#he's so flirty and romantic 🥴🥴
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Jason Marsden and Bree Turner in Animated American
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tarot-bimbo · 4 months
Pick a pileく⁠コ⁠:⁠彡
How does your future spouse flirt?
1. 2. 3.
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Pile 1
I see them being a little toxic but in a good way like more so In a teasing manner. He would like to show off his muscles and pick you up ya know do pushups with you on his back🥴. I can see him being very romantic nothing too much when he kisses you it's really fast and deep. After the first kiss he's working fast to get you in bed I don't think it's that hard tho 🤣 you fall for this persons face they may have a cute little doll face or just be really pretty to you and that's what you like. They like buying you things bracelets and stuff may even get you a necklace with something very special to the both of you on it. They may spy on you? They call that flirting I guess 😜. They like taking you on plenty of dates , anywhere you say you want to go the next day he will surprise you and take you. You may complain about work and he would give you a massage to help you lose stress. They definitely like doing your hair if they do that. They could simply like to cuddle and watch a movie they just like spending time with you doing anything. Your person really likes physical touching so anytime you two are touching they are definitely flirting.
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Pile 2
He loves to worship you like anything you want you can have it 2 times. He loves spending large amounts of money on you even if it's dumb shit and you don't need it but simply because you can. I see you might be a little spoiled it's giving daddy's little girl 🫣. He loves to take you on far away trips I am seeing when Aladdin took Jasmine and showed her a whole new world 🌎. They also fix things for you like let's say the cabinet door fell off in 5min it's back up. Believe me this dude wasted no time trying to make you happy . Anything that makes you happy he will get you even if it seems impossible HE WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN honestly he's such a sweet guy🥹.
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Pile 3
Your future is very shyyyy 🫣 so I don't see a whole lot of like physical touching. I think you two are like dating online 😂 I see a lot of flirty text. I think you both are very shy and that's why I am barely getting any info 😅. Or they are a very closed off person in General. I do see them really wanting to hold hands tho and like other soft things. I can feel the blush all over my face literally flushed with fever 🥵. I think they find you too beautiful to even touch at times and just want to keep you safe and clean like a porcelain doll. He likes to keep you dolled up all like a princess you both may be into dressing like royalty. Roleplay?
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Hope you enjoyed your pile♡
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visualtaehyun · 1 month
I'm not making the same dumb mistake twice in a row so- 'Chop' Anon, please find the long answer to your ask right here! And curse this hellsite for eating asks...
Disclaimer: not a native Thai speaker, still learning 🙏
Anon, my answer is gonna be twofold. The word ชอบ /chaawp/ = 'like' comes up a lot this episode and you can see that it can be used exactly the same as in English, platonically or romantically, it really just depends on context. And as you said, Jane does have the context of catching Ryan staring at him, getting flustered, trying to act nonchalant, talking to himself, zoning out, and generally acting real fucking weird lmao all throughout the episode. It's no wonder that he assumes Ryan's hangry or mad again, even checking for stomach rumbles 😂
The word 'like'
Thai has this fun feature where you don't always need to use pronouns or any other qualifying words to denote who or what you're referring to which can be both a boon cause it simplifies talking by assuming others will know the meaning from a previous or given context (or you intentionally omit that meaning!) and a curse cause it makes translating nuance a bit of a struggle sometimes 🥴
For example, this routinely happens in short question-answer exchanges but I'll let you be the judge:
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- Pie: แกชอบป่ะ /gae chaawp bpa/ = You like [it]? - Ryan, only staring at Jane: ชอบ /chaawp/ = [I] like [🤡?]. - Jane, turning around: [🤡?] - Me @ translating stuff like this: 🤡
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เขาดูเหมื่อนชอบพี่เจนนะครับ /khao duu meuuan chaawp phi Jane na khrap/ = I'm jealous because Khun Joy keeps hitting on you. lol just kidding subs are right on
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- Jane: แบบนี้ ชอบไหมครับ /baaep nee, chaawp mai khrap/ = lit.: Like this/this way, [do you] like [it]? -> this sounds like an odd thing to say to a client in both English and Thai lmao clearly you'd usually ask if it's 'okay' or 'good' or something like that but the script needed to set up Khun Joy's flirty answer - Joy: ชอบตั้งแต่แรกแล้ว /chaawp dtang dtaae raaek laaeo/ = [I've] liked [🤡?] since the beginning.
I'll get back to Ryan's last 'like' at the end~
Jane and pronouns
The second part of my answer is how interesting and, frankly, puzzling I find Jane in how he talks to Ryan. Up until part [2/4] Jane actually completely omits any pronouns with him, as he's done frequently in the past. But when he does use them with Ryan- boy oh boy, he's kinda all over the place this episode! If Ryan wasn't so busy stewing in his confused feelings and jealousy, he might've noticed that Jane keeps flip-flopping between very different choices. Kudos to P'Baimon for catching Jane acting like a lovesick fool too that one time he's smiling at the printer 👀
Here's every single instance of Jane using 1st and 2nd pers. pronouns with Ryan, every other time you read any 1st or 2nd pers. pronouns in the subs in conversation with Ryan, he actually omits them, which is most of the time!
1) When they're unseriously fighting in front of the printer:
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เรานี่แหละ ประหลาด /rao nee lae, bpra laat/ เราเป็นเด็กฝึกงานของพี่ /rao bpen dek feuk ngaan khaawng phi/ -> 🫣 that last one got me a bit shy with the ของพี่ /khaawng phi/ (= mine, my [...], lit. phi's [...]) and I think the editor agrees with me there, considering the music cut out lol
2) When Jane discovers the broken bottle debacle and turns to Ryan:
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คุณไปรอผมที่ห้อง /khun bpai raaw pom thee haawng/ -> back to formal pronouns again, either because they're not alone or because he's about to scold Ryan or both even
3) When Jane scolds Ryan:
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ถ้ามีคนเป็นอะไรขึ้นมา คุณรับผิดชอบไหวหรอ /thaa mee khohn bpen a rai kheun maa, khun rap phit chaawp wai raw/ -> still formal
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แล้วมีพี่ให้โทรหาคนเดียวหรอ /laaeo mee phi hai thoh haa khohn diiao raw/ พี่รู้เรื่องนี้คนเดียวหรอ /phi ruu reuuang nee khohn diiao raw/ -> arguably softening his scolding a bit by switching to the more familiar พี่ /phi/ they established at the end of last ep., maybe because of Ryan's voice too which at this point sounds close to tears
And then Ryan is crying 🥺 Oof. Honestly? Jane was actually harsh this time! But rightfully so too, and it's very much in line with his principles and character. And he does immediately apologize for raising his voice and being so harsh, exactly like he told Ryan he would, in ep. 3, if he did wrong by him:
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ที่หงุดหงิดเนี่ย เพราะว่าพี่เป็นห่วง /thee ngoot ngit niia, phraw waa phi bpen huuang/ = That [I got so] angry is because I was/am worried. แล้วก็ขอโทษด้วยที่พูดแรง ๆ เมื่อกี้ /laaeo gaaw khaaw thoht duuay thee phuut raaeng raaeng meuua gee/ -> no pronouns here again
This is probably just me being me lol but it's giving Lian harshly scolding Kuea in Cutie Pie when he puts himself in danger mishandling a knife and then immediately softening when Kuea starts crying.
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ถ้ามันมีคนได้รับบาดเจ็บ ตัวแกเองนั่นแหละจะเป็นต้นเหตุ /thaa man mee khohn dai rap baat jep, dtuua gae eng nan lae ja bpen dtohn heht/
By this point, I was literally like 'Huh. What even is going on, he's so all over the place in terms of pronoun use, where did this แก come from all of a sudden?' My reading of this is that he's actually just as unsure and confused about Ryan and his feelings for him as Ryan has been all episode.
แก /gae/ is an informal familiar 2nd pers. pronoun that's a little impolite but not nearly as rude as มึง /meung/ and can similarly express closeness with someone you know well, it's used between age mates or for someone younger. In Thai BL, you hear แก /gae/ a lot more from or between girl friends than the rude pronoun of choice between guy friends, มึง /meung/. If you scroll back up, you'll see that Pie called Ryan แก /gae/ as well! The kids are a different story though, they all use a variety of different pronouns amongst each other, depending on context, mood, situation, individual relationship, ... I ain't getting into that lol it would take forever to explain, please no one get any ideas asking me about all of that 🥴
So here we are again with the word 'like'
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ผมชอบงานนี้ ชอบที่นี้ /pom chaawp ngaan nee. chaawp thee nee/ แล้วก็ชอบพี่ดว้ย /laaeo gaaw chaawp phi duuay/
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Arthur meme meets 😦 emoji
Sometimes Jane looks at Ryan like he's trying to solve a puzzle. It seems like he just realized that they're having two different conversations. But judging from his subtle reactions-- He's not dumb enough to assume that Ryan means it any other way than romantically, considering Ryan's odd behavior all throughout the episode too. Looking at the preview, I think he's gonna refuse to acknowledge Ryan's clearly romantic feelings though, not least of all because HR is already looming in the background, ready to go 🚨!!!
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หรือเป็นเพราะผมบอกชอบพี่ไปแล้ว [...] /reuu bpen phraw pom baawk chaawp phi bpai laaeo/ = lit.: Or it's because I've told you I like you [...] -> บอกชอบ /baawk chaawp/ = lit. tell like; tell someone you like them (romantically), confess to liking someone
So! ชอบ /chaawp/ isn't exclusively romantic, same as the English 'like', but there's just no way around how Ryan meant this. And Jane knows it 🌚🌝 Hope my rambles satisfied your curiosity, anon!
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ki-yomii · 5 months
how far have u worked on "ain't my fault" 🥹
I’ve got the whole fic planned out and some scenes written 💛
The concept is the reader and JK both coming from two of the most profitable companies in South Korea. Your marriage has been planned since you were kids as a way to merge the two into one entity/partnership but it’s very much supposed to be a business deal kind of thing.
You always thought he was a jerk growing up and he always secretly had a crush on you and couldn’t wait until you were his wife.
Fast forward to adulthood, the wedding is just around the corner and you both have very different ideas of what your marriage will entail 👀
He thinks it��s romantic and that you guys will be in love just like his parents. Meanwhile you think it’ll be just like your parents - aka marriage of convenience, they have their own lovers and do their own thing bc they are husband and wife in name only.
You might happen to get a little too flirty with one of his employees… and JK is not down for that at all. So what better way to show his feelings than to fuck you over his desk and let everyone know who you belong to 🥴
There’s some more things here and there but that’s the jist of it!
Let me know if there’s any others you’re interested in, I’d love to talk about them ✨
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
A couple of times you have mentioned that you were surprised that JE and Olivia had lasted 2 years. Based on gossip sites over the last couple of years, is that they were off and on. More off because that is what he wanted. There were lots of sightings of him at events where he was really flirty or hitting on someone. My opinion and this is just my opinion, he is a clout chaser. I think he tried to find another higher profile girlfriend, but just could not. So his 'hook-up' is now a more serious girlfriend. Funny thing is no one really seems to care, as far as entertainment sites are concerned. On a side note, I never thought that he was really that in to Zendaya. I just did not think that her truly understood her, but once a again , just my opinion.
A couple of times you have mentioned that you were surprised that JE and Olivia had lasted 2 years. Based on gossip sites over the last couple of years, is that they were off and on. More off because that is what he wanted.
Oh I didn't know that they were off and on.
I usually don't follow them all that closely tbh, but thnx for this insight that they've been off and on. Didn't know that.
There were lots of sightings of him at events where he was really flirty or hitting on someone.
I wouldn't be surprised.... He was doing that stuff while he was dating Z too. 😒 I always gave him the side eye for that. It was embarrassing! I know for a FACT that he was being flirty with Kaia while he was dating Zendaya.🙁 There's actual footage and evidence that I've posted on my blog. That's why many of us in the fandom weren't even shocked at all when he and Kaia were spotted together for the first time in Sept back when he finally flew back to LA from Australia for the first time since covid. 🙄
My opinion and this is just my opinion, he is a clout chaser. I think he tried to find another higher profile girlfriend, but just could not. So his 'hook-up' is now a more serious girlfriend.
I've heard a lot of ppl say that.
Funny thing is no one really seems to care, as far as entertainment sites are concerned.
They're not really all that interesting tbh. 🤷🏾‍♀️ I think he's gonna need a really big role, or one that endears him to more people for the media (or even the general public) to really care about his rlshps like that. When he was with Kaia, he got spotted all the time... but she has ppl papping her just for breathing rofl, so it's no surprise that any guy who dates her is gonna get papped a lot while with her. 🤭
On a side note, I never thought that he was really that in to Zendaya. I just did not think that her truly understood her, but once a again , just my opinion.
This was actually one of my biggest reasons why I didn't like him!! 🤨
This is THEE Zendaya you're dating. You're lucky she's even giving you the time of day when she just broke up with her super-famous millionaire boyfriend Tom. Rofl 🤣 JE was a HUGE step down for her... just in terms of stats imo lol 😆
He just always seemed checked out or going through the motions when he was dating Zendaya. Kaia seemed more his speed no offense. Their rlshp was off too (don't get me wrong), but at least I saw more pics of them being like a normal couple lol.
I'm like, how can you go from Tom Holland (who was so in love with you) to this dude who doesn't even have the decency to look up from his phone when he's with you most of the time? 🥴
Even the pics where she's laughing in NYC... She's like: 🤣😂
And He's like: 😐
It just seemed ODD to me 🥴 Their energy was so off to me. And he looked pissed off most of the time.
Everything about their rlshp seemed off to me. I'm sure he and Z had lots in common, but I never got "warm", "romantic" vibes from them at all. 🥴 It was just strange girl lol. 😅
I'm sure they had fun together and stuff, and maybe at one point Z thought she loved him lol, but they were definitely BOTH rebounding with each other, so it wasn't gonna last. Not when you have so much unfinished business with your ex. Jmho 🤷🏾‍♀️
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sebsxphia · 2 years
hehe it's the anon who was about to watch the last of us to say i've started it!! the accent...i can't
wondering what you think his favorite pet names are (both for you and for himself)
aaaaaaaaaaah my dear anon!!!!!!!!! what do you think of it?? yes. the accent?? so thick. i swear in the game its even thicker 🥴
but yes!! pet names for you both!! oh my goodness, i’m blushing thinking about this 🥹🥹
for you -
baby (his most common name for you, but it’s sweet and simple to him)
baby girl (softly at night when you’re crying)
darlin’ (in that low drawl when he’s feeling pussy drunk)
sugar (in the mornings when he’s tired, just woken up and comes down to see you making coffee)
for joel -
my love (he’s a goner, every time. he loves being your love/r)
honey (it’s sweet, simple and domestic to him. he loves to hear it and be reminded of that time)
my handsome man (when you’re feeling flirty and romantic and it boosts his ego)
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namea123 · 1 year
Unpopular Tenchi Muyo Opinion
I HATE the outcome of Tenchi Muyo. No, hate is too light a word, I abhor what they've done to it with every fibre of my being. I had been obsessed with the show for years as someone who grew up on Toonami. It was one of my all time favourite shows and it is something I rewatched time and again (Tenchi Muyo, the movies, Tenchi Universe, Tench in Tokyo etc).
One of the key elements that kept me coming back was the queen herself, Ryoko Hakubi. Space Pirate to some demon to others, Ryoko was widely regarded as a fan favourite. She had a spunky personality, her playful antagonism with Ayeka was fantastic and amusing. More than that though, her love for Tenchi was my favourite thing about the show. She genuinely loves him, and would do anything for his happiness. In Tenchi Forever, when he was whisked away by the main villain, her voice was the thing that woke him out of his spell.
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She and he arguably have the most romantic coded relationship out of all the girls. Ayeka being the second to actually express her love for him. What I loved about Tenchi was that he valued the girls as family. Outside of Ryoko and Ayeka all the other girls didn't treat him as husband to be material. Sasami was like his little sister and they had a cute sibling type bond. Washuu was his mentor, and yes could be flirty with him for the sake of making him uncomfortable and pissing her daughter off but it was never portrayed to be a genuine serious romantic interest. Ryo-Ohki was a literal cabbit (cat rabbit) for majority of the series and other than one appearance as an "adult" she was shown as a child like Sasami when in human form. Mihoshi was like a loveable crybaby big sister. She had a short instance of crushing over Tenchi when she just joined the Frey but it disappeared relatively quickly. The roles and dynamic for the cast was fantastic. It wasn't a stereotypical harem, Tenchi didn't care about romancing the ladies under his roof. They were his family and with the exception of the aforementioned Ryoko and Ayeka, they loved him back in a normal familial way.
That is until the writers decided to go charging into stereotypical harem territory.
**Spoilers Ahead**
I won't waste your time, Tenchi ultimately marries ALL of the ladies. I was in disbelief. Ryoko and Ayeka were ultimately who I saw marrying Tenchi if he did have a polygamous marriage (it made sense so I had expected it). WHY did he have to be paired with all of them?!? Him wedding Sasami who magically grew up in the span of 12 years despite never aging for centuries. She still also calls him Tenchi Niichan (🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️). Him marrying and impregnating Ryo-Ohki is one of the most ridiculous and quite frankly awful developments to have come out of this continuation. She's a freaking spaceship that can't speak and literally meows!!!!!!!!
Not only that Ryoko who always loved and adored Tenchi is now docile and content with sharing him when she couldn't stand seeing another woman with him. We were teased with images such as this of their wedding and Ryoko as one of the possible Empress Consorts of Jurai with their daughter.
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They gave them the most romantic moments only for them to get a sloppy canon. What good is canon if it's a steaming turd?? What's worse is that Kajashima (the creator) is the one who made it into a giant pile of shit.
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I do not recognize this show, I do not recognize my fave characters and I sure as hell don't recognise this terrible whack plot. I guess there's a reason why I only found out about this show two years after it aired. Hell I didn't even know season 4 had come out 🥴If ever a show should do a redo, I'd fully support it being this show.
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mianmimi · 2 years
"Imagine him having the best dreams of this loving, handsome man making love to him, and then him waking up covered in sweat wanting nothing more than to just cuddle with his lover." 😳🥴😩🥵🔥 Mordo walking about with a dreamy look in his eyes and Wong knows what's up. "So, you had those wet dreams again?" I love the idea of 616 Mordo dreaming of 838 Mordo's happy life. I like to believe Mordo helped Stephen find Kamar-Taj and fought for him to be accepted because that's just the kind of guy he is. He saw a lost soul and helped. Mordo is compassionate and has a soft spot for strays. But when Stephen shaved the beard, it finally clicked. Mordo had his oh fuck moment as he realized Stephen was the man in his dreams giving him that good pipe. And unconditional everlasting love, of course, but also damn that good pipe™. He'd already fallen for Stephen on his own, but that confirmed it in Mordo's mind that they would be good for each other, that he should pursue a relationship with Stephen, and that's why he's a bit flirty during their sparring session in the courtyard. Mordo is a romantic at heart. At that point, before the Ancient One's death and Stephen's deal with Dormammu, Mordo's probably thinking "he's my soulmate 🥰" All of this makes me think of 838 Mordo and 616 Mordo meeting, btw. What would that be like? Imagine a version of yourself out there in the multiverse that's living the life you always wanted. 838 Mordo doesn't like 616 Stephen, and rightly so, but I can picture him telling 616 Mordo that at least his Stephen is alive. So, in the end, it was 616 Mordo who won. He had a bad beginning but the good ending. A happy ending for both Mordos pls that's all I want 😭
Thank you so much for this submission sweet Nonny! I agree, I think Mordo helped Stephen out of the genuine compassion without expecting anything in return. And when he discovers that Stephen looks just like his dream guy (literally) he’s probably so ecstatic and hopeful. Like yes! After all those dreams and years of longing, I’ve met my match. I just also imagine him sharing this with Wong, who carefully reminds him that people can be great loves in one universes and mortal enemies in another 🥲
I think Mordo would be too high on hope so to speak to even consider the possibility that this Stephen would be anything short of the one in his dreams. Which of course makes it more heart shattering when he feels betrayed and abandoned. It’s like waking up to a harsh reality 😭 And now whenever Mordo has those dreams of 838 he just feels like he’s invading someone else’s perfect life, getting scraps in these dreams and feeding off someone else’s joy.
As for a meeting between the two Mordos….I think they’d be so different it scares them both. But eventually they’ll find a very sad comfort in seeing how the other one’s life went. 616 is happy that he got to live a wonderful life in 838 until Stephen’s passing. And 838 is happy that 616 got to live a life completely on his own terms.
I also imagine that 838 mentions how 616 is so fortunate because at least his Stephen is still alive, meaning their story isn’t yet done, meaning they can still reconcile and find that happiness together. Would this change 616 Mordo’s mind? Would it make him reconsider his path? Oh the wondrous possibilities….
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katbrando · 2 years
[ questions from this post, previously answered: 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40,41-50, 51-60, 61-70 ]
☁️ What’s the longest time you’ve been apart? a couple months into our relationship, diego returns to his hometown in the UK for around two weeks. we both act like it won't be that big of a deal, but we miss each other a lot and constantly text or facetime when we're both available, despite the time zone difference.
☁️ What do you argue over most? How do you resolve things?  mostly really stupid shit, tbh.. but our worst arguments have stemmed from frustration over our difficulties understanding certain things about each other. while we do have a lot in common, there are drastic differences in our core personalities, and it can make it difficult sometimes to see where the other is coming from.
☁️ What do you find is the most annoying thing about each other? while he's not outright rude to people who work customer service jobs, he's pretty outspoken and will make it clear when he's not satisfied with something. and as much as he may or may not try to suppress it, his snobbish attitude peeks through sometimes and it can be uncomfortable to sit through when he's telling someone else off. and he hates that i can't seem to make decisions about anything: where to eat, what flavor of ice cream i want, what outfit to wear, what song to listen to, etc etc etc
☁️ What can you never seem to understand about each other?  he hates when my selflessness gets to a point where it works against me. he thinks i should be able to shut it off and prioritize myself 100%, and it's difficult to explain to him that it simply doesn't work like that. and i have a hard time grasping his lack of empathy sometimes. while he's quite conscious of my emotions and cares deeply about me, he couldn't care less about most other people. we're complete opposites in that regard, and it can make things challenging.
☁️ What’s the worst thing you’ve done for your partner?  i led him on for ages 😩 we kissed and then i kept telling him it was nothing and yet we kept kissing and i just kept denying it!!! the fear and insecurities had taken over but it wasn't fair to him at all.
☁️ Do you have any insecurities about your relationship?  i definitely did at the start, but only because he's so Hot that people unsurprisingly are drawn to him, and he's very charming and can be flirty without even knowing it 🥴 but he's quite proud of our relationship and is always talking about it, so he makes it clear that he's happily taken and uninterested in others. nowadays i rarely feel insecure, but if i do it typically stems from me worrying that my mood disorder will scare him away someday. his patience and desire to understand are very obvious, though, which helps.
☁️ What would you guys consider cheating? i guess any romantic/sexual gesture towards someone that isn't us? like i said, diego can be flirty without even being aware of it, so if he happens to dish that out a little bit it doesn't bother me too much. he's extremely clingy and protective, so i know even the tiniest bit of flirting would set him off big time, but he also trusts me wholeheartedly AND there's no way i'd be interested in anyone else anyway 🥰
☁️ What was a moment that really put your relationship to the test? definitely trying to maneuver my own insecurities related to sex and intimacy, diego was raring to go immediately, but it took me Forever to develop enough comfort and trust for him to handle me like that. his sex drive is quite high and he'd been single ever since moving to the US, it really threw him off and frustrated him for a while. but even after i told him he should find someone better for him if he felt it wasn't worth the trouble, he just got even more determined to earn my full trust 🥺
☁️ If you could change one thing about your partner, what would it be? his shitty attitude (i'm kidding), no but actually i would change how critical he is of himself.. i don't think he's even fully aware of it, but it's so clear in the way he sets such insanely high expectations for himself and becomes so angry when he can't reach these unrealistic goals. he works very hard and comes from an extremely disciplined household, it's in his blood but i wish he were more gentle with himself.
☁️ In relation to your exes, how do you stand against each other? Would you say you’re better than their exes and vice versa?  he's definitely better than my only ex, for a long list of reasons. he's literally perfect (minus a few things, but shhhh). he says i'm better than his exes, specifically noting my mature approach to relationships 🥺 i love him
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jophinabean · 8 months
Reviewing The Improbable Meet-Cute series
Book one - The Exception to the Rule - One typo, and a boy and girl connect by chance. Wishing each other a happy Valentine’s Day isn’t the end. In fact, it becomes a friendly annual tradition—with rules: no pics, no real names, nothing too personal. As years pass, the rules for their email “dates” are breaking, and they’re sharing more than they imagined—including the urge to ask…what if we actually met?
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐... Without question! 🥰 Soooo cute! Sweet little love story that had me smiling the whole way through! The first half is written in an email format spanning 10 years which I actually really liked. Only (I think) 24 chapters, 80+ pages long, but you really get to know the mcs and fall in love with their love story! I'd recommend this to anyone looking for a short and sweet read for Valentine's day! Definitely my favorite in the series! Plus the mmc, Callum, is 🥴😘👌
Book two - Worst Wingman Ever - Holly is dealing with the impending death of her grandmother and still reeling from a bad breakup. One bright spot: a Valentine’s Day card on Holly’s windshield—even if it wasn’t meant for her. An amusing mistake soon turns into a lovely exchange of anonymous notes, little acts of kindness, and a growing affection between two strangers. What happens when one of them has to say goodbye?
⭐⭐⭐⭐... Also very cute and fun! Again getting a good look into the mcs lives to get to know them separately, but wasnt revolved around them together as much. In fact they only interacted face to face twice the whole time, I would've liked more interaction so they could feel more right for each other by the end. Good story non the less!
Book three - Rosie and the Dreamboat - Rosie Whittaker and her sister are up for some Galentine’s pampering at a day spa. Getting locked inside a flotation tank is so Rosie. Enter a firefighter hero determined to pry this luckless pearl out of her high-tech shell. All Rosie has to go on is a dreamy voice and a flirty sense of humor. Remain calm, Rosie. This could be what you’ve been waiting for. Is this the man she’s waited for her whole life.
⭐⭐⭐⭐... This one is a hit or miss, but I personally loved it! A lot of people said it was too unrealistic, like Rosie (who supposably has ptsd) being so calm in her situation, being perfectly fine afterwards and not sueing the spa. Those things didn't bother me as much because after all... it is improbable love stories. It had really good and funny banter between the mcs, although very cringy at times. Overall I really enjoyed this one too! And for me Leo is also 🥴🥰👌
Book four - Drop, Cover, and Hold On - This Valentine’s Day, Daisy Murray has her heart set on binge-watching rom-coms. Instead, an earthquake traps her inside a bakery with its impossibly rude and insufferably handsome owner and head baker. They already have a history: she’s always smiled, he’s always scowled. Where better to finally get to know each other than amid the disaster? Then again, they have no choice. Besides, it could have its sweet, undeniable, and unpredictable perks.
⭐... Really disappointing. Boring, skipped though paragraphs that just thoroughly described a pastry or fmc getting texts from family and friends. The mcs had no connection with each other or the reader. They had a weird dynamic and just blah dialogue. They really didn't show any interest in each other until the end when they suddenly really wanted to have s*x. It was just weird, boring, and had nothing romantic about it... and I can't believe I didn't leave half way through.
Book five - With Any Luck - Audrey Love is cursed to be the person before you find your soulmate, the girl you dump for your true love. So when her best friend disappears hours before his Valentine’s Day wedding, Audrey fears that she did the unthinkable and kissed him at last night’s bachelor party. With help from the best man, she retraces her steps to find the missing groom and, with any luck, a true love of her own.
⭐⭐... This one was eh. The story had potential but it wasn't executed very well. Reading two disappointing stories back to back... I basically forced myself to finish this one, telling myself maybe the ending will be good... It wasn't. One brief surprise s*x scene with moderate detail was the most exciting part of the whole story, but I didn't enjoy it anyway since I wasn't enjoying the story. Disappointing to say the least.
Book six - Royal Valentine - Did not read. Literally, I was so disappointed with the last two that I didn't even read the last book. Didn't want to waste my time if it wasn't going to be good.
The first one is definitely the best and the one I would most likely read again. The second and third are still good, the third being my favorite of the two. The last ones.... 😶‍🌫️
Also these are all written by different authors but two of them mentioned 90s Brendan Fraser to describe the guys... Which I found humorous but also kinda lazy writing ???
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ruminate88 · 8 months
Maybe we both wore a false face:
When I met Andrew, I was cold and numb. I was traumatized by being ghosted from a guy named Cody, prior to meeting Drew.
I can’t even remember adding Andrew as a friend on Snapchat, nor can I remember our first hello 😳 It’s all fog to me this day and that scares me! But as we talked, he appeared so innocent, as if he was just a young college man finishing his freshman year packing up to go back home to his parents and to work his summer job, but he was super flirty and romantic as well. (Almost too good with his words) He asked me to marry him the first week we met…. I took it as a joke but was he serious??
Me, being in a traumatized, mindset, struggled to accept him and his outrageous grand gestures towards me. It was very overwhelming and didn’t seem real. He never gave up though… In fact, he disappeared for a couple weeks so that I would wonder a lot about him and then, whenever he came back to me, I was more open and receptive to conversation with him.
He gave me breadcrumbs for a whole summer, was very romantic and flirty, but not open and honest about his intentions or his feelings for me! 🥴 I never knew where we stood if we were in a relationship or if we were just having fun. At some point, I caught feelings for him and couldn’t walk away so I confronted him, and we began in relationship .
Now he’s a sophomore in college. He gets his first apartment and he says he wants me there, but his actions seem to say otherwise and it’s very confusing. I wonder how serious he is about me…… Later on in January after New Year’s Eve, he’s love bombing me and spending all this crazy romantic private time with me!! 😱 He was so affectionate towards me that I thought I died and went to heaven! I was totally crazy over him starting to slowly open up to the idea of him truly and I start to see myself actually with him. For the first time, I admit to myself the possibility of falling in love with him and spending the rest of my life with him. 😆 I began to fantasize about a family with him, and I started planning the names of our children!!!
However, there was this eerie, feeling of what his true intentions were towards and after January ended, he became very cold. I could feel him slowly, pulling away from me, and I couldn’t stop it. It began to unsettle me and hurt me and there was nothing I could do about it to stop it. I continue to pour out my feelings for him, and he seemed to complement me with romantic words when he knew I was confronting his behavior, but his actions made me feel that I wasn’t enough for him. That he was with other women when he wasn’t with me! 😣😣😣
and my desperate attempts not to lose this man, that I think is so innocent, and possibly the grand love of my life, I start trying to be what I “think he really wants” which was “nothing but a toy.” Sending countless selfies with a pouty lip, eyes of desperation, and the only thing that was covered on my body was the one place I felt he only cared about touching. My heart was completely out of the question!!! 🥺🥺🥺
As his mask began to slowly drip from his face, I realize the possibility of his intentions, not being genuine, and his words being a lie. The fear of him, having other women in his life, made me feel competitive and jealous without even having proof. I threw myself at him, desperately, sending him selfies, begging him to use me and abuse me. Without even realizing what he was doing to me, or what I was allowing him to do based on my own insecurities. Fear of abandonment, fear of being left , not feeling good enough to be loved by him or any man. The great fear of losing my life.
Eventually, in efforts to protect myself, I believe I dropped some of my mask as well, and started to show him that I really truly wanted a loving, heartfelt relationship with honesty and innocence and no I did not want to be his toy, even though I had already been his toy for so long and it was too late . We had already exchanged countless pictures of hidden mysteries and secret places. Longings and desires! Desperation and filth!! Me surrendering parts of me in these pictures that I wanted to keep dear and safe, yet in my desperation to be loved by him, that fear of abandonment was overriding my deep, morals and beliefs. The obsession and attraction for him that he himself manipulated me into having over him, caused me to abandon my true self, and my true worth.
After I broke up with him, I found that I still felt this deep attachment and obsession towards him, continuing to obey his commands. Him saying one thing, commanding me to give my pictures to him, to have those lustful conversations of great desire but his actions kept showing me that he really doesn’t even care about anything to do with me. It was simply fulfilling a need that he had all along. One that never is satisfied. 🥴 He portrayed all of his internal struggles, conflicts and insecurities upon me, and without me realizing it, I begin to wear those things, and I was transformed into this bitter, worthless, empty, lost person.
At the end of knowing him, I almost was him. I could look in the mirror and only see him. Tears and suicidal thoughts washed over me so many times until I finally cried for help!
All these many years later, I only see him in the back of my mind. I only feel him treading behind me close. A ghost of my past. A lost desire from the forbidden forest of lust and betrayal.
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maeum-your · 3 years
do you have any smau recs? 💓🌸
sorry for the late reply i am super busy with uni and was thinking way too hard about this 💀 i will probably make a separate post in the future with all of my recommendations 🥰
i am in desperate need of some as well so if anyone knows some good ones I AM BEGGING YOU ON MY KNEES let me know‼️you can recommend your own ones, too, if you want to❣️
here are the few ones that i know and have loved to death:
- obviously anything by @ddeonuism | my beloved nics has yet to miss, everything she puts out is FIRE but most of you probably know her already because she is the queen of smaus 👑 my (accidental) demon roommate is her latest work and we get a hot demon hoonie as a roomie what's not to love 😍
- children of divorce by @sankyeom | exes to lovers with heeseung MY COMFORT SMAU I CAN'T PRAISE THIS ONE ENOUGH I JUST LOVE IT SO MUCH 😭😭😭
- love letters by @tqmies | cute jay smau where he is secretly the artist of y/n's favorite manga
- no nut november by @jayflrt | five part stories for every member of the hyung line and yes it is about exactly what is says 💀 literally so upset that it's over already :/
- you, me and the moon by @linoragi | heeseung has been writing secret love letters to y/n and I NEED THEM TO GET TOGETHER ALREADY 🗣️‼️
- sorry I'm an anti-romantic by @sankyeom (again) | absolutely love the fake dating trope here and can't wait to see how it's going to play out!
- prove it by @seungstarss | i actually just cried and got my heart broken with the latest chapters 💔 JAKE WHAT THE FAWKES
- deliver to your heart by @blessed-sky | she is my bestie 💖 even though the smau has just started we all know that it's going to be soooo good (very flirty sunghoon x reader)
- jungwon's noona by @oddeonu | this one is a rollercoaster of emotions! it's 02z x reader and i need to know how it's going to play out 😩
- loser lover by @sunbokie | i literally don't know anything about gaming at all but i still love everything that we have seen here so far!! gamer heeseung is a sexc concept in general but y/n is a gamer too 🥴
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borathae · 3 years
fic request:
(is my first time sending a request so idk if i did it right, maybe is too much detail and you wanted something less specific im sorry, but i hope you can consider the idea and keep it if you want!)
strangers to enemies to lovers
jungkook as an action taker, basically inspired in the one from season’s greetings. he fights against bad guys maybe as an undercover cop or he just hired by a group to kill bad guys
oc as a crazy minx girl inspired in harley quinn or jinx from arcane you know those crazy funny bitches that have no remorse and kill whoever if they need too. i also imagine her as an illegal car racer yk she just wanna have fun amd does a bunch of illegal shit
she meets jungkook fighting against him in one of his missions and they hate each other ofc but oc being the flirty brat she is a sort of sexual tension forms between them
eventually she joins jk in one of his missions and they have a romantic moment. i imagine it being after a murder scene or smth like that maybe she gets jealous bc jk flirts with other woman so they can get the mission completed and that’s where all feelings surface. i imagine dirty crazy smut since shes a little bit out of her head and jungkook is hot and lil crazy too i mean he a killer
then jungkook gets orders to get rid of oc cause shes sort of a criminal and he gets devastated cuz he caught feelings for her u kno…
he finally sort of betrays her but instead of killing her or putting her to jail as he was ordered to he sends her to a mental hospital (so he can avoid send her to jail i know thats not how the law works but ok)
then you can choose how to end it but i imagine after some months or years he goes to visit her on the hospital she was and finds out she escaped but he finds a message specially for him... :(
omfg that sounds like something I would gobble up 🥴 I can definitely write something like this under the one condition that y'all ain't gonna come into my inbox and complain about how evil the OC is. Cause if you tell me she can be a crazy, no remorse bitch I will make her a crazy, no remorse bitch 🥵 ALSO I JUST LIKE IMAGINED THE FUCKING SEX THEY'RE GONNA HAVE like maybe they were wounded after a fight and they just fuckin' and OC has the brilliant idea to like dig her finger into Koo's wound and he is all like "wtf that hurts?" and she just smiles and bounces on him harder and Koo just goes full on brain dead, head dizzy "fuck that's hot, you're so hot, do it again" gngnngn I AM INSANE FOR THIS COUPLE ALREADY FFGNFNG 🥵
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destinyc1020 · 3 years
that anon confesses to being anti meanwhile I confess to getting into her because of tom daya. Don't judge me coz I only became a fan of Tom because of her as well lol! I was casual marvel fan and I'm a sucker for any black girl that rocks a red carpet the way she always does so she got an insta follow and like from me from time to time. Their early (flirty) instagram activity got my ears perked up and I haven't looked back since. I'm so proud of how far both of them have come and I hope they consider more lighthearted roles in the future. I can totally see Tom slaying an award season for a comedy-drama type role, he's a natural he doesn't need to do gritty all the time. I totally get z wanting to shed the Disney requirement of always hamming it up on screen (and she did it, emmy winning hot girls only!) but if she ever does a TV show again I hope it's not as dark as eu.
Hahaha thanks for your confession too Anon lol. It's fine.... We all come into fandoms for many various reasons or another. We're introduced to people because of certain things, and that's nothing new lol. The only thing that matters is that you're a fan and that you support them both! I love to see that. 🥰
RE: Roles... I agree... I think I would love to see Z do something more light-hearted after EU. I honestly kind of hope that this is her last season of EU 👀, only because it's such a huge time commitment! And this current season has seemed to drag on FOREVER because it was supposed to start filming back in Oct 2019 remember?? 🥴 Idk... Maybe it's just me, but I just feel like it has been a show that took nearly 2 years in the making lol. I would love to see Z (and Tom) in a romantic comedy, or just something light-hearted for a change. Tom has done more light-hearted work imo lately. He did Spies in Disguise, Onward, Dr. Doolittle, the Spider-Man franchise (which I consider pretty light-hearted), the Avenger sequels, etc. AND he's about to do Uncharted (which is pretty much going to be an action-adventure film). To me all of those films are way more light-hearted than TDATT, Cherry, or even the upcoming TCR. I think Zendaya has done more light-hearted stuff in her early career, so she might be trying to do more serious stuff to break out of the Disney shell a bit. But after M&M and EU, I would just love to see her doing something more light-hearted before she has to do "Be My Baby". I get the feeling that is going to be a pretty heavy film. 🥴
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