#he's a half moon betta
carsaadi · 4 months
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I hear mermay is pretty fun, but i can't really keep up with daily prompts, so have a mermaid Taika :]]
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prettyvacanttt · 2 months
I had weird dream symbolism last night so I went and liberated a betta fish during my morning errands
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Everything I’ve ever done is meaningless compared to me getting my new boy
His name is Atlas and I love him, he’s a bit funny cause he likes to hang out right on the filter vent but it’s not strong enough to hurt him so he just sits there and leaves when he wants (almost gave me an aneurysm when I saw him do it the first time)
Later posts may be about him because he’s great and deserves attention
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d-structive · 8 months
Lil betta fish update that nobody asked for! :D So, few weeks ago I bought in a shop this raggedy lil thing. All fins shredded and ripped, not in ideal conditions at the point that I had no idea which kind of betta it was... I never do this kind of stuff, but it looked promising, so I brought it at home regardless its state. He looked weak, but a bit lively. It looked like this.
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This is him after just few weeks of clean water and good food. One day I'll learn how to take decent photos with the phone. They all look bad. :,D
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He still looks like a wet paper towel and I still have no idea what he actually is (He might be a half moon dumbo ear plakat...Not sure yet..), but his fins are growing back super fast. He also got purple-ier than before. And he nyooms all around his fishtank as you can see below.
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A good thing. It means he's feeling better. :D Also the bullied-nice-colored female betta I got the same day is doing good. She loves food. She's like me fr fr.
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She's enjoying the tiny fishtank she got all for herself.
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Ngl, I really like how I re-set up this tiny one. It's simple, but it looks good enough, for me...It gives me joy. And that's all. Nobody asked for any of this, but I did it anyway. Sue me.
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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Hi there lovely! Here’s my information for the Sons of Anarchy Ship/Match-up
Features: I’m a female, standing at 5’6, I possess long light brown hair with a tint of redness in the sunlight. My hazel eyes change each day from green/brown to brown/gold. I have the sun and moon tattoos on my thighs, a shark up my side torso on my ribs, half an arm sleeve and a neck tattoo revealing my zodiac sign – Gemini (which I often hide) I’m slender with curves.
Hobbies: I am a workaholic; it becomes my hobby at times. I work in the funeral home, removing the deceased from the POD. I enjoy my free time spent with my dogs, my fierce Doberman and my lovable, motivating exercise collie partner. I enjoy reading all things Stephen King and James Patterson and playing any horror related video games. You guessed it, I’m a strong advocate for the horror genre, and Freddy Krueger will always have my heart. I watch SOA and SPN religiously whenever I tilly tally around the house.
Personality: Often seen as an outgoing, happy go lucky, eccentric lady (This is from first judgement from people I know) When really, I’m rather introverted and possess way too dark humour. I collect knives, different types ranging from a replica of the SPN demon blade, to a jungle machete. These are all encases in a glass shelf, only used for display. I love to make others laugh, and I’m incredibly loyal to those I care for. I don’t practice religion (I support others who do) as the only thing I believe in, is the reaper.
Aesthetics: Not sure if this is a term but my house is very much cabin like. Wooden beams, brown features, brown clocks with black accents. I love this kind of theme, heavily decorated with green plants and fish tanks.  
Likes: Lover of being at home, with my man and the dogs. Also a lover of all things spooky. I enjoy long hot showers with my candles lit in the shower itself, It’s so peaceful. I love to read, whether it be books in my hand or online. Sadly, I am a smoker, so my time alone on my patio having a cig is therapeutic to me. I adore time spent with my little family or my close friends whether it be going to the pub for a beer or shopping at Walmart for new bedding 😊 Coffee is my best friend.
Dislikes: My biggest dislike in this world, is seeing animals mistreated. I am that person that buys the near dead betta fish at the pet store and brings it home to treat and watch thrive. I dislike SNAKES. They just scare me, but don’t wish any ill will on them. Hypocrites are my triggers, can’t stand someone who preaches to the choir about wrong doings when they’re actively just as guilty. Own your shit is my motto.             
Brief fun facts about me!
Used to train canines for search work, in areas such as narcotics and explosives. My closest friend is my grandma. I love to wear black. My go to perfume is good girl. I play COD often – I’m competitive in nature. I wear the SONS rings as I got them custom made, and it’s my favourite accessory!
I put way too much into this post, but hopefully it’ll help lots with finding my best ship! Thanks for taking the time to do this 😊  
Want one? Here be the rules 🦋🌈
You LITERALLY sound like a character from Supernatural?!?! Are you sure you aren't Bobby's long-lost daughter or something?
Also being a canine trainer?! Um... are you the coolest person in the goddamn world? I think so.
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𝑰 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑶𝒑𝒊𝒆 𝑾𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒏! I think you guys would be such a perfect match. In a way, you remind me of a cool-ass version of Donna? You seem very strong - emotionally, mentally and physically. Opie is a quiet guy, very loyal and genuine. You don't have to worry about him being manipulative or having underlying motives. He practically wears his heart on his sleeve but does his best not to show it.
・You’d both be very level-headed and know you can trust the other. Opie is incredibly loyal, and if you showed to him the same loyalty, then nothing could come between you. 
・I think Opie would put on a brave face to watch horror movies, and he finds some scenes funny. Although he gets tight-lipped when there’s a lot of gore (feels a bit guilty?)
・He’d actually like one of your favourite horror movies, and love getting themed gifts from you
・Opie would love staying at home with you - you two would move in together and make your home a paradise. You both have a similar aesthetic. Cabin, rustic, and cosy, Opie would absolutely adore your dogs. 
・I think you would fit in with the club very easily. Gemma would be wary of you at first, but realise you aren't someone that's easily pushed around. You would definitely grow on her without realising it.
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xtruss · 1 year
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Creative inspiration is all around us, says photographer Visarute Angkatavanich. He found his muse in a fish tank. From his home in Bangkok, he captures the colors, shapes, and beauty of bettas.
See The Flamboyant Grandeur Of The Common Betta Fish
A Twirling Dancer, a Bird in Flight? Through a Photographer’s Lens, this Popular Pet, also Known as the Siamese Fighting Fish, Becomes a Fantasy in Fins.
— By Jason Bittel | Photographs By Visarute Angkatavanich | April 4, 2023
For as long as he can remember, Visarute Angkatavanich has been fascinated by fish. At age seven he took up photography, first with a disposable Kodak camera and later with his father’s Nikon FM. But it wasn’t until he became a dad and started spending more time at his home in Bangkok that he merged the two passions.
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Left: This dark green male was a challenge to photograph, says Angkatavanich, because its coloration is dull compared with other varieties. But the combination of spectacularly flamboyant fins and high activity made the image work. Right: With a fast shutter speed and a strobe flash, photography can reveal flourishes of these animals that are too subtle for the human eye, Angkatavanich says. In this shot, a red betta appears to become a bird of paradise.
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Left: Siamese fighting fish evolved to tolerate stagnant or slow-moving water systems, where the oxygen is low. As a result, they can supplement their oxygen intake by gulping air at the water’s surface, as this yellow half-moon betta is about to do. Right: The flowing fins and vibrant colors of the Siamese fighting fish we know today result from centuries of selective breeding. Scientists believe it’s one of the oldest domesticated fish, with records in Thailand dating back to the 14th century.
Angkatavanich studied the traits and care of Siamese fighting fish, also known by the apt scientific name Betta splendens. Then he procured some from a pet store in the city’s Chatuchak Market and began photographing them, experimenting with different enclosures and lighting. “I can’t ask the fish to act like people,” he says, so he learned to coax them into various positions by changing the size and shape of the tanks. A tall tank, for instance, encourages a betta to dive down dramatically. Angkatavanich, who’s now been focusing on fish for years, has a pretty good idea of what to expect next. But capturing the magic moment is still a challenge. He has to “press the shutter and hope for a miracle.”
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Left: The photographs above, taken two years apart, portray different fish in the same position, something that Angkatavanich says almost never happens. He was stunned by his good fortune. Right: The photographer believes that each image also contains a hidden visage of sorts. On the left, for example, he sees a white-clad woman in the fish’s fins; on the right, he sees a man in a dark robe.
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Siamese fighting fish come in many shapes and colors, but this half-moon variety, named for the contour of its tail, is Angkatavanich’s favorite.
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Left: These fish are popular pets, but experts warn that they require more care than people may think, including a minimum five-gallon tank with a few plants to mimic the animals’ natural environment. Right: In the wild, Siamese fighting fish are native to the countries of Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.
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To Angkatavanich, this gold betta looks like a baroque-era ornament. He likes when viewers use their imagination and see something entirely different. “That’s the best part of this work,” he says.
Angkatavanich understands the appeal of photographing creatures in far-flung places, such as birds in the Amazon rainforest. But he finds inspiration in his own home where, in the right light, the fish look like “moving color” in the frame of a painting, he says. Best of all, his subjects become part of his family.
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“This is the traditional pose for betta,” says Angkatavanich. “Simple and elegant.”
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seawyvern · 2 days
Hello! My name is isabella/solar, but you can call me Izzy or sol. I’m still new to betta care taking, but it’s something I’ve become rather passionate about and I figured it would be fun to document the process.
Here’s a little more info:
I got Julian February 17th of this year
He currently resides in a planted 6gallon tank with guppies and two nerite snails (stimpy & ren)
I have plans to move him up to a 10gallon hopefully sometime soon
He is a male half moon, mostly solid blue but with red/pink streaks in his long fins
He’s not extremely active, he does play with his mirror and he swims in and out of his tubes, but he prefers mostly to laze about in his drift log and caves.
I’m not sure how old he is, but I’m hoping to give him the best life I can while I have him. :)
I’d be very grateful for any tips, tricks and whatnot as I go about this whole fish journey.
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kemistre · 5 months
anubis and java fern are probably good! it was several years ago so i honestly dont even remember the specific ones i had, but they were fake plants so they were kinda stiff and he got stuck in a little spot between some of the leaves. most aquatic plants are probably pretty good, but in my experience bettas are shy little dudes sometimes so they'd probably really like anubis and java so they can hide in the leaves haha. my guy was also a little stupid and tried to fight anything that was more colorful than him, so keep that in mind if u decorate your tank 💀 did you have a specific kind of betta in mind? i had a blue halfmoon :)
Ooohhh they were fake plants, see I’ve read a few things that said fake plants like that will tear fins, so I’m gonna try my best to steer clear of those! I think these specific plants will be right for me to get started honestly, I’m super excited!
I didn’t know these don’t react well to colorful things..I was planning on keeping the tank as natural looking as possible, I thought that would make the little fishy feel more comfortable :3
As for what kind I want, I really would like to get a half moon, I think they’re just stunning and so beautiful to look at. I wouldn’t mind a veiltail or a rosetail, I think those two are also very pretty🥰 color wise I think I would want a blue one if I can find one! my fiancé also really likes the blue ones and I’m trying to convince him to let us get one in the first place hehe
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misty-waterz3 · 5 months
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I got a betta fish the other day, this is Leviathan. He is a King half moon betta. There’s also a mystery snail in here, the bright orange thing in the back, his name is Melted cheese :3
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definitely-mothman · 1 year
The Reflection of a Prince Ch 4
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I’m really bad at making summaries, but in a nutshell, this is an Overblot! Jade Leech fic, with the Original Characters belonging to Royal Sword Academy, specifically for a fandom based on the Little Mermaid. • A gala approaches, on not one land, but two, and split in half, what other choice does a Prince have to do? But beware in the past, there is an eye that still watches. Who remembers, who plots and hides teeth in the darkness.
Chapter One Chapter 2 Chapter Three
Chapter 4 Below Read More
  It was nearing 7 in the afternoon, and the sun was beginning to set. Claude had been keeping track of students returning to the dorm for the night (curfew being 8 p.m.), and most had returned from dinner runs to nearby towns or various places on campus. However, Rielle himself had yet to pop back, and he felt himself beginning to worry about it. 
  A Freshman popped into the building, tagging along with a group of other underclassmen. As much as Claude hated it, Rielle more often than not would be found hanging around groups like this. However, the Housewarden wasn’t caught tagging along this time. He picked one of the Freshmen out, Flotes Bow, a bright-eyed “baby brother” to Rielle. As he scooted along with the group, Claude made a few clicks to keep tally and pulled him aside.
  “Bow, have you by chance seen the Housewarden wandering about campus? The mirror chamber will be closed in about an hour, and I haven’t heard from him.”
  “Uh…oh!” The kid was bouncing on his feet like a current was constantly running through his body. It was almost irritating how little he could stand still. “Yeah, Rielle went out into the gardens. A few students tried chatting with him, but I think he just wanted to be alone for a second.”
  “Hm, he went out in the coral gardens? I’ll go out and bring him inside, it’s getting too dark for him to be out wandering about. Thank you, Bow.”
  “No probs, man.”
  ‘Man’. Beneath a fluttered eyelid, Claude rolled his eyes, leaving the clicker behind and heading out towards the domed courtyard.
  The lack of sunlight above the suspended ocean made the water outside the dorm look like the night sky, the moon’s beams scattered through and across the glass bubble that covered the whole dorm. The marine gardens looked especially beautiful in this light, anemones swaying to an invisible sound. 
  Among the silence, however, came a most beautiful sound. It was Rielle’s voice, singing gently. It floated through the space, enveloping the courtyard in the serene music. Claude felt as though he could fall asleep in that sound, as if that voice could catch his body and waltz alongside it. As he traveled towards the source, it seemed as though he began to sway towards it instead of walking, his head heavy with the song that filled his ears. Such a beautiful voice…it had been so long since he’d heard it sing. Why hadn’t he? 
  Slipping down, downwards, he was falling asleep in that beautiful song.
  ‘He’ had observed Rielle’s unique magic enough to replicate ‘Siren’s Song’ with acute accuracy. When the song became a spell, you could see through lightly shut eyelids how a glowing betta should flow up from your throat, and swim outwards in search of a wandering ear. Should the song stop before the fish finds a listener, the spell would forfeit, with the blot created all for naught. But alas, he was smarter than that. The shadow in the far distance gave enough signal, his tucked away-ness letting him hear the amplified footsteps of Coralliadom’s Vice-Housewarden plowing his way down towards where he was hidden. 
  Sure enough, Claude stumbled in mere seconds after. How pathetic he looked, eyes glazed over as they struggled to focus. Pretending to notice his presence a few seconds later, the Housewarden abruptly stopped their song, feigning a sort of embarrassment.
  “Uh, Rielle?”
  “Yes- yeah?” It was important to constantly remind oneself to speak more casually while in Rielle’s skin. He hadn’t spoken formally since he was barely past a tadpole.
  “Curfew is in about an hour. Why are you sitting out in the courtyard so late?”
  “It’s just so pretty when it’s dark out like this. Don’t you agree?”
  “I- of course.”
  How funny it was to see a capable Vice stumbling on his feet, unknowingly slipping fully into hypnosis. It was as if he never knew what the Unique Magic of his own Housewarden was. Pathetic, that such a powerful spell should be blessed upon someone with no intent to use it. But it was what it was, it would be in better hands soon enough. 
  “Uh, sorry about..like, sorry in advance for not being able to answer calls and texts and stuff this week. I kind of dropped my phone and it’s like, not working currently.”
  “While you were out here?”
  “No, I went on a walk about campus and dropped it while I was out.” 
  “I’m sorry to hear that.”
  That was the beauty of the spell. Unfaltering belief in the caster. No matter how blunt the lie or out of character one was, the afflicted would follow their words until the end of the earth. Truthfully, he didn’t even need to worry about carrying Rielle’s speech and body language, but it’d be best to become comfortable with it early.
  “It’s fine…thanks for coming out to check on me.”
  “…Don’t thank me! It’s my duty to make sure you’re alive and well, as both a friend and retainer.”
  …Retainer. Hm. He was only aware of Claude being a close friend. Tch. That, or a miserable court jester.
  “Don’t call yourself that! You’re just my friend.”
  Footsteps could be heard amplified off of the glass wall. It was a group of underclassmen, dawdling out towards where the two were tucked away. He stood, attempting to do such with ample joy and naïveté, turning about the corner and greeting them.
  “Housewarden! Sorry, curfew is in like 45 minutes and normally you guys are inside. People were starting rumors inside so I ran out here.”
  “Rielle was merely getting a bit ahead on musical practice for this upcoming week. It was quite beautiful.”
  “Aw, don’t say that! I wouldn’t have been if I knew you guys were sneaking around.”
  They all went back up towards the dormitory together, Claude almost perfectly following his step, the arm closest to him stiff- as though he were braced for him to suddenly fall. It was mournfully sincere and made him think a bit of himself- knowing that felt revolting. Did he truly dote on his own Housewarden’s shoulder as though he were unable to stand? Azul was steadier on his own two legs than he was, and hardly needed someone behind to catch him. And yet, saying that felt like a lie, and the shell about his chest grew cold at the thought.
  Upon entering the dorm, he quickly separated from the others with a quick “goodnight guys! Sleep well!” Such meaningless cheery language made his stomach knot, and it took every ounce of effort to not have it show on his expression.
  The room key for Rielle’s dorm read that his room should be at the end of the hall on the right, on the 3rd floor, making it the topmost room in the whole dormitory. It was easy enough to find, although the manual keys of Coralliadom took a bit more fiddling with than those of Octavinelle. The room was clean enough, although not as tidy as he’d personally prefer, not that he could mess with the disorganization without drawing attention. He took the burner phone from his pocket, stuffing it discreetly into the tissue box on the nightstand. After digging through the dresser briefly, it would be easy to make a habit of Rielle’s daily routine, along with where his clothing should generally be. Outfits were saved in a small album on the phone, for judgment of general fashion sense, and how he wore his uniform. The toothbrush in the bathroom had been left behind, and was thrown away in favor of a small travel-size one kept tucked in his sock. 
  The only thing out of place was an ornate mirror vanity, placed adjacent and facing towards the bed. 
  In its reflective surface, he looked just like he always had. A black streak fell down his left cheek, with cold, sharp eyes. He looked so awkward and gaunt in the stark-white uniform, and his face looked sickly. A horrid, gross appearance. Without much thought, a blanket was taken and thrown over the vanity. With his reflection staring back, he was certain he’d be unable to sleep. 
  The nightly routine followed as normal, minus the solemn meeting of his usual reflection as he went to brush his teeth. Tucked into those unfamiliar covers and sheets, he held the shell necklace in both hands, pressing it into his forehead. With even his own hands not resembling his own, the nautilus was all that remained familiar. He was careful to hold it gently, to not break it in his palms, and finally fell asleep, tucking the shell beneath his shirt and focusing on the sound of his heartbeat.
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mangobubbletea7 · 1 year
I’ve decided to share this important part of my life with you all. So I have an empty 5 gallon that my betta used to be in before I upgraded him to a bigger tank about a month ago and I’m finally getting that tank fully settled (meaning I’m cutting myself off from buying any more live plants for the tank LOL) but ohhh the brainrot I want to set it up downstairs and put in a new betta.
I know 5 gallons is semi-disputed, and that’s why I moved my boy who I have now up to a 10 (I hear in Europe the minimum is even considered like 15 gallons), but man I want another baby to have a happy home :( I want to pick one out and name them and treat them right and I see so many customers buying bettas they probably won’t do the proper research for and I can only tell them so much while they’re checking out,,,, I’m so tempted to just set it up and and get a betta for downstairs. I think I just want to have the experience of picking one out mainly because my friend who works with me found my betta I have now and brought him over to me to tempt me while I was working and I fell in love with him. Luckily he’s a pretty genetically hardy type for a long finned betta since other type of fins are more prone to sickness and infections but the type I got, half moon, I’ve read is probably one of the only two tail types that tend not to have extra issues (god I want a crowntail so bad but they can have extra health problems 😔), though he could still have the basic issues that pet store bettas and/or long finned betta can have to deal with.
But I just spent money and effort switching to my new tank I might as well just try to sell the 5 gallon and equipment and put the money towards a future 10 gallon purchase and put it off until I have more time to devote to setting it all up. Plus if I got a 10 gallon I could consider getting neocaridinia shrimp instead. Or even these cool ass bright blue finned guppies that this guy is breeding in San Francisco that I think are COOL as FUCK.
Anyway I didn’t think MTS (multi-tank syndrome) would get me, but I am Not Strong Enough, I want another tank O_O
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scoopjournal · 1 year
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trademarkhubris · 3 years
fell in love with a betta fish on monday
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whiskered · 5 years
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my new bby Dizzy ✨
(also hi @alittledizzy I said I would name my next fish in your honor for sending me that link that one time and it has been over a year but I did not forget my promise)
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serendibidibidis · 5 years
Literally none of you asked... but it’s almost 1am and I e been laugh at this for 15 minutes, so I hope you guys can get a giggle out of it too!!
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Archimedes is my friend now and he is hiding behind the fake fern in his bowl
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