#he's grown a lot confident after the war - but with herm he tames a lot of that personality down
forgaeven1 · 1 year
perhaps i'd be more articulate the next time i'll write this down, but just know this - my portrayal of neville will always love hermione quite whole-heartedly. i wish i have the brain capacity to describe just how much hermione means to neville, but let's just say it encapsulates beyond even a romantic notion; it's everything. loving, respecting, being around hermione simply to enjoy her company is purely a selfless act that brings immense satisfaction and enjoyment for him. again, his actions [for any hermione portrayals] may came out incredibly romantic, although please be forewarned that this is in no way of me pushing for a ship — for i, too, much rather build a dynamic than forcing one — but simply the way i've interpreted his mannerisms when it came to the witch. i hope this may clear some things up!
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