#he's holding a bong in front of his crotch like a dick
stargazerdali · 2 years
drawing Valentine again for the first time in a while, and of course he’s being a weird little slut
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cocomaxley · 6 years
We're Better Together
Part 2
This is a part of a TRR A/U called Cordonians Gone Wild, a collaborative effort by @ao719 @leelee10898 @speedyoperarascalparty and yours truly. Catch up HERE.
Summary: A look back to Pam’s and Drake’s stag and doe camping trip.
Rating: NSFW, mature and very bad decisions.
Tag List: @riseandshinelittleblossom @blackwidow2721 @hopefulmoonobject @bobasheebaby @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @fullbeaumonty @brightpinkpeppercorn @katurrade @krsnlove @alj4890 @zaffrenotes @annekebbphotography @carabeth @moneyfordiamonds @give-me-ernest-sinclaire @3pawandme @indiacater
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Drake and Pam are the first to turn in for the night. Shortly after, Rashad and Leo announce they're going to bed. The women kiss their men good night. Anitah, Alicia and Genevieve look at each other and start giggling. Genevieve goes to hers and Rashad’s tent and brings out a bag full of bachelorette party decorations. She looks at the other two girls, “We have to be quiet. We can't wake the grumpmallow.” Liam stands and turns to Anitah, “What are you girls up to? You know what, I don't want to know…” He kisses her and enters their tent.
They open the bag and start pulling out the different penis shaped decorations. Genevieve tapes a banner that says ‘Same Dick Forever’ to one side of the tent, a penis in place of the ‘i’. Anitah and Alicia strategically place dick shaped signs into the ground around the tent. Pam had agreed to leave the door unzipped so they could access it without waking Drake. The girls hang penis shaped lights and cardboard penises attached to ribbon to the ceiling trying their hardest not to laugh. One of them hovering directly over Drake’s head. All of a sudden, he rolls over. The three of them freeze in place and hold their breath. He lets out a loud snore and Genevieve gently places a penis shaped pillow by Drake’s arm that he pulls into him, cuddling it. They tiptoe out of the tent, give each other a high five and go to bed.
“What the fuck am I holding?” Drake yells from his tent. He looks at the plush, dick shaped pillow that is complete with dark “hair” around the balls. He tosses it aside and it hits Pam in the face. She's about to yell at him when she sees what it is and starts laughing. Drake is batting his hand at the cock shaped paper that is swinging around his face until he is able to grab a hold of it and rip it down from the ceiling.
They gather around the fire to eat breakfast together. Anitah, Alicia and Genevieve share a look and go back to their tents and come back with gifts. “Alright you two! Happy stag and doe weekend!” Alicia squeals. She hands Pam a box. Pam unwraps it and giggles when she sees that it's a ring toss game, but it is a dick attached to a headband, meant to be worn on someone's head to catch the rings. “We are playing this today!” She says laughing loudly. Anitah hands Drake a box. He raises an eyebrow at them, “This is nice of you guys, but I have a feeling I won't want whatever this is…”
Anitah rolls her eyes, “Just open it, Drake!” He unwraps the gift and Maxwell lets out a whistle when he holds up a pair of boxer briefs that has gold glitter on the crotch that says “Unicorn Mode” with a gold unicorn surrounded by stars. Pam smiles and whispers, “You're wearing those tonight, baby.” Drake chokes on his coffee and turns bright red.
“We have one more gift for you, Drake”, Genevieve says, handing him a gift bag. He looks in and sees a funnel with a tube. “A beer bong? Hey, this is actually really cool! We can bring this with us on the river”, Drake says with a smile. Genevieve stifles her giggle and says, “I'm really glad you like it!”
After the gifts, the girls are waiting while the guys prep the canoes, Skittles and their supplies for the day. Anitah grins to the girls and pulls out a bottle of Baileys. She pours a generous amount into her cup and passes the bottle around. Drake walks over and arches his eyebrow, “What are you guys up to?” The girls giggle, drinking their coffee but don't say anything. “Let me have some of your coffee, baby”, Drake grabs Pam’s coffee cup from her hand. He smells it and takes a sip, “Really guys? It's 8:30 in the morning.”
“It's my bachelorette party! I'll drink if I want to!” Pam says taking her cup back. She hands him the bottle to pour in his own cup. “Don't tell Liam. Better yet, go ahead and tell Liam”, Anitah says with a mischievous smile.
Once the bottle is empty, the ladies go into their tents to change and join the guys by the canoe launch. The guys look at their women with wide eyes. Pam is wearing a white racerback tank that says ‘Bride’ and the other three are wearing the same tank in black with ‘Squad’ written across the chest, they're only wearing their bikini bottoms, no shorts. The ladies and Maxwell get into the giant float which is tied to Drake’s and Rashad’s canoe. Another canoe is filled with different kinds of booze and ice, it's tied to Liam’s and Leo’s canoe.
The boys start paddling as the girls lie back on Skittles enjoying the warmth of the sun. “Oh wait! I almost forgot!” Alicia giggles as she grabs a bag. She hands Pam a veil that has a headband that says ‘Bride’ and an erect penis with silver ribbon spurting from the tip. The girls roar with laughter as Pam proudly puts it on her head.
“Don't worry, Drakey Bear, we got you something too!” Genevieve yells. Maxwell pulls Skittles closer to the canoe so she can hand Drake a crown with two very large boobs at the front. “I'm not wearing this!” He grumbles tossing it into the river. Maxwell grabs the crown as it floats closer to Skittles. “If he's not gonna wear it, I will. This is awesome!” He says with a big smile.
They reach the first drink station and they dock the boats and float. They go up to the table that has shots of a locally distilled whiskey. They clink their glasses together and down the drink. “Wow that was pretty good. I'll have to get a bottle of that” Drake says impressed. They grab more drinks from the canoe and the girls decide it’s time to show the boys their bathing suits. They pull their tank tops over their heads, revealing their bikinis. All four men’s heads snap in their direction. A group of young men rowing past start hooting and hollering. One man eyeing Pam shouts, “Hey, need one last fling before the ring? I'm your man!” One of his friends yell out, “I'll take one of the bridesmaids.” Another guys says, “Hell I'll take all three at once!” His friends laugh and cheer him on. Leo stands at the edge of the river bank and yells back, “You can't handle these women, boys. They need real men. Move along.”
They all pile back into the canoes and Skittles feeling pretty damn good. The group makes a few more stops at other drink stations sampling local alcohol, the girls already half in the bag. Pam pulls out the dick toss game. She puts on the penis headband and everyone takes a turn tossing the rings while she unsuccessfully tries to catch them. The ladies crying from laughing.
At the next drink station, they sample beer from a Cordonian brewery. Drake happily grabs the bag with his new beer bong, “I think it's time to break in this bad boy.” He pulls it out of the bag and Liam starts pouring in a beer. Drake brings the end of the beer bong to his mouth and his eyes go wide with shock. He stares at the penis shaped mouthpiece with his thumb pressed firmly against the hole on the tip. His face turns bright red from embarrassment. Pam snorts when she sees the dick wrapped in Drake’s hand, “Go ahead and ‘break in that bad boy’, babe. You can't waste that beer.” Liam is holding the funnel, laughing so hard that beer is sloshing out of it. Drake closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He downs the beer and looks at the girls, “You guys are assholes.” He laughs along with his friends, face still flushed.
Once everyone is able to control their laughter, they resume their journey down the river. Maxwell starts playing music and the ladies stand up and dance. Maxwell starts jumping up and down and then *BOOM*, Skittles pops. “Maxwell! What the fuck?” The girls scream as the float rapidly deflates. The guys turn around and roar with laughter as Skittles is nothing but flattened plastic floating the water, the girls scramble quickly to the canoes. Pam and Genevieve both try to get into the canoe on the same side at the same time, tipping Drake and Rashad into the water. The canoe capsized in the water. Anitah and Alicia are more strategic and climb in one at a time. They both get on without incident but then stand up and cheer at their success. The rapid movement tips their canoe over and Liam, Leo, Alicia and Anitah also wind up in the water.
Genevieve grabs hold of Rashad, wrapping her arms and legs around him pulling him into a deep kiss. Drake pulls Pam towards him, kissing her neck. When they turn around, the other two couples are also locked in heated makeout sessions in the middle of the river. “Get a room!” Maxwell heckles from the booze canoe. “We need to find Maxwell a girl…” Rashad says quietly, placing one last kiss on Genevieve’s lips before letting her go. The guys flip the canoes over. It takes a few tries for everyone to get in without tipping. They finally make it back to the campsite, tipsy and exhausted.
Everyone gets changed and after dinner, they sit around the bonfire with more drinks. “You guys wanna play ‘Who’s Most Likely’?” Leo asks rubbing his hands together. They all agree to play and he explains the rules, “Alright, someone makes a statement and on the count of three, you point to the person you think is most likely to do it. For every person that points at you, you have to take a drink. I'll start...who's most likely to get a tattoo when they're drunk? One, two, three.”
All fingers point to Maxwell. “I wasn't drunk when I got my hippo tattoo!” He says indignantly, but takes 8 sips of his beer. Maxwell looks around the group, “Who's most likely to steal all the blankets?” All the men point to their women and the girls giggle as they each take a drink.
Anitah goes next, “Who's most likely to get caught watching porn?” Everyone points to Leo. “You guys will never let me live that Notebook mix up down, will you?” Alicia thinks before saying, “Who's most likely to curse in front of a child?” It's a unanimous vote for Drake who just shakes his head and downs his beer.
Drake smirks, “Who's most likely to orgasm first?” Again the men point to their women and the ladies point to themselves laughing. Pam smiles at Drake, “Who's most likely to kiss a mirror?” He glares at her, but six of the eight people point at Maxwell and Pam slowly raises her index finger in Drake’s direction. “I need to know more about this...” Leo says with a big grin on his face. Drake’s face blushes and he shakes his head at his fiancée, “I will cut you off for the rest of the weekend, Pamela.” Pam covers her mouth trying to silence the giggle that's about to escape.
They play a few more rounds before Drake stands and pulling Pam up with him. “Night, you two”, Genevieve says with a wink. They walk into their tent and laying on the air mattress is a black lace teddy with a note, “Try to keep it down tonight.” Drake looks at Pam and says, “As much as I'd like to see you in that, I don't have the patience to have you undress and put that on. I'm undressing you once and fuck that note, everyone's going to hear you scream tonight, baby.”
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demialwrites · 6 years
A Dog Needs a Leash Ch 2
The bitter smell of weed crept into the bathroom and into your nostrils. You sighed and left the bathroom.
"Is this how you're going to deal with this?"
He lounged on the bed, a bong placed on the bedside table for the maids to deal with.
"You think I wanted a wife...?" he asked with a bitter smile.
You hopped on the bed, onto his lap. You aligned your heat with his package. Genji put his hands on your hips. He couldn't help it; he wanted to touch you. His fingers were gentle, waved back and forth against your skin. He would have been firmer, but he was too far gone. Couldn't concentrate. His dick rose on its own, pushing the front of his boxers against your sex. He did nothing about it, but you didn't want him to. Arousal was enough for now.
You bent down over him, with your hands on the bed on either side of his face.
"We're married now," you said. His lips twisted into a sneer, and he looked away. "I'm going to be faithful to this marriage and so are you."
"And if I am not?" he asked, still not meeting your eyes.
"Then you're getting punished."
Genji turned his head to stare at you, dazed. "What..."
He was too slow to stop you from crawling forward and depositing your sex on his face. He spoke in surprise, his lips and breath tickling your labia. You leaned back to let him speak.
"What was that?" you asked.
"No, no...come back."
His gaze was glued to your sex, which shined with slick. You had left a damp spot on the front of his boxers after you moved. You returned to your seat on his face. He mouthed at your lips and clit. You sighed and started to roll your hips.
Genji ran his fingertips firmly over the tent in his boxers. His cock hardened further beneath the fabric. He eventually pulled his cock out of the hole in the front to get off on your soft parts on his face. You had no plans to move just yet, and he wasn't in a hurry.
You both spent the good part of an hour on a slow build of pleasure in your lower bellies. Genji came on his stomach, then drank in your slick as you orgasmed quietly.
"That was a punishment?" he asked with a smirk when you got off.
"You would have rather had sex, right?"
You tossed him a towel from the bathroom to clean up.
"I had no idea it was an option."
"Behave, and it will be," you told him. You stretched lazily, getting the kinks out of your muscles from sitting in one position for so long. "You're so good at oral, though. It pleases me."
Genji barked laughter at your wording. But he would see. You laid down the law, piece by piece, the next few weeks. If he behaved, he would get pussy. If he didn't, you pinned him down with said pussy. He couldn't resist, either way. Neither could you, especially when he had a habit of walking around your shared suite shirtless or less. He didn't seem to like wearing clothes.
When Genji slipped up, when he cheated, you slept in the guest suite. You didn't let him touch you. You made such a fuss about it, that word got back to his father. He sat you down and asked what was wrong. You would have liked Mr. Shimada to put his son in his place instead.
You explained about what Genji did to upset you.
"He is a free bird," Mr. Shimada replied, brushing off your complaint.
"Well, it's not good enough," you stated, holding your chin high.
Mr. Shimada laughed and wished you luck with that. Though, he did see Genji after. Who came sulking back to you.
"You were scolded?" you asked with a smirk.
He sat on the bed, and you sat on his lap. He held you, putting his cheek on your shoulder.
"Yes," he huffed. "He wants me only in our bed."
"...because he wants us to have babies."
You exploded into laughter. You don't know how Genji didn't see this coming. He sulked harder.
"You don't want sex?"
"I do not want babies," he muttered.
"I'm sure your father wouldn't mind if we waited."
Genji wasn't ready to raise children, anyway, but you didn't tell him that in case it bruised his ego.
"Get tested," you told him, wiggling in your seat.
He swore softly as your ass brushed his crotch. He glared stubbornly back at you.
"Get tested, and I will, too. Then we can fuck all you want."
Genji doubted it would be that easy, but you showed him you had a habit of sticking to your word. Your test came back clean, and you showed him the paper to prove it. His came back positive, but nothing incurable.
"Seeeee? Maybe being married won't be so bad. We're already behaving like a team."
His reply was thoughtful silence. Then he glanced at you suspiciously.
"Why are you so okay with this?"
Good question. You didn't ask for this, either. You had to leave your family. You lived with strangers now. Strange servants, too.
"I decided I couldn't fight it. I might as well make the best of it."
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cbwalive · 6 years
Event: Hostage PPV  Date: Saturday, October 6th, 2018 Location: Arena Bogota Capacity: 28,500
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Chill Bill Irwin vs. Captain Honky
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The bell rings, and Chill Bill immediately gets out of the ring and goes under the ring. Captain Honky quickly baseball slides him and punches him before putting him back in the ring. Captain Honky hits him with a springboard knee to the head for a two count. Captain Honky goes under the apron and takes out a table. Captain Honky gets in the ring, and Chill Bill quickly grounds him with a package powerbomb for a near fall. Chill Bill pushes the table out of the ring and continues to stomp away at Captain Honky.
-Commercial Break-
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We come back from the break to see Chill Bill pick up a two count. During the commercial, Chill Bill hit Captain Honky with a chair and DDTed him on it. Back to live action, Chill Bill smacks it off his back and holds it up. Chill Bill then covers him for a two count. 
Chill Bill punches away at him and talks some trash before stomping him. Chill Bill hits him with the chair and gets him on his shoulders. Captain Honky elbows out, ducks two clotheslines, and connects with the Sling Blade. Captain Honky taunts the crowd before pulling himself up and pulls the top rope down to get Chill Bill out of the ring. Captain Honky then flies through the air with a 40-thousand foot dive. Captain Honky gets him in the ring and hits a running forearm in the corner. 
Captain Honky picks up the chair and sets it up. Captain Honky then jumps off the seat of the chair with a forearm before giving him a reverse Cargo Hold into the chair for a near fall. Captain Honky is shocked that he kicked out.
-Commercial Break-
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We come back from the break to see Chill Bill and Captain Honky trading punches. Chill Bill head-butts him to the corner, but he misses an avalanche. Captain Honky hits a running forearm, but Chill Bill follows him across to avalanche him. Chill Bill hits the ropes, but Captain Honky knees him. Captain Honky hits the ropes, and Chill Bill kicks him. Captain Honky then takes him down with a step-up enzuigiri. 
During the commercial, Captain Honky hit him with an exit door neckbreaker before Chill Bill drove him through a table. Then Chill Bill gave him a cannonball against the barricade.
Back to live action, Captain Honky goes to the top rope. Chill Bill tries to cut him off, but Captain Honky punches him down. Captain Honky goes for a 737 Splash, but Chill Bill moves out of the way. Chill Bill gets him in the corner and props the chair up in front of him. Chill Bill then sandwiches him with the chair by giving him a cannonball for a near fall. Chill Bill sets the chair up and takes a second chair. Chill Bill sets the two chairs up end to end. Chill Bill goes to powerbomb him through the chairs, but Captain Honky counters with a back body drop onto the chairs for a near fall! The obligatory “This is awesome” chant fires up.
Captain Honky goes outside and back under the ring. Captain Honky pulls out some large luggage puts it in the ring. Captain Honky stomps Chill Bill and props the luggage up in the corner. Chill Bill goes for a roll-up, but Captain Honky rolls through and superkicks him for a near fall. Chill Bill tries to pick up a chair, but he drops it and it falls out of the ring. Chill Bill drops Captain Honky onto the apron, but Captain Honky quickly kicks him down. Captain Honky goes to the top rope, but Chill Bill crotches him up there. Chill Bill punches him and goes for a superplex, but Captain Honky slips out and gives him a corner powerbomb on top of the luggage for a near fall! The crowd thought that was it. Chill Bill goes outside to recover.
Captain Honky goes outside and kicks him before clotheslining him over the barricade into the crowd. Captain Honky leaps off the top of the barricade with a body block. They fight through the crowd with Chill Bill trying in vain to get away from Captain Honky. Captain Honky catches up to him every time. Captain Honky sends him into a trashcan and throws it at him. Chill Bill goes for a powerbomb on the concrete, but Captain Honky holds onto the railing and kicks him away. Captain Honky goes to the top of the stands and lays him out with a cross-body block! The crowd has come unglued! 
Captain Honky celebrates before punching Chill Bill back to the barricade. Chill Bill then gives him a back body drop to ringside. Chill Bill stands on top of the barricade, but a fan in a mask sweeps his feet. 
The person punches away at him until Chill Bill takes the mask off him. 
It’s revealed to be Bogota Miz! Chill Bill kicks him as he leaps off the barricade and gives him a 420 Bong Slam on the floor! Captain Honky quickly follows up on the distraction by giving Chill Bill an Apron Powerbomb! Captain Honky quickly gets him in the ring and covers him for the win!
Winner: Captain Honky
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Lord Little Bogota vs. Mike Mills 
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Lord Little Bogota is making his entrance when he’s attacked from behind by Fake Mike Mills. Fake Mike Mills sends him into the barricade before throwing him into the ring. The referee tries to keep Fake Mike Mills back. The referee checks on Little Bogota, and Little Bogota says he wants to go through with the match.
The bell rings, and Fake Mike Mills immediately avalanches him in the corner. Fake Mike Mills throws him across the ring and avalanches him again. Fake Mike Mills clubs Little Bogota and rips the shirt off him. Fake Mike Mills elbows him in the head in the corner before trying for another avalanche, but Little Bogota gets his little boots up. Little Bogota boots him again and starts punching away at him. Little Bogota hits the ropes with some forearms to the knees before Fake Mike Mills finally clotheslines him down. 
Fake Mike Mills tries to pick Little Bogota up, but he seems to be out. The referee holds Fake Mike Mills off before checking on Little Bogota. The referee gives the all clear before Fake Mike Mills takes Little Bogota and gives him a short-arm clothesline. Fake Mike Mills gets him back to his feet before clubbing him back down. Little Bogota weakly tries to fight back, but he’s out on his feet. Fake Mike Mills knees him in the face to take him down. The crowd is chanting, “605” and Fake Mike Mills goes crazy. 
He clubs him in the face a few times before deadlifting him to the corner and placing him on the top rope. Little Bogota is hung up in the tree of woe.
Jack Tunney comes out to the stage and sadly says, “Stop the match. Ring the bell.” Tunney says Little Bogota cannot defend himself and says the match is over.
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Sin Caravan & Bogota Ox vs James Ellsworth & Luis Rodriguez 
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Ellsworth and Luis Rodriguez argue over who will start the match before settling on Ellsworth. Bogota Ox  will start for The RentaCars. Bogota Ox  applies a side headlock before Ellsworth turns it on him. 
Ellsworth whips him off and goes for a leapfrog, but Bogota Ox catches him and powerslams him for a two count. Luis Rodriguez  is tagged in, and he hits Bogota Ox  with a slingshot battering ram for a two count. 
Ellsworth is tagged in, and they hit a double-team suplex for another two count. Bogota Ox  quickly elbows him back and tags in Sin Caravan. 
Sin Caravan hits a top rope cross-body block for a two count. Sin Caravan counters a monkey flip by landing on his feet. Sin Caravan tries it on Ellsworth, but he lands on his feet. 
Ellsworth goes for a Ellsworth Swing, but Sin Caravan gets to the ropes. Sin Caravan shoulders him and goes for a sunset flip. Luis Rodriguez  quickly tags in, pulls Sin Caravan out of the ring, and sends him headfirst into the ring post.
-Commercial Break-
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We come back from the break to see Luis Rodriguez  on the top rope with Sin Caravan down on the mat. Sin Caravan gets to his feet and dropkicks Luis Rodriguez  out of mid-air. Xavier Woods likes what he’s seeing at ringside. Luis Rodriguez  gets to his feet and knocks Bogota Ox  off the apron before giving Sin Caravan an Irish Curse Backbreaker for a two count. Luis Rodriguez  punches Sin Caravan and puts him on the apron. 
Luis Rodriguez  starts the 10 Beats of the Bodhrán, but doesn’t like that the crowd is counting, so he punches Sin Caravan. Luis Rodriguez  pulls him into the ring and goes for a suplex, but Sin Caravan lands on his feet. Luis Rodriguez  charges, but Sin Caravan moves, causing him to accidentally hit Ellsworth.
Bogota Ox  is tagged in. Bogota Ox  hits a pair of belly-to-belly suplexes before hitting a belly-to-belly side suplex. Bogota Ox  gyrates before giving Ellsworth a back body drop out of the ring. Sin Caravan then leaps off the steel steps to take Ellsworth out. 
Bogota Ox  connects with a big splash for a near fall. Bogota Ox  gets the crowd going and tries for the “Weekend Rental,” but Luis Rodriguez  slides off, pokes him in the eyes, and gives him the Dust Buster for a near fall. Ellsworth and Sin Caravan are tagged in. Ellsworth avoids a springboard clothesline and starts the Uppercut Train, but Sin Caravan gets his boots up. 
Ellsworth immediately counters a cross-body block into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for a near fall! Sin Caravan soon comes back with The Deposit Drop for a near fall. Sin Caravan gets Ellsworth with an inside cradle. Bogota Ox prevents Luis Rodriguez  from running in to make the save, and it’s over.
Winners: Sin Caravan and Bogota Ox
-Commercial Break-
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The Champion Steve Ryder with Jimmy Hart vs The Principal Dick Pound vs Steve Austin 
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Dick Pound sends the champion Ryder and Austin into the corner. Dick Pound blasts Ryder and Austin in the corner. Austin dropkicks Dick Pound. Ryder clotheslines Dick Pound over the top rope. 
Austin clotheslines Ryder over the top rope. Topé con hilo by Austin. Back in the ring Ryder clotheslines Austin. Dick Pound belly-to-belly suplexes Ryder.
 Dick Pound sends Austin into the corner hard. Snap suplex by Dick Pound to Ryder. Dick Pound stomps Austin in the corner. Dick Pound ground and pounds Ryder and Austin. Dick Pound sends Austin to the outside. Neckbreaker by Dick Pound to Ryder.
 After the break, Dick Pound drops Austin on the ring apron. Dick Pound stomps Ryder and Austin. Austin kicks Dick Pound in the face. Ryder destroys Dick Pound with a clothesline. Ryder takes out Dick Pound. Austin attacks Ryder. Ryder almost takes Austin’s head off with a clothesline. Ryder misses the drive by. Austin responds with a double foot stomp on the apron. Dick Pound dives over the top rope onto Ryder.
 Austin sends Dick Pound into the ring steps. Austin leaps off the apron onto Dick Pound. Austin lands a double stomp on Ryder. Ryder backs Austin into the corner.
 Ryder misses a corner splash. Austin kicks Ryder in the head. Austin goes up top. Dick Pound hits Austin with a chair. Dick Pound sends Ryder shoulder first into the ring post. Dick Pound gets a two count.
 Ryder clotheslines Dick Pound in the corner over and over again. Ryder tries the Superman Punch. Dick Pound turns it into a spine buster.
Ryder kicks out. Dick Pound sets up a powerbomb. Austin hits Dick Pound with a chair. Dick Pound falls out of the ring.
 Austin hits Ryder with the chair over and over again. Austin shotgun dropkicks Dick Pound into the barricade. Austin is picking up Dick Pound. Ryder charges in. Austin moves out of the way and Ryder clotheslines Dick Pound into the barricade. Austin with a stunner on Ryder on the outside. Austin sends Ryder back into the ring.
 Austin knees Ryder in the head. Austin hits a stunner.. Dick Pound pulls Austin out of the ring to break up the pin.
Ryder punches Dick Pound, then Austin. Dick Pound headbutts Ryder but Ryder shakes it off and nails a Ryderdriver. 1-2-3! It’s over.
 Winner: Steve Ryder
On the outside, Austin nails Jimmy Hart with a stunner. Ryder chases but Austin ran to the back. While giving him the finger from behind his back. What a snake! 
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VISIT CBWA.live for the latest news and rumors from the CBWA.
Eddie Gilbert, Hawk and Greg Gagne vs Invader 1, Tim Horner, PN Grunge, Giant Haystacks
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A massive security presence around the ring to keep control in this match. 
If the #OFFSpring win, they will gain full control of CBWA Imperion in Bogota. If they lose, they will release Mr. Jerry Jarett as their hostage. 
Jarett looks like he lost a lot of weight. 
The #OFFSpring come out first. They wheel Mr. Jerry Jarett down to ringside in a wheelchair. Jarett has his hands tied behind his back. A black hood over his head. Giant Haystacks lifts him up and places him inside a cage. The cage is lifted above the ring. 
 Eddie Gilbert, Greg Gagne and HAWK walk to ring without any theme music. They are accompanied by Imperio GM Jack Tunney and CBWA President Boltsy Amsterdam. 
Hawk is back in the CBWA and will start the match against Tim Horner. They circle the ring and lock up. Hawk powers him to the corner and gives a clean break. Tim Horner gets a cheap shot in, so Hawk punches away at him. Tim Horner kicks Hawk before hitting a waist lock takeover. 
Tim Horner then slaps him in the back of the head before quickly tagging in PN GRUNGE. PN GRUNGE clubs away at Hawk, but Hawk comes back with some right hands of his own. PN GRUNGE head-butts him to the corner. Hawk reverses a whip to the corner and hits a shoulder thrust. Hawk follows up with a knee lift. Tim Horner feigns getting into the ring, so Hawk knocks him off the apron. Hawk then turns into a clothesline from PN GRUNGE. Tim Horner blind tags in. Tim Horner punches Hawk a few times, and Hawk challenges him to hit him harder. Hawk absorbs a plethora of right hands before hitting Tim Horner with a powerslam. Hawk then clubs away at his chest.
Greg Gagne is tagged in, and he punches Tim Horner to the corner. Gagne sends him to the corner and hits a bulldog. Gagne quickly follows up with a big boot. Tim Horner quickly tags in Invader 1 as a “Let’s go Gagne/420” chant starts. Invader 1 applies a side headlock, so Gagne whips him off and hits a hip toss. Hawk is tagged back in, and he punches Invader 1 in the corner before hitting a neckbreaker. 
Invader 1 quickly kicks Hawk before tagging in Tim Horner. Tim Horner punches away at Hawk in the corner before kicking him in the face. Tim Horner hits a snap suplex before sending him to the corner. Tim Horner then runs into a Bogota Curse Backbreaker for a two count. 
Hawk then puts him on the apron and hits a devastating headbutt before punching him off the apron.
-Commercial Break-
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CBWA MEGAOVER Presents: #MidWayMadness live from the Gibson Worldwide Stockyards in Bismarck, North Dakota on Saturday, October 13th.
We come back from the break to see Invader 1 suplex Hawk for a two count. Invader 1 applies a chin lock, but Hawk eventually fights up. Invader 1 is sent into the ropes, but Hawk lowers his head and eats a kick. Hawk then takes him down with a rolling fireman’s carry.
Gagne and Haystacks are tagged in. Gagne ducks a clothesline and hits a pair of diving shoulder blocks, he doesn’t move Haystacks. Haystacks hits a back suplex powerbomb. Haystacks goes for the FORKLIFT, but Gagne grabs the top rope and pulls himself out of the ring. Haystacks goes to grab him, but Hawk and Eddie Gilbert stand in his way.  PN GRUNGE, Tim Horner, and Invader 1 come over to help, and a big brawl breaks out. 
Gagne bounces Invader 1 off the commentary table as Gilbert attacks Tim Horner by the barricade. Haystacks then catches Gagne coming in the ring with a hanging DDT. Haystacks begins walking slowly around the ring staring at Gilbert. Haystacks kicks him down in the corner before being backed up by the referee. 
Invader 1 gets some cheap shots in. PN GRUNGE is tagged in, and he kicks Gagne before punching him down. PN GRUNGE gets a full head of steam and avalanches him in the corner. PN GRUNGE taunts the crowd before going for a second, but Gagne boots him in the face. Gagne then runs into a one-armed side slam for a two count. 
PN GRUNGE stomps the midsection before tagging in Invader 1. Invader 1 kicks and punches away at him. Invader 1 goes to splash him on the ropes, but Gagne moves and he flies out of the ring. Tim Horner quickly rolls Gagne into the ring. Haystacks hits Gagne with a powerslam for a two count. Haystacks punches away at Gagne before tagging Tim Horner in. 
Tim Horner punches and kicks Gagne in the corner before hitting a delayed vertical suplex for a two count. Tim Horner quickly punches him before hitting a double stomp for another two count. Tim Horner then applies a chin lock, but Gagne fights up and gets out with a back suplex. 
Gagne goes to tag one of his partners, but Tim Horner takes him out with a Very European Uppercut for a near fall! Tim Horner punches Gagne in the midsection before tagging in Invader 1. Invader 1 hits his step-up enzuigiri, but Gagne kicks out. Invader 1 kicks away at him before going to the top rope. Invader 1 then jumps into a dropkick. Gagne goes to make a tag, but Invader 1 dropkicks him in the knee. Invader 1 kicks him in the head for a near fall. Tim Horner tags in, and he boots Hawk off the apron. Gagne then takes Tim Horner out with a back body drop.
Gilbert and Invader 1 are tagged in, and the crowd explodes. Gilbert clotheslines Invader 1 and knocks Haystacks off the apron. Gilbert ducks a clothesline and hits a leaping clothesline on Invader 1. Gilbert avalanches him and punches him down. Gilbert leaves the ring, punches PN GRUNGE down, and hits a running dropkick to the side of Invader 1’s head from the apron. Gilbert then ducks a clothesline from Tim Horner, and Hawk clotheslines Tim Horner down. Gilbert signals for the Superman Punch, but Haystacks distracts him. Gilbert elbows Invader 1 in the face, but Invader 1 pushes him into a punch from PN GRUNGE. Gilbert then comes right back with a Hot Shot on PN GRUNGE.
Haystacks goes for another FORKLIFT, but Gilbert throws him off. Invader 1 then kicks Gilbert and goes for the Cross Arm Breaker, but Gilbert pushes him off and nails the Hot Shot for the win!
The cage begins to lower with Mr. Jarett inside. He still has a black hood on. A massive security presence now surrounds the ring, keeping both teams apart.
PN GRUNGE is shooting off at Eddie Gilbert. Gilbert says he wants his rematch. The cage has now been lowered into the ring. Imperio GM Jack Tunney has the key and gives President Boltsy Amsterdam the honours to open it. Boltsy opens up the cage and gives Mr. Jarett a big hug. Greg Gagne begins cutting the ropes off of Jarett and Boltsy then pulls off the hood ---and OMG -- it’s not Mr. Jarett!!!!
It’s Sean Mooney, with duct tape covering his mouth….
The #OFFSPRING tricked us all.
PN GRUNGE grabs the microphone and points to the big screen -- it’s MR. JARETT - hog tied in a prison cell. He looks thin and pale with a scruffy beard.
PN GRUNGE says that he’s not finsihed with Jarett yet.
PN GRUNGE  tells Eddie Gilbert that he will get his rematch --- IN A KING OF THE JUNGLE MATCH -- on the back of a flatbed truck!  GIANT Haystacks will be the special guest referee!
AND MR. JARETT will be driving the truck! The first man to get thrown off wins. The other - dies!
EDDIE GILBERT accepts the challenge.
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