#he's been reading it on and off for geez idek how long now probably at least a few months
britneyshakespeare · 9 months
did i tell you guys i got my dad to start reading jane eyre
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weirdthinkingdragon · 4 years
Pushed Temptations
Yandere Western Shouta x reader
Warnings of blood, guns, character death, uh… intended weapon harm to reader? Should that be a warning? Quirkless AU
IDEK if you can really call this a yandere. More like highly protective, which is kinda yandere I guess? All I know is I was in a really soft mood when writing the ending. Oops… 
It was rather quiet today at the bar. The only thing being the pianist playing their good old favorite tunes. No one seems to mind, and he offers to do the piano at a rather small price. Because of that, my boss decided to let him have a few drinks a day free. He was thankful but oddly declined. He’s definitely an older man, maybe in his 50s. I can’t for the life of me remember his name, but I do remember it starts with a T. He’s definitely an incredibly kind man though. 
I clean the glass of the customer that just left incredibly drunk. I don’t care much about doing this job, but I have to because the boss told me I could live here if I do. He knew my family and wanted to help me out after they were killed by bandits on their way home. He’s also worried about me being alone in case that happens to me as well. I don’t really care. We all die at some point anyway. I am rather angry with the bandits though. He wouldn’t let me decline. Seriously, he made two of his strongest bouncers come get me to bring me to him. I’m starting to think he only wanted me for his benefit. 
There was a rowdy few in the corner playing poker at the corner. I try to ignore them and stare at the doors to the entrance. One of the men at the table suddenly stands up, and storms out. He yells in fear after exiting. No one bats an eye since yelling is pretty normal around here. From fear? Not really, but it’s not my problem as long as it’s not in here.
It doesn’t take long to know why the man yelled in fear. A very feared outlaw enters through the doors. Shouta, the man feared by all. The only man that wears black everything, including his stetson. Well, the only thing not black was his bandana. That was a medium gray. He’s taken down multiple people at once, and so many Sheriffs and Bounty Hunters have been after him, which lead to their deaths. Only one person has ever been close to doing serious damage to him. From what I heard, they tried to become friends with him over a few days, got close enough, and tried to stab his eye with a knife. The swing hit, but not the way they hoped. The man was found dead a few days later with a bullet hole in his pants. He was shot in his thigh and left for dead overnight. The wolves got to him before he was found. 
A chill goes through the place as everyone goes silent and stares at him. They know to not bring their guns out. They stare in fear at him as he saunters up to the booth right in front of me. “Howdy stranger, what can I get ya?” 
“Whiskey.” Geez, even his voice is something to send chills down someone’s spine. I grab one of the glasses, fill it, and pass it to him. He goes to pass the money for it to me. I push it back towards him, leading him to have surprise on his face. 
“It’s on me. It’s a thank you for getting rid of that group of damn bandits that called themselves the “Iron Will”. It’s nothing to you, but they were a royal thorn in my side. I wanted revenge on myself for something they did.”
His face went back to being stoic, but he did grab the glass. I look at the entrance to see if anyone else entered. No. In fact, the ones at the table playing Poker booked it out of here, so it’s now just him, the pianist, and I. 
It stayed quiet between us for a bit. “You know, I don’t think you’re as bad as people say,” He raises the brow with the obvious scar under his eye, but says nothing. “From what I’ve heard, most, if not all, of the people you have killed have deserved it. Yes, even the Sheriffs. They’re usually corrupt themselves anyway.”  
“...You talk a lot.” He’s too hard to read to know what he’s truly thinking. 
I shrug. “It ain’t much. It just gets pretty boring around here, especially since I’d honestly rather be doing anything else.  Kinda forced to be here,” I glare off to the side. “Thank the damn bandits for that one,” I lock eyes with him again. “Uh… nevermind. Enjoy the rest of your whiskey.” I say and go over to the table the rowdy people were t and grabbed their glasses. It might be best to not bother him much more. Maybe I’d be next. 
The blond stops playing the piano for now, and he locks eyes with Shouta. Shouta… Gives him a small nod?  They must know each other. That would just be further proof he doesn’t kill for no reason. 
He asked for another, which I gave him. The blond didn’t continue playing yet. He must be giving his fingers a break. Honestly? About time. That man’s been playing for the past three hours without a break. 
At least, it was peaceful until someone slammed the doors open in an obvious frantic state. It was my boss. He has a revolver… It was easy to tell what he wanted to do with it from the way he glares at Shouta. I don’t let worry show, even though I’m worried about him being shot by Shouta, which could easily happen. That and the blood would be hard to clean up. It always is on wooden floors, as well as I don’t have anywhere to go after since my home was already taken from being forced to be here.  “Ren, please put the gun away. We ain’t got time for blood to be spilled here.”
That got Shouta to turn around and notice the man. His hand hovers over the pistol in his belt. 
“You don’t tell me what to do! This man doesn’t belong here! I want him out! If the bouncers won’t, I’ll do it myself!”
I sigh. “Ren, please. The bouncers left an hour ago. You know you don’t stand a chance, and I really don’t want to clean blood off the floor tonight,” He’s still frantically waving the gun around like a child proud of a new toy. “He also hasn’t done anything.”
“Hasn’t done anything!? He killed Mizuki!” Mizuki? Where have I- oh. That wretched man.
“Isn’t he that man that kept forcing himself on women?” 
“That doesn’t matter! He was still a great person!” … Is this man serious!? 
If I’m reading Shouta right, he wasn’t too happy about hearing that either. “Why the fuck am I stuck working for you?” I whisper to myself. It’s not loud enough for Ren to hear thankfully. He would have blown his mind if he heard me. In speaking of a blown mind, he’s about to get his mind blown to bits for real. “I’m sorry for his actions. I'm also sorry, but would you mind leaving without spilling blood? I know it's stupid to ask, but I'm sure you know just how hard blood is to get off of things." I lean a bit over the counter. 
"Stop being a pathetic bootlicker! He ain't deserving of it! Get. Out!" 
"You're always welcome here otherwise." I whisper. Ren didn’t hear it, but I’m pretty sure Shouta did as he turned to lock eyes with me for a second before slamming the glass down and turns to glare hard at Ren. I don't even need to see his face to know. The fearful shaking of my boss shows. He stands up, and heads towards the door. He shakily points the gun at Shouta, but he doesn't even bother grabbing his pistol, just keeps his eyes on Ren. Ren is angering me right now, disturbing the peace between the three of us here. Also for being a darn hypocrite of sorts for not being able to be brave for pointing a gun at Shouta, even though he’d make others do it if they were around. 
Ren steps away from the door as Shouta exits. It doesn't take long for the loud pounding of horse hooves to drift away until they’re no longer heard. 
Ren puts his gun away, but glares at me. "Why did you not tell him to leave when he entered!? Men like that ain't welcome around here.”
I look at him like he's stupid, probably because he is. "What in tarnation did you want me to do about it? Money is money, ain't it? Even then, a simple person such as I had no chance against a man such as that. Do you even see a gun around me!?”
He swears under his breath. “Close up early.” He leaves. ??? What? Just comes in here to disturb us for that? It’s confirmed, he’s not stable. 
Despite everything I could do, I decided to just listen and close it early. I grabbed the glass Shouta used, and started to clean it. 
“You’re right you know,” I stop cleaning the glass and look at the blond. “About Shouta. He’s a kind man, just given odd cards for his life. All it takes is one bad doing to make someone thrown in the dark. He’s saved me more than once before. Unfortunately, one time he did accidentally kill a good man. Hizashi was his name. At least, that’s what everyone believes. Someone else shot him, but pinned the blame on Shouta. Everyone believed the other man before they believed him. There’s no way he’d purposefully kill his friend though. Sure, Hizashi was a troublemaker at times, but he had a heart of gold. Friendly to all.”
My brows crease. “Why have I never heard about this?” This seems like something that really should be known.” 
He grows a saddened expression. “Many have simply chosen to forget or listen to him. Shouta gave up trying to convince people and just accepted his new way he has to live.” 
I’m angry at people for doing this to him, and also sad for him. Just thinking about how bad and painful it would to be not be listened to when telling the truth and no one believes me would be devastating. 
He leaves, and I leave a bit after finishing cleaning up.
For the past few months, Shouta has visited a few times. Luckily, Ren never came around, so he must be rather stealthy coming here now. I’m sure he comes for the free drinks. Who wouldn’t use that offer? I also started staying open a bit later than normal just for him. Still pretty sure he doesn’t like me too much from constantly trying to talk to him more with no success. Only a few nods or shakes of his head as replies. 
Tonight was no different. I kept it open late on the twelfth day of the month. He’s had a pattern of coming on this specific day. Toshinori, the man I finally remember the name of, left not too long ago. I’m all alone now. The eerie silence is rather unnerving when being so used to hearing the piano playing so often. 
Sadly, he doesn’t enter the saloon after a while of waiting. Maybe he’s busy tonight? Or maybe he got injured? There’s no way he could have been caught, right? I really hope not. I close the saloon and start to head home. It’s really late at night with the moon at its highest point in the  sky. It’s a full one tonight, showing everything around me rather brightly.  I pass a house on my way to mine, only to be suddenly slammed into the wall of it. 
There was a familiar face to the body. Ren!? He holds a gun right up to my neck. His breath is shaky and obviously full of anger. “You… Stupid… Did you really think you could keep going against my back without me finding out!?” He pushes the gun harder on my neck. “I really hoped to be wrong that you were helping that.. Filth of a man. Oh no. No, no, no, no! You’ve not only kept serving him, you’ve been doing it free. You deserve to be fucking executed for that!” 
He wasn’t alone. There were three other silhouettes that revealed themselves as men in the shadow of the building next to this one. They were close friends of his, and I’m pretty sure I remember the one farthest from me being rather close to Mizuki. The situation started to show, and fear quickly started rising. I’m going to die. “No, you deserve to be killed now for stealing from me! I give you a place to stay, and you steal! I should have left you to the bandits.” He seethes. 
“Heh, I reckon we use ‘em as bait. We could pin the blame on them instead, and maybe their new “friend” will be angry enough to kill them. He’s had no problem killin’ people close to him before”  Ren grows a sadistic smile. “You know? That’s the best idea!” He leans dangerously close to my face. My body recoils at the stench of his breath. It’s foul enough for my stomach to want to release everything in it. 
The sound of two guns being cocked brought my attention to behind the man farthest from me. It’s Shouta. “There’s one problem with that plan.” He says. His tone seems a bit sharper than what I’ve heard though. 
All the men sharply turn around with their guns held, pointing at Shouta. 
“Oh, hey, Shouta. Sorry for-” Ren pushes the gun hard enough on my neck that it cuts me off from talking. “Shut it.” 
I’ve never seen Shouta’s face so angry before. “Let them go, and maybe you’ll be spared.” He nearly hisses, but is trying to stay level-headed. 
Ren suddenly starts laughing. “Aw, does the murderous outlaw have a big ol’ soft spot for this pathetic thing? How touching!” His finger on the trigger twitches. “Just makes me want to kill them more!” 
Gunfire rang out. Something warm hits my face. I cringe at the quick realization it’s Ren’s blood. Ren’s body collapses to the ground. The others try to shoot at Shouta, but he dodges them all and shoots all of them through their heads. People’s lights started to turn on and others were coming out of their houses to see the commotion. 
Shouta holsters his guns and whistles for his horse. A black Arabian runs up right next to him. “Thanks for saving me. You might want to leave though before you get more involved.” I try to walk away, but he grabs onto my arm, pulling me towards his horse. “What are you doing!?” I ask as he pushes me towards his horse. 
“Something I should have done months ago. Get on.” What is he making me do? People will get the wrong idea if they see me with him.
He nudges me by the horse again. “Get on.” I comply with a bit of difficulty from not used to being on a horse. He then gets on the saddle in one quick movement. The horse takes off as bullets from others whiz by us. I hug his rather well-toned torso to hold on. Luckily, none of them hit as we got far enough away.
It doesn’t take long for us to get to a house that looks abandoned. It was a rather small house with only a window on the front right next to the door. It’s hidden incredibly well by a few large hills. 
He gets off the horse, ties the reins up, and nudges me towards the small house. "Why did you make me come with you? Now people will get the wrong idea." 
He opens the door and allows me in first. Moonlight sone through the window enough to make the inside visible. On the left is a decent sized bed that seems a bit worse for wear, but still sturdy with rather clean looking sheets. The only other things in here was a wardrobe against the wall farthest from the door, and a chest under the window on the right side. “They would have gotten the wrong idea anyways. It wouldn’t have been the first time.” He ends up saying with his voice a bit strained. No doubt he’s remembering his friend. 
He closes the door, and surprisingly, hugs me from behind. “Not again. I’ll make sure of it.”
I quirk a brow. The attention isn’t unwelcomed, but quite a surprise.. “You DO know I could have been shot as we left, right?” I ask. Wrong thing to say. His arms tightened substantially as he buried his head in my neck. 
“They’d all be dead.” 
“Wait, but they wouldn’t have done anything.” A bit of fear laced through me. Not for me, but for the others. 
“Someone injuring or threatening you deserves death.” 
“You’re supposed to be a good outlaw, what happened?” I ask, already kind of knowing the answer, and angry with myself for being so nice in the first place. 
“Today happened. Those… things that nearly harmed you were right with their thoughts. No matter what I do, everyone is going to think I’m bad. It’s time for me to be a bit selfish for once. That selfish want is wanting you close to me.” 
My heart is torn between melting at how cute that kind of is to still being fearful for others. 
“That’s sweet and all, but you and I both know this isn’t gonna work for many reasons. One being we both can’t keep riding the same horse. It ain’t fair to the poor thing.” I felt him smile on my neck. 
“We’ll get you one at some point. Judging from your struggling earlier, we have a ways to go first.”
I smile. This could be fun. What’s not fun is the mostly dry blood cracking on my face. “Sounds like fun, but uh… Got anything to clean this blood off?” 
He tenses. “Blood?” The way he said it made me wish I didn’t say anything about it. He stops hugging me and turns me around, closely examining my face. 
“Don’t worry, it’s not mine. It does feel gross though.” 
Within a blink of an eye, he pulls out a rag and goes over to the chest to see a rather large jug of water. He dips it in the jug and comes back to wipe it off my face with a deep frown on his face. 
In an odd form of suddenly feeling silly, I poke his nose with my right pointer finger. He blinked in surprise at me. He grows a soft smile that almost doesn’t seem suiting of him. It makes me chuckle. 
“You know, It’s surprising to me you actually care. Or uh… Love me? Or whatever it really is. For the longest time I could swear you hated me.”
“I did at first,” Okay, points for honesty. “I expected you to be like an earlier nuisance I had to take care of. That changed especially after my third visit. I noticed you weren’t acting like it just to me. You were genuine with everyone. Toshinori helped by informing me more of your... issue that you told e a bit about,” He leans in close, fully cutting the conversation. “I think this is long overdue.” His lips touch mine. It was a really quick kiss that I barely had time to register. 
I smirk. “So you DO love me, or am I looking too much into it?” 
He’s not amused. “You already know the answer to that.”
Now I know I have a deadly outlaw that loves me. I guess in a way I should thank Ren. 
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issue 10
double digits baybe
its roller! he....sexy
well that whole registration deal sure doesn't seem like its a ploy to identify the main forces of the decepticon revolution or anything! 
chromedome using rungs model ships to tell his story...omg
the ironic billboard hvbhjsdkfbjdjgfkl
prowl givin off those rancid bbc sherlock vibes lmao
hrk....prowl and cd have such an interesting and tragic relationship...aughhhh
RED ALERT!!! I forgot he was in the flashback bc his present self is busy being...headless....
OHH SHIT so they uncover the decepticon symbol on the wall using ultraviolet light, and we also get shown the back of red alert’s head, with some mnemosurgery marks...which can only be seen under ultraviolet light. CLEVER
I literally only noticed that this time lmao I don't think I picked up on it even on my 2nd readthru....poor red alert geez, no wonder he’s so untrusting 
poor cyclonus, he literally had nothing to do w/this, meanwhile rodimus is blaming him when the Real reason this happened to red alert is all the overlord business, which we know rodimus’s role in....(well, later)
god I love this entire interaction between cyclonus and drift, I'm so glad we got it. bc like, cyclonus is basically everything drift is trying so hard to be - cool stoic religious sword guy who used to be a bad guy, except cyclonus is still firmly not an autobot, while drift is hardcore leaning into being an autobot in an attempt to get people to forget that whole ‘murderous decepticon’ thing
and drift seems like the type of guy who cares The Most about how he’s perceived by the people around him, but he tries to act like he doesn't care, even tho its pretty obvious he does. cyclonus, meanwhile, ACTUALLY doesn't care about what people think of him, and that probably irritates drift, along w/everything else cyclonus has going on 
cyclonus is so iconic...he just smacks the sword out of drifts hand like ‘yeah we’re not doing this.’ 
aaand then he just pins drift down effortlessly...I feel kinda bad for drift cause he’s trying so hard but also, cyclonus is such an icon
also I love the way milne draws cyclonus. sexy skull guy....
godddd cyclonus’s little speech is so fucking cool...cyclonus is seriously just so cool and epic js
oooh and first aid has that medic droid that was spying on red alert...
prowls never been in a fight oof I forgot abt that
aaand there's orion pax supercop lmao
tailgate being so wow’d by pax’s coolness is adorable 
op sure loves the violence huh bvfjhsdfgbdjhkf
I feel like all of shadowplay just goes to show that sometimes you CANT change the structure of a system from the inside - which is, iirc, what op is trying to do, and the reason he’s still a cop under the senate even though he doesn’t agree with them - but like, sometimes you just gotta burn that shit to the ground and start over, and op clearly doesn't realize that....
oh the irony of prowl saying ‘I hope I never end up as jaded and cynical as you’ to op
oof,, whirl is right...its clear prowl and cd care abt each other a lot, in their own weird awkward way...oof ouch
also poor whirl, jesus, literally everyone seems to blame him for turning megatron violent as if that's all on whirl and not 1) meagtron’s own actions and decisions, and 2) just another example of how fucked up the system was, taking in account whirls whole backstory about how he was forced into being a dirty cop and told to kill megatron but ended up just beating him up....like, if it wasn't whirl it would've been someone else beating up megs, and the shift to violence seemed inevitable given the state of society, whirl’s assault of megs just happened to be the straw that broke the pacifist’s back 
geeez and the fact that whirl saved his 1 phone call to warn pax that the senator was in danger, despite the fact that whirl was also being beat to hell by other prisoners and apparently being denied medical treatment...yikes. also the fact that pax just leaves whirl there (iirc?) after whirl gave them invaluble information
ah, the driving power of wanting revenge. also god I'm sad abt whirl :( when he says he just wants his hands back...fucking ouch
oooh its skids! baby skids!! and a certain somebody next to him....
I love seeing cd and prowl talk about what they think is coming, right before yknow, a 4 million yr long civil war. feels like how talking about 2020 in january/febuary turned out lmao 
they keep saying clampdown and it reminds me too much of quarantine, which I've been stuck in for weeks now bc I have covid, and oh my god who knew sitting inside with nothing to do for like 3 weeks was so boring. jesus. at least in early 2020 quarantine it was warm enough to go outside, mostly...whatever, I'm doing this liveblog to entertain myself while I waste away inside and mtmte slaps so at least this is a good time
anyways, back on track. cd and prowl have their big tragic romance thing going on, and rewind is not into it, understandably
OH SHIT ITS TREPAN i forgot he was in this
also his name is kinda hilarious to me bc ‘trepan’ refers to ‘trepanation,’ which was the old-timey “””””medical””””” act of drilling holes in your skull to like, idk, let out the ghosts or something, you know how medicine was back then, you kinda just made shit up as you went along. anyways, that's a hilariously on-the-nose name for this dude, and makes anyone who recognizes his name go ‘oh hey you’re sketchy as hell,’ a full 3 seconds before trepan acts sketchy as hell in-story to let anyone who doesn't know about obscure historical alternative medicine in on it 
lmao this dude rlly tried to act like he had ‘cleanse and control’ tatted bc he was an janitor....bruh
oh hey look its pious maximus, that guy who disappeared months ago after saying some stuff the senate didn't like! well, he certainly doesn't look like he’s having a good time
I'm fascinated by the fact that cd saw this whole state-run brainwashing clinic thing and ended up joining up later
also the fact that prowl saw All That and was like ‘idek if the law is being broken rn tbh’ liiiiike, dude, if the law isn't being broken when there's state-sponsored mass brainwashing going on, don't you think that's a pretty good indicator that the laws in place are pretty bad???? maybe????
ngl the first time I read this I was already pretty confused, and the senator changing his looks off-page Really did not help 
ooh its all comin together...this shit is JUICY 
so the plot has thickened, like, a lot. and now we’re doin a HEIST! nice
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bugclub · 7 years
it wouldn’t let me copy the numbers ;:) so here we go fellas
Who hurt you the most?geez idk maybe my dad altho in retrospect he was right and i was wrong but he said some really messed up stuff to me sometimes and he also was usually the reason i would ever c** my***f
Who have you hurt the most?probably my dad as well. i was fucked up as a teenager and i know it was hell for him
Who do you miss the most?no offense but my dad. i just rly miss ig how life use to be when i lived with him.
Who do you want out of your life the most?the bitches and freaks that send me anon hate. begone demons
Who had the biggest negative impact on you?the white trash xanax junkies i met in 2014.
Who do you wish you could be honest with?i suppose emilio. im not holding any secrets in but i dont tell him a lot of stuff like when my emotions are dangerously out of whack or im having a panic attack or anything like that. i think if i were more open about stuff like that we’d communicate better when im actually freaking out
Who have you harbored (any kind of!) secret feelings towards?hmm.. coworkers come to mind just cause sometimes i dont agree with things they say but i dont want to make working with them uncomfortable by saying anything. other than that just crushes from my past probably
Who would the world be better off without?donald trump, racists, rapists, heroin dealers, etc
Who do you wish you’d treated differently?grace…i use to not like her because someone was feeding me lies…im so sorry grace my beautiful raspberry girl
What was the worst day of your life?probably the day i woke up in a daze post being raped with all my money stolen from my car . or i suppose the day it actually happened
What’s your greatest fear?losing my mind
What’s your biggest insecurity?hmm…not sure. honestly im not very insecure like i know i have insecurities but nothing comes to mind immediately. i wouldnt know til im insecure about it
What’s your biggest regret?getting hooked on xanax
Describe your ideal world.boondock saints are in charge and they’re my best friends
Describe your personal hell.donald trump is in charge and my best friend is my bong rosalina
What’s a hopeless dream you’re still holding on to?damn idek, probably just that every day of my life i wish emilio and i would meet sooner than we did but obviously there’s no point in that
What’s the most embarrassed you’ve ever been?one time i let a girl borrow my phone in hs and her nosy ass went thru my shit and found…sensitive content. i was embarrassed for a long time. i only recently remembered this happened
What’s the angriest you’ve ever been?various evenings at my job at dominos. i fucking hate those bitches
What’s the saddest you’ve ever been?in the mental hospital
What’s the most scared you’ve ever been?this took me forever but it was DEFINITELY my bad trip. i thought i was dead lmao
What’s the most hopeless you’ve ever felt?probably also during that acid trip. i thought i was not coming out and this was it. it felt like real life was melting away and i was gonna be stuck in some blank universe alone. horrible. im gagging
What’s the most frantic you’ve ever felt?i dont really get frantic ever. im good at staying calm especially in dire times
What’s the best case scenario for your future?emilio and i get married and have a family. i dont really want or need anything else
What’s the worst case scenario for you future?i try heroin get really fucked up and die alone
What’s the most physical pain you’ve ever felt?the pain from the last time i punched a wall was ridiculous and came in big waves which was awful. utis can hurt a lot and im prone to those for some reason. when i had the flu my body ached like ive never felt
What’s the most emotional pain you’ve ever felt?i dont want to talk about this one
Describe a time you felt like a hypocrite.i dunno.
Describe a time you felt like a traitor.obviously getting with emilio at first…but ik its not actually that messed up now so 💁 irrelevant
Describe a time you felt like a hero.i dont know. i use to help out my junkie friends a lot
Describe a time you felt inhuman.almost always
Describe a time you felt like a failure.in fourth grade i got an f in math because i kept putting the plus sign on the wrong side of the problem and my teacher failed me on all my homework. no one was even mad at me but i couldn’t look anyone in the eye for days
What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done?i dont know..i use to spew out hate in like 2010-2012. i hate that
What are you proudest of?my relationship with emilio, our good dogs, my recovery (not rly done yet but so far so good)
What’s your relationship with your family like?good. weird and a little distant at time but good
What’s your relationship with religion like?non-existent
Talk about someone you’ve lost.eh.
Talk about someone who abandoned you.eh.
Talk about a desire you have that scares you.not sure this is a thing for me
What’s something you wish you were capable of?wish i had more motivation for things that could make my future better like college
What’s something you’re afraid that you’re capable of?not rly afraid of anything id do
Describe the kind of life you wish you’d been born into.mine was fine
Describe your worst heartbreak.i was subjected to things i shouldn’t have been because of bad timing. i wouldnt have wanted it any other way and things worked out
Describe your worst disappointment.not sure dont want to dig this deep rn
Have you ever taken a fall for someone?yes. and i still get shit on for a lot of it
Have you ever forced or let someone take a fall for you?i honestly dont think so. correct e if im wrong
Have you ever done serious physical harm to someone?never on purpose (so far)
Have you ever done serious emotional harm to someone?probably. my bad
Have you ever self-harmed?yes
Have you ever attempted suicide?yes
Have you ever stolen something?yes
Have you ever cheated on someone?no
Have you ever been cheated on?no
Have you ever taken revenge on someone?nah
Have you ever seriously considered killing somone?yes 😂 oops
Have you ever betrayed someone who trusted you?allegedly
Have you ever experienced something supernatural or unexplainable?yes
thanks 💝🍓
if anyone reads all tis i love you and urr one of my best friends
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