#he's a good partner to have if you dislike misunderstandings
hime-bee · 6 months
hi bee! how are you doing? i've been so busy lately that i hadn't had the time to hallucinate about my fictional meows meows 😭 i feel like it's the same case for everyone else too somehow aahh @__@ but anyway....
i actually had this on the back of my mind for quite awhile now but i haven't been able to actually send an ask about it bc i was unsure on how to word it, but how does luc usually open himself up to mc (?) or maybe share something about his past is more fitting of a sentence?? (sorry my english is bad AAA)
i remember him dropping his lore under the pretense of a bedtime story and i thought it'd be funny if one day mc just realizes that all of the stories they'd heard from lucas were actually just tidbits of his past 😂
No worries at all, Lacie, I completely understand! I hope you've been well and you haven't been working yourself too hard 😌
Addressing the ask portion: I think everyone that has played Insomnia's Window by now could tell that Lucas' bedtime story about the duck is actually about him (he's not super subtle LOL) Of course, there's some parts that he left out or glossed over to make it more appealing to MC as a bedtime story and not him just trauma dumping 😂 Lucas is a pretty straightforward man, and he values connections and emotions. He isn't the type to keep everything to himself, but he also isn't one to divulge too much at once. He would open up to his partner gradually, answering any questions they have about him or his past. He's not ashamed nor trying to hide anything, especially from his partner, so he wouldn't mind!
Now, if his partner enjoyed his bedtime stories, then he would continue telling them 😊 💖 (Also, your English is perfect so don't even worry!!)
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fujii-draws · 5 months
OKAY! Chatot rant in tags below! Read at your own discretion.
#okay starting from the beginning of where ppl usually dislike him. apple woods chapter.#he doesn’t give hero/partner the CHANCE to explain themselves despite them being relatively good recruits up until that point.#and that legit might be my only gripe with that chapter bc!!! stories need conflict! I LIKE the conflict in apple woods!!!#hero and partner being punished so something they didn’t do!#the misunderstanding! how team skull (Skuntank) actually outplays the main duo with a clever yet rotten trick. I LOVE that it segways into-#one of the more sweeter scenes of guild members looking out for eachother. I LIKE APPLE WOODS CONFLICT.#but chatot just. not giving them a chance. is so dumb.#I’d personally fix this by having a lil montage of hero/partner fucking up on jobs. A LOT. and chatot giving them a pass every time.#and let the perfect apple incident BE the one where he puts his foot down and doesn’t listen to them. bc he’d given them loads of chances.#and doesn’t want to hear any excuse.#but yeah. I legit dont mind him during that chapter except for that really stupid and frustrating moment.#NOW. CHAPTER 17.#UGGGGHHH WHERE DO I BEGIN#Him not believing hero and Partner about Grovyle and the future being in ruin? FINE. ACTUALLY GOOD. BC CHATOT WOULD BE SKEPTIC.#IT FITS HIS CHARACTER!!#BUT WHAT DOES SUCK. IS HIM GOING ‘Dusknoir isn’t the bad guy. he didn’t do anything wrong’#WHEN HE LITERALLY KIDNAPPED HERO AND PARTNER RIGHT I N F R O N T OF HIM.#(​NO LITERALLY. HIS CHARACTER IS IN THE FRONT ROW WHEN IT HAPPENED.)#and him. having the GALL to tell hero and partner they must’ve been ‘seeing things’ and downplaying the HELL they went through.#despite them being missing for hours/days. his own guild recruits. and his angry sprite showing up.#like. I think that’s when I genuinely despised him.#that and him going ‘OH I BELIEVED YOU THE WHOLE TIME HEEHOO :)’ shit was so fucking annoying.#just playing it off as a joke the second the guild started to believe hero and partner.#IMAGINE IF HE W A S ACTUALLY TESTING THE GUILD’S TRUST. SHOWCASING HIM AS THE MORE RESPONSIBLE AND RESPECTFUL RIGHT HAND OF THE GUILD.#and yes. Brine cave he saves hero and partner. but at that point I just didn’t care anymore.#he fucked those two over so much. that I didn’t care what ‘valiant’ sacrifice he had.#and he grills Team Skull for what they did OFF SCREEN. they couldn’t even give us THAT.#<<< THAT or him outright saying sorry would’ve been nice. IKIK his ‘actions’ or whatever but.#eughh again this is all imo. I’m not trying to make people hate him or change their mind.#I’ll get into positives in the second post cause I’m running out of tags
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animehideout · 9 months
hiii, love your “your mbti, your relationship with jjk man” so i wanted to request infj and enfj if possible? thanks!
Your MBTI, Your Relationship With JJK Characters Part 3
Part 1 / Part 2
a/n: Thank you anon for this request . I really hope you enjoy them 😭🫶🏻.
Also thanks to @nozaki547 and @li-m-ii for requesting INFJ, enjoy 💞
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Megumi Fushiguro = Boyfriend.
You crave meaningful and deep connection when it's about love. You want a partner that will commit for life. And Megumi is 100% the man that would make it work. Always keeping a keen observant eye on you to make sure you're comfortable all the time. He fell for your mysteriousness, you were hard to read at first so he found you interesting, but he grew to understand you and your needs. If he senses that you're cold he'll bring you a blanket. Craving something? He's going to make/buy it for you. Like any other introvert you need your personal space, so does Megumi. So both of you respect each other's boundaries but with a protective instinct in case you need comfort. You have mutual values and both of you date to marry, so your relationship is for the long run. You expect a lot from others so he always satisfies your expectations and never disappoints. He's your ride or die.
Okkotsu Yuta =Bestfriend
Yuta is an empathetic person and INFJS value people who are compassionate and supportive during highs and lows. Without second thought Yuta would be the perfect bestie for you. He's always ready to engage into a meaningful conversations with you talking about interesting topics concerning life and your personal growth. You have a healthy friendship since both of you avoid conflicts and always work on solving any misunderstandings. You are supportive and selfless so you always make sure to be there for him and push him forward when he feels insecure. Both of you rely on each other in comforting and making each other feel understood, heard and important.
Ryomen Sukuna = Obsessed with you.
Living in Yuji's body Sukuna always observed your interaction with your friend group. He was blown away by the fact thay you crack others' exterior just by observing them. While in contrast, they know little about you. You didn't only understand them by being an observant but also knew the exact appropriate words to say in order to comfort people around you. So he switches with Yuji to manipulate you to open up. He desperately wanted to know you on a deeper level, your strengths, your weaknesses, your likes, your dislikes, your deepest secrets but as an INFJ you've always been keeping your guards up especially around him. And that what pushed Sukuna to thrive to force you open up to him. Developing an obsession and interest in you and you mysteriousness.
Mai Zenin = Antagonist.
You are a supportive and selfless person who is good at comforting others and making them feel worthy. Mai, is the complete opposite she is rude, egocentric and selfish. You help people up and she brings people down. You remain true to yourself but she lacks authenticity and always fakes her personality to try to appear better than others around her. INFJs are very observant so you couldn't help the discomfort you felt around her, you can't stand each other so you simply ignore her existence in order to avoid getting into fights.
Ino Takuma = Boyfriend.
ENFJs are drawn to people with a positive outlook on life who bring joy and optimism. And Ino is definitely the one. He is cheerful person who contributes to a harmonious, happy relationship. Ino is an extremely nice person, supportive and empathetic which is a common trait in you. He treats you with a huge respect and care willing to risk his life for your safety. He tends to be needy emotionally and with you valuing passionate emotional ties, you would be more than perfect together. Giving each other all the love and care needed to recharge. You're each other's number one fan. Daily encouragement words and notes are a must. He is very expressive and open about his feelings with honesty and that makes things easier for both of you especially solving issues before growing into conflicts. Ino and you consider helping people who are in need as an honorable duty which creates a sense of union and shared goals between you both you. His favorite thing to do is gaming together while he holds you close.
Gojo Satoru = Your teacher.
You're his favorite student there's no discussion in that. He likes your intellectual creativity and curiosity and how you always ask interesting questions, that also benefits other. He is a cheerful person who got a lot of energy so he appreciates the way you're like him, hyping up your classmates in class or before a missions giving them a big dose of motivation. For you it's easy to have him as your teacher, you have a flexible relationship not only the classroom but also outside school. You often hang out together and enjoy teasing Megumi. He is very open-minded and as an ENFJ you're often expressive about your issues, so he plays his role well in giving you the right advice that would help you grow. Both of you turn the classroom into a lively space mixing serious studying with the humor. He urges his student to be like you. He puts you under a lot of tests and challenges, you're a precious student for him so he wants to make sure you're strong and independent enough to succeed in both your educational and social life. Rewards you a lot, he often treats you sweets.
Geto Suguru = Ex-boyfriend.
ENFJs are givers in relationships they always make sure their partner is loved and cared for, they prioritize their loved ones in everything and of course they expect the same. But it wasn't the case with Geto. Even though he loved you he didn't show it, and always put his goals and interests first, even before you, completely neglecting your emotional needs. Being open to discussion you expressed your feelings to him, standing by your opinion but he repeated this dismissiveness leading to frustration in your relationship that ended with a breakup.
Itadori Yuji = Partner in crime.
The dynamic duo, your friendship is the source of joy for both of you. You and Yuji have an adventurous spirit willing to explore new things together with full enthusiasm, not caring about the possible risks you may face. Energetic duo, feeding on each other's optimism to keep going. You do a lot of fun outdoor activities together. A lot of people think that you are dating. During tasks you merge your efforts and skills focusing on your shared goal. Your determination is fueled by your empathy towards others. You face challenges with open arms knowing that you've got each other's backs no matter how complicated the situation could be. You always succeed in your tasks looking at each other with the proud smiles creating lasting memories.
Thanks for reading, remember this piece of writing is just for entertainment purposes, also imo, so it's not necessarily accurate ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡
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reaperexe · 3 months
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Summary : When a bad drink causes misunderstandings and sacrifices of taste buds.
warnings : tooth rotting fluff
He knew he was running late and to soften the blow of your anger he decided to grab a coffee. the new coffee shop across the street looked pricey but it was his best option if he didn't wanna be any more late to meet you.
As he walked into the unfamiliar place and stood in front of the bored barista he decided to just order the new launch coffee. the barista busied herself with the order as he pulled out his phone and texted you a quick sorry message and you quickly replying with a 'its ok get here safe' to which he visibly blushed.
The barista rang up his order with a bill that costed as much as his groceries for two days. he grabbed the two brown drinks and rushed to library.
He entered the library and looked around to see you quietly studying in the corner with your books splayed out. He felt guilty approaching you but as soon as your eyes fell on him, a familiar warmth spread through him at your smile.
"Here i got this for you" He says sliding a cup your way as he sat down next to you. "Coffee?" You question taking the warm cup in your hands.
He takes a sip from the mug the hot liquid, scalding, burning his tongue temporarily till the overly sweet taste settles on his tongue and he grimaces at the taste.
You too take a sip of the drink, the sweet taste making it hard for you to not visibly cringe as you turn to him to ask him the contents of the drink trying to sound as polite and nice as possible.
He holds back as you ask, assuming you liked the drink and tries his best to remember its contents, he curses himself for not being thrown off by the four pumps of vanilla while ordering.
He explains to you how it was a limited edition drink, the way he explains it makes you feel bad for disliking the drink thinking he had liked it and wanted you to try it.
"Like it?" He asks at the end and that sells it for you as you muster enough courage to take another sip and nod your head.
"Yep its good".
Seeing you like it was enough for him as he takes a sip too, struggling to not frown at the taste and focus on the task at hand.
After hours of hopeless flirting and small sips of the coffee that just didn't seem to end, your mutual friend decided to show up.
"What's up" He announces taking a seat across you two "Is that coffee?" He asks pointing to the drinks on the table which was followed by the shove of both drinks in his direction with a chorus of "Here you can have it".
"Ok never knew i had such nice friends" He says picking up a cup and gulping before pulling the cup away to a face of disgust "Ugh, what is this sugar in a cup? this sucks" He announces harshly.
You both look at each other expecting the other to be offended by the insult to the supposedly liked drink but neither actually care to defend the drink but rather defend their partners choices.
"You cant convince me this is good" Your friend drones on as you decide to finally stand up for him "Hey if he likes it then its fine" You say confidently.
He looks taken aback 'he likes it?' he thinks, do you think he likes it? but he thought you liked it "Wait i thought you liked it?" He voices his concern.
"I think its fine" You say trying to not hurt his feelings.
"Too sweet is what it is, its not fine" Your friend cuts you off, looking bored.
"Well yeah it is" You admit sheepishly and his brows furrow, "Wait a minute you don't like it either?" He asks.
"Either?.." You say
"Wait so you don't like it?" You ask
"Oh thank god i fucking hated that drink" he groans out loud earning a few shushes from others around the library as he mutters out a sorry.
"Yeah i never liked it either" You admit embarrassed.
"i thought you did-" You both say quickly before giggling at each other.
"I was gonna buy it again for you tomorrow" He admits "Oh god no" You groan.
"Uh thank you to you too" Your friend scoffs crossing his arms as you two laugh.
"Thank god that cleared up".
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meowssii · 2 months
i really cannot stand when people call chris redfield boring, stupid, or one dimensional as a character. it’s just not true! as a series mainstay his importance as a character is so profound and i think people just. miss it? he’s got a lot of aspects to his character, good and bad, that show that he IS interesting and people just misunderstand him
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first of all he’s caring and kind and he loves sooo strongly. both his family AND his friends. he’s always incredibly loyal to his team and especially his various partners throughout the games. he’s willing to risk himself to protect them. he stands up for claire, sheva, and jill on numerous occasions, showing how passionate he can be about protecting those close to him. not only does he defend the people he cares about, but also others, which is why he’s such a passionate force in S.T.A.R.S. and the BSAA. he’s been shown to have immense drive for his various organizations, especially in the BSAA. his work is really important to him and he shows it by how committed he is to working within it for good.
not only that, but he’s not just a really good guy. he’s not a one-dimensional “perfect action hero”. he has flaws, many of them!! these flaws not only help to highlight his good aspects, but show a side of him that’s relatable. he’s not perfect at all. he has very real human flaws that connect him to a wider audience, the balance here makes him feel real.
obviously many people know that he can be disorganized and untidy, his desk and locker reflect that. (you can find a post here that has a page from a novel describing chris’s locker )
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and he doesn’t like to follow orders a lot of the time; he’s stubborn. he likes to play by his own rules (and it gets him in trouble. A LOT) this is what got him retired from the air force and constantly in trouble in S.T.A.R.S., chiefs irons even disliked him for this. but despite this, he’s an extremely passionate worker :(
he is also not the greatest at communicating, especially when vital information is necessary, in re2 claire finds out that chris left for europe through marvin because he had gone no contact for months, and in re:village he neglected to inform ethan of anything actually going on. though, in both scenarios he eventually accounted for this error by fully explaining his reasoning for this, being that he did not want either of them to get involved because he knew how dangerous these situations were, so i think this fault is forgivable while still being a part of his character.
in every single game he’s in, chris is a loyal brother, friend, and comrade. this is something incredibly consistent from re1 with the S.T.A.R.S. team to re6 with his BSAA team there. when he’s part of a group, he’s incredibly dedicated to protecting and sticking up for them. in both games he steps in harms way to protect someone, and when he can’t, he’s incredibly hurt and holds himself responsible (think richard in re1, jill in lost in nightmares, and finn in re6)
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in all three of these examples and more, when chris can’t save someone it’s incredibly personal to him. when he loses finn and his team he can’t even bare the pain of working and drinks his consciousness away in a bar. it’s EXTREMELY personal. when he can’t save jill in re5 lost in nightmares, he doubles down on protecting sheva (the cutscene at the end in the plane embodying this the most imo) and eben in re:village he displays anger and guilt over ethan when he sacrifices himself, even though ethan was already falling apart. he can’t stand the idea of losing someone, especially when that person is his partner or depending on him. this is once again a reflection of how deeply he cares for those around him (he’s such a sweetie like that)
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i just hate seeing people call chris boring or stupid or a flat character; he’s not any of these things at all. not being as flashy or wise cracking or mysterious in nature as some of the other characters, does not demean his value and i think these aspects of his character balance him out from the others. he has a good heart and loyal personality and he doesn’t need sarcasm or one liners or an overly mysterious backstory to make him stand out. his passionate dedication to others and his career is what makes him so great.
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marwhoa · 2 years
request: okay soooo… i was wondering if you could write something abt the reader (gn please) being introverted??? and despite their shyness and quiet disposition, they’re drawn to more outgoing people?? (basically me irl lmao) any character from ouran & tmnt is good!!
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🝮 “ high school sweethearts ”
hikaru hitachiin x reader
author’s note: i’m hungry and just realized i wrote this whole thing without putting on my glasses. Originally i was gonna write this for kasanoda then i was like “wait, he’s not so outgoing, he’s shy and easily embarrassed” then i looked at Hikaru and was like “… prankster… that’s outgoing… even though he can be a little.. immature” then i was like waaaaait i’ve read a bit of the manga, and he does change a bit!! so here’s my excuse at getting to write a casual hikaru x reader uwu
word count: 1.6k
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The two of you had met during cooking class. He was always surrounded by all kinds of friendly faces, and you wanted to be one of them too! So, when he was assigned your cooking partner, you were secretly over the moon with the chance to hang out with him more one-on-one.
Unfortunately, it kind of seemed like didn’t feel the same. While getting ingredients ready, with everyone else distracted, he seemed to be… very focused on his side of the work instead. This made your lips tighten into a bit of a frown. There wasn’t even a chance to introduce yourself and he already disliked you? Harsh..
“ Y/N, can you hand me the onions? “
Hikaru asked, pointing at the onions you had diced up. Absentmindedly you nodded, handing it off and going to rub your increasingly-teary eyes—what? it was disheartening to fail so early on, don’t judge!
But, you were shocked. For two reasons.
1.) Did he just say your name? He knows your name? How? It wasn’t like you had friends in this class—acquaintances yes, and they knew your name because, well, you were pretty nice. Well liked, just not popular. Kindness gets you that status, I suppose!
2.) He had grabbed your hand before it touched your eyes. A little “ eep “ had escaped you with how fast it happened.
“ Hi… Hitachiin-kun …? “
“ Hikaru’s fine, but Y/N be careful. You didn’t wash off your hands. “
He pointed at the onion and you couldn’t help but connect the dots with fright. That would’ve burned! And been so embarrassing! So obviously you hastily washed your hands as an awkward silence slowly whirled between you both. Alright, so THAT was your first impression… At least you got a chance to fail this time…
You have a heavy sigh, continuing to chop up and dice ingredients, handing it off to him. With your head down, you were missing the smile he gave each time—and also didn’t see how it lessened with each hand-off.
Hikaru, on the other hand, was currently thinking of ways to get you to not be so cold. Classic two-sided misunderstanding! He opted for a casual approach, hoping it would stir something between you both.
“ So, have your chefs ever made this before? “
“ Ratatouille? “
You answered with a bit too excited of a voice, surprising even yourself. He was talking to you, after that? Albeit small talk, but still something!
“ Oh—! Um, well, probably once before. Not sure if I would call it a favorite enough to request it of them, though. Usually I let my chefs decide the menu. ”
Hikaru laughed, pulling a smile from you. You were starting to make more eye contact, and definitely couldn’t have missed how he brightened at that.
“ That’s fair. I send plenty of requests to my chefs—usually asking for soufflé pancakes or to surprise me with something spicy. “
You had began making your sauce, seasoning and sautéing the vegetables.
“ Pft, does your brother enjoy that, too? “
“ Obviously, it’s the twin-sense. “
He teased, sliding a few stray onions into your pan. Now, usually folks at this school detested cooking class the most. I mean, when you have chefs who prepare every meal, a class on cooking becomes all the more annoying and sometimes much too hard—seen with the perfect example by the partners toward the back window. One of them was screaming as the stove practically ignited. Wrong setting or too much oil.
But you? Well, this was pretty fun, and it’s a useful skill to know.
“ Oh right, you do have a twin! I don’t see you two together as much. Did something happen? “
This time, the smile he gave was nearly indecipherable. And by that, I mean you weren’t too sure what you said that made him happy.
“ No, nothing happened. We’re just… I’m becoming independent, you know? Thinking about dying my hair, even. “
That answer had taken you off guard at the time, but now—looking back on it, all the pieces were falling into place.
Today, you were both seniors—and sweethearts— in the academy, counting down the last days together. Being partners in class worked wonders for you both getting closer, and it even led to you attending the Host club—specifically for him, of course.
At first, the other hosts didn’t really know what to think of you. Haruhi not included. If anyone were well-versed in the ways of gender, it would be them. They were actually the one taking weight off your shoulder to explain to the others why you dressed in the uniform you did—and why sometimes you would change. It would either be the pretty girl’s uniform (seldom that, but there were a couple times of outgoing-ness just for personal testing-out) or the cool guy’s uniform. In fact, sometimes you even wore a custom uniform. This caused a few jealous students, some turning to get their own custom uniforms while others tried to have a word with you.
Emphasis on try. It wasn’t like Hikaru played a part in deterring them or anything. If you asked what happened, he would shrug it off. Feign ignorance. But you knew he knew, and he knew you knew he knew!
So, now the hosts are on the same page. Their only issue presently is how often you come ONLY for Hikaru! Don’t you want to, maybe, hang out with another person? Talk? Share tea?
To pour salt into the metaphorical wound, there had been times you came for someone else other than Hikaru, but that alternative was always Haruhi.
They (coughtamakicoughattentionwantercough) were jealous! Hurt! … Hikaru lavished in it though.
Now, it was strange they were jealous. After all, your sessions were usually completely quiet and serene, with a little small talk sprinkled here and there (with Haruhi) or they were you being an avid listener to a talker (Hikaru). Not the most exciting, so…
Anyways, the latter was the situation going on now as you sat in the Host club. Your visits were Hikaru’s favorites for two reasons:
1.) He gets to see you. Huge plus!
2.) It’s like a break. He will do some flirty Host tricks or acts here and there to make you smile or laugh, but he will also hold just casual conversation. It also allows Kaoru a break, but he’ll usually just continue taking folks for fun.
Your head was laying in Hikaru’s lap, a rosy tint upon his cheeks as he talked to you about what plans he was thinking about pursuing come graduation and college.
“ I’m set on fashion—maybe I’ll add a S.T.E.M minor? “
“ Mmm, because you like science and math? “
“ Precisely that. “
He smiled at you fondly, especially so when your hand rose up to rustle through his short brunette locks. After a few minutes passed in mutual quiet, he suddenly straightened up, hands reaching out to ensure you weren’t accidentally thrown off.
“ Right! Y/N, will you help me after the club ends today? “
“ …? With what, Hikaru? “
Y/N yawned and started sitting up. The look settling in his eyes made you snort and simply interlock your fingers together.
“ I have been working on my fashion portfolio and have a few prototypes that would look nicer on a model instead of a mannequin. “
Still holding your hand, Hikaru leaned forward and propped his elbow on his thigh. He winked at the end of his sentence, sending a rosy hue upon your cheeks to match his.
You obliged, of course, and come the chime signifying the club’s closing, you were surprised to see your chauffeur wasn’t waiting for you. You were planning to tell him you would be going with Hikaru when you got out. Confused, you turned to Hikaru who gave you a glance, then a grin, then held out his hand. Kaoru walked past you both snickering, getting into the car (and probably taking the best seat for himself since you were both slowpokes).
“ What? You thought I wouldn’t take care of things myself? I am inviting you myself, it’s only expected that I handle any inconveniences. “
With that, the two of you went to his chauffeur and headed to the Hitachiin home as an impromptu model. There, he would take you to a room equipped with a few maids and dozens of clothes or different styles hung all around.
“ Whoa—Hikaru, I don’t think—“
“ Oh, you won’t have to try them all on. There’s a few I made specifically with your measurements in mind. “
“ How did you get my—“
“ Bella, could you help them into this? “
Hikaru interrupted you, with a nervous pitch. That made you a tad bit suspicious, but you would let it slide when the maid, Bella, led you and two others to the dressing room. You held the article of clothing he handed you, and it was a pair of pants made of such a delicate and nice-feeling silk. A smile snuck upon your features.
Now him saying you wouldn’t try them all on turned out to be a lie. The night would continue with you being handed different items, some swapped with others until the perfect combo was achieved (this seldom happened, he usually nailed it on the first try.)
With each different outfit you stepped out in, shyly presenting yourself, Hikaru would pause as if lost in a trance.
“ Does it look weird? “
“ What do you take me for? I’d never put you in something atrocious. You just make everything work too well. “
He shifted his weight to his hip, staring at you while thinking.
Hikaru sighed with a smile, shaking his head and shrugging his shoulders.
“ Well, it’s decided. I’ll just have to make new ones. These ones look so perfect on you that you just have to keep them. “
“ WHAT? Hikaru! “
“ You’ll wear one of them on our date this weekend, right? “
A blush flushed your face, and he couldn’t help but need to look away before you saw his expression at that cute display. How can he keep up a little “ flirty bad boy ” face when your eyes twinkle like that?
You muttered a little, “ yes “, nodding as well in case he hadn’t caught it, and he couldn’t help but sweep you up into a hug right then and there.
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lepoppeta · 6 months
Vox x Alastor?? For the ship bingo
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oh my god okay so radiostatic means everything to me
its so gut-wrenchingly sad and also hilarious and also off-putting and also so steeped in devotion and romance it makes me want to scream ??? i want them to metaphorically kiss and make up but i also know that would never fucking happen and thats also good ??? they make my head spin.
alastor is a shameless theatre kid who LOVES being the center of attention — vox is OBSESSED with alastor, and is thus a consistent source of that attention. vox is distressingly easy to tease and alastor feeds off of his passionate responses like a leech. theyre so codependant on each others apparent hatred. i need to bite something.
my favourite version of their relationship that ive made up (and this only works with their series iterations — imo their pilot/comic counterparts have never even considered an acquaintanceship, let alone a romance) is that their falling out was one huge, violent misunderstanding. alastor began to lose his power and status within the overlord hierarchy when he refused to adapt over time (can you IMAGINE how fucking powerful he would be if he just stopped being such a stubborn asshole and decided to start including podcasts under the "radio" umbrella?) and vox swiftly surpassed him. vox didnt want alastor to be left behind, and offered a partnership where they could operate in tandem and basically control almost all media output in hell. alastor mistook this for vox saying that alastor wasnt interesting enough as he was and HAD to change, and as we all know alastor DESPISES being thought of as uninteresting. he tells vox to fuck off and vox is left wondering what the hell just happened.
objectively i dont think theyd ever make up — alastor is FAR too prideful to ever consider the idea that HE was the one who was mistaken, and i dont think he particularly likes the idea of emotional or physical vulnerability either. regardless, what i would love to imagine is that eventually, SOMEHOW, they do, and that their relationship is... actually so easy. this is most likely just me projecting, but i like to think of vox as just wanted alastor as an actual partner, not a fuck buddy (his "relationship" with valentino is a coping mechanism for his anxiety and confusion and doesnt necessarily reflect on how he would be with alastor, someone i like to think he actually appreciates as a person). vox is a complete lovesick FOOL.
this is so long already so im sticking some extra spicy headcanons below the cut!
if their relationship ever edged (hah) into sexual territory, i actually think it could work, but it definitely wouldnt be vanilla (absolutely zero penetration in this relationship). i think a fair amount of voyerism, dom/sub play, and hypnotism is involved — vox obviously has his hypnotic stare, and i like to personally headcanon that alastor can hypnotise people with his voice. like... idk, alastor i feel like would get a lot of enjoyment (sexual or not) out of toying with people and seeing them squirm, and vox would respond really well to some level of praise + orgasm denial.
for me i can imagine alastor ranging from completely sex-repulsed and having no libido at all, to being appreciative enough of the sensation but disliking the vulnerability and general grossness of bodily fluids that comes (ha-ha) with it. i think vox wouldnt care either way — as long as he gets to have alastor, hes beyond thrilled.
i LOVE thinking about the potential for predator/prey dynamics too. i like to headcanon that alastor actually has to spend a lot of energy fighting off his very annoying prey instincts on the daily and maintaining a mask of indifference. deer/elk iirc are naturally very skittish — alastors hearing is terribly accute and a lot of the time hell ends up being too LOUD for him. his ears are a huge indicator of his emotions so he has to force them to be still so no-one knows how hes feeling. compared to this, despite not being an actual shark, vox has a lot of shark themes, and his obsession with alastor may be in part due to having the desire to "hunt" him and eat him (not that he actually would — the most he would do would probably be to chew/drool on him a little bit). in point of fact, i think is he ever let this desire slip, alastor, being a maybe-cannibal, would probably be find it to be weirdly flattering — after all, some say consumption is the highest form of devotion.
tying back into the hypnotism thing — alastor generally avoids looks vox directly in the eye, both because of the hypnotism thing and also because his face is literally one big bright light ("deer in the headlights"), but in a more sexually-driven situation i think hed actually find it oddly comforting because it dampens his prey instincts for a little while, and (eventually) he trusts that vox isnt going to embarrass him or make him look the fool. vox lovingly coaxes him through orgasm and takes care of all of the gross stuff before alastor even has a chance to be fully coherent.
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animeyanderelover · 2 years
Stoic, quiet, calm, and aloof in general s/o with Kaede Manyuda, Claude Faustus, and Giyū Tomioka. Not to mention they don't like being around people and often sigh a lot. What are their reactions?
Holidays are almost up for me so you can expect slower updates from me from now on. Wish me good luck with another few months of studying🫠 .
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, stalking, manipulation, overprotective behavior, control, abduction
Hard to approach with that sigh
Claude Faustus
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🕷️ You'd have never caught his attention if it wouldn't have been for the quite extraordinary aura of your soul. Your cold and distancing personality can't hide what a rarity your soul really is to Claude and he craves a taste of it. Honestly, he doesn't really care about your reserved personality. His current master is childish, bratty and loud so he enjoys that you're the complete opposite and have a more mature feeling on you. Claude does enjoy a bit of a hard play so it's somewhat entertaining to approach you and try to gain your attention. He stalks his darling when he has the time, it's helpful to know where they live since he figures out that they're more on a anti-social side. Considering their aloof personality it's likely that they don't have a large circle of friends anyways and Claude starts liking that a lot. He has started feeling weirdly possessive over you and since you don't like being around people a lot, he doesn't have to feel bothered. He has you basically for himself.
🕷️ When he realizes that you are his mate, the plan changes a bit. All of his attention is suddenly poured into courting and charming you. He can allow himself to consume your time since you don't spend much of it with others anyways. There's even a great sense of pride when you want him to spend time with you since you only grant few people that privilege. Whilst Claude still likes your maturity, he also wants to get more reactions out of you and tries to elicit it out of you. He gets definitely frustrated if he can't break through your shell though since he wants to be the only person you show your emotions to. He might take longer to completely abduct his darling though if they still become his partner. He has less reason to fall victim to jealousy since you prefer being alone with him anyways which satiates his possessive instincts enough to calm him a bit down. Abduction is bound to happen at one point though, the demon can't help himself in that aspect.
Manyuda Kaede
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💴 If we're talking about Kaede in the student council, he enjoys the more mature and calm personality of his darling too. Especially in gambling your naturally stoic and calm nature might be from huge advantage since you never rash things, analyze and are hard to read since you rarely make the mistake of exposing your emotions. He might have from time to time a problem with your dislike to be under too many people. He certainly enjoys it when he wants some leisure time with you but he thinks it's also important to be able to be in a crowd of people, especially if it's an important event. So that's one expectation he has on his s/o, although he won't force them to be permanently under people, doesn't even want that either. Your habit to sigh often is something he chides you for too since people could misunderstand. The reputation of his darling is important to him after all, he doesn't want other people in power positions think that you're impolite or bored.
💴 After he loses against the Jabami girl, Manyuda cools down his previous expectations he had on you. There is even a certain time where he avoids you out of shame since he lost, is even a bit scared that you might look down on him. He manages to approach you again after the gamble with Itsuki and Yumeko that repaired his damaged pride enough for him to go on. He's still insecure from time to time so a sigh in the wrong moment or a calm yet sharp statement from you might hit a nerve in him which crumbles his composure for a bit. Manyuda lets you after away with more things since he has learned to accept the smaller flaws about you more. Although sometimes he can't help himself, his controlling streak still somewhere inside of him. Differently from before, he introduces you to Itsuki who has always wanted to meet you and even lets Yumeko meet you, cautiously that is since he still doesn't trust her fully. He interferes the moment Yumeko wants to gamble against you though.
Tomioka Giyu
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🌊 Giyu isn't someone who easily shows his emotions either and he isn't the most social person either so he sees a lot of himself in his darling. That's why he never really tries to force them into going out to socialize more, he knows they'll do it when they know that it is necessary. You're very silent and keep most of the time a stoic mask but Giyu is perceptive and notices the smaller gestures you give him to show him your affection and he won't push you to show your love to him in more expressive ways, although he won't complain if you do. He's just silently happy that you are his s/o in the first place since he won't deny that he sort of struggled at first when he started loving you, mainly because he knew that you were the type that was hard to approach. The main love language between his darling and him are most likely acts of service, gift-giving and some quality time where both of you just enjoy having each other's presence next to you. You aren't that verbal but you don't need to be for Giyu to see that you care for him.
🌊 Something he might have struggled with especially during your fresher time of being a pair is your habit to sigh a lot. Giyu tends to feel insecure about himself which sometimes enhances in the relationship since he's worried that he isn't a good partner. So back then he often thought that he did something that annoyed you due to your constant sighing. He never told you though and instead swallowed everything back until he eventually noticed that you do it around everyone and finally understood that it's just a habit of yours. Giyu is a tad bit more protective about you since he knows that you're most likely the type to rarely tell others about your own problems too so whilst he doesn't want to be a pushover, he can't help but be concerned when he notices that something is bothering you. He also steps in when someone wants to force you into a situation that would make you uncomfortable. If you meet the other Hashira, he also stands protectively next to you since he understands that some of them can be quite overwhelming.
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tanadrin · 9 months
Ignoring the sex aspect, could you expand on what makes a preference neurotic or immature? You say “I disagree. I think it’s in fact pretty easy to separate neurotic/immature preferences from other kinds of preference. Like if you dislike the color red, that’s a normal preference. If you refuse to enter a room with any red objects in it, that’s probably something closer to a neurosis.”, which is just an example. What’s the actual principled distinction?
"Neurotic" and "immature" were possibly ill-advised words--maybe it would be better to describe them as preferences that seem to me to be fundamentally reasonable vs ones that, if I detected them in myself, I would feel motivated to ruminate on and dissolve if possible, or which seem in some way self-defeating or self-limiting.
I am not sure it is possible to give a set of criteria specific enough to distinguish, in every case, a preference of type 1 and a preference of type 2--and some of what we consider preferences of type 1 vs of type 2 is culturally contingent, to the point it may differ in different contexts. These are instrumental categories with a fair amount of overlap in the middle, so I don't know that I can adequately define this particular kind of preference with the specificity you seem to be seeking. It's a judgement call!
They may be easier to distinguish in the context of sex. In the specific case of sex, it seems to me that a lot of people have what we might think of as a ground-level sexual orientation, a pattern of desire/attraction that is basically unalterable, and on top of that we have a still-pretty-unconscious-but-much-more-contingent set of attitudes/credences/reflexes that may alter or limit the expression of the basic pattern of attraction/desire, but which is alterable. And the best example of this might be someone who is gay, but repressed because they were taught all their life it's disgusting to have gay sex. There definitely seems to be a large class of people who are, for instance, attracted to trans people, but who have a specific cultural attitude towards trans people (that they are disgusting or wrong) such that that attraction is also bound up with intense feelings of disgust. And that disgust can become quite paranoid, like with the people on twitter who secretly suspect every female celebrity of note of being trans.
But such attitudes can (and often are) confronted and even dissolved over time. Disgust can be unlearned! Which indicates to me that though these attitudes can seem quite deep-seated, they are fundamentally different in nature from people's deeper structures of desire, which do seem relatively fixed. Conversion therapy doesn't work; there doesn't seem to be a way to deliberately unlearn a paraphilia. You can't change someone else's or your own core sexuality very much.
This is not to say "genital preference is necessarily transphobia." It's also certainly not to say that even people who are transphobic don't have a right to select their partners. You do not have to have a good reason, or any reason at all, not to sleep with someone. So I want to head off that possible misunderstanding now. But it does seem to me that, insofar as complex preference sets like those that govern sexual attraction are composed of different kinds of preferences interacting, narrowly focused bodily preferences which operate more or less in a vacuum (e.g., "I find every single thing about this man attractive, except that he doesn't have a penis") are much more likely to be of the contingent, malleable sort rather than the ground, inflexible sort, unless they are the object of a kind of narrow sexual fixation that's so intense it's of the "I cannot have an orgasm unless I am licking a size 6 women's high-heeled shoe" variety, i.e., a really specific paraphilia.
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bearofohu · 6 months
your tags on the lady layton anime poll tell me you didn't exactly enjoy watching it
Personally, i can only agree and i have my reasons for it, but I'm still curious as to why you dislike it?
I don't like it mainly because it's so... obviously made for little kids. In every part of it.
No culprit is actually bad, but rather 99% of them were doing a bad thing for a good reason, which is fine once in a while, but this is the case in literally every single episode, and it gets old quickly. They made a detective/mystery anime with no actual crimes depicted. I mean come on. On top of that, the episodes are so painfully formulaic. The mysteries themselves are interesting enough though, which is probably the only reason why i managed to suffer through it to the end. I also just generally dislike Layton becoming a father. I don't doubt he'd be good at it, but he just doesn't seem like the kind of person who would just adopt a whole ass child. I'm also generally not a fan of "popular character becomes a parent, so their child can continue their legacy". I just hate that trope in general. Children are not their parents and it's unrealistic to expect them to be.
And I'm also not a big fan of the main characters. I could probably write more if i seriously thought about it, but as a whole i can say that i just find them grating. Katrielle is supposedly an "english lady", but we rarely see her acting actually ladylike in the anime. Her interest in sweets is fine enough, but it's so overblown that it's just not believable anymore and instead turns into her only character trait, completely overshadowing her supposed interest in mysteries, which just seems like bad writing. And while the main plot, so to speak, of the whole show is her finding the professor, the only times that even comes up is in the episodes that are exclusively about that. Katrielle isn't really shown to be missing him at all, not even in private, which makes it seem more like she's searching for him out of obligation rather than because she actually wants to. The moments shown of Katrielle and Layton in the past are so few, it just seems like they wanted to do their own thing with the show, but had to slap the Layton brand name onto it for the brand recognition, and i wouldn't be surprised if that was the truth tbh.
Noah, or as the english subs called him, "Ernest" (for whatever reason), is probably my least favourite kind of character. I don't know, maybe it's his character design that makes me dislike him so much. I hate how he's such a huge scaredy cat and that being his one and only sole character trait. Seriously, what other character traits does he have? If you know any, please tell me, because i legit cannot think of any. Well, he does have this one other character trait of having a huge crush on Katrielle, but is unable or unwilling to actually ever act on it, which is a trope that I'm just so tired of. Like, either grow some balls and make a move instead of being passive aggressive to every other potential partner that approaches her, or give up on your crush and grow a personality! I don't care about how "realistic" this kind of thing is supposed to be, it makes for a terrible character. That coupled with his general demeanor just makes him boring as hell. If he was replaced by a lapdog that got carried around in a small purse, i doubt the anime would be much different. His only backstory we get is his two-episode backstory thing, but the whole thing hinges on an initial misunderstanding, or rather, it hinges on everyone else deliberately keeping Noah in the dark. He shows character traits in those episodes that could actually lead to him becoming interesting, but as soon as those are over, he's back to his normal, boring self, which is a huge shame.
Sherl the dog is the classic (and literal, in this case) example of "all bark, no bite". It's never explained why only Katrielle and Noah can understand him, and this fact doesn't matter either, because it's rarely, if ever, called out by other characters. He doesn't have the sense of smell like a typical dog, effectively making him useless. His role is the animal mascott of the agency and anime, the third character to make a trio, and to be the comic relief. That last one is a shame though, because he's not funny at all. Or maybe the whole "yelling at ridiculous character for being ridiculous" thing is just not my thing.
These are my main reasons. There are a few more things I don't like, but those are more nitpicks.
So I know why I don't the anime (and now so do you), but I'm curious as to why you don't like it. Same reasons as me? Completely different?
your reasons are really valid criticisms and i agree with most but mine are actually pretty different
my reasons are probably going to be more based on bias rather than the overall quality of the show bc to be completely honest with you i hate both mystery room & lady layton and think both attempts to “reboot” layton was lazy, uninspired and unnecessary
and if a lot of this makes me sound like an old ass man its bc i am when it comes to layton. my 7 year old ass was playing CV on its release week in the US. im an OG snob to the bone so honestly you should take my beef with LMDA with a grain of salt when it comes to presenting legit critique bc while i do hav legit critique, above all else i have “i just hate this shit”
hino ignored “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” and for that i never intended to give either spin-off a chance and im not ashamed to admit that this point. i knew i wasnt going to like mystery room when it was announced, but it was so obviously a spin-off that it was very easy to ignore and safely assume it was just an AU type deal
but then shit got personal when i found out LMJ was going to be professor layton’s successor. back in the day when all that hoopla was occurring i always had to back up my complaints by emphasizing its not bc i don’t like the change, its bc of x and bc of y.
but the truth is there was nothing wrong with LMJ in regards to the game they were trying to make. LMJ and by extension LMDA is for kids, marketed towards kids. thats why the puzzles are piss easy. they’re not badly made, they’re for children. the plot isn’t sterile and corny and safe, its for kids.
if LMJ/LMDA were a spinoff i wouldnt have had such a problem with it. but it wasnt. it was supposed to be a successor to layton, but its not a successor, its a total replacement that fails its source material in every possible way
and thats my problem with it. professor layton didn’t need to be remade. it didn’t need to be remade for children. children could stomach the original perfectly fine. the unwound future trauma beat my 8 yr old ass and i came out just fine
there is nothing wrong with LMJ/LMDA if it stayed in its fucking lane. instead hino attempted to replace a franchise with it that was totally and utterly different in every aspect which totally alienated OG fans and completely failed to capture new ones
and i hate LMDA more strongly bc the relic stone arc is such a failure of a professor layton story. it steps all over hershel’s character and makes him such a prideful deadbeat who gladly sends himself and luke to their possible demise for NO fucking reason. if layton knew they were going to get captured by rufus aldebaran’s stupid cult then why the FUCK did he let luke come with him. jesus fucking christ. he would not let that boy walk to his death
..or maybe he would bc of what happened in azran legacy. fuck me. i swear to god everything thats wrong with LMDA i can trace back to azran legacys writing somehow
hershel aside it also shat on any of the impact that we would’ve gotten seeing luke’s growth. LMDA just throws a fucking eeeve stone at him and even then we learn almost fucking nothing about him or his wife or how they met. marina is the only character i found even a little bit interesting due to how fucking hardass it was that she indoctrinated herself into the cult that froze her man for 10 yrs JUST so she could one day save him. but ofc the fandom shat on her when LMDA was airing bc she wasnt luke’s husband (which she is btw. sorry some of u werent woke enough to see that)
hino obv knows by now that the reboot failed in nwos is any indication. and i don’t want to rip on hino bc at the end of the day after azran legacy blew fat stank ass in sales, he was just trying to bring bag back to professor layton. this just wasnt it and hopefully the hype around nwos has showed him the actual way forward for the franchise and if hes swagful enough he’ll just start giving LMJ the flora treatment
but yea this is such my brainshit of thoughts for why i personally hate LMJ/LMDA. hopefully it was even a little bit coherent and ty for giving me a chance to ramble and sharing your own thoughts 💖
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offurandfeathers · 8 months
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What subject / topic do they know a lot about that’s completely useless to the direct plot? Botanics.
How would they respond to being fired by a good boss? Understand and accept without a word, then wonder what he could have done differently.
What’s the worst gift they ever received? How did they respond? I don't have an answer for that.
What do they tell people they want? What do they actually want? To be unburdened. To be free.
How do they respond when someone doesn’t believe them? He'll try to convince them. For a short while. Then he'll drop the topic. People are free to believe what they want.
When they make a mistake and feel bad, does the guilt differ when it’s personal versus when it’s professional? If it affects someone he deeply cares for, the guilt will be unbearable.
When do they feel the most guilt? How do they respond to it? When he unintentionally hurts someone he cares for.
If they committed one petty crime / misdemeanor, what would it be? Why? Streaking.
How do they greet someone they dislike / hate? Dislike: A curt nod. Hate: Doesn't acknowledge at all.
How do they greet someone they like / love? Friend: Forearm clasp Close friend: Hug Lover/partner: Warm hug and tender kiss
What is the smallest, morally questionable choice they’ve made? Hunt wolves to allow deer population to grow
Who do they keep in their life for professional gain? Is it for malicious intent? No one.
What’s a secret they haven’t told serious romantic partners and don’t plan to tell? That he would like to be caried to bed when he's tired, for once.
What hobby are they good at in private, but bad at in front of others? Why? Sketching. He often does during his research, to document. But whenever someone is looking, he becomes overly aware and most of the time the drawings look nothing like the subject does in reality.
Would they rather be invited to an event to feel included or be excluded from an event if they were not genuinely wanted there? Excluded. Halsin is all about honesty and being genune.
How do they respond to a loose handshake? What goes through their head? Handshakes? Forearm clasps are the way to go.
What phrases, pronunciations, or mannerisms did they pick up from someone / somewhere else? Forearm clasps. He picked it up in the Grove centuries ago.
If invited to a TED Talk, what topic would they present on? What would the title of their presentation be? Topic: The importance of foreplay for the well-being of the couple Title: Honeyed words and sweeter things
What do they commonly misinterpret because of their own upbringing / environment / biases? How do they respond when realizing the misunderstanding? Not really misunderstanding, but he has spent so much time away from civilization that a lot of societal norms are lost on him.
What language would be easiest for them to learn? Why? Easiest? I'm not so sure. But Githyanki sounds interesting.
What’s something unimportant / frivolous that they hate passionately? Good question.
Are they a listener or a talker? If they’re a listener, what makes them talk? If they’re a talker, what makes them listen? He's a bit of both, honestly. He'll mostly listen, but offer council when necessary/requested. He's that kind of friend that doesn't say much but enjoys themself all the same.
Who have they forgotten about that remembers them very well? Probably some Drow slaves in Menzoberranzan.
Who would they say ‘yes’ to if invited to do something they abhorred / strongly didn’t want to do? Silvanus. And probably his thiramin, if he ever find his.
Would they eat something they find gross to be polite? "One should cherish all of nature's bounty."
What belief / moral / personality trait do they stand by that you (mun) personally don’t agree with? I'd have to think about it _really_ hard.
What’s a phrase they say a lot? "Silvanus preserve you".
Do they act on their immediate emotions, or do they wait for the facts before acting? Wait. He's sometimes too patient for his own good.
Who would / do they believe without question? Silvanus.
What’s their instinct in a fight / flight / freeze / fawn situation? Fight. Especially if there's someone to protect.
What’s something they’re expected to enjoy based on their hobbies / profession that they actually dislike / hate? Leading. Archdruid as he might be, he's not comfortable being the one people turn to for every minor issue.
If they’re scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear? Close friends. Always.
What’s a simple daily activity / motion that they mess up often? Cooking. He usually eats raw meat (Wildshaped) or foraged fruits and berries. He burns food, cuts himself with knives. He's just a menace in a kitchen.
How many hobbies have they attempted to have over their lifetime? Is there a common theme? Reading, writing, sketching, whittling. His hobbies are for his enjoyment, part of his much-needed alone time.
Part 1
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adam-raki · 5 months
[ I wanna have a quick rant about Adam (2009). Yes, there is a TL;DR at the end.
Now, I love this movie. It means a lot to me. It's probably very obvious due to the way that I've dedicated my whole account to it. Still, I think people tend to fundamentally misunderstand this movie - and I wanna talk about it.
Let me first say that it isn't perfect. A better movie would have, for example, employed an autistic actor (despite how much I adore Hugh Dancy's performance) and made various other changes that I will not be bothered to list. Is it a perfect representation of autism? No. But, is there a better representation out there? Personally, I don't think so. It's hard to define what 'good representation' is.
I've actually heard this reviewed as a 'bad' or even the 'worst' autism movie ever, which I think is an unworthy assessment.
A lot of criticism of this movie boils down to people just not relating to Adam's personal experience as an autistic adult - and that's fine. Having autism is such a diverse experience, and I can understand the frustration of the representation being almost exclusively cishet white men who like STEM (trust me, it infuriates me too). Still, some autistic people ARE like Adam, and that's also fine. Some of us don't find his character exaggerated at all (like me, who found the shot of his multiple boxes on cereal in the cupboard painfully relatable). A more varied set of autistic characters need to be seen in cinema... including ones like this.
But, the reason why I have a problem with this movie is also why I love it so much; it's uncomfortable. I haven't re-watched it in so long because it genuinely makes me upset. It's uncomfortable to watch Adam mistaken as a predator and watch the miscommunication between him and Beth (per the "were you excited?" scene and the fakeout where you think he's pestering her for sex, but he just wants to practice for his interview). It's uncomfortable to watch him continually shut down by the people around him. It's uncomfortable to watch him misunderstood, mistreated, and left on his own when his partner couldn't be bothered to understand him. It's raw and a little bit ugly.
Was this what the movie makers were going for? Honestly, I don't know. Maybe it really was meant to be a 'pity the autistic' movie for neurotypicals, but I think that would be reducing it to something that it isn't. Yes some of the scenes are jarring to watch. It's less so romantic and comedic than it is awkward and kind of heartbreaking. But maybe that's the point.
Adam 2009 is very much a product of its time. I mean, it's roughly 15 years old now so I wouldn't have expected much. Yet still, it manages to be nuanced, showing the flaws in both sides of Adam's and Beth's relationship and how it ultimately doesn't work out (literally, almost exclusively because of Beth, not Adam).
I'm not telling you if you should or shouldn't like this movie. I happen to really dislike a lot of movies that are praised by viewers and critics. I don't even particuarly find this movie to be all that impressive in the narrative sense - but it hits hard. At least to me, it's the most authetic experience of my own struggles as someone on the spectrum. I hate how accurate it is, and I hate how much I see of myself in Adam sometimes. It's difficult to watch. And I love it.
TL;DR for this - Adam 2009 is flawed as a movie, but many of its facets are misinterpreted as bad representation unduly. I think it's supposed to feel awkward and uncomfortable. Some of us on the spectrum relate to that and good representation can't possibly cover every single autistic experience.
Anyway - if anyone has thoughts on this, I would love to hear them! You don't have to agree with me. Just be nice (or I'll be upset). ]
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pseudonymphomania · 1 year
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This is the first time I've made something for my own MC. "Dear Love" refers to my IRL partner, whom I pretend to write to about my adventures in the Devildom.
I play the game as everyone's platonic friend. I am asexual and enjoy Queer Platonic Relationships for myself. I also play matchmaker in my own Devildom universe.
My attributes: average height. Black hair styled with a medium hold matte pomade. Brown eyes. Beauty mark under my nose. Dimple on one side of my face.
Clothing: Prefer formal wear over casual. Suspenders over belts. Monochromatic colours or loud ostentatious patterns, no in-between. Comfy dress shoes in black or brown but open to other colours to match outfits; I'm wearing leather monkstrap shoes in the picture. Metal accents like tie clips are crucial. Got laser eye surgery but sometimes wears fake glasses to feel something on my face. Satchel contains good pens, quality paper, and workstation. Fitbit on my wrist to count every step I take to solve the problems of the day.
Personality: wry and dry humour. Workaholic. Lifelong learner. The Parent Friend. Always happy to help. Frontline tendencies.
Skills: technical writing, sewing and clothing construction, trades and mechanics, hair cutting, musician (piano and guitar), singer and actor (theatre), novelist, artist
Likes: obtaining new skills and making new friends. Justice. Equity.
Dislikes: misunderstandings, situations that could have been handled effectively but weren't. Unclear communication.
Occupation before I got Isekai'd: Director of Operations
Character I relate to the most: Lucifer
Character I would date if I was inclined: Diavolo, because he reminds me of my actual partner.
The reason I ship DiaLuci so hard: I love my partner the most and this is a mirror to that, right down to situations and actual conversations we have had in real life. The narrative potential. Other reasons.
My MC and OM Characters in my Devildom:
Lucifer: would smugly tell me that I've used a comma splice and I'd tell him to "shove a semi-colon in it". He's my bestest friend in the entire Devildom. We go to cafes and bookstores and go shopping for office supplies. I tell him to stop working so hard and he stares at me like "You're the one telling me this? The audacity." I needle him about his crush and he tells me to fuck off but his face is red.
Mammon: my other bestie but in a wildly different way. He brings out the shit-disturber in me. We play billiards together and play for treats. I disapprove of his gambling but am all-in on the shopping. He takes me out to all the best food places. "Try this, Beckett, you'll really love it." Meanwhile it's some sort of Devildom Atrocity, but somehow it's still good.
Levi: my nerd friend. I bring him offerings and leave them outside his door. We play games often with Mammon and I kick their butts at fighting games, but get wrecked when I have to make choices. We stay up hellishly late and I wake up with chocolate on my face. "Lets do this again: ive got the hottest new dating sim to try!" We are both groggy and destroyed and i have to go to work, but I agree to come back tonight.
Asmo: my favourite boy toy. He's stylish as hell and knows what looks good on anybody. Hes my personal stylist. I cut his hair in exchange. Just like with Mammon I go shopping with Asmo, except he knows all the good places for clothing and knows where all the thrift stores are. "It doesnt have to be new and expensive to look good honey!" I agree. I cuddle with Asmo the most because he loves touch.
Satan: my boy thirsts for knowledge and I do too. We skill-trade and fan over cats. Unfortunately I'm very allergic, but I appreciate them from afar and draw cats for him to hang in his book-filled room. "Do you want to come to the cat Cafe with me?" Oh Satan. He's his father's son alright, but he's just as much of a shit disturber as Mammon. He teaches me fun curses to use on people but I'm content with just knowing it.
Beel: when I'm tired Beel carries me back home and talks about the science behind calories and energy retention in relation to demonic body types. He enjoys cooking and I love testing recipes on him, but I have to swat him away from eating it before it's done. We do exercises together and buff up together. "I can almost see your six pack, haha".
Belphie: he's my sleepy boy. He can be irrational sometimes but I put a blanket over his head to shake him out of it and he snuggles closer. I play him songs on piano and guitar and sing him to sleep, but then I also end up quite sleepy. He's like a son to me and I lecture him often. I try to keep him and Satan from screwing with Lucifer too much. I'm a double agent in the anti Lucifer league lol
Diavolo: i enjoy it when he regales me with Devildom laws, traditions and customs. He speaks of how the executive branch and legislative branch operates in the context of his kingdom and I suggest to strengthen certain areas of his constitution to bring his vision of equity and interrealm relations to the forefront. I am also a shit disturber and needle him about his crush. "You are asking beyond your means, Beckett. Forgive me if I don't answer." Hm... yes, of course. Sorry.
Barbatos: I learn how to be the most efficient I can be from someone who is the most efficient. He is skilled in everything and I must learn from the best. I'm his best student and I'm a teachers pet so i love to hear it. He's been and seen everything and he is an excellent linguist. He is poetry personified in the every day. "Don't let Solomon ruin you too much." I won't!
Solomon: I use my knowledge of mechanics and trades and recontextualise it to be an artificier and create magical items. He is also one to bring out the shit disturber in me and I have almost become Thirteen just from the incidentally nonsense stuff I make. "Oh that's an interesting effect. I wonder what will happen if I give this to Barbatos". Solomon, dude. Do you want to get murdered. Is that what you're into.
Simeon: he is my sweetest and chillest boy. My bestie to talk about justice and relationality with. When I'm insecure and feel like people don't like me as much as they do, he reassures me and tells me stories of his own relationships. "There is nothing wrong with stepping back. Once you've regained your sense of self, you'll be able to pursue the path of friendship again and people will be ready to receive you."
Luke: he is like my son. I make sure he doesn't get nightmares because he seems to have a hard time acclimating to his demonic environment. He teaches me how to bake so that I can make some cakes that look like real inanimate objects and eat them in front of people, to their shock.
Mephisto: I am like Lucifer 2.0. He doesn't really like me but I have no hard feelings toward him.
Thirteen: my Bae. She's a delight but I have to make sure her shenanigans don't cause too much damage in the area or accidentally kill me. I would date her after Diavolo if I was inclined to do that.
I hope you enjoyed seeing my experience and interpretation of the game from my point of view. Everyone's MC journey is very personal to them and I do not believe there is a wrong way to enjoy the game. Thank you for reading. :)
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milfclaren · 7 months
So intrigued what your version of the correct fic Lando is... (and if you have any examples of ones you like!)
howdy partner!! i probably have to write him myself to feel fully satisfied but. here are my thoughts anyways. i’m sorry i typed you a fucking Book in response.
i wanna start by saying i give a lot of leeway with how lando is written by others because his perspective is one i find Very Hard to write. for one, he leaves a lot of room for misinterpretation (i’ll expand) and for two, we’re very different people with very different experiences and i’ve never met him. alas, fic exists as the perfect space to explore your own interpretation of someone else’s personality — both inside and outside of their normal circumstances — and as a writer, you get a lot of creative choice within that. my usual complaint is that he’s cut to the bare bits of the public personality (sillygoofy, a bit bothersome, sometimes demanding and persnickety) OR he’s solely earnest and one-dimensional, in a way that reads as a subservient self-insert.
the version of lando in fic that feels correct for me balances all of these things — his goofier front, his prickly, cautionary act and his more sensitive side (and i do think he is Sensitive). this version acknowledges that his sensitivity is where his prickliness stems from at all. maybe that’s because he resents that about himself, maybe it’s something else entirely; that’s up for the author to decide. anyways, the most correct version of fic lando, to Me, also reconciles his dedication to honesty with his necessity to lie. for being so honest, lando is also a fucking liar, and i do think that. from what i have gathered, lando feels more at ease protected when he has some control over how you misunderstand him, because (from his perspective) no matter what he says or does, you are going to misunderstand him. i don’t think fic acknowledges/explores this Nearly enough. (astrology does, but his birth chart is another rant entirely)
he has said before he thinks it’s funny when people are wrong about him, but once again to me that says being misunderstood is the status quo. on some level he likes to mislead you. on some other level, it’s comfortable to maintain. i don’t blame him, i’m not judging him. in all regards, vulnerability is fucking terrifying. especially if you’re dismissed no matter how much genuine vulnerability you’re showing.
all this is not to say he isn’t headstrong or firm in the things he believes to be true about himself. but can you imagine how he might gain a stronger sense of control by playing with your perception of him? he gets to control what you dislike by controlling the version of him you see. if you dislike what you’re presented with, it doesn’t matter because it was an exaggerated facade anyways. there is a distance from that immediate rejection, because at best, it is a somewhat-false acceptance. that is not more satisfying, really. so maybe if you like that version, he plays into it harder. or maybe he starts to peel back his layers and show you a more authentic (or perhaps even more contradictory) version of himself.
tl:dr — a well fleshed out character showcases all their contradictions. the best landos in fic manage to capture his total aversion to being truly known and the way he needs it so furiously you can see him fighting it.
here are a few landos that stuck out to me, and since the og post was about porn, there’s lots of porn here:
[Explicit! heed all AO3 tags and warnings!] all of these are dando, landoscar or mando. there is no carlando, sorry, i know that’s crazy, because it is the most popular lando ship, but i only really like carlando in very specific circumstances <3
this is very short, but for some reason this lando interpretation kinda sticks out in my brain
fun landoscar here, i liked this exploration of lando a lot
pacrim fusion lando i think about so much
rule 63!dando - an interesting exploration, i liked it
another really good landoscar - this is a different lando than i usually see i think
this lando yearns so much, and he’s a little freak. no notes, that all seems plausible to me
i know what i said about carlando but this series is about dando. carlos is more of a lingering concept.
this little love sick lando lingering in the space of best friends to lovers
i would give you my life for more lando/george fic
some people who write or interpret his voice well in general
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junowritings · 7 months
Can I request a match up for Baldur's Gate 3 please?
My preferred pronouns: she/her
My partner preferences : Male except Raphael, Emperor, Cazador, Thorm, and the Withers!
My personality : I'm shy, timid, quiet & polite to strangers. With people I'm comfortable with, I'm loud, outgoing, playful, mature, responsible, motherly(to naughty friends), childlike(to mature friends/family) and sarcastic (unintentionally).
I'm kinda tomboyish as I wear over-sized t-shirts, baggy pants, sneakers but don't play sports or video games. I'm a slow learner, not smart, not strong, and not talented.
I'm pretty dense, straightforward, oblivious, and naive too.I get confused or misunderstand what people meant easily so it's best if you tell me straight to my face so I can't be mistaken. I'm also touch starved as I love giving & receiving affection but I only can hug one person and even then, I do my best to not overdo it.
I'm a hopeless romantic, dense, sensitive, forgetful, unreliable, & overthink often. I work as hard as I can & try my best & be careful as I can to everything I do, as I'm pretty clumsy & makes mistakes more often than most people. I try to help my family and friends as they've helped me & cared for me dearly.
I try to communicate properly & ask for their consent first before doing anything because I misunderstood that I had their permission before. I do my best to give people the benefit of doubt but I do have my limits. I don't really get angry often that even my family & friends are surprised when it happens once in a blue moon.
I don't believe in compliments I get occasionally or why my family & friends care for me because I don't see good things in myself only bad things.I'm kinda perverted which contrasts my innocent & baby face. I keep it to myself though. I always need to let the cinema employees check my identity card to verify my age whenever I watch a R-rated movie.
Although a kind stranger realises I'm older than I looked when we talked about how I didn't lashed out in anger at someone who didn't do anything wrong to me because I know how it felt to be in that position
Hobbies : drawing, reading manga, listening to music, fanfics especially reader inserts, and watching anime, movies, & cartoons. My favourite genre is romance but I love comedy, mystery, action, sci-fi, fantasy, and historical too! My favourite music genre is pop, but I also love ballads, & alternative rock!
Likes : music, fanfiction, manga, anime, cartoons, books (If I find it interesting), family, friends, potato chips, chocolate, cakes, bread, anyone who is kind, patient, supportive, helpful, tries at least, trustworthy, responsible, fair in general, respectful, flexible, honest, open-minded, humble, sincere, accepting, thoughtful, encouraging, forgiving, careful, understanding, wise, mature, cooperative, caring, etc. That's more but that's all I could think of
Dislikes : anyone who's rude, disrespectful, doesn't listen to others, refuse to admit mistakes, blames others for their mistakes, ignores people yet demands attention from them, demanding, won't acknowledge what you said, hypocritical, biased, irresponsible, careless, disloyal, inconsiderate, insensitive, inflexible, petty, hostile, untrustworthy, immature, uncooperative, unforgiving, judgemental, narrow-minded, self-centred, unethical, self-righteous, etc. That's more but that's all I could think of
Please & thank you!
Of course you can hun! Hell yeah first match up for BG3! Thank you so much for the request and I do hope that you're doing well!
Now without further ado, I match you with...
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Hun you deserve a whole lot of love, and no one is more willing to provide it than Dammon! 
Dammon has an affable personality - warm and easygoing to everyone he’s crossed paths with. It makes even some of the most hardened hearts melt like metal over a forge fire, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself warming up to him faster than you’d expect. 
The first few times that the pair of you meet it’s understandable to be shy and quiet. He’ll respect that you may not be the most outgoing around someone you haven’t gotten the time to know. He’s happy to be the mediator for you; he’ll fill in the gaps with idle chatter as he works, prodding with the occasional curious question about yourself or your day if your comfortable. Honestly he’s content to simply exist in your space until those short, polite responses of yours begin to ease into something more genuine - something a little more you.
He admittedly feels proud when you begin to open up around him, since it’s a sign that you’re feeling more comfortable around him. It’s exciting seeing you acting more carefree and loud! The playfulness and sarcasm is a pleasant surprise for him. Dammon can sometimes be downright wicked, so if you’re in any playful kind of mood? You guys go together like a match and oil, much to the detriment of any friends in the vicinity. Plus, even if you don’t notice you’re being sarcastic, the snort and poorly concealed chuckle from the tiefling wherever he is becomes enough of an indication - he can’t help but get a little kick out of the confused look you give him till you clock onto why he’s so easily amused.
You say you’re untalented and not smart, but Dammon will be firm in insisting otherwise! The look on his face the first time you’d said it, so casually as though it were the truth - it genuinely left him speechless. He’d stop whatever he’s doing to move over to your side, taking your hands in his and tugging you so close like his touch will somehow convince you that he means it when he tells you that couldn’t be further from the truth. There's no missing the way you view yourself with a critical eye, so he delegates himself to professional encourager to balance that out - actually called himself that once and will actively do it again if it so much as gets a smile out of you. Not to mention it’s a wonderful excuse to shower you in praise every chance he gets; which with his penchant for encouraging words and teasing means you better get used to being on the receiving end of his endless affections. 
Dammon’s a quick learner. Once he notices that you struggle with misunderstandings he tries to keep in mind to be a little more straightforward in conversation. If he notices in conversations with others that whoever’s talking has lost you with what they’re doing or saying, Dammon doesn’t think twice about subtly leaning in to fill you in on the blanks. He wants you to feel included and doesn’t want you feeling left out - he’s a considerate guy!
Say goodbye to being touch starved because this man is HERE. Dammon gets fidgety when he’s got nothing to work on; he’s so used to working with the heft of tools in his hands that they feel a little emptier without them. Before you two became a thing he’d bring some of his tinier passion projects to tinker with outside the forge, eager to tell you all about them since he doesn’t want you to mistakenly think he’s uninterested. After that though things are still the same, just that these projects have now been replaced by you. Honestly if he had his way he’d always want to be touching you in some way - and if you’re comfortable he will! His hands will always seek out yours for comfort, giving reassuring squeezes when he catches you overthinking. 
Soft touches to your arms, along your back, wherever this tiefling can reach he’s there - there’s just so much of you to love! And when his hands are occupied his tail is right there, circling around your wrist or curling round your hip to keep you in his space. Be sure to give him plenty of love too! Communication comes into play a lot here - Dammon will reassure you every time that he wants whatever affection you’re comfortable to give, but he appreciates that you check in beforehand; it’s a sweet gesture.
Let him listen to your music! He’s got a tendency to get any kind of music stuck in his head even after the first listen; Alfira’s tunes back at the Grove always had him tapping out the notes with clawed fingers along his workspace. Cutest thing is he doesn’t even know he’s doing it - please point out that he’s tapping out a tune or humming along to one of the songs you’d shown him under his breath; he goes copper up to his ears whenever you mention it.
Enjoys hearing about all of your interests, but the pair of you really hit it off over the books. On the road there wasn’t much time or luxury to expand on his reading aside from the few things Dammon brought with him; and books that could be carried on the move were hard to come by. Now that he’s settled in Baldur’s gate he’s set on spending more time doing stuff he enjoys - he’s more than earned the rest at least. And what better way to spend that time than being cuddled up into your side, content to read either alongside you or while you’re enjoying your other hobbies. Dammon’s a sucker for any kind of domestic intimacy like this, and he’ll share the books that he has with you if you’ll do the same. 
That being said, there's no way he’s giving up that one book in his room easily, at least not until you two have been together for a while. Though, that resolve lasts about as long as it takes for you to kiss the guy till he can’t think straight. 
Needless to say, Dammon’s certainly smitten with you.
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erielleee · 1 year
i dislike dreaming freedom with a passion because of the toxicity of siyun and jeongmin.
let’s start with siyun!
i think that since siyun is viewed as a handsome ML who cares deeply about jeongmin, many excuse the emotional and mental toll he’s had on her. he’s been selfish for 9/5ths of the story and though he seems to be making progress, it’s only happened after he’s gotten what he’s wanted: a clear declaration that jeongmin isn’t going to leave.
he’s in love with her because she’s the only person who hasn’t left.
but what if it had been a different person who told him that they weren’t going to leave??
I mean wouldn’t he act in the same manner?? In love where he uses violence and aggression to get what he wants??? In love to a point where they have to walk on eggshells in fear of making him mad over meeting people other than him??
His love is based on a concept, on a mindset he has : that those that don’t leave = deserve his love. which is fine and good!
I mean- when you love a person for who they are AND they say they won’t abandon you- who wouldn’t want to have a person like that as a partner
but I’m wondering just how deep his love actually goes for jeongmin as a person. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the only thing he’s talked about up to this point is that jeongmin had saved him because she didn’t leave him. that she is his light at the end of the tunnel and that he couldn’t live without her because she is all that he has.
what else do love about her?? does she have no other retaining qualities?? no other reason to be loved?? ( like he looked down on the fact that she would be concerned about a friend if they were hurt than be concerned about him first- rather than view her selflessness as admirable)
he is so focused on himself, on his desire to be loved, that he is blinded. he can’t see jeongmin as an individual to be loved, but rather- as an outlet to his own inner feelings of being wanted and loved.
i understand that he cares for her, but his care for her is based on his own selfish desires.
onto jeongmin!
jeongmin is also flawed in many ways as well. unfortunately, she is a victim of bullying and has developed a certain mindset in regards to care and love from seeing her father and mother interact.
she loves him, so she wants to fix him! seems noble right? and it is! but not to the point of excusing his actions towards herself and others under the thought that “ i need to stay by his side (to fix him)”
when you want to stay by someone’s side, you’ll do everything you can to make sure they are in a good place! Mentally, emotionally, morally, every -ly you can think of!
Staying by someone’s side means also helping them in every way possible- which means telling them when they are wrong.
but jeongmin has failed to do that- when he’s dead wrong,( which with the count of times he’s been dead wrong is astounding), she brushes it off because “ I’m all he has!” shouldn’t that make you want to MORESO give correction so that way the person stays away from bad and does good?? ( her mindset has lead to an even larger misunderstanding between her and siyun, namely that he mostly thinks his actions are okay- but only bad when they hurt her and not bad across the board)
she’s allowing her love for him to cross her boundaries and standards ( namely that she hates violence in every form because of having witnessed so much of it in her life) to allowing it to cross OTHERS boundaries too ( note that sora choi was uncomfortable and brought up that siyun was a little weird and wasn’t normal for reacting the way he did when A FRIEND touched her)
conclusion: i think both of them have a slightly twisted sense of love that needs to be delved into. and i think once they are delved into and fully understood as to how they intertwine- it will bring full circle as why this manwha is named “ dreaming freedom”
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