deal with that, you knew you couldn’t. You couldn’t because you'd burst out and reveal the truth about your life. And then, knowing Butcher, they would really keep you hostage and use as a bargaining card.
„Listen Buttercup... You know well how we deal with that. Ya helped me do that after all. So don't say you're surprised. He saw our faces, which means he'd spill out, which means – he has to die. Want me to spell it out for ya, Miss smarty pants? "
You huffed, steam blowing out your ears. But then you remembered something.
„And how are you gonna deal with Homelander? He'll hear the explosion, come here and kill ya”
„We'll sic ya on him "
That grin... That sick grin you both hated and loved appeared on his face. After a few more minutes of the quarrel -when in meanwhile Frenchie and M.M. stated that you act like an old married couple - you heard cars pull up.
„Vought "
‧͙⁺˚*・༓🔅 🔅༓・*˚⁺‧͙
After dealing with Vought and Homelander you heard a loud boom in the basement. Hughie. You literally flew down stairs and the sight made you sick. The cell was opened, Hughie stood in the middle of the blood and guts stained room, his heart thumping like crazy, the detonator in his hand.
„What... What have you done... "
A whisper escaped your lips before you almost puked. You tried to run back upstairs but your had spun so bad you were hitting the walls. Finally out of the building with M.M's help, you gripped onto a trash can and vomited your insides out. The man held your hair up and rubbed your back until Billy came to change him. He felt bad you had to see that, as that was the most gruesome thing you saw while working with him.
“And you're... You're surprised I hate working with you... "
Sighing you looked up at him. Makeup smeared all across your face, cheeks wet from tears that were still slowly falling down. You looked terrible, but for him... For him you looked beautiful. You always did.
„M’sorry... I shouldn’t have... I shouldn’t have ever asked you for any help... “
You shot him a confused look. He never truly apologized to you, never. Shaking your head you fought the urge to embrace him and ignored his sad puppy look.
„Call me when you done cleaning. I'll get rid of the remainings”
‧͙⁺˚*・༓🔅 🔅༓・*˚⁺‧͙
You never thought you’ll find yourself at the Believe Expo ever again. A much as you loved going there when you were young, learning about God and the believes and meeting new people, now you hated the only thought. Walking around dressed all black, sunglasses resting on your nose and a hood on your head, wasn’t easy. It was so hot you were practically melting, but you couldn’t take your disguise off or someone would recognise you. A lot of people actually knew you there, starting from the bodyguards, through priests ending at sellers. Going there was a huge risk nonetheless, but you couldn’t let the boys go alone. They had no idea how to behave at such place – especially Billy... With hands in the pocket of your hoodie, Milk and Billy on your either side with Hughie in front, you strode through the square full of stalls, surrounded by various young and older people. Everytime you passed a stall full of stuff with your father’s face on, an uncomfortable shiver run trough your body and you felt as if someone was watching you.
Soon a young, blonde girl came to your sight. Starlight was her name, if you remembered right. She was so much like younger you and despite being the newest member of the seven you bet she was Homelander’s favourite. Hughie left your group and quickly joined her, then the two walked away.
‘’They look cute together’’
You admitted with a soft smile which dropped the moment you heard Butcher argue with one of the sellers. Rolling your eyes annoyed you motioned to M.M. to pull him away, while you apologize.
‘’It’s okay dear. It’s good thing that you took your dad here. May God have mercy on him’’
The older man said with a warm smile while you just nodded and run away. We’re you really looking like Butcher’s kid in that attire? You hoped not. Just as much as you hoped he didn’t hear the man’s words.
‘’I may not be your dad, but I sure can be your daddy’’
Billy smirked down at you, his arm wrapping around your waist and pulling close. He heard everything perfectly and you couldn’t fool him.
„You wish”
You hissed but didn’t pull away to Butcher’s surprise.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓🔅 🔅༓・*˚⁺‧͙
When the time came your father flew to the stage and started his stupid speech. His words made you shiver the whole time, making Billy question your behavior. When the speech came to an end you took of your sunglasses, Homelander's sight immediately falling to you, as if he knew you we're there, your eyes piercing through each other with hatred and sadness. John noticed the dark haired man glued to your side and frowned. Was hooking up with his victim’s husband a way to angry him? A way to remind him of what he did? He had no idea, but was more than keen to find out. And you were more than keen to angry him even more. You already had a plan. While Hughie managed to snuck into a meeting with Ezekiel, thanks to Annie, you sent Milk off to look for something. In meantime you dragged Billy into a staff tent behing Ezekiel’s. The man looked at you confused before you pressed yourself against him, your lips attacking his.
‘’Woah ,woah, woah... What’s gotten into ya Moonie?’’
He asked after pulling away, which doesn’t mean he didn’t kiss back - quite the contrary – he kissed back even more passionately than you did. That’s when you started to have a weird feeling it was a bad idea to begin with, but decided to continue nonetheless.
‘’Well... Thought you could show me what a great daddy you can be’’
Biting your lip your hands traced down his torso slowly unbuttoning his - what everyone except of you would call - ugly hawaiian shirt.
‘’Here? Didn’t thought America’s sweetheart could be a little perv-’’
You cut him off by harshly pulling his chest hair. He winced a little but soon a smirk came back to his face.
‘’Okay, okay... Whateva you wish for princess’’
Leaning down he captured your lips. This time the kiss was more hungry, as if he was starved of you. And he was. After the second kiss his lips met your neck and left a trail of hickeys down to your collar bone. Huge palms gently gripped your asscheeks picking you up and placing down on a table nearby. He got rid of your hoodie with one swift motion and stared at your full breasts afterwards. You bit your lip softly, his only gaze making you wet, and unclasped your bra letting it fall down to the ground.
‘’God dammit Doll...’’
He groaned before attacking your chest with his plump lips. His beard tickled your skin and left red, itchy marks, but you couldn’t care less as you indulged in pleasure.
When Homelander was about to baptised people he could hear rustling and moans coming out of the tent behind the one he was in. He stared into the wall while Ezekiel talked, his brows furrowing deeply when he noticed your immoral actions through the thin material, thanks to his super vision. His heart started to beat faster with every second of watching Butcher staining you with sins, the vain on his forehead about to pop. You knew well he was watching you, that was the whole plan, otherwise you wouldn’t let Billy touch you like that. Not yet at least. When Butcher slipped his hand inside your sweatpants and panties, pressing his thumb to your aching clit you moaned out quietly.
‘’Mmm... Daddy... ‘’
Your words made Homelander’s jaw clench, especially that now your head was turned towards him, innocent blue eyes watching him with your super vision while Billy destroyed you, and even though he wanted to stop it, save his fallen angel from the brute he couldn’t because of the situation he was in. Soon Ezekiel’s words got him out of trance. Your moans made it hard for him to focus though, and he almost drowned Hughie – partly because of that and partly because he wanted to threaten you and the boy.
Billy was really skillful for a person who allegedly didn’t have sex in a long time. His digits slowly dragged through your folds a few times, getting coated in your slick before he pushed one of them inside you easily. He groaned into your ear feeling how wet you were. Gasping into his shoulder, your nails dug into his back.
„B-Billy... W-we don’t have much time... "
You barely mumbled out after the man pushed another finger inside of you and moved them slowly. He whimpered when your hand slid down his torso to grip his growing erection through the fabric of his jeans. You felt empty when his fingers left your hole, a soft wince escaping your lips. Butcher quickly unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants with boxers slightly down, enough to pull out his member and pull them back up in case, while you shimmied out of your own. Grabbing your hand the man brushed it against your folds, gathering your wetness, then put it around his throbbing cock giving it a few pumps.
„You're so big... "
You whispered almost drooling. It felt embarrassing to think of his girth in the past, but it looked just as you imagined it to. Butcher lined himself against you then slowly pushed inside, earning a little bit too loud moan from you.
„Hey, hey. I know it feels good but we can't get caught can we? "
Billy grinned and you rolled your eyes, before locking them with his when he started to move. At first it was slow and deep, hitting all the juicy spots, but after a few seconds it got fast, hectic, starved, and you didn’t mind. It felt so good that for a moment you forgot about the real purpose of your actions. You burried his face between your breasts. He kissed and sucked them leaving your nipples sore while you once again looked in the direction where your father earlier was. He was gone now though and you let a dissatisfied groaned leave your lips. Billy stopped hearing your groan and looked up at you from between your boobs.
„Everythin okay? Did I do something wrong? "
The look on his face wasn’t confused, rather worried that he might have hurt you, which he wouldn’t like to do at all cost. It was the first time you saw him so worried about you and it felt funny considering what the two of you were doing. Your heart felt warm in that moment and you laughed softly, a reassuring smile on your face as you stroked his hair.
„No, no. Everything’s alright, don't worry”
„You sure? "
Nodding you gave him permission to continue and so he did. You had to admit the sex felt really good and you kind of wished to repeat it one day but in more comfortable surroundings. It took you only a few minutes to cum thanks to Billy's ministrations on your sensitive bud, but you felt it would take the man longer to get off. For a man his age he could last quite long. You pulled away from him, his member still standing firmly after leaving your pussy, then dropped down to your knees. The moment you licked it you felt Butcher's hand in your hair, fingers intertwining with the strands and the palm softly pushing you further after you took him in your mouth. But it wasn’t the only thing you felt. The other one was your father, once again observing the two of you and your actions. The corners of your mouth lifted when you noticed him now watching you from behind the scene, that familiar look of rage once again painted on his face brought happiness to you. Billy's quiet groans and whimpers filled the tent signaling both his pleasure and the fact that he was close. You didn’t want to waste any more time and started to bob your head rapidly every time trying to take more and more of him, which was hard because of your gag reflex. Soon his cock twitched and palm pressed your head all the way down, keeping it there for a few seconds while he spilled his hot seed inside, before pulling away to let you breathe. Smiling down at you the man breathed heavily, then picked you up and placed once again on the table. He gathered himself, then after wiping your face and womanhood with a tissue he found in your pants, he pulled them back on. Excpet, he forgot your panties.
You frowned and crosses your arms over your already fully clothed chest.
„What? Can't I have a little souvenir? "
Butcher grinned at you, his hands stuffing your black panties in the back pocket of his jeans. You just rolled your eyes with a small smile you couldn’t help.
„Go find Milk, I still need to do something "
You ordered which he quickly obeyed and left after one last remark of how hot the whole situation was. Shortly after he left, someone walked in. Walking around you they stopped in front, a deep frown on their face while a bright, foolish grin graced yours.
‘’Well, well, well... Who do we have here’’
‧͙⁺˚*・༓🔅 🔅༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Tag list: @demodemo909 @aleemendoza2425-blog @ostricx
if anyone would like to be added just comment!
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𝑆ℎ𝑎𝑑𝑜𝑤 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐵𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑠, 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑆𝑢𝑟𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑒
Tagging: @augustwithquills , @bloody-mf-bsc
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Liked by freddycarter1, benbarnes, vancityreynolds and 5,897,655 others
Y/N Y/L/N: This man unsettles me. Why the hell do you smile at me like a proud kid looking at his mom for praise?
We filmed the most gut-wrenching, soul-wrecking traumatic scene for your character.
You just know what you will be doing to the fans. You know their pain, and enjoy it and they are gonna come after you for therapy bills. Hope you are rich.
View 657,564 comments
User5: Freddy is just a sneaky cat. That's it. That's my comment.
User7: I don't wanna know the scene... yet again I have a guess .
User9: There is water... And Kaz's trauma includes water... We are, guys, once again...
User6: doomed. As usual.
User4: It's usual at this point, like I can't go on with my day without at least one tiny bit of drama
User3: Once again, mother Y/N is right. We all hope you are rich ASF Freddy.
freddycarter1: I could make Y/N pay for them?? She is the reason you guys cry
Y/N Y/L/N: don't bring me into this, Freddy. It's your fault, you have to deal with it. Or... I can tell your wife that you are bullying me😎
freddycarter1: you wouldn't dare! My wife loves me!
Y/N Y/L/N: Maybe... Not as much as me tho😉
User12: the way Y/N doesn't just conquer the women cast members' hearts but the male cast's wives as well...
User5: Teach us where this rizz comes from Y/N!
User6: Just Y/N and Ben casually making us fall in love with them
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Liked by benbarnes, freddycarter1, amita_suman, jessie_mei_li and 6,573,435 others
Y/N Y/L/N: More memes!
1. Freddy is my one true love, and more attentive and mature and cares more about me.( this is definetly not my amazing,handsome, attentive and bullied boyfriend whom I should pay more attention to.)
2. This is what I was talking about! Look at hım and tell me you wouldn't immediately accept whatever mindblowing War crime he wants to commit together?
3. The only surprise element here is that I paid for the tickets... Even if they were the ones who went to to cinema.
View 566,564 comments
User1: Ben is being a gremlin again by taking her phone... Again.
Y/N Y/L/N: See? Everyone else is very mad at you benbarnes 😒
User5: Y/N show some love to poor boi 😭
User9: Ben is struggling so much djsjsh
User8: he is like a puppy following her around dnjd Have you seen the BTS of shadow and bone? He is always looming behind her and looking over her shoulder to get a glimpse 🥹🤭
User4: We love men who respects and shows his love openly to their lover😎
User6: Istg they want me to put a toast in the tub and live there like that by how cute they are being... look at her giggles and wide smile through her Insta posts after they got together and say otherwise
User9: They really are the best for each other and they are so cute, so supportive of each other and you can also see the Ben's grin is wider and shinier too!
User14: Being the "sugar mommy" of them is Y/N's fate now...
freddycarter1: I didn't hear any complaints from her.
User2: She has all the tittles now, the only one missing is... The Milf 💫
User14: That could change at any moment and we wouldn't know...
User3: 😳
Y/N Y/L/N: First all, no one can be like me... Or else you would be in constant hunger because you two can't cook to save your lives.
benbarnes: my cooking isn't that bad... Right?
Y/N Y/L/N: Could have been worse.
User6: Y/N does he use that kicked puppy eyes on you too?
Y/N Y/L/N: Whenever he wants kisses... Which means all the time. But I have no complaints, I love kissing hım.
User6: So it works?
Y/N Y/L/N: It works wonders.
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Liked by benbarnes, freddycarter1,zendaya and 6,899,790 others
Y/N Y/L/N: Not my fault that they are living moods
1: Me, when they show me the most shocking, spectacular,eye-burning, gut-wrenching,soul-wrecking, traumatic script ever
2. Also me, whenever I look at my boys. And yes, though I always say I hate them here, I love them all so much. I'd probably commit arson for them if they asked but... Yeah.
3. Yes, you saw it right. He took my phone again 😑Like,why do you have your's if you always use mine?
View 678,768 comments
freddycarter1: does that script include us??
Y/N Y/L/N: I don't know...😳🤐
jacktwolfe: I say we give her candy she loves so she can't resist and then take the script and run away when she isn't looking 😊
Y/N Y/L/N: Jack what the fuck? Get out of your Wylan head.
User8: indeed, we finally saw that she had a heart and It's full of love for the boys too... Just not as much as the women
freddycarter1: mind you, this is the best thing that had ever been told to me... I STILL prefer Ben tho
Y/N Y/L/N: All my hardwork was for nothing... But legit anyways, I'd choose my baby too
User5: does it ever bother how Freddy is just you in another font, Y/N?
Y/N Y/L/N: He can do all he wants... I'm the only one who sees Ben in... different light🤭
User9: Y/N just casually dropping hints on their private life is just... Golden djsndbdv
User1: Fr she and Freddy are fighting for Ben's hand jddjjd
User7: Considering the rest of the books and knowing all the scenes by heart now... And adding Y/N cinematography...
User1: we're doomed.
User6: Will go and make a confession to the local church now, for the person I'll become when that happens
Y/N Y/L/N: Calahan is keeping me in a headlock so that I would backdown from my heart-tearing plans... I HAVE YOUR PICTURES WITH A TIARA AND TUTUS, FREDDY AND CALAHAN! Don't make me share them
User5: Poor Y/N... Keep doing it Calahan, just a few more minutes, I live close to her. I can just grab that script and run away
freddycarter1: benbarnes please leash your chihuahua of a girlfriend before we spoil your plans
Y/N Y/L/N: what surprise? Ben is planning something behind my back?? benbarnes, what do you have to defend yourself? 🤨
benbarnes: I will kill you when I'm done running from my girlfriend, Carter...
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Liked by benbarnes, shadowandbone, amita_suman, jessie_mei_li, blakelively, tchalamet and 9,896,798 others
Oh, and @ user3? You are a Seer, that's for sure. Thank you for calling dibs on our marriage, lovie!
And to everyone who always said we were cheaters: İt must SUCK to be with yall because you don't trust your lovers! 😎🫳🎤
View 998,789 comments
benbarnes: You are so beautiful, my ex-girlfriend...
Y/N Y/L/N: Stop saying that, idiot... And, oh... I am beautiful? 🥹🤭
User9: Y/N and Ben are both melting for each other and OMG I'm crying too 🥹
User5: for a fact, I just know that these two cried and still is crying tons while cuddling and reading our messages
Y/N Y/L/N: Do you have cameras in our house??
User8: Someone keep that fucking hater away from here or else there will be millions, including celebrities, who will throw hands!
User2: I think they will not be here because if mother Y/N dissed me like that, I would have found a hole and never get out.
User5: When I tell you I am at my granny's funeral and trying so hard to control my giggles... THE FIGHT IS REAL
User8: We have a holy knight here, hang in there sis! We still need to see their wedding photos!
User10: what's even funnier is that "Ben Barnes I hope you can fight" tag is trending in Twitter lol
blakelively: look at that excited smile! Finally, you are joining the married life! Welcome to club 🤭
User4: Today folks, we all can rest in peace for we achieved what we always wanted for 3 years 😌
amita_suman: beautiful people ❤️ Love you both so much!
freddycarter1: Does that mean we call her Barnes too?
jessie_mei_li: Yes, since they are the mom and dad 😒 Is that even a question?
kittheyounger: we are all united under one holy flag: The Barnes' Holy Kingdom
User15: After 3 years, Ben Barnes finally put that ring on her finger. A day to celebrate for years to come indeed.
tchalamet: Congrats to my favourite director!
Y/N Y/L/N: Don't let Greta hear that Ti 😉
tchalamet: she would say the exact same
User16: Just like that, we achieved it. Now, there is one last thing needed: A mini Ben-Y/N
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chained-sweater · 7 months
the gang & their fears
⇆ㅤ ||◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷||ㅤ ↻ 𝓃ℴ𝓌 𝓅𝓁𝒶𝓎𝒾𝓃𝓰. . .
· ponyboy: spiders. when he was nine years old he came across a spider's egg sac that was in the corner of his closet and, out of curiousity, poked it with a ruler. thousands of baby spiders proceeded to pour out of it and he screamed so loud people thought he was being murdered. he had to sleep in his parent's bedroom with his mom and dad for a long time after that.
· steve: foxes. he and soda were hanging out in the lot during the weekend (they were in middle school) and they both heard a strange rustling sound coming from the bushes. steve went to investigate and when he went to look behind the bush, a baby fox jumped on him and started biting him. the scream he administered was so loud you could hear it all the way from southern texas near the rio grande. soda managed to get rid of the fox and take steve to get patched up at his place. (steve only had a few bite marks and several long scratches, mainly on his right arm, nothing too serious. and no, the fox was not rabid.) he completely lost trust with all foxes after that incident; he's afraid he'll get mauled again.
· darry: he's scared of hospitals. well, more specifically, needles. he's terrified of them. the way they look, how they feel when they're injected into your skin, everything. he'd rather get sick than get the vaccine. he always threw tantrums whenever his parents took him to the doctor's office for a checkup when he was little, and lost it completely everytime he had to get a shot. even to this day he'll put up a fuss. just imagine a twenty-year-old, tall, muscular man screaming like a little girl and sobbing uncontrollably and being forcefully held down by his brothers and the gang and like two nurses over a tiny needle the size of his pinky nail. just do it. picture the scene.
───── ° ❤︎ 。 ─────
· two-bit: clowns. originally, they never scared him. it wasn't until he had a very vivid nightmare about a clown chasing him and (brutally) murdering him did he develop a fear of them. he woke up screaming his head off (scared his mother to death) and couldn't sleep for like, three days afterwards. he never lets his little sister watch anything on TV that has clowns, nor does he ever want her to meet one; he's terrified that they'll hurt her.
· johnny: bugs. all of them. he got kicked out of his house one night and slept in the lot. the next morning he woke up to the biggest beetle crawling around on his chest. he literally woke up the whole town with his screaming; the socs could hear him from the west side. poor boy literally ran to two-bit's house (which was the closest near him) in tears. ms. mathews let him stay for a few days to let him calm down.
· sodapop: heights. he's terrified of heights. there was a carnival in town this one time that he and his family went to. he and his dad went onto the ferris wheel and were having a good time until the whole thing stopped moving. they were on the very top and the ride was falling apart. Despite his dad's reassurances, soda was crying and shaking and fearing that he would fall to his death. they managed to get down safely, but soda never went on anything like that again and promised himself he never would.
· dallas: dogs. when he was still living in new york with his parents, he witnessed a little girl get viciously mauled to death by a rabid dog and it traumatized him. to this day, he's still dealthy afraid of them. it doesn't matter what breed it is, whether it's a puppy—nope. he can't handle it. he can't even stand seeing them. say he were going somewhere and turned a corner and caught a glimpse of a dog. he immedietly turns around and finds another route because he doesn't want to get hurt. (or in his perspective, killed.)
[■■■■■■■■■■] 100%
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monstrous-munch · 2 years
I saw some art of these fae, where they emerge from cocoons like butterflies and now I have THOUGHTS
Ok ok so, you go for a walk in the woods one day, usually you’re fine but today you’ve gotten lost. Like really lost. The trees seem so much bigger, the woods sound strange, and it’s getting dark. So you find what you think is a crevice in a tree, crawling in there to wait it out till morning. You wake with a slight shake the next day, covering ur eyes as sunlight shines through the semi transparent cave around you. When you lower the hand from in front of you’re face, you let out a scream after seeing the man staring down at you curiously.
Poor bubba is totally startled, flapping backwards with his beautiful freshly dried wings, fluttering them nervously. He’d been so excited when he’d spotted you! Everyone had already been gone by the time he’d emerged, so when he saw you curled up on the ground, in the remains of you’re cocoon, he came right down ready to woo you with his ariel dance. But now, well…. You don’t look too happy to see him.
After a few minutes of just staring at the… butterfly man ? Fae ? You decide to climb out of the empty cocoon. He hasn’t made a move toward you, and honestly looks more like a kicked puppy than anything monstrous. As soon as you do emerge however he’s making a startled noise, rushing over to you and cooing intently as his hands move across you back.
Boyo is so worried about you! Your emerging must have been so traumatic, considering your chrysalis is on the ground and you wings are gone. He decides then and there that he’s going to take care of you. Sure he wanted you as a mate before - when he first saw you curled up on the ground, you took his breath away with your beauty. But now that he knows you don’t have any wings… he’s gonna make sure he provides for you and protects you from the beasties of the forest.
Congratulations! You now have a hormonal, cooing, very naked, guard butterfly committed to protecting you and wooing you as you try to get out of….. well wherever you are. What could go wrong ?
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veeepawoon · 10 months
Some theories about Compress' character and past
The end of the manga is near, he was shown looking particularly sad in the panel with Geten. If you think about that it's kinda weird that he has that expression when he's usually sarcastic and arrogant even in bad situations.
I know that he wore the mask during 99.9% of the manga but idk, I don't think he has ever shown that much emotion. C'mon look at him, he looks like a small puppy who didn't get his treat😭
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I have this theory that he is actually a sad person with a sad past and "hides it" behind his sarcastic villain persona, the "mask" metaphorically speaking.
The scene in the anime where his dad talks to him, telling how "the blood of bla flows bla" makes canon the fact that he was born just for the sake of keeping the "bloodline", making him a villain since he was a kid, not like Shig, Dabi or Toga who were traumatized.
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So then why does he say this to Deku? Something about "choosing your future" as you want to... while he is actually the one who didn't have many options.
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Also we all know he is an ex - entertainer
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And how he loves magic and was poor af. Maybe he really only had his father and maybe he died when he was young, making Atsuhiro a young teen/man who lives by himself in the streets. That would also explain him being responsible, mature and more serious than the others. He had more experience, apart from being 32.
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I think he didn't want to be a villain in the first place.
That's why he says to the younger people to follow the path they want to, not the one the others told them to.
Or maybe it's just his rebellious nature, he is still a villain after all.
But I like to think that his dream, the path he wanted to follow was being a magician.
To add something else to the theory there's also some scenes where he says that he doesn't really like violence and doesn't steal if it's not a necessity.
Now I don't want to search for every one of them cuz I'm lazy but this one sums up what I just said.
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Oh and also when he says this to Bakugo
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So idk I hope we'll get a better description of his past because "I'm the great great grandson of Harima" doesn't explain anything tbh👍
Also I still didn't get what Harima's goal has to do with Shig's one... God...Compress is so badly written compared to the other villains😭
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dross-the-fish · 3 months
First of all I just really want to say I absolutely LOVE your art and specially the way you draw Erik, Leroux-Erik my beloved 😭💕
Ok ANYWAY. I saw your posts discussing about Erik and how the Phandom portray him and Raou, and I really want to point out some of my views (in the healthiest and most polite way possible!!!)
I'm not trying to deny Erik's flaws nor that I have an obvious bias since he's my favorite character ever AAAND Raoul is a character I dislike a LOT for multiple reasons lol but, I want to adress that: Erik is a person that endured multiple ways of abuse and humiliation in his life, since he was a child. He has multiple scenes of trauma response and, as you pointed out your post, acts impulsively many times and also shows clear remorse for his actions. What I think separates him from Raoul is (aside from the obvious class diference and the fact that Erik has a whole history of trauma and evidences of mental illness) the fact that Erik learns something from his selfish, self-destructive behaviour. He *had* a chance to end up with Christine if he didn't so shitty with her, and this is very impactful in the end specially because Leroux didn't treat him as a villain who deserved punishment, but as a traumatized AND completely abandoned person who fucked up pretty bad
Obviously, despite my personal beef with Raoul, I don't think he's some sort of abusive devil or any shit like that. I just think Christine would be better at her own. Forgetting Erik's flaws for a minute — Raoul *is* very manipulative, childish and uncaring towards Christine. He, unlike Erik, doesn't learn from his mistakes and presents the same behavior until the end of the story. Idk my girl Christine could be better at her own, single, following her career. The fact that Raoul was born in a rich family in the 19th century and didn't face any of the poberty or struggles that lower-classed people like Daroga, Erik and Christine had also make his character waaaay more difficult to like in my point of view. I'm NOT SAYING THAT "being rich makes you evil" (duh) nor that Erik's actions are ok, just to be clear! It just bothers me how so many people treat Raoul like a saint little puppy and Erik as a monster, like COME ON
Now, back to Erik: I'm not saying you intended to mean that, but I have a huge problem with how part of the Phandom thinks Erik had malicious intentions when approaching Christine, or that his feelings for her are fake. The "Erik knew precisely what he was doing since the start" really makes sense considering how his redemption arc went in the novel. Obviously this changes a lot in many adaptations (for example he's clearly much more self-aware and manipulative in the musical). But Leroux-Erik *genuinely* believed he was doing the right thing. Maybe he had an idea of "uuuugh maybe this is pretty bad maybe i should stop" but the self-destructive-fear-of-abandoment-everything-is-fine voice spoke louder. Let's not forget that what turned Erik into having such a violent mental breakdown was not "Christine doesn't love me and I must punish her" bullshit, it was when he heard her speaking not so many cool things about him and his appearance at his back (NOT BLAMING OR HATING HER, I love Christine, I'm talking about Erik's pov). If Erik didn't love Christine, or if he was a monster, he wouldn't feel any guilty for his actions. The most impactful thing in the ending of POTO is that Erik realized he had treated the woman he loved like trash and even still she showed him the compassion he needed
Ok ending this long ass text, I just wanted to state that I agree with a lot of your points specially how the Phandom tends to summarize everything to black and white even though most of the characters are all morally grey. I wanted people to stop dehumanizing a mentally ill abuse survivor like Erik while also stop hating on a poor woman who never asked to be put into Raoul's or Erik's bullshit lol thanks for having the patience to read, I'm really curious to know what your thoughts about this are 💕💕💕
I appreciate your courtesy, I understand where you are coming from but there are a few points i'm not sure I fully agree with. While it is fair to depict Erik as traumatized or mentally ill, I feel these are ultimately reasons for his behavior, not justifications. I agree that he is a sympathetic character and his story is a tragic one, I also agree that Erik had a great capacity for good under better circumstances. Leroux says "he had a heart that could hold empires but had to content himself with a cellar," or something to that effect and I believe that's true. But some of Erik's behavior cannot be written off as impulse or trauma response. He was still an assassin who built torture chambers and even when no longer in Persia he still had a torture chamber in his home that he made use of. He has enough agency that he can still be held responsible for all of the death and destruction he caused even as we acknowledge that he doesn't enjoy killing and feels remorse. How he deals with his remorse in particular is a bit of a sticking point for me. Erik's consistent ability to willfully "forget" what he does or completely deny the severity of his crimes is very likely a product of guilt but the presence of guilt is not a sign of virtue and after awhile it starts to feel like he is first and foremost dodging accountability. He never feels guilty enough to stop and prefers instead to alleviate his internal discomfort by emotionally distance himself from his actions. I also think it's important to acknowledge that Erik is a villainous character and he is violent with Christine. He does try terrorize her and coerce her into marrying him by threatening to kill her and everyone else. To be honest that's why I like his redemption, because he actually NEEDS to be redeemed. You can't redeem a character that never fell from grace. If we can't hold him accountable for his choices and acknowledge the full harm he did then his redemption is hollow. On the subject of Raoul, Leroux tends to write him as being kind of young and stupid and most of his boorish behavior the product of youthful impulse and the older I get the more I'm inclined to agree. This doesn't make Raoul right or even necessarily likeable but if we're giving Erik grace based on the author's sentiments towards the character we should probably give some to Raoul as well. Ultimately I feel Raoul redeems himself by proving he's willing to die for Christine. He throws himself into mortal peril to save her because he does love her. Yes, he has a lot of privilege compared to other characters and it certainly contributes to him coming off spoiled and bratty at times but at the end of the day he and Christine do love each other and he is who she chose. I'll admit I sometimes feel compelled to defend Raoul even if he's not remotely close to my favorite character just because the fandom tends to over inflate his flaws and hold him to the worst faith interpretation while making every excuse under the sun for Erik. The phandom will go to great lengths to see nuance and humanity in Erik's behavior but not in Raoul's and, while I have my own character preferences and Erik is certainly my favorite by a long shot, I try to be fair and empathetic to ALL the characters in the story, whether I actually like them or not.
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luci-is-a-bitch-x3x · 7 months
Obey me! Nightbringer Diavolo Drabble:
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Welcome! To this adventure! The characters may not be how you imagine! I apologize for any poor jokes, bad spelling, and terrible grammar. Without further ado, please enjoy the content. ♡
⚠︎Caution: Nightbringer Post⚠︎
CW: nightbringer talk, could be spoilers. Lemme know if I miss any other warnings!
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Can we just talk about nightbringer Diavolo? I love it. He's giving zero fucks, madly in love vibes. Puppy love. Like the reality that his father may and probs won't wake up hasn't set in yet, so he hasn't gotten semi more serious about doing his duties. He disobeys Barbatos and runs around with Mc like high school sweethearts. Nightbringer Dia is doing the craziest shit man, I feel like it's still him when he feels like that prince that doesn't have any responsibilities yet, just the young fun Prince. In og obey me he's still fun and silly but he's got himself a more serious, I've been doing this for a bit so I kinda know what I'm doing vibe. He gets like that in nightbringer after a certain situation or whatever, but the point is that we get to see Dia live for a bit. We get to see him just be a normal demon to a point, yeah hes still a royal so he has to live up to a certain standard but besides that he gets to do a lot more silly and goofy things. I mean he also has to do a lot of not so silly really hard traumatizing, this is what makes me so good at being the Demon Prince, and basically Demon King, things too but everyone has to experience character development. Nightbringer in general is fascinating to me and like looking at all the characters is cool but I really enjoy seeing Diavolo in this light. Like nightbringer is complicated and stressful for Mc, but I think nightbringers good for Diavolo, in the sense of him having a moment to just experience what it's like to not to live. To fall in love with someone and run around without permission trying to see the person you love. This specific thing I'm gonna talk about is a spoiler for a chat with the royals I think. But the fact that Barbs texts the group chat with Diavolo and Mc and is basically like calling Diavolo out for not being at the castle, and then Diavolo like tries to play it off and just be like oh why do you ask? And then Barbs sends a picture of Diavolo lost, kills me. But what really kills me is that Diavolo has the audacity to ask Barbatos to take him to Cocytus Hall because he's lost. Like he didn't even ask Barbatos for permission to go, and still he has no shame In asking Barb to take him to Cocytus Hall to see Mc. That and another chat where Diavolo accidentally texts the royal chat with Mc instead of just texting Mc, Diavolo is supposed to be working but is trying to sneak away to take a break and hang out with Mc and then like Barbs is just like "My lord? Do you plan to go somewhere with Mc?" I just find it so funny, like it's basically two highschool sweethearts running around trying to not get caught by their parents but instead of it being their parents it's Barbatos, who knows like everything so sneaking around him is basically impossible. Now I don't think Diavolo's love language and will to disobey Barbatos changes much in og obey me, but I still think it's changed a small amount, like yeah he still disobeys Barbatos sometimes but it's just not the same in my opinion. Like in og obey me it's kind of like a friend and a friend, with a little bit of Barbs still being a strict parent of a butler. In og obey me Diavolo is more serious about his duties so Barbs doesn't have to work as hard to keep him in check. But I'm NB obey me, it feels more like a parent and a child, Barbs has to sit there and try to keep Diavolo in check until he gets serious, and Mc is not a help in Barbs case.
Also can we just talk about NB Dia and Barbs, like okay I don't know the lesson but this is a spoiler, but like finding out that child Dia tried locking Barbatos in a room until Barbatos swore loyalty to him, is insane and so f-ing cute. There is so much of a relationship going on between those two hidden under that butler and master relationship thing they've got going on. You know Barbs gives shit to Lucifer for being soft on his brothers or when Lucifers soft on Diavolo, but Barbs is like that with Diavolo too. Like giving in and swearing your loyalty to a child who locked you in a room even though you could get out with your powers, that's giving in and being soft on them. And for Dia's birthday lesson thing, Barbs gives in and goes soft trying to let Diavolo go have a normal birthday. I'm not going to put a label on their relationship as man would that cause problems, but whatever's going on between them is cute, and I enjoy getting to witness it.
I can't end the Dia nightbringer talk without talking about Dia and Luci. Now here's my thing with them, yes even Diavolo acts like the reason he took them in is because the brothers are shiny jewels that'll make the Devildom more powerful, but he took Lucifer in, because that's his boy. Like I don't know what kind of relationship was going on between the two of them when Lucifer was still an angel, but Lucifer talks about knowing Dia before falling obvi, and when he talks about it, he acts like they got along and we're friends. As much friends as they could be, Lucifer is the Avatar of Pride and looked down on demons. The two of them have such a weird but cute relationship/friendship?? I don't care what you think it is, it's cute. Like do you think when Lucifer was still an angel Diavolo still acted the way he does with him? Do you think Diavolo just sat at the meetings between angels and demons and just complimented and complimented Lucifer until he was bright red in the face and cursing Dia to stop? Also in my opinion what makes Lucifer so special to Dia compared to the other brothers is I bet Lucifer interacted with Diavolo's father a good few times before the fall. So yes, his father did put the brothers in their order so all the brothers may have technically met Diavolo's father, but Lucifer would actually know Dia's father a little. So when Dia's all in the dumps, all is this what my father would've wanted? Am I living up to my father's expectations? Lucifer may be able to be like Barbs and give Dia reassurance as he probably met the guy before he decided to take the longest nap in history. Dia's dad literally makes Belphie look weak, Avatar of Sloth my ass, Dia's dad is the true avatar of sloth. Jkjk.
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That's all for now babes! Hope you enjoyed!! ♡ This is not proofread. Feel free to comment or reblog any thoughts or any add ons you have! Would you guys like me to do more of these but for the other characters? Lemme know, or if you have any nightbringer content you want in general let me know. I'm at lesson 40 in nightbringer. Anyways more content is coming soon so Stay Tuned! Stay Safe! & stay Spooky! ♡
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