#he's baaccckkkk
psych0bo1 · 2 months
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im bacckkk focusing mostly on school and artfight, but im baaccckkkk
dis my sona dawg, you'll prolly see alot of him. he goes by Psy or PB
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certified-sloth · 3 years
Are they likely to fall for puppy eyes or not? Ft. The brothers
He won't fall for it
Asmo and Mammon use that tactic on him all the time
Even if he has a soft spot on you, he won't change his mind
But was really close to giving in-
Oh he gives in immediately
He's literal putty in your hands when you do that-
You think goldie is his no. 1 weakness? Think again
He'll do anything really
This man... oh he gives in after a few minutes
He'll say no saying it's one of your normie tactics
But would eventually change his mind when you go and ask another brother
"Hey! I changed my mind! COME BAACCCKKKK!!!"
He knows you're tempting him but he'd rather enjoy it
He won't fall for it unless you bribe him with a dinner date or a trip to a bookstore in exchange
He'll pat your head with an amused smile so uh- your mission failed
"Don't think i'd fall for that MC."
He'll give in but you have to be extra cute for that-
Just as Satan, he'll be amused
But when you convince him he'll giggle and tells you you're so cute
"Alright, alright, my darling is just the cutest thing!"
Ah, it'll depend on the situation but nonetheless he gives in
If it's not something risky, he'll agree immediately
But if it's dangerous for you, he'll be very reluctant-
He's weak for your puppy eyes ok? You better give him a treat or two after though-
HA! You think this guy's gonna give in? Nope-
He's stubborn, he'll definitely laugh and tease you
When you give up with persuading him with your puppy eyes, he'll have this shit eating grin that you just wanna slap off-
Unlike his twin, he's immune to puppy eyes, he's not a stranger to it, as the youngest, he does that to get what he wants-
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nkatr84 · 2 years
Only Murders in the Building Episode 4
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She’s baaccckkkk…..
Jan returns. As does Teddy, Theo and Charles (stepdaughter?) Lucy. I wonder what Jan wants to talk to Charles about? The scene with Theo and Teddy was heartbreaking (seriously did Nathan Lane even get nominated for an Emmy yet? Cause he needs to.) Lucy is by far the most intriguing to the ongoing mystery. Not only did she help the crew find the murder weapon and how the killer keeps moving around the building ( btw how pervy was Bunny’s grandpa?!) she almost saw the killer the night of the murder! Which means the killer has some knowledge of the building’s hidden history.
Also it’s clear Nina had nothing to do with Bunny’s murder. Still think the motive was the painting and the connection to Charles Dad. But I can see them moving on to suspect Nina’s baby daddy who might have wanted that space pod thing on the Arconia.
Meanwhile Oliver helping Will direct the school play was super cute. And I really hope they solve the mystery so Charles can really get his chance to come back as Brazos.
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Backgrounds of the Circus Members
Original content? On MY dash?? What is this blasphemy???
Yes, I’m baaccckkkk (for the most part)!!!! Sorry about that hiatus, but I’ll do my best to get all of these requests done as promptly as my schedule and brain will allow. Thank you all for being so patient with me and for being so supportive, it really means a lot to me! And to celebrate, I’m kicking it off with some heavy duty angst because I love writing it and making myself cry! 🙃😆
Without further ado, @asktenshi-grace requested the backgrounds of the Circus Crew.
TRIGGER WARNINGS. PLEASE DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVE ISSUES WITH ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: Mentions of abuse, prostitution, abandoment, drug and alcohol abuse, mentions of child prostitution, angst, child kidnapping, selling children, family issues, homeless children, parental death, and body horror/dramatic injuries. I imagine the lives of the circus crew as being tragic as hell to match the drama of the anime. There is nothing graphic in these, it is all briefly mentioned!
•Joker: It has been established that Joker is the bastard child of a prostitute, but his mother remained rather indifferent of him. She at least kept a roof over his head and fed him, but she wasn’t around all the time so he essentially took care of himself. One day when he was seven, he had been left alone for a week and he began to worry- while his mother had often been gone for most days, she had at least returned once in a while to make sure he was alright and to feed him. Police and real-estate folks came to his door one day, completely surprised to find him there and thinking that he broke into the home. They called him a heart-less urchin for breaking into a dead woman’s home and throw him out of his mother’s house. He eventually found out that she died of syphilis and hadn’t bothered to tell anyone else about her son. Prostitutes who knew his mother sometimes took pity on him and would give him some of their earnings if they were ever able to, but that ended when they died of syphilis as well. Often times he walked past his old home, seeing it occupied with a large and happy family. He would envy them and resent them for having something he thought he would never have- until he met the rest of his broken misfit family.
•Snake: Snake was born with lamellar ichthyosis, a very rare genetic disorder that creates very thick patches of skin dispersed all across the body that dries out very quickly (research yo!). He was born in a well off and highly educated family, which is why all of his snakes are named after famous English authors. He was home-schooled for the most part until people came to his home and threatened to kill him, believing him to be some kind of devil incarnate due to his snake-like appearance. Unlike the rest of the crew, his parents loved him very much and argued with these people fiercely. Hating to see how his family’s reputation was being ruined because of him, Snake snuck out while his family was sleeping and ran away when he was ten. He was eventually kidnapped by human-traffickers and was sold off to a freak-show side show as the “snake-man”, where people openly laughed at him and poked fun at him. The only comfort he had were his pet snakes and he would talk with them to cope with the trauma of living in a cage. Of course, the circus crew rescued him one miraculous night when he was fifteen. He was so frightened that he only spoke through his snakes since they were there only ones he ever spoke with, though he slowly begins to come out of his shell when he sees the deformities of the rest of the troupe and is comforted by it.
•Beast: Born as Mally, her mother worked as a scullery maid for a rather upscale family. Her mother was having a secret affair with the master of the house, making sure to keep it a secret from the rest of the family until her mother had gotten pregnant. Her mother did her best to raise her in secret, but eventually her master found out and was thrown into a rage: if it got out that he had an affair with a maid in his house and gotten her pregnant, his reputation would be ruined! He threw the two of them out, when Beast was only three. Her mother had been forced to work as a prostitute, but she was so ashamed and embarrassed at her daughter growing up knowing that her mother worked such a revolting profession that she had abandoned her altogether. Beast had long since forgotten her original name and has been living on the streets for the longest amount of time out of the rest of the first-stringers, which is why she is one of the more hostile out of everyone else. Joker was the first person to come across her, noticing that she was missing her right leg similarly to how he was missing his right hand. She had initially threatened Joker, but seeing that he was just like her and had both of his legs she figured that they would be able to help one another survive.
•Dagger: Dagger grew up in an orphanage and worked for a textile factory. When he was 9 years-old his leg got caught in one of the machines, forcing the factory to shut down for the day. Doctors came and they had to amputate it due to how terribly mangled it was, much to his absolute shock and horror. The orphanage was eventually shut down and he was left to fend for himself on the streets. After living for two weeks in the street, he became terribly sick due to malnourishment, starving, and being dehydrated. Beast was the one who found him, barely alive, and rushed to go get help from the others at the time: Joker, Jumbo, Peter, and Wendy. They scrapped together whatever money they managed to get that day and fetched him medicine, fed him whatever scraps of food and water hey could get their hands on, and did everything they could to get him better. He managed to survive and is grateful to everyone, especially Beast who he had grown particularly fond of.
•Doll: Her mother had died while giving birth to her, and her father had grown to hate Doll and blamed her for her mother’s death. He was an abusive drunk, but one day he stepped over the line. He burnt her face on the hot stove and threw her out onto the streets when she was only five-years-old. The other members had happened to be in that area when they heard all the commotion and seeing that a horrible man had terribly injured a poor young girl was not right. Even though they were young, Doll’s father was their first real kill. Beast and Wendy had taken Doll away from the scene before any real violence occurred, fleeing to a nearby charitable hospital to treat Doll’s wounds. Joker and the others came by to check in on her and visit her every day, and Doll immediately grew bonded with them due to never having recurved any real affection in her life. When she was fully healed, the nurses offered to let her stay at an orphanage. Doll refused, saying that she already found her family. Joker and the others told her that they wouldn’t be able to care for her properly, but she didn’t care so long as she was with them.
•Jumbo: Jumbo was born as an incredibly large baby, so it came to no surprise that his mother had died during childbirth. He was originally raised in an orphanage, but the cost of caring for such a large child became too much for the orphanage to bear and so Jumbo had no other choice but to leave so that he wasn’t a burden on them. As he wandered the streets people openly mocked him and threw stones at him, calling him a monster for being so freakishly huge and fearing that he would be dangerous due to his brutish strength. Beast and Joker happened upon him one day while he was being mistreated and stood up for him against the crowd: Joker got beaten up while Beast scared everyone off with her fiery temper. After making sure that he was alright, Joker offers to let Jumbo join him and Beast seeing as they were all deformed and could help each other out, which Jumbo agreed to.
•Peter and Wendy: When they were babies, Peter and Wendy were sold off to a brothel to serve as entertainment by their parents, who were avid abusers of jinn and other drugs, for drinking money. Peter and Wendy were primarily raise by the barmaids, though that wasn’t saying much since they didn’t know how to properly care for infants. The two thought that they would only ever need each other and refused to let anyone get emotionally near them, and served as entertainment by dancing and doing acrobatics they taught themselves. Once they were approached with the offer to sell their bodies to paying customers they ran away together, figuring that living in the streets and dying would be better than child prostitution. They ran to the East End and found the shelter that Joker, Jumbo, and Beast has made and claimed it for themselves- until the trio came back. There was a bit of a scuff amongst everyone until Jumbo pulled them apart, mostly by picking up Peter and Wendy. Seeing as how they were disfigures as well, Joker offers to let Peter and Wendy stay with them. Being the first time anyone had shown kindness to them the two become suspicious of Joker, but they agree to stay with them. They bond with them basically overnight and are willing to fight and even kill for their family.
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jacediangelo · 8 years
Jace had finished settling back into his old room, fairly surprised that he didn’t have to move into a different one. He greeted some of his fraternity brothers and spent a little bit of time with them to just catch up, and then went to his favorite spot. Underneath the big tree by edge of the park pond. Once he was there, he just sat on the grass and spent his day there, losing track of time and took pictures of the changing sky.
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