#he's also wearing a bracelet that may or may not match his necklace (i can't tell) (SPARE A PIXEL GUVNER)
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ioannemos · 10 months ago
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one of my favorites of his Looks:tm:, perhaps
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rosielefay · 8 months ago
Hetalia Headcannon ʚɞ
Kind of obsessed with vapid, hyper-fashionable Europe. To people like America or Canada, it makes them pretty much indistinguishable - they can't tell the different between a classic and a semi-spread collar, or an angle-cut and a french-cut cuff.
I just like the idea of them being super homogeneous in taste but also obsessed with small details and embellishments. Like they're all wearing the same three piece, because it's totally in right now, courtesy of Romano's impeccable suit cuts. Except England is pairing his with a Vivienne westwood globe pearl choker, whilst France has a dainty silver chanel necklace with a matching hair broach and cuff links.
"No America, I'm not wearing the same scent as Austria. He's wearing Givenchy 'Gentleman' and I'm wearing Tom Ford's 'Our Wood', its a very obvious difference!"
There's makeup and jewellery galore. America may not indulge for conferences the same way Europe do but you can bet he's wearing the Austin Butler white waterline eyeliner and the charlotte tilbury flawless filter for press conferences. Russia is forever covered in diamonds: rings, necklaces, bracelets - and he'll always be gifting his pieces to nations but its a rare occasion when they're actually worn. Romano will always wear his classic golden crucifix, no matter the suit. Meanwhile Spain will be a little more adventurous, with his cross anklets and cross waist chains. Norway's silver hair broach comes in a whole variety of designs, many are embellished in jewels, others elaborate in design, whilst some are simply plain.
England, America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Sealand - they all wear matching signet rings. England wear's the crest on a golden necklace too, sometimes swapping it out for the choker version for moral formal outfits. America and Canada have matching rings they put on the same signet finger, a testimony to their separate brotherly bond.
They're all a little bit vapid and probably spend a bit too much of their salaries on clothes, jewellery, and manicures, but they're used to court and excess, and clothes lasting much longer than they do today.
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celestialulu · 1 year ago
oooooooo you wanna tell me about nalu kpop au oooooooooooo you wanna tell me about nalu kpop au soooo bad
I feel like this is gonna be hard to do as a lot of the things I thought of bounced off of your ideas lol,, sorry if i accidentally stole ur ideas... anyway heres my thoughts on a nalu kpop au (its gonna be a LONG post i have a LOT of thoughts my baddd):
Well first of all I make a pinterest board for most of the aus I think of, just for a general idea and aesthetic and heres the one i did for that !!
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(sorry it may not be that great I just needed some stuff to visualize it lol)
-Honestly i'm indecisive and cannot decide if I would personally put them in a group or if they would be soloists. I do think Lucy would suit being a soloist and it has a lot of potential if she were, reasons like her being from a prestigious family could be interesting with lucy feeling isolated and lonely a lot.
-Following the last point, maybe a lot of people in the industry might not really feel the need to talk to her much or have pre-existing assumptions about her and how she would act.
-Natsu (also a popular idol in the industry) first interacts with Lucy at some award show and he knows of her and loves her songs and performances but in that moment he doesn't really connect the dots and realize it's her, but he knows that she feels familiar for some reason.
-They talk a little and Lucy is surprised as she doesn't speak to many people that aren't staff or management and forced promotional stuff. She's a little awkward and she tends to talk a lot and rant because of that and Natsu thinks she's kinda weird (but in a nice way). They're cut off from that and don't see each other for the rest of the evening.
-Natsu realizes it was Lucy a few days later and no one believes that talked with her.
-They become close friends after being tasked to do a collab stage performance together.
-They practice a LOT, of course because they are hard workers but also because they enjoy spending time together and spending time together outside of work would cause rumors.
-The pure tension they have while practicing some of the moves for the performance.
-Natsu getting hit on the head of how attractive Lucy is after they go all out in one of their final practice sessions when shes sweaty, hair completely sticking out everywhere and wearing comfy baggy clothes which she wore for the purpose of practicing. (and also vice versa for Lucy)
-Natsu and Lucy looking hot (and cute) as fuck on a magazine cover photoshoot together.
-And alternatively, Natsu or Lucy looking hot as fuck for a solo magazine photoshoot and the other seeing it and having their own crisis.
-After the collab stage they aren't able to hang out or meet, even though Natsu has tried to on his on accord but his management has to make sure he doesn't, and although Lucy also misses hanging out with him she doesn't want any rumors to circulate and Natsu makes it his mission to try and find her at any event she might also be attending.
-They text and call a lot. Natsu often gets teased by others because of how much he smiles and laughs while texting Lucy.
-Natsu sends Lucy pictures of ANYTHING that has her on it in public. (posters, magazines, billboards etc etc)
-Natsu and Lucy start to hang out again after Lucy accidentally gets a little tipsy at some event and it's a casual event so Natsu is able to be the one to take Lucy home.
-Then starts the secret meetups, them dressing up in disguises and heavy clothing to even travel to somewhere private like each others home.
-Natsu has the most HIDEOUS disguises btw and Lucy tries to act peeved but she can't help but smile at the silly disguises.
-Lucy attends one of his tour concerts, she wears a bright ribbon in her hair she knows he's seen her wear before hoping he might see her in the audience. He texts her excitedly after the concert asking if she was really there.
-Natsu gifts Lucy matching friendship jewelry for her birthday (could be a necklace or bracelet but for this I like the idea of a necklace more) They both wear them 24/7.
-they hide it for a LONG time… like we're talking MONTHS and then they accidentally slip up and one day people find paparazzi pics of each where the matching jewelry is seen.
-Then they get CRAZY dating rumors like it is EVERYWHERE…
-Lucy is freakinggg the fuck out and Natsu just feels bad because Lucy is so anxious, he couldn't really care less about the public thinking Lucy is his gf but he does get it as rumors like this can damage a career and he knows that.
-They keep silent and carry on as though nothing happened and the rumors sort to die down after a while but theres still those odd few people who believe in it.
-Lucy doing a sexy cunty stage performance on a big big show, and Natsu is attending in the audience and someone slyly filmed his reaction where he is very visibly stunned and very confused about his feelings for her. It circulates social media a lot.
-Lucy sees this video but makes herself believe he isn't into her like that.
-Natsu acts completely indifferent to the video so people won't ask him about it.
-As much as most people would act like he doesn't know Lucy at all after the rumors, on tv shows he doesn't hesitate to sing or dance to her songs publicly.
-People notice how much Natsu and Lucy are very comfortable with each other, teasing and arguing endearingly with each other on a reality tv show.
-They start hanging out publicly without caring after this.
-Them writing lyrics about each other in songs, and Lucy is VERY angsty and poetic about it.
-Lucy getting drunk and asking Natsu "What would we be if we weren't this?"
-Natsu thinks she means career wise, and starts to think of what he would be if he wouldn't be an idol. She clarifies she meant them as in their relationship with each other. He can't answer.
-After that, it's a little awkward. Natsu doesn't know if she remembers. She does. But she doesn't dare act like she does.
-It gets a bit more crazy as they are asked to do another collab stage together after the success of the last one. They accept because, yknow, its like the best way for them to hang out privately without crazy disguises and the like.
-As if the last collab performance was bad enough without the choreography being an average dance this one is WAY WORSE. a lot more contact. a lot more closeness.
-The ending pose of the performance is Lucy laying on the floor and Natsu leaning over her.
-One day, they practice for HOURS straight trying to get it right and perfect the dance. After going all out, and in the ending pose Natsu is looking down at Lucy's messy hair and flushed face and her wide eyes. He kisses her.
-They ditch practicing for the evening and end up making out in the dance practice room for a while.
-Their new collab stage gets leaked when Lucy breaks her ankle and carries her down the street fast as FUCK where there's a really close hospital nearby. He feels bad as they have been practicing so much as an excuse to hangout with each other.
-They basically become "official" after that, but still try and keep it secret from the public. It kinda falls apart after pictures come out where Natsu clearly has a hastily wiped lipstick mark on his cheek and Lucy's neck is littered with hickeys.
-People connect the dots with Natsu and Lucy acting insufferable with each other in public, Natsu cheering his lungs out and supporting Lucy so loudly, and Lucy likewise but a little more restrained than him.
-Natsu once went viral for punching someone trying to get too close to Lucy.
-They never officially state they're together but they don't hide it as much after a while and then in the future one day it comes out that they're literally engaged.
-They have the cutest wedding pics ever and Lucy plays a song she wrote about him before they got together at their wedding.
-Then they're happily supporting each other's activities as a married couple, Natsu commenting and reposting everything Lucy posts and being very loud about her comebacks. Lucy is the same.
This is long as fuck and there's probably so many other things to say but this ended up basically being a whole as story instead of odd headcanons this probably makes ZERO sense. my bad. hope you enjoy anyway <3
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urauntiefaye · 1 year ago
FAYE HOLLY SHIT, THANK YOU SM (AGAIN) FOR FEEDING MY DELULU😭😭✨. I kicked my feet in the air while having breakfast after seeing your reply 😤💖.
That made me have even more 'divergent' thoughts about my Jo (IT'S HELP MY IMAGINATION AND MOTIVATION TO SHIFTING AGAIN AFTER SUCH A LONG TIME!)😭.
Makes me remember he could be obsessed with pampering me with his love and money👀. And that can add to my feelings of anxiety and possessiveness🤺.
Like :
"Jo, you are mine. She's flirting with you, you look happy when she's flirting with you, am I not pretty enough or do you just want to play with me?!"
"You fucked me and said I was yours during the incident some time ago in the warehouse, but now you're happy that another girl is flirting with you?!"
Often holds my hand when we walk together, often kisses me suddenly to show who I belong to, sits on his lap when we sit together🥲. Or crazy, I sat astride his lap and hugged him until I fell asleep while he was chatting with his gang, as if nothing had happened. He just stroked my hair while continuing to talk to his gang🫦.
If I was accidentally touched by a man, that would be the thing that would make him boil the most 🤺🧎‍♀️.
Once again, thank you for feeding my delulu Faye. This is entertainment for me:)
It is never a problem to feed people's delusions. I feed mine everyday 🥲
But YES, we love an obsessive and possessive man in our life 😭. I feel like when you get jealous it makes him happy, because in a way it reassures him that you do like him and you're just as obsessed over him as he is you.
Jo LIVES for it, he can be very insecure and anxious thinking you don't like him and would leave him. So your behavior is like a reminder and a comfort to him as it is to you.
Jo may be quiet and possibly not that vocal when it comes to expressing his feelings towards you. So he ops to hold your hand and kiss you. You sitting on his lap is both healing for you AND him 🥺🥹.
Also loves when you wear clothes or jewelry he bought for you! Most definitely the type to buy you a necklace with his initials on it 😭. Or you know those bracelets that you get that you can't take off? He will get matching ones with you. Just to show off that you're his and he's yours! Hell also leave hickeys obviously that are hard to cover 😩🥴
If we're following him being the bad boy on the Rugby team with &team he definitely makes you wear his jersey/jacket. He most definitely has you wear it when you're around the gang!
Speaking of being around the gang you can NOT tell me he won't get more handsy and possessive over you!
FUCK need this but with Nicholas 💀
But as usual I'm always happy to feed into your delulus 😘🫶🏻
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khaire-traveler · 2 years ago
Returning the favor- I’d like to know how you see the gods, too :3 Same guidelines or whatever ig lmao
Hey, Noah, thanks for the ask! @opatofazquack asked the same question, so I'm tagging them here.
I'll also answer will all...however many of my gods. This will include gods I don't actively worship if I have visualized them (23 in total). I'll just name them in a list and add a cut, for those who'd like to read. Warning: I may get poetic about it. 😂
Disclaimer: How I visualize the gods does not and should not invalidate how others visualize them. I'm just sharing my personal experiences, and if someone happens to have a different experience, that is more than ok. ☺️🧡
Greek Gods
Selene - Like the moon, her appearance varies quite a bit for me. Even now, I can't quite get a clear image of her. The only consistent thing I can pin down for her is an aura of bright, white light that surrounds her.
Helios - I see him as a black man with shoulder-length hair done back in dreads. His eyes are a deep brown but get light as honey towards the pupil. He has super cute freckles, too, and his face is kind and strong. His features are a bit sharper, and his nose is more of a hooked nose. He is VERY tall and toned - more of a slim muscular build. He usually has no shirt but has an ancient-looking cloth around his waist that goes down to his mid-thigh like a skirt, kind of. He does have a necklace, but doesn't wear much jewelry. He does have A LOT of cool ass tattoos, though! The shapes of the tats are hard to describe, but I believe one of them - on his shoulder or hand, can't remember which - is in the shape of a sun.
Leto - I can't get the clearest picture of Leto, but usually she has wavy medium brown hair, light tan skin, and beautiful white/silver eyes. She's usually a little chubby and gives off strong mom vibes. She has crows feet and smile lines, and it's clear she has lived a good life. Her smile is very sweet. Her features are more rounded, but her nose is more hooked. She typically wears a long white chiton dress with a purple patterned shawl draped over her shoulders. Can't see her shoes under her dress.
Hestia - She's definitely very tall for me lol. She has a plumper frame with rosy cheeks and a calm smile always on her face. Her skin is a deep olive color. She has a sharper face, though the rest of her features are rounded. Her eyes are a bright, glowing orange, like the flames of a fire, and they become more yellow as the color gets closer to the pupil. Her hair is long and wavy - a crisp dark brown - and she usually wears a long, off-white chiton dress of sorts with a bright orange shawl that has gold accents. She always has on pretty earrings and usually wears at least one gold bracelet. You can see the tips of her sandals poke out from underneath her dress, and they're usually gold colored.
Hera - For me, Hera is a tall, slender woman with a very regal air to her. She is usually paler than the other gods with wavy, dark brown hair and a hooked nose. Her features are sharp and angular. High cheek bones. She's usually standing in a very elegant position, although she does this comfortably, not out of formality. She wears a white chiton that has a top half that's been dyed purple. She has a gold shawl around her - looks to be fleece? Her dress is long and flows out behind her; you can barely see her feet underneath. She usually wears a lot of gold and crystal jewelry. The most common crystal I think I know the name of is an amethyst-like one - something that is a very vibrant purple. It matches her top! She also has her hair always done in an up-do of some kind and is wearing a very dainty, beautiful crown on her head.
Demeter - Honestly, Demeter changes a lot for me, but she usually has hair the color of golden wheat. Her features are a mix of sharp and round, and she has a kind face but definitely the energy of someone who knows her worth and power. She is a bit shorter and usually wears a light yellow and green chiton of sorts with either sandals or no shoes. She's got sun-kissed skin and light-colored eyes, though what that color is is up for debate lol.
Zeus - A very large man with the most epic beard you've ever seen in your life. All of his hair is white with a streak of grey the runs from his long, curly hair into his long, curly beard. He is very broad-shouldered and a bit heavier set but still very muscular. Kind of reminds me of a teddy bear, if that helps. He has smile lines and more of a rounded face with wrinkles placed here and there. His hands are very big, which I just think is cool lol. He's also very tall but shorter than a couple of the gods (to me, he's shorter than Hades). He has a big nose that's a little more hooked and piercing blue eyes that sometimes appear to have clouds of grey passing through them, as if the sky is contained in his eyes. He wears a purple and white chiton that has accents of gold as well as a pair of golden sandals woven with braids.
Poseidon - A taller slim man with a muscular build. He's shorter than Hades but taller than Zeus by, like, an inch lol. Dark olive skin with some wrinkles on his face. He always has a confident smile on his face. I swear his hair is always wet. It's long, jet black, and ends up looking straight, but idk if it's actually straight since it's often soaking wet. He wears this badass blue and silver armor with fish scales embedded into it; it's extremely difficult to describe. Sometimes he has a blue or gold cape. He also sometimes wears a silver crown with a few jewels on it. He usually has his trident with him, and my god is it cool. Idk, Poseidon definitely goes out of his way to look like a badass, and it works splendidly for him. Also, he sometimes has a beard and sometimes doesn't.
Hades - VERY tall (he may be the tallest), slender, and a bit lanky. His skin is almost grey in complexion and his hair is long, straight, and black. He has long and slender features with a hooked nose. His eyes have dark circles around them and are a very kind dark brown color, almost appearing black. His outfits change too often for me to mention any specific one, but he wears a mix of both modern and ancient clothing, which he's the only one of my deities who does that, besides Aphrodite. Sometimes he wears a dark suits, sometimes he's chilling in a bath robe, other times he's in a grey chiton - it varies greatly on his mood. No beard.
Persephone - Her appearance changes, but the one I am most familiar with is a medium height woman with wavy dark brown hair and a fair complexion. She has rounded features and a kind face with beautiful dark brown eyes. She usually has her hair done in some pretty way and typically has little flowers placed throughout her hair. It adds a lot of pretty color! Her outfits change a lot, too, but I typically see her in a shorter pale yellow chiton with flowers sewn into the rims. It's almost like a cute sun-dress type of thing. She is almost always barefoot in the outfit. She does also have a flower crown and sometimes a flower necklace, but other than that, she doesn't usually wear a lot of jewelry for me.
Apollon - Interestingly, he changes, but the changes are usually very small and difficult to describes - changes that you'd only notice if you were looking at him very closely, so I won't mention them. Mostly, he is an olive-skinned man with a fairly built body - muscular but not overly so. He has chiseled features, sharp and pointed, with a straight nose. He has this beautiful, shiny, long blond hair (golden as the rays of the sun) that's usually pretty wavy. And his eyes, damn... They're baby blue - blue as the sky - with speckles of gold sprinkled throughout them. There is a rim of gold around his pupil, too; it looks super cool. Clothing-wise, he usually wears what looks to be fashioned around the ancient Greeks...it's a cloth around his waist that's usually either blue or purple and is kept up using a golden pin. There are pretty beads and golden chains that accompany this cloth, also around his waste. He also wears a lot of golden jewelry (anklets, bracelets, piercings, etc.), and his hair is almost always in some sort of style, be it a hair bow, a braid, or even a man bun. He doesn't usually wear shoes.
Artemis - She's a little shorter than Apollo but just as cool lol. She has curly dark brown hair which she usually keeps in a bun, most likely for convenience. She has a pair of antlers attached to a fitness band sort of thing. She's got a rather toned, muscular build and is still pretty slim. Usually, she has this mud-colored paint on her face, specifically in a block around her eyes and stripes down her cheeks and arms. She also has a dark green paint that accents the mud-colored one, using it with stripes down her cheeks and arms. Her eyes are a very dark brown with specks of vibrant green in them, and her darker tanned skin matches them very beautifully. She's always wearing a short sleeve of some kind and wears what I'd call a short chiton, but I think it's a different type of clothing entirely; I just don't know the name for it. Something ancient. Whatever it is, it's usually colored green and brown, like the forest I assume she hunts in. She doesn't usually wear shoes, but when she does, they're very dark brown sandals. No jewelry for her. She also always carries her bow and arrow with her.
Aphrodite - I literally cannot pin down one specific appearance for her, but the best I can do is chubby woman with pale skin and rosy cheeks and very curly, strawberry blonde hair. Very pink lips. She usually shows up naked for me, but sometimes she was a light pink chiton with gold accents on it. She always wears pretty jewelry, usually pearl earrings with a pretty pearl necklace and anklet. No shoes. She does look super majestic to me, though, like seeing a unicorn in an enchanted forest.
Ares - Ares is very hard to describe. He is usually very tall and very muscular. A large man who still gives off heavy dad vibes. He has dark olive skin with curly black hair, though the color sometimes changes. His hair goes to his shoulders. He has blocky features with a chiseled jawline and a prominent hooked nose. His eyes are a vibrant red mixed with a cool crimson - difficult to describe. He usually has some stubble on his face, though no beard. He has a very stoic expression mostly, but it's not intentionally intimidating. Very thick eyebrows, btw. He usually wears gold or bronze colored ancient armor with his helmet resting atop his head. He used to not wear the helmet, but after certain events occurred...he started to. His armor is dyed the same red as his eyes on his chest plate, as well as other places that I can't remember right now. Sometimes he has a spear with him, sometimes he doesn't. Sometimes he has a shield with him, sometimes he doesn't. It really depends. Overall, though, that's how he looks.
Eros - Honestly, his image is pretty blurry to me, and I haven't had enough interactions to give a concrete appearance for him. From what I've seen, he has very curly, shaggy, strawberry blond hair and tends to be on the paler side. His face is more rounded and child-like, although he isn't a child. His eyes are a brilliant blue with pink accents and long eyelashes. He wears golden sandals that go up to his knees and that's about all I've got on him. I can't make out his other clothes, though he always has his bow and arrow with him.
Dionysus - His appearance changes but only his body type. Sometimes he's kind of scrawny, and others he's overweight - it typically shifts between these two. Otherwise, though, he stays the same. His eyes are his most striking feature, being wild and green like a jungle vine. Very vibrant green, too - unnatural by human standards. His hair is black, very curly, and long, typically going past his shoulders. His skin is a darker tan, and he always has cool ear piercings. It somewhat varies in terms of what he wears, but he ALWAYS has a leopard pelt sash across his chest. Usually, he wears more ancient-looking clothing, but it's hard to tell what he specifically wears underneath the pelt. Shoes are non-existent, most of the time, but when he wears them, they're ancient sandals. Also, he's big on gold jewelry - lots of bangle bracelets, amongst other things.
Athena - Athena has looked the same pretty much since the first time I "saw" her. She has long, dark brown hair that's straight and has a half-ponytail in the back. She has dark olive skin and kind grey eyes with specks of violin-brown in them. Her features are more rounded, but her eyes are very sharp and attentive. She always has a helmet resting atop her head and is wearing some sort of epic ancient Greek armor. It's usually either gold or bronze armor, but there are always bit of colorful fabric placed here and there. She sometimes carries a spear with her, but usually, she's without it.
Hermes - Ah, yes, the man of the hour lol. Hermes has an appearance that feels like it changes often, but in reality, he always looks the same for me. It's a weird feeling; idk how to describe it. Anyway, he has short, ultra curly hair. The color always changes but is usually either dirty blond or medium brown. His eyes are fucking cool, being blue and green mixed together. Very difficult to describe; they're almost multi-colored. He has freckles and is almost always smirking. His build is thin, toned, and shorter than all of the gods, but definitely still taller than me lol. He wears ancient clothing - helmet (more of a big, floppy, winged hat), sandals, even carries his caduceus with him or in a brown satchel he carries on his hip. He's usually wearing a hip-length, off-white chlamys with a gold and black rim on it. I can't usually make out details of his clothes under the chlamys. He ALWAYS has these golden wrist braces on, too, and sometimes wears golden earrings!
Thanatos - Like Selene, I don't get much when it comes to looks for Thanatos. He expressed himself much more through presence. Unfortunately, I have nothing to really say about his appearance. 😕
Hypnos - Very little has been given to me about Hypnos as well, but he does consistently have short, very curly hair and a big, sleepy smile. That's about all I've got for now.
Norse Gods
Sigyn - Golden blonde hair with a very fair complexion and rounded features. Gives off protective mom vibes. Typically, she's in an old dress - viking era - that has light pink fabric with white and gold accents. Sometimes she wears a dress that's darker in color, but I don't know what color it is exactly. It's hard to describe. Her eyes are light, but I can never pin any one color to them. She has a soft smile and very pretty figure. Very short, especially in comparison to Loki, who is a literal giant lol. I haven't seen her wear jewelry, but it's been a while since I've envisioned her, so idk.
Loki - BIG, POOFY, WILD red hair! Like Ida from The Owl House. Cool single braid with some beads tying it off. Very angular and sharp features with a long nose and point ears. Vibrant green eyes that sometimes have cat slits in them. He usually wears an old-timey dark green shirt with an old-timey leather braided vest over it. There are tufts of fur on the shoulders of the vests. He wears old-timey brown pants and these really weird but cool looking boots that I don't know how to describe lol. He has earrings on usually but otherwise isn't big on jewelry. Oh, also, he's probably the tallest god I worship; he is very tall! And lanky, too.
Odin - I've only ever really seen his face. Older man with a cool black eye path over one eye and thin, long white hair. Long but thin white beard. His features are more rounded, and he tends to have a lot of wrinkles. His eye is a dark blue color, reminding me of the deepest depths of the ocean - as limitless as the depths of his knowledge, I'd imagine. I also remember him being muscular and wearing armor, but that's about all I can recall.
Hope you liked this answer! Enjoy! Sorry in advance for typos lol.
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kokichixreaderthings · 4 years ago
(Can I request again???? Your writing is really good! ;))
Can I get Kokichi x Reader where the reader is on a trip overseas and Kokichi missed her?
I also have a really, REALLY, funny dialogue prompt that follows with this concept. Consider this like a little 'treat' from me:
Y/N: *carrying suitcases with her*
Shuichi: *talking with Kaito* Hm? *sees her* Oh, hey Y/N
Kaito: Sup, Y/N-chan? What are the suitcases for?
Y/N: Good afternoon, boys. Oh, I'm going overseas to visit some family. I--
Shuichi and Kaito: *both grab her legs, crying*
Y/N: *eyes widen* B-Boys?!
Shuichi: *cries* Please don't leave!!!
Kaito: *sobs* YOU CAN'T GO!!!
Y/N: *blushes* Boys, you're gonna miss me that much?
Shuichi: That, and umm....without you, Kokichi is going to be even MORE annoying!
Kaito: Last time you were away, he pranked us everyday, a new prank set up EVERY HOUR!
Shuichi: *wails* Do you....do you hate us that much, Y/N?!
Maki: *walks passed them*...........what's going on?
Y/N: I'm going to see some family overseas, and--
Maki: And you're leaving us with a heartbroken Kokichi? Wow, and you say all this talk about us 'being friends'
And this :)
Y/N: *at the airport* Bye guys! I'll be back in a week
Kokichi: *hugs her tightly, kissing her cheek* Have a safe flight, darling! Text me when you land
Y/N: I'll be sure to! And if you behave I may or may not be getting you a little something when I come back~?
Kokichi: *gasps, his eyes lighting up* A present for me?! I promise I'll be good! No lies!
Y/N: *chuckles* Alright, alright *kisses his head* Bye sweetie. Bye guys! *waves bye to her friends, going to her plane*
Kokichi: *smirks, turning back to everyone else*
Kaito: You heard your girlfriend, Kokichi! Behave!
Himiko: Yeah! Or else Y/N isn't gonna get you a present like she promised!
Shuichi: Besides, you even said 'no lies' to her before she left
Kokichi: *chuckles* Nee-hee-hee! Well, I am a liar. I could've easily been lying about "No lies". Besides~ *takes out a roll of tape, stretching it out* *malice is in his eyes, as he grins evilly* What my precious Y/N doesn't know won't hurt her....righttttt~
Everyone: *runs away*
kokichi x reader where his s/o is on a trip away from him ! <3
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thank you so much! and i appreciate the “treat” you gave! i love the interactions :) and i loved writing this!! kokichi would definitely be a clingy type of boyfriend..i hope you like this!
kokichi is going to miss you so much!
you’re his partner in crime, his second in command, you’re everything to him!
it’s like he’s missing his other half!
literally, because he got you two those cliche matching necklaces before you left
“it’ll remind you of me! isn’t it cute?”
please wear it he really wants you to !
and if you go overseas often he’ll buy you two those bond bracelets
like the one where you touch it and the other person feels it!
and he’ll be touching it a lot, he just wants to feel like he’s with you!
with that, his texts are extremely frequent!
because you’re his favorite person to talk with!
he talks how much he misses you, how much he wishes you were here
‘i want cuddles y/n what am i supposed to dooooo :(((‘
‘beloved! call me! i want to talkkk’
‘i want a kiss >:( come back here right now!’
he’ll send you pictures of himself smiling or making overly sad faces when he really misses you
he’s just really bored without you
but he does annoy people a lot when you’re gone
because what else is he supposed to do?!
he complains about how far away you are to them all the time!
“ughhh this would all be so much better if y/n was here.”
and his pranks...
no one is safe from his pranks..
his person of choice is usually shuichi
he just doesn’t get as annoyed as the others!
but its only a matter of time before he figures out why Kokichi’s doing this..
he has his detective instincts after all
“Nishishi, you better watch out Shuichi!” Kokichi taunted, a full water gun in his hand. It was one of those cheap ones you could get at a dollar store, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t effective! Besides, if it was unsatisfactory, he still had tons more to fill...
Shuichi turned around, surprised, “K-Kokichi?!”
His face of surprise slowly changed into a face of understanding.
“Kokichi...I know you miss y/n.” he realized.
Really? Shuichi’s just going to call him out on these things?
“Huh? I don’t care at all!” Kokichi lied, not lowering his water gun for a second.
“You’ve messaged me every day about how much you miss them...” Shuichi reminded him.
It’s true. Kokichi had to express his feelings somehow! He couldn’t just annoy you all the time...
“Ugh, fine!” Kokichi admitted, the evidence stacked up against him. “But that doesn’t mean I’m going to show you mercy!
Shuichi sighed, “I know...”
when it comes to the day for you to finally come back he is ecstatic!
he gets to the airport extra early, pacing around and eating vending machine snacks
and he texts you the whole time
‘are you landing?”
‘are you here yet?’
‘hurry up, i miss youuuu’
it’s kind of sweet how much he cares..
And as he waits for you to arrive and sends another one of his many text messages, he finally sees you walking towards him.
His eyes light up. You’re here! You’re actually here!
Nothing can stop him as he runs to you, enveloping you in a hug when he reaches you.
He missed hugging you, so much! It felt warm and soft and just nice.
“Beloved! i missed you sooooo much!” he exclaims, still not letting go of you.
“I missed you too” you responded, and his heart sped up at hearing your voice.
He clinged onto you tighter, ignoring everyone else around you two. Sure, he was clingy, but he couldn’t help it! Hugging you was all he could think about lately.
“Don’t leave me ever again! I almost died not being in your presence!” he dramatized.
You laughed slightly, unknowingly making Kokichi’s smile even wider.
and he’s super clingy for days after this!
he gives you all the kisses and cuddles!
“im just making up for all the time i missed, duh!”
if you don’t give him the affection he’s starved from, he will be very upset
so try to hold him as much as possible!
if you brought back a gift for him, he’ll appreciate it, whatever it is
he’s just glad you’re back, you didn’t need to get him a gift...
but he is really happy! he likes gifts, especially if they’re from you
“awww you’re just the sweetest s/o ever!”
you two aren’t going to let go of each other for a very long while...
and he’s definitely going to insist going with you on your trips next time!
thank you for reading! kokichi loves you!!
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hyunnows · 3 years ago
someday | yji
PAIRING(S): Jeongin x reader, mentions of seungmin x reader
WORD COUNT: .6k+ / 600+
CONTENT/WARNING(S): fluff (I think?), implied unrequited love, best friends!au, high-school!au
SUMMARY: “… while Seungmin may hold your heart in his hands effortlessly now, he’ll cradle it some day, even if he has to earn it.”
SKZ TAGLIST: @hyunjun-jpeg @geniejunn @koroleva--rezni @jannine00742 @im-questioning-my-existence @sunshinelixie-lee @mythicalamphitrite @minspalette
A/N: this is a lightly edited (the ending is different than the original/Canon) scene from one of my WIPs! I just wanted to post something cute for Jeongin (1/16 lomls) and I really like this scene so yeah dkfkdnsn. Also I'm sorry for everyone waiting for the next Hyunjin series update I'm just a bit occupied at the moment but it will be posted soon! Can't promise when, but soon! Anyway, I hope you enjoy this, and if you do please like and reblog with comments it literally means the world to me <3. Have a great day/night!
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Your tongue peeks out your mouth as you put all your attention on the beads and clear string in your fingers. “Innie, can you help me pick the bead colors?”
“Sure, but doesn't that take away from you making it?” his bluntness shining through as he taps his cheek and stares at the different hues of beads organized neatly in Hyunjin’s jewelry-making box. “Red and orange.” His newly freed pearly whites sparkling at you in the natural sunlight.
You scrunch your nose. “I was thinking of a color palette with more purple tones, y’know, because Min likes purple,” unaware of his downturned lips at the mention of the older boy's nickname.
Nevertheless, he's your best friend, so he thinks hard on what would look good with purple, picking out a dull blue and a brighter one, along with a glittery and a glossy purple, deciding it's all worth it to see your dazzling smile. He carefully picks them out in even groups, holding your entire hand in his as he pours the beads with his other hand, concentrating on how your breathing gets caught in your throat for a second when your palms brush.
“Anything for you [Y/N],” he whispers, not daring to say it loud enough for you to hear. His eyes disappear in his gleeful expression, his kind in a delightful daze at the thought that maybe he had some affect on you. You wonder if he can see the blush in your cheeks, but shake the thought away when you realize his attention redirected to cutting his own piece of string, picking out pink, blue, and white beads that he laces quickly and strategically. By the time you've managed to thread barely half of your—Seungmin’s—bracelet, Jeongin’s already tying the knot on his. He stretches it gently to check durability, then tugs at your wrist gently to slip it on, a small sun charm dangling from it.
In reality, he's just not the type to say such things and do such actions at the same time—he’d much rather tease you—so he puts on a fake serious face and shrugs. “Really, it's nothing. I just didn't want you to pick something ugly.”
Your cheeks warm, smacking him as you whine for a moment. You bring your arm to your eyes to admire the pattern, smiling and hugging his neck happily. "You're the best friend I could ask for,” and he grins back, satisfied with the position.
“You're the best,” he whispers under his breath, quickly making a matching necklace for you to wear. As he pulls the craft onto you, his cheeks warm at the feeling of your neck just grazing his fingertips.
With a teasing smirk, you eye him happily. “Did you just say something nice to me willingly?” A giggle interrupting you with every other word as his cheeks tint brightly.
“And it's never happening again.” His face in his hands as he tries to tame the blush on his face.
The two of you stare at each other for a moment, before you both burst into laughter, you're hopping over to pull at his face-fat teasingly. “You're secretly a sweetheart, aren't you, Yang Jeongin? You probably say nice things in your head all the time,” drawing embarrassed groans and weak attempts at pushing off of him whilst he laughs, blissfully.
Your hair perfectly framing your face as it tickles his, an almost halo effect outlining your figure. He doesn't know if it's just him, but all he can see is you, everything else dimmed out into the background as his eyes rest on only you.
Then you pull away, a look he's not too familiar within your eyes as you back off.
Apologizing briefly, he can’t help but think that while Seungmin may hold your heart in his hands effortlessly now,
he’ll cradle it someday, even if he has to earn it.
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marchioness-caprina · 4 years ago
You Changed But Still the Same
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Pairings : Ex! Katsuki Bakugou x Ex! Reader.
Writing Style : 3rd Person
Warning : Cussing
Word Count : 3428
3rd Person's POV
A Year ago since that fateful day where everything ended and the only thing that's left were the memories and promises from the past. Y/n and Bakugou who were High school sweethearts had quite a past together but sometimes all the good things come to an end .
That's exactly what happened, Bakugou at some point in his life had to pick between two things , y/n or his Hero Career. He picked His Hero Career even though y/nl tried to desperately persuade him that it could work out. She tried her best to persuade Katsuki that They can grow Together.
Even though it was painful, Katsuki still stuck to his choice leaving everything behind . Leaving y/n with her heart that has been shattered, Leaving her to pick up all the broken pieces herself.
He had to pick his Hero career because he knew he needed to become stronger, strong enough to Be confident that He will be able to protect her in the future. Strong enough to flaunt her to the world without worrying how many villains would be after his lover. As surprising as it may seem his reason why he picked his career over her was because of her, not because he wanted to be number one... He'll admit that, it was his former goal but after meeting her everything changed.
He actually wanted to become a better version of himself because no matter how good he is, theres still a nagging feeling at the back of his head that says he does not deserve her because she deserves so much more.
Today was a special Day because Class 1-A was holding a reunion party. And Katsuki normally turns down events like this bit this time , he was excited because he knew y/n would be there. Now he was ready, Now he was confident, Now all he needed to do was to get his Girl back.
Y/n, She was never the same after that dreadful day. She never knew why she was Never Enough for Katsuki... She doesn't know why she's not a good enough reason to be picked. She never knew why He had to leave her in the dust, Hurt and alone. And honestly no matter how hard she tried to forget him. It never worked, She was still hung up on him like before and because of that. She hated him so much.
She started overworking herself doing more hero work than necessary since it's the only thing that could keep her mind away from him.
Her smile faded and she was never the same, she moved to another city because being in the same city where there's a possibility for her and Katsuki to work together is too painful for her.
She managed to rise to the hero rankings in the city she moved in. She was well known and villains feared her. But she started distancing herself from others, always taking on solo jobs and gradually turning colder by time.
It took a lot of persuading from the girls for her to eventually agree to this little reunion and she wasn't looking forward to it.
Because he was going to be there, it was already 6 and she was late since the agreed time to meet was 5 sharp bit she got caught up fighting Villains on her way . Of course the girls were furious but after hearing her reason they were much more understanding than expected.
They were supposed to meet in a Restaurant the boys booked all for their class and of course wearing something fancy was required because according to Momo they should ' Dress for the Occasion ' .
So of course y/n did try to make an effort to dress up because She wanted to prove to everyone that she was fine without Katsuki. Because back then when they broke up, Everything fell apart and she stopped caring about everything around her.
She loves the girls because they almost Wrestled Katsuki for hurting her , and some of the Boys even attempted to fight him because Y/n was a wreck back then.
But now look at her. She's not a narcissistic bitch but she really outdid herself. She wore a red sleeveless fishtail dress that clung onto her curves like it was her own skin, the dress had little crystal details that matched her hair. Her make up was Smoky and elegant and her lips were a crimson color of red. Her hair was curled on the ends and she did end up dyeing her hair to H/c, she also had a few accessories on, like the emerald necklace, a few bracelets she randomly picked out and a small Phoenix Hair clip.
She looked gorgeous and she could tell from the way passersby looked at her when she got out of her car right infront of the restaurant.
She walked towards the receptionist who was oogling on her figure.
Clearing her throat she caught the attention of the receptionist.
" I'm here for Denki Kaminari's Party " Y/n stated and the receptionist immediately stumbled towards the door opening it for her.
" This way ma'am "
" Thank you " Y/n thanked the man who started nodding his head nervously and she made her way inside.
The whole place was noisy and she could see her old classmates chatting and drinking the night away.
The first one to notice her was Momo.
" Oh my God Y/n!? Is that you " Momo exclaimed running towards y/n and giving the girl a tight hug.
The whole room was quiet, everyone's attention was directed towards y/n. She really was a head turner. The states she was getting was a bit overwhelming but she didn't mind. Someone in the room did Though.
" Woah! You really did dress to impress Missy! Where the hell have you been? " Mina joined in and y/n didn't hesitate to hug her as well.
" You're Drop Dead Gorgeous! We didn't even recognize you... I mean... Look at You! Damn " Hagakure complimented slapping y/n's ass.
" Hey keep your hands to yourself " Y/n muttered as she shoved Hagakure playfully.
" My goodness! I can't believe my eyes, Don't tell me you don't have a boyfriend!? It's kinda impossible for you Not to if you Look that Hot " Uraraka joined their little group and soon the boys also gathered around her to Either greet and hug her or comment on how she looks.
The attention she's getting was flattering but a bit suffocating.
" Ok, enough about me. How are you guys? " Y/n tried changing the subject but none of them were up for it.
" Well Duh, we all work in the same city and some of us gets paired up from Time to Time so there's nothing new about us that we didn't Know. You on the other hand moved to another fucking City and we barely have any contact with you so don't change the subject " Jiro stated and everyone seemed to fire their questions towards me one by one.
" So how are you? Are things good over there? I heard you ranked 2 in your city"
" Yeah everything is alright , things are pretty stressful though "
" You're pretty popular there! I see you on the news all the time "
" Er... Well... I can't even get some alone time without people trying to shove themselves to me "
As y/n was bombarded with questions a certain blonde male kept his gaze glued to her figure, she was gorgeous that's for sure and he could barely keep his eyes off her figure but that doesn't mean everyone else had to do that.
Even if they aren't together anymore. She is still considered to be his property and it's pissing him off that she didn't even try to acknowledge his existence. It was spissing him so much that she gave everyone a hug and not him. Why is she so happy talking to other men when he's right here waiting for her to finally look at him.
It's fucking irritating . She was beautiful... Too beautiful that he feels like someone else would take her if he even dares to look away.
It was painful to see how much she had grown without him. He's starting to regret his decision. Damn it. He knew he missed her but fuck. He didn't know he missed her to the point where it's actually painful to see her here but ignore him like he's nothing.
His mood was foul and everyone noticed, sure they were pissed that Bakugou Had the face to hurt y/n but they saw how hurt he was too, and one time during a small get together Bakugou started screaming her name and yelling why he left while sobbing angrily like a sick lunatic. And they finally understood why he made such a rash decision. It was because of his insecurities and nobody thought that this Haughty Hero was actually insecure about something.
And everyone felt bad for him because after y/n left he was a reckless Asshole who kept getting himself hurt over and over again as if he's pushing himself to the brink of death on purpose. Everyone knew he regretted his past actions and that's exactly why they were gonna help these two love sick puppies out.
" Hey! Let's play Seven Minutes in Heaven! " Denki suggested and everyone got the message.
" Really? Denki why would we play that here?" Y/n laughed but to her surprise everyone was in on it too.
" Yeah sounds fun! "
" I'll get the bottle! "
" Who's going first? "
Everyone was seated on the floor forming a circle.
" Ok I'll spin the bottle and if the bottle lands on you, you have to go in the closet with the person the end of the bottle is pointing towards. Simple as that " Kirishima explained and he started spinning the bottle.
" Hey y/n have you heard about the latest trend lately? " Momo asked y/n who's eyes we're torn away from the bottle and her attention was snapped towards Momo.
Sero moved fast and immediately pointed the bottle at y/n and Bakugou.
Bakugou saw the whole thing and he stared at his friends in disbelief.
" Kaachan.... I think you deserve a second chance " Izuku muttered and everyone gave Bakugou a thumbs up or a supporting look.
Bakugou was touched as he stared at everyone with thankful eyes but he was a prideful asshole so he turned his head away muttering.
" I don't need your help shitty extras " His comment made everyone chuckle.
" You better not ruin this Bakugou or else I'll poke your eyes out " Jiro threatened before she turned to y/n
" Y/n! You're going in the Closet with Bakugou! "
Y/n froze at the mention of Bakugou's name her eyes trailing down to ten bottle that was pointing at her and Katsuki.
" What? No" Y/n grumbled her tone filled with venom. Bakugou noticed her tone and it almost made him flinch.
" It's only seven minutes y/n...dont tell me you still love him that's why you refuse to do so " Denki stated slyly earning a menacing glare from the girl that made him shiver.
" I'll fucking do it and you better watch me you Prick " Y/n stood up from her place stomping her way towards the closet, opening it as she pointed inside her gaze landing on Bakugou.
" Get in so we could get this over with " She hissed before stomping inside Bakugou who was a bit astonished by how fierce she had become. But nonetheless he followed her inside the closet closing it as he stepped inside.
It was quiet, far too quiet but he was determined to change that.
" Y/n...I-"
" Shut up" Y/n cut him off sharply and he can't believe he was this sensitive when it came to her because damn it hurt when she said it like that.
" I'm sorry... I know it's not gonna fucking Cut all the shit I put you-"
" You fucking bastard I said shut up " Y/n growled but Bakugou continued.
" I was the biggest idiot in the world --"
" Bakugou. Fuck off. "
" Please just lis--"
" Did you listen to me?! Did you listen to me when I begged you to not end things between us? Did you know how much pain I felt losing you? Because you didn't have the fucking balls to choose me? Do you know how worthless I felt? I felt like I wasn't a good enough reason for you to choose me. I felt like I wasn't enough, because you never looked back on your decision and just kept going leaving me behind ... To pick myself up and pretend like nothing happened. Stop this Bullshit Katsuki, Let's just pretend like we're strangers causing its better that way---" Y/n was cut off with Katsuki's harsh tone.
" Don't you dare Fucking Go there woman! I'm a poor excuse of a boyfriend I know! And I regret the day I made the decision in leaving you because everyday is like walking in an eternity of hell without you.. I missed you so damn much... I missed your laugh... Your smug smile... Everything... I missed you! You wanna know why I ended things? It was because I felt weak, I felt like you deserve better so don't you dare say that you're not enough! Because you're more than enough! I was scared that villains may come after me and they'll take you because I wasn't strong enough! That's why I dedicated my time in trying to be better because the day I'll be ready is the day I'll claim you back . Today is the day.... And you have no idea how painful every passing day is for me without you.... And you turned me into this pathetic shitty love struck idiot who becomes soft and mushy when you're around!... I'm pouring out my feelings here because this may be the last! And I'm not good at this shit you dumbass! You knew that from the start but... I'm begging you Please... Give me another chance Because I Fucking Love you" Bakugou's voice broke at the end of his sentence and y/n was conflicted.
Was this why he left? It still doesn't count for what he did! He hurt her yet why does she feel so happy to hear him say that? Why is her heart beating so fast when he said those three words she never knew she craved. Why is her mind and heart urging her to give him another chance? Simple she knew the answer and it was because she never stopped loving him at all. Even though she hated him, she still loved him the same.
The room was filled with silence and y/n couldn't mutter another word. She wanted to say Yes. But her pride was getting in the way.
Bakugou was losing his patience, growling in frustration he lunged himself at her pinning her to the wall with both of her hands pinned above her head by Katsuki's hand.
" Screw it Bitch, I miss you too much to Just Let this shit slide. If you Kiss back you're Fucking Mine Again you Hear me!? " Bakugou yelled and he didn't give y/n any time to protest because his lips were already on hers.
Kissing her lips with Vigor and Neediness. It almost seemed desperate , he continued Kissing the girl with everything he had, devouring her lips with his and it didn't take long for y/n's pride to hold out because but broke the second Katsuki's Lips touched hers.
She kissed back with the same intensity. Katsuki let go of her hands and her hands immediately flew up to his neck pulling him closer as her fingers ran through his hair, she dug her fingers through his hair tugging on it desperately . Katsuki's hands were roaming her body in any way they could until finally stopping on her waist.
Fuck he missed her so much, he missed her so Fucking much and right now. He's gonna savor every moment of this. He missed these lips and how she kissed him.
If Oxygen wasn't much of a problem then neither of them would have pulled back.
Panting and breathless Katsuki pressed his forehead along hers a deep chuckle vibrating from his chest.
" So.... Was that a Yes? " Y/n could her the smugness of his voice making her growl at him.
" I Fucking kissed you back didn't I? " She snapped rolling her eyes.
" Well... I didn't quite feel it... Oh well, Looks like we're gonna have to do it again " Katsuki smirked and he was about to dive in for another round but Kaminari had slammed the door open making the two flinch.
" Times up---oh" Kaminari grinned as Katsuki and Y/n glared daggers at him.
" You shitty Pikachu! Can't you see we're busy here!? " Katsuki roared as he tried grabbing Denki who immediately ran away form the door.
With a sigh y/n dragged Katsuki out of the closet and everyone was looking at them with playful eyes, some even giving Katsuki a suggestive wink.
Y/n's eyes trailed up to Katsuki's face and she paled almost immediately seeing the red lipstick smudge on his lips.
" Katsuki you Fucking asshole! You smudged my lipstick! " Y/n barked smacking Katsuki's head and Katsuki was fats to react.
" Haah!? I didn't hear you complaining when I was sucking your lips woman! " Katsuki barked back.
" How the fuck was I supposed to complain when you were practically shoving your lips towards mine!? " Y/n said in defense as she raised her hand about to smack Katsuki's head again but he caught her hand .
Katsuki bent down and slung y/n over his shoulder carrying the angry girl.
" Shut up woman, I'll buy you a whole mall of lipstick if it makes you feel any better, and you extras!... Well... I'm only gonna say this once... T-Thank you " Katsuki muttered and everyone cheered and teased the blonde boy who was now cussing everyone for laughing at him.
" Put me down! " Y/n yelled pinching Katsuki's back but it had no effect because the boy didn't even flinch.
" We're heading out early! " Katsuki yelled but the entrance was blocked by the girls.
" Umm, No! We were the ones who put in a lot of effort in bringing her here Bakugou! You can't just take her away! And everyone missed her you asshole! " Jiro growled and Katsuki was immediately pissed off.
" She's Mine! Of course I can take her away! " Katsuki barked glaring daggers at the girls.
" Well looks like we're gonna have to fight in order to see who's keeping her then " Momo stated as she pulled out a staff from her arm.
Y/n was snatched away from Katsuki's shoulder by none other than Izuku who had a smirk on his face.
" Sorry Kaachan but we wanna hang out with her too" Izuku smiled and it only angered the blonde even more.
" You Fucking Extras! Give her back! "
" Why don't you guys just calm down and let me Go Home! " Y/n yelled throwing her arms up helplessly.
" No! " Everyone responded almost immediately.
" I believe we can't do that y/n because Tonight you're the prize for whoever gets to take you out of the door first! " Kids yelled and everyone was excited except for y/n who knew this wasn't gonna end well and she knows for a fact that this restaurant will become nothing but a pile of debris and rocks once everything is over.
" Oh it's on! " Uraraka jumped in excitement.
" I'll Fucking kill all of you Extras and Take back what's mine! " Katsuki yelled angrily sparks coming out of his hands.
And Y/n was right, by the end of the day the whole restaurant was destroyed, everyone was injured the moment yeh fight ensued and nobody won because y/n stepped out of the restaurant herself.
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zoyswords · 5 years ago
Wedding Dress
Author’s Notes:
#Fanfic written for MLDD #MrLoveDreamDate #MidYearContest !
Description: the boys reaction after seeing her post on her Moments, a picture of her in wedding dress but not as their bride.
Characters : MC (POV), Gavin, Kiro, Lucien, Victor, Anna, Kiki, Willow
Word Count: ±1463 words
I look into the mirror, and I see a reflection of a girl in a beautiful wedding dress, even when her face is hidden in veil, I can see her flawless make up that match her dress. She also wears silver jewelries: necklace, earrings, and ring, which perfect her look. While I'm busy looking at the reflection, Anna calls me.
"here's your heels, and the hand bouquet "
"thankyou Anna, "
"something wrong? you look speechless?! "
"I'm amazed with this look Anna, so beautiful, the dress, the jewelries, the make up, the heels too... "
"and also, you! they look perfect on you, beautiful girl. ahhh I can't wait until you walking down the aisle with your Mr. Right. It will be the happiest moment in my life. "
"oohh Anna... " with that I hug her, thank her for all the years she takes care of me, and also the company.
"wait, we should take a picture of you. I don't want to lose this moment. where is your phone? "
"here... " I give her my phone.
She takes several picture of me and her until she thinks she takes some perfect pictures.
"look, you are so beautiful miss... "
"Anna, you are exaggerating... " I said to her shyly
Maybe all the beautiful things on me right now are the cause of this beautiful look. I feel like I should post it on my Moments.
I think of a proper caption, then post it. A picture of a girl in a beautiful wedding dress, smiles happily, holding a hand bouquet, with a caption ;
"All girls are beautiful, especially in her wedding dress♡ on her wedding day♡"
After that, Anna calls me to prepare myself, so I put my phone in my bag and follow her.
Three hours later, Kiki and Willow visits us on the site. They look so exhausted.
"Boss, you should check your Moments. "
"what happened?" I asked curiously to Kiki.
"please just check it... "
I take my bag and take out my phone. I turn on the screen and there are so many missed calls and messages. I ignore those first and check my Moments as Kiki says, and I find these comments on my post.
Anna : "oh my, you look so beautiful. I am in tears of happiness right now. your father would be so happy too if he sees you now... "
Kiki : "Boss, is that really you? you look so awesome and amazing in that wedding dress. I wonder if your groom will be so proud and happy to see you... "
Lucien : "my little fool is so beautiful in her wedding dress. I can't believe this day will come so soon... "
Victor : "dummy, so, I'm not invited to your wedding? "
Gavin : "you look even more beautiful than what I saw in my dreams all this time. congratulation... "
Kiro : "Miss Chips, you look perfect but isn't it incomplete without my presence in your wedding? "
reading all these comments from them, I feel so guilty. I felt something might go wrong, I quickly continue checking the missed calls and messages. oh my, there are so many...
missed calls :
17 from Gavin
1 from Lucien
3 from Victor
9 from Kiro
5 from Kiki and 2 from Willow
messages : 1 from each boy
Gavin :
"Hi, umm. I really don't know what to say. I'm a bit shocked by this sudden news about your wedding. why didn't you tell me anything about this? are you afraid that I might intimidate him? no I wont.
by the way, I didn't see you wearing the ginkgo bracelet on that photo, am I right?
I know it's wrong to say something like this especially at the moment but I just want to say that my feelings towards you will never change. I know, I am sorry. I really don't know what to say.
I was hoping that you would gave me a chance to compete with that man to be your groom, or did I missed the chance you gave me without I realized it? oh my, I'm so sorry. I should've worked harder.
I know it's all too late now, all there's left to say is congratulation. wishing you lots of joy and love, and happy marriage. as long as you are happy, I'll be happy for you too. "
Lucien :
"My little fool, congratulation on your wedding. may the love and happiness always be with you two.
for me, you are my forever little fools who comes to me whenever she faces difficulties. It's hard to believe that this day is coming so soon. I am gonna miss my lovely neighbor who always calls me whenever she can't sleep at night.
The wedding dress suits you well. you look perfect, so beautiful. the most beautiful bride I have ever seen in my life. and my most favorite one is your smile, so pure filled with happiness. I am really happy for you, even tho it's not me by your side.
where did you meet him? did your aunt succesfully set a blind date for you? I hope you marry him because you love each other deeply, not beacuse you were forced, because if so, I would steal his bride right away.
well, no, just kidding. I hope he treasures you like I do, like everyone around you that loves you so much.
I hope it's not the end of our, relationship, I mean you can always come to me whenever you need me. I'll always be there.
once again, congratulation. "
Victor :
"Dummy, who am I to you? why am I not invited to your wedding? am I a stranger? and who the groom is? you didn't introduce him to me? is he a good man? did I know him already? you should've introduce him to me first dummy...
anyway congratulation on your wedding. tell me what wedding gift you want, whatever it is I think I can grant it.
I hope he can take care of you and your clumsy, dummy side like I always do. I hope he can protect and cherish you like I do. I hope he knows you well, about what you love and what you dislike. I hope he can make you a pudding that can make your sadness go away and can raise your smile. I hope he can value your time and willing to do everything for you. I hope he is the best man for you.
take your time to enjoy your special moments, I'll be waiting here, for you to submit your next report. "
Kiro :
"Miss Chips, so you've decided to marry him? is he handsome? more handsome than me? more charming? more cute? is that why you choose him to be your groom? do you love him?
Miss Chips, so now who is gonna help me complete my next superhero collection? who is gonna help me runaway from my agent? or making an excuse for me to him?
however, believe me, I am very happy for you. you look so beautiful and very happy. but tell me, why you didn't tell me anything about this? why so sudden? are you afraid that you are gonna hurt me? no Miss Chips, did you forget that I am a superhero Kiro? especially this is your special happy moments. I would not ruin it. but I am sad that I am not there by your side, I mean to congratulate you.
Miss Chips I'll miss you and every moments I have spent with you. now you start your own journey with him, I wish you two a happy marriage which full of loves.
sincerely, your previous hero, Kiro. "
after reading all the comments and messages, I feel really really bad because I made them misunderstand my post about the wedding dress. Now, I don't know how to explain it to them! should I just reply their comments? or reply their messages? but it seems like I already broke their heart. or should I call them one by one? will there be enough time to explain it to all of them?
Anna snap me out of my thought, and ask worriedly,
"what happened? "
"the boys think that I am marrying someone because of my post on my Moments... "
"oh my, that's bad. I am sorry, it's my fault to have you to be one of the models, we don't have any other choice, we couldn't find other models.
so now, how are you gonna explain to them that it's just a photoshoot for a wedding gown advertisement project?
" I don't know Anna..., help me... "
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budugaapologist · 6 years ago
brocean outfits analysis
i quite like the differences between edward and adéwalé's clothing styles, like theyre both the carribbean pirate assassins but they actually have personalities like the frye twins' outfits, so im gonna ramble about them, feel free to keep scrolling.
the first outfits we see them in (not comparing their true og outfits because uh??? edward's corset vs adé's still a slave in chains and lowrise pants???), edward just has a mostly open leather vest to match his boots and some off-white pants held up by a red plaid sash, with a bandana around his forehead, which is a really minimalist look and likely quite comfy when he isnt drenched in sweat and sea water, like the athleisure of the time. adé has a decorated green/gold vest with a very low cut shirt underneath. he still has the red sash and a bandana but his pants are striped and purple (colorblocking and pattern mixing KING), his boots are much shorter, and he's wearing much more jewelry (his rings, earrings, bracelets, and golden necklace [i think it may be a locket] vs edward's collection of teeth). adé also has far more belts than edward in this look, and has a much more wealthy appearance, even seen in their red sashes theres a difference in the cost, edward's faded stripes far less outstanding than adé's richer red color and more complicated pattern, which appears more classy (his pattern really resembles those on evie, aveline, and elise's dresses):
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edward altered his blue assassin's cloak by adding more leather armor to it, a far less minimalist outfit than his first, but adéwalé altered his black cloak by taking off the sleeves and letting his titties breathe, it's like he said "no, thanks, i will take the sexy armor." they both don't have bandanas in their assassin outfits unlike their pirate looks, and they have the same tail shape to their cloaks (despite walpole's cloak not having that shape?). neither of them conceal their weapons in this outfit, contrary to many of the other assassins, instead putting them on display, though adéwalé's cloak seems far less heavy and he likely makes less noise than edward's clunky weapons everywhere, so he doesnt need as much armor because he is less likely to get caught, not to mention it is much easier on the eyes than edward's pirate hobo robes.
lastly, their stripper alter egos diving pants. edward changes his hairstyle to a bun when he is swimming since his hair is less likely to come loose like that than when its a pony tail, something adé doesnt need to worry about lmao. but, for some sexy reason, edward has high waisted pants that are very tight, like if you can't tell how big his dick is at this point? play the game with your eyes open maybe. adéwalé though went for a less flashy outfit, in great contrast to his first look, just with lowrise pants that are not tight at all, hence why he has to tie the leg holes down when swimming and edward doesnt:
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regardless, i think adé has a better fashion sense than edward and he may very well be one of the top best dressed assassins with edward being somewhere in the middle, which really fits the differences in their personalities, as edward is a messy and brash guy while adéwalé is scholarly and speaks eloquently (and three languages fluently but who's counting), a trend you can see continued with the twins.
anywho, i fully support bastienne spending most of freedom cry trying to fuck adé, he really does look like he has his shit together, especially next to edward.
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randomminer · 6 years ago
Some More Hogwarts Mystery Asks: MC & Jacob
1) How did you come up with you MC’s name?
-Heard the first name in the background of a video game some years ago. I thought it sounded cool and remembered it when I had to name my MC.
-Then I tried to decide what muggle last name Svari would be drawn to. Sally Ride kept popping into my head, probably because it sounded so similar to Svari. After doing some research, I found out that Sally Ride did actually go into space the year before our MC went to Hogwarts. So naturally, Svari would have recently heard of her and maybe even started to idolize her. To the point she chose Ride as her last name.
-Svari's middle name was the first name of her paternal grandmother, Isobel McGonagall.
2) How did you come up with your MC and Jacob’s backstory (family, where they’re from, their relationship with each other, etc.)?
-I'd been playing around with Potter head cannon for as long as I've read the books. But when JK Rowling started giving very detailed backgrounds of her characters, I really liked McGonagall's story. Her mother leaving the wizarding world for love, her father loving his wife and accepting her background even though he was some sort of priest, excelling in Hogwarts, sadly breaking a muggle man's heart so she could stay in the wizarding world, getting a career in law enforcement and then teaching, eventually marrying but keeping her maiden name, loosing her husband, and just being an icon.
Anyway, I knew I wanted my MC to be connected to McGonagall somehow. And while McGonagall's story was very detailed, there wasn't much on her two brothers' lives other than they both had at least one child and the youngest of the two was killed by Death Eaters. I adjusted Svari's story to fit into all that.
Jacob was just a surprise 😂. I didn't know we'd be having an older sibling thrown into this. I had already thought up Svari's twin cousins, Mary and Garrett, and didn't want to get rid of them, so Malcolm McGonagall got an unexpected third child.
3) How did you come up with your version of Jacob?
-I've had to build Jacob's story off of what I'm learning about him in the game. He would be older than Svari, they were close, and she was obviously hurt when he disappeared. For the most part, I've just built Jacob based on the kind of cousin Svari would love to be around.
4) How does your MC cope with everything they’ve endured with Jacob, R, and the Vaults?
-Svari has had to deal with a lot of stuff in her short life. Her father is dead, her mother and cousin have disappeared, she's been sent away from her original family (the peri flock), she is constantly bullied for her non-human features, she has to be mindful of herself so she doesn't accidentally transform, and to top it all off, the freaking vaults!
It's enough stress to make anyone develop anxiety and want to live in solitude. But I think Svari takes her weaknesses and uses them for strength.
For example, a person may be to anxious to make a face to face order from a McDonald's cashier for themselves. But if a friend of theirs admitted they were also too scared to order, you can bet your ass that person will suddenly have the courage to step up and order McDonald's for themselves AND their friend.
Something about not wanting your loved ones to experience the same bad feelings you do makes people brave enough to do what needs to be done.
In Svari's case, she meets and befriends other magical outcasts like her. People who are half human, who have been turned, who are seen as lowly because of their differences. Wanting to spare them from the same feelings of inadequatacy, hopelessness, and shame gives Svari the will to get up and endure another day.
In turn, her human friends at Hogwarts, who see Svari for who she is and love her anyway, help her to see humanity isn't a heartless race. But rather is made up of individuals, some for good, some for I'll, and some who don't fit a category.
6) How does your Jacob cope with Duncan’s death?
-I haven't really developed Jacob's character much. I worry about making it match with the future plans of the game. But I imagine Jacob changed after Duncan's death. Probably started to withdraw from others, including Svari. He may have had a guilty outburst at some of them just before disappearing. I've tried to think of the possible outcomes JamCity could have in mind for Jacob. If he is in hiding or being held prisoner, I imagine he feels on some level he deserves the misery. Or if he is in a state of suspended animation, he probably doesn't feel anything. I don't know.
7) Describe your MC in 5 words or less &/or using 5 or less gifs
8) Does your MC have any sentimental items?
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-Svari has three items she would hate to loose:
- the woven leather bracelet her mother gave her before she left for Hogsmead
- the fang necklace her Uncle made for fun and gave to her before his death
- her leather jacket, the first item she bought for herself
9) Describe your Jacob in 5 words or less &/or 5 or less gifs
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10) Does your Jacob have any sentimental items?
-Jacob's mom, Teresa McGonagall, is a muggle born originally from a ranch in Texas, USA. Every Christmas and birthday, Garrett, Mary, and Jacob could always expect Texas themed gifts from Pop Pop and Nana (by muggle mail). Nana would go all out and send belt buckles, pecan candy, crosses made out of horse shoes, the Texas state flag printed on coffee mugs, spicy and BBQ flavored everything. But Pop Pop preferred to make the grandkids gifts, usually a little somethingthing made out of carved wood or knotted rope. The year after the twins would start Hogwarts, Pop Pop passed away from a sudden heart attack. While everyone was devastated, Jacob had been closest to his grandfather. That Christmas, Nana sent her usual gifts, but for Jacob, she also sent his grandfather's old bolo tie. Jacob never wore it himself, but it always had a place of honor hanging on the living room wall under Pop Pop's smiling portrait (the unmoving muggle kind). From the day he got it until the day he disappeared, Jacob would always give the bolo a quick touch as he was heading out the door.
11) What is your MC’s favourite store to shop at?
-Svari isn't one for retail therapy, but she loves window shopping in old book stores and antique shops. I think she may have also enjoyed visits to Honeydukes, Zonkos, and Weasleys with her friends.
12) What is your Jacob’s favourite store to shop at?
-I think of Jacob as interested in the secrets of the magical world. So he probably would have liked book stores or connections like Jae and Dung.
13) What is your MC’s favourite thing from Honeydukes?
-Svari likes the prank and sour candies
14) What is your Jacob’s favourite thing from Honeydukes?
-Jacob loves Chocolate Frogs and has quite the card collection.
15) Which Marauder is your MC most like?
-Svari would probably be most like James post Hogwarts. She looks out for the weak, is brave, smart, willing to give her life for others, and keeps her emotions in check. Something Sirius wouldn't do.
16) Which Marauder is your Jacob most like?
-Jacob is most like Remus, but not as sickly or submissive. He is very intelligent, has seen some shit, keeps to himself, but is kind.
17) Something your MC and Jacob like to tease each other about and use to embarrass each other?
-Svari and Jacob each have one parent from outside of the UK. Teresa McGonagall is from Texas and Roxanna is from the Middle East. The cousins both some times accidentally slip into that parent's accent. When they catch each other doing so, it causes roars of laughter between them.
18) A headcanon about your MC?
- loves muggle sci-fi tv (very much a Trekie)
- doesn't like wearing dresses or the color white (makes her afraid to move because she's worried she'll get it dirty)
- can brew potions in Acceptable to Outstanding grade levels, but can't cook to save her life
19) A headcanon about your Jacob?
- his patronus is an armadillo
- can play guitar, banjo, piano, and harmonica
- allergic to bee stings
20) A song for your MC and Jacob?
- probably something by Journey
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fynnichi · 4 years ago
hihi!💕 i saw matchups were open, so could i ask for one with hq, please?✨ i'm a straight gal, 5'2"/157cm, long brown hair (which i love braiding), blue eyes + glasses. i really enjoy wearing something casual and comfy (sweaters, hoodies, scarves) but elegant clothing preferably with something floral is also lovely!
as for personality, i'm an introvert, usually quiet, observant and polite around stangers, but i tend to warm up to others rather easily and become friendly. i'm not good at conversations in large but i try😅 around friends/family i'm still the listener type but definitely more opinionated and easily excitable. i will become headstrong (or even fierce) when something i stand for is being neglected though. i try my best to stay positive, reliable and hard-working. i may be a mom and nag a bit but can never stay mad at anyone for too long, takes too much energy i suppose, haha.
i enjoy singing, hiking with my dogs, meditating and reading (fantasy and horror). can and will go on about geography and writing if given the chance. also, i'm hoping the one i get doesn't mind my bad jokes (puns, dark humour, sarcasm) cause i can't make a good one to save a life :') thank you so much, i hope this wasn't too long or a bother to read! have a great day😊
Hey Hey Hey!
Thank you very much for your application! You sound like a really lovely and cute person! And for someone like you, I decided that Yaku Morisuke is a super fitting match!
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-Yaku falls head over heels for you!
-Your calm and polite nature is a blessing to him, since his team is filled with loud crackheads and he just longs for some peace
-Being with you feels like a fresh breeze and whenever he is with you, nothing can make him loose him temper.
(Not even Lev)
-He is taller than you, which makes him favour you instantly ( even bevor getting into a relationship)
-Even tho he prefers short hair, he is always impressed how you make such cute hairstyles with your hair
-GUESS WHAT, he likes taking a trip to the mountains and you like hiking 🌚 i think we  don't need to discuss what your first vacation will be
-After getting together, he cannot wait to introduce you to his parents. He is extremely proud of his girlfriend and wants to show her of whenever he can
-His biggest concern is, that he doesn't want you to get negatively influenced by his teammates 
-Still, you heard Kuroo call your partner "Yakkun" once and since then, that became your new nickname for him
(He hates it and Kuroo got into big trouble)
-Yaku idolizes you quite a lot, which can become a bit uncomfortable 
(This would probably be the topic of your first big fight. Since you feel like he would excuse all your mistakes and everything bad about you. )
-But since both of you are the Mom Type™, your relationship is really peaceful and calm
-Whenever he feels bad or sad, you will try whatever you can to cheer him up. Even if it means to crack up some horrible jokes
-He calls you "Beautiful" a lot 
-His first gift to you is a ring, which you wear as a necklace
-As a return, you gifted him a leather bracelet 
-Both of you love to cuddle and kiss, but get shy around each other when others are around
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