#he's going to the railway show
shelli-gator · 1 year
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🎠🚂 That's a horse!
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bruhstation · 2 years
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the journey of gordon juniperus gresley (and still ongoing)
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boygirlctommy · 2 months
i couldnt upload the audio like a normal person so heres this. gonna try to animate to it tomorrow :P
#my post#i love making audiossssssssssss#i have it like mapped out i just havent drawn anything yet#so the beginning 'i may not live to see out glory' n all that- thats diagetic thats all of em in lmanberg. rev era.#'raise a glass to freedom' is them going off to fight. 'something they can never take away' is the big battle#'no matter what they tell you (it was never meant to be)' is the fcr#(the short intrumental is tommy picking himself up looking furious)#'raise a glass to the four of us' is them getting their independance. 'tomorrow therell be more of us' yay niki n jack are here!!#'telling the story of tonight' is them all around a campfire having a good time. 'theyll tell the story of tonight' is a more closeup of#cwil still in this same moment and he just looks tired.#'raise a glass to freedom' is the election#'something they can never take away ( dear citizens tonight that changes)' is schlatt winning and banishing tommy n will#'no matter what they tell you' is wilbur in the button room#'(this isnt over) lets have another round tonight' uhhh idk man pogtopia things#'raise a glass to the four of us' is the four of em coming back together#'tomorrow therell be more of us' is the bit on the 16th where theyre charging off to battle on the railway. and wilbur lags behind and#watches them all run ahead.#'(it was never meant to be) telling the story of tonight' is wilbur pressing the button and lmanberg exploding#then its just the general chaos of the battle#'if we dont win this fight there will be no tomorrow' is a shot of tommy n tubbo sticking together. as they always do in a fight.#'let me tell you a story tommy' is technos big speech (i know it happens before wilbur pressed the button let me have this)#'nothing beside remains' is fundy standing over the ruins. and he looks up to see phil kill wilbur#the last 'story of tonight' shows the camarvan in old rev era lmanberg. at night. the lights are on and you can see people inside.#smilessss
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the-quackeroos · 6 months
guys I just farted around with AI just to hear Duck sing Feelin' Good by Michael Buble.
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hkpika07 · 2 years
i love your au (and it’s art!) so much!
any fun details you can think of to share about the story?
Its not just my au. My good friend @sekiumiarashi and I work on this together. She comes up with most of the worldbuilding and a lot of the scenarios as well.
But to answer your question. Some tidbits include
Donald and Douglas got lost on the Magic railway for years. Since time works differently there they thought they were gone for 2 years but actually were gone for 20. This explains the absence between the model and cgi series. Also their crews now have slight magic powers due to the side effects of the magic railroad, no biggie.
A lot of the engines have things painted on their liveries as a sort of customization. For example Edward has the Earl's Coat of Arms on his cab because he stopped two thieves from stealing King Godred's Crown
Umi and I are on a quest to give every engine a big family hug story. So far the ones who have hug stories are James, Edward, Gordon, Spencer and Duck.
James has a small villain arc (not super fleshed out but it's there)
Duck and Diesel get lost in IKEA because they kept arguing over how to pronounce IKEA and didn't look where they were going. And also Donald and Douglas get stuck in a revolving door (In their human avatar forms)
There is a story where everyone thinks Gordon turned evil and brainwashed Edward to join his side but actually it was all horrible timing and a misunderstanding.
Same story as the one above. Edward gets held hostage but since he's really sleepy he doesn't take it seriously and just ends up confusing the hell out of his captor.
We made an entire fictional railway/country that is somewhat intertwined with Sodor. It's based in North America between Canada and the USA. It's larger than Sodor but it's still really small compared to everything else. It's called Aldove and the railway is called the United Northern Railway or UNR for short.
There's a secret hidden junction in Henry’s Forest where the three railway dads go to just relax and chill and hang out. It's a special place to them since it's where they hung out before everyone else came to the island. No one else but them knows about it and their crews have sworn to secrecy.
There are other train gods besides Lady.
Smudger is alive and well just physically disabled. He can't physically turn his wheels but his brakes work just fine. He and Duke live up at Ulfstead Castle now.
We made Geoffrey (from the episode Who's Geoffrey) real. We made him real and he's Italian.
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hedgehog-moss · 19 days
Last time I went to the village to buy bread I saw a woman in the street who was dressed like a 19th-century peasant, complete with a thick old-timey accent with dialect words no one uses anymore—she was telling a little group of people to follow her so of course I had to drop everything and follow her too.
And it turned out she was a theatre actress who has read a lot of local archives in libraries and town halls, and offered her services to organise guided tours of various villages to tell people about local history in a fun way, by playing characters who lived here in the Middle Ages, the 19th century, or WWII. It's such a cool idea! I talked to her for a bit after the visit and she said she wasn't sure it'd work / attract enough people, but she had groups of tourists + local families show up for the visit every week, in every village where she did this, so she think she'll be hired again next summer.
When I joined their group she was talking about WWII, and how my & other nearby villages were known by the Nazis and Vichy as a hotbed of terrorists, with some Gestapo officers killed in bomb attacks. (In retaliation the Nazis eventually rounded up 100+ locals and deported them to camps, as well as shooting a few.) I was mostly familiar with WWII anecdotes from the North-East, where my grandparents lived during the war, and I found it funny how different they sounded—my grandfather made Resistance activities sound well-planned and careful (espionage, sabotage, underground presses, infiltrating railway services etc) while oral histories around here make them sound a lot more spontaneous and—handcrafted? like "Emile brought what we needed for the bomb in his wheelbarrow hidden under a layer of straw and we exploded 2 Nazis."
We then went to visit the former girls' school, and I learnt a lot about my country's history of education for girls! Also it was really sweet because there was an old lady in our group who had attended this school as a child and had lots of school memories to share. Most of them were very wholesome, until eventually our tour guide went "Surely you also have some School Mischief to tell us about" and the old woman at first was like no no no no, I was a good girl. And then she conceded that when she had to sort lentils for the nuns' dinner and she resented one of them for berating her in class, she'd do a shit job on purpose and leave some little stones in the lentils.
Then our last step was the fairground where the town fair was (and is still) held, and our tour guide told us little 19th-century anecdotes (in-character, more like acting them out) that she'd found in old postcards and letters in the archives—how the town fair was where you'd go for your dentist appointment (i.e. to have your bad teeth pulled with pliers with no pain medicine) and to get any object repaired, like damaged pans or clogs; how there were dancing bears and performing monkeys; how one year the merchant who sold linen for women's trousseaus had her linen display trampled "by 300 cows" (might have been an exaggeration) and she hit the cow herder and it started a massive brawl.
My favourite anecdote was how back in the 1800s the local innkeeper was frustrated by the fact that the nearest village is just 10km away, and people who came to the fair often decided to go spend the night there so their journey back the next day would be less long, and so he started to tell them about the beast that lives under the bridge between the two villages. Travellers say horses go mad when they see it and just jump into the water. Some say the beast has dug up corpses from the cemetery because it likes human flesh, though of course it prefers it fresh. I'm now convinced half of local legends were single-handedly created by business savvy innkeepers determined to get more customers than the rival inn 10km away.
I'm sad I only learnt about these visits at the end of summer when they're coming to an end, but I'll definitely follow this woman around again if she returns with more stories next year!
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sukunasteeth · 6 months
Wrestle Me
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Tokyo had reached record temperatures that day. The sun was roasting the city, every street was a mirage from the bending light of its shine. The weather recently had been sending everyone either inside or to the nearest water source.
Yuji had gone to the beach with Megumi and Nobara in a futile attempt to escape the heat that had Japan in the sweaty palm of its hand. They had offered you and Sukuna a spot on the railway car there, but you knew that Sukuna was too exhausted from his recent missions to do any sort of going out. Not to mention the draining effect of the heat stacked on top of that. You were in the mood to just enjoy each other's presence.
The two of you were sheltered away in the darkness of his bedroom, lying sprawled out across the floor in front of his small rotating fan. Sukuna and Yuji never turned the A/C on. Since they had moved into their own apartment, the brothers had become rather stingy when it came to the bills. The air didn't start up until the room felt like a sauna, and it turned off much too soon to give relief.
Sweat continued to drip down the both of your spines, but Sukuna didn't seem to mind it. He was enjoying the peace of his day off, dressed against the heat in nothing but his boxer briefs and a tank top. He had his head resting in the cushion of your lap, his eyes were transfixed on an old leather notebook that he had stolen from one of the professors a few days ago. It was in a language you hadn't taken at the academy yet, but Sukuna tells you it was early notes on jujutsu from the old world.
You had been scrolling through your phone, occasionally showing him something you found amusing or anything that reminded you of him. He only gave you a reaction to maybe 10% of the material, but it was fun to see him roll his eyes, or scoff and wave your phone away.
The longer you remained in the same spot,however, the sweatier you felt and the more frustrated with the heat. You tried not to squirm under Sukuna's head, remaining as still as possible as though he were a sleeping animal taking refuge on your lap. Boredom, however, eventually pulls the last straw that has you stirring.
An idea comes to mind.
Sukuna glances up at you, as though he expects you to show him something else on your phone, but instead his attention is caught by the mischievous glint you feel twinkling in your eye.
"Wrestle me." You beam at him.
It was somewhat of a joke.
Compared to your boyfriend, it was clear who would win in a pinning tournament between the two of you.
 Sukuna, who enjoys kickboxing in his spare time. Sukuna, who has never missed an opportunity for a fight in the decade that you've known him, who could dead-lift your torso with ease if he so desired.
Sukuna, who has never touched you with anything but heart wrenching gentleness.
His eyes widen at your command, the notebook he had previously found so interesting has been completely forgotten. He seems to catch the drift of your lack of entertainment, and quickly plays along. His surprise melts into an amused little smile.
"Oh yeah? Think you got a chance, kid?" He taunts, placing the book beside him. His attention now fully focused on you.
You snort, you were only a year younger than he was, but he loved to emphasize it when he could. Sukuna mistakes your noise as a scoff and cocks a daring brow at you.
You love when he’s in a playful mood.
"I could take you any day." You tease. Part of you is running for the hills inside, but another part is having fun with the big bad wolf. That was the constant state you were in with him. Sukuna didn't even have to try and he always had your heart racing.
Sukuna makes an impressed noise, "That, I'm well aware of. I don't know about in a fight, though."
You groan at his joke, shaking your head in disappointment, but Sukuna grabs onto your chin before you can get even one turn of your head out.
"Let's find out."  
Ten minutes later, you're drenched in twice the amount of sweat as you were before, but Sukuna has barely lost a drop. He's got you twisted like a pretzel beneath him, holding your limbs in just the right way so that you're completely incapacitated in his hands.
Your first mistake was thinking Sukuna knew how to play-fight. The only person he had been remotely close with in your childhood was his twin brother, and the two of them had often "wrestled", but it only ended when one of them had blood dripping out of their noses. You learned early on not to question it. Having two boys as your childhood best friends had you turning your gaze from a lot of things, in fact.
The only thing you questioned now, was how you were going to get out of your current predicament. You were sure Sukuna was having a blast practically hogtying you with his hands, and now he knew how easy it was to get you in this position. It was a double whammy that would surely effect you in the future. 
"Did you really think I'd go easy on you?" The weight of his chest presses into your back as he leans over you, sending hot breath over your neck. "How cute."
"Okay, okay! I give!" You whine, trying to wriggle out from beneath him. You had to admit that it was getting slightly painful, but Sukuna was well aware of your pressure points and where to stay away from. You still had one last trick up your sleeve, however.
Satisfied with your surrender, he nips at your ear with his teeth before he slides off of you and relinquishes his effortless grip. Before he can fully turn away, however, you're leaping onto his back like a monkey and tackling him into his mattress. It was a dirty tactic, but you had been wrestling your childhood best friend Yuji since the two of you were in elementary school, so you were no stranger to tricks of the trade. Especially the feign defeat card.
He blinks up at you. It was a difficult task to take Sukuna off guard, but you had accomplished it.
"Sucker." You playfully stick your tongue out at him, blowing a raspberry. Inside your chest, your heart is racing like a hummingbird’s wings. It’s almost like Sukuna knows this, because even though you’re the one on top of him, he’s still looking at you with an amused grin- unaffected by your change of position. 
"You have a higher pain tolerance than I thought you did." He notes, tilting his head to the side like he's considering something. "What can we do with that new information, I wonder?" 
It was another intimidation tactic. A good one. It had chills running down your spine. But, you weren’t going to let him win so easily this time. Suddenly, you were interested in how far you could push him, as well. 
"Come on 'Kuna," You chide, your nose is practically touching his- a rabbit pressing against the snout of a hungry wolf. "Can't take defeat, my love?"
"Oh doll," His voice is a husky drawl, rough hands slide their way from their resting places on your hips to slip under the hem of your shirt and brush the skin of your waist. You try to contain your shiver. "You're playing a very dangerous game."
One last wave of confidence sweeps through you as you lean down, just like he always did, to murmur lowly into his ear. "And you're losing."
That did it.
Sukuna grabs onto your waist so quickly, you barely have time to register it before he loops his leg around your knee and easily flips the two of you back to your original position. You're giggling beneath him as he gathers your face into his hands, pressing calloused fingers into your cheeks. You've gotten under his impenetrable skin. You didn't know it, but you always did.
No matter how strong a man is, he will always lose to the woman he loves.
Sukuna was slowly starting to accept that.
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merthosus · 1 month
Damn Brisket Five...
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Summary: You stumble into a deli filled with multiple versions of Five, including one called Brisket Five, who urges you to choose a fresh start with him instead of forgiving your unfaithful Five. Both versions of Five plead for your affection, leaving you torn between the past and the possibility of something new. You're faced with a decision: forgive your Five or embrace a different path with Brisket Five.
Here a sexy poster from Five I fell in love with! With every purchase you automatically support me :) https://amzn.to/3yGK6Fm
"Can I keep her?"
The first time you put a foot up the train-station stairs, your heart was racing. It felt like you were paralyzed as you tried to read the instructions of the railways. Trying to decipher the Minecraft enchantment language you would have found easier. The different colors, which should make it better to understand wasn't helping you either. So your impatient self, thought it was a good idea to just get into one of the trains.
"No risk no story", you always told yourself, but now standing in uncountable of different train stations, you needed to admit to yourself, that this was the worst proverb you could've used in your situation. After clutching yourself on one of the train rods, you watched yourself leaving the station you were. Looking at the display boards didn't help you either to locate your current position.
It feels like a fever dream, every station looks the same, every train looks the same, every fucking thing is identical to the other. White tiles, dirty walls and brightly colored train cards. After your first encounter with a cockroach you stumbled back into the train and made some involuntary pull-ups as that thing was following you. After getting into the fourteenth train you stopped to count. Every train station was empty, no Five in sight.
Instead every time you set foot at a station you were welcomed with mind rotting flickering light and the screeching sound of brakes, which belonged to the train you just got out. Suddently you asked yourself if someone was steering the train, but your fear of see something you didn't want, kept you from it. An hour and twenty minutes after (yes you counted), you had enough. You liked Five, everybody except him saw that, but being trapped in an infinitive translation was too much, even for you.
"One last time", you promised yourself as you waited the doors to open. Suddently Five walked by. You couldn't believe your eyes and hammered onto the glass. As the door opens you squeeze yourself through them and run after him. As he saw you he suddently began to run and vanish behind a corner. "FIVE!!", you screamed madly. All of that searching only to get rewarded from him running away?
You came to a halt as bright led lights blinded your eyes. "Max's Delicatessen", you read. You no longer think and open the door, a loud bell announced your entry. The first thing you saw was Five. And Five and Five and another Five. Your mouth fell open. Three of them surrounded the one you chased, he was standing with the back turned. "Guys you will never believe what I just saw!!", he exclaimed to the others. All of the three stared at me, as the others did too. "Guess we will Five, don't worry", one of the three said.
Even though your wettest dream just came true you didn't know if you liked what you just saw. At least fifteen Five's looked at you, inspecting every move you do. "This is a dream right?", you ask out loud. A few of the Fives smiled. "It's not", you heard a voice in the back. A different looking Five came out of the back, he wore an apron and a white shirt. "Your Five already said that you would eventually show up. You know he Is one of the asshole ones", he says. You still were very confused as he comes to you.
"What the hell is going on here?", you asked. You thought that you already saw the most fucked up shit but this was a different level of fucked up. You heard a few Fives in the back mumbling. "Why is she here? Did her Five lost her?", one asked. As the five with the apron looked into my kind of intimidated eyes, he turned around. "Listen to me dipshits! Continue doing whatever you were doing! I am gonna explain it to her", he said. Most of the Fives listened to him.
Making a documentary about them would certainly be entertaining, I wonder which five had to be the herd leader of the group. "Why do you get her?!", the drunkly looking Five in the back screamed. "SHUT UP DRUNK FIVE!", everyone screamed at the same time. "I am brisket Five by the way", Five exclaimed as he turned back to you. You took his hand and shared it. "I am Y/n", you introduce yourself.
Brisket Five smiled. "I know sweetheart", he said, while guiding you to one of the tables. You began to get red so you tried to hide your face to him, by putting your hands on your cheeks as you sit down on the table. Brisket Five took the seat infront of you and just looked at you, you could read some pity in his eyes. "So... Your Five told me that you were gonna search for him", he began to speak. "Yes! Do you know where he is?", you asked curious, still wanting to find him. Brisket Five took your hand, Butterflys forming into your stomach.
"I hate being the Five who tells you this", he begins as he suddently let go of your hand as drunk Five bumped against the table. The sound of his flask fall against the hard wood made you flinch. "He fucked Lila!", he said slumber. As his last word fell, your heart arches. All the searching was only to find out that he fucked with Lila? "Have you ever heard about sensitivity?", Brisket Five asked him. "Look she's gonna be sad anyway, why being sensitive?", he asked.
"Do you have some baskets in the back", he looks at him, while getting into the kitchen and argue with another employee Five. "You have no idea how much I hate this guy", he tells you, but as soon as he looked into your eyes again he stopped talking. "Look we are all different variants from him. Everyone in here is coming out of a different timeline, everyone tried to fight the apocalypse and everyone horrible failed", he explained to you.
"And every one of these Fives lost their Y/n. You are the first one that got lost in here. So don't mind the reactions from one of them here", he sightly looks into the direction of drink Five. "Their Y/N?", you ask bewildered. A few Fives laugh at the table beside us, they were currently eavesdropping on our conversation. "Your Five is the only Five out of the 23 quadrillions, that didn't had the balls to ask you out. You know your Five is popular by the name scaredy-cat Five. Moste of us don't like him", he says.
You can't help yourself but laugh. "You know if he asked you out before he stepped into this fucked up train it would have never happened. I am sorry that you are the first and hopefully also the least Y/n that has to go through that", he says, while looking down onto the table.
Brisket Five notices the change in your expression. He leans forward and takes your hand again, this time with more firmness and urgency. "Listen," he says softly, "I know it hurts, but maybe this is a chance for something different. Your Five… he’s messed up, and sure, we all have our flaws. But you don’t have to be tied to his mistakes. You deserve someone who sees you, who’s not afraid to fight for you, someone who’s willing to be there without making excuses. I could be that person, Y/N."
Just as you gather the courage to respond, the door to the deli opens again. Another Five walks in, but this one is different. His clothes are disheveled, his eyes look tired and worn. It's your Five. He stops dead in his tracks when he sees you. For a moment, time seems to stand still. The other Fives in the room fall silent, glancing between you and your Five with curiosity. Your heart races as you look at him. "Y/N..." he begins, but you cut him off before he can continue. "Why?" you ask, your voice calm but cutting.
"Why did you do this Five?" Five looks you straight in the eye, and you see a depth of regret and despair in him that you’ve never seen before. "I made a mistake," he finally says, his voice almost breaking. "I thought I could control everything, that I had it all under control. But I was wrong. Lila... that was a mistake, a moment of weakness. But you... you were never a mistake." Brisket Five leans in, his gaze never leaving yours.
"But Y/N, think about it. Do you really want to stay in this cycle of hurt and apologies? I know I can’t erase what he did, but I can promise you something better. We don’t have to repeat his mistakes. We can start fresh, build something real, without all the baggage." Your Five looks between you and Brisket Five, a mix of panic and realization dawning on his face. "Y/N, please… I know I’ve messed up, but don’t let that push you away. I can make this right," he pleads, but his voice lacks the certainty it once held.
The room is filled with tension as both Fives wait for your response. Brisket Five’s hand tightens around yours, a silent promise of something new, something different. Everything now depends on you. You have the choice to forgive your Five and try again, or you can take Brisket Five’s offer and explore what could be a less complicated, more honest relationship. Maybe you’re wondering if you’re ready to continue with a man who made such mistakes, or if you should embrace the chance for something new with someone who’s already shown he’s willing to fight for you. You take a deep breath as you make the decision in your heart.
Let's be real who would you choose?
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beekeeperspicnic · 4 months
Can't believe this blog has existed THIS long, and I've somehow never shared this Sherlock Holmes fanfic by PG Wodehouse. As far as I know it predates Conan Doyle publishing any stories which mention Holmes retiring to keep bees, which presents the delightful possibility that ACD discussed his future plans for Holmes with his young friend Plum, whose first reaction was to go off and write (and publish) a cute parody of it.
The Adventure of the Missing Bee
Sherlock Holmes is to retire from public life after Christmas, and take to bee-farming in the country.
"It is a little hard, my dear Watson," said Holmes, stretching his long form on the sofa, and injecting another half-pint of morphia with the little jewelled syringe which the Prince of Piedmont had insisted on presenting to him as a reward for discovering who had stolen his nice new rattle; "it is just a little hard that an exhausted, overworked private detective, coming down to the country in search of peace and quiet, should be confronted in the first week by a problem so weird, so sinister, that for the moment it seems incapable of solution."
"You refer—?" I said.
"To the singular adventure of the missing bee, as anybody but an ex-army surgeon equipped with a brain of dough would have known without my telling him."
I readily forgave him his irritability, for the loss of his bee had had a terrible effect on his nerves. It was a black business. Immediately after arriving at our cottage, Holmes had purchased from the Army and Navy Stores a fine bee. It was docile, busy, and intelligent, and soon made itself quite a pet with us. Our consternation may, therefore, be imagined when, on going to take it out for its morning run, we found the hive empty. The bee had disappeared, collar and all. A glance at its bed showed that it had not been slept in that night. On the floor of the hive was a portion of the insect's steel chain, snapped. Everything pointed to sinister violence.
Holmes' first move had been to send me into the house while he examined the ground near the hive for footsteps. His search produced no result. Except for the small, neat tracks of the bee, the ground bore no marks. The mystery seemed one of those which are destined to remain unsolved through eternity.
But Holmes was ever a man of action.
"Watson," he said to me, about a week after the incident, "the plot thickens. What does the fact that a Frenchman has taken rooms at Farmer Scroggins' suggest to you?"
"That Farmer Scroggins is anxious to learn French," I hazarded.
"Idiot!" said Holmes, scornfully. "You've got a mind like a railway bun. No. If you wish to know the true significance of that Frenchman's visit, I will tell you. But, in the first place, can you name any eminent Frenchman who is interested in bees?"
I could answer that.
"Maeterlinck," I replied. "Only he is a Belgian."
"It is immaterial. You are quite right. M. Maeterlinck was the man I had in my mind. With him bees are a craze. Watson, that Frenchman is M. Maeterlinck's agent. He and Farmer Scroggins have conspired, and stolen that bee."
"Holmes!" I said, horrified. "But M. Maeterlinck is a man of the most rigid honesty."
"Nobody, my dear Watson, is entirely honest. He may seem so, because he never meets with just that temptation which would break through his honesty. I once knew a bishop who could not keep himself from stealing pins. Every man has his price. M. Maeterlinck's is bees. Pass the morphia."
"But Farmer Scroggins!" I protested. "A bluff, hearty English yeoman of the best type."
"May not his heartiness be all bluff?" said Holmes, keenly. "You may take it from me that there is literally nothing that that man would stick at. Murder? I have seen him kill a wasp with a spade, and he looked as if he enjoyed it. Arson? He has a fire in his kitchen every day. You have only to look at the knuckle of the third finger of his left hand to see him as he is. If he is an honest man, why does he wear a made-up tie on Sundays? If he is an upright man, why does he stoop when he digs potatoes? No, Watson, nothing that you can say can convince me that Farmer Scroggins has not a black heart. The visit of this Frenchman—who, as you can see in an instant if you look at his left shoulder-blade, has not only deserted his wife and a large family, but is at this very moment carrying on a clandestine correspondence with an American widow, who lives in Kalamazoo, Mich. — convinces me that I have arrived at the true solution of the mystery. I have written a short note to Farmer Scroggins, requesting him to send back the bee and explaining that all is discovered. And that," he broke off, "is, if I mistake not, his knock. Come in."
The door opened. There was a scuffling in the passage, and in bounded our missing bee, frisking with delight. Our housekeeper followed, bearing a letter. Holmes opened it.
"Listen to this, Watson," said Holmes, in a voice of triumph.
"'Mr. Giles Scroggins sends his compliments to Mr. Sherlock Holmes, an' it's quite true, I did steal that there bee, though how Mr. Holmes found out, Mr. G. Scroggins bean't able to understand. I am flying the country as requested. Please find enclosed 1 (one) bee, and kindly acknowledge receipt to 'Your obedient servant, 'G. Scroggins.
"Holmes," I whispered, awe-struck, "you are one of the most remarkable men I ever met."
He smiled, lit his hookah, seized his violin, and to the slow music of that instrument turned once more to the examination of his test tubes.
Three days later we saw the following announcement in the papers: "M. Maeterlinck, the distinguished Belgian essayist, wishes it to be known that he has given up collecting bees, and has taken instead to picture postcards."
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archiveikemen · 3 months
Ellis Twilight 2nd Birthday Campaign: Story
Chapters 1 — 3
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection; expect mistakes, grammatical errors, and some creative liberties. All original content and media used belongs to Cybird. Please support the game by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
Warnings and FAQ
Sometimes, when I see him basked in the morning sunlight, I feel uneasy for no reason.
Kate: Ellis, Ellis.
But his long arms and legs wrapped around my body restricting my freedom of movement felt like proof of his presence today.
Kate: It’s morning already.
Ellis: … I want to hold you a little longer.
With the temperatures of early summer rising, just holding each other was enough to make us sweat buckets.
(Feeling his warmth makes me happy, but is he really fine with this…?)
Kate: Ellis, don’t you feel hot?
Ellis: I do, but I’d hate being separated from you.
Ellis: Although, I’ll move if you don’t like it.
Kate: I do! It’s just, we’re getting sweaty…
I reached my hand out to wipe the beads of sweat trickling down his neck.
Ellis’ facial expression grew serious as I wiped his sweat.
Ellis: … Let’s buy a negligee suitable for summer. The kind that's made with a thin material.
Ellis: Then I can cling to you without getting sweaty.
Kate: Fufu… shall we head out to buy it together next time?
I got out of bed to tidy my appearance and noticed his eyes twinkling,
He was definitely waiting for the words I was about to say to leave my lips.
Kate: Happy birthday, Ellis.
Ellis: Thanks. I’m so glad you’re the first person to wish me.
We shared a brief kiss that ended with a sound.
Ellis: I want to kiss you more, but I'll hold it back because I’m looking forward to today.
The way he rubbed his head against my shoulder made him look like a cat asking for affection.
(I’m glad he’s been showing me his adorable side since we started dating.)
My chest tightened while watching the sight that only I knew existed.
(My heart overflows with love for him whenever I witness the adorable side of Ellis who always appears so cool.)
While stroking his soft hair, I outlined today’s plans in my head.
(Today will surely be enjoyable.)
Kate: … Train service has been suspended?
I stared at the sign on the platform with “SUSPENDED” written in large letters.
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Ellis: There was a landslide in a town along the railway track.
Ellis: Fortunately, there weren't any casualties, but the heavy rainfall makes it dangerous for the train to run.
Ellis returned from speaking to the station staff.
Ellis: It just started raining here.
Kate: Looks like it’ll get heavier.
The plans I pictured us doing this morning instantly crumbled away.
(We were supposed to visit the fields of lavenders in the suburbs and experience all sorts of things.)
We recently planned this outing after hearing that the famous lavender fields were at full bloom…
(I thought it’d be a fun opportunity to make new happy memories together… I guess it can’t be helped.)
I tried to change my mindset and make myself feel better, but my slumped shoulders didn’t escape his sight—
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Ellis: Hey, how can I cheer you up?
Kate: Huh?
Ellis: I don’t like seeing you sad.
He gently caressed my cheek with his hand, slightly cold from the rain.
Kate: I’m not sad, but I’m a little troubled.
Ellis: What for?
Kate: … I didn’t think of a back-up plan for today.
(I never thought train service would be suspended, so I didn't prepare any alternative plans…)
(I should've thought of one.)
Ellis: In that case, shall we return to the castle?
Kate: … If things are just going to get worse from here, we should.
When I pressed my lips together in frustration, he traced them with his thumb—
Ellis: … I’m sorry. That was a little unkind thing to say.
Kate: Huh?
Ellis: I don't want to go back to the castle yet.
Kate: Ellis…
The sound of rainfall hitting the train station's roof grew louder.
Ellis: I want to do enjoyable things with you on my birthday.
I reflexively pouted when he poked at my upper lip and flashed me a cheeky smile—
Ellis: Shall we go on a date in rainy London?
Ignoring the eyes of others, he stole my lips in a kiss.
Kate: The rain turned into a downpour in no time, huh.
The usually bustling city was quietened by the heavy rain.
Ellis: Is the rainwater getting onto you, Kate? Are you okay?
Kate: I’m okay, but you’ll get drenched if you keep tilting the umbrella like that…
I stopped his hand from tilting the large umbrella towards me and looked at this soaking wet shoulder.
(I was glad he wanted to share an umbrella, but…)
(Ellis is going to catch a cold if he keeps this up.)
We walked closely next to each other to stay dry, but—
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Ellis: Kate, be careful of the puddle.
Kate: Whoa
He pulled me close by the waist and I clung to him in response.
I looked up to see the satisfied look on his face—
(Being this close is bad for my heart…!)
Ellis: … Your face is red. So cute.
He gave me a quick kiss, making my heart beat even faster.
Kate: E-Ellis! We're in public.
I hastily glanced around at our surroundings as he stole my lips once more.
Ellis: It’s fine. Barely anyone comes outside in this rain.
Ellis: … Besides us.
Kate: Mmph.
Changing angles, he pecked my lips and took my breath away.
Ellis: Are you getting breathless? You’re cute too when you're trying to catch your breath.
Kate: — G-Geez!
His proactivity left me bewildered, but my joy outweighed that feeling.
(Ellis is being sweeter than usual today…)
Ellis: There’s somewhere I want to go. Is that okay?
Kate: Of course, anywhere is fine.
(I never thought there would come a day when Ellis has a place he wants to go.)
Little by little, he grew more comfortable expressing his wants and pleading for things, and I always felt the natural urge to indulge him in everything he wanted.
Ellis: Then let’s go to that store and buy you a negligee.
Ellis: Next, we’ll head to that accessories shop to pick out a few pieces that suit you.
Ellis: Afterwards, we'll get whatever you want from that gelato shop.
Kate: … Hold on, isn’t it your birthday today?
Ellis: That’s right.
He cocked his head to the side innocently without questioning the things he just said…
Kate: This feels like it’s my birthday instead.
Ellis: Seeing you happy is my greatest joy in life.
Ellis: For my sake, I want to make you happy.
Ellis: Can’t I?
(Ellis has been acting a little cunning lately.)
He intentionally put on a worried facial expression, knowing very well that I was weak to his self-indulgence and pleas.
Kate: … I guess I should celebrate my birthday by gifting you tons of presents.
Ellis: I’ll be happy with anything as long as it’s from you, but now that just gives me something more to look forward to.
Ellis: So starting with that store…
We startled walking around the quiet streets of London.
It felt as though the two of us were the only people left on earth.
Ellis: I’m glad the rain stopped.
He held many paper bags in his hands with a smile.
Kate: Me too, but I feel guilty for having you buy so many things for me.
Ellis: Whenever I’m walking around outside for work, I spot many things that I think would suit you.
Ellis: But I’m unsure if you’d like them, so I’ve been wanting to go shopping for them when we’re out together.
Kate: I’m happy with anything if it’s from you, Ellis.
Looks like the clothes, accessories, and shoes he bought for me were all I’ll be wearing this summer.
Ellis: I can’t wait to see you wear the stuff I picked out.
He happily glanced at the paper bag I was holding.
Ellis: By the way, what did you buy?
Kate: This is a present for you.
(He told me there was nothing he needed, but…)
It caught my eye while we were shopping and I couldn't resist getting it for him.
Kate: But I’ll give it to you later on because you have so many bags to carry.
Ellis: Fufu…
As we were nearing a bridge, I noticed that he wasn’t next to me and turned around.
Kate: Ellis?
He stood a little behind me painted in the colours of the twilight sky and smiling, his eyes sparkling.
The expression on Ellis’ face covered by his large palm was sweet like jam.
It was almost poisonous.
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Ellis: Say, Kate.
Ellis: How happy are you right now?
The words spoken with a look of ecstasy felt new to me, despite having heard them countless times before.
Ellis: I’m happy.
Ellis: Being together with you, dressing you up in things I bought, devoting all my desires to you… they make me so happy.
There was no doubt that he'd do the same for anyone if it’d make them happy, but this was the first time he gave me so many gifts out of his own will.
Kate: … I’m happy too, and definitely much happier than you think.
Ellis: Nope, I’m happier than that. Because right now, I’m so relieved you're alive.
Step by step, he walked towards me, the sun setting in the background.
Ellis: The thought of killing you in the happiest moment of your life to make it last an eternity hasn't changed, but I feel the happiest when I realise that you’re alive.
Ellis: Surely, it's because my happiness can’t exist without you.
His hand caressing my cheek was tender and warm, and yet it somehow made me feel uneasy.
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Ellis: … I wish we could stay like this in a place where no one can find us, forever.
As nighttime approached, the shadows in his eyes grew darker.
Kate: That would mean we'll never see Jude and the other members of Crown again, you know?
Ellis: I'll feel a little sad, but I'll be fine with just having you there.
Sometimes, I feel uneasy for no reason.
Ellis: Whenever I hear you talking to other people, I want to interrupt the conversation.
Ellis: I want to be the only person you look at. I want you to enjoy talking to no one else but me.
Ellis: How I wish I could be the only person who hurts you, and the only person you hurt.
(We care so deeply about each other that it feels somewhat dangerous…)
It’s because I’m so happy right now, I feel uneasy about the fact that this would someday come to an end.
Perhaps this was what I’ve been fearing all along.
Ellis: … Kate?
The sudden smell of lavender made me look up.
Down the path, I saw a bed of purple flowers swaying in the wind.
Kate: Lavender…
Ellis: It really is here.
The light from the setting sun reflecting off the wet flowers, making them twinkle like stars, was a beautiful sight that only existed in that very moment.
Kate: … Like you said, I think it'd make us happy to go somewhere we could be alone.
I took my eyes off the lavenders and looked at him.
The colour of the sky growing dark matched the colour of his hair, making it look as though he was about to be washed away by the twilight.
Kate: Ellis, I love watching you at work.
Kate: I love watching you enjoy talking to the other members of Crown too.
Kate: Therefore, I don't want us to go to that place where it’s only the two of us just yet.
Kate: Because then, I won’t be able to see the sides of you that I love.
I took over one of the paper bags he held in his hand, and gave him mine.
He tilted his head curiously and I urged him to open the bag.
Inside the bag was a bottle filled with a clear liquid.
Ellis: … A storm glass?
Kate: The rain caused a change in our plans for the day and although we still had fun nevertheless, I thought it’d be great if we could know the weather when we go out again in the future.
A storm glass was a tool that told the weather through the crystallisation or freezing of the liquid inside.
Kate: I thought that this will help us plan our outings.
Tiny snowflake-like crystals formed in the bottle, they were traces of the rainfall from earlier.
Kate: I understand that you feel like you want to make this moment last forever, but I’m looking forward to spending tomorrow with you.
Kate: Even if it were to hurt, I don't want to end without knowing the happiness that comes after the pain.
He held the storm glass with both hands and muttered.
Ellis: … The reason why I cling to you when I sleep is because I feel like you might vanish somewhere.
Kate: Eh…
Ellis: I know I should really look forward to tomorrow. But,
Ellis: I have this constant uneasy feeling that you’ll be gone when I wake up.
Ellis: That’s why I have the thoughts of wanting to put an end to this quickly.
(Ellis feels the same way…)
I always thought that his long limbs wrapped around me like thorny vines purely out of possessiveness, but turns out that he feels the same way I do.
Kate: I’ve been thinking the same thing.
I wrapped my hands around his slightly trembling hands and the crystals in the storm glass shook.
Ellis: … You’re amazing, Kate.
Kate: Am I?
Ellis: You are, because you easily put into words the feelings I couldn't express.
It was the first time I saw his shy smile.
Ellis: I just fell in love with you all over again.
Simultaneously, our lips came together.
Kate: Nn…
I woke up to the feeling of the morning sun.
(We fell asleep last night without putting our clothes back on…)
Kate: Ah…
I felt a tug and our skin touched.
Kate: Ellis?
Ellis: …
The early summer breeze blew into the room, our curtains swaying in the wind.
In the quiet morning, I hugged him back tightly.
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Kate: I love you, Ellis.
Kate: Stay by my side forever.
Perhaps feeling comforted by the sight of the slight smile on his lips, sleepiness washed over me again.
(It’s still early, I’ll sleep a little more.)
As I closed my eyes, I caught a glimpse of the storm glass indicating that the weather was good and I pictured us spending a day of simple joy.
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Hanging Out
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Spencer wasn’t one to detail his calendar to the last minute. But he liked having a clear idea of when he was going to be doing. He walked out of the office deciding to pass by a little coffee place for a breather, he didn’t dislike paperwork he just hated how much and extensive it was. He was on an indefinite break after just being lied to over and over again by an incredibly annoying suspect.
He watched as you stood outside frowning at your phone.
“Hey, Stranger.” you looked up at him and smiled, his heart skipping a beat.
“Hey Genius, what’s up?”
“I should be asking you?” you shook your head.
“Don’t worry about it.”
“Come one now, you know you are a terrible liar.”
“Only when it’s you.” you sighed as you showed him your phone. “My best friend is on a date with my boyfriend, she made him text me to break up.”
Spencer squinted, analysing everything about the picture.
“They look comfortable, his posture leant more into her, this has been going on for a while.”
“So I’m not crazy, thank you.” you slid your phone into your pocket. “I’m trying to figure out what to do now.”
“Would you like to go have lunch together?”
“I just got broken up with Spence don’t you think a grace perios is in order?” Spencer turned slightly red at his ears.
“I-I mean the restaurant they’re at, a-and pretend but-”
“Revenge huh?” you cross your arms and envisioned it. You weren’t a confrontational type infact you hated it which was ironic considering your job but you managed to alienate any feelings towards your criminals and your loved ones.
It might get messy.
“OR you could just enjoy lunch SOMEWHERE ELSE WITHOUT ME i won’t take offence i promise.” Spencer looked genuinely scared that he might have crossed a line.
“I don’t know where the restaurant they are is so-” you held out your hand. “I’m trusting you to take me there and back.”
Spencer grinned and it was the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. “You can think of it as a hangout instead of a date.”
“I actually would like to go on a date with you, a real one.”
He nodded but the shy smile on his face betrayed him.
“I haven’t had the best er dating history.”
“I don’t care, it’s you Spencer, I like you.” He grinned again and you felt your heart beat faster.. “You have a pretty smile Reid.” His grip on your hand tightened.
“You are pretty.”
“Can I get one big bowl of croutons and a glass of railway?” Railway was some new smoothie that had everything I like in one glass.
“Alright, and what about you sir?”
“A club sandwich and a cup of coffee.”
“Your order will be with you in a few,”
You turned to look at them when Spencer stopped you.
“Have you texted him back?’ You shook your head taking out your phone.
“Should I?”
“Call him instead.” you blinked when you realised where he was going with this.
“I think you’ve watched a lot of revenge drama, Dr. Reid.” He looks away, blushing. You lean in and take in the man infront you. “You’re cute when you blush.”
“You are spinning me, sunshine.”
“If you saw yourself in my eyes, I think you’d understand.”
You leaned back. “How the tables have turned.”
You heard glass break to the side but didn’t flinch keeping your eyes on the doctor as he kept his on yours.
You scrolled through your contact.
He picked up.
“Hey, listen. I saw your text and honestly no hard feelings. It’s good we didn’t move in together or packing would be so annoying to deal with. I hope you and her are happy, Bye.” you ended the call without a second thought.
You blocked him and put your phone back in your pocket. All the while you were keeping eye contact with Spencer.
“You look way too good for someone who just got dumped.”
“What can I say.” you shrugged before winking at him. “I had someone help me stay steady.”
“You are a flirt.”
“Only for you doctor.” Spencer’s head fell back as he laughed. It was a boyous laugh that also had you laughing too.
“HEY!” you stopped laughing as you had met the eyes of your ex who was fuming above you.
“Why are you here?”
“I should be asking you, why are you on a date with your co-worker?”
“Says the one on a date with my best- ex-best friend. You're funny, don’t you think so, genius?”
Spencer’s eyes were sharp on the two as he nodded, “Funny guy.” his voice chilled up the summer afternoon. “Now if you two would move out the way, our waiter is right behind you.”
Fuming the both of them left and you and Spencer had lunch together. You both received a joint text from Aaron giving everyone the remainder of the day off.
“Hey, Spencer,” He looked at you as you both exited hand in hand. “Do you think you can walk me home?”
“You don’t even have to ask.”
no.3 of spencer reid's firsts
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ltwilliammowett · 4 months
The anti seasick ship SS Bessemer Saloon Steamship
The SS Bessemer Saloon Steamship- SS Bessemer for short - was an experimental Victorian passenger side wheel steamer designed to counteract seasickness and operated between Dover and Calais. Her inventor was Sir Henry Bessemer.
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Bessemer Saloon Steamer, 1874
In 1868, Bessemer, who suffered from severe seasickness, developed the idea of a ship whose passenger cabin - the saloon - was to be suspended on a gimbal and mechanically held horizontally, thus levelling out the swell and sparing the occupants from the ship's movements. Sounded too good to be true, but more on that later. He patented this ingenious idea in December 1869 and after successful trials with a model in which the levelling was carried out by hydraulics controlled by a helmsman observing a spirit level, Bessemer founded a limited company, the Bessemer Saloon Steamboat Company Limited, which was to operate steamships between England and France. Capital of 250,000 pounds was used to finance the construction of a ship, the SS Bessemer, whose chief designer was the naval architect Edward James Reed.
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SS Bessemer, by Henry Spernon Tozer 1874
And so she was built by Earle's Shipbuilding in Hull. She bore the shipyard number 197 and was launched on 24 September 1874. As already mentioned, she was a paddle steamer with four buckets (two buckets each on port and starboard, one forward and one aft). She had a length of 106.68 m (350 feet), a width on deck of 12.19 m (40 feet), an outside width over the bucket boxes of 19.81 m (65 feet), a draught of 2.26 m (7 feet 5 inches) and a gross register tonnage of 1974 tonnes. What also characterised her was that she was completely identical fore and aft, she had two bridges and two wheels, which simply made her faster and more manoeuvrable in both directions. Her maximum speed was about 17.4 knots.
The inner saloon was a room 70 feet long (21 metres) and 30 feet wide (9.1 metres), with a ceiling 6.1 metres above the floor, Moroccan-covered seats, partitions and spiral columns of carved oak and gilded panels with hand-painted murals. The press liked to call it the floating clubhouse. However, the swinging saloon was only intended for first class passengers. The second class, on the other hand, did not enjoy this and had to make do with cabins on the sides of the hull.
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Harper's Weekly Interior Pages showing the newly building ultra Luxury Bessemer Channel Steam-Ship, 1874
The disaster begins
On 21 October 1874, the Bessemer had her first misfortune. She had just arrived in Hull to be fitted out when she was driven ashore in a storm. She was refloated and found to be undamaged, which was not entirely true, as would later become apparent.
In March 1875, the ship sailed on a private trial voyage from Dover to Calais. During this voyage she is said to have steered well and even had a top speed of 18 knots. Her swinging saloon is also said to have worked excellently. However, things didn't go so smoothly because on arrival in Calais, a paddle wheel was damaged when she crashed into the pier because it didn't react to the rudder at slow speed.
The first and only public voyage took place on 8 May 1875, with the ship sailing with her revolving cabin locked (some observers suggested this was due to the ship's severe instability, but Bessemer attributed this to lack of time to repair the previous damage). The ship was operated by the London, Chatham and Dover Railway. After two attempts to enter the harbour, it again crashed into the Calais pier, this time destroying part of it. Calais billed the company £2800 for the damage.
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The Bessemer Saloon-Ship running foul of Calais Pier. Illustrated London News, 1875
Due to the poor performance, investors lost confidence and the company was dissolved in 1876. On 29 December 1876, the Bessemer ran aground on Burcom Sand in the Humber upstream of Grimsby, Lincolnshire, after the removal of the swivelling saloon and other extensive alterations. She was refloated and taken to Hull. The Board of Trade's investigation into the grounding found that the captain was at fault. His certificate was suspended for three months.After removal, the designer Reed had the saloon cabin taken to his home, Hextable House, Swanley, where it was used as a billiard room. When the house was later converted into a women's college, Swanley Horticultural College, the saloon was used as a lecture theatre, but was destroyed by a direct hit when the college was bombed during the Second World War.
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The Saloon as a lecutre theatre
The ship was then docked in Dover until it was sold for scrapping in 1879.
The Theory of the Top. Volume IV, by Felix Klein, Arnold Sommerfeld, London, 2010
The Nautical Magazine for 1874
Sir Henry Bessemer, F.R.S.: An Autobiography, 1905
The Gale, The Times. No. 28140. London. 23 October 1874. col E, p. 8.
London, Chatham & Dover Railway Company
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sketalya · 4 months
✨The Narrow Gauge & Mr. Percival full ref's ✨
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And of course some of my headcanons about them ;3🌹
(This is a little longer than before but I hope you like it :D)
1) Skarloey | 39 y.o | 165 cm
• One of the oldest on the railway, he was like a big brother to all the young narrow gauges.
• Extremely close to Rheneas, always talking about Rheneas everytime he wasn't around.
• Of course besides always talking about Rheneas, he likes to tell a lot of things and sometimes Rusty joins him for that. He's been on the Skarloey railway longer than anyone so he knows all the secrets and stories.
• Likes inviting his friends to drink tea together, sometimes inviting Mr. Percival for that even though he doesn't come often because of his busy schedule. Skarloey also likes to invite Edward just to chat casually and Edward always likes it when he comes to the Skarloey Railway.
• Afraid of thunder and storms but actually he is afraid of loud noises that startle him. He always hide in his room when that happened. He is also afraid of heights.
• People always thought he was wise but Skarloey himself always thought that Rheneas was wiser than him. Whenever he had a problem he would always ask Rheneas for advice.
• Everytimes the young narrow gauges were causing trouble, Skarloey was too tired to deal with it so he mostly told Rheneas about it and Rheneas is the one who will always handle that.
• He also considered Nancy as his best friend and he always allowed her to help him polish his engines.
2) Rheneas | 38 y.o | 165 cm
• Another big brother figure for the young narrow gauge. Always wants the best for the Skarloey Railway so sometimes he can be a little strict about it.
• And because of that, Sir Handel and Peter Sam liked to joke about him acting like a mother. Sometimes he was deliberately called mom by them whenever Rheneas advised them and it always annoyed him.
• Doesn't like it when his name is misspelled. Especially when Duncan and Sir Handel deliberately misspelled his name as "Rhene-ASS". But sometimes he's called "Remy" by Skarloey and he's okay with that.
• Has a pretty tough past and Skarloey is the person he considers his first friend. Doesn't like to talk about it except with Skarloey.
• Swear police number one. Always trying to cover Luke's ears whenever Duncan starts swearing.
• He can become overworked and even get sick because of it. He will really appreciate nap time.
• He never knew he could see ghosts and he always thought it was just a hunch, Rusty was the one who noticed it. Once accidentally saw Rusty talking to Boulder (FYI Boulder in my AU is a giant rock ghost where he will look like an ordinary large rock to the human eye but Rheneas can see its true form just like Rusty)
3) Sir Handel | 27 y.o | 163 cm
• Is the type of person who is unpredictable. Always think that he is the coolest among the others and will say it out loud.
• Wears shoes with wheels that can be lowered whenever he wants to use them. Rheneas and Skarloey always tried to warn him that it was dangerous to wear rollerskates on the railway but he never listened and he always to show it off.
• Always complaining if there is something doesn't go as he expected, it can make him act a bit rude.
• Sometimes makes trouble for his friends because of that, and he will feel sorry for that. (Still cause problems after that)
• Can be very competitive and vindictive.
• He considers Peter Sam as his brother. Peter Sam and Duke sometimes calls him "Falcon".
• When Luke officially joined them, Sir Handel was the one who was most happy about it. (That's because he's no longer the shortest one among them)
• Secretly loves romantic novels and always hopes that he is the main character. He also has a diary book that he keeps very secret.
• The reason why Mr. Percival always prefers to use his bicycle or ask Thomas to take him whenever he needs to go somewhere. (This is quite funny actually, maybe I'll tell you about this another time)
4) Peter Sam | 27 y.o | 170 cm
• The definition of looking like a cinnamon roll that will actually kill you. Always try to act good in front of Skarloey, Rheneas, and Luke but he can be such a troublemaker when he's with Sir Handel and Duncan. (Still a cinnamon roll)
• Whenever he was bothered by Sir Handel, he would always call him "shortie" to shut his mouth. (It works)
• Sometimes called "Stuart" by Sir Handel and Duke.
• Has a scar on his neck because of the trucks incident.
• Always acts like he doesn't like fairy tales or something but actually he likes them and always listens whenever Skarloey and Rusty start telling stories.
• One of the people who has met Proteus besides Rusty. But he forgot about it because Rusty erased his memory about it through his dreams.
• He really likes to eat and he always brings a large bag of food to work. He cooks it himself and doesn't mind sharing it with others. Sometimes brings snacks for Luke.
• Always confused about making decisions for himself so he's the one who always asked Skarloey, Rheneas, and Duke for advice very often.
5) Rusty | 25 y.o (Fake age) | 169 cm
• One of the most reliable on the railway, he can always fix anything so his friends always ask him for help with it and he doesn't mind helping.
• Just like Skarloey, he always likes to tell lots of things and his favorites are horror stories. He likes to scare Duncan and Peter Sam with it.
• He really likes relaxing classical music and sometimes he will borrow Duncan's headphones to listen to some music.
• He wasn't originally human, he was a ghost before and then being given a second chance to become mortal by Lady and Proteus. Narrow Gauge didn't know about this. And of course he can see ghosts.
• Has a special ability given by Lady and Proteus and that is dream control. He can make dreams and make it seem real when people are asleep, actually given this ability to help Lady and Proteus but sometimes he likes to use it for fun.
• Likes to experiment with it by giving dreams to his friends, although sometimes he accidentally gives them nightmares. The first person to know about his abilities was Skarloey but without them knowing, Sir Handel and Peter Sam overheard about it and of course because of that all the narrow gauges knew about his abilities even Mr. Percival. But they all thought it was cool and promised to keep it between themselves.
• At first he was afraid of Boulder's existence but then he got along quite well with it after that incident.
6) Duncan | 25 y.o | 172 cm
• The tallest among the narrow gauge.
• Worse than Sir Handel, he can be really stubborn and rude. Even Skarloey and Rheneas had quite a hard time dealing with his attitude. But somehow Rusty and Mr. Percival are patient enough to deal with it.
• Always acting tough but actually he can be soft without realizing it.
• Afraid of heights and of course ghosts. He really doesn't like it when Rusty deliberately tells him horror stories. He could have nightmares because of that.
• Has many piercings on his face and ears which are considered cool by Sir Handel and Luke.
• Really loves rock and heavy metal songs, always listening to them through the headphones he always carries. But Mr. Percival wouldn't let him use it while he was working because it will make it difficult for him to stay focus and it could cause problems.
• Very close with the twins Patrick and Pansy. Every time Mr. Percival took them both, he would play with them.
• Very adventurous, he will force Rusty to come with him whenever he finds somewhere interesting to explore.
• He liked to take Sir Handel and Peter Sam to race on the rail track with their engines.
• Also another reason why Mr. Percival always prefers to use his bicycle or ask Thomas to take him whenever he needs to go somewhere. (This relates to how unfocused Duncan can be if he has his headphones on while doing something)
7) Duke | 54 y.o | 167 cm
• He was the mentor of Sir Handel and Peter Sam. Highly respected by both of them and has been considered like a father figure to them.
• Even though he was very old, he refused to retire and decided to continue working on the railway.
• Called "Granpuff" by Sir Handel and Peter Sam. In fact he was still called that by other narrow gauges after moving to the Skarloey Railway.
• Always knows how to deal with the mischievous behavior of his two students. He never falls for any of their pranks and may even be the one who always beats them.
• The Duke actually has connections with the Lady and Proteus. When he was declared missing, he was not asleep for a long time but was actually helping Proteus with something and that because of Lady's request. (There's lore I made for this and it's related to my AU so maybe I'll tell you more about it another time)
• He was the one who gave the diary book to Sir Handel and taught Peter Sam how to cook.
• In his spare time, he really likes to ride around the railway and enjoy the beautiful views. It was really calming for him.
• Never take his glasses away from him. His view completely changed to 144p without it.
8) Luke | 22 y.o | 157 cm
• The youngest and also the shortest among the narrow gauges.
• Literally a cinnamon roll. She's so innocent, a little timid, and too kind. He was always treated like a little brother by the others which was quite cute.
• Having a phobia of the ocean, he actually tried to face his fear but was still unsuccessful due to his trauma.
• Whenever he had free time, he would go to the Steamworks to meet Victor, and because of that he became close friends with Kevin as well. Luke also still often meets Thomas and his best friend Millie.
• Has a deer as a pet and will sometimes take it with him to work.
• It's still quite difficult for him to trust people he just met, but it's different with the narrow gauge, he really trusts them with all his heart.
• Luke was very happy when invited to drink tea by Skarloey, take care of his deer with Rheneas, try roller skating with Sir Handel, eat snacks made by Peter Sam, going on an adventure in a dream made by Rusty when he was asleep, doing Rock n Roll with Duncan, listening to many stories from Duke, and even helping Mr. Percival is out of work.
9) Mr. Percival | 34 y.o | 185 cm
(Ok, this one is actually quite difficult for me because I didn't get much information about him either from ttte eps, wikifandom, and tumblr. So all of this is purely my imagination and how I view him. I hope it doesn't sound so ridiculous :D)
• If Duncan is the tallest among the narrow gauge then this man is much taller than Duncan. And that's why he likes to imagine the narrow gauge as 7 dwarfs. (But of course not to Duke because he respects Duke)
• Not like Sir Topham Hatt. Because his age is not much different from narrow gauge and even younger than Duke, Skarloey, and Rheneas. Mr Percival is also seen as a friend by them outside of work. And he really appreciated that.
• When he heard that Rusty could control dreams, he didn't believe it at first and he even challenged Rusty to give him nightmares. And after Rusty actually does it, he regrets his own request and then believes it. (He even asked Rusty not to tell about his dream to the others)
• Just like Duke, never take his glasses away from him. He would literally go blind without it.
• At first he seemed like a strict person but after being with narrow gauge for quite a while, he was actually quite a chill person. He even casually asked Sir Handel and Peter Sam to be in charge while he is away. (Even though he actually knew they would mess up)
• He doesn't have a hobby that he really likes so when he's not busy and bored, he likes to hang out and have fun with the narrow gauge. He thought that they were very random but that was part of the fun.
• Swear police number 2 after Rheneas, he will glare at Duncan when he starts swearing. He would even keep an eye on him when Duncan played with the twins.
• He always keeps his words professional and polite. But he won't hesitate to be sarcastic when he's annoyed or talking to someone he doesn't like.
• Personally, he doesn't really like driving by car and would prefer to use a bicycle. (And that was made worse after the incident that happened when he asked Sir Handel and Duncan to drive his car. Truly the worst decision he ever made)
• This man has a large collection of bicycles at home and even his children are like that because they follow their father. His wife Polly was doesn't surprised by it and couldn't do anything about it.
• He really doesn't like being seen as that stereotypical nerd just because people assume that he looks like that. Once Sir Handel and Duncan said that he looked like an "emo nerd" just because he wore glasses and always wore black. That really triggered him at that time.
• Has a pet dog which he named Perri, but she (the dog) hates him and only likes Mrs. Polly and the kids.
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winwintea · 6 months
dreamies as your disney world boyfriend
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pairing ▸ boyfriend!dreamies x reader author's note ▸ i am working on the SERIES I PROMISE GUYS... it's just quite long... oops. i needed to channel my inner disney for inspiration for this sorry. the prompt seemed to make more sense in my head so i guess it's just, 'dreamies at disney' now lol. ALSO SOME DISNEY TERMINOLOGY in there i apologize. should make sense but if it's confusing ask me lmfaooo
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mark lee
photographer boyfriend obviously 
doesn’t even complain about how many photos you want to take
is actually dying inside but hides it away with dad jokes to cope with the pain
“it’s not even noon yet and dis-knees are killing me bro” 
will only complain about the heat 
“It’s like we’re on the surface on the sun dude… like satan’s armpit. that’s crazzzzyy.”
you couldn’t help but laugh
but then he just KEPT GOING
“it’s like we’re in the inside of a mouth… there are things sticking to things that-” 
and you cut him off right there.
can’t help the fact that bro is a D1 yapper.
will not wear mickey ears though no matter how much you beg him to :(  
favorite ride: slinky dog dash
least favorite ride: dumbo
huang renjun
the boyfriend that actually disney bounds with you
so y’all are disney bounding as nick wilde and judy hopps from zootopia (renjun’s idea)
chenle took him to shanghai disney once, so he’s a big fan of duffy and friends
oh how disappointed he was when he realized that the mascots don’t exist in WDW
“preferred parking? i would prefer parking to be free, thank you very much.” 
mood is very sour upon entering
“i know you’re cold but i did tell you to bring a jacket.” rude.
however once you two start collecting your first character signature he’s locked in
somehow more excited to meet the characters than the kids are? (ur 24. reality check!)
he gets more into it as the day goes on
although he already had fox ears on to begin with anyways
favorite ride: mickey & minnie’s runaway railway
least favorite ride: seven dwarfs mine train (it was too short)
lee jeno
foodie boyfriend 
wants a turkey leg like really badly 
“that guy has a turkey leg… sir- um sir- where did you get that turkey leg”
you have to bribe this man with food.
which honestly is okay by you because you just wanna take photos of the food.
"yknow with this ride being 50 years old, you'd think they could've made the boats a little bigger. have to man spread now" 
whatever you’re thinking of, that’s literally not what he meant. 
he’s an innocent lil guy. (seriously, it just came out wrong.)
holds ur hand on all rides. 
let’s you grab onto his muscles arms while you are nervous on the thrill rides
no mickey ears though. (it’s the bow that always throws them off)
favorite ride: rise of the resistance 
least favorite ride: teacups
lee haechan
out of pocket boyfriend who will not stfu
“bambi’s the only movie i really couldn’t watch… i could not be as strong as bambi” 
after you give him the, “wtf” look he just continues. on.
“cause if my mom died well… there goes my friend group.”
will randomly start singing disney songs in the middle of waiting for a ride. 
in those show/ride/attractions he’s the only one clapping and screaming. 
especially true for the beauty and the beast sing-a-long attraction, cause yknow he’s gonna scream his lungs out.
yeah he’ll wear mickey ears, but you bought him a goofy hat instead. It was more fitting.
“can’t believe disney made a character after me… should i sue?”
also complains a lot. way too much.
“EPCOT? more like every person comes out tired.”
favorite ride: pirates of the caribbean (he kept making a booty joke over and over again)
least favorite ride: toy story midway mania (bc he lost)
na jaemin
hardcore boyfriend photographer (pt 2) + ‘mom’ boyfriend
man knows all your best angles and where to take photos
“picture, picture over here… yes yes right… in front of the castle angel. oh that’s so pretty… in… in… down… up… okay! smile!”
you two spend like half the day taking photos, jaemin needs to show off his gf ofc.
cares for you the whole entire day, makes sure you drink enough water
aggressively refills your waterbottles every second he gets. 
“when it doubt, chug it out! (cue jaemin chugging his own bottle)
he unfortunately will not wear mickey ears. (jaemin i believed in you.)
he’s not the one being taken photos of, so no mickey ears for him.
“princess i don’t wanna hear it. the humidity is good for you. this is like nature’s pore declogging.”
favorite ride: frozen ever after
least favorite ride: none (bc he did everything with u <3)
zhong chenle
in between buying you everything and calling everything too expensive boyfriend
this man pulls you into that sus green building on main street, and your jaw drops.
club 33, is an exclusive, membership only restaurant at disney. it’s like an elite society filled with rich upper class, but at disney. (never been inside not sure how to describe it but oh boy is membership expensive.) the waitlist got so long in 2007, they closed it for 5 years. look it up on wikipedia disney lore goes hard
“i just asked a couple of friends, and they recommended me this place.” boy.
you’re panicking because you’re severely underdressed. (you’re in a jessie costume.)
he reassures you, since you’re at disney, and being dressed like this is normal.
once u have one of the most expensive meals of ur life, chenle drags u to every single thrill ride.
he also buys you a balloon and a bubble wand <3
but for some reason when you arrive at the gift shop he realizes he’s spent a lot.
“okay enough gift shop. look away from the gift shop. this vacation already has us in poverty.”
he’ll buy you a nice meal at one of the restaurants and then…
“we’re not getting churros they’re 5 dollars.”
no mickey ears either why do you even ask
“next time i’ll take u to shanghai, it’s better okay?”
favorite ride: tower of terror
least favorite ride: it’s a small world after all
park jisung
anti-disney everything boyfriend
gets frustrated at everything. cannot read the map.
when he goes on small world…
he severely questions his mental sanity. like actually guys i think he needs help.
“this ride is for kids.” 
the ride in question: the barnstormer! a 40 second kiddie roller coaster that has top speeds of up to 25mph!
literally jisung’s 13 reason. 
he was screaming his little heart out poor baby.
“I’m not wearing those. Stop.” you do not stop. “Take these off of me right now.”
he wears the ears for half of the day though so a win is a win.
“we’re going to the other park? we’re not going home? there’s 3 more??????”
favorite ride: none
least favorite ride: all
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Pairings: Daryl Dixon x teen!reader, Tyreese Williams x teen!reader, Carol Peletier x teen!reader, Judith Grimes x teen!reader (all platonic obviously)
Requested by Anonymous: when the prison fell you and Daryl got separated, this is how you meet up, based on this request
Warnings: mention of blood, fighting, mention killing walkers/zombies, killing people, Daryl hug (yes that’s a warning), knives, guns, mention of killing kids, Terminus, hopefully if you read this you’ve seen the episode and knows what it includes, but ya know typical twd stuff.
A/N did I accidentally write this way longer than I intended yes, yes, I did, now don’t get me wrong the moment where Tyreese defends Judith is iconic but for the sake of this fic I changed it up, kinda wanna make another part
For you who wants to know the episode is season 5 episode 1
Anyway I hope you enjoy this <3
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Judith giggled happily in your arms as you walked on the edge of the railway. You could’ve once imagined all kinds of trains going up and down the tracks as they blew past the trees, but now you couldn’t actually remember much about trains, you had the idea of them but not much details (and if a train were to come right now that would’ve been a miracle).
Tyreese walked a few steps behind you, with Carol in the front, as she led your group of four forward. She came to a stop when a sign that states “TERMINUS” showed up once more. It was your headed path, the sanctuary called Terminus. You personally didn’t trust it, not after the Governor, but you had to find Daryl and the rest of the group. You knew that if any of them were still alive they would’ve gone to Terminus after finding the railway. Which all of them had probably done. Along with finding Daryl you also had to get Tyreese and Judith to safety. Tyreese wasn’t fit to live on the road at the moment, he refused to kill anything that came your way leaving you and Carol to kill stray walkers, or animals for food. Judith, well, she was a baby and sometimes could be screaming all day, she was mostly quiet but the times she did cry was the times walkers got attracted. A baby was no way near fit to be on the road but here you were all of you somehow still alive (except for Lizzie and Mika Samuels, but there was no loss for you over Lizzie that’s for sure).
“We’re close” Carol stated as she saw the sign. “I’m gonna get you all there, make sure you’re safe, but I’m not gonna stay” She saw your face morph into disappointment as you nodded your head, a sad smile on your face. You’d missed her while she was gone and now she would be leaving again, and you didn’t like it, not one bit and you knew Daryl would be sad over it too which didn’t help the matter.
As you heard the rustle of leaves behind you in the forest, you all turned around to see two walkers stalk forward in your direction. Tyreese motioned with his hands to take Judith from you. Judith was carefully switched over to Tyreese and both you and Carol went forward to the walkers. Both of you killed them quickly only to notice the herd that was about to come out of the forest. Carol whispered to Tyreese that more were coming, and so all of you went into the opposite side of the railway. You hid in the forest until the walkers got distracted by shots firing not too far away from all of you.
Tyreese looked worriedly at you as he started to talk. “That gunfire it could’ve been from Terminus”
“Someone was attacking them, or they were attacking someone” Carol responded
“Do we want to find out?”
This time you involved yourself in the conversation, as you believed that you did indeed need to find out. “Yeah, we need to find out, If the others are there they might need help”
With that, and Carol's instruction of walking another track that would get you there as well you all started to walk once more, this time in need to find out the truth.
Your next stop had been outside a small worn out cabin, but it wasn’t the cabin that got your attention. What got your solely attention as you hid in the forest with your companions was the man that talked in a walkie-talkie. He was putting up a bunch of fireworks, no doubt to lead the herd of walkers away from Terminus. You could faintly hear him mention a woman with a sword, and you stopped Carol from going forward. As you continued to listen you heard him mention a kid with a hat and that was all you needed to go on. You didn’t think there were that many women with a sword and kid with a hat together nearby at the same time, so it didn’t take much to know that they were talking about Michonne and Carl. Nor did it take long to realize they had done something to your group, thereby also Daryl. Especially when he mentioned bleeding the kid out.
Carol slowly started to creep up behind the man and you followed not far behind. Tyreese more hesitant but still following. She put her gun toward his head, the young man froze and put his hands up still holding the two way radio. “Keep your finger off the button and drop it”
“Listen, ya’ll don’t have to do this. Whatever you want, we got a place where everyone’s welcome”
“Shut up man” it was what all three of you were thinking but Tyreese was the one to say it.
“We’re friends of the chick with the sword and the kid in the hat” Carol pressed the gun against his head forward, making the man lean forward as the gun touched his head.
It didn’t take long for you and Carol to tie him up and drag him (not so carefully) into the cabin leaning him against one of the walls. Throughout the whole ordeal the man continued to tell the three of you that you didn’t have to do this, that you could all come up with a deal, but he had no luck there.
As Carol made herself ready to scout Terminus out to see what was happening Tyreese continued to hold Judith in a protective embrace. You however had been asking the man questions, finding out that ever since the first questions he had been lying. He told you he only had Carl and Michonne, that they had both attacked them out of nowhere, that they were just protecting themselves. But none of you believed him. Not with the things you heard him talk about before you confronted him.
You would of followed Carol to Terminus had it not been for your will to protect Judith and Tyreese. As much as you loved Tyreese he wasn’t in his right mind. So you stayed to help if anything bad were to happen, to walkers coming your way or your prisoner getting free somehow, it didn’t matter you were there to protect your family. You only hoped Carol wouldn’t need any help.
Talking about your prisoner he was even more shatty when Carol left. Apparently a teenager, a baby and a man who he could clearly see wasn’t going to kill him was no threat to him. It was his undoing in the end. He underestimated you both and it showed in the way he talked to you and Tyreese as you sat by Judith, who’d you made a makeshift bed to.
“She got a name?… Hey, she got a name?”
“No” you answered at the same time Tyreese answered “Judith” you glared at Tyreese as he told the stranger her name, you didn’t want to give him any information, you never knew if it would backfire.
“She your daughter or something?”
“She’s a friend”
“Huh, I don’t have any friends… I mean I know people. They’re just assholes I stay alive with. The other one your friend, the woman” the younger man nodded towards the door that was now closed. Tyreese slowly looked away at the comment being conflicted about his answer. So instead you answered.
The man nodded and his voice that had now started to annoy you filled the room once more. “I used to have them… used to watch football on Sundays. Went to church” he let out a small laugh as if the thought of it was unbelievable. “I know, I did, but I can’t picture it anymore… it’s funny how you don’t even notice the time go by, horrible shit just stacks up day after day, you get used to it”
Tyreese turned his attention towards the man and spoke with distaste laced in his voice. “I haven’t gotten used to it”
"Of course you haven’t, you’re the kind of guy who saves babies, it’s kinda like saving an anchor, when you’re stuck on a boat-“ you had by know decided to drown out his voice as he tried to make justiciable to let him go.
Your thoughts got filled with Daryl like they had for the most time since the prison fell. You missed him. He always looked out for you. Ever since you met you were drawn to each other. Daryl used to pretend he hated you, especially when Merle was around he couldn’t have his brother think he was soft. However everyone knew he had always secretly looked out for you ever since he met you he’d felt the need to protect you. It came to the point that whenever you wanted to go on a run to get new supplies or do anything really you’d always ask Daryl. You had never spoken about it to each other but there was a silent agreement between everyone even you and Daryl that you were his kid and he your father. It might not be by blood but it was how it had come to be. Everytime something happened to you if you got hurt or if you were sad they’d always notify Daryl, but most of the time he already knew and would be with you to try and cheer you up in his own moody way. When you’d been out on the road before you found the prison you’d always sleep next to each other making sure the other one was safe. Even in the prison your cells were next to each other. He always looked out for you. He taught you how to hunt, he taught you how to use his crossbow, and to fight people to be able to protect yourself. Like Judith was “little asskicker”, you were the “big asskicker”. You couldn’t help but to miss him and the thought of him being hurt from the people in Terminus made your stomach hurt. You didn’t really want to voice your thoughts but you needed the reassurance and Tyreese was the only one who knew who Daryl was and could give reassurance. So against the warnings your mind gave you, you voiced your concerns.
“Do you think Daryl’s okay?” Your voice came out quieter than you expected as your mind filled with more scenarios in which Daryl had gotten hurt in.
Tyreese turned from Judith to look at you. He tried to give a reassuring look on his face as he answered. “I’m sure he’s fine Y/N”
”So Daryl’s your dad, maybe boyfriend” he continued to gues what Daryl was as you made no indication of actually giving anything away to him. After a while he stopped, he wouldn’t get anywhere with you, but he was still confident that if he talked enough to Tyreese would let him go.
“See, you’re a good guy, saving babies and teenagers.
“You have no idea about the things I’ve done”
“You’re a good guy, that’s why you gonna die today, it’s why the baby is going to die, why the Y/N is going to die” both you and Tyreese stood up taking an intimidating step towards the man, your knife pointed at him. “Or… you can get in that car, get out of here, keep on being lucky.”
“You think you’re gonna kill me?”
The man turned his sole attention to Tyreese as he answered him. “Why haven’t you killed me? How does having me alive help you? Why the hell are you even talking to me? Take the kids, take the car and go, I don’t want to do this today”
“For your information we could always use you to get more information or w e could kill you know, like you said we have-“ you got cut off by an explosion going off. Tyreese rushed to the window to see what was happening and saw the smoke over the forest.
“Is that Terminus?” The man moved forward as if trying to see out through the window but he had no luck in that department as he slouched back towards the wall.
“Yeah, probably”
“Maybe you’re gonna win this, maybe your friend, I mean maybe that woman just got capped, maybe I’m gonna be the one who gets capped when she comes back”
“Nobody’s got to die today”
“Man if you believe that… the it’s definitely gonna be you and the kids, even if the place is burning to the ground”
“Man maybe you can shut up and stop talking before I kill you myself” the man took his eyes of Tyreese to look at you as you had your knife pointed at him an annoyed look on your face. He didn’t believe for a moment that a teenager would be able to kill him, nor win in a fight against him. He had a way to high ego to think that you would be able to do any harm to him, he underestimated both you and Tyreese and when he heard as well as saw Tyreese look out at the walkers coming toward the cabin he moved quickly and soon enough his hands went to hold Judith in a hold that would be easy to break her neck.
He told you both to drop your weapons and you both did so not wanting him to hurt Judith. As he saw the walkers claw at the windows he looked towards Tyreese telling him to go outside. As Tyreese went outside he went over to you and bound your hands together with some spare rope just like you had done to him earlier. He made sure the knot would hold before he went I’ve r towards the wallow-talkie and tried to connect to the woman (apparently named Cynthia) on the other side.
While he did all that you tried to desperately tie up the knot that held the rope around your wrist together. Right as you were able to get rid of the rope around your wrist (thankful Daryl taught you how to do it) the noise from outside stopped. It became deathly quiet and the man looked towards were the last pounding against the walls had been. He took out his knife and was about to kill Judith when you quietly and quickly grabbed the knife that was laying right were you left it beside you on the floor and you ran over to the man. You saw red as you knocked him over, he had threatened to kill Judith and Tyreese. Threatened your sister and one of your closest friends. You knocked him towards the floor and your hand went into the air as you threw it down onto him repeatedly stabbing the knife in your hand into him. even after he was clearly dead.
Tyreese had to carefully walk over to you as he took the knife away from you. He told you that the man couldn’t hurt them anymore nor the walkers, everything would be okay. You appreciated his comfort as you hyperventilated for a few minutes over the fact that you’d just killed a human. You’d killed walkers before but never a human being. In your mind it was justified as he was about to kill all of you anyway, but you still felt like you’d lost something inside of you.
It was a while later when you glanced out of the window and saw Carol as she walked towards the cabin, Rick not that far behind. You broke out in a relieve laugh as a smile spread briefly over you lips, this made Tyreese glance out towards where you were looking. You booth scurried to get everything as you both wanted to leave the cabin not being comfortable to stay inside any longer than you needed to.
As both you and Tyreese stepped out of the barn you glanced at the people led by Carol. Your eyes scanned the crowd looking for one person in particular.
Daryl stared at you in disbelief he couldn’t believe you were actually alive, he’d seen you get shot, and without medical attention he guessed you’d died. He hadn’t wanted to keep hoping in case he would someday find your corpse rotting away (either as a walker or actually dead).
Daryl took in your bloodied state, you’d no doubt had to fight. Dirt and blood covered most of your clothes, and your face had a few cuts covered in dried blood. Your once white shirt was miss colored and your jeans had been ripped in some places, your jacket had blood stains all over it. Daryl could only guess what you’d gone through to end up looking like that (he didn’t even look that bad). He didn’t like all the blood covering you, he didn’t like not knowing what had happened, he didn’t like being away from you, he needed to protect you, he’d lost Beth to a couple of strangers, he wouldn’t lose you too.
When your eyes finally found Daryl, you had a soft smile on your face as you saw him visibly relax at your eye contact. While Rick and Carl ran towards Judith in Tyreese’s arms, Daryl stumbled forward towards you, dropping his crossbow to the ground. You met him halfway and he engelfulled you in a tight hug. You’d never know nor would anyone else but Daryl let a few tears fall in relief as he hugged you tightly knowing you were still alive, actually alive. As he felt you wrap your arms around him he felt you hug him just as tight, the comforting sensation you both brought each other was all you needed to ground each other and know that either of you were dreaming, this was real and both of you were okay.
As Daryl heard you sniffle he realized you were crying and he hugged you even tighter, taking one hand to your head and petting it softly — not knowing fully how to comfort someone, even now, having comforted you all those times before he still was unsure if he did it right. However he did know that you were crying from relief, because he did the same thing. You had your father back and he had his kid back and knowing that, you both knew that everything would be okay in the end. You were yet to be bested by someone when together, even when apart you always won, always found your way to back to each other. You would beat this world together and that was all that you needed to know, and the fact that neither of you were planning on leaving soon.
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welldigger62 · 12 days
From Bay City Michigan-
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Hung out with my buddy for a bit this morning and checked out some train activities.
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These two shots 👆show a Huron & Eastern Railway train headed south into Bay City on its morning run. After it passed, we drove to the northern end of the rail yard.
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Nope, nothing much going on here.
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This is my buddy, he likes chasing trains (no, not literally like a dog 🤣). After this we each had other things to do.
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I stopped by the river while I was in Bay City and caught a Great Lakes freighter on its was outbound.
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There are many drawbridges in Bay City and this one is called the Liberty Bridge. It is one of a couple bridges that were sold to a private company and refurbished. After the fix up, they were changed to toll bridges.
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Yeah, the trees are starting to change color here too.
If you’re still reading this far, thanks 😊. Have an awesome day.
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